Inner Circle Do it for Them
Alissa - My newest puzzle box and what an intoxicating one.//The sweetest honey with notes of clove and hints of spice. I'm not letting you get away again. Who's that casting devious stares in my direction?  
Flavien - DissolveNo flask can keep it - Bubble up and cut right through - But you're someone I believe in...
Nadira - Capable and well spoken.
Camilla - I like your bar.
Jodessa - Pick a card... any card...
Prospect PRAXIS
Vegard - The sort of person who expects respect.
Arya - More than just a pretty face? Who am I to say..
Amelie - Unknown Cacophony to Keeper with nary the appearance of effort. Something tells me this is just the first verse of her song... I can't wait to hear the chorus.// The music swells...
Constance Capable, kind, devoted. Rare bird, indeed.
Colombe - Every Ventrue is respectable by right of blood, yet, can she separate person from persona? Time will tell..
Cropsey - Don't forget! I prefer to be the gorilla... cute analogy though.
Hannah Coventry - A river of doubt gave birth to a beautiful stone...
Holly - Brightly colored and full of life, your ability to decide fate with a coin toss is both inspiring and alarming. Be careful. Ask, if you need help.
Jett - Who?
Lorelei - Perfect timing, hold my juice box.
Madeline - Graceful and effervescent, the true embodiment of Toreador.
Martha - Something wicked this way comes...
Mikey - Sit down or say something useful, don't just stand there making that face.
Mikael - I'm glad we found the right place for you in this city, you've done well over the years and looking back now? I'm quite happy things turned out the way they did, you've grown plenty in his care.
Nino - Oh, oh, tell them the one about how the Malkavian scared the Nosferatu so bad he ran out of the room like a little puppy. That's one of my favorites.
Phillip - Giving women unsolicited fashion advice is /so/ 1889.
Sveta - A Russian cipher without a tell? There are ways to decode a person but I can't promise it'll work...
Paige - Insightful, intuitive, ambitious. Dangerous combination.
Torgue - You remember the nurse? Me too. Don't test me again.
Wade - Still waters run deep but so do certain roiling rapids. Clearly.
Adele - The years have not brought us any closer but they have delivered unending insight.
Agate - Good at what she does.
Azrael B. - One to watch, I said it ages ago and now he's...back again. Charming fellow. Gone again. I can't keep up with this one.
Cedric - "And I would have gotten away with it too! If it hadn't been for those meddling Muslims."
Caerus - A cunning fellow composed of clever words and callous motives; I really enjoy our chats.
Charli - Exceedingly lucky I'm not the jealous sort.
Ilias - Chivalry is far from dead... it simply wears a fedora in these modern nights.// Careful sir, your sense of entitlement is showing.
Jolene - No martyr works it harder (It rhymes if you say it with a French accent.) Seriously though, she has been diligent in her efforts for the hospital and I swear her motives are truly genuine. She is a stunning example of what other Neonates could achieve in the Public sector when their heart is in the right place.
Opal - Opal has ability to amplify both good and bad traits and brings characteristics to the surface for transformation. If a stone can do it, so can you...
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