Rules Entries

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These Rules are also viewable in House Rules, but this page is a collection of everything in one single place.

Rules Changes and Clarifications

The following topics are areas where we've needed to depart from the books or clarify our stands on them. The most updated version of each will be available on game by using "+rules" for a listing, or "+rules <insert name of topic>".












All Entries Alphabetically

Alphabetical List with Text

Ability Aptitude


Merits that directly reduce the difficulty of an ability roll (such as Ability Aptitude) do not apply to supernatural powers using that ability roll, unless the merit specifically says that it does. Merely being classified as a 'supernatural merit' or similar is insufficient.

  • Exception: Ability Aptitude in Rituals applies to performing level 1 and 2 rites, but not to performing higher level rites.
  • Ability Aptitude also does not apply to combat (as usual).
  • House rule for Ability Aptitude specifically: May be taken up to twice per PC.


  • A demon uses Lore of the Forge (Perception + Crafts) to improve a car. If the demon has Ability Aptitude: Crafts, then it doesn't apply in that situation.
  • The above demon succeeded anyway, the car now gives -1 difficulty to Drive rolls. A ratkin steals the car and gets into a high-speed chase (Dexterity or Wits + Drive). If the ratkin has Ability Aptitude: Drive, then it does apply, and stacks with the car's bonus. (It's not affecting a power, just the side effect of a power.)
  • A mage has the Natural Channel merit, which includes "difficulty to use magic to pierce the Gauntlet is one less". This applies as stated.
  • Acute Sense (VtM Revised page 296) says "This Merit can be combined with the Discipline Auspex to produce superhuman sensory acuity." This also applies as stated. In particular, Aura Perception (Auspex 2) is specifically visual, so Acute Vision applies to it.
  • Awareness is not a power, it just detects powers, so Ability Aptitude: Awareness is allowed. However, Awareness is not consistently tied to any of the five senses like Auspex 2 is, so the Acute Sense merits don't apply to Awareness.

f* A changeling doesn't need a power to create a chimerical item, nor does a wraith need a power to soulforge an item in the Shadowlands, so those are unaffected.

Abyss Mysticism


Restricted to: Lasombra with Road of the Abyss, Road of Night, or a descendant of one of those Roads, or Path of Evil Revelations if the infernal entity's ultimate goal is to plunge the world into Abyssal darkness
Primary path: n/a

Not a separate discipline, but an extension of Obtenebration.

Manipulating the Abyss:

  • Variation of Arms of the Abyss (Obtenebration 3) requires at least (Obtenebration 3 Occult 2) or (Obtenebration 2 Occult 3).
  • Variation of Shadowstep (Obtenebration 6) is not available.


  • Requires at least Occult 3, and is +1 difficulty unless you have at least Occult 4 with specialty of Abyss Mysticism.
  • Requires Obtenebration >= ritual level.
  • Level 4+ rituals require Occult >= ritual level.

Lasombra 73, Players Guide to High Clans 175



Restricted to: Followers of Set
Primary path: Various

Treated as "out of clan" for purposes of chargen (requires freebies) and XP costs, unless targeted by Additional Discipline merit.

Secondary paths have no restrictions beyond XP cost.

Anyone who has wraith sight active, and successfully detects Ahku via Awareness, will detect that a soul is being tortured. This may lead to risk escalation.

Path powers:

  • Roll varies by path and level
  • Occult Library background applies if and only if the roll includes Occult


  • Default duration is (5 * level) minutes
  • Roll Intelligence + Occult vs (3 + level)
  • Botch = cancel all currently active ritual and path effects
  • Occult Library background does apply

Paths overlapping with Thaumaturgy:

  • Blood Sacrifice 24, if also included in +liststats thaumpaths
  • +selfstat Has Thaumaturgy Paths=1

Blood Magic 113, Blood Sacrifice 24

Alternate Arcanoi


Alternate arcanoi arts:

  • The Great War - available to all wraiths, including tempered arcanoi (page 137).
- House rule: Great War Argos 1 is identical to regular Argos 1 (no difficulty bonus).
  • The Hierarchy - requires Faction = Hierarchy.
  • Renegades - requires Faction = Renegade.
  • Guildbook (including Mnemoi from Ends of Empire) - see Arcanoi on wiki for details.
  • If the required thing is currently blank or "None", +request to have it changed.
  • Arts from other books are currently unavailable. On +request, staff will research which splat would be allowed to learn them, whether any PCs could belong to it, and where it fits into the factions.

Alternate Identity


This rule covers alternate/fake identities that are backed up by physical ID cards and/or paper/electronic records and/or NPCs who already believe you (as opposed to just lying on the spot and rolling Subterfuge).

If you just switched mortal identities as part of your backstory, then you can just handwave that it succeeded. (Example: A vampire periodically creates a new identity, then fakes the death of the old one.) If it ever becomes relevant, staff will work with you to establish details.

The Alternate Identity merit (3 dots, Guide to the Camarilla 76) is for presenting an alternate identity to a supernatural faction and thus passing as a member of that faction.

  • PCs in your faction may do more stringent checking if many spies have been caught.
  • House rule: If you're just passing as a different clan/etc. within your actual faction, it only costs 2 dots (1 if you're passing as something low-status, e.g. Caitiff/Pander).
  • 'Factions' that don't actually operate as a unified group (e.g. Autarkis) don't require this merit, even for different clan/etc.

The Alternate Identity background (1 to 5 dots, The Bitter Road 113) is for presenting an alternate identity to mortal society. Mundane research into the supporting paperwork requires Intelligence + Investigation vs (3 + background level) to identify it as fake.

If you just have a physical fake ID created by a PC with Forgery, then a +note is sufficient. Any fake ID not supported on +sheet is assumed to be of this type. Mundane examination of the physical ID requires Perception + Investigation (resisted by the original Forgery creation roll) to identify it as fake.

NPCs will only investigate these things if they're prodded by a PC or have some other specific reason to do so. (Example: if you get a speeding ticket, then the officer will run your driver's license through some routine processing, whether it's real or fake.)

Animal Ghoul Retainers

Animal Ghouls (From WW2300/302)

Alligator Stats
Attributes: Strength: 4, Dexterity: 2, Stamina: 4
Abilities: Alertness: 2, Athletics: 2, Brawl: 2, Stealth: 3
Disciplines: Potence 1
Misc: Blood: 5, Willpower: 3, Health Levels: OKx3, -1x3, -2, -5, Incap
Combat: Bite for 7L, Tail Slap for 6B, Soak 1 B/L
Notes: Must be hidden outside of sewers

Bear Stats
Attributes: Strength: 5, Dexterity: 2, Stamina: 5
Abilities: Alertness: 3, Brawl: 3, Intimidation: 2, Stealth: 1
Disciplines: Potence 1
Misc: Blood: 5, Willpower: 4, Health Levels: OKx3, -1x3, -3x2, -5, Incap
Combat: Claw for 7L, Bite for 5L
Notes: Must be hidden outside of forest

Large Bird Stats
Attributes: Strength: 2, Dexterity: 3, Stamina: 3
Abilities: Alertness: 3, Athletics: 2, Brawl: 2, Dodge 2, Empathy: 4, Intimidation: 3, Stealth: 2
Disciplines: Potence 1
Misc: Blood: 1/2, Willpower: 3, Health Levels: OK, -1x2, -2, -5
Combat: Claw for 2L

Large Dog Stats
Attributes: Strength: 4, Dexterity: 3, Stamina: 3
Abilities: Alertness: 3, Athletics: 2, Brawl: 3, Dodge 3, Empathy: 2, Intimidation: 3, Stealth: 2
Disciplines: Potence 1
Misc: Blood: 2, Willpower: 5, Health Levels: OK, -1x2, -2x2, -5
Combat: Claw for 4L, Bite for 5L

Large Horse Stats
Attributes: Strength: 6, Dexterity: 2, Stamina: 5
Abilities: Alertness: 3, Athletics: 2, Brawl: 3, Empathy: 2, Intimidation: 2
Disciplines: Potence 1, Celerity 1
Misc: Blood: 4, Willpower: 5, Health Levels: OKx2, -1x2, -2x2, -5
Combat: Trample/Kick 7B, Bite 3L
Notes: Not street-legal.

All Ghoul notes require approval.

Apocalyptic Form

  • "Apocalyptic form", "revelatory form", and "visage" are all the same thing.
  • Even if you only manifest one effect, you still count as taking your apocalyptic form.
  • While in your apocalyptic form, physical and mental merits/flaws do not apply. (DPG 75) We interpret "fully" as "to any degree whatsoever".
  • Custom apocalyptic forms:
* Demons can replace one or more effects of their apocalyptic form, but must retain at least one standard effect (either low or high torment). (DPG 98)
* Points are per DPG chapter 4. (Some are clearly different names for the same thing. Shroud of Flames and Ink Cloud don't appear to be in DPG at all, they're both rated at 2.)
* XP cost is (10*difference) XP if the new form has more points total and/or low-torment, free if it has same or fewer. This overrides DPG page 124. Changes with non-zero XP cost are not available during chargen.
* Effects currently granted in a pact can't be replaced.
* Multiple form powers that improve the same stat cannot be stacked.
* Multiple form powers that improve two stats used together (probably attribute+ability) can be stacked.
* Demons whose total is under 16 can add effects. XP cost for going above 16 total and/or 8 low-torment is 10 per dot over. Standard forms under 16 are:
Under 16 Forms
(7+4) Devil / Radiance
(7+6) Scourge / Winds
(8+4) Scourge / Firmament
(7+6) Malefactor / Paths
(7+6) Fiend / Light

Under 16 Forms
(9+2) Fiend / Portals
(6+6) Defiler / Storms
(7+6) Defiler / Transfiguration
(7+4) Slayer / Realms
(10+5) Slayer / Spirit

Appearing Human


One of the more low-key down sides of being a vampire is falling into the Uncanny Valley. You still look and move pretty much like a human, but slightly /wrong/, and mortals may notice (even if only subconsciously). The lower your Humanity, the worse this gets. It's possible to socialize with mortals and still maintain the Masquerade (obviously), but it requires some effort.

VtM 134: "Vampires with low Humanity acquire unnatural and disturbing features like sunken eyes, perpetual snarls and bestial countenances."

VtM 138-139: "...display certain corpselike features; for instance, their skin is unnaturally cold and ashen, and they do not breathe." Appearing more human for a scene costs (8 minus Humanity) blood points; vampires with Humanity 8+ can do it for free, while vampires on a Path of Enlightenment can't do it at all. (+request if you think a specific Path should be an exception to the latter.)

VtM 286: "...a Path follower is treated as though he has a Humanity score of 3 when using the rules for interacting with mortals."

VtM 136: "Humanity 3-2 ... Vampires at this stage may be physically /mistaken/ for human, but don't count on it."

Countermeasures include (but are not limited to):

  • Obfuscate discipline.
  • Vicissitude discipline (somewhat).
  • Blush of Health merit.
  • Eat Food merit (but you have to heave it back up later in the evening).
  • Lots of makeup.
  • Hanging around with goths.
  • Hanging around in dark or poorly lit places.

PCs attempting to notice this about a vampire should roll Perception + Alertness, resisted by the vampire's Manipulation + Empathy (or Masquerade at -1 diff).

  • +rules road auras applies to the latter, including +1 diff for Path of Enlightenment (treated like Humanity 3 per the above).
  • +rules sniping does not apply, as this is mundane observation and not a supernatural power.
  • Other circumstances (such as the countermeasures above) should modify difficulties as appropriate.



The Arcane background makes you harder for others to notice/track.

As this affects such a basic aspect of existence, and has led to a great deal of confusion in practice, there are extensive house rules. It is vitally important that you be familiar with these rules before taking Arcane, or dealing with someone else who has taken it.

Due to length, these house rules are split up into sections:

MtA 118
MtR 64

Arcane Clarifications


Does not affect other PCs unless you OOCly inform them of your Arcane during the scene in question.

  • Don't assume they remember from a previous scene.
  • Listing it on the wiki is insufficient.
  • They may still exercise their discretion as to how much/little they're affected, beyond the game mechanics listed in '+rules arcane game mechanics'.
  • You should consider pro-actively offering suggestions (you've thought about this but they may not have), but not be pushy about it. If you have trouble agreeing, use the game mechanics above.

Does not require active effort to maintain, however you can make an active effort to temporarily negate it.

  • This can be directly across the board, and/or indirectly and situationally, e.g. by visiting your friends to make sure they still have your correct phone number.

Arcane may have significant negative effects, and you should roleplay them appropriately. (Your bank may lose track of your account, an ambulance may fail to find your house, etc.)

  • You should not roleplay anything that flaunts this (e.g. you're bleeding out in an alley when your buddy conveniently stumbles across you) unless either
(a) you're conscious and choose to temporarily negate it (running the risk that an enemy finds you first), or
(b) they have something appropriate to counteract it.

If you're in combat or otherwise drawing attention to yourself:

  • It doesn't apply to anyone in the scene while the scene is in progress.
  • However, it does apply to those events after the scene is concluded.

Doesn't apply to extremely unusual traits (e.g. purple hair, peg leg, Huge Size merit).

  • If a supernatural power would be noticed as weird even by a mortal with no Awareness, then that counts as "extremely unusual".
  • Otherwise, Arcane works normally against passive Awareness checks (which include Perception), as well as any follow-up rolls if someone succeeds at an Awareness check but not well enough to be sure who it was.

Doesn't affect people in dimensions other than normalspace.

  • However, it does protect a mummy's khat (physical body) while they're in the Lands of the Dead.

As usual, other relevant stats/powers/effects/items (besides just attributes/abilities) may counteract some/all of these effects.

  • A hunter spending Conviction negates the effects of Arcane on them, but only for as long as their Conviction remains active.

Arcane Concepts



  • People tend to forget, confuse, or misremember details about you, or just not pick them up in the first place.
  • Records of you tend to disappear, become confused or incorrect, or just not get recorded in the first place.

"Tend to" means sometimes, not always, not never.

Arcane Game Mechanics


Game mechanics:

  • You add your Arcane to your Stealth rolls.
  • Others subtract your Arcane from their Perception and/or Investigation rolls targeting you.

Example: A shifter targets you with Sense of the Prey gift, but you have Arcane.

  • If you aren't actively trying to hide:
- Normally it finds you automatically without a roll.
- Your Arcane has no effect, because there's no roll for it to target.
  • If you are actively trying to hide:
- Normally the Garou rolls Perception + Enigmas vs a difficulty of your Wits + Stealth.
- Your Arcane affects the Perception part, subtracting dice.
- Your Arcane doesn't affect the Stealth part, because it only affects your Stealth rolls. (If the gift was worded as "shifter rolls vs diff 6 and you resist by rolling your Wits + Stealth vs diff 6", then your Arcane would affect the Stealth part.)

Arcane Races


Arcane may be taken by mages, mummies, sorcerers/psychics, bygones, and mortals, but no other race/subrace.

  • It also appears in VtM supplements, but is not available to vampires; we've chosen to not make it that easy to protect your Masquerade.

Arcane affects all others, regardless of their race or subrace.

  • MtA mentions Sleepers at one point, but never explicitly says that only Sleepers are affected.



Arcanoi: (Some of these are based on Buried Secrets pages 22-24.)
NOTE: These have not yet been reviewed for Wraith20 update, Wraith20 416-417 seems to be the equivalent

  • Argos
- Mostly restricted to the Underworld.
- Argos 1 (Enshroud): Embodied wraiths can use it on themselves, but not on others.
- Argos 2 (Phantom Wings): May be an exception.
  • Mnemosynis
- Memories (Ends of Empire 135) is available. Without it, hanging on to an acquired memory too long may have negative consequences at staff discretion.
  • Outrage
- Outrage 4 (Death's Touch): Interpret 'heat and extent of the fire' based on WtO page 234 (Sources of Injury -> Fire). Living creatures and vampires cannot be directly ignited, but their clothes etc. can be.
- Outrage 5 (Obliviate): Works normally against supernaturals as well as mortals.
  • Pandemonium
- Pandemonium 1 (Weirdness): Lasts for one turn per success, and is limited to small hallucinations. Phantasm is broader in scope.
- Pandemonium 4 (Foul Humour): Can create one point of blood per two successes, but it's "revolting to a vampire - clotted, foul and generally nasty, much like what a Risen would have in her veins".
  • Usury
- Usury 2 (Charitable Trust): Cannot heal aggravated damage. Moliate 2 (Sculpt) can, but is more expensive.
- Usury 3 (Early Withdrawal): Is unsoakable. Also cannot heal aggravated damage.

See also: Alternate Arcanoi



Normally, a Seeking is required for a mage to increase their Arete. Instead, we limit the rate at which mages can raise Arete above 3, per +rules minimum time. Additionally, buying up Arete has the following costs:

  • Arete 2: 8 XP
  • Arete 3: 16 XP
  • Arete 4: 24 XP
  • Arete 5: 32 XP

A mage who studies a Grimoire/Principia can raise Arete sooner, see +rules grimoire for details.

As Awakening can take you straight to Arete 2 or 3 (MtA 124), we only time-limit raising Arete above 3.

If you retire a mage with Arete 4+, then you may raise a new mage's Arete faster, effectively one or two levels lower on the usual +rules minimum time chart:

  • Old Arete 4, new Arete to 4: 3 months
  • Old Arete 4, new Arete to 5: 6 months
  • Old Arete 5, new Arete to 4: 1 month
  • Old Arete 5, new Arete to 5: 3 months



We don't allow PCs to reduce permanent Autonomy below 4.

Temporary Autonomy can drop to 0. If it would drop below 0, then 1 permanent Autonomy is converted to 10 temporary Autonomy to make up the difference.

If permanent Autonomy drops below Willpower, then Willpower is dropped to match.

Kami do not have Autonomy. For the purpose of die rolls involving Autonomy (e.g. Spirit Kinship, Fading, Urges), we treat kami as if they have Autonomy of 6 permanent / 0 temporary.

 * They cannot raise Autonomy with XP, nor lower it to gain powers or remove taints.
 * Anything else that affects Autonomy also affects these effective values, e.g. a Kami with Consecrated 2 would have effective Autonomy of 5 permanent / 5 temporary.

Avatar Storm

Same as +rules maelstrom



Awareness may not be available to all races and anything non-standard will have to have staff approval.

These rules apply to rolling Awareness to detect the use of a supernatural power.

  • They apply to anything in the 'Powers' section of a PC's +sheet, as well as magic items in +equip or +notes.
  • They do not apply to other uses of supernatural pools (e.g. Garou spending Rage for extra actions).
  • They do not apply to other uses of Awareness (e.g. demons rolling Manipulation+Awareness to cast Lore of Firmanent 4).

Due to length, this is split up into sections:
These rules apply to rolling Awareness to detect the use of a supernatural power.

  • They apply to anything in the 'Powers' section of a PC's +sheet, as well as magic items in +equip or +notes.
  • They do not apply to other uses of supernatural pools (e.g. Garou spending Rage for extra actions).
  • They do not apply to other uses of Awareness (e.g. demons rolling Manipulation+Awareness to cast Lore of Firmanent 4).

Due to length, this is split up into sections:

+rules awareness triggers When can you roll Awareness?
+rules awareness difficulties What difficulty is your roll?
+rules awareness results How much do you learn?
+rules awareness timing How quickly can you react?
+rules awareness demons Additional rules for demons.
+rules awareness vs kenning Where does Kenning fit into this?

See Also: Sniping

Awareness Demons

Additional rules for demons

This partly overrides DtF 172.

  • If the demon is in the same room as the source or victim, then use the +rules awareness system as usual.
  • Otherwise, the demon must be actively trying to sense a power, and must have some idea what they're looking for. ("Someone approaching my house", "someone in town targeting me", "someone doing something in this PRP" are all okay. "Anyone in town doing anything" is not, as it would be impractical to enforce.)
- Ability: Awareness, /not/ Alertness.
- Difficulty: Use the above rules.
- Results: Limited to the chart from DtF 172.
- Range: Up to (demon's Faith) miles (DtF 172) from source or victim.
- Duration: Up to (demon's Faith) hours after the power was used.

Awareness Difficulties

What difficulty is your roll?
  • Diff 4 - Level 5+ power
  • Diff 6 - Level 4 power
  • Diff 7 - Level 3 power
  • Diff 9 - Level 2 power
  • Diff 10 - Level 1 power
- Power without an obvious level - Treat as level 1, but discuss with staff afterward
  • +1 difficulty if the power is used only for sensing
  • -1 difficulty if the power is targeting the player doing the roll
  • +2 difficulty if the power is from a different game line than the player doing the roll
- Mortal+ is grouped with the closest supernatural race
- For a kinmage, this affects disciplines, but not spheres or gifts
  • +2 difficulty if the power is used to conceal something (e.g. Obfuscate)
  • If the final difficulty is greater than 10, the roll automatically fails

"Level" is the level of the power being used: If you have Auspex 5 but you're only using Spirit's Touch (Auspex 3), that's level 3.

  • Mages use highest sphere level
  • Changelings use art level
  • Magic items use item level
  • Anything that isn't on a scale of 1 to 5 (or rarely 6), ask staff for clarification

Awareness Results

How much do you learn?
  • 1 Success - Gives the player a sense that 'something' has happened, but not what/where/degree of effect.
  • 2 Successes - The player knows what happened, but not where/degree of effect.
- Bob's mind has been influenced.
- My keys have suddenly gone missing.
- Somebody is here that wasn't here before.
  • 3 Successes - Player knows what happened/location of the source/and degree of effect.
- The accuracy of the location of the source would be equivalent to pointing one's finger at the source. In a crowded room, the individual rolling Awareness gets a general direction of where the source is. (See +rules In Public).
  • 4 Successes - Player knows what/where/degree of effect and some extra insight into the power used.
- Person rolling Awareness learns the general direction and rough distance of the source.
- Example extra insight: Discovering the "vehicle" of the power: Touch, Eye Contact, Words, etc.
- Players can agree on a different insight.
- If players can't agree on a different insight, "vehicle" is the default insight.
  • 5 or More Successes - Player knows what/where/degree of effect and has a full understanding of the result. This is not the same as understanding the power itself.
- The attention of the character rolling Awareness is immediately drawn to the exact source.

Understanding the nature of powers requires the appropriate Lore at 3.

- e.g. "Bob's mind has been influenced" vs. "Bob's mind has been influenced by a vampire using Dominate"

Awareness Timing

How quickly can you react?
  • Awareness checks ICly happen at the moment the power is used.
- For extended actions, each core-mechanic roll (e.g. Arete for mages) provides one Awareness check at the end of its duration.

Countermagic (active on-the-fly counter-effects, e.g. mages and some sorcerers)

In combat:

  • Counts as a defensive action and happens simultaneously with the 'attack' (similar to physical dodging), regardless of initiative order.
  • You can abort-to-countermagic (MtA 154) (similar to abort-to-dodge) if all of the following are true:
- You have a reasonable IC suspicion (via Awareness or otherwise) that hostile magic may be incoming
- You still have an unused action (which gets replaced by the countermagic)
- You satisfy any other relevant requirements (e.g. mage countermagic uses your Arete, and your Arete can only be used once per turn)

Extended actions (usually out of combat):

  • Once you have a reasonable IC suspicion (via Awareness or otherwise) that hostile magic may be incoming, you can attempt countermagic once per core-mechanic roll (including the one whose Awareness check gave you that suspicion).

Awareness Triggers

When can you roll Awareness?
  • Each player with Awareness can roll Perception + Awareness once per effect.
- Players without' Awareness cannot roll Perception by itself.
- Because this is a passive roll, players cannot spend Willpower for an automatic success.
- If the effect is an extended action, each core-mechanic roll (e.g. Arete for mages) triggers a check.
- If you don't OOCly know a power was used, staff may do your roll secretly and inform you only if it succeeds.
  • Awareness itself is not a power and can not be sensed by Awareness or other powers.
  • Awareness can only be rolled when an effect has activated.
- Example: A standing rote that deflects flying anvils does not grant an awareness check. When that same rote actually deflects an anvil, it grants an awareness check.
- Exception: Truly continuous effects don't trigger Awareness except when initiated. This includes effects that alter what others notice, even if observers come and go. (Examples: A vampire uses Obfuscate. A mage uses Life to increase their Strength.)
  • An effect that is rolled and fails (including being fully resisted) still counts as 'activated'.
- The resisting effect (if any) also triggers an Awareness check, as it just deflected something.
- Does not include cases where the person is incapacitated first, or otherwise prevented from even trying.
  • To roll Awareness, the player must be in the same room as the source or victim of the effect.
- In addition, if they're in different layers of reality (e.g. Shadowlands), the effect must occur in (or cross into) a level of reality that the player can currently see.
  • Scrying through time only triggers an Awareness roll if:
- The scry targets you specifically, not just a location you've visited.
- You have at least one dot in Time, Chronos, or another relevant stat at ST discretion.

Awareness vs Kenning

Where does Kenning fit into this?

Kenning may be substituted for Awareness, but at +2 difficulty unless the effect being detected is a cantrip, or fae-adjacent (e.g. Chimerstry, Mytherceria).

Awareness may not be substituted for any of the other things that Kenning does.



Perceiving Banality:

  • Changelings and Subrace: Kinain are able to discern Banality automatically and accurately. (+help +banality)
  • Others can infer Banality 8+ by the reaction of known changelings/chimera (+help fae). It's not exact, it's not cause for alarm unless they've claimed to be something that averages Banality 5 or less, and anything other than observing the reaction of known changeling PCs counts as sniping (+rules sniping).

Temporary Banality:

  • Tracked separately on +sheet ("Temp Banality") and starts at 0.
  • If it goes over 10, then it decreases by 10 and permanent Banality increases by 1 (submit a +request). (CtD 150)
- Reducing permanent Banality requires a Quest adjudicated by staff. (CtD 153) Cannot go below your Seeming's baseline.
  • "If your character's temporary Banality score ever exceeds his permanent Glamour score, he begins to slip into the Mists, reverting to his mortal seeming and forgetting that he is Kithain. This generally only occurs between stories, when the character is not actively involved with other changelings." (CtD 152)

Things that increase temporary Banality: (+gain temp banality) (CtD 152-153)

  • +1 for using your Banality to resist a cantrip.
  • +1 for trying and failing to overcome someone's Banality. (Does not include trying to cast a cantrip on them.)
  • +N for destroying a treasure or chimera. (CtD 216)
  • +1 for killing someone chimerically, additional +1 for also killing them physically.
  • +N for spending time in the company of high Banality. (ST discretion, typically +1/+2/+3 per scene for Banality 8/9/10 respectively.)
- Does not happen at combat-turn speed. You need not flee like a vampire from sunlight. You may stay in the room and just keep some distance from them, both literally and figuratively.
- Fae-oriented but public hangouts may want to post an OOC notice explaining this status and suggesting that Banality 8+ PCs avoid it. Banality 8+ PCs should generally respect such suggestions.
  • +N for being excessively mundane. (ST discretion, e.g. killing a changeling with cold iron.)
  • +1 for botching Rapture. (CtD 214)
  • +N if your level N freehold is destroyed, but its creator also regains N Glamour. (CtD 226)

Things that decrease temporary Banality: (+lose temp banality) (CtD 153)

  • When you would gain temporary Banality, you can choose to gain a Nightmare Die instead. (+gain nightmare dice) (+rules nightmare dice)
  • When you would gain temporary Glamour, you can choose to decrease temporary Banality instead. (Must be decided at the moment you would gain it.)


  • Gift of Pan (satyr birthright, CtD 98-99) decreases both permanent and temporary Banality, but these changes go away within a few hours.
  • Banality's Curse (sidhe frailty, CtD 101): All increases of temporary Banality are doubled.
  • Poetic Heart (3 dot merit, CtD 164): Once per story (+rules time), when your temporary Banality would increase, roll Willpower (difficulty = permanent Banality); a successful roll negates 1 point of the increase.

See also:
Banality by Race
Nightmare Dice

Banality by Race

  • Most of these are from CtD 2nd pages 287 (281 for mages).
  • If more than one applies (e.g. due to merits), then look at the lowest/highest numbers within any of those ranges.
  • These are averages. PCs may be 1 higher or lower by request, but minimum 1 except for chimerical bygones.
  • House rules:
- Faerie Affinity (2 point merit) allows a PC whose average is 6+ (after taking all other factors into account) to be up to 3 lower than normal. It has no other effects (changelings are not obligated to like you, and if they don't then they can still target you with their powers more easily).
- Wyld Touched background lowers Banality as listed below. Weaver Touched raises it by equal amounts.


2-3 Nuwisha
2-5 Ceilican (Bastet)
3-5 Corax
3-5 Munchmausen (Ratkin)
4-6 Kitsune
7 Most other shifters
7 Wyrm creatures


1-3 Kami (Possessed)
2-3 Gorgons (Possessed)
2-5 Kinain
6 Sorcerers/psychics
7 Kinfolk
7 Ghouls
7 Fomori (Possessed)
10 Drones (Possessed)


1-2 Marauders
2-4 Mystics (Verbena, CoX, Hermetics, Dreamspeakers)
4-6 True Believers (Nephandi, Celestial Chorus, Akashic Brotherhood, Euthanatos, most Craft wizards)
6-8 Modern Cynics (SoE, Hollow Ones, VA, many Orphans)
8-10 Technocrats


6 Malkavians
6 Ravnos
6 Gangrel
6 Kiasyd
8-9 Most other vampires


5 Yang imbalanced
6 Yang aligned
7 Balanced
8 Yin aligned
9 Yin imbalanced


1 Childling
3 Wilder
5 Grump
10 Dauntain


7 Most demons


4 Wraiths
7 Risen


4-6 Mummies

(8 in canon, but that
pre-dated perfected
Spell of Life)


0 Chimerical
2-4 Other

Mortal / other

3-5 Children
5 Drunks, lunatics
6-7 Other adult humans
(-3) Spirit Sight or An-da-shealladh merit*
(-1) Wyld Touched 1-2
(-2) Wyld Touched 3-4
(-3) Wyld Touched 5
(+1) Weaver Touched 1-2
(+2) Weaver Touched 3-4
(+3) Weaver Touched 5

*if not already changeling or kinain

See Also: The Mists
Banality Wiki Page


  • The Redcap birthright Dark Appetite, in combat:
* Requires spending a Glamour, as usual.
* Requires calling upon the Wyrd to do non-chimerical damage, as usual.
* Dexterity + Brawl + 1 vs normal difficulty.
* Damage is aggravated.
* Severing a limb: No additional penalty/bonus for targeting.
* Head/neck counts as a limb, but still only takes +3 damage. If that isn't enough to kill them, it's only severely traumatized.
  • The Satyr birthright +1 Stamina applies to both fae mien and mortal seeming.
  • The Troll birthright +1 / +2 health levels applies only to fae mien, unless the troll calls upon the Wyrd or has Seeming's Blessing. (cf. page 168, Huge Size)

Blood Bond


Blood bonding a PC requires the vampire to directly provide the blood to a specific victim. There are no mass or accidental blood bonds. The Vampire must be physically present to blood bond a victim.

When a blood bond on a PC is added/changed/removed, both vampire and victim should set a +note and ask staff to approve it. In case of ambiguity, staff will err in the direction of assuming that no bond exists.

Blood bonds range from 1 to 3. Initiating and increasing a blood bond requires a drop of blood and each must be administered on separate nights. A blood bond does not provide any ghoul powers or abilities, just emotional attachment; ghouling requires giving them more blood.

See also:

Blood Bond Immunity By Race


Shifters (Werewolf Storyteller's Handbook 197, G:FA 23) - Roll the shifter's Gnosis vs 3. On a success, they're allergic to vitae, violently vomiting it back up before it takes effect, and must roll for frenzy. On a failure or botch, they have a tolerance for vitae and are thus subject to being bonded. Either way, they should set a +note and ask staff to approve it, and this result will be reused for any future attempts.

Demons/Thralls - Blood bonds are emotional in nature, and do not compel the bound person to any direct, specific action. Thus, per +rules mind control, demon-style immunity to mind control does not block blood bonds. This takes precedence over Demon Storytellers Companion 67.

Possessed - The spirit part of a possessed is immune to blood bonding. The lower their Autonomy, the more influential the spirit part is.

Mummies (MtR 146) - Mummies may be blood bound, but if ordered to do something that violates Ma'at, they may still resist per Strength of Conviction (MtR 141-142); success breaks the blood bond and prevents that vampire from bonding that mummy ever again.

Hunters (The Nocturnal 96) - Hunters are immune.

Blood Bond Levels


A level 1 bond inspires friendliness. The victim will look upon you favorably and hear what you have to say. They might want to hang out in the future but they're not going to go out of their way for you. If you act creepy, a level 1 bond is not going to compel someone to get into your car.

A level 2 bond inspires strong positive feelings. The victim would want to date you if it were an option. Like an ally, they're willing to occasionally accept a moderate inconvenience for your benefit. They still have their own life and responsibilities and they won't drop everything for you. They think of you often and look forward to seeing you.

A level 3 bond inspires obsession. The victim has great difficulty not thinking about you. They will take risks with their responsibilities to make you happy. If shunned, they will likely have an extreme reaction ranging from despondency to violence. Long-standing level 3 bonds in a negative relationship have resulted in the suicide of the victim and/or the final death of the vampire.

  • A cautionary note to vampires: A level 2 blood bond can get awkward and a level 3 bond can easily become problematic. Level 2 and 3 bonds force the victim to perceive you as playing an important role in their life. People talk about those that play important roles in their lives. When you blood bond someone, ensure you know who their friends are and that those friends won't come back to haunt you.

  • A level 3 blood bond cancels all lesser bonds. (VtM 220)

Blood Bond Removal


A blood bond (even level 3) fades by 1 level if the victim neither sees nor feeds from the vampire for (12 - victim's Willpower) months. This includes ghouls. (VtM 221, G:FA 30)

Blood bonds on PCs (documented in an approved +note) are assumed to be maintained at their current level until/unless one PC dies, retires, or notifies staff of a change in the situation. If the vampire is OOC offline for at least a month and the victim submits a request about it, it's assumed that their last IC contact was the vampire's last OOC login.


  • Do not fade over time.
  • Blood bonds don't erase vinculi.
  • Vinculi only erase blood bonds if the vampire is down to 1 blood or less, then drinks at least 6 blood. (GttSabbat 156)
  • A Vinculum is "similar to a blood bond" (GttSabbat 154), but not identical. Unbondable blocks both, but anything else specifically targeting blood bonds will miss Vinculi unless something explicitly says otherwise.

Buying Unbondable merit post-chargen is limited to:

  • Be 3 step bound to another PC and then come down to 0 step bound to anyone (via death or prolonged non-contact)
  • Change race or subrace (including 'become ghouled', but see below)
  • Become the thrall of a demon (PC or NPC) and get it as part of your pact

Unbondable merit for ghouls is 6 dots (G:FA 84) and justifies risk 3 escalation if ICly discovered by your faction.

Blood Magic


All blood magic is restricted, unless explicitly stated otherwise. (+rules buying disciplines)

Whenever blood magic mentions a 'teacher', it must be a PC vampire teacher who did not themselves need a teacher for it, and applies to all levels, other rules to the contrary notwithstanding.

Primary path is generally limited to certain choices, and increases automatically with the discipline (ask staff to update your +sheet for clarity).

Secondary paths are not available in chargen (because they have no baseline or freebie cost), and are generally limited by type of blood magic.

Blood magicians start with one free ritual at each level, but only during chargen.

  • Example: If you start with Thaumaturgy 2, you also start with one level 1 ritual and one level 2 ritual. If you then raise Thaumaturgy to 3 with XP, you don't get a free level 3 ritual.
  • Exception: Abyss Mysticism does not give free rituals.
  • Learning a ritual generally requires learning the discipline at an equal/higher level first. (VtM 182)

Ghouls may learn blood magic, but get no Subrace discounts and are otherwise limited per +rules ghouls, +rules buying disciplines, and +rules multiclass as usual.

Thaumaturgical Countermagic (GttCam 108): Cannot be taken in chargen. Counts as a path for Tremere, a proprietary discipline (requires a teacher) for anyone else.

See also:

Type Who?
+rules abyss mysticism (Lasombra with appropriate Road/Path)
+rules ahku (Setite sorcerers)
+rules dur-an-ki (Assamite sorcerers)
+rules koldunic sorcery (Old Clan Tzimisce)
+rules necromancy (Giovanni, Samedi, wangateurs)
+rules sadhana (Ravnos priests)
+rules thaumaturgy (Tremere)
+rules wanga (Serpents of the Light, Samedi, Tremere, mostly)

Buying Disciplines


<< Common Disciplines >>

XP Cost for first dot Race
10 Vampire
15 Subrace:Ghoul
20 Other ghoul
  • Animalism
  • Auspex
  • Celerity
  • Dementation
  • Dominate
  • Fortitude
  • Obfuscate
  • Potence
  • Presence
XP Cost for first dot Race
10 Vampire in-clan or with teacher
20 Vampire out-of-clan without teacher
15 Subrace:Ghoul with teacher
20 Other ghoul with teacher
30 Ghoul without teacher

<< Proprietary Disciplines >>

  • Chimerstry (Ravnos)
  • Obtenebration (Lasombra, Kiasyd)
  • Protean (Gangrel)
  • Quietus (Assamite)
  • Serpentis (Followers of Set)
  • Vicissitude (Tzimisce)
- Abombwe (Akunanse) is proprietary for Laibon, restricted for others (who can trade in Protean to get it, per KotEK 97, but cannot increase it thereafter)

<< Restricted Disciplines >> Includes anything not listed above.

* Cannot be learned out of clan, even via merit, except as explicitly allowed by other +rules
* Cannot be learned by ghouls without a teacher
* First dot costs same as proprietary
  • Daimoinon (Baali)
  • Flight (Gargoyle)
  • Melpominee (Daughters of Cacophony)
  • Mytherceria (Kiasyd)
  • Obeah (Salubri)
  • Thanatosis (Samedi)
  • Valeren (Salubri Antitribu)
  • Visceratika (Gargoyle)

XP cost to increase:

Type XP cost to increase Clan
Vampire current * 5

current * 7
current * 6

in clan

out of clan
Caitiff / Pander

Subrace:Ghoul current * 7

current * 10

in clan

out of clan

Other ghoul current * 15

current * 25

in clan

out of clan

  • Subrace:Ghoul costs are house rules.
  • Other costs are from VtM Revised page 143 and G:FA page 85.
  • For the purpose of these rules, only a PC vampire counts as a teacher (a NPC or ghoul does not provide a discount/etc.); use +request to claim the discount. Drinking the teacher's blood is not required (that rule is only in MET and V20).
  • Any disciplines not listed here count as Restricted.
  • Additional Discipline merit is only available during chargen.
  • Risen and Kuei-jin are handled separately.

Bygone Misc


This is just a few high points. For more info on powers, see Bygone Powers Wiki Page

  • Enhancement
- Capped at +8 to attributes and +3 to health levels.
- Attributes do not cost extra XP beyond the cost of the power.
  • Hazardous Breath: Does dice of damage, not automatic health levels.
  • Immunity 15 (Death Itself): Requires an Achilles' heel at staff discretion, but complete bodily destruction doesn't automatically defeat it.
  • Mystick Shield
- Must pick an allocation in advance.
- +diff is assumed until/unless allocating some/all to countermagic is explicitly requested.

Changeling Damage


Because Changeling does not have a revised edition, staff has made a house ruling for soaking chimerical and normal damage. This puts Fae at parity with other races.

Normal Soaking: Changelings can soak Bashing and Lethal damage. They can not soak Aggravated damage.

Chimerical Soaking: Changelings can soak Bashing and Lethal chimerical damage. They can not soak Aggravated chimerical damage.

Changeling Misc

  • Retinue background may include kithain NPCs at staff discretion. Retinue members may have arts and realms, but may only use them on behalf of PCs with explicit staff authorization (approved +note or on a per-scene basis).
  • Some elements of 20th Anniversary are available:
- Autumn Sidhe are available.
- Arts: Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter; Contract, Dragon's Ire, "Oneiromancy (art)". Existing arts are unchanged (there is some overlap). General game mechanics for casting cantrips are unchanged.
- Unleashing (C20 196-197) is available.
  • House Leanhaun flaw uses the rules from C20 133.
  • Echoes 5 (CtD 160) gives -2 difficulty on cantrips cast on any person not immune to the Mists (+rules The Mists).
  • Art Affinity: Round down, not up. (Compare Sphere Natural, MtA 297)
  • A vampire who drinks a changeling's blood becomes enchanted. (CtD 210, CtE 80)
  • In the Dreaming, mage powers operate weirdly unless their paradigm is compatible (think "Grimm's Fairy Tales"), and Paradox may still occur (Dreams and Nightmares 31), though they count as coincidental due to the lack of a large sleeper population.



A group of PCs may establish themselves as a named group. This is set on +sheet as Home Base Name, and comes with +hbchat which works much like the standard channel system (OOC by default).

  • Submit a +request to staff with the group's name, and the on-grid room (if any) where the group typically meets.
  • Some groups (Tradition/Nephandi mages, vampires with blood magic) typically use Chantry Name and +cchat which are functionally equivalent.
  • Nephandi may ICly call it a Labyrinth, Technocrats may ICly call it a Construct.
  • Other examples: vampire clans/coteries, shifter tribes/packs, changeling baronies, demon courts.

If some of the members buy dots in the Home Base (or Chantry) background, then every two dots of that background supports one dot of some other communal background that is collectively available to those members.

  • They're also available to non-contributing members unless a restriction is specified.
  • House rule: Limited to 30 dots of communal backgrounds, regardless of contribution levels.
  • Members may also share their personal backgrounds, magic items, etc. with the group on any terms they want. This does not count against the 30-dot cap. These included in +homebase / +chantry documentation for convenience, along with things like wards on the building.

A larger group may contain multiple sub-groups, in which case the group background is counted separately for each sub-group.

  • Players may have alts join different sub-groups within the same group, but in that case, each alt may not draw on their own sub-group's communal backgrounds, nor on the personal backgrounds of another alt of the same player.
  • Players with only one alt in the group may draw on another sub-group's communal backgrounds, though lower priority than that sub-group's members (in case of limited resources such as Nodes).

Each PC may only benefit from the communal backgrounds of one group, though they may be associated with others for RP purposes.

WW4603 Guide to the Traditions 215+ (game mechanics) The Quick and the Dead 54 (Home Base name only)

See also: +help +homebase (or +help +chantry) and Home Base.



Clarifications and House Rules for character creation.


  • All requests to add stats to CGen must include book references.
  • Willpower cannot exceed 8 in cgen.
  • Willpower is always 1 freebie.
  • Abilities over 3 do not require justification.
  • Abilities can only be raised over 3 with freebies.
  • Resources 3 and below do not require justification.
  • Merits do not need to be purchased with Freebies from flaws. They may be purchased with standard 15/21 freebies.
  • Flaws can exceed 7, but freebies from flaws are capped at 7 or top two (whichever is higher). Stat them as positive, not negative.
  • Potent Blood is not available to Shifters (they already provide more blood, if you manage to not have them kill you).
  • Awareness is available to all races. Although some races, justification is required and only approved at staff discretion.
  • Crossing three or more game lines may be restricted at staff discretion.


  • Don't add your birthright attribute bonus, ask staff to do it for you using +effect. Some only apply in the Dreaming or when you call upon the Wyrd.



  • Magic Resistance is not an appropriate merit for Mages.


  • Kinfolk and/or Kinain that are also Sorcerer-Psychic must be Subrace:Sorcerer-Psychic and purchase Kinfolk (Merit):4 and/or Kinain:4 merits.
  • Ghouls that are also Sorcerer-Psychics are not allowed in chargen, you must pick one and pay XP later for the other. Their numina are also capped at (8 - Domitor background).
  • It is recommended (but not required) that Ghoul PCs have an off-stage, statless NPC domitor.
  • The Totem merit is not used, as it is sufficiently and more flexibly covered by backgrounds (e.g. Totem, Mentor, Guide).
  • Sorcerer-Psychics get one free ritual for each dot of a Path that features rituals as described under Mythic Numina, WW4254/46.
* We do not differentiate between Mythic, Technological, and Psychic Numina.
* The free ritual is restricted to the Path providing the dot.
* The free rituals are at character creation only.


  • Don't do +selfstat Gifts=Master of Fire, instead do +selfstat Master of Fire=1.
  • Use 'Persuasion (gift)' (to distinguish it from the ability), similar for Cooking.
  • All Faction:Wyrm shifters get Power, Cunning, and Infamy for renown.
  • Ratkin: The bonus rite (and bonus rite only) can be used without having Rituals.


  • Assamites may choose to take their caste weakness (WW2359/46-48) instead of the standard clan weakness, but must get a +note approved before it becomes relevant.
  • Gangrel Mixed Blessing (WW2352/56) are not in use.
  • Vampires with Thaumaturgy or other blood magic get one free ritual at each level up to their discipline level. (character creation only)



  • All Bygone must have a means of going unnoticed among humans.
  • Enhancement - This is capped at 8 total dots for attributes and three extra health levels (WW4802/114)
  • Chimerical bygones (page 98) are allowed and can treat redes as powers.
- Must take Wyrd rede. Must use Wyrd rede to ICly exist in normalspace (similar to wraiths using Embody).
- Other redes are at staff discretion.
- Non-chimerical bygones can't have redes.
  • 20th Anniversary powers (Gods and Monsters 201-214) may be allowed at staff discretion.

Chimerical Items


These house rules extend and clarify the canon rules from CtD 219 and Dreams and Nightmares 119-122.

Chimerical items with special effects:

  • How many chimera points do you need?
- Redes require 1 chimera point per dot
- Banes require +/-1 chimera point per dot at staff discretion
- Effects based on an Art require 2 chimera points per dot
- Crafter must have the Art at the appropriate level or higher
- Glamour requires 1 chimera point per dot
- Only required if a rede/effect requires spending Glamour
- Holder cannot spend their own Glamour, it must come from the item
- Recharge as normal, e.g. leave it in a freehold
- Treasures require 5 extra chimera points
- This cost is based on the Wyrd rede, but does not affect the item's level
  • Gather materials with enough chimera points
- Buy them with Dross (+rules Dross)
- Each dot of Dross pays for 4 chimera points per month
- Cannot be stockpiled except by declaring it up front for a specific item
- Harvest them yourself
- Find an area of the Dreaming with appropriate material
- Once per type per month
- Dexterity + Kenning vs 6 (nockers/boggans/nunnehi) or 7 (others), fail = try again next day, botch = try again next month
- Staff will roll privately to check for motherlodes, etc.
  • Put the materials together
- Extended Dexterity + Crafting vs 7, accumulate at least 3 successes per chimera point
- Minimum 6 (even if only 1 chimera point)
- Maximum 28 (good enough for 10+ chimera points)
- If you accumulate 8+ successes and aren't finished yet, switch to Stamina + Crafting
- Tempering: Dexterity + Kenning vs 8
- If making the item for someone else, they should be present at this point
- Testing: Intelligence + Enigmas vs N/5 (N = number of chimera points)

Chimerical armor or melee weapons with no special effects:

  • If you have the Dross background, you can use it to ICly justify buying the Chimera background (CtD 146, 288)
  • If you want to create them yourself:
- Armor requires one chimera point per soak level
- Melee weapon that does Str+N damage requires N+1 chimera points
- Extended Dexterity + Crafting vs 6 (nockers/boggans) or 7 (others), accumulate at least one success per chimera point

See Also: Creating Magical Items


  • Equipment comes from WtA Revised (WW3801).
  • Customized weapons can be requested, but are not automatic for approval.
  • Combat rules come from the character's sphere respective book.
* For cross-sphere combat, we recommend Combat.

See Also: +help +equip

Combination Disciplines

  • Restricted to vampires.
  • Clan-specific are restricted to that clan.
  • Others are restricted/disallowed at staff discretion.
  • If canon is missing an XP cost, it's 3 XP per prerequisite dot.
  • For Awareness checks, use the highest level among its prerequisites.

Individual clarifications:

  • Alpha Glint
- Gangrel rolls (Charisma + Animal Ken + Willpower).
- If some but not all opponents are Garou (shifters): Gangrel rolls (Charisma + Animal Ken) and (Willpower) separately. Only half their successes from Charisma + Animal Ken (rounded down) count against Garou.
  • Doubletalk
- Merely knowing of the existence of Doubletalk is not enough to detect or understand compressed sentences.
  • Instantaneous Transformation
- A Vicissitude variation is available. Other variations may be +requested.



Often, a PC will want to declare ICly doing something once a day (or night for vampires). This may involve spending and/or rolling something. It may only be relevant once in a while (e.g. Deflection of Wooden Doom when someone tries to stake a vampire). The typical approach is to set a +note, get it approved by staff, then whenever it's relevant, do any required rolls/etc. after the fact.

Requirements to get such a +note approved:

If canon says that a specific thing happens when it botches (e.g. activating a vampire-created fetish), not just the general 'ST may get creative', then you must either (a) have a dice pool at least as high as the difficulty, or (b) spend a Willpower for an auto-success (limit 1 per day as noted below).

If it requires spending a pool stat, then it must not exceed the rate at which you can regain that stat via routine effort. Also, you should deduct your dailies when determining how much you have available to spend during a specific scene, unless you declared at the start of the scene that you skipped some or all of them that day.

  • Willpower: 1 per day for getting a good night's sleep (or vice versa for vampires)
  • Blood (vampires): 2 per night, 1 to wake up and 1 for other stuff; add 1 if you have Herd 3+; add 1 if you have Fame 3+; add more if you do extra hunting (see post on bb 18)
  • Gnosis: (Gnosis + Wits + Enigmas) * 0.05 per day
  • Quintessence: See +rules nodes
  • Mana: (Perception + Meditation) * 0.6 per day
  • Glamour: 1 per day
  • Faith: 1 per thrall (PC or NPC) per day
  • Others will be added if/when they come up

If the goal is to stockpile something (e.g. blood stored using Principal Focus of Vitae Infusion), then you may handwave that each roll gets the average number of successes.

If something happens that would prevent you from doing your dailies (being torpored, locked up without needed tools, etc.), then it does prevent you from doing them.



Vampires, ghouls, and mortals have a Humanity rating (Path Rating on +sheet). If they do Bad Things, they risk losing Humanity. For convenience, here's a summary of how this works.

If your Humanity is this or higher... ...then you risk Humanity loss for doing this:
10 Selfish thoughts
9 Minor selfish acts
8 Injury to another (accidental or otherwise)
7 Theft
6 Accidental violation (e.g. drinking a vessel dry out of starvation)
5 Intentional property damage
4 Impassioned violation (e.g. manslaughter, killing a vessel in frenzy)
3 Planned violation (e.g. outright murder, savored exsanguination)
2 Casual violation (e.g. thoughtless killing, feeding past satiation)
1 Utter perversion or heinous acts

The ST should warn you that an action risks Humanity loss, and give you a chance to change your mind. (If there's no ST, go with player consensus.)

If you still take the action: (VtM 221)

  • Roll Conscience vs 8. (Difficulty may vary at ST discretion.)
** Cannot roll more dice than your Humanity. (VtM 134)
** Some Paths of Enlightenment use Conviction instead.
  • Succeed = No change. (You feel remorse, or manage to justify the action.)
  • Fail = Lose 1 Humanity. (Submit a +request to have staff update your +sheet.)
  • Botch = Also lose 1 Conscience and gain a derangement at ST discretion.

For Paths of Enlightenment, the Paths page on the wiki shows where to find your chart.

Demon Lores


This rule mostly covers how demon powers interact with people who are neither demons nor pure mortals.

For anything using one game mechanic for demons and another for mortals, treat all non-demons as mortals, unless an exception is listed below.

For anything referring to demon-style immunity to mind control, see +rules mind control.

  • Celestials 2 (Send Vision), high torment:
- It is a mental assault and can be resisted with appropriate powers.
- The damage is physical and may be soaked by anyone except Mortals and Sorcerer-Psychics.
  • Celestials 3 (Pillar of Faith): Only works on demons.
  • Death 2 (Decay): Always does agg, regardless of race.
  • Flame 2 (Ignite):
- Living bodies have a resistance of 7
- Normal clothing has a resistance of 6
- Vampires have a resistance of (5 minus Generation background)
  • Forge 1 (Enhance Object): Altering difficulty is limited to ability rolls, e.g. attack difficulty but not damage or soak difficulty.
  • Forge 5 (Imbue Object):
- Can only target disembodied souls (non-Risen wraiths, demons without host bodies).
- Targeting a PC counts as a risk 3 action.
  • Fundament 3 (Manipulate Inertia):
- For throwing, the evocation's Dex+Athletics roll counts as a normal attack roll (e.g. you can substitute Throwing at -1 diff) except for the extra range and improved damage (replacing the usual extra damage dice).
- Any additional throwing actions during the same turn can reuse the first roll. If you re-roll instead, that action doesn't benefit from the evocation.
  • Fundament 4 (Manipulate Acceleration):
- If used to attack, treat the evocation's Dex+Athletics roll as a reflex (non-action) and also do a Brawl or Melee or throwing roll (counts as part of the evocation action, counts as a normal attack roll except for the automatic extra damage).
- You can save some of the automatic extra damage to distribute to additional attack actions during the same turn.
  • Patterns 5 (Twist Time): Treat all non-demons as mortals.
  • Portals 5 (Doorway into Darkness): Treat all non-demons as mortals.
  • Radiance 2 (Exalt): When targeting a supernatural action with an extended roll, it only benefits one of those rolls.
  • Spirit 4 (Anchor the Soul): Same as Forge 5.
  • Transfiguration 5 (Shapechange): Supers and Mortal+ can have Appearance raised above 5.

Earthbound Lores:

  • At staff discretion, demons may spend freebies on one dot of an Earthbound lore in return for Dark Secret (was briefly a weak Earthbound) and +1 Torment.
  • Buying Earthbound lores with XP requires a staff-approved Earthbound teacher and is limited to level 1.
  • Earthbound lore is grounds for risk escalation if ICly discovered by another demon (2 for knowing, 3 for using).

Demon Misc

  • Extra Actions: All Extra Actions (not split actions), regardless of type, must wait until all players in the round have acted and then occur alternating in order of initiative. This includes Demon extra actions and any other powers which say otherwise.
  • Possessing a new host, typically when your old host is killed or you're otherwise forced out of it:
* Thralls are not automatically suitable, see DPG 36-39 for guidelines. Auto-success (thrall is willing) requires at a minimum that they're also a Retainer/Follower. DtF 164 references DtF 259 for more details and does not take precedence over it.
* You must still make enough Willpower rolls to reach a suitable host, and lose 1 perm Faith / gain 1 perm Torment even if you succeed. (DtF 259)
  • Merits adjusted for balance:
* Good Right Hook - Limited to bashing damage. Does not benefit demon apocalyptic forms (see +rules apocalyptic form).
* Sexy: Target must already be attracted to you specifically, not just your gender.
* Smooth: Limited to offsetting difficulty penalties.
  • All demons effectively have 5 dots in Enochian (Order of Hermes 65).


  • Automatic success:
- If the number of dice equals or exceeds the difficulty, the PC may handwave a single success without rolling.
- This never works in combat or other stressful situations, and may be disallowed at other times at ST discretion.
- The PC may always choose to roll instead, e.g. if they want to try for multiple successes.
- References: VtM 193, WtA 172-173, MtA 216, Wraith20 100 (CtD 197 and DtF 222 just say "exceeds the difficulty")
  • Minimum/maximum difficulty are checked last, after applying all other modifiers.
- Example: If base difficulty is 11, but modifiers add up to -3, then final difficulty is 8 and works normally.
  • If a difficulty would otherwise be lower than the minimum, then it's the minimum.
  • If a difficulty would otherwise be higher than the maximum, then 10s still count as successes.
- References: VtM 192, MtA 215, DtF 221, Wraith20 98 (WtA and CtD are silent on this point)
  • Minimum/maximum difficulty for most things is 2/10.
- However, 2 and 10 are rare, which is why White Wolf left them off the example charts.
- References: VtM 191, WtA 172, MtA 214, CtD 196, DtF 220, Wraith20 98
  • Shifter: Minimum difficulty for shifter rites is still 2, but additional assistants alone can't lower it below 3. (WtA 155)
  • Mage: Minimum/maximum difficulty for mage powers is 3/9. (MtA 208)
- Base difficulty is highest sphere level + 3 (coincidental) or 4 (vulgar) or 5 (vulgar with witnesses).
- Sum total of modifiers is capped at +/-3. (MtA 149)
- If such a difficulty would otherwise be higher than 9, then it converts to a threshold (+rules mage misc).
- Sum total of sorcery modifiers is also capped at +/-3. This includes sorcery path powers and rituals, but not psychic powers. (Sorc Rev 53, Mana, implicitly referencing MtA)
  • Changeling: Minimum/maximum difficulty for changeling powers is 4/10. If the difficulty would otherwise be higher than 10, then skip the roll; the attempt automatically fails. (CtD 205)
  • Wraith: Minimum difficulty for wraith arcanoi is 4. (Wraith20 149)



The Domitor house rules do not exactly match the canon concept or game mechanics from G:FA 71. They're intentionally altered to put ghouls with PC/NPC domitors and revenants all on an equal footing.

All ghouls must have Domitor set on their sheet. This may be set to NPC.

  • It is recommended (but not required) that Ghoul PCs OOCly seek out a PC domitor prior to approval. NPC domitors generally result in other PCs pushing to replace the NPC, since they can't be held accountable if the ghoul misbehaves.
  • For revenants, this may be set to None.

Raising disciplines above 1 requires "Domitor (background)".

  • Unlike canon, it is not tied to the domitor's Generation.
  • Revenants instead use Blood Donor background to represent appropriately powerful donors (their self-produced vitae is insufficient).
  • Can be bought with XP like most other backgrounds.
Background level Cap for Subrace:Ghoul Cap for
Other ghouls
1 no bonus yet no bonus yet
2 2 no bonus yet
3 3 no bonus yet
4 3 2
5 4 3

(These caps were derived by replacing the Generation ratings from G:FA 82 with the corresponding caps from G:FA 71, using the more generous option for Subrace:Ghoul.)

See also: Multiclass



Having a dot in an ability means that you have a skill, talent, or knowledge that not everyone has.

In the U.S., just about everyone can drive a car, so we don't require a dot in Drive to be able to drive. This goes for both automatic and manual transmission vehicles and anything that doesn't require a special license, including rentable moving trucks.

Some things that will require Drive:

  • A motorcyle (Drive 1 is sufficient)
  • A finicky or poorly-maintained manual transmission
  • A tractor-trailer, RV, or industrial vehicle (Garbage truck, dump truck, tow truck)
  • Tailing someone without being noticed at normal speeds
  • Tailing someone blatantly at high speeds
  • Evading pursuit
  • Excessive speed (>100 MPH)



Staff has implemented a new background for Changelings called: Dross. This background is a measure of a PC's chimerical wealth. This stat will be equivalent to the same level of: Resources, but for buying minor chimerical goods. A player can spend xp to buy Dross as per +rules XP Costs.

This Dross can be destroyed to release its Glamour, provided that the Glamour is immediately used in a cantrip (CtD 216). Up to 1 point of Glamour per dot per month can be released this way.

Mages can use Dross as Tass with a heavy dynamic / anti-restrictive resonance.

This does not cover chimerical weapons, armor, or items with magic effects:


Assamite Sorcery

Restricted to: Assamite sorcerers (must declare during chargen, set Type = Sorcerer) and Shango
Primary path: The Lure of Flames, Movement of the Mind, Elemental Mastery, Neptune's Might, Spirit Manipulation, or Weather Control

Secondary paths must be lower than your primary path until you reach Dur-An-Ki 5.

Path powers:

  • Spend a blood point
  • Roll Willpower vs (3 + level)
  • Botch = lose a permanent Willpower (+request)
- Laibon: Roll Orun instead, botch = lose permanent Aye
  • Occult Library background does not apply (roll doesn't include Occult)


Paths overlapping with Thaumaturgy:

  • Assamite 73, if also included in +liststats thaumpaths
  • +selfstat Has Thaumaturgy Paths=1

Assamite sorcerers may learn other blood magic with a teacher, but:

  • XP cost is increased by half (round up)
  • Paths require +1 blood
  • Rituals require triple the time and +1 success for any given result

Assamite 73-74
Blood Magic 120
Blood Sacrifice 33



Demon Faith, not True Faith.

The following start with Faith:3:

  • PCs with the True Faith merit
  • True Believers (CtD 281): Akashic Brotherhood, Celestial Chorus, Euthanatos, Nephandi
  • Stargazers

Thralls (active, not prospective thralls) may raise their Faith for 7 XP * current level, to a maximum of 5.

See Also: Demon Misc
True Faith +explain Faith


  • For Fera, we prefer "Players Guide To The Changing Breeds" (WW3807). The individual breed books are used for things WW3807 does not specify.
  • Fera learning gifts from Garou or other breeds:
* Gifts explicitly repeated in PGttCB or the breed book are allowed as normal.
* "Swiping" gifts is done at out-of-group costs (5 XP per dot). Others are at in-group costs (3 XP per dot) except as noted. Must still have Shifter Rank at least as high as gift level.
* Bastet can swipe gifts. Auspice/aspect gifts are more difficult, costing 7 XP per dot. (PGttCB 67)
* Corax can swipe gifts. (PGttCB 80)
* Kitsune are interpreted as able to swipe gifts. (PGttCB 100)
* Mokole can swipe gifts by remembering them with Mnesis. This requires going into a Mnesis trance for a month and rolling Mnesis vs 9 (10 for level 4+ gifts), must get at least as many successes as the gift level. 'Lost' gifts (e.g. from an extinct splat) are limited at staff discretion, and also diff 10. (Mokole 79)
* Nuwisha can learn Garou homid/lupus/Ragabash gifts at the same cost as a Garou Ragabash of their breed. (PGttCB 135)
* Ratkin can learn Bone Gnawer gifts that are taught by rat spirits. (PGttCB 144)
* Other cases are disallowed. If we missed something above, please inform staff.
  • Fera may spend points on a personal or pack totem appropriate to their breed (staff discretion). See +rules totem fera for more details.

'See also: +rules fera breeds

Fera Breeds



  • All Ananasi are assumed to know Rite of Spinning (level 1) and Tapping Ananasa's Wisdom (level 2) for free, but must still have an equal/greater level of the Rituals knowledge to actually perform them.



  • Corax do have kinfolk. The Spirit Egg thing is in addition to breeding with them, not instead of. (PGttCB 79)


  • Gurahl can advance to a new auspice once each month (proper ritual required).
  • Rip Van Winkle lets you buy gifts from your past auspice(s) at the in-auspice XP cost. This does not apply to Early Maturation, as you skipped auspices rather than going through them in backstory.


  • Kitsune do not have a claw attack in any form. They may not take any Gifts that require a Claw Attack.
  • Eji Path starting gifts have been updated. Falling Touch has replaced Razor Claws.


  • 3-dot Umbral Affinity gives -3 difficulty. (Reflective surface stuff was from 2nd ed, when Garou absolutely needed one.)


* Gnosis vs Gauntlet to pierce it, then Gnosis vs 6-8 (similar to Rite of Summoning).
* Wraiths: Gnosis vs Shroud, then Gnosis vs 9. Success summons a specific PC wraith only if they want to be, otherwise it summons a NPC wraith.
  • Wyrm-corrupting a Plague Lord (e.g. having them Dance the Spiral) only lasts one month, though side effects (e.g. derangements) remain. (Ratkin 89-90)



Vampires, see +rules vampire frenzy

Shifters: (WtA 190-191)
Shifter Frenzy Triggers
Shifter Frenzy Rolls
Shifter Frenzy Types



On City of Hope staff feel that vampires should have a chance to lower their generation via xp. It is up to the individual player to decide on how to rp out this change. Keep in mind that it's a significant faux pas for any vampire to disclose their generation. This is still Diablerie and you still have all the downsides that that entails

From #dots to #dots From Gen to Gen XP Cost Blood Spending
0 to 1 (13th to 12th) 10 XP
1 to 2 (12th to 11th) 15 XP
2 to 3 (11th to 10th) 20 XP
3 to 4 (10th to 9th) 30 XP can spend 2 blood per turn (VtM 139)
4 to 5 (9th to 8th) 40 XP can spend 3 blood per turn

House rule: If a power involves spending more blood than your Generation permits in a single turn, then you can spend the blood over multiple turns (reflex, does not count as an action) and then take an action during the last turn to use the power, unless the power explicitly prohibits this.

See Also: +policy Hand Waving

Ghoul Retainers


Standard Ghouls (From WW2300/276):

Trusted Valet - Balanced

Type Stats
Attributes: Strength: 2, Dexterity 3, Stamina 2, Charisma 3, Manipulation 3, Appearance 4, Perception 3, Intelligence 3, Wits 3
Abilities: Academics: 2, Alertness 2, Computer 1, Crafts 2, Dodge 2, Drive 2, Empathy 3, Etiquette 4, Finance 2, Firearms 2, Leadership 2, Linguistics 1, Medicine 2, Melee 1, Occult 1, Subterfuge 3
Disciplines: Potence 1
Misc: Humanity 7, Willpower 4, Mid-size Sedan, Light Pistol (+equip/types 1)

Ghoul Bodyguard - Protection

Type Stats
Attributes: Strength: 4, Dexterity 4, Stamina 4, Charisma 2, Manipulation 2, Appearance 2, Perception 4, Intelligence 2, Wits 3
Abilities: Alertness 4, Athletics 2, Brawl 4, Dodge 3, Drive 2, Firearms 4, Intimidation 3, Investigation 2, Medicine 1, Melee 3, Occult 1, Stealth 3, Streetwise 2
Disciplines: Potence 1, Fortitude 1
Misc: Humanity 5, Willpower 5, Heavy Pistol (+equip/types 4), Pump Shotgun (+equip/types 9)

Custom Ghouls Ghoul Stats can be customized by reallocating Attributes or Abilities. Like those above, no Attributes or Abilities should be above 4. Custom ghouls should be oriented toward serving a distinct role other than the two above: Balanced and Protection. Stat reallocations should clearly support that.

NPC servants created by a PC using magic (e.g. Ushabti, Bakemono Rite) count as magic items (+rules magical items) instead of Retainers.

Other Races Other types of retainers will generally be allowed if they make IC sense for the PC. Each NPC gets two power slots. Each of the following occupies one slot:

  • Level 1 gift (kinfolk)
  • Gnosis 3 (kinfolk)
  • 1 in numina (sorcerer/psychic)
  • 1 in arts and 1 in realms (kinain)
  • 1 possessed power (possessed)
  • 1 pact power (demon thrall)
  • 1 charm (gaffling spirit; charms possessed by most spirits are free)
  • 5 dots of passive Joss (dhampyr, see +rules kuei-jin retainers)
  • Medium
  • High-quality equipment

See also:
+rules animal ghoul retainers
+rules kuei-jin retainers


  • Discipline level is limited by Domitor (Background) regardless of PC or NPC domitor (WW2021/71). Details are intentionally different from canon, see +rules domitors.
  • Upon becoming a ghoul (Cgen or IC), the Ghoul gets Potence:1, and 1 dot of an in-clan discipline.
  • All ghouls must have Clan set on their sheet.
  • Unbondable merit is 6 dots for ghouls (G:FA 84) and justifies risk 3 escalation if ICly discovered by your faction. This includes gaining the merit after becoming a ghoul, which breaks any existing bonds.
  • Disciplines are retained when a Ghoul is embraced.
- However, if the Ghoul has dots in a restricted discipline and Clan changes, those dots must be moved into a Common or clan-appropriate Proprietary or Restricted discipline.
- e.g. Bob is a Ghoul of Clan:Samedi with Thanatosis:2. Through a cruel twist of fate he's embraced Clan:Toreador. Bob must remove his Thanatosis:2 and take a discipline like Celerity:2 or Obfuscate:2
- If Bob were embraced into Clan:Kiasyd, he would be able to take Mytherceria:2
  • Ghouls by merit (as opposed to Subrace:Ghoul):
- Effective 3 in each virtue for purposes of things like frenzy checks.
- If a ghoul is also a possessed with Rage (from the Berserker power), they make frenzy rolls for both Self-Control and Rage. If a situation applies to both, they frenzy if either roll fails.
- Sorcerer/psychic ghouls are allowed, but not straight out of chargen, and numina are capped at (8 - Domitor background).
  • Ghouls may have the Potent Blood flaw (gain 2 blood by drinking 1 of theirs), but it cuts both ways (must feed them 2 blood for them to gain 1).

See Also: Cgen
Buying Disciplines
XP Costs



A Grimoire/Principia (Forged by Dragon's Fire pages 65-71) may help a mage raise Arete and/or spheres.

  • Grimoires must be created by a PC, they are not available via background such as Wonder or Mentor.

Studying a grimoire:

  • The mage's paradigm must be compatible with the author's (same Tradition/Convention or at staff discretion)
  • The mage must know the language the grimoire is written in
  • The mage must study for a number of weeks equal to the grimoire's level
- A grimoire that teaches Arete 2 is a level 2 grimoire
- A grimoire that teaches Arete 2 and four spheres is a level 6 grimoire
  • After the study period, the mage may gain one of these benefits:
- If Arete is exactly 1 less than the level taught by the grimoire, raise it by 1 (house rule: XP cost reduced by the grimoire's level)
- If a sphere is less than the level taught by the grimoire, raise it by 1 (XP cost reduced by the grimoire's level)
- Gain temporary insight (perform a single effect as if the mage had received one of the above raises with no XP cost)
  • The mage may then start a new study period with the same or a different grimoire

Creating a grimoire:

  • Mind 3 Prime 4, or Mind 2 Prime 4 if you have Expression 4+
  • One Arete roll per week spent doing nothing else but eating, sleeping, and attending to other such immediate personal needs
  • Requires 2 successes per level of Arete taught, plus 1 success per level of sphere taught
* Example: A grimoire that teaches Arete 2 + Forces 2 + Matter 2 would require 4+2+2 = 8 successes

  • Prerequisites:
* If the Grimoire teaches a sphere at level N, you must have it at level N+1 or higher
* If the Grimoire teaches Arete 3, you must have Arete 5
* If the Grimoire teaches Arete 1, you must use Mind 5 Prime 5 Spirit 5
  • Spend a permanent Willpower at the end, or two if it teaches Arete 1
  • Does not require Tass or Quintessence
  • Once created, it can be copied by anyone with Arete and spheres at least as high as what it teaches
* This requires as many weeks as it required successes to create, or days if the copier does nothing else but eat, sleep, etc.
* This does not require additional rolls or spends
* It may be translated into another language known by the copier



Holdings background:

  • Holdings corresponds to a freehold, either on or off grid.
  • Holdings may be bought in chargen or with XP.
  • Holdings includes one link from normalspace to the Dreaming (equivalent to Trod 2), regardless of level.
  • A freehold within a PC-run territory requires approval from its PC leaders, per 'news changeling counties'.
  • Increasing Holdings is time-limited per '+rules minimum time', representing the need to infuse the balefire with Glamour (CtD page 44).
- For a freehold that previously belonged to another PC, you can buy Holdings from 0 up to its previous level as quickly or slowly as you want. Until then, the rest is assumed to be used by NPCs (if needed to explain why PCs aren't using it).
  • Increasing Holdings above 3 is at staff discretion.

Trod background:

  • A trod within a PC-run territory requires approval from its PC leaders.
  • Increasing Trod is not time-limited.
  • Increasing Trod above 3 to reach the Far Dreaming or Deep Dreaming is at staff discretion.

See Also:
Minimum Time

Home Base


A group of PCs may establish themselves as a named group. This is set on +sheet as Home Base Name, and comes with +hbchat which works much like the standard channel system (OOC by default).

  • Submit a +request to staff with the group's name, and the on-grid room (if any) where the group typically meets.
  • Some groups (Tradition/Nephandi mages, vampires with blood magic) typically use Chantry Name and +cchat which are functionally equivalent.
  • Nephandi may ICly call it a Labyrinth, Technocrats may ICly call it a Construct.
  • Other examples: vampire clans/coteries, shifter tribes/packs, changeling baronies, demon courts.

If some of the members buy dots in the Home Base (or Chantry) background, then every two dots of that background supports one dot of some other communal background that is collectively available to those members.

  • They're also available to non-contributing members unless a restriction is specified.
  • House rule: Limited to 30 dots of communal backgrounds, regardless of contribution levels.
  • Members may also share their personal backgrounds, magic items, etc. with the group on any terms they want. This does not count against the 30-dot cap. These included in +homebase / +chantry documentation for convenience, along with things like wards on the building.

A larger group may contain multiple sub-groups, in which case the group background is counted separately for each sub-group.

  • Players may have alts join different sub-groups within the same group, but in that case, each alt may not draw on their own sub-group's communal backgrounds, nor on the personal backgrounds of another alt of the same player.
  • Players with only one alt in the group may draw on another sub-group's communal backgrounds, though lower priority than that sub-group's members (in case of limited resources such as Nodes).

Each PC may only benefit from the communal backgrounds of one group, though they may be associated with others for RP purposes.

WW4603 Guide to the Traditions 215+ (game mechanics)
The Quick and the Dead 54 (Home Base name only)

See also: +help +homebase (or +help +chantry) and Home Base.

Horizon Realms


A chantry can acquire a Horizon Realm by investing in the Chantry background and using it to support the Sanctum. They can create a new one or find an existing gateway (see below). An individual can acquire a personal Horizon Realm by buying the Sanctum background directly, but only if they create a new one.

The level of Sanctum determines the size of the realm. All magic cast there is coincidental or vulgar according to the realm's local rules (provided it doesn't reach outside the realm during casting). The Sanctum must be anchored by one or more nodes (communal and/or personal) whose total level equals or exceeds the Sanctum level; this ties up half their Quintessence and Tass production, rounded up (+rules nodes).

Creating or increasing the size of a Realm works like creating or increasing the power of a node, except it requires Spirit 5 Matter 4 Prime 4.

Finding a gateway to a Realm just requires buying the background, subject to same restrictions as finding a node.

Traveling to or from a Realm requires an ongoing Spirit 4 Correspondence 4 effect, or alternatively each traveler can cast Spirit 3 each time (but can't bring anyone else with them).

For the purpose of these rules, Dimensional Science can be substituted for Spirit.

Book of Worlds 102
Void Engineers (old) 48
Book of Chantries 138

Hunter Misc


Second Sight (HtR 132) is limited by +rules sniping as usual. If sniping is justified, then it identifies a target as a 'monster' (neither mortal nor hunter), though not what type, including bypassing supernatural illusions (e.g. Obfuscate) and seeing wraiths. Reactive Conviction (HtR 133) requires succeeding at a passive Awareness check per +rules awareness.

Exposure' (HtR 122) doesn't overlap with Lores (+rules lores). It can justify the 'At Lore 0' clause, and also provide details on more unusual creatures (e.g. Urban Legends 91-102).

Conviction/virtues/edges can be raised with XP, replacing trading extra Conviction for virtues (HPG 86). Gaining your first edge at a new level is limited per +rules minimum time.

Judgment 3 (Balance) (HtR 161) also affects the target's magic items for the duration, even if they give one to someone else afterward.

True Faith is allowed (HPG 97-99). Other supernatural merits are generally disallowed.

Hunters versus Others


Hunters vs vampires:

  • Hunters are immune to the Kiss if they have Conviction defenses active or succeed at Willpower vs 6. (The Nocturnal 91)
  • Hunters can't be Embraced or ghouled/bound. (The Nocturnal 96)

Hunters vs werewolves and other shifters:

  • Hunters can't see into, enter or be taken into the Umbra without Transcend (Solitude 4), though they get a normal chance to perceive effects reaching from the Umbra back into normalspace. (The Moonstruck 87)
  • Hunters can't have a shifter or kinfolk as a biological parent, grandparent, uncle/aunt, or child, nor can they conceive a child with one. (The Moonstruck 90)
  • Hunters are immune to the Delirium if they have Conviction defenses active. (The Moonstruck 101-102)

Hunters vs mages:

  • Hunters count as sleeper witnesses. (The Spellbound 104)

Hunters vs changelings:

  • Hunters can't see into, enter or be taken into the Dreaming without Transcend (Solitude 4), though they get a normal chance to perceive effects reaching from the Dreaming back into normalspace. (extrapolated from The Moonstruck 87)

Hunters vs wraiths:

  • Hunters can't see into, enter or be taken into the Shadowlands without Transcend (Solitude 4), though they get a normal chance to perceive effects reaching from the Shadowlands back into normalspace. (The Walking Dead 93, also extrapolated from The Moonstruck 87)

Hunters vs demons:

  • Hunters are immune to Revelation if they have Conviction defenses active. (The Infernal 85)
  • Hunters can only be thralled in limited circumstances. (The Infernal 96-97)

Implicit Game Mechanics


Game mechanics, in canon as well as these house rules, are not exhaustive. They're not intended to be. Exhaustive rules would be long and unreadable. Non-exhaustive rules allow gaps to be filled in if/when needed.

How to deal with a gray area in the rules:

- Don't be a dick. Being a dick will make people not want to RP with you any more.
- If there's a ST (staff or player) present, they should take the lead.
- This doesn't necessarily set precedent for future scenes, but you can +request it be added to house rules.
  • If it seems like X should counter Y but there's no specific game mechanics for it, consider treating them as resisted rolls (successes cancel 1:1, defender wins ties).
  • For mundane (non-supernatural) actions, if it makes sense that something should provide a modifier, then the question is 'How much'. (It may or may not be significant enough to actually affect game mechanics.)
  • Before writing a long explanation, just ask 'Does X work?'. If everyone agrees, you've just saved everyone a bunch of time and effort.

In Public


Prospect is a city of millions and all those people have to be somewhere. Everywhere you go, there will be citizens doing their things. What follows are guidelines to determine whether or not there are people at your location:

  • If you're in the Deep Forest, Desert, or Deep Ocean, +dice 1. If you get 1, there's at least one person somewhere nearby. If you get anything else, there's no one around (probably).
  • If you're in a private space behind a locked door, there's no one around (probably).
  • If your location is not in the above list, there are people around. This includes alleys (bums), parks (joggers, dog walkers, muggers), and the beach (more muggers).

Furthermore, if you're in a place that would reasonably be crowded such as a club, it is crowded. Crowds make it difficult to hear people, notice people, and find people. If there would reasonably be loud music playing, there is loud music playing.

If you're in a PC-owned location, and do something that would reasonably cause a NPC working there to notice and tell that PC about it, then please OOCly contact that PC and let them know.

  • 'ex here' will tell you who owns the location (OOCly and usually also ICly).
  • Non-exhaustive list of causes: Getting into a physical confrontation. Breaking the law (e.g. smoking or naked table-dancing in a family restaurant). Doing something overtly supernatural (e.g. shifting to Crinos).
  • Many NPCs will run away if threatened, and are affected by Delirium etc. as usual, but there are exceptions (e.g. ghoul retainers). Some NPCs / PCs won't care if you smoke / whatever, others will be concerned about being reported (possibly by another PC) and shut down. Run it by the PC just in case.

If you're in public, but having a quiet conversation and don't want to be interrupted, and then someone else shows up:

  • Move to a RP room (+help +rproom). It's okay for the RP room to represent 'that same public room, but during a stretch of time when no interruptions occur'.
  • Alternatively, use places code (+help places) if available.
  • Do not tell/ask new arrivals to go somewhere else. It's not okay to bogart a public place.

Sometimes a private location behind closed doors is informally called 'semi-public' or 'semi-private', e.g. faction hangout, or personal location where some but not all PCs present are participating in some action. These still count as 'private' for the purpose of the above rules.

See also: +help +meet implications (using '+meet' to bring someone into a private place)

Increasing Lores


Lores are counted as primary Knowledges and can be purchased with XP if ICly justified.

If the lore would have been free in chargen

XP spends (even above the free level) do not require IC justification.

If you choose to start with a lower value (including 0), or your race or sub-race changes after chargen or you buy a relevant merit (e.g. Lore Vampire after someone ghouls you):

- You can get the first dot for free at any time, additional dots cost XP as usual.
- You can still choose to RP through the learning process.
- Someone (PC or NPC) will probably make an effort to teach you that first dot sooner or later, and you may draw ICC for not having it. (+policy village idiot)
- If you have Twisted Upbringing flaw, it does not need to be bought off first. (There are many other things that you could have been misled about.)

If you choose to chargen with a higher value, your first 1-3 dots can come out of baseline (doesn't require freebies unless your baseline runs out) and free dots are added afterward.

Other lores

This applies to all lores for which you get zero free dots, including taking it in chargen (indicating that you increased it in backstory).

Non-exhaustive list of how to justify learning other lores:

- A PC teacher who explicitly agrees to ICly teach you a level they have is sufficient, regardless of how much/little of it is RPed on-camera.
- Lore 1-2:
- Occult Library merit is sufficient.
- Occult Library background is not (it gives bonuses to Occult rolls instead).
- Influence (Occult) background is sufficient, see 'Influence' on wiki for details.
- Casual observation (e.g. Spirit Sight merit) is not.
- Mentor or backstory may be sufficient, but 'cured of amnesia' does not blanket-justify things not explicitly mentioned prior to approval.
- Lore 3+ requires a PC teacher (mentor/backstory is insufficient) or significant interaction with relevant PCs (detecting their existence is insufficient).


AKA Nephandi


Book of Madness covers Nephandi (whose goal is to destroy the world) in chapter 1 and Infernalists (whose goal is to gain power over the world) in chapter 3, but chapter 1 also uses the term 'Infernalist' inconsistently.

Chapter 1 breaks Nephandi down into these sub-groups:

a) 'Infernalists' who worship 'demons' (relatively mundane evil spirits)
b) Malfeans who serve the Wyrm
c) K'llashaa who worship the Lords of the Outer Darkness (Lovecraftian entities)

Chapter 3:

d) Infernalists who worship 'demons' but are not Nephandi

We interpret 'Infernal Malfeans' as b), 'Infernal Nephandi' as a), other uses of 'Infernal' as either a) or d) based on context.

All of these PCs can get Investments:

  • Access to unusual backgrounds (e.g. Enhancement, equivalent to biomods and/or genegineering, no Primium, older books like Technomancer's Toybox limited at staff discretion)
  • Stat bonuses (same game mechanics as +rules thralls)
  • We do not use the additional powers from pages 96-100

For a) and d), the 'demon' may in fact be a DtF demon, in which case it's a Ravener NPC or PC (or a badly misinformed PC of another faction).

We do not use Qlippothic spheres.

See also:
Nephandi Factions
+policy antagonists



Influence uses the categories from Laws of the Night 96-104, documented using +notes:

  • Bureaucracy
  • Church
  • Finance
  • Health
  • High Society
  • Industry
  • Legal
  • Media
  • Occult
  • Police
  • Political
  • Street
  • Transportation
  • Underworld
  • University

PCs can +request to use Influence for the types of actions listed, based on a monthly cap. Example: A PC with Influence (Bureaucracy) 2 could pull strings to acquire one fake driver's license per month, or trace two utility bills per month.

Some actions may have broad long-term effects, e.g. a PC with Influence (Political) 4 gets the city council to alter the laws against vandalism. Staff will maintain a central list of such effects and take them into account when relevant.

Each PC may have a total of up to 5 dots in Influence, allocated to as many or few categories as desired (e.g. Underworld 5, or Underworld 3 + Media 2, but not Underworld 5 + Media 5; for that, you need two PCs working together).

  • Existing dots cannot be reallocated, but can be abandoned (no XP refund, limit one per month per PC). Exceptions are at staff discretion, typically limited to initial grace period (within two weeks after approval) or OOC misunderstandings.

PCs can also allocate some of their Influence to various types of endeavors and modifiers, based on Dark Epics 64-69. See 'Influence' on wiki for details.



Players with the secondary talent Instruction may teach abilities to other players for an XP discount:

  • This only applies to the teacher's skills and knowledges, not talents (but see house rules below) or supernatural powers (which may have separate rules, e.g. vampire disciplines).
  • This does not apply to the student raising the target ability higher than the teacher's level in that ability.
  • Requires at least a one-month teaching period per teacher / student / target ability.
  • At the start of the month, teacher submits a +request.
  • During the month, teacher rolls Manipulation + Instruction vs (11 - student's Intelligence).
  • At the end of the month, student becomes eligible for a discount of 1 XP per success on the target ability.
  • House rules:
  • Student must pay a minimum of 1 XP per level of the target ability. (Example: 1 to 3, normally 2+4=6 XP, can't be discounted below 1+1=2 XP. Any additional Instruction successes are ignored.)
  • For each additional one-month teaching period with the same teacher and/or student and at least two weeks of simultaneous overlap, the Instruction roll is +1 difficulty.
  • Talents with a major physical component can benefit from Instruction. (Primaries: Athletics, Brawl, Dodge, Intimidation. Secondaries: Flight, Juggling, Swimming, Throwing.)
  • If the teacher spends Willpower on the Instruction roll, then they cannot spend Willpower on anything else for one month afterward. Remember that this roll represents a month's worth of sustained effort.
  • Playing out teaching on-camera is optional and eligible for +votes / XP nominations as usual.


  • Vampire Players Guide (2nd ed) page 28 (or 23)
  • Wraith Players Guide page 41
  • Book of Shadows page 16

Jack of All Trades


We use the 3-dot version of this merit from Players Guide to Garou 163:

"You have a little knowledge about a lot of things. If making a roll on a Skill you do not possess, you do not suffer the usual +1 penalty to the roll's difficulty. You may attempt a roll on a Knowledge that you do not possess, although the difficulty on the roll is raised by 2. Only homid or metis characters may take this Merit."

  • Any race may take this merit, it is not restricted to Garou or even shifters.
  • Fera are similarly restricted by breed.
  • Does not apply to abilities not normally available to your race (e.g. Lore, Gremayre).
  • Does not apply to secondary abilities.


  • Please disregard what is on the game for +rules kinain - it is in the process of being updated to C20*

We do not use the rules from Changeling: the Enchanted.

  • Subrace:Kinain has the effects of the Kinain merit (see below) in addition to their arts and realms. This includes the equivalent of An-da-shealladh (fae sight) and Parted Mists.

Characters that wish to be kinain in addition to something else must take this merit:

Kinain (4 pt. Merit)

Although your character is not a changeling, they've got their heritage running through their veins - literally. This merit allows the character to walk in the Dreaming as if they were Fae themselves. While doing so exposes the character to chimerical attack, it also opens them to a new and wondrous world. Their Banality is also quite low (typically two to five) and their presence is often welcome in the courts of the Fae. Naturally, this sort of gift carries an obligation to play Faerie politics. Nevertheless, it can be a wondrous game. This merit also allows the character immunity to the effects of the mists. (pg. 296 MtA Revised)

  • Note: This merit has been altered some so as to ensure game balance.
  • PCs with this merit may buy arts/realms, in which case they start with Glamour 2. This must fit within the limits from '+rules multiclass'.
  • Kinain may have faedescs, but only to state that Kithain can notice that they are Kinain.
- Exception: If you have specific relevant birthright for certain kiths.


  • Characters that wish to be kinfolk in addition to something else must take the Kinfolk merit (4 points, based on Kinfolk: Unsung Heroes page 65). This merit is available to the following races:
* sorcerer-psychic
* Demon
* Wraith, including Risen
* Possessed characters who were ICly kinfolk prior to possession should take Skinchanger Kinship instead.

  • House rule: Kinfolk with Gnosis may roll their Gnosis vs the Gauntlet to sidestep into the penumbra. This carries the same risk of getting stuck in the Gauntlet. Kinfolk are also usually woefully unprepared to defend themselves in the umbra, with death being one of the better outcomes (possession being one of the worst). Sidestep at your own peril. (Umbra: the Velvet Shadow page 13. Think "Joe Average wanders through downtown gangland".)

  • Kinfolk with Gnosis may also Peek into the Gauntlet (WtA 233-234).

  • Kinfolk gifts:
* Kinfolk-specific gifts: 3 XP
* Level 1 homid, tribe, or general (for Fera) gifts: 7 XP
* Other level 1 gifts: 10 XP
- 'Homid' and 'general' are in context of the breed you're kin to. If they can only get the gift by swiping, then it costs you 10 XP.
* Gifts requiring Gnosis: Must have the Gnosis merit.
* Gifts requiring Rage: Not available.

  • Shifters and kinfolk with Pure Breed can automatically be identified by shifters of their race, including what tribe they're kin to. All Kinfolk will have Lore Garou 2 at chargen - we do not allow Lost Kinfolk.
* Shifters with Pure Breed cannot automatically be identified by kinfolk. Recognize Garou (K:UH 52) works as usual, but only within your race, and Pure Breed doesn't affect the roll.
* Your Pure Breed kinfolk cannot start play unaware of their kinfolk-ness. We do not allow lost kinfolk. They must have Lore Garou 2.
* To identify someone without Pure Breed and/or of a different race, see +explain Scent of the True Form.

Koldunic Sorcery

(Old Clan Tzimisce)

Restricted to: Old Clan Tzimisce (must declare during chargen, set Clan = Old-Clan-Tzimisce)
Primary path: Any Way

Secondary paths have no restrictions beyond XP cost.

Path powers:

  • Spend a Willpower
  • Roll attribute (varies by Way) + Koldunism vs (4 + level)
- Way of Spirit: Charisma
- Way of Earth: Stamina
- Way of Wind: Perception
- Way of Water: Wits
- Way of Fire / Way of Sorrow: Manipulation
  • We use the path powers from Blood Magic, not Players Guide to High Clans
  • Occult Library background does not apply (roll doesn't include Occult)


  • Default duration is (5 * level) minutes
  • Shed (level) blood (may or may not be your own)
  • Roll Intelligence + Koldunism vs (4 + level)
- Koldunic versions of Thaumaturgy rituals (PGttHC 190 'Shared Rituals') use this roll (not Int+Occult vs 3+level)
  • Occult Library background does not apply (roll doesn't include Occult)

References: Blood Magic 127, 133
Players Guide to High Clans 183
Tzimisce 63



The term "kryptonite" is used here as shorthand for "race-specific weakness that causes aggravated damage or significant disablement for a character because of their race/subrace". Examples include:

  • Silver for Werewolves
  • Cold Iron for Changelings
  • Sunlight, Stakes for Vampires
  • Gold for Corax
  • Reference Book Organization for White Wolf Editors

Kryptonite weapons are not trivial to acquire. While the materials themselves (silver) might be very common, the purity and quality of weapons/ammunition made of these materials is rarely such that supplies the desired agg. Kryptonite to be used on NPCs in a PRP may be handwaved by the player running the PRP. Kryptonite to be used on PCs must be requested and approved by staff ("Kryptonite:Y" in +equip), and is subject to risk protection as usual.

For RP purposes, most of these materials as found in everyday items will have little effect on PCs. Players are encouraged to play out some level of trepidation and discomfort handling common kryptonite items and have reactions up to severe rashes from handling them, if desired. Changelings are free to use an iron railing to climb stairs. Werewolves can pick up a silver locket (but shouldn't wear it). Vampires are still incinerated by sunlight; sorry, there is no depleted sunlight (except what's reflected off the moon).

Supernaturals have relatively few weaknesses and as such, they take those weaknesses very seriously. Brandishing Kryptonite at a PC in a threatening manner, in combat, automatically promotes the wielder to Risk Level 3 for the duration of combat. This is regardless of either player's level of sphere-specific Lore. For this to be the case, however, the kryptonite must be the appropriate type for the character's real race. If you're a Gangrel posing miraculously well as a werewolf and someone pulls a silver dagger on you, they aren't automatically promoted to Risk Level 3.

For vampires, holy water, garlic, and crosses are not considered Kryptonite, but stakes and fire are. Fire is not considered Kryptonite for anyone else.

See Also:


  • "Martial Arts (hard style)" and "Martial Arts (soft style)" are available to all races.
- In lieu of higher cost, you must have Brawl at equal/higher level.
- You may learn both styles.
  • Dharma Rating
- Requires time (+rules minimum time) and XP (current*4) in addition to Auspicious Occasion rolls (KotE 52-53)
- Capped at 5 (KotE page 13 compares 6+ to 7th/lower generation)
- Rites with higher level than your Dharma Rating are +1 diff (KotE 126)
  • Nushi: Works like Totem, see +rules nushi
  • Do Kuei-Jin smell of the Wyrm: KotE Companion page 125: "Kuei-jin usually detect as Wyrm-tainted to the senses of the Lupines - but not always. In particular, the Thrashing Dragon Dharma often seems to radiate Wyld energy, and the Resplendent Crane Dharma Weaver energy. However, almost all Kuei-jin (except those of great enlightenment - Dharma 7+) have at least a subtle hint of Wyrm taint. Naturally, this can be accelerated by the actions of the Kuei-Jin in question - a Cathayan who indulges in flesh eating very likely smacks of the stench of the Defiler."
  • Obligation 5, Soul Shackles (KotE 126): For Spirit Bond, "unmodified Hun" just means "without adding an ability". Other modifiers to Hun value and/or difficulty apply normally.

Kuei-jin Retainers


Passive Joss (Dhampyr 54):

  • When hit for lethal or agg, roll Humanity vs 8. On a success, spend 1 joss, and all damage is prevented by some absurd coincidence.
  • This doesn't work vs bashing, doesn't work if all Joss is spent, and you can't save it for a bigger attack later.
  • On a botch, the dhampyr is paralyzed by fear for a number of turns equal to the number of 1s.
  • Joss regenerates 1 per day.

Devil Tigers may have bakemono retainers with three power slots, limited to powers from KotE 219-220.

  • 'Launchable quills' uses up two power slots.
  • Possessed powers from other books may be allowed at staff discretion.



Clarifications on Languages:

  • We don't do per-language skill levels. A language is at 0 or it is at 5.
  • The number of languages you get per level of linguistics is by the books.
  • Your native language is free.
- Everyone gets one free language, normally English.
- Garou also get Garou and Lupine, and simlar for fera.
- Demons also get Enochian.
- Inanimae also get Inanimica and phylum dialect. (Mannikin don't have their own phylum dialect, and can understand all the others but not speak them).
  • Languages per level are thus:
- Linguistics 1: 1 extra language
- Linguistics 2: 2 extra languages
- Linguistics 3: 4 extra languages
- Linguistics 4: 8 extra languages
- Linguistics 5: 16 extra languages
  • These are totals, e.g. raising Linguistics from 1 to 3 gives you 3 (not 6) more languages
  • Once you've reached Linguistics 5, additional languages can be purchased for 3 XP each.
  • Leaving out English entirely will significantly restrict your RP. Please think carefully about this and don't use it to hog the spotlight.
  • Niche languages go under 'Number of Other Languages' with +note for context. If another PC picks up the same one, then submit a +request so you can use +speak.

See also: +liststats langs and Languages



Lores (Knowledges; for demon powers, see +rules demon lores)

At Lore 0, your character can believe, but your knowledge is inaccurate and mostly derived from popular culture.

Free Lores
The following types qualify for free Lore in chargen. Characters can qualify for multiple lores.

Type Lore Type Lore
Vampire (non-KJ): Vampire 3 Ghoul: Vampire 2
Kuei-jin: Kuei-jin 3 Dhampyr: Kuei-jin 2
Garou: Garou 3 Kinfolk (Garou): Garou 2
Fera: Fera 3 Kinfolk (Fera): Fera 2
Wyrm Shifters: Wyrm 3 Kinfolk (Wyrm): Wyrm 2
Mage: Mage 3 Sorcerer-Psychic: S-P 3
Changeling: Changeling 3 Kinain: Changeling 2
Demon: Demon 3 Possessed (all): Spirit 3
Mummy: Mummy 3 Possessed (fomori): Wyrm 3
Wraith, Risen: Wraith 3 Projector: Wraith 2
Bygone: Bygone 3 Hunter: Hunter 3
Bygone (chim.): Changeling 2

See also:
Increasing Lores

Lost Creeds


Hermit (HPG 17-19)

  • Patron 3 free, can buy it up to 4 or 5 (costed as if it were being bought from 0 up to 1 or 2).
  • Derangement hampering social interaction, e.g. hysteria, manic depression, paranoia.
  • +1 difficulty on all rolls while a 'monster' or other hunter (that you ICly know about) is within 100 feet

Wayward (HPG 21-23)

  • Second Sight constantly active for free.
  • Derangement making them violent and desensitized to suffering, e.g. megalomania, multiple personalities, fugue, schizophrenia.
  • Can't use an edge to differentiate between types of monsters, e.g. Discern (Judgment 1), Witness (Martyrdom 2), Illuminate (Innocence 2).



The Sixth Great Maelstrom, aka the Week of Nightmares, was a major canon event that forever changed the world. It marked the entrance of Demons to the world, but it also screwed up the Umbra something fierce (something about the Technocracy using spirit nukes).

We like having Demons loose in the world, it lets us have them as playable characters here. We do not like the Avatar Storm, it excessively limits certain mages. Thus, we've chosen a compromise: it happened, but most of the Umbral problems ended years ago.

Short version:

  • Demons are playable characters
  • Wraiths are playable characters
  • Ravnos are playable characters
  • Mages can cross the Gauntlet to/from the Umbra without taking damage
  • Mages still cannot cross the Horizon to/from the Deep Umbra

For more details, see +rules maelstrom2.



In mid-July 1999, after a week of psychic backlash that drove most Ravnos insane, the Ravnos Antediluvian rose and began wreaking havoc in India. It was finally put down in Bangladesh by the combined might of (a) three high-Dharma Kuei-Jin and (b) the Technocracy's 'Do Not Open until the Apocalypse' toybox.

The spirit nukes in said toybox cracked the Abyssal prison that the Fallen were trapped in, as well as causing the Sixth Great Maelstrom to sweep through the Underworld. A side effect was the Avatar Storm, a poisoning of the Gauntlet that would flay the Avatar of any Mage trying to cross it. It also wreaked havoc on the Horizon, making trips into the Deep Umbra even more difficult and dangerous than they already were, and trips back nearly impossible, cutting off Earth from contact with most of the high-Arete Mages, who had long since retreated Outside to escape the crushing weight of Paradox.

Another effect was the death of nearly all of Clan Ravnos. By the end of the Week of Nightmares, there were less than 100 left, mostly Ancillae and Neonates. Clan Ravnos is now effectively a Bloodline.

By 2012, things had settled down somewhat:

  • Ravnos PCs are available, per our standard rules for PCs (no lower than 8th Generation). They can't really be considered a true Clan anymore without an Antediluvian or any Methuselahs, so consider them a Bloodline (this isn't really a mechanical effect, just a roleplay thing).
  • The Avatar Storm ended years ago. How exactly it ended is a mystery. Rumors include: It simply burned itself out. It was repaired by the Traditions. It was repaired by the Technocracy. It was repaired by an unprecedented cooperative effort of Dreamspeakers, Void Engineers, Corax, and Nuwisha. The upshot is, it's gone, everyone has their own theory of why, and nobody knows for certain. You do not take agg damage when you use Spirit/DimSci to Step Sideways through the Gauntlet/Barrier.
  • The Horizon, however, is still damaged. The Deep Umbra is still difficult and dangerous to access. Many of Earth's mightiest mages are still out of contact.
  • Fallen (Demons) are still trickling out of the crack in the Abyss and claiming mortal bodies, per their canon. Nothing has changed there.
  • The Underworld/Shadowlands are all kinds of messed up, but not nearly so bad as in canon. Thus you can still play Wraith PCs, see 'news wraith' for more details.
  • There is no Red Star. The End of the World forgot to happen. Maybe the destruction of Ravnos forestalled it. (Shortly after its appearance to mortals, it vanished just as mysteriously. The Void Engineers continue to suppress evidence.)

Mage Backgrounds

  • Blessing
* Should be based on a rote, but the roll is (some attribute + Blessing), not Arete. Difficulty is 6 unless otherwise specified. Some effects may require multiple successes.
* Can include flaws worth up to 1/3 (rounded to nearest) of what the Blessing would cost without any flaws. (1 can't be discounted, 2-4 can be discounted by 1, 5-7 can be discounted by 1 or 2.)
* Does not generate Paradox, unless it includes 1-dot flaw 'generates Paradox' (same as if the rote had been used).
* Does not trigger passive Awareness, unless it includes 1-dot flaw 'triggers passive Awareness' (same as if the rote had been used).
  • Resources 6+: Limited to Syndicate (Syndicate-adjacent may reach 6 at staff discretion). Capped at 5 in chargen, 10 with XP. Raising above 5 requires minimum (current * 2) months, halved for Financiers and Disbursements.
  • Sanctum: May be non-contiguous (e.g. linked by a coincidental Correspondence 4 portal), but may not be mobile (a Sanctum Van is a cool idea but would be overpowered).
  • Spirit Allies (Dreamspeakers 61):
* Total background level can go up to 10 dots (but costs the same XP as regular backgrounds, not the cheaper Totem rate).
* You can allocate as many or as few of these dots to each individual ally as you want.
* Each ally starts with 4 (not 5) dots to divide between Willpower/Rage/Gnosis.
* Each ally gets (its level + 3) background points worth of totem-style powers.

Mage Merits/Flaws

  • Dual Perception: Must have Spirit Sight to take this merit. Lets you temporarily turn off parts of Spirit Sight so you can concentrate better. See +rules spirit sight for details.
  • Spark of Life: If you and someone else are both in perfect health, then physical contact just feels good. Really, unusually, addictively so, depending how long it's kept up. Gives -1 diff to M+ healing powers.
  • Twin Souls: The "additional measure of Quintessence" is equal to the higher Avatar rating between the twins. (Twins with 3 and 2 have a total joint pool of 3+2+3=8. Twins with 4 and 4 have a total of 4+4+4=12.)
  • Geas:
* Set "Geas (flaw)" to 1-5. More burden to avoid violating it = more points, but must be less than whatever it's attached to.
* If attached to a merit or background, set that normally and add a +note.
* If attached to another flaw, add a +note, but don't add the flaw to +sheet (staff will perform the swap if/when the geas is violated).
  • Confidence: Both modifiers depend on someone trying to mislead or intimidate you.
  • Legendary Attribute: Limited to mages and sorcerers/psychics (who are at least mage-adjacent).

Mage Misc

  • For every two ongoing effects that you're maintaining, you are +1 difficulty to any further effect. (MtA 155) For ongoing effects lasting a month or more, staff will set an +effect for 'Rotes' to help keep track of this.
  • Thresholds: If a mage effect would otherwise be difficulty 9+N (after applying all modifiers), roll at diff 9 and cancel N successes. If this cancels all successes, it's only a botch if the mage rolled a 1. For extended effects, apply this rule to each roll individually.
  • In order to pierce mental illusions/effects of any kind (such as Obfuscate, Chimerstry, Dementation, and unless otherwise specified in the rules) a Mage must:
* Have activated a Mind 2 defensive effect beforehand.
* Roll Perception+Awareness vs 7 against the power's dice pool vs 7.
* When the effect doesn't have dice pool, roll <Level of power/gift/item>+Subterfuge vs 7.
* Ties are in favor of the illusion/effect.
* The mage must be actively searching to pierce an effect/illusion or detect an invisible person. (See: +rules sniping)

Mage Rituals


This refers to mage effects cast using extended rolls.

  • Rituals may be cast either slowly or quickly.
* Slowly: Each Arete roll takes around 15 minutes to an hour. (MtA 150)
* Quickly: Each Arete roll after the first is +1 difficulty, cumulative. (MtA 209)
  • Failed/botched rolls accumulate penalties as usual. (MtA 150)
  • The mage may make a number of Arete rolls equal to permanent Willpower. To try to keep going longer:
* Roll Stamina vs 6 (or Stamina + High Ritual vs 5 if you have the latter).
* Success grants one more Arete roll.
* Each additional Stamina roll has base difficulty 1 higher.
* Willpower cannot be spent for an automatic success on two consecutive Stamina rolls.
  • For acting in concert (MtA 154), each participant follows this process individually (even if they're not actually rolling Arete) to determine how long they can keep participating.
  • If the ritual is disrupted by an outside force, roll Willpower vs 8 to avoid botching the whole thing. (MtA 150)
* For acting in concert, each participant rolls individually to avoid losing their contribution. If all participants fail, then the whole thing is botched.

Magical Items


Magical items are items that capture some sort of magical ability. The purpose of these rules is to place reasonable across-the-board limits on who can create and use which items, and how many of them. (This is in addition to any limits specified in canon, not instead of.)

Due to length, this is split up into sections:

+rules magical items types Permanent, single-use, shelf-life.
+rules magical items limiting stats Occult, mostly.
+rules magical items creation What can you create?
+rules magical items rate of creation How many can you create?
+rules magical items carrying and use How many can you use?
+rules magical items genre When can you cross genres?

For details on how to create a specific type of magical item, see Creating Magical Items

Magical Items Carrying and Use

How many can you use?

Characters are limited by how many multiple-use items they can use in a scene.

  • The limit is compared to the sum of the item levels.
  • Characters can have dumpsters full of magical items at home, and can use all of them in a scene there.
  • +equip does not track what you normally keep where. You may want to set a +note and ask staff to approve it.

Usage limits by race:

Sphere Effect
Vampire 2 x (highest discipline + Occult)
Shifter 2 x (Rank + Rituals)
Mage 2 x (Arete + Occult)
Sorcerer-Psychic 2 x (highest numina + Occult)
Changeling 2 x (highest art + Gremayre)
Wraith/Risen 2 x (highest arcanos + Occult)
Demon 2 x (Faith (max 5) + Occult)
Mummy 2 x (Balance + Occult)
Soulless flaw 4 x Hypertech ('mages' without Arete)
Other 2 x Occult (Mortal, other Mortal+, Bygone)

Receiving a magical item made by another player does not require buying a background with XP.

- Example: If a Changeling makes a level 2 Treasure for Bob, Bob does not have to buy Treasure 2.

Magical Items Creation

What can you create?

The effect of a magical item must be spelled out in canon (like a Fetish), or emulate a specific power (e.g. Obfuscate 3) and use the same game mechanics (including any spends/rolls normally required by that power).

Some items will require replacing one magical energy pool with another.

  • Willpower may be substituted at staff discretion.
- Example: If a Gift requires Gnosis, then a Treasure emulating its power may require Glamour instead.

The level of a permanent item is the level from canon (for a Fetish etc.), or the sum of the levels of power emulated.

  • Mage spheres can only be emulated by mage items (too broad otherwise).
- Specific mage-created items (particularly fetishes/talens) may be emulated at staff discretion.
  • Possessed/bygone powers can't be emulated (don't follow the usual 1-5 scale).
  • If a level N power doesn't directly produce an effect, but only creates an item that produces an effect (e.g. Enchantment numina, Enchant Talisman), then it only contributes N-2 (minimum 1) to the item's level.
  • Multiple powers producing essentially same effect with different targets (e.g. Thaumaturgy wards) only contribute once (highest level in group), not multiple times.
- Example: A magical item that emulates Potence 2 is a level 2 item.
- Example: A magical item that emulates Celerity 1 and has Ward vs Ghouls (level 2) and Ward vs Kindred (level 4) is a level 3 item (1 for Celerity, 2 for Ward vs Kindred contributing 4-2=2).

See Also: Creating Magical Items

Magical Items Genre

When can you cross genres?

Items are categorized by genre (which game line they came from: Vampire, Werewolf, etc.)

To create an item that emulates a power from a different genre, the creator must have the appropriate lore (or Hypertech if relevant) at 3.

  • Emulating a power restricted to a subset of another race may be restricted at staff discretion.
- Example: A Sorcerer-Psychic trying to emulate a shifter gift would need Lore Garou 3 or Lore Fera 3, depending on the gift.
- Example: A Bastet creating a Fetish that emulates a Sorcerer-Psychic path would need Lore Sorcerer-Psychic 3.

To use an out-of-genre magical item:

  • The user must have Occult (or relevant replacement) at least as high as the item level.
  • If the item / power emulated requires a magical energy pool, then the user must have that pool.
- Example: A Garou with Rituals 2 can use a level 2 Treasure if it doesn't require Glamour.
- Example: A Changeling with Lore Sorcerer-Psychic 3 can use a level 3 enchanted stick if it doesn't require Mana.
- All magical items are considered out-of-genre for the 'Other' group from '+rules magical items carrying and use'.

Magical Items Limiting Stats

Occult, mostly.

The number of magical items you can create and use is typically limited based on Occult. However, it may be interchanged with:

  • Rituals (typically shifters)
  • Gremayre (typically changelings)
  • Hypertech (typically Technocrats)
  • Science or Technology (Sorcerer-psychics using extraordinary science or techno-sorcery)
  • Crafts (Malefactor demons)

To qualify to use an out-of-genre item, Occult may be interchanged with:

  • Rituals
  • Gremayre
  • Hypertech (if the item is hypertech in nature)
  • Lore for the genre in question (e.g. Vampire, Garou)

Magical Items Rate of Creation

How many can you create?

The rate at which permanent items can be created is limited by the notion of "tokens":

  • Your number of tokens is (Occult (max 5) x 2) per month.
  • Creating a permanent item costs a number of tokens equal to its level.
- Upgrading an item uses a number of tokens based on the upgrade, even if it partly overlaps with existing powers (e.g. mage spheres)
  • Unused tokens expire, except when saving up for a specific item declared in advance, or staff takes several weeks to process the job (in which case the player can use tokens from any month within that time).
- Example: Bob's Occult is 4, so he has 8 tokens. He creates a level 5 item, so he has 3 tokens left.

Shelf-life items are limited by the number that currently exist, regardless of levels.

  • You can have one shelf-life item per dot in Occult (max 5).
  • Shelf-life items don't cost tokens.
- Example: Bob's Occult is 4. He creates two level 5 shelf-life items and two level 3 shelf-life items. He can't create more until one expires.

Single-use items are not limited (except per canon) and do not cost tokens, but if you're creating more than 100 per month, then you're probably wasting everyone's time.

Items whose sole effect is to ICly justify an XP spend (e.g. Acute Vision merit) don't cost anything beyond that XP spend.

Some items are not important enough to be worth tracking. Staff is not worried about every single tool in your toolshed, making your grandmother's favorite vase unbreakable, etc. If in doubt, ask.

Magical Items Types

Permanent, single-use, shelf-life.

Permanent items are items that can be used multiple times and have no fixed expiration date, such as Fetishes, Treasures, Wonders, Devices, Demon Relics, Wraith Artifacts, Sorcerer-Psychic Enchantments, and items enchanted through vampiric magic.

Single-use items are items that expire after a single use, such as Talens and products of Alchemy.

Shelf-life items are items that have a fixed expiration date, but can be used multiple times during that time.

  • Permanent items and shelf-life items are collectively known as multiple-use items.



Medium (2 point Merit)

Wraith: (Wraith20 page 406) Medium is a catchall term for humans who can see wraiths. Some are born with the ability, some acquire it in life, and some have it pushed on them by magical ritual or scientific experiment. The end result, however, is the same: a human who is aware (and occasionally can't get away from) the Restless Dead.

Vampire: (VtM page 300) You possess the natural ability to sense and hear spirits, ghosts, and shades. ... you can sense them, speak to them and, through pleading or cajoling, draw them to your presence. You may call on them for aid or advice, but there will always be a price.

Mage: (MtA page 295) Your mage is a natural conduit to the Underworld. Although this Merit does not reduce the difficulty of working Spirit magic, ... they do tend to hang out, talk, bug the character and ask him to do things. This talent can be helpful in some cases; wraiths are eager to talk to those who can hear them. However, they often make demands, and they can be difficult to banish if the mage doesn't have enough power with Spirit.

Clarifications / house rules:

  • This allows '+rsee wraith', but not '+rsee fae' or '+rsee umbra'.
  • Per Wraith20, this includes seeing as well as hearing. This takes precedence over other game lines stating otherwise.

Mind Control


Demons are innately immune to mind control and fear. Our interpretation of this is that demons are immune to any power that compels them to direct, specific action (e.g. Dominate). Powers can affect a demon's mood, perceptions, and mental effectiveness, but the user of the power cannot direct the demon to take a specific action. Also, no power may compel a demon to act against their Nature. A Caregiver can't be made to abandon their charge, a Judge can't be made to look the other way, a Thrill-Seeker can't be made to take it easy.

Demons have this immunity at all times, as long as they have at least 1 temp Faith. (DtF 159, 171)

Thralls may be granted this immunity as part of their pact. Each time it's relevant, they must roll Willpower vs base diff 7 to see if it's effective. (DtF 253)

Otherwise, lores blocked by this immunity work on non-demons, but are resisted by other mental defenses (e.g. mage/psychic mind shields) as usual, typically canceling successes on a 1:1 basis:

  • Humanity 2 (Insinuate)
  • Humanity 4 (Confession)
  • Humanity 5 (Alter Memory)
  • Radiance 1 (Voice of Heaven)
  • Radiance 3 (Aura of Legend)
  • Radiance 4 (The Mark of the Celestials)

This immunity does not block blood bonds. Blood bonds are emotional in nature and do not compel the bound person to any direct, specific action.

Minimum Time


For certain important power stats, we impose a minimum amount of time at the current level in addition to any other requirements:

Change Time
0 -> 1 No time requirement
1 -> 2 1 month
2 -> 3 3 months
3 -> 4 6 months
4 -> 5 8 months

Missing Stats


If a game mechanic attempts to reference a stat that a character doesn't have at all, treat it as if it was zero.

When rolling a dice pool (mundane or magic) that includes an ability that you don't have:

  • Talents, roll the rest of your pool at no penalty. (VtM 120 et al)
  • Skills, roll the rest of your pool at +1 difficulty. (VtM 123 et al)
  • Knowledges, auto-fail unless the ST says otherwise. (VtM 126 et al)
  • Exception: If you lack Awareness or a similar supernatural-sense ability, you can't use it at all.


  • Vampires and Path of Enlightenment vs Humanity, treat them as interchangeable unless canon says otherwise.
  • Vampire powers and virtues, see +rules vampire disciplines.
  • Kami and Autonomy, see +rules autonomy.
  • Anything else that seems like it should have an exception, submit a +request.



These rules are for PCs with supernatural powers from more than one source.

  • This includes anything that shows up in the 'Powers' section of +sheet.
  • It does not include Spirit Sight merit, demon thrall bonuses, etc.
  • Even without powers, PCs crossing three or more game lines may be restricted at staff discretion.

A supernatural PC (Race = anything other than Mortal or Mortal+):

  • Cannot cross over with any other type of supernatural PC (e.g. Abominations)
  • Cannot be ghouled or possessed
  • Cannot learn numina except as allowed in +rules sorcerer
  • Cannot learn gifts or have Gnosis due to Kinfolk merit
  • Cannot learn arts/realms due to Kinain merit
  • Cannot be a projector
  • Non-Risen wraiths cannot take the Kinain merit (requires a body)

A mortal+ PC cannot have mortal+ powers from more than two of the following sources:

  • Disciplines (ghoul, including revenant/dhampir)
  • Gifts (kinfolk, but not possessed)
  • Numina (sorcerer/psychic; counts as a single source)
  • Arts/realms (kinain; counts as a single source)
  • Possessed powers (possessed; includes any gifts supported by the Spirit Gift power)
  • Projector horrors

A PC with hunter edges cannot have any other powers listed above. A PC with such powers may /conceptually/ be a hunter but cannot have edges.

Additional limits for mortal+:

  • Sum of Domitor (or Blood Donor) background + highest gift + highest numina + highest art + highest horror cannot exceed 8. (Treat anything you don't have as zero.)
  • A PC cannot have more than one of (Mana, Gnosis, Glamour), and these are not inherently interchangeable even if a power can target more than one of them (magic items etc. may make exceptions).
* Exception: Rorqual kami can have both Gnosis and Glamour
  • Ghouls cannot be kinain (they interact badly with Glamour, G:FA 85) or have Gnosis (they seem thematically incompatible but this may change someday).

See also: +policy multifaction

Mummy Misc

  • Character generation:
* One free spell or ritual at each hekau level, but only during chargen. (MtR 60 says 'one per', MtR 78 says 'two per'. We picked the former.)
* Sekhem equals final Balance (after freebies) plus what your Vessel (if any) holds. It cannot be raised with freebies.
  • Non-Egyptian mummies are allowed:
* Capacocha, Teomallki, Wu T'ian, Cabiri, Ishmaelites, Others (MtR 217-227, MPG 71-97, MtR 2nd 33-38 and 75)
* +sheet will generally use the standard Amenti names, regardless of what the character ICly calls them (MPG 104). 'Lifeforce' = Sekhem (MPG 111).
* For Martial Arts, either hard style or soft style may be used.
* Any pre-Revised differences in game mechanics will be adapted at staff discretion, e.g. 'must go back to Egypt' becomes 'must go back to Greece' or some other similarly distant place.
* Children of Apophis (bane mummies) are not allowed as PCs, as there are only seven of them in the entire world.
  • Spending Sekhem on hekau:
* All Sekhem spent on a spell must be spent at the instant it's cast.
* Sekhem spent on a ritual may be spent at any time during the ritual.
* Drawing Sekhem from a Vessel requires one turn of concentration each time.
  • Vampire feeding from a mummy (based on MtR 145):
* If the mummy loses N blood, then they also lose N Sekhem and the vampire gains 2*N blood.
* The vampire also gains +N Humanity until the blood is spent.
* Vampires on a Path of Enlightenment:
** Gain artificial Humanity (starting at 0) in addition to their Path of Enlightenment.
** Attempting to violate this artificial Humanity: Roll (Instinct or Self-Control) vs (artificial Humanity). Fail = cannot bring yourself to commit the violation, which may trigger a degeneration check against your Path of Enlightenment.
* Kuei-jin gain Yang Chi instead of blood.


(Giovanni, Samedi, wangateurs)

Restricted to: Giovanni, Samedi, and wangateurs
Primary path: Sepulchre Path

Cannot learn Bone Path or Ash Path until you reach Necromancy 3. Cannot learn both of those paths until you reach Necromancy 5.

Path powers:

  • Roll varies by path and level
  • Occult Library background applies if and only if the roll includes Occult


  • Default duration is (5 * level) minutes, but this varies widely by ritual
  • Roll Intelligence + Occult vs (3 + level)
  • Occult Library background does apply

Out-of-clan for wangateurs unless targeted by Additional Discipline merit.

VtM 161
Giovanni 67
Blood Magic 105
Blood Sacrifice 77

Nightmare Dice


Nightmare Dice: (CtD 206-207)

  • When you would gain temporary Banality, you can choose to gain a Nightmare Die instead. (+gain nightmare dice)
  • If they go over 10, then they all go away and permanent Banality increases by 1 (submit a +request).
  • When casting a cantrip, your dice pool comes from your Nightmare Dice first.
- Example: If your pool is 8 and you have 3 Nightmare Dice, you roll 3 Nightmare Dice and 5 normal dice.
- Example: If your pool is 8 and you have 9 Nightmare Dice, you roll 8 (not 9) Nightmare Dice.
  • When you roll a 1 on a Nightmare Die, suffer a Nightmare and then remove it. (+lose nightmare dice)
  • Otherwise, Nightmare Dice add/remove successes the same as normal dice.

Possible Nightmares, depending on number of 1s rolled on Nightmare Dice:

  • 1 - Horrid Dreams: You have terrible dreams for the next five nights.
  • 1 - Freezing Wind: Everywhere you go, you are followed by a chilling breeze or wind. This lasts for a month.
  • 2 - Clumsiness: You trip continually unless you concentrate on your movement. All difficulties for physical movement are increased by three. This happens the next time you are in a dangerous situation and lasts for a scene.
  • 2 - Headaches: You are plagued with terrible migraines for the next month.
  • 3 - Bad Luck: House rule - During the next dangerous scene in which you take part, any 2s you roll on your actions count as 1s.
  • 3 - Temporary Blindness: You cannot see for a scene. The Storyteller says when the scene begins
  • 3 - Recurring Nightmare: Draw another Bunk. This becomes a taboo that you must observe for the next month. The Storyteller decides to what extent this reaches.
  • 3 - Widdershins: The cantrip you just cast reverses itself.
  • 4 - Lose Important Item: Even if you constantly watch all your possessions for the next week, you will lose one of them (to fire, destruction or forgetfulness). The possession is usually your most valuable or valued possession - possibly a treasure. It may be possible to regain the item, or it may be lost forever.
  • 4 - Wracked with Pain: You are wracked with terrible pain and cry out in agony. Every time you think of this pain, you must make a Willpower roll (difficulty 7) to avoid experiencing it again. This lasts for a full month.
  • 5 - Lose All Glamour: All of your temporary Glamour departs at once.

No Free Lunch

There Ain't No Such Thing as a Free Lunch

This rule covers using a supernatural effect to permanently alter a stat that normally costs XP (including removing/decreasing a flaw, Torment, etc.).

Target may pay the normal XP cost, handwaving the effect as IC justification.

  • This does not require rolls, or even canonical game mechanics.
- Example: Using Vicissitude to justify gaining the Winged merit.

Target may pay half the normal XP cost (rounded up) if:

  • The effect has canonical game mechanics for such an increase.
  • The caster succeeds at those game mechanics.
- Example: Using Lore of Flesh 5 (Shape Flesh) to increase physical attributes.
  • Cost is waived entirely if even the reduced cost would be excessive on top of the cost and scope of the effect.
- Example: Pierce the Murk (Players Guide to High Clans 176) costs 3 XP and can grant Darksight (2 dot merit) for free.

Target may benefit without spending XP if:

  • The effect has canonical game mechanics for such an increase.
  • The caster succeeds at those game mechanics.
  • The effect has some other type of permanent or ongoing cost.
- Example: Using Vicissitude 2 (Fleshcraft) to increase soak dice, at the expense of decreasing Strength or health levels.
- Example: Using Life/Mind to increase physical/mental attributes, at the expense of the caster suffering rote strain and possibly increased Paradox.


Node level Quint per week Tass per month Magick difficulty
1 1 1 -1
2 3 2 -1
3 6 3 -2
4 10 5 -2
5 15 8 -3

Quintessence gained via meditation does count against this limit. (MtA 122)

Quintessence cannot be stockpiled, except by transferring it into an object (creating Tass) or mage or periapt. Tass may be stockpiled up to three months.

Creating or increasing the power of a node requires Prime 5, in addition to buying the background.

Finding a node just requires buying the background, but it won't be right next door to your existing building. (Erecting a new building around it is fine.)

For a building previously owned by another PC, you can buy the background from 0 to its previous level as quickly or slowly as you want. Until then, the rest is assumed to not benefit you because the resonance isn't quite right. If they didn't have a Node there, then you can handwave an undiscovered one if you request it promptly after acquiring the building.

Large nodes (4+) are subject to staff discretion. A mage's Node background may correspond to two or more smaller nodes, but they won't be right next door to each other; consider how much territory you can reliably defend.

NPC Willpower


From WtA page 192

Willpower Rating Percentage of the population that has it
1 10%
2 20%
3 18%
4 15%
5 13%
6 10%
7 7%
8 5%
9 1.5%
10 0.5%

See also: +help +npcwillpower


  • Numina at 6: Subrace:Sorcerer-Psychic only. Only one numina per PC (you can have others at 5 or lower). Limited at staff discretion.
  • Anti-Psychic: May still purchase sorcery. Affects all non-psychic mental powers (e.g. Fascination, Dominate, but not Hellfire), limit +1 diff (same as Mind sphere).
  • Healing / Psychic Healing: Can target yourself as long as you're awake and not incapacitated, but wound penalties apply as usual.
  • Mana Manipulation 4 to store extra Mana: Immediately before meditation, cast MM4 to reset your cap to (Mana background + MM4 successes), replacing any previous casting.
  • Summon/Bind/Ward: Creating a Warding Circle requires S/B/W 3+, but only counts as aspect level 1.


  • For crossing realms (Wayfare/Nature), roll 'Wits + Nature (realm)'.
  • For other uses of Mythlore (if any), substitute Gremayre.
  • Raising Totem after chargen costs 2 XP per dot, same as shifters.



Mages gain Paradox:

  • When they use vulgar magic (even if they succeed and no one is watching).
  • When they botch (even if the magic was coincidental).

Staff ruling for what is considered 'sleeper witnesses' are plain, simple, vanilla, everyday mortals/animals with no supernatural powers at all, and not already accepting of vulgar magic (so your acolyte is OK even if they don't have any powers of their own yet). However, hunters do count as sleeper witnesses.

Staff ruling for what is considered 'vulgar' is anything that a sleeper witness would perceive via mundane senses (or actually does perceive by any means, including e.g. Awareness or hunter powers) as obviously unnatural.

  • This includes (but is not limited to) getting more successes on a non-Arete roll assisted by mage magic than a sleeper could get solely by maxing out relevant stats (+rules stat caps) and rolling all 10s.
  • Telepathy is generally OK because sleepers can't perceive it, however if you're projecting thoughts directly into a sleeper's mind then that's vulgar (with witness).

If your Paradox + Quintessence ever exceeds 20, then you lose Quintessence to bring the total down to 20. (MtA 128)

Backlash timing:

  • If you gain Paradox during turn N, then you take backlash at the end of turn N+1. (This clarifies "a turn or two" from MtA 194.)
** If you also gain Paradox during turn N+1, then you also take backlash at the end of turn N+2 (if you still have any Paradox left at that point).
** Exception: When you gain Paradox, you can choose to immediately spend a Willpower, in which case you don't take backlash until the end of the scene. (MtA 195)
** Other backlash variations (ST Handbook 10-11) are omitted for simplicity.

Backlash damage:

  • N is your total Paradox, not just your most recent gain. (MtA 195)
** N = 1-10: Take N dice of bashing damage.
** N = 11-20: Take (N-10) dice of lethal damage.
** N = 21+: Take (N-20) dice of aggravated damage.
** This damage is soakable as usual (typically bashing but not lethal/agg).
** Additional backlash effects (Paradox Flaws etc.) still occur per the book, this is just clarifying the damage portion.

Backlash burnoff:

  • Roll your total Paradox vs 6, lose one Paradox per success. (MtA 153)
  • This is separate from the damage roll above.

Dissipation: If your Paradox is 10 or less, and remains constant for a week, then 1 point dissipates. (MtA 128)

Permanent Paradox (e.g. Enhancement background, raising an attribute above 5 for long enough) can only be lost by removing the cause (removing the Enhancement, lowering your attribute to 5 or less, etc.).

Pattern Bleeding


If a mage increases a physical or mental attribute and leaves it that way for more than a day, then the target takes 1 level of lethal damage per full day per attribute.

  • This may be their own or someone else's.
  • Physical attributes: Strength, Dexterity, Stamina.
  • Mental attributes: Perception, Intelligence, Wits.
  • This does not apply to social attributes (Manipulation, Charisma, Appearance), as they already need to interact with the mindset of others.
  • Other types of effects may also cause pattern bleed (e.g. Life 3: Better Body, MtA 171, adding totally inhuman features).
  • If the mage has Prime, then they may spend Quintessence to negate this damage (1 per level).

MtA 168, 176



This is a 2 point flaw in some game lines, a 1 or 3 point flaw in others, and the game mechanics vary as well. For simplicity, we recommend the following common interpretation. (As usual, players can handwave details by mutual agreement.)

  • Roll Willpower. If the roll gets fewer successes than your flaw level, you must attempt to retreat.
  • At level 3, you must also attempt to attack anyone in your way, to whatever extent seems necessary to get them out of your way.
  • If unable to retreat, all your rolls suffer a difficulty penalty equal to your flaw level until you retreat.
  • If you were exactly 1 success short, you can spend a Willpower after the fact to avoid retreating, but you suffer difficulty penalties as if unable to retreat.
  • Characters with Courage (vampires, ghouls, mortals, demons) and flaw level 2 or higher: Roll Courage instead, only need 1 success.
  • Shifters with flaw level 3: Roll for fox frenzy instead.

Canon references:
VtM 299, PGGarou 164, MtA 293, CtD 154 and 157, WraithPG 17 and 19



We use Possessed (WW3810) as a primary resource and Freak Legion (WW3066) as a secondary resource.

See also:
Possessed Powers
Possessed Taints


  • Status Rating begins with Acknowledged, Camarilla positions, and any Merits/Flaws that affect it as a base.

  • Credit Rating begins at zero and is exchanged through boons; when a favor is rendered, Credit Rating is loaned until the favor is repaid.
- Credit Rating can go negative, but cannot outweigh Status Rating.
- Credit Rating does not directly affect Status Rating, but indicates how the use of Status Rating may be affected in practice (if someone feels strongly enough about an issue to call in boons over it).

  • Kindred agree between themselves on the Credit Rating value of a boon and the circumstances under which it is considered repaid.
  • A negative Status or Credit Rating carries no explicit penalties, just the lack of social power.
  • In the case of dispute about whether or not a boon has been repaid, a Harpy can make a judgement about the repayment criteria and potentially dismiss a boon.
  • Some decisions will be made by individual vote. The weight of an individual's vote is their Status Rating.
  • Some decisions will be made by clan vote. The Primogen casts a vote that is the sum of the status of the clan members, including those with negative status.
  • Many cultural decisions tend to be made by status such as preference for appointments, etc.
  • Status Rating can be committed by certain member of the court to temporarily nullify the status of others:
* The 'victim's' status is nullified as long as the enactor’s status is committed.
* The Prince can negate status at a 3:1 ratio for any member of court.
* The Seneschal and Harpy can negate status at a 2:1 ratio for any member of court.
* A Primogen can negate status at a 1:1 ratio for members of their own clan.
  • No kindred may owe another kindred more than their base status.



The canon rules for Realms are kithain-centric, and do not explicitly account for kinain (part-fae), nor for cases like a Nunnehi casting a cantrip on a regular kithain. Here's how we've chosen to clarify these issues.

Targeting a changeling:

  • If their subrace is different from yours, you need Fae 4.
* Regular kithain are equivalent to Subrace = None.
* Other subraces (e.g. Nunnehi, Inanimae, Hsien) are listed on +sheet.
* Kinain caster is equivalent to changeling with same kith, e.g. Nunnehi kinain is equivalent to Nunnehi changeling.
  • Otherwise, if they have Title background, you need Fae 2.
* Title background, not Sidhe kith.
  • Otherwise, you need Fae 1.

Targeting a kinain:

  • You can use either Actor or Fae.
  • If using Fae, then they're equivalent to changeling with same kith/Title.

Inanimae casters use Spirit instead of Fae, as usual.

Cantrips with multiple realms:

  • Pick one as primary and include it in your dice pool.
  • If each realm only covers some of your targets, then the other(s) are modifier realms (+1 Glamour and +1 diff per realm).
* Example: Sovereign 4 (Weaver Ward) vs both mortals (Actor) and Dauntain (Fae).
* Scene and Time are modifiers, as they expand the primary realm's range to a larger number of targets or a different activation time.
  • If each realm covers all of your targets, then the other(s) are secondary realms (-1 diff per realm).
* Example: Legerdemain 4 (Mooch) to steal a sidhe noble's dagger when you have both Fae and Prop.



In the books spirits witness your deeds when no one else is around, Galliards sing your praises, and you gain Renown as a direct result of your bravery, and general awesomeness. In tabletop, the Storyteller manages this. On a MU it's generally left to one's peers and those peers don't always give credit where credit is due.

Renown requests can be submitted with +renownreq.

See Also: +help +renownreq



There seems to be some misunderstanding of who/what is exactly immune to various forms of supernatural innate powers. The following is a list of what's what for the races that have such:

Revelation - Each time a demon uses her Faith, mortal observers can make a Perception + Awareness roll to sense the demon's true nature. The difficulty of the roll is 10 minus the total number of Faith points the character spent (or lost) in the scene. If the difficulty reaches 0, all mortals automatically perceive their true nature. Demons can also allow mortals to perceive their true nature without spending Faith, whenever they wish. Finally, if a character invokes her apocalyptic form (see Chapter Seven for details), mortal witnesses automatically suffer the effects of Revelation. (DtF 253-254)

Staff interprets this as follows:

  • Evocations: +rules awareness applies as usual, replacing the canon rule.
  • Apocalyptic forms:
- See '+rules apocalyptic form' for general context.
- Observers automatically sense that you're supernatural, even if they're immune to the panic roll, and even if you don't manifest anything physically obvious (e.g. wings, extra arms).
- Observers may perceive you as glorious or terrible, based on your Torment and their Willpower. (DtF 254)
- Observers need Lore Demon 3+ in order to reliably identify what type of supernatural you are.
- There may be NPC observers! (+rules in public) Their level of skepticism is left to player discretion. (DtF 253) Their average Willpower is usually from 2 to 4. (WtA 192)
  • The following are immune to the panic roll:
- All Demons (Obviously)
- All Wraiths/Risen
- All Shifters
- All Mages
- All Vampires/Kuei-jin
- All Changelings
- All Mummies
- All Ghouls
- Sorcerers with at least level 3 in any numina.
- Psychics with at least level 3 in any numina.
- All Possessed
- All Kinfolk
- All Kinain
- Hunters with Conviction defenses active

Anyone immune to Revelation panic rolls (+rules revelation) is also immune to "witnesses must succeed at a Willpower roll or flee in terror" side effects. This includes the high-torment forms of:

  • Transfiguration 1 (Mimic)
  • Transfiguration 5 (Shapechange)
  • Realms 4 (Reach Across the Barrier)

However, they are not immune to Death 3 (Vision of Mortality); panic is not a side effect, it's the purpose of that evocation.



Revenants follow all the same game mechanics as ghouls, unless house rules explicitly state otherwise.

As in canon, revenants produce their own vitae and don't need a domitor. They do need Blood Donor background to raise disciplines above 1 (same game mechanics as "Domitor (background)" does for ghouls); see +rules domitors for details.

Western dhampirs also count as revenants (Time of Thin Blood 81). Asian dhampyrs are covered under the Kuei-jin rules.

Road Auras


Certain Roads (and Paths descended from them) make certain things easier at high levels, harder at low levels.

What gets modified:

  • Road of the Beast - Rolls aimed at terrifying or cowing an opponent.
  • Road of Heaven - Social rolls that rely on the vampire's image as a holy and divine being.
  • Road of Humanity - Winning sympathy and appearing normal.
  • Road of Kings - Rolls to command or lead others.
  • Road of Night - Rolls to elicit dirty secrets from others or inspire remorse in a sinner.
  • Road of Sin - Rolls to tempt and seduce others.
  • (If you find any others in canon, or want to suggest a house rule, then submit a +request)

How it gets modified:

  • Path Rating 10 = -2 diff
  • Path Rating 8-9 = -1 diff
  • Path Rating 4-7 = no modifier
  • Path Rating 2-3 = +1 diff
  • Path Rating 1 = +2 diff


  • Dark Ages: Vampire 101-109, 161
  • Dark Ages Storytellers Companion 28

See also:
Appearing Human



If a vampire is threatened by sunlight or fire, their inner Beast may take over and send them into Rotschreck ("the Red Fear"). For convenience, here's a summary of how this works.

Provocation Difficulty
Lighting a cigarette 3
Sight of a torch 5
Bonfire 6
Obscured sunlight 7
Being burned 7
Direct sunlight 8
Trapped in burning building 9

When one of these things happens: (VtM 229-230)

  • Roll Courage vs appropriate difficulty.
** Cannot roll more dice than your Path Rating (Humanity or Path of Enlightenment). (VtM 134)
  • Succeed = Resist Rotschreck for one turn per success. If you accumulate 5+ successes, you're done.
  • Fail = Rotschreck for rest of scene. Spend a Willpower to regain control for one turn.
  • Botch = Remain in Rotschreck longer and gain a derangement at ST discretion. (If there's no ST, go with player consensus.)

While in Rotschreck:

  • You flee madly from the danger, directly toward safety.
  • If someone tries to restrain you, you attack them as if you were in frenzy.
  • You can spend a Willpower to regain control for one turn.

Sabbat Thaumaturgy


Sabbat Tremere are allowed.

  • Goratrix and all his descendants were wiped out in 1998 (Tremere 42-43), but PCs may still claim the 'House Goratrix' name and may have been Embraced earlier (by a non-Goratrix).
  • Other Tremere may also work with the Sabbat under the table without joining them, subject to ICC if ICly caught.

Tremere who have ever had a Vinculum (Vaulderie) blood-tie are automatically visible as such to other Tremere. (Tremere 43)

  • This is not subject to +rules sniping, as it does not require using a power.
  • Removing the blood-tie does not remove the mark.
  • Leaving the Sabbat gives you the Double Betrayer flaw (Tremere 67) but does not remove the mark.

Sabbat Thaumaturgy (GttSabbat 116-121, other sources at staff discretion) is available to Sabbat Tremere.

  • Non-Sabbat Tremere require a teacher.
  • Non-Tremere with their own versions of some parts (e.g. Assamite sorcerers) have normal access to those parts.


(Ravnos priests)

Restricted to: Ravnos priests (must declare during chargen, set Type = Priest)
Primary path: various

Treated as "out of clan" for purposes of chargen (requires freebies) and XP costs, unless targeted by Additional Discipline merit.

Secondary paths have no restrictions beyond XP cost.

Path powers:

  • Meditation skill must be at least as high as the path power (this restriction does not apply to rituals)
  • Does not cost blood except as noted
  • Roll Willpower vs (3 + level)
** Can substitute Intelligence + Meditation, but it's slower on par with rituals
  • Botch = lose a permanent Willpower (+request)
  • Occult Library background does not apply (roll doesn't include Occult)


  • Default duration is (5 * level) minutes
  • Roll Intelligence + Occult vs (3 + level)
  • Occult Library background does apply

Paths overlapping with Thaumaturgy:

  • Blood Sacrifice 62, if also included in '+liststats thaumpaths'
  • +selfstat Has Thaumaturgy Paths=1

'Paths overlapping with Ahku:

  • Snake Inside
  • +selfstat Has Ahku Paths=1



"...few Garou dare the Dark Umbra. ... The restless dead that haunt the living - and us - are just the tip of the iceberg. Ghosts are like cockroaches. For every one you see, there's at least a dozen more you don't. That many ghosts don't get together without someone trying to be in charge. So you get entire kingdoms of dead people. Kingdoms with armies. Don't think just because you're some big bad Garou you can walk in and start throwing your weight around. They'll dog pile your ass and beat you down." (Silent Striders 51-52)

"Most mages never venture into the Low Umbra, and few of those who do return to tell about it." (Beyond the Barriers: The Book of Worlds 12)

"Finding one's way through anything but the Low Penumbra is nigh impossible at best. In the unlikely event a living mage finds herself in the Afterworlds, it is best remembered that those who journey down among the dead in the time after the Reckoning are almost always fated to remain there." (The Infinite Tapestry 26)

In short, a non-wraith entering the Shadowlands is a Big Deal. Surviving it is possible, but anyone claiming it's easy is simply wrong.

Shifter Frenzy Rolls


Difficulty of the Rage roll depends on the moon phase, see +moon.

  • Rank 3: +1 diff.
  • Rank 4: +2 diff.
  • Rank 5: +2 diff, only 5+ successes results in a Frenzy. (WtA 125)
  • Calm Heart merit: +2 diff. (WPG 2nd 12)

Result of the roll:

  • 0 successes - You keep it together.
  • 1 to 3 successes - Angry reaction (e.g. snarl, lunge, glare).
  • 4+ successes - You enter Frenzy, either Berserk (fight) or Fox (flight) as appropriate.
** You can spend a Willpower to end it immediately.
** Otherwise, it lasts until the trigger goes away and you succeed at a Willpower roll (difficulty = your Rage).
  • 6+ successes - You enter Thrall of the Wyrm Frenzy.
** Always a Berserk Frenzy.
** You cannot spend a Willpower to end it immediately.

Any Rage roll may trigger Frenzy, including activating a gift.

You roll your permanent Rage, not temporary. +roll Rage accounts for this.


  • Gurahl (PGttCB 87): Diff 8. Frenzy requires 5+ successes. Always a berserk frenzy. Wyrm frenzy requires Rage 6+ and a multiple botch.
  • Rokea (PGttCB 151): Frenzy only requires 2+ successes. Always a berserk frenzy. Wyrm frenzy only requires 4+ successes.

See also:
Shifter Frenzy Triggers
Shifter Frenzy Types

Shifter Frenzy Triggers


Here are some things that may trigger a Frenzy roll, at ST discretion. In the absence of a ST, this depends on player consensus.

  • Embarrassment or humiliation (such as botching an important roll)
  • Any strong emotion (such as lust, rage, envy)
  • Extreme hunger
  • Confinement, helplessness
  • Being taunted by an enemy
  • Large quantities of silver in the area
  • Being wounded or seeing a packmate wounded

This can happen multiple times per scene. If you really want to bed this one person, but you smack your shin on something hard and they make fun of you in front of a crowd, that's three rolls.

Highly emotional and personal circumstances require rolling more dice. Examples:

  • Black Fury encounters a rapist
  • Silent Strider with claustrophobia is threatened with imprisonment

See also:
Shifter Frenzy Rolls
Shifter Frenzy Types

Shifter Frenzy Types


Berserk Frenzy:

  • Immediately shift to Crinos or Hispo (your choice) and attack anything that moves.
** You won't attack your packmates.
** You will attack allies outside your pack.
** Exception: If you're in the Thrall of the Wyrm, you attack indiscriminately.
** Exception: If your permanent Rage exceeds your permanent Gnosis, you must spend a Willpower to figure out which moving shapes are your packmates. Also, after the frenzy, you forget what happened during it, and often collapse.

Fox Frenzy:

  • Immediately shift to Lupus and flee in terror for your life.
  • You attack anything that gets in your way (to get past it, not to kill it).
  • Once you reach a safe hiding place, you stay there until the frenzy ends.

In either case:

  • You can't use special maneuvers or pack tactics. You can bite, claw, or run.
  • You can spend Rage for extra actions, but you can't use split actions.
  • You normally can't use Gifts or step sideways.
  • You do not lose dice due to wound penalties.

Thrall of the Wyrm (always Berserk): When you kill or incapacitate someone, roll Wits vs 7. On a botch, act according to your breed:

  • Homid - spend a turn eating their flesh
  • Metis - spend a turn performing unspeakable acts of perversion on their bodies
  • Lupus - keep attacking them until their body is torn limb from limb

See also:
Shifter Frenzy Triggers
Shifter Frenzy Rolls

Shifter Gifts


Camp gifts cannot be learned outside that camp. (Ditto for house, lodge, etc.) This includes swiping.

  • If all shifters of a tribe are expected to pick one of these (e.g. Lodges, Silver Fangs 41), then kinfolk may also pick one.

Ronin gifts (Outcasts, WW3065) are disallowed for non-Ronin. Hide the Wolf is disallowed entirely (overpowered compared to e.g. Ubermensch, Domestic Seeming).

If a gift has different levels depending on splat, then you can only take it at the lower level if that splat applies to you.

  • This only checks your own race, except swiping which checks all races.
  • Example: For Garou, Name the Spirit is level 3 lupus / level 2 Theurge, so all non-Theurge Garou must wait till rank 3. (9 XP if lupus, 15 if homid/metis.)
  • Example: For Ratkin, Name the Spirit is level 2 Shadow Seer / level 2 Munchmausen, so any Ratkin may take it at rank 2.
  • Example: For Bastet, Name the Spirit is only available via swiping, so all Bastet must wait till rank 3.

BSD gifts include those from BotWyrm page 105: Resist Toxin (level 1), Shroud (level 1), Doppelganger (increased to level 4 by WtA 149).

If a higher level gift includes all the effects of a lower level gift and then some, then you can get an XP refund for the lower level gift.

  • Mother's Touch (1), Grandmother's Touch (2), Lover's Touch (3)
  • If you think something else qualifies, submit a +request for staff review.

Shifter Misc


Your Rage is screaming at the world that you're a dangerous alpha predator animal. You will not be mistaken for a dog, cat, or other domestic animal of any sort. (WtA 32: "When in <Lupus> form, he is quite obviously a wolf. A werewolf trying to pass himself off as a 'wild dog' is either demented, a disgrace or a buffoon.")

  • Exception: When a relevant supernatural power is used.
  • Exception: When it's dark and you're at a distance.
  • Exception: When the person looking at you is dumb (Intelligence 1 or less). They'll still mistake you for a scary dog, cat, etc.
  • Not an exception: Youthful Appearance. This is a flaw, not a merit. You will not be mistaken for a puppy, kitten, etc.

Voluntary sleep does not force you to revert to breed form. (Metamorph merit mentions "lose consciousness", but this is interpreted as limited to involuntary loss of consciousness.)

Touched background:

  • Spending a Willpower for an auto-success does not negate the background; if the unmodified roll is a failure, Wyld Touched still turns it into a botch (but a less severe one).
  • Spending a Willpower to negate the background can be done either before or after the roll, but does not give an auto-success.
  • You can do both of these on a single roll.
  • Wyld Touched (if not negated) turns failures into botches, regardless of specific dice values (i.e. even if "adding a 1" would otherwise be insufficient to make it a botch).

Shifter Offspring


If a shifter and a kinfolk of the same breed and tribe have a baby, the baby is a shifter 10 + (5 * KPB) percent of the time, where KPB is the kinfolk parent's Pure Breed. (Shifter parent's Pure Breed doesn't affect it.) The rest of the time, it's kinfolk.

  • Races without tribes (e.g. Ratkin) only need to worry about 'same breed'.

If two kinfolk of the same breed and tribe have a baby, the baby has a 1 + (sum of KPB) percent chance to be a shifter, a 50 percent chance to be a kinfolk, and a 49 - (sum of KPB) percent chance to be neither.

If both parents are the same tribe, the baby's Pure Breed is at least as high as the higher rating among the parents. Otherwise, it's lower.

For less common cases, see House Rules

For a single baby, this can be handwaved (but you're still encouraged to roll a couple dice). For multiple babies, or if you've had one before, please submit a +request and then roll to that job.

Shifter Rank


For a shifter to advance in rank, we impose +rules minimum time in addition to the renown requirement.

Falling in rank due to renown loss:

  • One-month grace period to regain renown before falling in rank.
  • Minimum time is waived to regain rank previously held and then lost.

Falling in rank due to a situation that is not just a renown loss (e.g. Satire Rite, Rite of Renunciation): Minimum time to regain rank previously held and then lost may be reduced by up to 75 percent at staff discretion.

'Walking the Spiral post-chargen: All previous rank/renown is ignored. The new BSD gets rank 1 for surviving, but starts at zero renown and must earn their way to rank 2 from there.

Shifter Rites


Rites can be learned from a PC teacher who knows the rite, using rolls over time rather than costing XP. See XP Chart for full rules.

Tribe rites cannot be learned by a shifter not belonging to that tribe.

For the additional-assistants bonus (-1 diff per 5) (WtA 155):

  • Only PCs with Rituals at least as high as the rite level count toward the bonus.
  • This bonus alone can't lower difficulty below 3.

Tribal variation of Rite of Renunciation (WtA 157) removes the performer's Pure Breed if any. Completing a respectable renunciation (WtA 185) restores it.

Shifter Thralls


Shifter thralls (WW8201/70-71) This is probably very bad for the life expectancy of both the shifter and the demon. Do not pursue this unless you're prepared to lose your character quickly.

Example: Alice is a demon, Bob is a shifter thralled to Alice, Charlie is a non-thrall shifter.

  • "Mantle of madness and despair": Each scene, Bob rolls Willpower vs 7, fail = all dice pools halved. This is based on Harano (Players Guide to Garou 226), but worse.
  • "Other werewolves are able to detect the change": If Charlie meets Bob, he automatically detects that something is severely and supernaturally wrong with him.
  • "and will hunt down and destroy this abomination if they can":
* Charlie is a PC and can interpret this however he wants. 'Alice ending the pact is good enough' is valid. 'Alice and Bob both need to die' is also valid.
* If Charlie learns that Bob is a shifter thrall, Bob is automatically escalated to risk 3 with respect to Charlie.
* If Charlie learns that Alice has thralled Bob, Alice is automatically escalated to risk 3 with respect to Charlie.
  • All Willpower rolls (except "Willpower vs 7 each scene" above) are +2 difficulty, fail a Willpower roll = lose a temp Willpower, botch = lose a perm Willpower. Perm Willpower drops to 0 = frenzy until killed or pact revoked.
  • Bonuses granted by the pact may be limited at staff discretion. This limitation will be applied at the time the pact is established.
  • Fera thralls work the same as Garou, except the following for which +2 is reduced to +1.
- Bubasti (WW3807/58-59 "devotees of all things arcane" ... "magical affinity"; WW3037/52 "prefer to uncover ancient or forbidden lore, magical enigmas")
- Others at staff discretion (+request with a book/page reference)



Here we define 'sniping' to be the use of special abilities or items to discern information about another character. Specific examples include (but are not limited to):

  • Aura Perception
  • Sense Wyrm/Weaver/Wyld
  • Scent of the True Form
  • Lifesight/Deathsight

Using these abilities requires at a minimum concentration, if not overt actions such as staring, making hand gestures, or licking the subject.

Sometimes sniping is okay. But not always. While we may only have a few hundred PCs, Prospect has a NPC population of millions. As such, sniping every single person you meet in public would be exhausting work; you'd get nothing else done. Sniping therefore requires a clear and specific reason to be used on a character, PC or otherwise.

A PC must have done something significant to warrant being sniped:

  • A PC in the private territory of a race or faction (e.g. Elysium, caern) may be sniped at any time
  • A PC using a supernatural power must offer the detection roll (if any) specified by that power, as well as a passive Awareness roll (+rules awareness), or contact staff to have such rolls performed in secret
  • A PC mundanely reacting to a supernatural weakness (e.g. running from fire) is not sufficient cause for sniping unless the sniper has the relevant sphere's lore at 3+
  • If you interact or plan to interact with someone more significantly than you do with most NPCs (e.g. go home with them from a club, establish an ongoing business relationship), then sniping is probably OK

For example, Willy the Werewolf sees Bob back away from a silver blade nervously. Willy the Werewolf suspects Bob is a BSD. Willy has Lore Garou at 3 and is justified in using Sense Wyrm. Turns out Willy senses no obvious Wyrm signs in the area. To figure out what's up, he uses Scent of the True Form on Bob. Bob happens to be a Mage. Willy sees that Bob isn't a Werewolf at all, he's something else. However, because he doesn't have any dots in Lore Mage, he doesn't know what he's looking at.

If Bob doesn't think he's been presented with sufficient justification for being sniped, he may refuse, though Willy may appeal to staff as usual.

See Also:
Wyrm Taint

Sorcerer Aspects


Only applies to sorcery, not psychic powers.

  • 1 success lets you reach each aspect at the 1-dot level.
- Exception: Weather Control requires 4 successes to reach each aspect (intensity, speed, duration, scale) at the 1-dot level.
  • Each additional success lets you reach 1 aspect at 1 dot higher.
- You can't reach any aspect at a level higher than your dots in the path.
- Exception: You can reach one aspect at one level higher than your path, but this requires twice as many successes as the same effect with that aspect equal to your path. Also, you cannot reach level 6 this way.

Sorcerer Merits and Flaws

  • Blood Magic is a flaw, not a merit. (Obvious White Wolf edit fail.)
  • Clear Sighted merit (pre-Revised):
- 3 dot version only works if the target consents (+policy hand waving).
- 5 dot version can also be used if you have reason to be suspicious (+rules sniping). This is an active effort, so you can spend Willpower for an auto-success.
  • Path Natural merit: Round down, not up. (Compare Sphere Natural, MtA 297)
  • Path Inept merit: Round up, not down. (Compare Sphere Inept, MtA 300)
  • Twin Link merit: 6 dot version gives you Synergy 2 using up only 1 of your baseline dots, additional dots cost 3 freebies or 7 XP each. (Canon is 7 freebies / 3 XP but this is assumed to be a thinko)
  • Wild Talent merit/flaw: Psychic powers only, limit two per PC.

Sorcerer Rituals

  • We don't do custom rituals, except for paths like Enchantment / Alchemy where that's the entire path.
  • Free starting rituals:
- Cannot include counterspells or unweaving, only path rituals.
- If a path doesn't have any rituals at a given level, then you can skip that level.
  • Fire's Weal (Hellfire 2 ritual): 2 successes is sufficient, each additional success = -1 difficulty.
  • 'Shape Mana (Mana Manipulation 3 ritual) with 5+ successes can convert one type of Ward or Warding Circle to another, provided the sorcerer has relevant Lore for both creature types greater than or equal to the ward levels.
- Example: Ward vs Simple Spirit (level 1 S/B/W ritual) to Ward vs Ghosts (level 2 S/B/W ritual) requires Lore Spirit 1+ and Lore Wraith 2+
  • Extended rolls (Sorc Rev 60): Specifies "spells", thus rituals can't be extended unless the individual ritual explicitly says so.
- Exception: Summon/Bind/Ward rituals can be extended.
  • Hanging effects (Sorc Rev 62) applies to both spells and rituals. (It doesn't consistently mention rituals, but e.g. Get Me The Heck Outta Here! on page 69 is a ritual that says it's often hung.)


  • We consider Sorcerers and Psychics to be the same thing.
- Sorcerers may purchase psychic powers.
- Psychics may purchase sorcerer powers.
- Mana may not be spent to lower the difficulty of psychic powers (unless enabled by something else, e.g. The Flow of Ki).
- House rule: Possessed may purchase numina, but may not spend Mana or any other pool to lower its difficulty.
- Others with sorcery (Bastet, Kitsune, dhampyrs, dhampirs, 14th or weaker Caitiff) may not purchase psychic powers, and may not spend Mana or Gnosis or any other pool to lower the difficulty of sorcery.

  • We use the easier options from Sorcerer Revised page 62:
- Base difficulty = 3 + level of effect. (This applies to sorcery only. Psychic powers state their own difficulty.)
- Time = 1 turn per 2 levels of effect.
- Extended rolls (Sorc Rev 60): Each additional roll doubles total casting time. Can't exceed a single day.
- Rituals usually take 10+ minutes (Sorc Rev 61); Alchemy and Enchantment are slower as in canon. Extending rituals is limited per '+rules sorcerer rituals'.
- Spending Willpower is not required. This includes fast casting. You can spend a Willpower for an automatic success on one roll.
- Hanging effects only increase the difficulty of social/mental attributes when they're included in another magic effect's pool, not for mundane actions. (Psychic powers cannot be hung, but do become more difficult due to hanging effects when otherwise relevant.)

  • Sorcerer/psychic ghouls are allowed, but not straight out of chargen, and each numina is capped at (8 - Domitor background). See also +rules multiclass.

  • Techno-sorcerers may substitute Science or Technology for Occult in numina rolls. (generalized from Sorc Rev 60 "Rolls")

  • Lucid Dreaming and Dreamcraft are the same thing, and use the easier game mechanics from WoD: Sorcerer page 58.

See also:
Sorcerer Aspects
Sorcerer Rituals
Sorcerer Merits and Flaws



For each attribute and ability with 4 or more dots, you may select one specialty.

  • Specialties must be documented in +specialties or +notes and approved by staff. The main rulebooks contain several suggestions.
  • Specialties must be clearly limited to a subset of all possible rolls involving the attribute or ability. The book suggestions for attributes tend to be bad about this.
  • If a stat is temporarily/semi-permanently/conditionally raised to 4+, it may have a specialty that applies while the raise applies.
* Examples: +effects from +shift forms or other sources, changeling birthrights while in the Dreaming
  • Players should do &VERBOSE_ROLLS me=1 to see how many 10s to re-roll. This also affects rolls shown to you by others.
  • Any 10s in the original roll are re-rolled (before 1s canceling).
  • Any 10s in a re-roll are re-rolled again.
  • Any 1s in a re-roll cancel successes on a 1:1 basis as usual.
  • Mages may also select one specialty for each sphere with 4 or more dots.
* This is unrelated to your Tradition/Convention's specialty sphere.
* This is unrelated to your specialty foci.

VtM 117, WtA 108, MtA 117 and 156-189, CtD 136, DtF 136, Wraith20 125.
(Canon rules are not quite consistent; house rules are mainly based on MtA/DtF. Single-sphere PRPs may stick to that sphere's canon rules if everyone in the scene agrees.)

See also: +help +specialties

Spirit Sight


Spirit Sight (4 point Merit, The Spirit Ways page 105)

You can see and hear all varieties of spirits, changelings, wraiths and similar entities. This Merit provides all of the advantages granted by the Merit Medium (The Book of Shadows, page 36). ... Nevertheless, this ability is a mixed blessing. Seeing these beings is not a choice; it is a normal part of your vision. You cannot help but see them. Being yelled at by an irate wraith who is shaking her fist in your face can be extremely distracting if you are attempting to hold a conversation with a Sleeper, and it's even worse if you are driving a car in bad weather!

Many shamans have this Merit, and shamans often look for people with Spirit Sight as potential students. Unfortunately, most Sleepers with this Merit conceal it poorly and instead end up in asylums.

Clarifications / house rules:

  • You should +rsee fae, +rsee umbra, and +rsee wraith, and leave them that way.
  • PCs are not 'most people', but neither are they perfect. You should RP the distraction and confusion of this merit from time to time, though it doesn't need to be crippling, nor obvious to your potential enemies. Storytellers may increase the difficulty of your rolls from time to time.
  • If you also have Dual Perception (2 point Merit), then you can turn each layer of vision on or off at will, but you need to ICly decide when to do so. You're trading off distraction/confusion for potentially missing something important.
  • This only lets you see and hear things in other layers, not touch them or enter them. In particular, exits marked *FAE* lead to the Dreaming; this lets you see them, but does not (ICly) let you go through them.
  • Immunity to the Mists is limited to seeing chimera in normalspace. You do not remember changeling PCs or NPCs as looking like or otherwise being changelings, nor relevant details of your interactions, beyond the end of the scene in question. Also, if you're Enchanted and brought into the Dreaming, then the Mists still apply to all of that after it wears off. See '+rules the mists' for full details.
  • Does not reduce the difficulty of Spirit magic. (This was based on a reference to the 1st ed version of the Medium merit.)
  • Does not provide the equivalent of Deathsight or Lifesight (Wraith20 126). You can see wraiths, but you don't see mortals as dying (or demons as not-dying) like wraiths do; you should ignore wraithdescs intended to fall under the latter.

Spirit Slaves


Usually involves knowing about and threatening one of the ghost's fetters, or knowing about and aiding or impeding its goals.

Each individual Spirit Slave costs one or more dots.

  • 1 dot: Auspex 1 (Heightened Senses) and one common power
  • +1 dot: Add a common or uncommon power
  • +2 dots: Add a rare power

Unlike PCs, a Spirit Slave with e.g. Dominate 4 doesn't automatically have Dominate 1-3 as well.

Common powers:

  • Movement of the Mind 1-2
  • Dementation 1-2
  • Vicissitude (limited to targeting itself or another ghost)
  • Chimerstry

Uncommon powers:

  • Lure of Flames 1-2
  • Dementation 3
  • Auspex 2+
  • Embodiment

Rare powers:

  • Dominate 4
  • Lure of Flames 3+
  • Movement of the Mind 3+

Alternate system for WtO arcanoi

  • 1 dot: One arcanos basic power and one arcanos level 1 power
  • +1 dot: Add one arcanos level 1 or 2 power
  • +2 dots: Add one arcanos level 3 to 5 power

Giovanni 53-54



These rules cover multiple modifiers to the same thing.

  • If something explicitly indicates that it can/can't stack with other things, then that applies as written. In particular, if a single chart lists multiple possible modifiers to the same thing, then those generally can stack.
  • Otherwise, if the same thing would receive multiple bonuses, then only the best bonus per type applies. For penalties, only the worst penalty per type applies. In both cases, multiplication/division applies before addition/subtraction.
  • For the purpose of this rule, 'types' are as follows:
- Mundane stat (background, merit, or flaw; even if that specific background/merit/flaw is supernatural in nature, it still goes in this slot for simplicity).
- Mundane item. (Includes 'improved items' where a mundane effect was supernaturally improved, e.g. ultra-light armor, provided it's documented as such.)
- Supernatural racial ability (e.g. vampire spending blood to raise attributes, shifter changing forms).
- Supernatural power (e.g. discipline, gift, totem).
- Supernatural item.
  • This applies to any quantified game mechanic, e.g. number of dice, difficulty, number of successes, duration.
- For a dice pool including multiple stats, each stat counts as a separate target. Effects targeting the entire pool overlap effects targeting part of it. Effects targeting 'attribute X but only when combined with ability Y' (or a subset thereof) count as targeting ability Y instead.
- Final difficulty is capped per +rules difficulty.
  • If some dice are changed to auto-successes, then they're no longer improved by effects targeting dice results.


  • A werewolf is wearing a flak jacket and kevlar vest, and casts Luna's Armor twice (3 and 2 successes). Their soak pool includes 4 from the jacket (but not 3 from the vest), and 3 from the first Luna's Armor (but not 2 from the second).
  • A Tremere uses Spirit Manipulation to create a Fang Dagger, and also has Potence 2. The dagger bonus (*2) is applied before the Potence bonus (+2).
  • A werewolf's Totem gives (a) -1 difficulty to Charisma, (b) -1 difficulty to Subterfuge, and (c) -3 difficulty to the Persuasion gift (which uses Charisma + Subterfuge). For Persuasion, only (c) applies. For the Tagalong gift (which also uses Charisma + Subterfuge), both (a) and (b) apply.
  • A werewolf uses The Cleaving Hoof (Children of Gaia 67) and a Fang Dagger (WtA 301). The gift changes Strength dice to auto-successes. You still roll the rest of the pool, and the dagger doubles just those successes.

Stat Caps


If a power increases a stat, then it may increase that stat above its normal maximum, unless something (possibly the power itself) says that it may not.

Exception: Pool stats ('Pools' section of +sheet) generally have a temporary/current value and a permanent/maximum value. A power that increases the former does not also increase the latter, unless something (possibly the power itself) says that it does.

Non-exhaustive list of normal maximums by stat type:
(some individual stats are different, e.g. Totem)

Willpower Rating Percentage of the population that has it
5 Attributes, Abilities, Backgrounds

Virtues (non-hunter), Faith (non-demon)
Disciplines, Shifter Rank, Arete, Arts, Realms
Arcanoi, Lores (demon), Balance (mummy), Edges
Numina (Subrace:Sorcerer-Psychic may have one type of sorcery at 6)

7 Health
10 Willpower, Path Rating (Humanity or Path of Enlightenment)

Rage, Gnosis, Glamour, Banality, Pathos, Corpus, Faith (demon)
Virtues (hunter')

Status Stats


Certain stats (usually backgrounds) are intended to represent a character's standing in their own society. These stats include but are not limited to: Status (Vampire), Pure Breed (Werewolf), Title (Changeling), and Eminence (Demon). These stats work well in table top where a storyteller is omniscient and can manage the implications. MUs are not such an environment.

Even in table top, Status only carries weight amongst those who respect it. The Brujah or Bone Gnawers with no status have no incentive to respect the status of others; they're unlikely to get any themselves so playing the status game is unlikely to pay off for them. In short, Status is something respected by those who have, or want to gain Status.

Those same Brujah and Bone Gnawers will, however, respect the authority of others within their sphere. Authority is delegated from the top down, not merely assumed. Authority can be assumed when there is no established structure, but assumed authority is not automatic; it must be defended, possibly through force.

Some Status stats can modify dice rolls. Those effects are by the book, regardless of the above interpretations.

See Also: +policy pc leadership

Targeting Wraiths

  • Powers targeting a specific wraith (e.g. Sepulchre Path 2) do so normally. Powers that merely target a type of wraith, only target a PC if the wraith and summoner OOCly agree to let it happen.
  • 'Killing' a wraith (Corpus reduced to zero) with aggravated damage triggers a Destruction Harrowing. (Wraith20 244, 293; takes precedence over other game lines)
  • Mages: Spirit 3 Entropy 3 attacks do aggravated damage. Otherwise, the mage can only attack the wraith if they're on the same plane of existence. (MtA 282)
  • Sorcerers: Summoning/Binding/Warding 'ghosts' refers to wraiths/spectres.
  • Warding using Willpower (WtO 287-288):
* Apparently omitted in Wraith20, staff discussion is ongoing
* Requires Occult 3 and Lore Wraith 3
* Forbiddance is a simple action (occurs within a single turn), Warding takes 15 minutes

Technocratic Equipment


These rules pertain to the Device, Enhancement, and Requisitions backgrounds.

Each item has a level value (L) and a "Background Cost" value (B).

  • "Background Cost" or "Background Points" or "Points" counts as B.
  • Any other comprehensive level value (including Device, Arete/Enlightenment, or dot symbols without a word label) counts as L.
  • If B is not explicitly stated, then B = L*2.
  • If only B is explicitly stated, then L = B/2 (rounded up).
  • If both B and L are stated, but they don't match the usual 2:1 ratio:
- If B < L*2, then for these rules, use B = L*2.
- If B > L*2, then for these rules, use L = B/2 (rounded up).
  • If L is specified multiple ways and they disagree, use the lowest one.

N dots in the Device background gives N items, costed using L.

  • Even if a Device is implanted within your body, it can be targeted without Life and removed using Correspondence.

N dots in the Requisitions background gives 5*N items, costed using B.

  • PCs can roll Requisitions to try for more.
  • Requisitions are reviewed at staff and/or PC leader discretion.

N dots in the Enhancement background gives one of the following:

  • 3*N cybernetics, costed using B.
  • 3*N biomods, costed using B.
  • Total of +N to one or more allowed stats (Guide to the Technocracy 182).
  • Enhancements count as part of your Pattern, requiring Life to target, and preventing removal using Correspondence.

Additional restrictions on Enhancement:

  • Cybernetics and stat boosts can't be combined.
  • Biomods (including biomod versions of cybernetics) can be combined with either cybernetics or stat boosts. (This is based on 'middle-ground' from GttTech 229, and takes precedence over 'Biomods count as cybernetics' from page 182.)
  • Each dot allocated to cybernetics requires 1 dot of permanent Paradox.
  • Each dot allocated to stat boosts requires 1 genetic flaw (examples at GttTech 230-232).
  • Each dot allocated to biomods requires 1 permadox and 1 genetic flaw. (GttTech 182: "Hence, the Life magic penalty does not apply to biomods. The permanent Paradox, however, does, Like other genegineered agents, a character with biomods must also take at least one Genetic Flaw per level of Enhancement.")
- The advantage of biomods is that Reality Deviants can't use Life magic to make your body reject them, and also they don't trigger metal detectors.



IC mundane technology resembles RL mundane technology of the present day, which has moved on since the canon books were written. Some amount of hand waving in this area is reasonable/expected.

In particular, if a rule gives different game mechanics for 'computers' and 'phones', then consider whether it most likely meant 'feature phones' (i.e. limited-feature phones). Smartphones are more like low-end desktop/laptop computers.



Restricted to: Tremere
Primary path: Path of Blood

Secondary paths must be lower than Path of Blood until you reach Thaumaturgy 5.

Path powers:

  • Spend a blood point
  • Roll Willpower vs (3 + level)
  • Botch = lose a permanent Willpower (+request)
  • Occult Library background does not apply (roll doesn't include Occult)


  • Default duration is (5 * level) minutes
  • Roll Intelligence + Occult vs (3 + level)
  • Occult Library background does apply

For Sabbat, see +rules sabbat thaumaturgy. Anarch and Autarkis Tremere are also allowed, they just have much less of an IC support system.

Disallowed: Dark Thaumaturgy (GttSabbat 98-104 or anywhere else), Sielanic Thaumaturgy

The Focused Mind:

  • Level 4 (Dual Thought) - Can't be used for two mental disciplines in same turn, but can stack with Celerity.
  • Level 5 (Perfect Clarity) - Bonus to your actions is limited to either -1 diff on all actions or -2 diff on mental actions (i.e. dice pool includes mental attribute).

All Ward vs _____ rituals have corresponding Warding Circle vs _____ rituals, even if not explicitly listed in canon.

VtM 178, 182
Guide to the Camarilla 99
Tremere 51
Blood Magic 68

The Curse


There seems to be some misunderstanding of who/what is exactly immune to various forms of supernatural innate powers. The following is a list of what's what for the races that have such:

The Curse - Other animals, especially humans, can sense the predator in a werewolf, and they shy from him. Whenever a Garou's Rage exceeds a human's willpower, the human will avoid contact with the Garou as much as possible. Since the average human's willpower is usually 2 to 4, the Curse is no laughing matter. Wolves are also subject to this dread, and most natural wolves will avoid Garou whenever possible. Garou call this phenomenon the Curse, for it makes normal relationships with humans or wolves all but impossible. (pg. 191-192 WtA Revised)

  • Staff ruling for what is considered 'human' and 'animals' are plain, simple, vanilla, everyday mortals/animals with no supernatural powers at all.

  • Most PCs are not plain vanilla mortals. Most NPCs are, and they greatly outnumber PCs. (+rules in public)

  • Reaction is based on their Willpower compared to your permanent Rage. For NPCs, see +rules npc willpower.

  • Even if their Willpower is greater than or equal to your Rage, that doesn't mean they feel nothing. Rather, they're able to control that primal feeling and ignore its influence. You still make them instinctively think of a serial axe murderer, but they just chalk it up to a bad fashion choice on your part, or you reminding them of someone they don't like.

  • This should be roleplayed as a serious pain in the ass. Going to college is hard. Holding down a 9-to-5 job is hard. You scare people. When you say something like "Don't use my stapler" or "Where's the TPS cover sheet?", they see it as a threat. They may not confront you directly, but they'll complain to the boss, or do little things to hinder you or try to drive you away.
** Exception: When you have kinfolk acting as a buffer between you and normal people.
** Exception: When everything is handled online or over the phone.

The Delirium


There seems to be some misunderstanding of who/what is exactly immune to various forms of supernatural innate powers. The following is a list of what's what for the races that have such:

The Delirium - Werewolves (and many other shifters) preyed on humans for over 3,000 years, and while most humans have no idea that werewolves truly exist, a part of them remembers. The horrible wolf-man, the Crinos form (or battle form for other shifters), incites a kind of madness in humans that Garou call the Delirium.

The following are immune to the Delirium, though they may suffer frenzy or just regular fear:

  • Supernaturals (Race on +sheet is neither Mortal nor Mortal+)
  • Ghouls
  • Kinfolk
  • Many Possessed:
- All Drones and Gorgons
- Any possessed with "Immunity to the Delirium" or "Skinchanger Kinship" power
- However, possessed with "Vulnerability to Delirium" taint are indeed not immune
  • Gorgons
  • Drones
  • Sorcerers/psychics with at least one numina at level 3+
  • Kinain
  • Hunters with Conviction defenses active

For typical reactions by Willpower, see WtA 192.

For Delirium induced by seeing Fera, see +rules fera delirium.

The Fog


There seems to be some misunderstanding of who/what is exactly immune to various forms of supernatural innate powers. The following is a list of what's what for the races that have such:

The Fog - ...when a human witnesses a display of supernatural activity by the Restless, they may accept and respond to it in the moment, but afterward their minds actively work to rationalize and repress what they have seen. Encounters with wraiths become little more than vivid nightmares, bad drug trips, or even a bit of undigested beef playing havoc with one’s system. ... The Fog does not apply to all mortals, however. Children, animals, and some gifted humans react to the presence of the Restless however seems appropriate to them, without reverting to more instinctual forms of behavior. (Wraith20 page 284)

  • Because the book doesn't state exactly which other supernatural denizens of the World of Darkness are immune to the Fog, staff has ruled that the following are immune:

- All Supernaturals (Race is neither Mortal nor Mortal+) - All Ghouls - Sorcerers with at least lvl 3 in any numina. - Psychics with at least lvl 3 in any numina. - All Possessed - All Kinfolk - All Kinain - Those with the merit: Medium or Spirit Sight

For typical immediate reactions to the Fog, see the chart on Wraith20 page 285.

The Mists


There seems to be some misunderstanding of who/what is exactly immune to various forms of supernatural innate powers. The following is a list of what's what for the races that have such:

The Mists - The Mists separate the Fae from the mundane, clouding the minds of mortals so that they do not remember the encounters with things faerie. A side effect of Banality, the Mists exemplify the force of human rationality. Most mortals (and unenchanted supernatural beings) do not remember their encounters with the Fae accurately. The Mists are likely to erase much of these memories or at least relegate them to a dream-like quality. The amount of Banality an individual possesses determines exactly what she remembers. (CtD page 208)

- PCs are not most people, they're less than 1% of the population.
- House rule: PCs affected by the Mists may believe that /something/ supernatural happened, even though they're fuzzy on the details. PCs with lower Banality and/or greater knowledge of other supernatural things are less likely to be skeptical.
- House rule: PCs may ignore the 'Duration of Coma' column of the chart.

The following are immune to the Mists: - All Changelings (Obviously) - All Kinain - All Bygones - All Enchanted PCs (for the duration of the enchantment)

- This is changeling enchantment, not the Enchantment numina
- A PC touching a Treasure is enchanted as a side effect (CtD 149)

- All players with An-da-shealladh (CtE 74, house-ruled as a merit)

- Staff discretion, requires OOC approval of a PC with Title 3+

PCs with fae sight by other means (e.g. Spirit Sight merit) have limited immunity: - They can remember chimera in normalspace. - They cannot remember changeling PCs or NPCs as looking like or otherwise being changelings, nor changeling-centric details of their interactions, outside of scenes with those PCs or NPCs. - If they're Enchanted and brought into the Dreaming, then the Mists apply to all of that after it wears off.

The Deep and Far Dreaming bypass all of this immunity. (Dreams and Nightmares 13)

See Also:



Only the following can be thralled by a demon:

  • Mortal (obviously)
  • Mortal+ (Sorcerer-Psychic, Ghoul, Kinfolk, and/or Kinain)
  • Mage
  • Shifter (major drawbacks, see below)
  • Hunters (limited circumstances and benefits, The Infernal 96-97)

Thralls may raise their Faith with XP. (+rules faith)

Demons do not have to buy Pacts background for PC thralls, but only gain Faith from them while the thrall remains an approved PC.

Being thralled by a NPC demon: (staff discretion if they're a retired/inactive PC)

  • Must take Mentor 5 to represent them
  • They draw as much Faith as possible (half rounded down), rest can be used to empower the thrall

NPC thralls are typically set up as follows:

  • If covered by both Pacts and Retainers, they have Faith 3 (2 for them and 1 for the demon)
  • If covered by just Pacts, they have Faith 2 (1 for them and 1 for the demon)
  • If covered by just Retainers, they have Faith 2 (2 for them and 0 for the demon)

Thralls with a Lore power can use the high-torment version, but must make an appropriate virtue roll afterward. (Damned and Deceived 67)

  • They still typically use Conscience / Courage / Self-Control, not demon virtues.
  • If they don't have virtues on +sheet at all, see '+rules missing stats'.

Apocalyptic form enhancements can only come from the demon's current apocalyptic form, and the demon can't alter that part of their form while the pact remains in effect.
Other rules on these enhancements (DPG 135):

  • A thrall with multiple enhancements must roll Willpower for each of them separately.
  • Each high-torment enhancement gives the demon 1 temp Torment (unless perm was already 7+) and gives the thrall a derangement.

Thralls vs. vampiric stuff (WW8201/69)

  • Vampires cannot be thralls. Embracing a thrall breaks the pact.
  • Ghouls / blood-bonded non-vampires can be thralled. Thralls can be ghouled / blood-bonded. These do not break each other. Any resulting conflict of interest is the target's problem to deal with ICly.

Shifter thralls (WW8201/70-71):

  • This is probably very bad for the life expectancy of both the shifter and the demon. Do not pursue this unless you're prepared to lose your character quickly.
  • See +rules shifter thralls for full details.



These terms are from VtM 190 and similar in other rulebooks. Abilities usable e.g. "once per story" should follow these guidelines (on the honor system as usual).

Turn - The amount of time you need to take a fairly simple action; this can range anywhere from three seconds to three minutes, depending on the pace of the current scene.

  • Hand-to-hand combat typically uses three-second turns.
  • A car chase might use turns as long as three minutes.

Scene - A compact period of action and interaction that takes place in a single location.

  • An OOCly continuous RP session may consist of multiple scenes separated by downtime, especially if you move to a different grid room.

Chapter - An independent part of a story, consisting of a number of scenes interconnected by downtime.

  • In a tabletop setting, these are often played out in one OOC game session. On a mu*, this varies more; we suggest "one OOC week", unless the players agree on something different.

Story - A full tale, consisting of one or more chapters.

  • We suggest "one OOC month", unless the players agree on something different.

Chronicle - A series of connected stories.

  • We suggest "three to six OOC months", unless the players agree on something different.

Downtime - Time that is glossed over with description, rather than played out turn by turn or scene by scene. ("You wait in the foyer for four hours before the prince's ghoul summons you.")

See also: +policy time



Title background:

  • Chargen limit is Title 1. Must set a +note. Approved at staff discretion. Good idea to run your concept by staff prior to submitting for approval.
  • This background is limited to Changelings only. Those such as Kinain, Bygones, Enchanted mortals or the like may not take this background moving forward, in compliance with our changeover to C20. (WW92041 Changeling: the Dreaming (20th Anniversary) pg.#460)
  • Increasing is at staff discretion.
  • Subject to +policy PC leadership.
- PCs not actively leading (staff discretion) will be reduced to Title 1 (with XP refund) until that changes.
  • Title 4 and 5 is reserved for NPCs.

See Also: Holdings


AKA Jamak, Nushi, Orisha Bond


The Totem background is used by the following PCs, either in packs or individually:

  • Shifters and kinfolk (but not possessed, per Possessed page 101)
  • Dreamspeakers, Shamanic Traditionalist merit (for Spirit Allies, see +rules mage backgrounds)
  • Nunnehi
  • Wangateurs

The following are similar, and use all the same rules except as specified:

  • Jamak (Bastet)
  • Nushi (Kuei-jin)
  • Orisha Bond (Eshu)

Buying any of these with XP costs 2 per dot, regardless of current level. (WW3801/123)

Due to length, this has been split up into sections:
+rules totem caps
+rules totem powers
+rules totem individual
+rules totem fera
+rules totem kinfolk

Totem Caps


Background dots are limited to 5 per PC during chargen, 10 (total) per PC afterward.

  • If you want to start with a level 6+ Totem, you need at least one packmate.

Allowing more than 5 PCs per pack is limited at staff discretion.

PCs may join a pack without buying the background.

Totem Fera


Fera may contribute to a pack totem. (WW3807/163)

  • Ananasi/Corax/Gurahl may spend points on a personal or pack totem appropriate to their breed (staff discretion, including re-skinning)
- Queen Ananasa will favor packs (overrides WW3807/45), but base is 10 points unless they're all Ananasi
- For Gurahl, Bear (WtA 295) costs 6 dots but does not penalize Honor

  • Bastet: All-Bastet packs should use Jamak, mixed packs may use either

  • Ratkin: All-Ratkin packs following something other than an aspect of Rat must have a PC perform Dedication Rite (PGttCB 146).
- This PC need not join the pack.
- +rules free lunch: If buying Totem at full price, success may be handwaved. For a discount, minimum successes are as follows:
- If a minimum is listed in canon, then use that.
- Otherwise, if it's at least partly based on a canon totem, then use the base level of that totem, e.g. 6 for Cockroach (WtA 296). If it's completely custom, the minimum is 5.
- If later disbanded, each member may request an XP refund for any/all of their Totem dots. (If they got a free-lunch discount, the refund is reduced to match.)

Totem Individual


A PC may buy an individual Totem.

  • Packs are limited to shifters et al, Nushi, and Sabbat wangateurs.
  • A PC can't have a personal and pack totem simultaneously, but can switch their existing background dots from one to the other. If it's for OOC reasons (typically a pack becoming active/inactive), then they are not directly penalized by their old totem.
  • PCs get all benefits of a personal totem, even if canon mentions 'packs'. They're effectively funding a one-member pack by themselves. (Does not apply to totem powers that specifically require multiple pack members to act in concert.)
  • PCs may also have Numen and/or Familiar Spirit background.

Totem Kinfolk


Kinfolk with Gnosis may contribute to a pack totem.

  • Limited to 5 dots per kinfolk.
  • Limited to half of the pack's permanent membership. (Does not include or limit powers that effectively make you a temporary packmate.)
  • Does not include possessed, even if they were kinfolk before possession.

Totem Powers


Totem powers come from any combination of the following:

  • A specific totem named in a book (e.g. WtA Revised pages 294-298)
- Or from Totems Listwith staff approval

  • Construction kit (WtA Revised page 123)
- Nushi, use KotE page 87 instead
- Dreamspeakers / Shamanic Traditionalist merit, use Dreamspeakers page 58 instead

  • Additional house-rule options
    • Packs are limited to 10 points from this section
- 1 point for +1 dice or -1 difficulty to an ability
- 3 points for +1 dice or -1 difficulty to an attribute (may be reduced if the bonus only applies in a limited context)
- 1 point for +1 dice or -1 difficulty to Willpower (3 points if it applies to powers with Willpower pools)
- 1 point for a miscellaneous improvement (e.g. faster running speed)
- These only apply to one pack member at a time, unless points are also spent to allow multiple pack members to get bonuses in the same turn.
  • Gifts
Limited to rank 1-3
Cost is 2x/level
Gift must be appropriate to the Totem spirit. Doesn't necessarily have to be FROM that spirit, but someone with the totem of Rat isn't going to get Spirit of the Bird.

All totems have:

  • Airt Sense and Re-form Charms for free, unless something explicitly states otherwise
  • Base total of 8 dots in Rage/Gnosis/Willpower (WtA 123)
  • 8 Essence (WtA 236-237)
- Nushi instead have Dragon Sight and Re-form, base total of 7 R/G/W, and 20 Chi (KotE 87)
- Dreamspeaker / Shamanic Traditionalist totems instead have Airt Sense and Re-form, base total of 5 R/G/W, and 5 Essence (Dreamspeakers 58; spirit 'Essence' / 'Power' are equivalent)
- The totem's Rage/Gnosis/Willpower are only usable by the totem itself, not the pack members, unless something explicitly says otherwise
- If the canon benefits include extra Rage/Gnosis/Willpower, then those are usable by the pack members (e.g. Falcon, WtA 294: "Packs chosen by Falcon gain ... an extra four Willpower points per story.")



Holdings background:

  • Holdings corresponds to a freehold, either on or off grid.
  • Holdings may be bought in chargen or with XP.
  • Holdings includes one link from normalspace to the Dreaming (equivalent to Trod 2), regardless of level.
  • A freehold within a PC-run territory requires approval from its PC leaders, per news changeling counties.
  • Increasing Holdings is time-limited per +rules minimum time, representing the need to infuse the balefire with Glamour (CtD page 44).
- For a freehold that previously belonged to another PC, you can buy Holdings from 0 up to its previous level as quickly or slowly as you want. Until then, the rest is assumed to be used by NPCs (if needed to explain why PCs aren't using it).
  • Increasing Holdings above 3 is at staff discretion.

Trod background:

  • A trod within a PC-run territory requires approval from its PC leaders.
  • Increasing Trod is not time-limited.
  • Increasing Trod above 3 to reach the Far Dreaming or Deep Dreaming is at staff discretion.

See Also:
Minimum Time

True Faith



  • True Faith requires answering one question, which is not disclosed in advance. An unacceptable answer permanently disqualifies the player (not just the character) from taking the merit.
  • If you have a Path Rating, then True Faith requires Humanity 9+ (or same level of a Path of Enlightenment that preaches a higher power, at staff discretion, e.g. Road of Heaven / Path of Redemption). Even if you don't, you must make degeneration checks as if you had Humanity 9 (+rules degeneration, +rules missing stats); on a failure, you lose the merit and must re-purchase it with XP.
  • Demons are ineligible.

True Faith may be bought in chargen or with XP, at 7*N dots where N is the 'True Faith level' (not the same as 'Faith' on +sheet, but related). As usual for merits, each dot costs 1 freebie or 3 XP. Raising True Faith level above 1 is limited per '+rules minimum time'.

  • Example: 'True Faith level' 1 = "True Faith 7" (dots on +sheet) = 7 freebies or 21 XP. One month after that, you can increase to 'True Faith level' 2 = "True Faith 14" on +sheet = another 21 XP.

For the purpose of these house rules, an 'unnatural creature' is any supernatural or mortal+ character that you consider hostile.


  • +N dice to all Willpower, virtue, and countermagic rolls.
  • Faith increase to 3 (N = 1 or 2), 4 (N = 3 or 4), or 5 (N = 5).
  • N = 1 allows warding/damaging unnatural creatures with a holy symbol (VtM 272).
  • N = 2 also gives the benefits of the Iron Will merit.
  • N = 3 also lets you passively sense unnatural creatures if it's quiet enough. ('+rules sniping' still applies; Perception + Awareness, or just Perception if you don't have Awareness; difficulty at ST discretion)
  • N = 4 also gives the benefits of the Unbondable merit, plus immunity to unwanted mind-altering powers (including emotional manipulation).
  • N = 5 also allows warding unnatural creatures by voice or touch (VtM 272).
  • N > 5 is only available to plot-device NPCs with explicit staff permission and oversight. For examples of miracles, see page 66 of The Hunters Hunted.

Vampire Disciplines


* Character Generation: Only Common type disciplines may be purchased with Freebies during character generation.


  • Animalism: Feral Whispers (WW2300/146) can communicate with (but not command) PCs shapeshifted into animal form.
  • Auspex: Aura Perception (WW2300/150) can detect demon apocalyptic forms on par with other color patterns.
  • Fortitude: If the damage roll includes any automatic successes (e.g. Potence), then each dot of Fortitude negates one automatic success, but only leftover Fortitude (if any) is included in the soak roll against non-automatic successes.
  • Obfuscate:
* At CGen, Gargoyles can opt to swap Fortitude, Potence, or Visceratika for Obfuscate as in-clan.
* Obfuscate 1 + Stealth is sufficient to travel unnoticed at night.
* Obfuscate 2 or higher is required to travel in the presence of people.
  • Protean: Shape of the Beast (WW2352/67) is permissible for Gangrel. Gangrel must submit a +request to have the custom forms set and they may be set only once. To +prove the Agg and other implications that aren't simple stat modifications, +prove/eff here|<player>=Shape of the beast/1
Type Stats
Standard Wolf: Dexterity:2|Stamina:2|Shape_of_the_Beast:1
Standard Bear: Stamina:2|Shape_of_the_Beast:1
Standard Bat: Shape_of_the_Beast:1
Standard Deer: Shape_of_the_Beast:1
  • Vicissitude: Can change hair color, on par with skin tone.
  • Koldunic Sorcery:
* Way of Earth 5 (Dracula's Restless Soul): Instead of 10 lethal, victims take 8 levels of bashing (soakable) and roll Dex+Athletics vs 8 to avoid falling down.
* Way of Fire 3 (Gates of Magma): "Physically touching" is interpreted as "touching without penetrating".

If a vampire power depends on the target's virtue (e.g. Presence 5), but the target doesn't have that virtue:

  • Paths of Enlightenment: Substitute Conviction (if the target has it) for Conscience, and Instinct (if the target has it) for Self-Control.
  • Kuei-jin: Substitute Yin for Self-Control, Yang for Courage, and Hun for Conscience. (KotE 150-151: fire soul / wave soul / shadow soul are comparable to frenzy / rotschreck / degeneration, respectively.)
  • Others (including Self-Control for demons): Substitute Willpower / 2, rounded down. (Willpower is on a 1-10 scale, virtues are on a 1-5 scale.)

See also: Buying Disciplines

Vampire Frenzy


If a vampire is sufficiently angered, their inner Beast may take over and send them into frenzy. For convenience, here's a summary of how this works.

Provocation Difficulty
Smell of blood (when hungry) 3*
Sight of blood (when hungry) 4*
Being harassed 4
Life-threatening situation 4
Malicious taunts 4
Physical provocation 6
Taste of blood (when hungry) 6*
Loved one in danger 7
Outright humiliation 8
Urge to commit blatant evil (9 - Conscience)
  • or higher in extreme cases

When one of these things happens: (VtM 228)

  • Roll Self-Control vs appropriate difficulty.
** Cannot roll more dice than your blood pool. (VtM 134)
** Cannot roll more dice than your Humanity. (VtM 134 again)
** Some Paths of Enlightenment use Instinct instead.
  • Succeed = Resist frenzy for one turn per success. If you accumulate 5+ successes, you're done.
  • Fail = frenzy for rest of scene.
  • Botch = Remain in frenzy longer and gain a derangement at ST discretion. (If there's no ST, go with player consensus.)

While in frenzy:

  • You go into an emotional rampage, directly pursuing immediate gratification of your immediate desires with no worries of later repercussions.
  • You will do anything to sate your hunger or destroy the source of the frenzy, even attack friends, family and lovers (though you usually attack enemies first if they're present).
  • You can spend a Willpower to regain control for one action, no longer than one or maybe two turns.
  • You do not lose dice due to wound penalties.
  • +2 difficulty to Dominate you.
  • -2 difficulty for you to resist Dominate.
  • You do not need to roll Willpower to act.
  • You are immune to Rotschreck.

Vampire Merits and Flaws



  • Unbondable: See +rules blood bond.
  • Precocious: Targets one primary ability, or two secondaries, or one primary and a related secondary if both are already at 1+.
  • Addictive Blood: Not limited by clan, but you're automatically risk 3 to anyone who drinks or has drunk from you for the purpose of drinking you to death (diablerie optional). Addictive quality is lost if the blood is magically transformed (e.g. Typhon's Brew) or loses potency (sits outside your body too long).


  • Bound: 3 step.
  • Cast No Reflection (including all Lasombra): Applies to all forms of photographic / video recording equipment, as well as mirrors and other traditional 'reflective' media.


(Serpents of the Light, Samedi, Tremere, mostly)

Restricted to: Serpents of the Light (Sabbat bloodline of Followers of Set), Samedi, and Tremere

  • Others can learn it from a teacher, but only these groups can take it in chargen
  • For anyone who didn't declare belief in wanga during chargen, all Wanga rolls are +1 diff and have a die-showing-1 added to the result

Primary path: Various

Treated as "out of clan" for purposes of chargen (requires freebies) and XP costs, unless targeted by Additional Discipline merit.

Secondary paths have no restrictions beyond XP cost.

Path powers:

  • Spend a blood point (except The Flow of Ashe)
  • Roll Willpower vs (3 + level)
  • Botch = lose a permanent Willpower (+request)
  • Occult Library background does not apply (roll doesn't include Occult)


  • Default duration is (5 * level) minutes
  • Roll Intelligence + Occult vs (3 + level)
- With believing participants (at least 2 * level) besides caster, roll is -1 diff, but it takes longer; default duration is (30 * level) minutes
- NPCs from Cult background (2 per dot) count as 'believing participants' for this purpose
  • Occult Library background does apply

Overlap with Thaumaturgy:

  • Paths - Blood Sacrifice 77, if also included in '+liststats thaumpaths'; '+selfstat Has Thaumaturgy Paths=1'
- Also includes Lure of Flames and Weather Control (Blood Sacrifice 75)
- Also includes The Dry Nile and The Snake Inside (Followers of Set 71)
  • Rituals - Blood Sacrifice 81 (wards/defenses, divinations, bone-related rituals, curses-from-a-distance)

Blood Sacrifice chapter 4


  • Equipment comes from WtA Revised (WW3801).
  • Customized weapons can be requested, but are not automatic for approval.
  • Combat rules come from the character's sphere respective book.
* For cross-sphere combat, we recommend Combat Wiki Page

See Also: +help +equip



Willpower, like many other pools, can OOCly be regained using +gain. Players are on the honor system to do this only when their characters would have ICly regained it. See '+book/stat Willpower' for an index of canon references.

Willpower is ICly regained as follows:

  • In full at the start of a new story (+rules time: once a month or so)
  • One after a decent night's sleep (or equivalent for vampires et al.)
- Nightmares flaw does not prevent this, but you should roll Willpower each day you roll for an action (failure = -1 die to all your action rolls that day)
  • One or more after significantly fulfilling your nature (or auspice/aspect for shifters)
- Nature, not demeanor
  • One or more after achieving a major victory
  • Destiny background (MtA 119) gives you a roll if you're facing an end that would derail it

Spending a Willpower for an auto-success: (VtM 137, WtA 128, MtA 125-126 et al)

  • Limited to your actions (not soak, damage, passive Awareness, etc.).
  • Limited to once per turn.
  • Must be declared before rolling.
  • Powers affecting the use of Willpower work as stated.
  • May be disallowed at ST discretion.
  • Interpreted as adding one die-showing-10 to the results of your roll.
- May be canceled by a 1 like any other success, but does guarantee that you don't botch.
- Doesn't trigger any side-effect bonuses (e.g. specialties, mummies getting extra successes for spending Sekhem), but may protect against side-effect penalties (e.g. demons inadvertently evoking high torment).

Spending Willpower on off-camera stuff in jobs (even if you later RP it out on your own) is limited to N times per month, where N is your permanent Willpower.

  • Extended rolls (e.g. mage rituals) only count as one time, even if you spend Willpower on multiple rolls.

See also: NPC Willpower

Wraith Misc


Deathsight (Wraith20 126) can detect that someone isn't aging (e.g. Unaging merit, demon with non-empty Faith pool), but doesn't tell the wraith why.

Lifesight (Wraith20 126) uses same result chart as Auspex 2 (Aura Perception, VtM 150), but base diff 5 instead of 8.

PCs can choose to spend Shadow XP on their Shadow (Wraith20 302-303). This will be tracked in +notes.

Wyrm Taint

  • Sense Wyrm targets the 'nearby area' (WtA 135), not one individual at a time
* +rules in public and +rules sniping still apply
* Pinpoint accuracy is limited to people within a couple yards
* WtA 135: "Sensing a single fomor in the next room would be difficulty 6, while detecting the stench of a Bane that was in the room an hour ago would be difficulty 8."
  • Demons with Torment < 6 do not smell of the Wyrm just for being demons
  • Vampires with Humanity 7 or higher do not smell of the Wyrm just for being vampires
* Vampires with a Path of Enlightenment do smell of the Wyrm, regardless of path rating
* Kuei-jin: See +rules kuei-jin

See also: +rules wyrm taint references

Wyrm Taint References


Werewolf Storytellers Handbook page 85, "The Customary 'Of the Wyrm' Warning":

Players who rely too heavily on the Sense Wyrm Gift to discern between "evil and needs to be killed" and "not evil and should be protected" are SOL in the city. Wyrm-taint is a pervasive spiritual force, and it clings to victims as well as abusers, the violated as well as the violator. Although certainly not everyone in a city is going to smell of the Wyrm, using Sense Wyrm in any crowded area will probably register multiple instances of taint. In a nightclub, that taint might belong to a few frat boy date rapists, the bouncer who augments his bulk with Magadon "nutritional supplements", the young lady who unintentionally sipped a little vampire blood during her "hot date" last night, the drunk who's attracted the attention of a tiny Bane of despair, the habitual drug user on the dance floor, the "special" bottle of King spirits behind the bar, and yes-- any fomori that might be present. How does the Garou discern which instances of taint are a direct threat, which need slightly less immediate attention, and which are probably beneath his notice?
He uses his head, like any werewolf who wants to survive in the city does.
... Garou need to pay attention to their surroundings, the better to recognize and prioritize the threats facing them. ... the city is the ideal environment for the spread of Wyrm-taint, and ... they can't rely on Sense Wyrm alone for that very reason. The Garou didn't survive two Wars of Rage and millennia of battle against the Wyrm because they attacked everything that smelled funny-- they survived because they're wolves, and wolves know how to /hunt/.

Book of the Wyrm (2nd ed) page 12, "On 'Sense Wyrm'":

... Sense Wyrm is a /sense/ ... If the players are in a nightclub, don't tell them that the guy in the Sesame Street T-shirt over there smells of the Wyrm. Tell them "There's a faint, stale smell of rot pervading the dance floor. It's a warm, familiarly sickly-sweet smell - but wait, there's a distant whiff of something stronger, something putrid - no, wait, it's gone." Now they have to work the room, getting closer to something that they don't recognize yet, and they /know/ they'll have to come within arm's reach of it to pick it out.

XP Costs


All XP Costs are as stated in the books in use except for:

- Backgrounds: First dot = 3 XP, increase = 2 x current level
- Exception: Totem / Jamak / Nushi / Orisha Bond = 2 XP per dot, regardless of level (WW3801/123)
- Backgrounds may only be bought per in-sphere restrictions.
- Rites and Rituals are 3 XP times the level of the rite/ritual.
- Two minor rites can be purchased for 3 XP.
- Shifter rites are free if you spend time per WtA 155, see wiki for details.
- Raising a Mage Sphere is based on current level instead of next level.
- (Possessed - Kami Only) Buying off or lowering a Taint: 5 x Taint level (difference if lowering).
- (Possessed - Kami Only) Buying or increasing a Power: 5 x Power level (difference if increasing).
- Ghoul Disciplines: See +rules buying disciplines
- Kinfolk gifts: See +rules kinfolk
- Gurahl: Gifts from a previous auspice count as in-auspice. This includes Rip Van Winkle, but not auspices skipped via Early Maturation.

For full details, see XP Chart (may include other obscure exceptions not covered above)

See Also:
Ghoul PCs



"Yava: A tribal secret, hidden from all outsiders, that supposedly grants another being power over you if learned. The most tightly guarded of all Bastet lore, these are exposed only under the most extreme circumstances, if even then." (Bastet 27)

Yava are not common knowledge. High levels of Lore Fera may include the knowledge that such secrets exist, but not what they are.

Bastet are normally taught their own tribe's secrets via Passing the Yava (level 2 rite, Bastet 119). The Bubasti don't even do this until the student is rank 2 (Bastet 52).

If your character has somehow learned any specific Yava of a tribe without belonging to it, they must have a staff-approved +note explaining how and why they learned it. This includes the Yava of the Ceilican (known to "certain faerie folk and witch-hunting groups", Bastet 55) and Ajaba ("known to the Simba", Bastet 146); even those secrets are not known to all members of those groups.