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Rows and flows of angel hair
And ice cream castles in the air
And feather canyons everywhere,
I've looked at clouds that way.

But now they only block the sun,
They rain and they snow on everyone
So many things I would have done,
But clouds got in my way.

I've looked at clouds from both sides now
From up and down and still somehow
It's cloud illusions I recall
I really don't know clouds at all
  -Joni Mitchell, "Both Sides Now"

It was a long time ago that my people, the Nunnehi, sung of Summer Country. A kingdom, rich, fresh and sweet with dreams and full of glamour. A time when anything was possible and there was peace throughout the lands. We shared a sacred bond with some of the others out there, our allies amongst us, the shifters; brothers Wendigo, Croatan and Uktena. Our families, people and tribes were strong then and times were good...though things were not always to last and soon did times change. The foreigners came to our lands across the Great Seas with their diseases and lies.

They poisoned the lands and brought with them the cold harsh winter of banality and forced upon us their beliefs and strange ways. That was the time when the great storm came to pass throughout the Dreaming and the horrid things of Nightmares came into being, striking across the lands in suffocation and threatening our very lives. It was only the time of the great sacrifice that held the monsters at bay and our friends along with much of our family were lost. the Kingdom has a new name. A different time to come as the Seelie courts of the Sidhe try to take firm hold over the area, freeholds within, and around, attempting to enforce their regime and standards upon all who live within.

Now is the time for the setting sun and so the kingdom was given root: Kingdom of the Setting Sun for its different times and grasping what was left of the glamour left within the city. Changelings around and alike fight for the dreams that mankind has left to hold back the bitter tides of Winter, some fight the harsh restrictions and politics of the courts while others simply try to survive the banality that eats away at our Fae selves every night and day. These...are different times my friend, though there lie ahead many paths to choose from here.

Rules and Systems

Escheat and Introductions

While the County of Lion's Reach currently has a NPC Countess, Naevys, the interpretation and enforcement of the Escheat has largely been left to the various PC Barons, Baronesses and Commoner Holders that rule over the various parts of the County. Laws are laws for a reason, and it is entirely possible that the punishment for any given offense might vary immensely depending on who happens to hand the verdict out.

  • Newcomers to the County, especially Kinain, need to introduce themselves to one or more of the ruling Nobles/Commoner leadership in the region. This is for both the safety of the newcomer(s) and the security of the County. It should also be kept in mind that each Noble may very well have vastly differing expectations of said newcomers, and of how they expect them to uphold the Escheat (OOC: try asking on the Changeling channel to set up a meeting, or page or @mail any of the names mentioned below).
County Ruler Court Kith Holdings
Lion's Reach Ambrosine Deforest (ni Beaumayn) Seelie Sidhe Barony of the Shadowed Souls
Lion's Reach NPC Countess Naevys (ni Gwydion) and Steward Artegal Tomson (ap Gwydion) Seelie Sidhe Barony_of_Astral_Seas/The Grove of Tethys
Lion's Reach Richard Sterling (ap Fiona) Seelie Sidhe Barony of Divertimento Dithyramb Dance
Lion's Reach Sir John Balance (ap Beaumayn) and Chef Ethan Sienna Neutral Sluagh Kinain and Redcap Guardians of Rhapsody Freehold. While a Dragon actually Holds it, they serve at its proxies in everyday matters.
Lion's Reach Locke Drest (Talorc Dunadd) Seelie Redcap Warlord of Snow Fang Peak
Lion's Reach Chef Ethan Sienna Unseelie Redcap Chef of The Ebon Watchtower
Lion's Reach Ethan, Nicky, Ambrosine, Balance, Artegal, Blaze, NPC Headmistress Lady Ella Bunsythe (ni Gwydion) Neutral Mixed Covey-Fychell College Faculty
Lion's Reach Thoreau and Felicite Seelie Ghille Dhu and Pooka Holder and Guardian of Garran De Na Crainn Sean
Lion's Reach Keira Seelie Eshu Caretaker of Amaanat
Reflective Dawn Covey-Fychell College and NPC Headmistress Lady Ella Bunsythe (ni Gwydion) Neutral Mixed Barony of the Starless Lodge
Reflective Dawn Caerwyn (ap Scathach ) Seelie Sidhe Mirrored Court
Emerald Dale Emmet Cash Montgomery-Regan (Dairmuid ap Fiona) Seelie Sidhe Barony of Starlit Caverns
Ember Skies Harper (Ezradein Maleva ni Varich) Unseelie Sidhe Barony of the Weeping Bog

  • History of Lion's Reach may be found HERE.


PCs who choose to be members of a County or Barony recognize the authority of its leaders, and agree to follow the terms of the Escheat as interpreted by them or accept the consequences for breaking faith.




  • Caer Buillemilis - County Seat of Lion's Reach.
  • Icepeak Tavern - Owned by Locke located at Snow Fang Peak.
  • Lost In Time Market - Commoner operated, overseen by the County; located outside Rhapsody Freehold.
  • Rêves à Vendre - Owned by Sir John Balance (ap Beaumayn). At Lost in Time Market, Northeast face.
  • Blue Boar Inn - The inn at Rhapsody Freehold.
  • Covey-Fychell College - Operated by the faculty and restricted to its students and staff, unless otherwise noted. Lost in Time Market, Southwest face.
  • Dragon's Roost Tavern - Located outside the Barony of Starlit Caverns, in the County of Emerald Dale.


Ongoing Changeling Plots
Next Date Storyteller Name Description Logs
TBA Miranda Dragon Rescue There are signs that a baby Chimerical Dragon is being held captive by ruffians. @mail Miranda if you wish to participate
Past Changeling Plots
Storyteller Name Description Logs
Clementine Imbolc Celebration Festival Celebration at the Blue Boar Inn - stories, songs, food, drink, fun! 2023.02.02 Imbolc
Clementine Flea Market Treasures Clementine's Chimerical Sprites (gremlins) have inhabited some small balls of yarn, and they are trying to point toward some lost treasure in the local flea market. Or just cause chaos! 2023.02.09 Flea Market Treasures
Rodrigo The Natives Are Restless They're not particularly interested in me or you 2015-07-09:TheNativesAreRestless
Dyson The Great Tree It all started with a seed. It was a singular kernel born from the first spark of intelligent thought. It was the first Dream. TBD
Tabin Privateer High Stakes Sailing and Adventure See Privateer Plot Page

Feel free to add your name here if you're interested in running one-shot PrP events.


January February March

13 - Midwinter/Hogmanay
The Old New Year (Hogmanay - Scottish term for New Year) and the prelude to the celebration of Imbolc

2 - Imbolc
A celebration of the Balefire
14 - Lupercalia
Celebrates purification and fertility
28 - Carnival
Celebrates the unity between the Nobles and Commoners

21 - Ostara
Celebrates the Vernal Equinox

April May June

4 - The Greening
Informally celebrates the beginning of Spring

2 - Beltaine
Traditionally marks the beginning of the Seelie half of the year

21 - Midsummer
Celebrates the longest day of the year

July August September

17 - Highsummer Night (Pranksgiving)
Celebrates freedom for all

1 - Lughnasadh
Marks the beginning of the harvest season

21 - Mabon
Celebrates when light and dark are equal

October November December

4 - Pennons
Celebrates the arts of war and competition
31 - Samhain
Traditionally celebrates the beginning of the Unseelie half of the year

5 - Guy Fawkes Day
Celebrates Commoner freedom

22 - Midwinter's Night / Yuletide
Celebrates the longest night of the year
25 - Saturnalia
Merrymaking and revelry
26 - Boxing Day
Celebrates Noble and Commoner ties

  • Celebrated by kithain around the world
  • Celebrated by County of Lion's Reach

Active PCs




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