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Revision as of 19:25, 16 September 2024 by VeronicaM (talk | contribs)
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Changeling Only -some- of them ride dragons.
Demon I haven't read the Bible in a long time.
Mage I don't understand how you do what you do, and I'm curious.
Werewolf Family. Life. Purpose.
Wraith I think I see their world though I know nothing of it.
Vampire Like.. from the movies?

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Werewolf Hello Wolves'rhya
Bruce This is starting to get interesting...
Brooke She's direct and to the point, I like that. I won't mind working for her.
Ulysses He can't help how he was born, he should be more kind to himself.
Bryan Yes, of course. You're right. Please excuse me.
Fedir That's a really impressive lineage on a Cliath, from what I understand.
Villam We keep running into each other but keep getting interrupted.
Leif Thank you for the... nuggets?
Evonna You -really- wouldn't like my lab.

Kinfolk2.png Cousins and Friends
Bunny Awesome style and a better sense of humor. We should hang out more.
Lorna Great to meet someone friendly and weird. She and I have more than a couple things in common it turns out.
Cindy Drop dead gorgeous and she knows it. More importantly, a cousin! I'm looking forward to spending more time with her.
Branton You did -WHAT-? Get the fuck out of here. ... Teach me please.
Ramona Oh, you're kin! Awesome! Please don't steal my food.
Jackie Magic juice girl!

Fera.png Fur Friends!
Harvey Hear me out, maybe -don't- light my clothes on fire.
Lyric What a strange and interesting sorcerer you are.

Demon.png Be you angels?
Serqet Time will tell.

Mage2.png How do you do that?
Xiu A pleasure to meet you, and see you, all of you.
Titania Alluring and vaguely mysterious. I'm intrigued and hope to learn more.
Eloise I am utterly overwhelmed. Thank you for taking the time to speak with me.
Steele Powerful and understated.
Lyra I'm a fucking idiot.
Eden Sorry, let's try again sometime.

Mage.png Don't call us "Low"
Tyler You might be a window into answering some old questions of mine.

Changeling.png I love Lord of the Rings
Cait Why am I making deals with Fae?
Kieran How much did I have to drink?

Mortal.png Normies - It's not an insult!
Sacha THE SACHA DUPONDT!? Oh my fucking God!
Agustine Nice guy, seems really focused on his work.
Andrei Cute, nice voice.

Bygone.png Stranger People Still
Sark I want a ride!

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RP Hooks
Technically and mathematically inclined, want to nerd out with her?
Glass Walker Kinfolk, she'd be happy to spend time with other kin, wolves, or Gaian friends.
She's an avid explorer and can justifiably be anywhere in the city that a normal person could access.

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Vivian's first loyalty is to her Family. Vivian cleans up well. Vivian's fascination with the Web takes her to interesting places.

Vivian traveling the Web. Vivian observing stranger worlds yet.

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Race: Kinfolk
Tribe: Glass Walker
Full Name: Dr. Vivian Web
Mate: Error 404 - Mate not Found
Demeanor: Architect
Occupation: Chief Science Officer
Age: 32
Birthdate: November 11th, 1991
Theme: Hand in my Pocket

Appearance : Silverdot-filled.pngSilverdot-filled.pngSilverdot-filled.pngSilverdot.pngSilverdot.png
Charisma (Confidence) : Silverdot-filled.pngSilverdot-filled.pngSilverdot-filled.pngSilverdot-filled.pngSilverdot.png
Intelligence (Analytical) : Silverdot-filled.pngSilverdot-filled.pngSilverdot-filled.pngSilverdot-filled.pngSilverdot.png
Style (Dress to Impress) : Silverdot-filled.pngSilverdot-filled.pngSilverdot-filled.pngSilverdot-filled.pngSilverdot.png
Science (Mechanical Engineering) : Silverdot-filled.pngSilverdot-filled.pngSilverdot-filled.pngSilverdot-filled.pngSilverdot.png
Technology (Computer Networking) : Silverdot-filled.pngSilverdot-filled.pngSilverdot-filled.pngSilverdot-filled.pngSilverdot.png
Occult (Spirits) : Silverdot-filled.pngSilverdot-filled.pngSilverdot-filled.pngSilverdot-filled.pngSilverdot.png

Enchanting Voice
Soothing Voice

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Dana House - Chief of Security

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