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Where did the Raven begin, then? It is not certain that even he would know, if asked about it. A forest, of course. Dense, deep and dark. Wyld. But was it up north, in Canada? Or was it further south, in what is called the US of A? He would not be able to tell you. To him, nations and borders did not exist outside of a ravens claimed territory. But he does know that once his Spirit Egg hatched and his First Change happened, it was to a small town in the USA that his Mentor took him. Where his life as a Corax begun truly.

For all of his life, he has been a bit of an elitist. It was not something he was taught. It was simply something he fell into, naturally. Having gone through his Change, he gained a new sentience and understanding of life. And he came to see upon his own race as Magnificent. They could fly. The skies were theirs and along with it, the freedom to go anywhere. It coloured his view of those that were bound to the ground. To the dirt. With age, with Recognition of his deeds, came a change of heart. Deeds come with experience, and experience gives Wisdom. But he has never dropped the viewpoint that there is nothing as Magnificent as a Corax.

He was born a raven and prefers his natural form, but he has been known to sometimes, albeit very seldom, take to the ground as a human. In those instances, he calls himself "Royan" and claims to be a vagabond, a man of the road. But the Raven also goes by many other names. To most of the Garou, he is an unknown. But to some, to the favoured few, he would be called "Swift Wing upon the High Wind", which is the very name that he chose for himself.

But by those truly honored, he would be called "Hrafn". It is a name that he has taken to heart, as an honorific by those that he would call the closest of allies. To date, the only ones he would ever allow to call him this are the original members of the Frostbite Pack, minus its original Alpha.

  • A Corax - He is one of the Fera, a Corax.
  • The Spirits - The Umbra is a place of wonders and sights. And Ravens!
  • Anti-Birdrepellent Activism - Do you hate bird repellent technology too?
  • Fnord - Did you hear something?

The Kinfolk at Ravenscar

Raven Chronicles


  • A Fetish tied into the fabric of space and time is delivered to the Longhouse at Ravenscar, home of the Frostbite Pack. The pack and their Corax ally "Swift Wing upon the High Wind (aka Hrafn)" is transported back in time to the late 1800s, where they meet Jase "Feather Picks-the-Lock" of the Ravenfolk. The brave "Hrafn" and his Garou allies are alerted to a powerful Wyrm Aspect existing in this era, (possibly due to the 2nd War of Rage) that historically was defeated by the then 13 Tribes. "Hrafn" is then privately told of a more direct threat, by Jase "Feather Picks-the-Lock", and the Raven decides to help. (Logs: Lassie Never Had It This Bad With Timmy & Mirror, Mirror)
  • Late in the night, the Great Enemy attacks. The Wyrms minions fall upon the Ravenscar and sends everyone scattering. A great battle within the building drives everyone out into the open. (See Log: Devil's Night). Scattered all over, "Hrafn" goes after his Ravenkin ally and the fleeing children, only to be beset upon by a large, powerful Bane. With the help of the Devil's Own pack and Aldric, the bane is vanquished. But in the aftermath, the Ravenkin and the children are gone. (See Log: Devil's Night III)
  • Lead to Prospect by clues, Devil's Own and Frostbite divide and go to different locations. While the Frostbite get busy tangling with some undead varmints, "Swift Wing" comes upon a Corax who appears to have sworn loyalty to a new Master, forsaking her vow to Raven and Helios. Overcome by Rage at this atrocity, he gives chase and with a violence that shocks the other Corax, subdues her. "Night Wing", as she is called, is brought bound and gagged to the Frostbite where she is interrogated. "Swift Wing" then takes off to find some other Corax to deliver her too, for Judgement before Parliament. (Logs: The Saloon)
  • Having found another Corax to pawn "Night's Wing" off to, "Swift Wing" rejoins the Frostbite with Friends. The group has located a train on which "Feather Picks the Lock", his mate and the children they protect are being held on. A battle ensues with minions of the Wyrm and the day is won, the children saved. (Log: The Train Heist). Unfortunally, "Swift Wing" fails yet again to steal someones eye while they are still breathing.

Birth to 2013

  • Royan is hatched a raven somewhere in the region of Minnesota. The maker of his Spirit Egg at the time was Truman "Five Feathers", homid born (deceased), and witnessed by "Stonebeak" of the Corvid breed (deceased). But it was his Spirit Egg Guardian whom he came to have a strong bond with. This particular Corax was of the homid breed and named Ronnie "Flies Far". He was a Raven of many talents, the first face seen upon the First Change. The young "Swift Wing" (he was given the human name Royan by "Flies Far") took to following him around and observing how the man moved and acted as a human being. While young "Swift Wing" was mentored by any Corax he came to happen upon, as is their way, he always ended up seeking "Flies Far" out for lessons.
  • "Flies Far" eventually loses his faith in the world and towards the end begins to talk about the glittering lights in the darkness of the Deep Umbra. Not long after, he becomes one of the Sun-Lost and disappears. "Swift Wing" has vowed to one day find the fate of his former Egg Guardian.
  • A mean ol' Corax decides that "Swift Wing" is far to inexperienced, so he sends him off to the Amazons to learn how to really dodge the bullet(s) (figuratively and literally).


  • Royan "Swift Wing" of the Corax arrive to Prospect from a tour in the Amazon (where he found Bob, his Spirit Familiar). He finds it a very boring place. He leaves, returning to the Amazon just a year later.


  • "Swift Wing" returns to Prospect. He still finds it very boring and so he leaves again, this time heading east.



  • Royan returns to Prospect yet again. He now has earned the name "Swift Wing upon the High Wind". This time he decides to stay. This is where he meets Aaryn "Guides the Dead" of the Get of Fenris. She is properly awed by his majestic presence and so he adopts her as his "Raven-Steed". She introduces him to her newly formed pack, the Frostbite. Pretty soon, he adopts them all as his own Warpack, to lead them to victorious deeds; the way only a Child of Raven can. In respect, they give him the name "Hrafn".


  • A vision in the night shows the past. "Hrafn" and the Fenrir find that Ravenscar was the site of something bad. They summon a spirit of earth and find out that Ravenscar was once Raven's Rock and the home of another Child of Raven. A powerful storm of unnatural origins ended the site and the Raven, named "Feather Picks-the-Lock", disappeared. (Log: Summoning the Past).
  • The Frostbite Pack and Devil's Own Pack brings "Hrafn" along with them on a dangerous journey to the Umbral Realm of Mars; Nerigals domain. He survives the trip, much to his own surprise. Bob almost does not forgive him for bringing him along to such a horrible place! (Fury Road Logs: Pt 1, Pt 2, Pt 3, Orrery Logs: Pt 1, Pt 2, Pt 3)
  • Frostbite brings "Hrafn" along to the Sept of the Troll-Hunter in a place full of snow, cold and little sun. Its for a wedding! What can possibly go wrong? Well, in the end, a lot of things. An attack by a Giant Corrupted Troll lead to the revealing of a Corrupted Metis Black Fury. (Log: Trollslayer)


  • Returning from the Sept of the Troll-Hunter, more information is found out about Ravenscar. An old clock is delivered which turns out to be a Timemachine! Without any fear what-so-ever, the brave Raven goes in! The raven and his Garou allies are transported back to the 1800's where they meet "Feather Picks-the-Lock", a Corax that operates a railroad service for orphans from the 2nd War of Rage. (Log: The House With A Clock In Its Walls)


(d) for Departed. Either left, died or disappeared.

Congress (Surfin Bird)

Ridley - I met you. Once. What was your name? We never got to introduce ourselves!
Kendrick - Deals. 'k? Deal with it!
Mariska (d) - Birdie, Daughter of Raven, Child of Helios. Departed for friendlier skies.
Tiberius (d) - Did the computers eat you? Grapevine left?
Lenore (d) - Birdie, here and gone! Grapevine left?

The Frostbite of Hildisvini (Raise your Horns)

Sten - Stormhowler, Son of Fenris, Hornblower
Aaryn (d) - Guides the Dead, Daughter of Fenris, Raven Steed & Most trusted ally!
Micah (d) - Hunts the Shadow, Son of Fenris, Tank Handler, Marked by Raven & Most trusted ally!
Greyson (d) - Tiny person. Mini-Aaryn. Fenrir in training & Keeper of Ravens.

The Shifters of Prospect Wolf Rescue and Sanctuary (Bohemian Rapsody)

Lyric - Just try to sneak up on me. I dare you!
Nathan (d) - It's a one of those 'stare into the sky but see little' Garou! He seems OK though.
Lindsey (d) - Sister to Nathan. She healed and nursed my Kinfolk. I am in her debt.
Vincent (d) - You forgot to hit snooze?

Birds of a Feather Flock Together (Stand up and Fight)

Theron - Berserker, Kin of Fenris
Tinlin - Keeper of the Talking Oak. Kinfolk?
Erin - Friend of Spiders? Did not seem to like Bob.
Branton - Helios Stamped and Approved
Iris - Keeper of String Theory
Jes (d) - Fellow singer! Sing with me, Wolfy friend! Brother of Isla
Miguel - Hammertime cat. He's yet to flaunt his secrets.
Xenovia - Has yet to challenge my dominion of the skies.

By the Roadside (A Foreign Road)

Xiu - Sheeo - One set would be enough, you know!
Bieta (d) - Elżbieta, Friend of Vagabonds

Barking up the Wrong Tree (F****d with an Anchor (Advisory: Offensive, NSFW))

Aldric (d) - Ironsides with a heart of ice. You lost an ally. As did I.
Magnus (d) - Something Something Fenris. You fool!
Zyler (d) - Kraaaa! Kra kraaaa caw caw kraaaa!!

I Greet Thee Helios, Bringer of Light

Full Name: Royan
Ritename: Swift Wing upon the High Wind
Aliases: Hrafn, Battle-Birb
Come at me bro!, Bird
Occupation: Professional Show-off
Age: Mid twenties, perhaps?

Oviculum: Dot-filled.pngDot.pngDot.pngDot.pngDot.png
Glory: Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot.pngDot.pngDot.png
Honor: Dot-filled.pngDot.pngDot.pngDot.pngDot.png
Wisdom: Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png
The Songbirds:
Raven Land Fear of the Dark
The Raven Hill Here Comes The Sun
Raven Claws Born to the Epic
BobLove.png BOB BobLove.png



The Saga Thus Far