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It is difficult to free fools from the chains they revere.

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  • Amelie - You say a lot of the right things. That usually makes me keep my eyes on my back. We'll see.
  • Arya - You're a little more my style, but still the same.
  • Colombe - Just as expected. That's thing with the Ventrue, always pretending to be something they aren't to gain your trust. The truth always comes out in the wash.
  • Daphnne - You seem reasonable enough. Though I've known many who have thought similarly just before they felt the knife in their back.
  • Elliot - I don't understand him and maybe never will. I'm not sure I like him. But I will have his back whenever he needs.
  • Flavien - Careful where you tread. You can be my enemy or not, but not both.
  • Hannah Coventry - Not all surprises are unwelcome ones. Ridiculous.
  • Mikael - Unfortunate you belong to that filth. You are tolerable.
  • Nino - I hate to break it to you, Ugly. You're not the only Monster in the night. Try mine sometime, I dare you.
  • Paige - Petulant child who throws temper tantrums when she doesn't get what she wants. Not sure if I'm more disappointed in; you, or His Majesty for allowing it.
  • Vegard - He wants me to trust him, and so I'll give it a try, but the gesture couldn't hurt the other way.


  • Raul - I tried to warn you. You just wouldn't listen. There's a thin line between walkin' free and and dyin' free. Peace out, cowboy.

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Wade 'Reaper' Taylor

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Race: Vampire
Full Name: Wade Taylor
Sect: Camarilla
Date of Birth: Older than he looks
Clan: Brujah
Position: Iconclast & Idealist. Former Brujah Primogen.
Apparent Age: Early 20's
Height: 6'6"
Soundtrack: Demons - Imagine Dragons

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RP Hooks
Ex-Anarch: Several years ago, Wade switched sides. No one knows why, but from all appearances he has been a fairly loyal member of the Camarilla since. Even held several higher positions. It was definitely a sudden change.

Abrasive: Wade can be abrasive, like his Clan, in many ways. He doesn't hold his tongue and he's not afraid to tell it like it is. (OOC: Please understand this is never personal and the character and player are vastly different.)

Brujah to the Core: He's fiercely loyal to the Clan, despite everything else. If you are Brujah, he will likely help you out, it's a solidarity thing.

Lot of History: Wade is old, nobody knows quite how old, but he's got a lot of baggage and is not an easy person to befriend. He does not trust easily. His past has taught him a lot of hard lessons.

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Wade Char.jpg

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