"Medicine, to produce health, must examine disease; And music, to create harmony, must examine discord."
― Plutarch
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The Traditions
"Your martial ways are outside my experience and understanding, but I envy your balance between mind and body. Warriors in passion and spirit. Seek me out if you are ever in need of mending."
"It's strange being an atheist and a mage. I do not believe the world was created by a single entity, nor that existence is sustained by a supernatural force. But I can see that there is more to the world than what I know and understand, and the insights you gain from your Theist perspective are no less valid or powerful than revelations gleaned from other modes of thought."
"Finding reality through the extension of your perceptions; defining life by passions; seeing love and loss in the deepest ways. You're methods of touching reality are alluring and sweet. I find your paths very attractive, and often in harmony with the way I view the world."
"I love the world of Dreams, and would seek your wisdom on exploring it further. You are the healers of the spirit, and a close Kin to my healing of the body. We walk parallel paths, and share a common destiny."
"You embrace the end, so that new beginnings can take shape. It seems a dark path to me. But like all things, we grow towards complexity and become more, even as things break down around and inside us. There is power in that Truth, though I'd be lying if I said it didn't frighten me."
"So many secrets and so much formality. On one hand, I understand the necessity of formal training and discipline. On the other, keeping what you know hidden from the rest of the world will stagnate our overall progress."
"I imagine I would have been among your ranks, had I not turned to medicine and healing. My love of science and technology finds great kinship with your paradigm."
"Though I count myself among you, I do feel lost and out of place more often than I can count. But it is the struggle that makes us strong, the accomplishments that keep us content."
"You exploration of places new and unknown are a boon for all of us. The world is enriched by your ingenious endeavors."
"I so get it. Doing it your own way, at our own pace. Perhaps we could all learn a little more about ourselves if we followed your example from time to time."
"I was on this path for some years, lost and not knowing what I'd become. There is nothing wrong with being lost. In truth, we are all lost. You are just more honest about it. If you ever need to talk, I will listen. I've experienced what you are experiencing, so can empathize with the struggle. And I promise, I will never try and convert you to any path."
"I cannot do what I do without your help. You are far more important than you know. And if I ever put you in a place below me, just find the nearest Euthanatos to recycle my soul because I have obviously become too pompus and self-important for this reality."
Other Supernaturals
"I know a few that I count as close friends. But I know of others that are dangerous predators."
"Your desire to save the world is great, but your penchant for destruction is greater."
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Update: This is now in alphabetical order.
 Friend, mentor, conspirator in all things adventurous.
Azrael B.
 You always seem to be the winning bet, but will the odds ever catch up to me?
 You have changed so much for the better from when I knew you before.
 You stumbled into my life at a time when things weren't so crazy. So you still have no idea what you are getting into.
 As deep and beautiful as the ocean.
 I would be lost without your help. You Ground my life and keep me sane.
 You were right. But you're still wrong.
 Full of so much life and beauty. Thank you for sharing your wisdom and experience.
 Your generosity will never be forgotten.
 A champion of life; a guardian of light.
 It's been too long! We've only met a few time, but I always found your presence kind and comforting. Must be that cat!
Hunter M
 I am so glad you're not dead. But seriously, next time, send a postcard!
 Brilliant, and socially awkward. You remind me of me when I was young. Only, you are taller. And black. And a man. But otherwise...
 Thank you for offering a space of such peace and serenity. The Tea House is my favorite retreat of tranquility.
 You just showed up in my world, out of nowhere, and provide endless comfort to so many in need. I can never say it enough: Thank you.
 A friend of a friend. You are as beautiful as you are mysterious.
Natalie H.
 I want so much to get to know you better.
 You're stories move and shape the world; you're music moves and shakes our lives.
River 2.0
 Uncensored, inspired, and totally overwhelmingly passionate. You rock!
 I am so happy to have found my soul sister in this new city.
Stella Amunet
 I'm still looking forward to reaching new horizon with you.
 Men should not be allowed to be this beautiful. Good thing you're as kind as you are handsome.
 My peer, and a great resource. We come from different backgrounds, but works towards the same goals.
 Courage, kindness and generosity. That's my first impression. I'm hoping for a second impression soon.
 I will always love you, but I had to let you go.
 We've met a few times, quite some time ago. But your artwork certainly left an impression on me. I never thanked you for that.
 Intense doesn't begin to describe you. I hope we are on the same side.
 I wish our lives lined up more, but it seems our paths always lead away from each other. Maybe that will change some day.
 OMG. What have I done...!?
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Full Name:
Chandler Ikari Filius Pagani de Bello
Date of Birth:
December 23, 1989
Apparent Age:
late 20's
5' 6"
M.D. at Prospect Memorial / Professor at UCP
Chandler was born and raised in Rio Rancho, New Mexico. She was a musical prodigy, and is known by some for her skill with the guitar or the piano. But it was her love of science that really lit her mind up, and she always knew she wanted to be a scientist from a very early age.
She came from a modest background, but various music and academic grants and scholarships allowed her to attend college with relatively few loans. She attended the University of New Mexico as a physics & mechanical engineering major. Partway through her undergrad education, however, she fell in love with the medical sciences, and so tracked herself towards Medical School for post grad. She graduated Summa Cum Laude at the age of 20. She was immediately accepted into the UNM Medical School curriculum, and three years later, earned her Ph.D in medical sciences and started her first year at the UNM Hospital in Albuquerque, New Mexico. She found her focus with oncology, and studied for the next several years with Dr. McMillan, earning her own credentials in that specialty.
Dr. McMillan was also working with Prospect Memorial, and was loosely involved with the BioMed program at UCP. When a position for a lead researcher opened up at UPC, Dr. McMillan recommended Chandler, and she ws offered the job. In parallel, Dr. McMillan helped Chandler open her own practice at Prospect Memorial, and the two continue collaborate frequently.
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Oncology & Emergency Medicine Chandler is a pediatric oncologist, and spends most of her work time at her practice office, or in the children's clinic. She also works about one rotation a week in the emergency room. Needless to say, a wide range hospital-related RP can be found at Prospect Memorial.
University & Laboratory Sciences Chandler is a key team lead at the UCP BioMedical Research Facility. Her team is focused on blood born illness, and attempting to develop methods to cure them. Top on their list are treatments and cures for leukemia, while the lab as a whole is geared towards a wide range of biological remedies and applications. It is a cross-disciplinary approach, bringing together medical doctors, physicists, chemists and engineers to develop far reaching treatment protocols and delivery systems. The biggest areas of research are in robotics, nanotechnology, gene sequencing and AI in an attempt to develop delivery techniques that are accurate down to the cellular level. Chandler also teaches and holds lectures on campus throughout the year. Feel free to tag me for RP on campus if any of this interests you in the least.
Bar Hopping and Club Dancing Chandler spends 90% of her time working as hard as she can for the patients under her care, for her research, and for her students and interns. When she isn't working, sleeping, or taking care of other biological necesities, she can often be found clubbing. She has been known to cut loose on occasion with heavy drinking, wild dancing and nights out on the town. Look me up if this is your scene.
Prospect Roasters Chandler drinks a lot of coffee, and most of it is from Prospect Roasters. Whether she is recovering after a rough night out on the town, or working through a tough medical case, or trying to find the next breakthrough in her medical research, she can often be found at Prospect Roasters. Never hesitate to ping me if you want casual RP over coffee.
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My Guitar
 My long, lost friend. I am glad I have you back again.
Old Blue
 My first and only car. I have rebuilt you from the ground up so many times that I have every part and parcel memorized.
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