- Appearance:
- Animal Magnetism
- Enchanting Voice
- Feral Appearance
- Blush of Health
- Medical - Marcelo works at, and perhaps controls (who knows), the Tijuana morgue. Stop on by if you've got a body to dispose of!
- High Life - Marcelo loves parties, and has no problem indulging in anything at all. Want a companion to get into trouble with?
- Kinfolk - Not that he knows it, or would think about it if he knew, but Marcelo was Kinfolk when alive.
- Flytrap! - Marcelo often disguises himself as a woman with Vicissitude, either for hunting or for kicks.
These scores do not necessarily reflect the dots on Marcelo's sheet but rather how they are meant to be portrayed.
Physical Qualities:     
Social Qualities:     
Mental Qualities:     