Home Base
The Home Base Background exists as a collective pool of Background points for a group, allowing members to contribute to a common goal or project at a 2:1 investment with the benefits both applying to the entire group and existing alongside personal Backgrounds of the same type. (See '+rules home base' for full details.) That being said, not all Backgrounds are eligible to be included in a Home Base pool.
- Adding New Members: Adding a new member requires a majority of the current members to agree, it should not be unilateral.
Expand+rules home base
A group of PCs may establish themselves as a named group. This is set on +sheet as Home Base Name, and comes with +hbchat which works much like the standard channel system (OOC by default).
- Submit a +request to staff with the group's name, and the on-grid room (if any) where the group typically meets.
- Some groups (Tradition/Nephandi mages, vampires with blood magic) typically use Chantry Name and +cchat which are functionally equivalent.
- Nephandi may ICly call it a 'Labyrinth', Technocrats may ICly call it a 'Construct'.
- Other examples: vampire clans/coteries, shifter tribes/packs, changeling baronies, demon courts.
If some of the members buy dots in the Home Base (or Chantry) background, then every two dots of that background supports one dot of some other communal background that is collectively available to those members.
- They're also available to non-contributing members unless a restriction is specified.
- House rule: Limited to 30 dots of communal backgrounds, regardless of contribution levels.
- Members may also share their personal backgrounds, magic items, etc. with the group on any terms they want. This does not count against the 30-dot cap. These included in +homebase / +chantry documentation for convenience, along with things like wards on the building.
A larger group may contain multiple sub-groups, in which case the group background is counted separately for each sub-group.
- Players may have alts join different sub-groups within the same group, but in that case, each alt may not draw on their own sub-group's communal backgrounds, nor on the personal backgrounds of another alt of the same player.
- Players with only one alt in the group may draw on another sub-group's communal backgrounds, though lower priority than that sub-group's members (in case of limited resources such as Nodes).
Each PC may only benefit from the communal backgrounds of one group, though they may be associated with others for RP purposes.
References: Guide to the Traditions pg. #215 (game mechanics), The Quick and the Dead pg. #54 ('Home Base' name only)
See also: +help +homebase (or +help +chantry)
For mages and similar groups, this is named Chantry and uses the +chantry command, but is otherwise equivalent.
+homebase / +chantry may also be used to document things like a member sharing their existing personal backgrounds / magic items / etc., or a ward that was cast on the building.
Approved Backgrounds
Background |
Details |
Allies |
Arcane |
Game mechanics TBD, may be limited to the location
Backup |
Cloaking |
Functionally the same as Arcane
Contacts |
Device |
Equipment |
Followers |
Herd |
Vampire / Kuei-jin Only
Influence |
see Influence page |
Information Network |
Nosferatu Only
Kinfolk |
Shifter Only
Laboratory |
Functionally same as Sanctum |
Technocracy Only
Library |
Node |
Mage Only
Occult Library |
limited to bonuses to Occult rolls
Requisitions |
Technocracy Only
Resources |
Retainers |
Sanctuary |
Sorcerer Only
Sanctum |
Mage Only, limited to one Tradition / type of paradigm per dot
Secret Weapons |
Technocracy Only
Spirit Network |
Shifters Only
Treasure |
Trinket |
Wonder |
Disallowed Backgrounds
- If you feel a Background should be allowed (either generally or for a specific case), submit a request to Staff.
Background |
Details |
Alternate Identity |
Personal Background, unable to be shared |
Ancestors |
Personal Background, unable to be shared |
Shifter Only
Avatar |
Personal Background, unable to be shared |
Mage Only
Black Hand Membership |
Personal Background, unable to be shared |
Sabbat Only
Chantry |
Functionally the same as Home Base |
Mage / Sorcerer Only
Clan Prestige |
Personal Background, unable to be shared |
Vampire Only
Fetish |
CharGen Background only |
Shifters Only
Freak Factor |
Personal Background, unable to be shared |
Ratkin Only
Generation |
Personal Background, unable to be shared |
Vampire Only
Genius |
Functionally the same as Avatar |
Technocrat Only
Home Base |
The Background is not recursive, plus it's a waste of points |
Jamak |
Bastet variation on Totem; same goes |
Bastet Only
Mana |
Personal Background, unable to be shared |
Sorcerer Only
Mnesis |
Personal Background, unable to be shared |
Mokole Only
Nushi |
Kuei-jin variation on Totem; same goes |
Kuei-jin Only
Orisha Bond |
Eshu variation on Totem; same goes |
Eshu Only
Pentex Rank |
Personal Background, unable to be shared |
Pentex Only
Prestige |
Personal Background, unable to be shared |
Shadow Court Only
Pure Breed |
There is no way to share this Background across a group outside of breeding. |
Shifter Only
Renown |
Personal Background, unable to be shared |
Kinfolk Only
Rites |
Personal Background, unable to be shared |
Shifters and Kuei-jin Only
Rituals (Background) |
Personal Background, unable to be shared |
Sabbat Only
Scathach Status |
Personal Background, unable to be shared |
House Scathach Only
Status |
Personal Background, unable to be shared |
Title |
Personal Background, unable to be shared |
Changeling Only
Totem |
Totem is (or can be) its own class of shared Background |
Years |
Personal Background, unable to be shared |
Bygone Only
Decision Pending
- Any Background not otherwise listed on this page is assumed to belong in this Category.
- If you want one of these Backgrounds for your Home Base, request them and Staff will render a decision.
Background |
Details |
Arsenal |
Artifact |
Ayllu |
Ba |
Backers |
Batsu |
Blessing |
Bystanders |
Chimera |
Chole |
Colony |
Companion |
Consecrated |
Contemplation |
Cray |
Cult |
Demesne |
Den Realm |
Destiny |
Detective License |
Domitor |
Dream |
Dreamers |
Dross |
Eidolon |
Eminence |
Enhancement |
Exposure |
Fae Steed |
Fame |
Familiar Companion |
Familiar Spirit |
Fate |
Feth Fiada |
Ghost Insight |
Golem |
Grace Under Pressure |
Guide |
Haunt |
Health Insurance |
Holdings |
Horoscope |
Husk |
Hypercram |
Functionally same as Dream |
Illi |
Jade Talisman |
Joss |
Ka |
Legacy |
Legend |
Living Family |
Magisterial Office |
Memoriam |
Memory |
Mentor |
Military |
Neteru |
Notoriety |
Numen |
Old Soul |
Other People's Secrets |
Pacts |
Pakua |
Paragon |
Passion |
Past Elder Status |
Past Lives (Mage) |
Mage Only
Past Weapons |
Patron |
Political Connections |
Regard |
Relic |
Remembrance |
Remora |
Retinue |
Royal Lineage |
Royal Title |
Samapa |
Secret Pure Spirit |
Shield |
Spies |
Spirit Ally |
Spirit Companion |
Spirit Heritage |
Spirit Slave |
Steel Nerves |
Symbiosis |
Tomb |
Touched |
Trod |
Umbral Glade |
Umbral Maps |
Veil |
Vessel |
Visage |
Vision |
Wallow |
Warren |
Wraith Family |