Explain Entries

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For many stats, this gives a quick explanation of what it is, how it works, which book's version we use, and whether it has any house rules.

On the mush, commands are:

+explain View list of entries
+explain <stat> View specific entry

** Note: Any entry listed here with parenthesis around a word (i.e.: merit, background), that is required to access this same information on game. When you use +explain to see the list on game, the parenthesis disappear due to the code. All the list of entries here should be the correct verbiage for how to also access it on game.

List of Entries

Recently Added

Ability Aptitude


1 dot merit, -2 difficulty to one ability. See +rules ability aptitude.

WW4600 Mage: The Ascension (Revised) 291+


aka Setite Sorcery


Vampire blood magic, used by Followers of Set. See +rules ahku.

WW2106 Blood Magic Secrets of Thaumaturgy 113+
WW2423 Blood Sacrifice The Thaumaturgy Companion 17+



Primary talent, makes you better at noticing mundane events. To sense supernatural effects, use Awareness instead.

WW2300 Vampire The Masquerade (Revised Edition) 120+
WW3801 Werewolf The Apocalypse (Revised Edition) 111+
WW4600 Mage: The Ascension (Revised) 106+
WW6600 Wraith: The Oblivion (2nd Ed) 119+
WW7300 Changeling The Dreaming (2nd Edition) 139+
WW8200 Demon: The Fallen 140+



Allies: One NPC per dot, or fewer but more powerful NPCs. Allies can have influence, besides jobs/hobbies/nefarious things that they can do. You should list them with following:

1) Who are they?
2) What do they do for a living?
3) What do they do that is specifically of interest to you? List any specific abilities.
4) How did they become your Ally?
5) How do you keep them as one? (i.e.: Do you pay them by the job? Do you have leverage? Were they your sister's brother's cousin's ex-roommate? Were you on the same t-ball team for 3 years? Did you save them from drowning once?)
6) Do they have a specific influence and what level?
**DO NOT MAKE HUGE PARAGRAPHS TO NOTE YOUR ALLIES. Just the bullet points with relevant details.**
  • Only one Ally can be called upon per month. Allies cannot be set for watch actions.
  • When you wish to engage one of your Allies to do something, please list in the +request which Ally, and how you will approach them/pay them/make the ask to do what you need done. Depending on that, staff will decide whether a +roll will be needed.
  • Unlike Retainers, Allies can just refuse to do something, and can be lost. Use of their actions can also be caught by others, if engaging in some sort of influence back and forth.
  • What happens when using an Ally is subjective to the situation and is all up to Staff Discretion.

WW2300 Vampire The Masquerade (Revised Edition) 130
WW3801 Werewolf The Apocalypse (Revised Edition) 120
WW4600 Mage: The Ascension (Revised) 117
WW6600 Wraith: The Oblivion (2nd Ed) 128
WW8100 Hunter: The Reckoning 119
WW8200 Demon: The Fallen 153

Alternate Identity


3 dot merit, lets you pass as a member of another supernatural faction (though they may do more stringent checking if many spies have been caught). See +rules alternate identity.

  • House rule: If you're just passing as a different clan/etc. within your actual faction, it only costs 2 dots (1 if you're passing as something low-status, e.g. Caitiff/Pander).

WW2302 Guide to the Camarilla 76

Alternate Identity (Background)


Background, gives supporting paperwork for a second mortal identity. See +rules alternate identity.

WW4044 The Bitter Road 113+



1 or 2 dot merit.

House rules, due to heavy inconsistency across different books:

  • Without the merit, using a weapon in each hand within a single turn requires two actions (extra or split), and the one in your off hand is +1 difficulty.
  • With the 1-dot merit, the +1 difficulty is negated.
  • With the 2-dot merit:
  • The +1 difficulty is negated.
  • You can split actions to use both weapons without the split-action penalty, provided you take no other actions during the same turn. If you do take other actions during the same turn, then this part of the merit does not benefit you during that turn.
  • Some weapons require both hands, though the +1 difficulty does not apply. All relevant +equip templates include Two-Handed: Y.

WW2300 Vampire The Masquerade (Revised Edition) 296+
WW3806 Players Guide to Garou 159+
WW4600 Mage: The Ascension (Revised) 288+
WW6007 Wraith Players Guide 21+
WW7300 Changeling The Dreaming (2nd Edition) 158+



House rule: 2-dot merit, grants immunity to the Mists (on par with changelings and kinain) and reduces Banality (on par with Spirit Sight). Staff discretion, requires OOC approval from a PC with Title 3+.

WW7008 Changeling: The Enchanted 74-

Animal Speech (Knowledge)


Secondary knowledge, similar to Linguistics but limited to animal languages.

House rule: Provides a total of 1/2/4/8/16 extra languages, similar to how Linguistics was updated from 2nd to Revised.

WW4802 Bygone Bestiary 102+
WW4805 The Sorcerers Crusade Companion 117-



Background that makes you harder for others to notice/track. See +rules arcane.

WW2380 Mummy: the Resurrection 64+
WW4600 Mage: The Ascension (Revised) 118+



Mage power stat. See +rules arete.

WW4600 Mage: The Ascension (Revised) 124+



Shifter's primary role among their race.

  • Ajaba: Dawn, Dusk (PGttCB 39)
  • Ananasi: See CharGen Cheat Sheet Ananasi (PGttCB 46, also includes 'factions')
  • Ratkin: Tunnel Runner, Shadow Seer, Knife-Skulker, Warrior (PGttCB 142-143)
- Freak Aspects: Engineer, Plague Lord, Munchmausen, Twitcher (PGttCB 143)

Garou, Gurahl, Mokole, Rokea: See +explain Auspice instead.

Kitsune: See +explain Path instead.

n/a for other shifter races.



Shifter's primary role among their race.

  • Garou: Ragabash, Theurge, Philodox, Galliard, Ahroun (WtA 63-67)
  • Gurahl: Arcas, Uzmati, Kojubat, Kieh, Rishi (PGttCB 88-89)
  • Mokole: Striking, Unshading, Warding, Shining, Concealing, Gathering, Crowning (PGttCB 115-116)
- Makara, Zhong Lung: Tung Chun, Nam Hsia, Sai Chau, Pei Tung (PGttCB 200)
  • Rokea: Brightwater, Dimwater, Darkwater (PGttCB 152)

Ajaba, Ananasi, Ratkin: See +explain Aspect instead.

Kitsune: See +explain Path instead.

n/a for other shifter races.



Mage background affecting your Quintessence supply. See +explain Quintessence.

  • MtA 40: "A shard of spirit energy, tied to the human soul, perhaps from the Pure One(s) of the long-ago universe. Through the interaction of the Avatar with the universe, a mage performs magic." Some players set a +note describing the conceptual nature of their Avatar.
  • You don't have to take any dots in the background, but without it, you can't gain or spend Quintessence at all.
  • You can hold this much Quintessence even without the Prime sphere, and regain up to that level via meditation.
  • You can spend up to this much Quintessence per Arete roll.
  • Can't be increased with XP unless you have Shattered Avatar (5 dot merit).

WW4600 Mage: The Ascension (Revised) 118+



Primary talent, gives you a chance to sense supernatural effects. See +rules awareness. To notice mundane events, use Alertness instead.

WW4600 Mage: The Ascension (Revised) 106+
WW6600 Wraith: The Oblivion (2nd Ed) 119+
WW8200 Demon: The Fallen 141+



The lower your Banality, the easier it is for changelings to target you with their magic, for good or ill. Banality 8+ generally drives changelings away. See +rules banality.

WW7300 Changeling The Dreaming (2nd Edition) 152+

Bind The Familiar


Level 3 Thaumaturgy ritual.

  • Preparation starts at dusk and runs past midnight.
  • Spend 5 blood, roll Intelligence + Occult vs (4 + intended level of familiar).
** Botch = spirit is likely to possess or attack you. Fail = just waste blood and time.
  • Must be fed (level) blood per week, otherwise it dies within a night.
** House rule: This comes out of your +rules dailies supply unless you make other arrangements.

  • House rule: Familiar's 'level' in canon is also its level for +rules magical items purposes, overriding the normal house rule for rituals that create items.

** Bind the Familiar is based on Tremere's past history as mages
** Weekly blood cost is same as a mage familiar's weekly Quint cost (and vitae is canonically Tass with heavy resonance)

WW20006 Players Guide to Low Clans 171

Bizarre Quality


Was named Surreal Quality in 2nd Edition Changeling, now renamed Bizzare Quality in C20.

2 dot Changeling Flaw:

"Though the Mists still protect you from mortal detection, there is something about you that mortals find fascinating. At inappropriate times, they will stare at you and strike up conversations in the hopes of getting to know you better. Worse still, those mortals who are of less savory nature will choose you over other potential targets for their illicit acts."

  • House rule: In this context, 'mortal' is interpreted as 'anyone affected by the Mists' (+rules the mists).

WW92041 Changeling: the Dreaming (20th Anniversary) 188



For vampires, ghouls, and Ananasi, this is a power pool. For others, this is how much blood they could potentially drain out of you. For many more details on the subject, see House Rules - Blood.

WW2300 Vampire The Masquerade (Revised Edition) 138+

Cat-like Balance


1-dot merit giving -2 difficulty on balance-related rolls (e.g. Dexterity + Athletics to walk along a narrow ledge).

Note: Some books have a merit Perfect Balance but with this level and game mechanics, others have Perfect Balance as a 3-dot merit giving -3 difficulty. We use the latter.

WW2300 Vampire The Masquerade (Revised Edition) 296+



Background, allows a group of mages/sorcerers/psychics to acquire group backgrounds more cheaply. See +rules chantry. Technocrats and other PCs use Home Base for same effect.

WW4603 Guide to the Traditions 215+

Code Of Honor


2-dot merit. +2 dice on any Willpower or virtue roll to obey or avoid disobeying your code. (This supersedes the older 1-dot merit that gave either +3 dice to you or +2 diff to your opponent.)

WW2300 Vampire The Masquerade (Revised Edition) 299+
WW3806 Players Guide to Garou 163+
WW4600 Mage: The Ascension (Revised) 291+
WW8120 Hunter Players Guide 111



2 dot merit. When someone tries to mislead or intimidate you, your social rolls are -2 difficulty and theirs are +2 difficulty.

WW4014 Guide to the Technocracy 166+



Relevant for vampires/ghouls, demons, and mortals. Used to resist immoral behavior.

Dot-filled.png Uncaring
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Normal
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Ethical
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Righteous
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Remorseful, Saintly

Vampires performing an immoral action, see +rules degeneration. Demons pursuing immediate needs at the expense of their ethics are similar: roll Conscience vs 8, fail = gain 1 temporary Torment.

Vampires/ghouls on a Path of Enlightenment may use Conviction instead.

WW2300 Vampire The Masquerade (Revised Edition) 133+
WW8200 Demon: The Fallen 158+



Relevant for vampires/ghouls on certain Paths of Enlightenment, and demons. Hunters should use Conviction (hunter) instead.

Vampires/ghouls: Used to maintain a sense of reason when faced with desire, suffering or need. Reconciles the predatory urge with the capacity for atrocity.

Vampire Conviction
Dot-filled.png Steady
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Determined
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Driven
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Brutal
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Completely self-assured

Vampires performing an action that /your/ Path of Enlightenment says is immoral, see +rules degeneration.

Demons: Innate understanding of the order of Creation. Accepting circumstances with ease and grace, keeping faith against adversity.

Demon Conviction
Dot-filled.png Cynical
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Uncertain
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Temperate
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Faithful
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Unswerving

Demons acting in violation of this understanding: roll Conviction vs 8, fail = gain 1 temporary Torment.

WW2300 Vampire The Masquerade (Revised Edition) 287+
WW8200 Demon: The Fallen 158+



Relevant for vampires/ghouls, demons, and mortals. Used to resist fear.

Dot-filled.png Timid
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Normal
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Bold, Brave
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Resolute
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Heroic, Lion-Hearted

Vampires facing sunlight or fire, see +rules rotschreck. Demons acting out of fear for their safety at the expense of others are similar: roll Courage vs 8, fail = gain 1 temporary Torment.

WW2300 Vampire The Masquerade (Revised Edition) 134+
WW8200 Demon: The Fallen 158




2 pt General Psychological Flaw:

You’re a naturally curious person, your curiosity easily overriding your common sense. To resist temptation, make a Willpower roll. The difficult varies based on the temptation; difficulty 5 for simple things like, “I wonder what’s in the armoire,” but difficulty 9 for things like, “I wonder why young men keep going missing around the baron’s freehold. I’ll just slip in and check it out.

Previously, this merit used a Wits roll. Otherwise, is the same.

WW92041 Changeling: the Dreaming (20th Anniversary) 182

Crack Shot


2 dot merit: Ranged attacks may target a specific location without the usual penalty, or add 1 die to the attack pool if no specific location is targeted.

House rule: Both parts apply to all types of ranged attacks, but not close combat attacks.

WW7309 War in Concordia 118



For mages, this background provides multiple NPCs per dot (1 = 3-7; 2 = 8-12; 3 = 13-17; 4 = 18-22; 5 = 23-27), enough for +1 success per dot if you gather the entire cult for a ritual (added to the first Arete roll, assuming it gets at least one success on its own). They do not count as sleeper witnesses.

For others, it provides two NPCs per dot. No inherent game mechanics bonuses, but they do count as believing participants for anything that uses that (e.g. +rules wanga).

In either case, they're devoted to you, but considerably less competent than Retainers (though at higher levels, one of them is almost that good).

WW3810 Possessed A Players Guide 103
WW4603 Guide to the Traditions 214
WW8103 Hunter Book: Avenger 67



Archetype (+liststats archetypes).

  • How you present yourself to the outside world.
  • The 'mask' you wear to protect your inner self.
  • Often (but not always) different from your Nature.
  • Need not be the only aspect of your outward attitude, merely the most frequently adopted.
  • Can be changed freely on request.

See also +explain Nature.

WW3806 Players Guide to Garou 172+



Possessed taint. Not available to drones, and less common for kami. 3 points for one, 2 more (total 5) for a second, 1 more (total 6) for a third.

Set a +note describing the specific nature of your condition(s). The Possessed book lists several examples. You can spend a Willpower to clear your head somewhat, but only for one turn.

Other types of PCs, see +explain Deranged instead.

List of Taints

WW3810 Possessed A Players Guide 122+



2-point flaw.

You are permanently insane (until/unless you buy off the flaw). You may have a physical brain disorder, or you may just know too many disturbing things.

Set a +note describing the specific nature of your condition. You can spend Willpower to temporarily overcome it.

This flaw is not sufficient to make a mage count as a Marauder.

For the Possessed taint, see +explain Derangement.

WW4600 Mage: The Ascension (Revised) 293+

Discipline Prodigy


-1 difficulty (minimum 4) on all uses of one in-clan discipline.

  • Includes blood magic paths and rituals.
  • Does not include combination disciplines based on that discipline (even if it's the only prerequisite).

WW20006 Players Guide to Low Clans 189+
WW20007 Players Guide to High Clans 207+



For ghouls, this is who your domitor is. May be a PC or NPC. See also +explain Domitor (background) for how high you can raise disciplines.

See Also: +rules Domitors

WW2021 Ghouls Fatal Addiction 71+
WW2021 Ghouls Fatal Addiction 82+

Domitor (Background)


Ghoul background, determines how high you can raise disciplines. "Domitor" specifies who your domitor is (may be a PC or NPC).

Unlike canon, this background /is not/ tied to your domitor's Generation. This was done on purpose to put ghouls with PC/NPC domitors on equal footing.

If you have other supernatural powers in addition to disciplines, see +rules multiclass.

Level Effect
- You can only raise disciplines to 1.
Dot-filled.png No additional bonus yet.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.png No additional bonus yet.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png No additional bonus yet.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png You can raise disciplines to 2.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png You can raise disciplines to 3.

See Also: +rules Domitors

WW2021 Ghouls Fatal Addiction 71+
WW2021 Ghouls Fatal Addiction 82+



Primary skill. See +rules drive.

WW2300 Vampire The Masquerade (Revised Edition) 124+
WW3801 Werewolf The Apocalypse (Revised Edition) 114+
WW4600 Mage: The Ascension (Revised) 110+
WW6600 Wraith: The Oblivion (2nd Ed) 122+
WW7300 Changeling The Dreaming (2nd Edition) 141+
WW8200 Demon: The Fallen 146+



Changeling background, chimerical equivalent of Resources. See +rules dross.

WW7008 Changeling: The Enchanted 70-

Dual Perception


2-dot merit. Lets you temporarily turn off parts of Spirit Sight so you can concentrate better. See +rules spirit sight for details.

WW4043 The Spirit Ways 103+

Dual Traditions


Your mage has been educated by two traditions. Most likely, he was a Hollow One who studied a bit of this and that, and found a couple things that made sense to him. Or, perhaps, he was Awakened by a teacher of one Tradition, but then studied under a different Master and experienced a second Epiphany through this new knowledge. For purposes of spending experience, the specialty Spheres of both Traditions come with the bonus (cheap) multiplier. Your character is more open-minded about foci as well, and he may use those of either Tradition. (The penalties for unique foci still apply.) If your mage loses his Hermetic showstone, for example, he has to go either about getting another one or rely solely on the props of his other Tradition.

This doesn't say that you're literally considered a member of both in a social sense, but it also doesn't say that you're not. It's possible, but some may look askance at you because they think you're spreading yourself thin and/or opening yourself up to conflicts of interest.

See Also: Merits

WW4600 Mage: The Ascension (Revised) 298+



Vampire blood magic, used by Assamite sorcerers. See '+rules dur-an-ki.

WW2106 Blood Magic Secrets of Thaumaturgy 120+
WW2359 Clanbook Assamite (Revised Edition) 72+
WW2423 Blood Sacrifice The Thaumaturgy Companion 33+
WW2441 Kindred of the Ebony Kingdom 102



Secondary knowledge pertaining to the ancient native language of astral Umbrood and DtF demons.

  • House rule: All demon PCs effectively have Enochian 5.
  • Otherwise, Enochian cannot be raised above Arete.
  • Expression, Intimidation, Leadership, Subterfuge are capped by Enochian when dealing with astral Umbrood.
  • Lang Enochian is the distant descendant Enochian that's documented in public libraries, but has no inherent supernatural significance.
- Lang Enochian may be learned using a Linguistics slot (+rules linguistics). Enochian can't be, it must be purchased as a separate ability with IC justification.
- Lang Enochian may have supernatural significance for an individual PC, e.g. a mage who declares it as a focus.
  • May or may not be the same as the language of the Second City; no PCs have first-hand knowledge.
  • May or may not be the same as the One Language of the Civilization of Ashes, but in any case it currently does not have the effects that the One Language used to have.


# of Dots Effects
Dot-filled.png You know some basic phrases, as well as a handful of Words of Power.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.png You can string some words together to form a very basic sentence.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png You know a few of the nuances of the language and are beginning to get a grasp on the diverse psychologies behind these words.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png An Astral Umbral native would regard your speech as adequate.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png You are as fluent in this alien tongue as any earthly being might be.

WW4664 Tradition Book: Order of Hermes 65+



Mage trait. One of the following values: Dynamic, Pattern, Primordial, Questing.

You should also pick at least one Resonance trait (see +explain Resonance) whose type matches your Essence:

  • Dynamic -> Dynamic
  • Pattern -> Static
  • Primordial -> Entropic
  • Questing -> any

WW4600 Mage: The Ascension (Revised) 94+

Faerie Affinity


2 dot merit.

House rule: Allows a PC whose average Banality (+rules banality by race) is 6+ to be up to 3 lower than normal. It has no other effects.

WW2206 Vampire Players Guide (2nd Edition Text Only) 8



For demons, this is a power pool.

Spending Faith (DtF 169-172, 248):

  • Spend (+lose) a Faith to heal all bashing or one lethal (but not both at once, and not agg).
- Requires a full turn of concentration, healing at end of turn. If further injured during that turn, healing fails but Faith is not lost.
  • Evocation of a lore:
- Spend one or more Faith for automatic successes.
- Some lore levels require spending a Faith to use them at all. These spends don't give automatic successes.
- If you botch the roll, you lose an extra Faith point. (Automatic successes guarantee you won't botch.)
  • If it reaches zero, your powers (innate, apocalyptic form, and lores) are ineffective until you regain some.

Regaining Faith:

  • Gain (+gain) one per thrall (PC or Pacts background) at start of each day.
  • Ravage a thrall's Willpower (DtF 251-252).
  • Reap from someone else DtF 160, 249-250).

For PCs other than demons, this is shorthand for Faith Potential (DtF 252) and is mostly irrelevant unless you're thralled by a demon, in which case it benefits you and probably also the demon. See +rules faith.

WW8200 Demon: The Fallen 159+
WW8200 Demon: The Fallen 249+



General background. A significant number of mortals recognize you, somehow. Can be a mixed blessing.

For vampires, Fame makes hunting easier. Read in Dramatic Systems

House rule: +rules dailies allows you to handwave an extra blood per night if you have Fame 3+.

# of dots Effect
Dot-filled.png You're known to a select select subculture of the city - local clubgoers or the Park Avenue set, for instance.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.png A majority of the populace recognizes your face; you're a local celebrity such as a news anchor.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png You have statewide renown; perhaps you're a state senator or minor star of local interest.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Nationally famous; everybody knows something about you.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png You're an internationally famous media icon.

WW2300 Vampire The Masquerade (Revised Edition) 130+
WW8100 Hunter: The Reckoning 122+
WW8200 Demon: The Fallen 155+

Fast Draw


Secondary talent.

  • During initiative phase of combat, pick one of your weapons, then roll Fast Draw, then roll initiative as usual (Dex + Wits + 1d10). If any Fast Draw dice are higher than the 1d10 part, then replace that part with the highest Fast Draw die.
  • Can't be used if you've already taken an action during that combat.
  • If your first action is anything besides attacking with the weapon you picked, then reduce your initiative by 4.

WW8103 Hunter Book: Avenger 65

Force Of Spirit


2-dot merit. May spend Mana to lower the difficulty of a social action.

  • -1 diff per point spent.
  • Minimum final diff is 2 or (base diff - 3), whichever is higher.
  • House rule: Applies to any pool containing a social attribute, including powers.
  • House rule: Only available to Subrace = Sorcerer-Psychic.
  • For other attributes, see The Flow of Ki (physical) / Strength of Psyche (mental).

WW4254 Sorcerer (Revised Edition) 54+



Vampire background, determines your Generation Rating. See +rules generation.

# of Dots Level Blood Spending
- 13th
Dot-filled.png 12th
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.png 11th
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png 10th
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png 9th can spend 2 blood per turn (VtM 139)
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png 8th can spend 3 blood per turn

WW2300 Vampire The Masquerade (Revised Edition) 131+

Generation Rating


For vampires, this is 8th to (usually) 13th. Derived from Generation background. See +rules generation.



Technocratic term for Avatar. See +explain Avatar.

WW4014 Guide to the Technocracy 176+

Gift Of Babel


2 dot merit. Doubles the number of extra languages that Linguistics normally provides (+rules linguistics).

WW7056 Kithbook: Eshu 85+



Power pool for werewolves and other shifters (and some kinfolk / possessed).

  • Can't use Rage and Gnosis during same turn, unless a gift requires both, or allows using both (e.g. Chaos Mechanics).
  • Each silver object you carry (even a klaive) reduces your effective Gnosis by 1. This lingers for one day after you stop carrying it.

Spending Gnosis:

  • Some gifts and rites require spending (+lose) Gnosis.
  • Activating a fetish or talen requires rolling or spending Gnosis. (WtA 240)

Regaining Gnosis:

  • Once per day, meditate for at least an hour, focusing on your spiritual side (e.g. not while cleaning guns), roll Wits + Enigmas vs 8 and regain (+gain) one per success (at rate of one per hour of meditation).
- Second attempt per week is difficulty 9, third and subsequent attempts are difficulty 10.
  • At monthly moot, participate in Sacred Hunt and regain all at end.
  • Bargain with a spirit.

WW3801 Werewolf The Apocalypse (Revised Edition) 126+

Good Right-left Hook


1 dot merit. +2 damage dice to Brawl attacks.

House rule: Limited to bashing damage.

WW8202 Demon Players Guide 77+



2 dot Bastet merit.

"You've got a natural flair, even among werecats. Your movements hypnotize and your words charm, harsh though they may be. It's almost impossible for you to look awkward, even when you screw up royally. Most people respect this talent, and even jealous folks have to at least admit you've got style. Reduce the difficulties of all Social rolls by two whenever there's a chance to make a really good impression. This doesn't apply to threats of brute force, although grace may be intimidating in its own way, and may offer a small bonus to <Cunning> or Honor renown."

WW3037 Bastet 86+



Normal healthy humans have 7 health levels. They're reduced by all types of unsoaked damage, then they regenerate over time.

Wounds generally limit your dice pools and movement.

At 0 health, you're incapacitated and can't take any actions.

  • If you take more bashing, each level instead converts a previous level of bashing to lethal.
  • If you take more lethal or agg, you die.
- Exception: Vampires who take more lethal go into torpor instead. (VtM 216)
- Exception: Werewolves and other shifters who take more lethal revert to breed form instead, but if they take any type of damage after that, then they die. Also, even if they would normally die, they may be able to Rage-heal. (WtA 187)

See Wound Penalties and Healing

WW2300 Vampire The Masquerade (Revised Edition) 140+
WW2300 Vampire The Masquerade (Revised Edition) 141+
WW2300 Vampire The Masquerade (Revised Edition) 215+
WW3801 Werewolf The Apocalypse (Revised Edition) 128+
WW7300 Changeling The Dreaming (2nd Edition) 237+



Vampire background:

You have built a group of mortals from whom you can feed without fear. A herd may take many forms, from circles of kinky clubgoers to actual cults built around you as a god-figure. In addition to providing nourishment, your herd might come in handy for minor tasks, although they are typically not very controllable, closely connected to you or even highly skilled (for more effective pawns, purchase Allies or Retainers). Your Herd rating adds dice to your rolls for hunting; see Dramatic Systems for further details.

House rule: +rules dailies allows you to handwave an extra blood per night if you have Herd 3+.

# of dots # of vessels
Dot-filled.png 3 vessels
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.png 7 vessels
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png 15 vessels
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png 30 vessels
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png 60 vessels

WW2300 Vampire The Masquerade (Revised Edition) 131+



Changeling background, gives you a freehold with a balefire. See +rules holdings.

WW7300 Changeling The Dreaming (2nd Edition) 148+ WW7308 Land of Eight Million Dreams 91+

Home Base


Background, allows a group of PCs to acquire group backgrounds more cheaply. See +rules home base. Mages/sorcerers/psychics use Chantry for same effect.

WW4603 Guide to the Traditions 215+



Possessed power. Spend a Willpower and roll Manipulation + Occult vs (7 for area of effect, or single target's Willpower).

"Success cancels, but does not remove, any non-innate supernatural powers used within five yards; for instance, a werewolf protected by Blur of the Milky Eye would suddenly be revealed, but he could activate the Gift again on his next action. If used on a specific target, that target's powers are nullified for a number of turns equal to the number of successes rolled. This power will cancel Gifts (but not regeneration, Rage expenditure or shapeshifting), vampiric Disciplines (but not vitae-empowered increases to Attributes), and mage Spheres. If a target knows what the possessed character is trying to do, she may resist with a Willpower roll (difficulty 7, and must exceed the possessed character's successes)."

We interpret this as follows:

  • If they're a shapeshifter (including sorcerers, bygones, etc.), they automatically revert to their native form (e.g. metis Garou become Crinos).
  • They can still use any supernatural abilities inherent to their race (e.g. aggravated claw/bite).
  • Any ongoing uses of anything in the 'Powers' section of their +sheet is ineffective.
** If they were specifically targeted, they cannot reactivate such powers until the duration of Homogeneity ends.
** If their ongoing use had duration longer than the scene, then it becomes effective again after the scene.
  • They can still use or regain supernatural pools (e.g. Gnosis).
  • They can still benefit from supernatural merits or backgrounds.
  • They can still use magic items.

WW3810 Possessed A Players Guide 113+



For demons, this is what type of job they had in Heaven before rebelling, and what kind of powers they can use now. List of Demon Houses

For changelings and kinain, these are noble houses, mostly sidhe. List of Changeling Houses (Not the same as Household, see +explain Household instead.)

For Hermetic mages, these are schools of magic practice. List of Order of Hermes Houses

WW7300 Changeling The Dreaming (2nd Edition) 69+ WW8200 Demon: The Fallen 97+



Name of a freehold (Holdings 1+) led by a noble ('knight or better' i.e. Title 2+).

  • Leader is usually (not always) baron (Title 3) or higher, and usually (not always) Sidhe.
  • Other groups are called Motleys.
  • Not the same as House, see List of Changeling Houses insead.

WW7300 Changeling The Dreaming (2nd Edition) 70+

Huge Size


4 dot merit.

  • You are at least 6'10" and 300 pounds, possibly 7' and 400 or more.
  • You have an extra Bruised health level.
  • You stand out in a crowd.
  • You may gain bonuses to push objects, open barred doors, avoid being knocked down, etc. but this is left to the discretion of individual STs.
  • If your body size is reduced to human norm or below by some magic power/item, then all these effects are negated for the duration.

WW2300 Vampire The Masquerade (Revised Edition) 297+ WW4600 Mage: The Ascension (Revised) 288+



Background, lets you pull strings in society. See +rules influence & Influence Wiki Page.

WW2300 Vampire The Masquerade (Revised Edition) 132+
WW4014 Guide to the Technocracy 178+
WW4600 Mage: The Ascension (Revised) 120+
WW5013 Laws of the Night 96
WW8100 Hunter: The Reckoning 123+
WW8200 Demon: The Fallen 155+

Information Network


Background limited to Nosferatu, others are limited to using Contacts.

WW2354 Clanbook Nosferatu (Revised Edition) 69+



Relevant for vampires/ghouls on certain Paths of Enlightenment. Instead of resisting impulsive behavior, you're familiar enough with it to maintain a level of control.

Dot-filled.png Intuitive
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Feral
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Bestial
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Visceral
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Primal

Vampires riding the Beast, see +rules vampire frenzy.

  • You can't avoid frenzy, unless difficulty to avoid is less than your Instinct, in which case you can choose to do so.
  • You can roll Instinct (difficulty = same as would be to avoid) to take a consciously controlled action.

WW2300 Vampire The Masquerade (Revised Edition) 287+



Secondary talent, lets others learn abilities from you more cheaply. See +rules instruction.

WW2206 Vampire Players Guide (2nd Edition Text Only) 23
WW4050 Book of Shadows Mage Players Guide 16
WW6007 Wraith Players Guide 41+

Iron Will

  • 3 dot merit.
  • Spend Willpower to resist direct mind control via supernatural powers, e.g. Dominate.
  • +3 dice to resist mind-altering supernatural powers.
  • Does not affect supernatural powers that merely affect emotions, e.g. Presence or inducing frenzy.
  • House Rule: Must have Willpower 8 to take this merit.

WW2300 Vampire The Masquerade (Revised Edition) 299+
WW3806 Players Guide to Garou 163+
WW4014 Guide to the Technocracy 166+
WW4600 Mage: The Ascension (Revised) 292+



3 dot version of the merit, not 5 dot. See +rules jack of all trades.

WW3806 Players Guide to Garou 163+



Bastet background. Pack or individual. See +rules Jamak.

WW3037 Bastet 84+



4 dot merit, lets you be kinain in addition to something else (e.g. mage). See +rules kinain.

WW4600 Mage: The Ascension (Revised) 295+




"You are in contact with certain humans or wolves who are descended from Garou without actually being werewolves themselves. While Kinfolk are normal members of their species in most respects, they have the advantage(?) of immunity to the Delirium. They know that you are Garou, and they are willing to help you however they can, although most are not in positions of power (such people are considered Allies). Networks of Kinfolk are a valuable way for werewolves to deal with the human world without risking frenzy or discovery."

# of dots # of Kinfolk
Dot-filled.png Two NPCs
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Five NPCs
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png 10 NPCs
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png 20 NPCs
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png 50 NPCs
  • Available to kinfolk PCs and fera with obvious replacements.
  • To be a kinfolk in addition to something else (e.g. mage), use "Kinfolk (merit)" instead.
  • See also +rules kinfolk.

WW3801 Werewolf The Apocalypse (Revised Edition) 121+

Kinfolk (Merit)


4 dot merit, lets you be kinfolk in addition to something else (e.g. mage). See +rules kinfolk.

WW4600 Mage: The Ascension (Revised) 296+

Koldunic Sorcery


Vampire blood magic, used by Old Clan Tzimisce. See +rules koldunic sorcery.

WW2106 Blood Magic Secrets of Thaumaturgy 126+

Lang Enochian


Lang Enochian is the version of Enochian that's documented in public libraries, but has no inherent supernatural significance.

For the ancient native language of astral Umbrood and DtF demons, see +explain Enochian instead.

  • Lang Enochian may be learned using a Linguistics slot (+rules linguistics). Enochian can't be, it must be purchased as a separate ability with IC justification.
  • Lang Enochian may have supernatural significance for an individual PC, e.g. a mage who declares it as a focus.

WW4664 Tradition Book: Order of Hermes 65+



1 or 3 dot flaw.

  • 1 dot: Roll Willpower vs 6 to avoid putting off a routine task (e.g. paying a bill, taking your car in for an oil change). If you're involved in any supernatural activities, then anything directly related to those is exempt.
  • 3 dots: +1 difficulty on physical actions (including combat), unless you knew it was coming well ahead of time and planned for it.

WW2303 Guide to the Sabbat 95+
WW8202 Demon Players Guide 86+

Light Sleeper


Vampires: 2 dot merit.

  • At any sign of trouble/danger, you can awaken without any hesitation or sleepiness.
  • Negates the Humanity / Path of Enlightenment cap on your dice pools during the day.

Mages/others: 1 to 3 dot merit.

# of dots Effect
Dot-filled.png You can function fine on four hours of sleep per night.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.png You can function fine on two hours of sleep per night.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png You don't sleep at all, unless drugged or beaten unconscious. This does not affect exhaustion penalties for other reasons, e.g. right after a long run.

WW2300 Vampire The Masquerade (Revised Edition) 299+ WW4600 Mage: The Ascension (Revised) 291+



Primary knowledge, lets you speak additional languages. See +rules linguistics and Languages.

WW2300 Vampire The Masquerade (Revised Edition) 128+
WW3801 Werewolf The Apocalypse (Revised Edition) 118+
WW4600 Mage: The Ascension (Revised) 116+
WW6600 Wraith: The Oblivion (2nd Ed) 126+
WW7300 Changeling The Dreaming (2nd Edition) 145+
WW8200 Demon: The Fallen 150+

Lore Wyrm


Primary knowledge.

  • Players Guide to Garou 184: "Should your rank in Wyrm Lore exceed your Willpower, you automatically gain a Derangement as you succumb to the vile thoughts that fill your head. (The Storyteller should pick your particular Derangement.)"
  • House rule: If you buy up Willpower at least as high as Lore Wyrm, then the derangement subsides.
  • Otherwise, this knowledge does not automatically impose Wyrm taint or anything; that depends on individual circumstances.

See Also: +rules Lores

WW3806 Players Guide to Garou 184+

Magic Resistance


2 dot merit.

"You have an inherent resistance to the rituals of the Tremere and the spells of the mages of other creeds and orders. The difficulty of all such magic, both malicious and beneficent, is two higher when directed at you. You may never learn the Discipline of Thaumaturgy."

House rules:

  • Applies to everything under +rules blood magic except Necromancy.
  • Not available to mages.
  • Applies to activating magic items that only target the person with the merit.

WW2300 Vampire The Masquerade (Revised Edition) 300+



Sorcerer background. Determines the size of your Mana Pool (see +explain Mana Pool).

  • You don't have to put any dots in this.
  • Does not benefit psychic powers.
  • Not available to shifters (Bastet/Kitsune) or possessed.
  • If you're something else in addition to a sorcerer, see '+rules multiclass'.

WW4254 Sorcerer (Revised Edition) 53+

Mana Pool


Sorcerer power pool. Maximum size is determined by Mana background (see +explain mana).

  • Does not benefit psychic powers.
  • Not available to shifters (Bastet/Kitsune) or possessed.
  • If you're something else in addition to a sorcerer, see +rules multiclass.

Spending Mana:

  • Before rolling for a sorcerer effect, spend (+lose) one or more Mana to reduce difficulty by an equal amount.
** Extended rolls (Sorc Rev 60): Each spend affects only one roll.

Regaining Mana:

  • Do whatever IC thing your sorcerer does (see Sorc Rev 53 for some examples).
  • Roll Perception + Meditation vs 7, gain (+gain) one Mana per success.
** House rule: Each attempt takes at least an hour. Second attempt on same day is diff 8, third is diff 9, fourth and onward are diff 10.

WW4254 Sorcerer (Revised Edition) 53+

Mars Rising


6 dot merit.

"You gain an extra die to your dice pool for any offensive combat action; you may add this bonus to either your attack or damage roll each turn. This bonus does not apply to defensive actions or to soak rolls."

  • House rule: Only benefits one roll per turn.

WW3110 Rage Across the Heavens 130+



2 dot merit, lets you see and hear wraiths. See +rules medium.

WW2300 Vampire The Masquerade (Revised Edition) 300+
WW4600 Mage: The Ascension (Revised) 295+



Name of a group of changelings that doesn't count as a household (+explain Household).

WW7300 Changeling The Dreaming (2nd Edition) 70+

Natural Channel


3 dot merit.

Garou and other shifters: -1 difficulty to step sideways.


  • -1 difficulty to pierce the Gauntlet (Spirit 3).
  • Spirits react a bit more favorably to you.
  • If you find an especially weak spot in the Gauntlet (with Awareness or Spirit 1), you can step through it without magic.
- House rule: Gauntlet 3 or less, +help gauntlet.
- Spirit 2 lets you roll Arete vs Gauntlet to temporarily lower it by 1 per 2 successes.

WW3806 Players Guide to Garou 166+
WW4600 Mage: The Ascension (Revised) 295+



Archetype (+liststats archetypes).

  • Describes your 'real' self, the person they truly are.
  • Reflects their deep-rooted feelings about themselves, others and the world.
  • Need not be the only aspect of their true personality, merely the most dominant.
  • At ST discretion, you may regain 1-3 Willpower for taking significant action in line with your Nature. (VtM 138)

For the Changeling realm, use "Nature (realm)" instead.

See also: +explain Demeanor.

WW3806 Players Guide to Garou 172+
WW7300 Changeling The Dreaming (2nd Edition) 188+



Vampire blood magic, mainly used by Giovanni. See +rules necromancy.

WW2106 Blood Magic Secrets of Thaumaturgy 101+
WW2300 Vampire The Masquerade (Revised Edition) 161+

Nightmare Dice


Changeling game mechanic, an alternative to gaining Banality. See +rules nightmare dice.



Mage background. Provides Quintessence and Tass, and makes it easier for them to cast effects while nearby. See +rules nodes.

WW4014 Guide to the Technocracy 179+
WW4600 Mage: The Ascension (Revised) 122+



Kuei-jin background. Wu or individual. See +rules nushi.

WW2900 Kindred of the East 87+

Occult Library


2-dot vampire merit.

"You possess a library of occult materials, which may include at least one version of the Book of Nod. You are not necessarily familiar with the contents of these volumes of knowledge (that is a function of your Abilities), but in time of need your library can be an invaluable source for research."

WW2206 Vampire Players Guide (2nd Edition Text Only) 8

Occult Library (Background)


Background for vampires using blood magic.

  • Need not be in printed form.
  • Bonuses apply to Occult rolls, but only if you have the opportunity to consult the library.
# of dots Effect
Dot-filled.png +1 die
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.png +1 die, -1 diff
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png +2 dice, -1 diff
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png +2 dice, -2 diff
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png +3 dice, -2 diff

WW2106 Blood Magic Secrets of Thaumaturgy 89+

Orisha Bond


Eshu background. See +rules orisha bond.

WW7056 Kithbook: Eshu 84+



For mortals, this is 'Humanity'. For vampires and ghouls, this is either 'Humanity' or a Path of Enlightenment. "Path Rating" is its current numeric value. See +rules degeneration.

For kitsune, this is your primary role within your race (similar to Auspice / Aspect for other races): Doshi, Eji, Gukutsushi, Kataribe (PGttCB 102)

WW2300 Vampire The Masquerade (Revised Edition) 134+
WW2300 Vampire The Masquerade (Revised Edition) 286+
WW2303 Guide to the Sabbat 127+
WW2303 Guide to the Sabbat 82+
WW3807 Player's Guide to the Changing Breeds 102+

Path Rating


This is the current numeric value of your Humanity or Path of Enlightenment. "Path" identifies which one you're on. See +rules degeneration.

WW2300 Vampire The Masquerade (Revised Edition) 134+
WW2300 Vampire The Masquerade (Revised Edition) 286+

Paws Of The Newborn Cub


Level 5 Silver Fang gift. Spend a Gnosis and roll Gnosis vs target's Willpower.

"Each success removes all special abilities (shapeshifting, Gifts, any sort of supernatural or magical powers) for one turn."

We interpret this as follows:

  • If they're a shapeshifter (including sorcerers, bygones, etc.), they automatically revert to their native form (e.g. metis Garou become Crinos).
  • They cannot use any supernatural abilities inherent to their race (e.g. aggravated claw/bite).
  • They cannot use anything in the 'Powers' section of their +sheet. Any ongoing uses of such powers remain effective.
  • They cannot use or regain supernatural pools (e.g. Gnosis), including to activate magic items. They can still use mortal pools (e.g. Willpower).
  • They cannot benefit from inherently supernatural merits or backgrounds.
  • They can still use magic items that were already activated, or do not require a supernatural pool to activate.

WW3801 Werewolf The Apocalypse (Revised Edition) 152+

Perfect Balance


3-dot merit giving -3 difficulty on balance-related rolls (e.g. Dexterity + Athletics to walk along a narrow ledge).

Note: Some books have a merit Perfect Balance but as a 1-dot merit giving -2 difficulty. We use Cat-Like Balance for that version.

WW7300 Changeling The Dreaming (2nd Edition) 158+



1 to 3 dot flaw. See +rules phobia.

WW2300 Vampire The Masquerade (Revised Edition) 299+
WW3806 Players Guide to Garou 164+
WW4600 Mage: The Ascension (Revised) 293+
WW6007 Wraith Players Guide 17+
WW6007 Wraith Players Guide 19+
WW7300 Changeling The Dreaming (2nd Edition) 154+
WW7300 Changeling The Dreaming (2nd Edition) 157+

Political Connections


Changeling background. For mortal politics, use Allies/Contacts/Influence/etc. instead.

WW7006 Nobles: The Shining Host 74+

Power Of The Pyramid


Level 3 Thaumaturgy ritual.

  • All casters must know the ritual, fast for 24 hours, then make physical contact with each other and cast it simultaneously.
  • Casters who fail are excluded, but don't interfere with the others.
  • Once complete, one caster (the lynchpin) break contact and benefits from the ritual as long as the others maintain contact.
  • Whenever the lynchpin's Willpower would be used in any way (rolled, spent, etc.), they can choose to use another caster's Willpower instead.

WW2357 Clanbook Tremere (Revised Edition) 60+



3 dot merit. Pick one of the following and set a +note on yourself:

  • One primary ability
  • Two secondary abilities
  • One primary ability and a related secondary ability (you must already have at least one dot in each)

The XP cost to increase these abilities is half the usual amount (rounded up).

WW2302 Guide to the Camarilla 74+

Primal Urge


Primary talent. Pertains to the bestial nature of shifters (and normal animals), and their raw animal instincts and gut feelings in their various animal and hybrid forms.

  • Makes shifting easier, including partial transformations.
  • Available to relevant possessed.
  • Not available to kinfolk. Gifts attempting to use it are ineffective for kinfolk. (Exception: May be granted by an appropriate magic effect or item.)

WW3801 Werewolf The Apocalypse (Revised Edition) 113+

Prime Energy


Technocratic term for Quintessence. See +explain Quintessence.

WW4014 Guide to the Technocracy 33+

Pulse Of The Invisible


Level 3 Garou Theurge gift. (Level 4 for Ratkin Shadow Seers.)

  • If permanent Gnosis is at least as high as the Gauntlet (+help gauntlet), you can see into the Umbra automatically.
  • Otherwise, roll Gnosis vs Gauntlet, success = you can see into it. (Lasts until the scene ends or you enter a higher-Gauntlet area, whichever occurs first.)
  • Can target the Dreaming if you have Lore Changeling or have previously been enchanted.
* House rule: Use location's average Banality, see +rules banality by race and +rules in public.
  • House rule: Can target the Shadowlands if you have Lore Wraith. (Use Shroud instead of Gauntlet, see +help shroud.)

WW3801 Werewolf The Apocalypse (Revised Edition) 139+
WW3807 Player's Guide to the Changing Breeds 146+
WW7302 Book of Lost Dreams/Changeling Storytellers Screen 16

Pure Breed


Shifter/kinfolk background.

Shifters: Adds to Social or challenge rolls involving other Garou (even Ronin or Black Spiral Dancers).

  • Black Spiral Dancers can take this but only at FIVE or not at all. (BotW 2nd p.109)

Kinfolk: Increases chance of your children being shifters. See +rules shifter offspring.

In either case, shifters of your race can automatically detect your race and tribe.

  • This is built into +glance.
  • Shifter and same race are both important. See +rules kinfolk for more details.
  • You can also be auto-detected by shifters from the enemy faction (you're Gaian and they're Wyrm, or vice versa). +rules sniping /does not/ apply (they're not using a power).

WW3074 Kinfolk Unsung Heroes 51+
WW3801 Werewolf The Apocalypse (Revised Edition) 121+



Mage power pool.

To hold and use Quintessence, you need one or more dots in the Avatar background. See +explain Avatar.

  • If you don't have the Prime sphere, you can only hold an amount equal to your Avatar. This amount can't be stolen.
  • If you have Prime 1, another mage can use Prime 3 to give you extra Quintessence.
  • If you have Prime 3, you can cast the effect yourself, taking it from a node or other valid source.
  • If you have Prime 5, you can use it to gain Quintessence without needing a specific source.

Spending Quintessence:

  • Spend (+lose) Quintessence on an Arete roll to reduce difficulty by an equal amount. (Total of all modifiers is capped at -3.)
  • Can't spend more per roll than your Avatar rating.
  • Spending 5 Quintessence on a single roll or 10+ on a set of ritual rolls makes the effect vulgar.
  • If you have Prime, you can spend Quintessence for anti-magic (MtA 154-155).
  • If you have Prime 5, you can use it and spend Quintessence to avoid gaining Paradox.

Gaining Quintessence via meditation:

  • Meditate at a node for an hour, roll Perception + Meditation vs 7, gain (+gain) one Quintessence per success.
  • This can't increase your total Quintessence above your Avatar rating.
  • This counts against the node's limited supply (+rules nodes).

If Quintessence + Paradox exceeds 20, you lose Quintessence until the total reaches 20.

WW4600 Mage: The Ascension (Revised) 127+



Power pool for werewolves and most other shifters (and some possessed).

Drawbacks of Rage: (WtA 126)

  • Humans and animals instinctively sense your predatory nature and shy away from you. (+rules the curse)
  • Whenever you get 4+ successes on a Rage roll, you go into a frenzy. (+rules shifter frenzy)
  • If your Rage is higher than your Willpower, you lose dice on social rolls equal to the difference.
  • If your Rage and Willpower are both 0, you "lose the wolf": you can't shift to anything but breed form until you regain Rage, which you can't do until you regain at least 1 Willpower.

Spending Rage: (WtA 125-126)

  • Can't use Rage and Gnosis during same turn, unless a gift requires both, or allows using both (e.g. Chaos Mechanics).
  • This is a reflex (not action) at the start of a combat turn.
  • Spend (+lose) one or more Rage (max = half your permanent rating) for an equal number of extra actions.
  • Spend a Rage to auto-shift to any form, bypassing the usual Stamina + Primal Urge roll.
  • Normally, losing more health at once than your Stamina leaves you stunned and unable to act during the next turn. Spend a Rage to negate this.
  • Some gifts require spending Rage.

Once per scene, if you would otherwise die, roll Rage vs 8. Each success heals 1 health, but you always go into berserk frenzy, and it leaves a Battle Scar. (WtA 126, 187)

Regaining Rage: (WtA 126)

  • First time you see the moon at night (+help +moon). If it matches your auspice, regain (+gain) all spent Rage. Otherwise, gain 1 (new), 2 (waning), 3 (half or waxing), 4 (full).
  • After botching a roll, being humiliated, or at the start of a confrontation, at ST discretion.

WW3801 Werewolf The Apocalypse (Revised Edition) 125+

Resist Pain


Level 1 gift. Through force of will, you ignore the pain of your wounds.

  • Spend a Willpower to ignore all wound penalties for the rest of the scene.
  • House rule: You still feel the pain, you just mentally shove it aside and act anyway.
  • House rule: Negates /normal/ wound penalties. If something else increases them, '+rules stacking' applies.

WW3801 Werewolf The Apocalypse (Revised Edition) 139+
WW3801 Werewolf The Apocalypse (Revised Edition) 145+
WW3801 Werewolf The Apocalypse (Revised Edition) 147+
WW3801 Werewolf The Apocalypse (Revised Edition) 154+



Mage trait. Pick at least one that matches your Essence (see +explain Essence). If you want more than what fits on +sheet, use a +note instead.

Note: We don't enforce canon rules on multiple resonances per PC.

Sample Resonance traits: (MtA 207)

  • Dynamic traits describe things in motion, change, new ideas and action. Try traits like Quick, Flashy, Unique, Creative, Spinning, Whirling, Frantic, Frenzied, Intriguing, Liberating or Novel.
  • Entropic Resonance covers destruction, death, decay, renewal and primordial energy. Use things like Seething, bubbling, Destructive, Corrupting, Withering, Disintegrating, Chaotic, Subtle, Primal or Ravaging.
  • Static Resonance ties into principles of definition and construction. Good ones include Single-Minded, Focused, Intense, Patterned, Tiered, Enfolding, Encompassing, Defined, Programmed or Illuminating.

WW4600 Mage: The Ascension (Revised) 128+
WW4600 Mage: The Ascension (Revised) 207+

Risk Level


Shorthand for pre-emptively consenting to certain levels of IC consequences. See +policy risk.

Rite Of Blood Kin


CoH uses the Rite of Blood Kin as it is written in Werewolf Player's Guide (2nd ed), page 46, rather than the version found in Children of Gaia Tribebook (Revised), page 73, using the following House-Rules:

  • Level 3 Rite, using Wits + Empathy vs 5, with a 100 mile range limit, as per the WPG.
  • The rite user can only find kinfolk within their own Changing-Breed. (e.g. Garou can find Garou Kin, but not Bastet Kin)
  • The rite can neither target nor identify what Tribe the kinfolk is from, nor determine their Triatic affiliation; it simply directs the user to a kinfolk of their Changing-Breed type within the range limit. (e.g. 'Garou kinfolk' also includes Black Spiral kin)
  • A Shifter that knows this rite can employ hand-wavery use of it to meet up with a new or unknown Kinfolk PC of their Changing-Breed type, if all parties consent OOCly.

WW3108 Werewolf Players Guide (2nd Edition) 46+



Shifter and Kuei-jin background.

To take rites during character generation, you need Rites background equal to the sum of their levels.

For Sabbat ritae, see "Rituals (background)" instead.

WW2363 Clanbook Giovanni (Revised Edition) 76+
WW2900 Kindred of the East 87+
WW3801 Werewolf The Apocalypse (Revised Edition) 123+
WW3801 Werewolf The Apocalypse (Revised Edition) 154+



Shifter and Kuei-jin primary knowledge.

To learn a rite, you need Rituals knowledge greater than or equal to its level.

  • To take rites during character generation, you also need Rites background equal to the sum of their levels.
  • Example: To learn Rite of the Fetish (3) and Rite of Talisman Dedication (1), you need Rituals at least 3. To take them during character generation, you also need Rites 4.

For Sabbat ritae, see "Rituals (background)" instead.

WW2900 Kindred of the East 86+
WW3801 Werewolf The Apocalypse (Revised Edition) 119+

Rituals (Background)


Sabbat priest background. Shifters and Kuei-jin, see +explain Rituals instead.

# of dots # of Ritae
Dot-filled.png Any three auctoritas ritae.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Any nine auctoritas ritae and any three ignoblis ritae.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png All thirteen auctoritas ritae and any nine ignoblis ritae, including homebrew with staff approval.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png All thirteen auctoritas ritae and any twenty ignoblis ritae. Familiar with numerous regional/pack ignoblis ritae, even if you don't know enough to perform them yourself.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png All thirteen auctoritas ritae and any forty ignoblis ritae.

Auctoritas ritae (GttSabbat 146-157): Binding, Blood Bath, Blood Feast, Creation Rites, Festivo dello Estinto, Fire Dance, Games of Instinct, Monomacy, Palla Grande, Sermons of Caine, Vaulderie (see +help +vauld), War Party, Wild Hunt

Standard ignoblis ritae (GttSabbat 158-161): Acceptance Ritus, Allegiance Ritus, Asp's Blessing, Contrition Ritus (aka Ablution/Unction), Martial Ritus, Ritus of Thanksgiving, Spilling of Blood, Stealth Ritus, Sun Dance, Tests of Pain, Truth Revealed, Welcoming Ritus

Additional ignoblis ritae (old ST Guide to the Sabbat 29-30, omitting those superseded above): Farewell Rites, Blessings, Call to Caine, Consecration Rites, Danse Macabre, Ghost Dance, Harvest Rites, Jyhad Rites, Oaths of Fealty, Pack Creed, Running the Gauntlet, Sacrificial Rites, Sunrise Service, Visionquest

WW2225 Storytellers Handbook to the Sabbat (Text Only) 29
WW2303 Guide to the Sabbat 94+



Vampire blood magic, used by Ravnos priests. See +rules sadhana.

WW2423 Blood Sacrifice The Thaumaturgy Companion 53+



Mage background.

  • Mage effects following the owner's paradigm are coincidental.
- Only if range of effect remains within the sanctum.
- If target of normally-vulgar effect is carried out of sanctum afterward, effect quickly erodes.
  • Mage effects following paradigm different from owner's are vulgar.
  • Mage effects following paradigm similar but not identical to owner's (e.g. same Tradition/Convention, Blended Technique merit) is unchanged.
  • Minimum time to establish a sanctum is ignored (can't do long time skips like a tabletop chronicle can).
# of dots Size
Dot-filled.png Closet
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Small room
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Workshop and maybe small second room
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Small house or set of rooms
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Manor, catacombs, castle, forest

May allocate one or more dots to Arcane instead of size.

  • Applies to anyone there, but only while they're there.
  • Stacks with other sources of Arcane (+rules stacking).

WW4050 Book of Shadows Mage Players Guide 48
WW4603 Guide to the Traditions 220+

Scent Of The True Form


Level 1 Philodox gift.

If you're a shifter, and the target is a shifter or kinfolk of the same breed as you (Garou, Bastet, etc.) and has Pure Breed, then you don't even need this gift, you just recognize them automatically. (This clause does not apply if you're a kinfolk.)

If the target is a shifter or kinfolk of the same breed as you, and you have this gift, then you recognize them automatically.

Otherwise, roll Perception + Primal Urge:

  • 1+ success identifies a normal human or animal. Hunters are identified as normal humans.
  • 2+ successes identifies a shifter/kinfolk of a different breed, or a vampire, changeling, demon, materialized or Risen wraith, mummy, or bygone.
  • 4+ successes identifies a mage or mortal+.
  • Doesn't help detect wraiths in the Shadowlands.
  • Variant types (e.g. Kuei-jin) require the same as their main type.
  • Literally involves scent, so Acute Sense of Smell does give -2 difficulty.
  • Unfamiliar scents aren't automatically recognized (except as unfamiliar and distinct), but you can be familiar even without Lore.
  • If you don't have Primal Urge, see +rules missing stats.


  • Alice (Garou) uses this gift on Bob (mage, Bastet kin, she's familiar with all of those) and gets 3 successes. She identifies him as Bastet kin, but not as a mage.
  • Alice (Garou) uses this gift on Bob (kinain), Charlie (kinain) and David (sorcerer-psychic) and gets 4 successes on each, but is unfamiliar with those subraces. She identifies that Bob is something unfamiliar, Charlie is the same thing as Bob, and David is something else unfamiliar.

WW3801 Werewolf The Apocalypse (Revised Edition) 139+



Primary skill. Covers bypassing a security system, making a security system harder to bypass, or figuring out how a security system was bypassed.

# of dots Effect
Dot-filled.png You can pick a simple lock.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.png You can hot-wire a car.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png You can bypass or disable house alarms.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png You can crack a safe.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png You could get a bomb out of - or into - the Pentagon.

WW2300 Vampire The Masquerade (Revised Edition) 126+
WW4014 Guide to the Technocracy 151+
WW7300 Changeling The Dreaming (2nd Edition) 142+
WW8200 Demon: The Fallen 147+



Relevant for vampires/ghouls and mortals. Used to resist impulsive behavior.

Dot-filled.png Unstable
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Normal
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Temperate
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Hardened
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Total self-mastery

Vampires resisting the Beast trying to take control, see +rules vampire frenzy.

Vampires/ghouls on a Path of Enlightenment may use Instinct instead.

WW2300 Vampire The Masquerade (Revised Edition) 134+

Sex Appeal


Ananasi: 4 dot merit. When someone is attracted to your gender, your social rolls are -2 difficulty.

Other PCs, see +explain Sexy instead. The version in Changeling 20th is not allowed as it is the same as Sexy

WW3082 Breedbook: Ananasi 83



2 dot merit. When someone is attracted to you (not just your gender), your social rolls are -2 difficulty (-3 if you're actively trying to charm them).

WW8202 Demon Players Guide 78+

Shifter Rank


This determines a shifter's social standing and what gifts they can learn. See +rules shifter rank.

WW3801 Werewolf The Apocalypse (Revised Edition) 124



General/Physical 1 dot flaw: You are well below average height — four and a half feet (1.5 meters) tall or less. You have difficulty reaching or manipulating objects designed for normal adult size, and your running speed is one-half that of an average human.

Garou only: Your diminutive height causes you problems, making it difficult to see over obstacles. Your Crinos form is proportionately smaller (and less intimidating). You are at a +2 difficulty to all pursuit rolls. You and your Storyteller need to keep your lack of stature in mind at all times. Occasionally, this Flaw can give you a concealment advantage.

Note: This flaw cannot be bought off without extraordinary circumstances, and only at staff discretion.

WW2300 Vampire The Masquerade (Revised Edition), pg.#297
WW3806 Players Guide to Garou, pg.#160
WW4600 Mage: The Ascension (Revised), pg.#288



For shifters, this is a level 3 mystic rite, limited to Children of Gaia.

For mummies, this is a level 4 Necromancy ritual.

These rituals are unrelated to each other, they just happen to have the same name.

WW2380 Mummy: the Resurrection 122+
WW3853 Tribebook: Children of Gaia (Revised Edition) 73+

Smooth (Merit)


1 dot merit. Gives -2 difficulty to Manipulation rolls, but only for the purpose of negating difficulty increases.

WW8202 Demon Players Guide 79+

Speedy Hammer


3 dot nocker merit.

  • -1 diff to build or repair something
  • -1 to -3 successes required for large or complex projects
-House Rule: -1 per 9 succs required before any modifiers
  • -2 diff mining

WW7052 Changeling - Kithbook Nockers 53+

Spirit Command


Numina allowing you to force a spirit to do something.

Cannot command a spirit whose Essence (aka Power) exceeds 10 * Spirit Command. Cannot command totem spirits (fragments of much larger beings).

Manipulation + Spirit Command vs (difficulty = spirit's Willpower, -1 if you previously succeeded at Spirit Command against that same specific spirit).

  • Botch: Spirit attacks you in a mindless berserk frenzy.
  • Failure: Spirit either attacks you or leaves, ST discretion.
  • 1 success: Force the spirit to perform one task lasting up to one scene, or enter a talen (the talen must still be created by other means, this just lets you use an unwilling spirit as part of it).
  • 3+ successes: Force the spirit to perform one task lasting up to one day.
  • 4 successes: Force the spirit to enter a talen (the fetish must still be created by other means, this just lets you use an unwilling spirit as part of it). Must spend 3 temp Willpower and 1 Tass for every 10 points of the spirit's Essence (aka Power), rounded up.

WW4662 Tradition Book: Dreamspeakers 64+

Spirit Manipulation


Thaumaturgy path pertaining to spirits in the Middle Umbra.

WW2302 Guide to the Camarilla 106+

Spirit Network


Shifter background. Similar to Contacts, but for spirits.

To learn about a specific event, spend several hours in the Umbra talking with different spirits (using Spirit Speech gift), then roll Spirit Network vs Gauntlet (no re-rolls). 1 success = vague rundown, 3+ = fairly complete (but still based on the mindset of the spirit, who may ignore things like finances or politics).

May also justify whatever random gossip and minor secrets a ST feel like handing to the PC as plot hooks.

WW3812 Book of Auspices 58+

Spirit Sight (Merit)


4 dot merit, you see and hear chimera and wraiths and Umbral spirits constantly. See +rules spirit sight.

WW4043 The Spirit Ways 105+



Level 4 general Bastet gift.

  • Spend a Gnosis
  • Roll Stamina + Athletics vs 7
  • Each success does one level of aggravated flame damage and may ignite flammable items
  • House rule: Range is one yard per two successes (round up)

WW3037 Bastet 100+



Background, affects your social standing (mostly among NPCs) in your supernatural faction. See +rules status stats.

WW2300 Vampire The Masquerade (Revised Edition) 133+
WW2302 Guide to the Camarilla 166+
WW6600 Wraith: The Oblivion (2nd Ed) 132+

Status Rating


For Camarilla and Sabbat, this is derived from Acknowledgement, Title (e.g. Primogen / Ductus), Harpy Gossip, and a few other things. See +rules status stats.

Helpful Links: Status & Status Primer

Strength Of Psyche


2-dot merit. May spend Mana to lower the difficulty of a mental action.

  • -1 diff per point spent.
  • Minimum final diff is 2 or (base diff - 3), whichever is higher.
  • House rule: Applies to any pool containing a mental attribute, including powers.
  • House rule: Only available to Subrace = Sorcerer-Psychic.
  • For other attributes, see The Flow of Ki (physical) / Force of Spirit (social).

WW4254 Sorcerer (Revised Edition) 54+

Surreal Beauty



2 dot Changeling Merit:

You possess a beauty far beyond that of normal mortals, unsettling in its perfection. People stand in awe of your ideal yet alien, form while an inexplicable nausea subconsciously rises to the fore. Reduce the difficulty by three on any roll in which you try and acquire a changeling or faetouched individual's attention, or win them over with your looks. Other beings find your beauty unnatural, imposing a +1 difficulty on attempts at winning such a person's trust.

Previously this merit was: 1 dot Changeling Merit

"You possess a beauty far beyond that of normal mortals. People stand in awe of your perfect form. If you are sidhe then perhaps your fae mien shines over into your mortal seeming. Characters who take this Merit must first purchase at least an Appearance 5 though their appearance is considered to surpass even that."

WW92041 Changeling: the Dreaming (20th Anniversary) 177

Surreal Quality


2 dot Changeling Flaw:

"Though the Mists still protect you from mortal detection, there is something about you that mortals find fascinating. At inappropriate times, they will stare at you and strike up conversations in the hopes of getting to know you better. Worse still, those mortals who are of less savory nature will choose you over other potential targets for their illicit acts."

House rule: In this context, mortal is interpreted as anyone affected by the Mists (+rules the mists).

WW7300 Changeling The Dreaming (2nd Edition) 159



Level 1 Bone Gnawer gift.

  • Lets you access a pack or caern totem for a day.
  • For a pack, you count as if you were a member.
  • Prostrate yourself and roll Charisma + Subterfuge (diff is ST discretion).
  • House rule: If you already have a pack or personal totem, you lose its benefits while Tagalong is targeting another pack totem, and do not add any powers to that totem.

WW3801 Werewolf The Apocalypse (Revised Edition) 144+

Temp Torment


For demons, this is how badly they're affected by past anguish and suffering.

  • This is the temporary part, see +explain Torment for the permanent part.
  • PCs begin with permanent 3 or 4 (by House) and temporary 0.

When temporary Torment reaches 10+, reduce it by 10 and gain 1 permanent Torment.

Gaining temporary Torment:

  • When violating a virtue, roll it vs 8, fail = gain (+gain) 1 temporary Torment.
- When pursuing your immediate needs at the expense of your ethics, roll Conscience.
- When acting out of fear for your safety at the expense of others, roll Courage.
- When acting in violation of your understanding of the order of Creation, roll Conviction.
- Can't spend Willpower. Botches have no special effects.
  • Evocation of a lore: When intentionally performing a high-Torment effect, gain 1 temporary Torment.
  • When manifesting a high-Torment power, gain 1 temporary Torment per power. (DtF 170)
- You can choose to manifest some but not others.
- At permanent Torment 7+, you can manifest some high-Torment powers without gaining temporary Torment.

Losing temporary Torment:

  • When performing a sufficiently selfless and kind act, roll relevant virtue (see above) resisted by Torment, virtue wins = lose (+lose) 1 temporary Torment.
- Can't spend Willpower.



Vampire blood magic, mainly used by Tremere. See +rules thaumaturgy.

WW2106 Blood Magic Secrets of Thaumaturgy 67+ WW2300 Vampire The Masquerade (Revised Edition) 178+

The Flow Of Ki


3-dot merit. May spend Mana to lower the difficulty of a physical action.

  • -1 diff per point spent.
  • Minimum final diff is 2 or (base diff - 3), whichever is higher.
  • House rule: Applies to any pool containing a physical attribute, including powers.
  • House rule: Only available to Subrace = Sorcerer-Psychic.
  • For other attributes, see Force of Spirit (social) / Strength of Psyche (mental).

WW4254 Sorcerer (Revised Edition) 53+



Changeling background, gives you a noble title. See +rules title.

WW7300 Changeling The Dreaming (2nd Edition) 149+ WW7308 Land of Eight Million Dreams 92+



For demons, this is how badly they're affected by past anguish and suffering.

  • This is the permanent part, see +explain Temp Torment for the temporary part.
  • PCs begin with permanent 3 or 4 (by House) and temporary 0.

Gaining permanent Torment: When temporary Torment reaches 10+, reduce it by 10 and gain 1 permanent Torment.

Losing permanent Torment: Spend 10 XP to lose 1 permanent Torment. (+help +xpreq)

Effects of permanent Torment:

  • Permanent 1 = close to forgiving past sins and letting them go, deals with them extraordinarily well for the most part.
  • Permanent 10 = consumed by pain and torment, incapable of anything except inflicting same on others. (PCs will be permanently unapproved.)
  • Evocation of a lore: If more than half your successes are less than equal to your permanent Torment, the effect is high-Torment. (DPG 15)
  • Affects how others perceive your apocalyptic form. (+rules apocalyptic form)

WW8200 Demon: The Fallen 160+



Shifter background. Pack or individual. See +rules totem.

WW3801 Werewolf The Apocalypse (Revised Edition) 123+
WW3801 Werewolf The Apocalypse (Revised Edition) 293+
WW3806 Players Guide to Garou 135+
WW4662 Tradition Book: Dreamspeakers 58+



For Garou shifters and kinfolk, this should be one of the following (exactly as shown here, as it's used by code):

  • Black Fury, Black Spiral Dancer, Bone Gnawer, Child of Gaia, Fianna, Get of Fenris, Glass Walker, Red Talon, Ronin, Shadow Lord, Silent Strider, Silver Fang, Stargazer, Uktena, Wendigo

For Bastet shifters and kinfolk, this should be one of:

  • Bagheera, Balam, Bubasti, Ceilican, Khan, Pumonca, Qualmi, Simba, Swara

For Gurahl shifters and kinfolk, this should be one of:

  • Forest Walkers, Ice Stalkers, Mountain Guardians, River Keepers

For kinfolk of other races, this should be their race (e.g. Mokole).

For Nunnehi changelings, this should be their First Nations tribe.



Changeling background, connects to part of the Dreaming independently of a freehold. See also +rules trod.

  • The source of a Trod is somewhere in the Near Dreaming. (Links may be spread across multiple sources at staff discretion.)
  • Destinations of 'local', 'regional', 'national' refer to normalspace.
  • Only destinations of 'Near Dreaming', 'Far Dreaming', 'Deep Dreaming' go elsewhere in the Dreaming.
  • <1/4> means 'accessible 1/4 the time' in some fashion, e.g. 'after 6 pm', 'spring'.
  • You may choose to omit a destination, make it accessible less often, and/or make it closer (e.g. Far instead of Deep).
# of dots Size
Dot-filled.png 1 local <1/4>
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.png 1 local <all>
or 3 local <1/4>
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png 3 local <all>
or 3 local and 1 regional <1/2>
or 3 local and 1 regional and 1 Near Dreaming <1/4>
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png 3 local, 1 regional <all>
or 5 local, 2 regional, 1 national, 2 Near Dreaming <1/2>
or 5 local, 2 regional, 1 national, 1 Near, 1 Far <1/4>
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png 3 local, 1 regional, 1 Near Dreaming <all>
or 5 local, 4 regional, 2 national, 2 Near, 1 Deep <1/2>
or 5 local, 5 regional, 4 national, 2 Near, 2 Far, 1 Deep <1/4>

WW7006 Nobles: The Shining Host 74+
WW7300 Changeling The Dreaming (2nd Edition) 226+
WW7302 Book of Lost Dreams/Changeling Storytellers Screen 45

True Faith


7*N dot merit. See +rules true faith.

WW2205 The Hunters Hunted 65
WW2300 Vampire The Masquerade (Revised Edition) 272+
WW2300 Vampire The Masquerade (Revised Edition) 301+
WW3066 Freak Legion A Players Guide to Fomori 23
WW3806 Players Guide to Garou 166
WW4600 Mage: The Ascension (Revised) 298
WW6007 Wraith Players Guide 26
WW7100 Player's Guide for Changeling the Dreaming 27

True Love


1 dot merit: Auto-succeed Willpower rolls while actively striving to protect or come closer to your true love.

4 dot merit: Auto-succeed Willpower rolls unless they botch.

WW2300 Vampire The Masquerade (Revised Edition) 301
WW3108 Werewolf Players Guide (2nd Edition) 14
WW4600 Mage: The Ascension (Revised) 290
WW6007 Wraith Players Guide 25
WW92041 Changeling: the Dreaming (20th Anniversary) 185

Umbrood Protocols


Knowledge of the etiquette of the Astral Umbra.

  • Involves tried-and-true formulas for interaction, rather than dealing with emotions in the usual sense.
  • Only works with Astral Umbrood. Can be used to establish agreements with them.
  • Dreamspeakers may use Etiquette skill with spirits.


# of dots Effect
Dot-filled.png You know enough to know that you shouldn't be summoning these creatures yet.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.png You almost feel comfortable conversing with minor spirits.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png When dealing with the less esoteric natives of the High Umbra, you usually know when to be humble, forceful, polite or condescending.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png You have a good idea of how to deal with most Astral Umbrood.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png All but the most bizarre Epiphlings or other truly alien intelligences are within the scope of your understanding.

WW4664 Tradition Book: Order of Hermes 65+



Vampire blood magic, mainly used by Serpents of the Light (Sabbat bloodline of Followers of Set). See +rules wanga.

WW2423 Blood Sacrifice The Thaumaturgy Companion 69+



Generic force of will. See +rules willpower.

WW2300 Vampire The Masquerade (Revised Edition) 136+
WW3801 Werewolf The Apocalypse (Revised Edition) 127+
WW4600 Mage: The Ascension (Revised) 125+
WW6600 Wraith: The Oblivion (2nd Ed) 101+
WW7300 Changeling The Dreaming (2nd Edition) 150+
WW8200 Demon: The Fallen 162+