- Roll: Wits + Occult vs (3 + level)
- Duration of casting: 1 turn (level 1-2) / 2 turns (level 3-4) / 3 turns (level 5-6). Each additional roll doubles total casting time.
- Rituals: none
See main Numina page for summary of aspect mechanics
Direct physical contact
Reach out and touch the dreams of others. They come to the dreamwalker as in most dreams, in flashes of imagery, often highly distorted by the subconscious. The dreamwalker can, with considerable thought, interpret parts of these shattered fragments, perhaps giving her some insight into her target's nature or history.

True Name
Enter and take part in a dream. The oneiromancer's dream-self takes on an appearance and initial role in the dream provided by the dreamer's subconscious (and the Storyteller's feel for what is appropriate). It is not hard to make small changes in the dream (conjuring a small item from nowhere, say), a Wits + Lucid Dreaming roll at difficulty 6 suffices. Larger changes are very difficult, and the basic theme of the dream sequence is unalterable. Any change which violates it will be at a minimum difficulty of 8 and require multiple successes-- and will tend to undo itself unless the dreamer pays constant attention to maintaining it.
Body part/secretion (blood, hair, nail clippings, saliva, urine, etc.; must be unmixed with other materials)
Isolate oneself from the subject's dreams. This allows observation of the dream images without being drawn into (possibly quite dangerous) direct participation. A greater degree of control over the dream is also possible now, the dreamwalker banishing or creating nightmares and fantasies. It is possible, for example, to guide a dream to images supporting the self-confidence and surety of the dreamer, helping him to regain a point of temporary Willpower, or to cast horrible terrors that mimic the effect of the Nightmares Flaw.
Prized possession
Master dream sendings. The oneiromancer can craft a specific, detailed dream sequence and send it off to the target, to be repeated as many times as the caster gains successes on his casting roll. The prudent dreamwalker keeps these to one or two repetitions a night; any more and the subject may grow suspicious.
Other possession (any item that is in frequent contact with or use by the target, such as clothing)
A master of the Dream Realm walks freely in the dreams of others and is capable of melding the dreams of several folk into one (she can bring one person into the dream for each success on the casting roll). Of course, she has no control over the dreamers' actions, and the initial environment will be a mix of their subconscious influences, but careful nudges can send the group into a suitable dream with a bit of effort.
Make the dream real: physical entry into the Dream Realm. One who accomplishes this incredibly difficult feat can walk from dream to dream almost at will, and may even be able to bring items (or even living things) out of the dream into the real world-- for a time.