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“They can because they think they can.”
- Virgil

It was a long time ago that my people, the Nunnehi sung of Summer Country. A kingdom, rich, fresh and sweet with dreams and full of glamour. A time when anything was possible and there was peace throughout the lands. We shared a sacred bond with some of the others out there, our allies amongst us, the shifters; brothers Wendigo, Croatan and Uktena. Our families, people and tribes were strong then and times were good...though things were not always to last and soon did times change. The foreigners came to our lands across the Great Seas with their diseases and lies.

They poisoned the lands and brought with them the cold harsh winter of banality and forced upon us their beliefs and strange ways. That was the time when the great storm came to pass throughout the Dreaming and the horrid things of Nightmares came into being, striking across the lands in suffocation and threatening our very lives. It was only the time of the great sacrifice that held the monsters at bay and our friends along with much of our family were lost. the Kingdom has a new name. A different time to come as the Seelie courts of the Sidhe try to take firm hold over the area, freeholds within, and around, attempting to enforce their regime and standards upon all who live within.

Now is the time for the setting sun and so the kingdom was given root: Kingdom of the Setting Sun for its different times and grasping what was left of the glamour left within the city. Changelings around and alike fight for the dreams that mankind has left to hold back the bitter tides of Winter, some fight the harsh restrictions and politics of the courts while others simply try to survive the banality that eats away at our Fae selves every night and day. These...are different times my friend, though there lie ahead many paths to choose from here.

Rules & Systems
Character Generation

CG numbers

  • Your character begins with 7/5/3 for attributes, 13/9/5 for skills, 5 points in backgrounds.
  • Your character's starting willpower and glamour are determined by your seeming. Older changelings have more willpower. Younger changelings have more glamour.
  • You character's begins with 3 arts and 5 realms. Arts are magic tricks. Realms are used as part of dice pools and to determine valid targets.
  • You don't have virtues.
  • There are many backgrounds exclusive to Kithain and Kinain, including: Chimera, Dreamers, Dross, Fae Steed, Remembrance, Retinue, Title, Treasure, and Trod.

Approval Tips
Some tips on getting your character approved painlessly.

  • Make sure to read up on what you wish to play so that you have an idea of how the game/theme/system works.
  • Have a solid concept. Make sure your stats fit the concept you're going for.
  • Talk to Staff in pages, @mail or via +request if you've got questions, concerns or ideas.
  • Not everyone needs to be a combat centric. Social and Mental rolls will be used liberally here.
  • Use common sense. Gunshots get noticed in the city as are weapons that are considered illegal to carry out on the streets in California.
The Area

The Duchy of the Setting Sun, located in the Kingdom of Pacifica, is currently in the midst of a cold war between the two opposing courts. Setting Sun is comprised of four Counties: Ember Skies, Reflective Dawn, Lion's Reach, and Emerald Dale. Within the current County of Lion's Reach is the Rhapsody freehold which has been declared a neutral zone where any Fae, seelie or unseelie, can congregate and be safe. The Freehold is guarded by County hired guards who also patrol the nearby Lost in Time Market, as well a Bygone Guardian Drake that has claimed it as home, though stays hidden during most times. All these territories follow the Escheat. Nobles within their private freeholds/territory may have varying rules. Currently there is a semi-truce between the courts, and the Duchy is shared in as much as no one is overtly stepping upon another's toes. Public appearances of civility are maintained, but that doesn't mean that bad things aren't happening behind the scenes.

This is mostly a NPC peopled county within the Duchy of the Setting Sun, to the very north of Prospect. It would be located in the vicinity of RL Del Mar, California. These NPCs are offered to provide RP hooks to new and existing PCs. Feel free to add any hooks you may have to the NPCs so others can keep informed.
This is mostly a NPC peopled county within the Duchy of the Setting Sun, to the north of Prospect. It would be located in the vicinity of La Jolla, California. These NPCs are offered to provide RP hooks to new and existing PCs. Feel free to add any hooks you may have to the NPCs so others can keep informed.
The County of Lion's Reach is a promising County that encompasses downtown Prospect (RL San Diego) and surrounding suburbs, extending chimerically from the shore of the Ocean of Pacifica across the cliffs and plains, though the Eastern and Western Woods, over the Snow Fangs and into the Shadow Sands desert. The political climate has been in a state of flux for some time now; what was at first an unstable region saw a turn towards tradition and stability under the rule of Count Leras and Countess Ionae of House Fiona, but it was not to last. When the ruling Sidhe couple departed for the Kingdom of Apples towards the end of the summer of 2013, the County was left without an actual Count or Countess to rule over it - or, for that matter, much of a Sidhe presence at all amongst the local Barons and Baronesses. Though still very much under the control of House Fiona, the traditionalist rule of Seelie Sidhe was replaced by a considerably more relaxed semi-government by primarily Unseelie Satyrs until the appointment of a new Count/ess by the Duke in the Spring of 2014.
This is mostly a NPC peopled county within the Duchy of the Setting Sun, to the South of Prospect. It would be located in the vicinity of Chula Vista, California. These NPCs are offered to provide RP hooks to new and existing PCs. Feel free to add any hooks you may have to the NPCs so others can keep informed.
  • Grand Kingdom of Concordia
    • Some of this is canon (Nobles: The Shining Host 51-53 / Kingdom of Willows 174), some of it is made up
    • Setting Sun may have been carved out of Illusions at some point in the past


PCs who choose to be members of a County or Barony recognize the authority of its leaders, and agree to follow the terms of the Escheat as interpreted by them or accept the consequences for breaking faith.
Escheat and Introductions
With no actual Count or Countess currently in residence, the interpretation and enforcement of the Escheat has been left to the various Barons and Baronesses that rule over the various parts of the County. Laws are laws for a reason, but with no individual Changeling ruling over the County as a whole it is entirely possible that the punishment for any given offense might vary immensely depending on who hands the verdict out.

  • Faerie Introductions
Newcomers to the County would do well to introduce themselves to one or more of the ruling Barons and Baronesses in the region, though they may very well have vastly differing expectations of said newcomers.
  • Baron Lonne ap Fiona, presently holding the former County seat, CAN be reached by missive (@mail), but generally prefers that newcomers just stop by the Sideshow or the Grove of Tethys and say hi; a 'formal audience' is likely to be anything but formal, and Baron Lonne generally does not require anyone to make any oaths of fealty or citizenship; the Satyr Baron firmly maintains that loyalty and respect should be earned, not taken for granted by sheer virtue of having a title.
  • Baroness Liazaelyn Blackpool ni Fiona accepts missives or phone calls (@mail in-game) or someone just dropping by Capricorn Studios where she is often found. She accepts Oaths of Fealty from those that wish to serve in her court, but does not mind those that come and go as long as they follow the rules of Escheat within her barony.
The Seelie Court

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The Unseelie Court

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The Kinain