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Knowledge of the Norns

What would the Garou know:

Steinar comes from a small Sept in the north mid east of the US called the Sept of Home and Hearth. The Sept guards a small Caern, a sort of waypoint in the middle of nowhere, held by a small clan of Get of Fenris who have recided there since the days the first Europeans set foot on American soil. Traditionally, those who were born and first changed in that area would stay there. Almost all of them would belong to the same family and the only outsiders allowed in would be those that came to mate into the family. A quick look into the Sept would yield that no Garou have left the Sept for another in almost a century.

He has taken a stance and has expressed it vocally on what he thinks about the Fera, the Kinfolk with Powers and the Kinfolk Mages that visits the Sept. In his mind, Kinfolk with Powers tell a falsehood when they claim its a gift from Gaia. In his mind, the Kinfolk are a product of Garou mating with humans, but they are still mostly human. Through all the history of the Garou, all of the gifts of Man comes from the Weaver. In this case, he believes it to be the same. As for the Mages? A higher form of human, without a doubt. A gift from the Weaver? All of their powers seem like it. Favored children of Weaver, in his eyes.

As for the Fera, he has been outspoken about how he feels they are guests at the Sept. A guest should be honoured, as long as it follows the rules of the hosts. Once that line is stepped over, there can only be one reply.

What would the none Garou know:

Well, first of all.. why would you look into Steinar? Well, if you do, its nothing really hidden. He comes from one of those hillbilly type communities in the northern mideast of the US from what would appear to be a community of old Scandinavian descendants. He probably came to the City to look for work and escape the lack of progress commonly linked to small closed-knit family groups.

Wild Raven & Muninn's Talons

Steinar is a member of the Muninn's Talons Pack, whom follow Wild Raven as a Totem. While primarily a Red Talon totem, Ravens ties with Fenris links him just as strongly with the Get of Fenris via Hrafn. The Godi follow Wild Raven with all his heart and mind. Wild Raven is a Totem of Wisdom but has a certain savagery to him that suits Steinar very well.

In The Runes






From The Skalds

The Way of Vikings - Amon Amarth


Hold The Heathen Hammer High - Tyr


Ragnarok - Tyr

Allies & Adversaries

The Present

Muninn's Talons - My Pack. My Family.
Stonecreek - The Get of Fenris of Stonecreek Valley.
Frigg - Kinfolk of the Get of Fenris and Mate to Patience Of Eikþyrnir.
Erin - Kin to the Fera and something .. else?

Jarl of Oathbreakers and those that follow the Trackless Path

The Past

Kaia - Kinfolk of the Get of Fenris. Unknown yet what else she is..
Six - Kinfolk to the Stargazers. Dangerous past caught up with you?
Becks - Kinfolk of the Get of Fenris. Ex-Mate to The Wall
Mari - Out of Home and Hearth, back to Home and Hearth. Our bond did not last, but our union produced Selma (Born December 2023)
Lucie - Former Mate - Our union produced a child; little Einar (Born first half 2015)
Juliette - Ally - Former Pack Alpha. Fangs of Hagalaz.
Piper - Ally - Respectul of my wishes. Good campmate.
Katja - Get of Fenris Kinfolk. Good ally for City Matters.
Nico - Prospective packmember. Black Fury? I will have to meditate on this.
Dani - Ally - Don't fight the mountain. At least not this mountain!
Toshio - Adversary - Don't fight the Wind, If you do not have good shelter.

För Fenris, Till Döden!

Ritename: Rune-Tongue
Tribe: Get of Fenris
Auspice: Godi
Birth Form: Homid
Pack: Muninn's Talons
Totem: Wild Raven
Alpha: The Wall
Members: Leif, Steinar
Ben, Evonna
Territory: Stonecreek
Sept: Enduring Spirit
Position: Caller of the Wyld
Pure Breed: Swedot.pngSwedot.pngSwedot.pngDot.pngDot.png
Athro: Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot.png
Glory: Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot.pngDot.pngDot.pngDot.pngDot.pngDot.png
Honor: Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot.pngDot.pngDot.pngDot.pngDot.png
Wisdom: Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png
The Art of the North

Steinar1.jpg Steinar3.jpg SteinarWolf1.jpg

Fetish & Talen Creations

Windfang - Fang Dagger, Created September 2014.
Made from a fang taken from Toshio
-Personal Use

Magpie's Swag - A Bag of Holding, Created January 2021.
Made from a handcrafted backpack
-Personal Use

Waters of Mimir - A Paracelsus Pommel Fetish, Created June 2021
Made from a finely crafted viking drinking horn
-Personal Use

Blanket of Peaceful Rest - A Blanket of Peaceful Rest Fetish, Created October 2022
Made from a finely woven wool blanket
-Gifted to the Kinfolk Six

Runestones Raised