Relevant Information
Age: 18
Height: 4'7"
Weight: 92lbs
Demeanor: Visionary
Profession: Entrepreneur & Student
Affiliation: Sabbat
Race: Mortal+
Subrace: Sorcerer-Psychic
Sub-Subrace: Lasombra Ghoul
Other: Deaf
Spirit Sight:     
Blair - "..."
Calder - "A promising business partner that might be a little too proper for my taste."
Jayde - "This is a strange lady but nice enough. I can't help but feel she hides a secret..."
Koi - "Dude seems super nice. I look forward to getting more time in with him."
Marcelo - "At first I thought he was just a bit of an ass but he's shaping up to be a decent person."
Rafaelx - "What a beautiful red chandelier."
Selena - "One badass lady and those horns are SICK! Maybe she'll let me chill with her sometime. I could use some time with her."
Sedna - "I was told to play nice with, Ms. Sedna. But is it really playing if I actually like her? A mystery to be discovered."
Sinclair - "Pretense! Lies! He's a mother fuckin' angel and if you try to tell me different I'll find a curse that suites the crime."
Stefania - "Ha! She's great. I'm going to get into so much trouble with her, I can feel it!"