Revision as of 16:29, 26 June 2018 by imported>WhoopingCrane
- Roll: Manipulation + Willpower vs (3 + level)
- House rule: Willpower cost is waived. For each roll, you can choose to spend a Willpower for an automatic success.
- Duration of casting: 1 turn (level 1-2) / 2 turns (level 3-4) / 3 turns (level 5-6). Each additional roll doubles total casting time.
- Duration of effect: By aspect.
See main Numina page for summary of aspect mechanics.
- Unlike most numina, Weather Control requires four successes to reach each aspect (intensity, speed, duration, scale) at the one-dot level.
- Additional successes let you increase aspects as normal.
You can make small changes in the environment: a sudden cold breeze, a slight drop in room temperature, a softening of the light in a room, the sudden flaring of candles.
The changes you request will happen... eventually. Depending upon the severity of the change, it might take anywhere from minutes to a week or more for the weather you summon to arrive.
A few seconds, no more, and only for minor changes.
50 square feet or so. Minor changes only.

Minor changes to the environment are possible; you can summon up a dense fog, ensure that skies are cloudy or create favorable winds.
Minor manipulations of the local weather occur within a few seconds or minutes of your enacting the change. Major changes still take long periods of time to take effect, depending on the severity of the shift.
A minute or so. Major changes cannot last this short a period of time.
Affects about a half-mile area.
The rains and winds are at your command. Rainshowers come when you call them, and strong winds blow where you will. You can change the local temperature by as much as 30 degrees in either direction and can calm strong seas or currents.
Small changes take effect within a minute of your calling them, and larger changes require only a few hours to a day to take effect. The most extreme of shifts in weather, however, still take several days to set up.
A few minutes, maybe half an hour at most.
A mile or two in size. Extreme changes cannot take place in this small an area.
Storms move and surge where you will; powerful rains, gale force winds, heat waves and cold snaps (changes of up to 40 degrees in temperature), and powerful tides and undercurrents are all at your command. You can also take control of existing weather patterns; an additional Manipulation + Occult roll (difficulty 7) allows you to direct some phenomenon of the storm (hailstones, powerful waves, lightning bolts, smashing winds, etc.) at a specific target. These attacks do (4 health levels + the caster's successes); a new roll must be made for each attack. Lightning bolts do lethal damage (aggravated if the subject botches the soak roll), other attacks do either lethal or bashing damage depending on their exact effects.
Minor changes are almost instantaneous, larger changes occur within a few hours, and extreme changes happen in a day or two.
An hour at most.
An area roughly five miles in diameter. All but the most extreme changes are possible.
Your control over the thunderstorm is absolute. Great waves surge and crash when you command, and no man can stand when you send the winds against him. The blizzard and the drought are your weapons. Elemental attacks sent after others do 6 health levels + your successes on a Manipulation + Occult roll.
Minor changes occur when and how you ask them to, larger changes happen in an hour or so, and even extreme changes usually take place within a day of you asking for them.
Several hours, maybe a day.
An area 20 miles in diameter. Any kind of changes are possible.
You can summon the most destructive of weather patterns: tornadoes, hurricanes and monsoons, killing frosts, dust storms, lethal heat waves and raging thunderstorms. Their elemental attacks can kill even the most powerful of men; attacks do a base of 8 health levels + successes rolled. Storms of this magnitude will disrupt local weather patterns for weeks or even months after the storm itself fades away; the faster the storm is summoned, the more extreme the aftermath and disruptions.
Even the largest of storms come within an hour or two of your calling them. Summoning a storm with this kind of speed is guaranteed to mess up local weather patterns and will certainly attract large amounts of attention from those who watch the skies... not to mention weirding out every meteorologist on the same continent as you are.
Up to a week.
An area nearly 100 miles in diameter.