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Titania was once the headliner at Club 215. Life got in the way and she's moved onto much larger things

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Changeling Everytime a bubble pops, a faerie is born.
Demon "I did not fall from grace. I leapt to freedom." - Ansel Elkins
Mage A new perspective.
Mortal You take advantage of the simple things. Stop. Breathe. Appreciate it. Overcome.
Werewolf Muzzles and flea baths
Wraith No thank you
Vampire Pass. Probably. Maybe. Useful?

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  • Aleksei [1] Wetheart.pngYou were my heart. My soul. My love. My angel. You saved me. Now I get to return the favor.
  • Luna - A healer. My new friend. Thank you for letting me dance.
  • Foster - Thank you. My debt to you is great.
  • Gwydion - A good man afterall
  • Lyra - My sister. Oh, the things I need to tell you. I hope you can understand
  • Serqet - So many things in common.
  • Hudson - We shall see

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RP Hooks

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Merits and Flaws
  • Angelic Gaze:The eyes are the windows to the soul, and the act of possession has altered the eyes of your character's mortal host to reflect his celestial nature. The difficulty of all Leadership, Intimidation or Empathy rolls decreases by one.
  • Animal Magnetism: You have the "fuck me" aura, and receive a -2 difficulty on seduction and similar rolls (though this may inspire jealousy in the people who view you as competition). This is a Merit seldom taken seriously in the Chat Rooms, as it's been too often used by players whose intent is seldom gaming...
  • Catlike Balance: -2 difficulty to rolls relating to balance.
  • Double-Jointed: -2 difficulty on any roll involving flexibility.
  • Innocent: You have an aura of childlike innocence (whether you really are or not). -2 difficulty on rolls involving Subterfuge or Manipulation.
  • Perfect Liar: When you speak, everything is the truth. Your words never quaver, your vital signs remain normal, your facts seem consistent and your eyes betray no deception whatsoever. No matter how outrageous your story might be, an objective observer will assume that at least you believe it's true. In game terms, most casual deceptions succeed automatically. Subtract two from the difficulty of any roll that involves fooling someone about something important. This Merit will not foil Mind magic, aura-reading, or other forms of mystic truth-seeking, but it will deceive any mundane detection (like body language or lie detectors).

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Titania Boriskova


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Race: Demon
Full Name: Titania Yelena Boriskova
Date of Birth: October 1
Faction: Cryptic
House: Defiler
Apparent Age: Mid 20's
Height: 5'10"


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Notable Stats

Lore of Transfiguration






Merit of Note
Perfect Liar
Flaw of Note

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Garrow.pngTitania's NSFW Cin.gif

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