What the levels mean as seen on page ??
Vinculum Ratings
10 You will readily give your life – or
take the life of another – for the
9 You will do practically anything for
the individual, including putting
yourself in great danger.
8 You will gladly offer resources or
influential assistance to the
7 You may put yourself at moderate
risk of harm for the individual and,
depending on your code of ethics,
may kill for him.
6 You feel strongly for the individual
and help him even if it inconveniences
you. You will gladly fight
for the individual.
5 You respect the individual and help
him out as long as it’s no huge risk
or bother.
4 You will aid the individual as long as
it doesn’t involve risk or anything
out of your way.
3 You are loyal to the individual as
long as that loyalty doesn’t interfere
with your own designs.
2 You have a minor sense of kinship
toward the individual, but you’re
not going to go out of your way to
help him unless something’s in it
for you.
1 Fuck ‘em. This isn’t necessarily
hostility, but you don’t care about
this person on a Vinculum level,
though you may on a personal level.
Note: It bears mention that, like the emotions engendered
by blood bonds, these feelings are artificial, as
they are created through ingestion of blood. It is quite
possible for a character to utterly hate someone for
whom she would risk her unlife, just as it is possible to
have immense love for someone who has little in the
way of Vinculum and everything in between. Players
are encouraged to explore the full range of these complexities
in their packs through roleplaying.