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Faith Donnachaidh is a Sergeant in the Prospect Police Department. For those who know her in the day to day grind of the Mortal world, she is a dedicated officer, who recently had a significant rise in the ranks. She has been known to have an unprofessional streak in down time, like jokes about POTUS and Black Helicopters delivering coffee to night shift might make the citizens laugh, but perhaps not the brass. However, her exemplary service in the line of duty, having been awarded the Medal of Valor, and unquestionable ethics, made her a shoe-in for the Internal Affairs position she now holds.

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Alright - more data gathered. Tables shifting. Parametrics stabilizing. You guys are pretty alright.

Really, you're going to judge me because I have some kind of leftover pheromonal trace. Sure I'm distantly related to Valka Great-thorn. Well I mean shit, she could have helped the Uktena, but I wasn't there. Maybe there's a reason she didn't?

Alright, I had a lot of concerns about you guys based on what I'd heard. I've seen nothing but camaraderie, honor, and patience. I'm really grateful that you're teaching me. And I should have listened the first time!


Well you were almost stories made up to frighten little kinfolk. But you do exist, and you aren't really that are scary as fuck.


So I once said, leadership like yours is the reason ANTIFA is here. It's probably still true. But on the other hand, maybe I just don't like being told what to do, even when it's good for me.


Kindness and education - you're some very decent folks.

I have to say, you've been some of the kindest, most welcoming crew I've met so far in this town. Whatever else is to come, you're survivors. I respect that and honor it.

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Inner Circle

Brooke - One hell of a programmer, your insights into what makes a family are fascinating too.

Dragomir - My Mentor, but I will obey.

Hjalmar - Thank you for helping me find the balance.

Iris - More like a brilliant torch in the dark than a cheap sparkler.

Lleutrim - I told you I'd wait forever. I still mean it with all of my heart.

Skully - The big brother I desperately need.


Andy & Lucie - Thanks for making me feel at home.

Alecto - I will obey.

Aleksandr - I'm grateful you can see the heart behind the tongue.

Branton - Holy Shit. There are no other words for what you did to that bonfire.

Felicity - Tradition in so many varieties.

Gavan - The balance can be achieved, I can see it in you.

George - So many questions, let's start with a map!

Halle - Okay, as much as I appreciate the help, let's avoid getting that close ever again.

Halona - Sneaky bitch! I'm going to have a heart attack and die one of these days. <3

Hunter M & Natalie H. - Such an adorable couple. So friendly too!

Jake Miller & Giselle - Thanks for making me feel welcome, and even more for making me feel safe.

Journey & Vesta - Oh what your laughter teaches.. and the lessons are appreciated.

Kirk & Bella - Beautiful couple, so infrequent in the public eye.

Percy Thompson - News at 11 has got nothing on you!

Roman - There are things I should learn from you, but where to start?

Sean - If your wit doesn't kill me, I might learn a thing or two.

Sergei - Wisdom that crosses the cultural divide.

Wyatt Slack - The candle burns brightest in the dark, but it can set a cleansing fire even at noon.


Alexander & Antonio - One of you looks as skittish as I do. Must be the spicy food.

Doug - It's always my business. If you don't like it, be less obvious.

Fred McCraig - Wonder where you went..

Lexi - Tacos and Snakes? Life is complete in this 5' package.

Leona Papas - So you want to learn to ride huh? Let's do this!

Lilian Handover - Interesting woman, numerology? I'm not sure how that equates to science.

Merek - Kinda pretty for a cop aren't you? Let's see how you shoot.

Naiche - You're an odd one.

Paul Barakat & Robert - I can't wait to see the work you're doing with the animals!

Quentin - Weirdo.

Steele - It's amazing how perceptions change after we investigate the facts, yeah?

Sten - What part of No Secrets did you not understand?

Viator - I just can't figure you out. Is that a blessing?

All the NOPE

Alessio - We don't serve the same mission.

August von Heidelburgh - You Sir, are an Asshole!

Catherine & Yuri- I thought you had my six - I should have listened.

Darius Yates - You have too many secrets to be considered merely exotic. Not bullet-proof.

Dre - Thanks for pulling me out of that tailspin. Thought I was a goner.

Dusk - You stand over here - I'll not be right back.

Furio - Okay that's one mean cannoli, but still, stop coding people without permission!

Itto & Miyo - On second thought, please DO NOT tell me what you were doing in the bushes... and please keep the tea.

Phillipe - Not even with free lifetime passes.

Richard Cromwell - You're right, you're funnier in text. I wish I could just forget I met you.

Samara - Anyone who acts as guilty as you do can't possibly be up to anything.

Sander - You're making stranger decisions by the day, but I got your Six.

Sandra - You cracked the door, and a whole new world nightmare is opening before my eyes.

Wesley - "I met a strange man, he made me nervous.." Ain't that the /truth/ of it.

Wilder - You caused so much destruction in the wake of your needs.

Xenovia - I hoped we can bridge the ravine together. But you're not on the guest list.

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Faction: Law and Order

Full Name: Faith Anne Donnachaidh

Apparent Age: Early-Twenties

Height: 6' 1"

Nationality: American

Ethnicity: Scandinavian

Occupation: Sergeant, Internal Affairs

Badge: #3460

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RP Hooks
Fame - Faith was given the Medal of Valor for heroic efforts during a gang conflict that ended in the death of two uniformed officers. She saved a mother and three children from a burning home, following the explosion that left her scarred.

Law - Faith is a Sergeant in the Internal Affairs Unit for the Prospect Police Department. She is the youngest Sergeant ever tapped for this position, and earned it in the wake of the Mosque Raid Crisis of 2018.

Los Angeles - Faith moved to Prospect from Los Angeles and maintains many ties with the community to the north.

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