Micah Starnes

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I was born of the womb of a poisonous man
Beaten and broken and chased from the land
But I rise up above it, high up above it and see
I was hung from the tree made of tongues of the weak
The branches were bones of liars and thieves
Rise up above it, high up above and see
xxxxx-Night of the Hunter
xxxxx30 Seconds to Mars

xxxxxTo hear Micah tell it, if you can get him drunk enough to talk about it, he was abandoned by his shit of a father after he was born, the bastard child of a Get of Fenris and human woman. He’d tell you how he was taken in by May, the Child of Gaia Den-Mother of the Sept of Silver Snow in Silver Bay, Minnesota. He’d tell you, his words slurred by drink, how his father became known as the Sept drunk, wasting away his gifts until one day he sank into harano and went out into a blinding winter storm to do his Sept a favor and die.
xxxxxThat isn’t the whole story, or even the true one. Then again, Micah isn’t always willing to admit or even hear the truth, not now, not after all these years.

Points of Interest

  • Hunter: Micah is a hunter, of wild game and especially of the Wyrm, particularly banes. He never hunts for sport. If you're interested in hunting, learning to hunt or track game, Micah will gladly join you.
  • Tracker: If you need something or someone found, whether it be man or spirit, Micah is your man.
  • Maker: In his human life, Micah works construction on any job he can get. If you need able hands, his tools are available.
  • Father: Micah is the Den Father of the Sept of the Enduring Spirit. If you are a kinfolk, cub, or cliath, you should probably come see him,

Inspirations and Influences

Tank - Crusher of Dreams, Breaker of Bones, Steed to Guides the Dead, Companion of Hunts the Shadow, Favored by Nerigal, Eye Licker, and a Very Good Boy

Micah's playlist: [1]
Micah's style: [2]

The Skald Sings!

Prospect 1881


Before Prospect


After Prospect

Who They Were

Frostbite Hildisvini2.png
Ryn: The only one I have left to call family. Don't mess with me and mine.
Sten: An inspiration. Taught me to believe in myself.
Theron: Battle friend and pack brother. Not your average kinfolk.

The Others
Hrafn: Let us pluck the eyes of our enemies together!
Iris: You give freely without even knowing the impact of your gifts.
Miguel: You may have saved my life. One day I hope to return the favor.
Lleu and Faith Let's hunt assholes.
Aldric: I'm thankful for all you taught me. May we hunt together again someday.
Xenovia: I don't know what to make of you. I've learned to be wary of storms.
Erin: We finally had that beer together.
Target Practice Bullseye.png
Zyler: You make allies into enemies. Can you afford more of those? Isn't the Wyrm enough?
Dragomir: Is what they say true? The Silver Fang think they are entitled to anything they want.

Hunts the Shadow

Full Name: Micah Starnes
Ritename: Hunts the Shadow
Deed Names: Canyon Jumper
Tank Handler
Favored by Nerigal
Auspice: Godi (Theurge)
Tribe: Get of Fenris
Camp: Hand of Tyr
Rank: Elev (Adren)

Pack: Frostbite - Beta
Pack Totem: Hildisvini

 Height: 5'10"
Weight: 175 lbs
 Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Green
Notable Stats:
 Perception: Fullmoon.pngFullmoon.pngFullmoon.pngFullmoon.pngMoonsliver.png
 Wits: Fullmoon.pngFullmoon.pngFullmoon.pngFullmoon.pngMoonsliver.png
 Dexterity: Fullmoon.pngFullmoon.pngFullmoon.pngFullmoon.pngMoonsliver.png
 Stamina: Fullmoon.pngFullmoon.pngFullmoon.pngFullmoon.pngMoonsliver.png
 Alertness: Fullmoon.pngFullmoon.pngFullmoon.pngFullmoon.pngMoonsliver.png
 Stealth: Fullmoon.pngFullmoon.pngFullmoon.pngFullmoon.pngMoonsliver.png
 Survival: Fullmoon.pngFullmoon.pngFullmoon.pngFullmoon.pngMoonsliver.png
 Archery: Fullmoon.pngFullmoon.pngFullmoon.pngFullmoon.pngMoonsliver.png



The Norns Speak