- Roll: Manipulation + Intimidation (or Mathematics for techno-sorcerers) vs (3 + level)
- Modifiers: -1 difficulty if sorcerer has some item closely linked with the target
- Duration of casting: 1 turn (level 1-2) / 2 turns (level 3-4) / 3 turns (level 5-6). Each additional roll doubles total casting time.
- Duration of effect: Determined by Duration aspect
- Supernatural targets aware of the curse can resist it: Willpower vs (4 + sorcerer's Fortune level)
- Rituals: Death Curse (1)
See main Numina page for summary of aspect mechanics
One specific, named, target
One shot. The effect waits for an opportune moment, wreaks its vengeance or benefits and then dissipates.
A brief inconvenience, or a minor weal; dropping something, saying something utterly stupid or perfectly brilliant, smashing your shin into the table, catching a bus at just the right moment.

Two targets, or one poorly defined one.
One day, affecting target whenever possible.
Something that results in a lasting inconvenience or injury, or some minor advantage. Sprains, bad cases of the flu (or other annoying but not life-threatening diseases), breaking something difficult to replace, and committing some major faux pas are all possible curses, while blessings might convey some minor advantage in battle, render the target immune to some sickness or misfortune, or prevent some difficulty that might hinder her path.
A small group (no more than four) of closely linked individuals (a clique or family)
One to three weeks, affecting target when appropriate.
A serious, but not normally life-threatening injury or illness, or some permanent social setback. This kind of curse should be a major setback for the short-term goals of the target. As a blessing, this level conveys some major advantage. An additional die in combat dice pools, continuing minor luck with dice (or women), or the good fortune to always get the person at the DMV who actually wants to help (and always getting there when there aren't many people in line) are all possible effects.
A midsize group of people with some kind of relationship (an extended family, a football team, etc.)
Several months.
A permanent, debilitating injury or illness, or a major turn of events socially or financially. Bankruptcy, spinal injuries, psychosis, blindness, an accountant taking off for Barbados with all of your savings, and indictment on tax evasion are all possibilities. Blessings of this magnitude include things like winning the lottery, excellence in battle in some critical fight, or overcoming incredible odds against some major social endeavors.
A large group of people (no more than 100): all of the patrons of a particular bar, a small company, etc.
Normally, a death curse (and usually not a pleasant death; decapitation, wasting diseases, mangling car accidents and worse), although some incredible turn of events might fulfill a curse of this magnitude. Blessings at this level of power involve cheating some inescapable death or misfortune: a last-minute reprieve from the governor, landing in the only pond deep enough to cushion your fall after a parachute failure, or being saved by the Queen's Gurkha Rifles just as the cultists start to lower you into the boiling lava are all possibilities.
An entire town or corporation or military unit (like a battalion).
"...And unto the seventh generation shall the family of Hedley-Smythe..."
If there is a fate worse than death or a way to cheat death forever, it would take a curse or blessing of this power to do it.