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Full Name: Steven "Trey" Trevelyan
Rite Name: Treads-on-Thin-Ice
Race: Bastet
Tribe: Qualmi
Breed: Feline
Rank: Tekhmet
Pack: Ever Changing
Totem: Meros
Kith Heritage: Pooka
Apparent Age: mid-20s
Height: 5'10"
Build: Wiry
Hair: Black with one silver streak
Eyes: Dark brown
Home: Kitten Itza Big Cat Sanctuary
Played by: Adam Beach


Notable stats

  • Charisma 4
  • Dexterity 4/Lightning Reflexes
  • Intelligence 4/Analytical
  • Wits 4/Cunning
  • Enigmas 7/Puzzles
  • Occult 7/Sorcery-made items
  • Rituals 4/Moon Rites



  • Changelings: Fascinating, usually fun, always worth watching. Dreams and nightmares afoot.
  • Garou: Some have evolved from the days of the War of Rage. Many understand the past and do their best to not repeat it; others are dickbags. Try and ascertain which one you're dealing with before you get entangled. The good ones are the best kind of friends to have.
  • Hunters: Give them a wide berth and point them toward the Enemy wherever possible. Some of them are pretty deadly.
  • Mages: Powerful, dangerous, and very good allies to have, if you can manage it without becoming a puss-in-boots. Try not to get entangled in their internal debates, because surprisingly, all-powerful Namers can be just as petty as the average dude.
  • Mortals: A mixed bag, really. Some of them are awesome, some are scum, most are in between somewhere. They deserve a chance to embrace the truth of the world.
  • Sorcerers: Powerful and subtler than mages. Some are allied to Shifters, and all I can say is, I want my own Kin-posse-coven friends for my own, just for the sake of learning Cool Stuff and watching them come up with amazing things.
  • Spirits: Endlessly different, yet all interesting and alien. Trying to wrap my head around their mindset is an endless and exhilarating challenge. Butterfly and Seline will always hold their own pieces of my heart.
  • Vampires: Kill on sight. There may be 'nice' ones, but they won't stay that way long.
  • Wraiths: Their ways and choices are their own. Don't forget they were, and still are, people.
  • Wyrm: Understand the difference between Cahlash and Asura -- and destroy Asura in any way possible. Gather data and call the troops when you find them.

Character Hooks


  • Presents!: He's under the impression that humans give birthday gifts just by declaring it's your birthday and giving you one -- so he's decided that 'birthdays whenever you want' is a great idea. Look for gifts for friends in days to come, at least until he runs out of stuff to give people.
  • Off-kilter and no filter: Despite being rather charming, he is often socially imprecise, and has been known to say things that aren't very tactful. He doesn't seem to mean any harm by them -- he's just kind of 'out there' when it comes to the rules of interaction among people.
  • Still a Predator: As engaging and affable as he can be, there's always a sense that underneath it all is still a being who prefers his meat raw and fresh off the bone.


  • Mystery, History, and More: Trey is really interested in all things weird, arcane, and magical. If you want to catch his attention, use magic. Or a cool new Rite, or a Gift he doesn't know, or even sorcery. He even loves to learn about the things he can't directly use.
  • Spirit-World Obsessed: Trey has become pretty obsessed with spirits, their lore, and all things relating to the Umbra. Considering he can't get there on his own yet, that's a source of frustration for the lynx-shifter, because he's not the most patient soul in the world.
  • Pookapalooza: He's pooka-blooded somewhere in his family tree. He knows more than a little about the Kithain. The fae appeal to his sensibilities, especially the clever ones, and he's been to a few faerie holdings in his day. He really loves the Lost in Time Market!
  • Moon Visit: He recently got to go to the Moon in the Umbra and met Selene, mother of the Bastet. Needless to say, he is completely and utterly giddy about it, and saved some moondust and a few other small souvenirs, as well as the Lotus Petals he was gifted by Selene herself.

The Future

  • A Kuasha in the Making: Trey is a learning-focused kitty right now, but he's also happy to teach. His experience teaching Irsa the Rite of the Peacock is his first real experience in that role, and he's learning he likes it. At some point, he expects to be called on to foster a newly-changed kit.
  • Space Truckin': Trey is very determined to explore the cosmos. He very much wants to see the Cosmic bodies, visit the planets and asteroids, and discover their mysteries and truths. The Umbra is vast and full of wonder, and this part, especially, is fascinating. He joined an exploratory pack Ever Changing with Iris, with Meros as their totem. Spaaaaaaaace Lynx!






  • Ambrosine - An impossibly beautiful and gracious sidhe Baroness who was warm and kind to us all when we met. I'm still side-eyeing her catboy Max, though.
  • Branton - A sorcerer-Kin of great knowledge and power, and a loving mate to a loopy but delightful Garou Elder. I always treasure the discussions we have about magic and truly enjoy seeing his creations, like Lockheed (I need to learn to make one of those!).
  • Caressa - Fear that five-finger flying correction! She is a lady of warmth and has much of interest to share, and a giving heart and healing nature. I am happy to offer her aid and support wherever possible.
  • Dasia - A beautiful artist wanderer who seems to love children, or at least Sir Eric. Agreed to model for her art classes, but I still refuse the ass-bleaching.
  • Deirdre - A lovely selkie sea captain with a generous spirit. I met her at a beach party she had for her crew, and she was charming and welcoming, and shared swordfish with a stranger!
  • Erin Tough-Cookie - Another walker in more than one world like me; a crafter, a mother, a warrior, a mate to Sten. Also becoming a really good friend whose company I enjoy greatly.
  • George Mocks-the-Dark - A wolf elder with a surprisingly laid-back nature and a lot of knowledge about how to make leeches die, among other things. Note to self: anything involving the dead, talk to him.
  • Irsa Hammer-Tooth - Far from typical among the Garou, a wolf-woman with the soul of a Nina Simone song. Her heart is scarred but opened to a new friend, and I am grateful for that, and her. We are sharing teaching of Rites, and I am constantly pleased I've won her friendship and respect. Also, her pack Mistseekers: stone badasses.
  • Iris Mercy's-Messenger - Welcoming, well-traveled. So free, yet so bound. Such wisdom and stories, and such a good teacher! A packmate and traveling companion for real, under the eye of Meros the Wanderer. She took me to the MOON!! Also, her son Pink is great!
  • Jack Rank-Up - Boisterous, welcoming, and much like me, hasn't got much filter, but he's so cheerful that you don't mind. One of the two Frog Brothers.
  • Jackie - Smart, fast, a pool shark, a wizard behind the wheel, a technical whiz, and part of Irsa's pack. I like her a lot. She and Erin seem to get along famously. She squished a leech to death with a van!
  • Kieran - Chip lady has seen much of the same land I have, and made many of the same observations. She's also fun, madcap, and has a hell of a voice.
  • Lyric - Older brother, ritename unknown right now. Remember not to touch him. Inscrutable, beautiful, and someone I'm curious about.
  • Massa - Mystic of some stripe, with other secrets of his own, and more knowledge than he lets on. Trent's paramour, a walker in shadow.
  • Miguel Mirror-Shadow - Generous elder cousin opened his den to me, allowed me to meet his kits, and shared secrets and truths. Also walks in more than one world, as I do. A worthy bon bhat indeed.
  • Mike For-the-Win - All manner of brilliance packed inside a somewhat unsure young Metis. Seeing him gain confidence will be rewarding. One of the two Frog Brothers.
  • Natalie Morning-Mist - Graceful, beautiful, and welcoming Swara; a wonderful elder-sister and someone I want to know better.
  • Pandora Tipping-the-Scales - A Stargazer no-moon and packmate of Irsa's -- clever, funny, and an amazing cook, and OMG, very, very badass! I didn't know no-moons could fight like that!
  • Rhapsody Protector-of-Hope - A Fury Theurge and packmate of Irsa's -- are ALL Garou this badass or did Irsa just pick the best for her pack? I mean, seriously, this woman kicks ass AND heals it!
  • Richard - Natalie's medically-inclined Kinfolk mate, welcoming and friendly. I am glad you and Natalie found one another in sorrow and gave one another joy.
  • Sable - Not my kin, not my problem.
  • Sergei Howling-Wind - A wise and easy-to-talk-to Wendigo elder born on four feet, with a great family all at the caern. It's good to see his little ones grow in safety, like I hope mine will, someday.
  • Sten Stormhowler - A ranking Garou, a devoted father, and Erin's mate -- and friendly and welcoming. A potential patrol partner.
  • Theron - His photo is in the dictionary under 'Badass Kinfolk.' This dude is INTENSE.
  • Trent - Magician of mystery, grovemaster, moon-drawing druid type. Fascinating, far too open, but bound to be a friend. Mind that silver scythe.






Trey-little lynx.JPG



Other Info


RP with Trey may make you confused, irritated, or hysterical. Trey is not meant to be taken with humorlessness. Do not take Trey within 36 hours of a high colonic. Combining Trey with Fae may result in weirdness. It is not permitted to abandon Trey in the Umbra, no matter how much he annoys you. Trey only likes ear-scritches in forms with cat ears. Other Bastet claiming to be Trey can be detected as fakes by asking them their opinions on bleached assholes. Trey should not be combined with MAOIs, because they're awful, and kale, because kale is just icky. Trey is part of a complete breakfast along with coffee, bacon, eggs, and a whole lot of WTF. If your encounter with Trey lasts longer than four hours, visit a physician.