- Ethan Sienna
Let's hold hands on the porch swing under the moon while the wind through the willows plays us a tune... then go wreck some shit. I love you baby.
- Druitt - Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. Let's talk about who's the fool on the third.
- Danyel - Fuck with him and I will CUT a bitch.
- Foster[1] - I don't let just anyone show up at my house at 8 am.
- Aleksei - You sure did rain on his parade.
- Tina - .....maybe those reality shows really are real.
- Katrina F U C K Y O U ! You little dead bitch! Okay.. OKAY.. MAYBE you didn't mean to. But fuck you.
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Full Name:
Chastity Ann Chapman
Date of Birth:
October 16
Descendant of Annie Chapman.
Research Assistant/Dominatrix
Apparent Age:
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No, I can feel it. This vase has a story that it's begging to tell
Oh, yes. It looks like a simple sword, but it is SO much more
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