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Revision as of 00:56, 12 June 2018

Garou Nation Etiquette
Dragomir teaches about Garou Nation Etiquette and answers questions
IC Date June 11th, 2018
IC Time Afternoon/Evening
Players Dragomir, Aowyn, Branton, Clarisse, Derek, Dusk, Faith, Frost, Gavan, Halle, Hjalmar, Iris, Iseult, Jake, Johanna, Maria, Naiche, Paul Barakat, Robert
Location The Caern
Spheres Gaian Garou

Dragomir has taken up a spot sitting on the ground in the middle of the valley proper, his legs half crossed with one knee propped up and he is poking at the fire with a stick as he waits for people to gather around and get in close. There's been mention that he intends to help teach some things tonight. He has done it before, teaching the litany and Garou lore - they are normally long explanations and perspective discussions. He generally welcomes questions, and gives the best answers that he can. Drago looks up when he sees people gathering, and motions one of his hands to encourage the Garou and kinfolk to come in and sit close to him. "Welcome.. please.. come close."

Speaking of lupines, a sleek silver wolf pads into the area loping at a confident pace. His bright blue eyes take in all present with the occasional nod here and there to all those he recognizes. Folk like Maria and Johanna.. they get a longer look.. but then Dragomir is calling everyone to gather and so he changes direction to join the growing group. He sits, back straight, with his tail flicking back and forth somewhat randomly.

Aowyn walks in with a basket of party snacks for after. For now, she keeps it discreetly covered up and joins in with the group gathering. A seat is taken by the fire and she nods to those she knows. She greets Dragomir with a bow of her head, "Good evening." She smiles.

Looking up, Dusk smiles a toothy white smile at Hjalmar. "Ah, someone with musical sophistic--". He pauses when Dragomir speaks, and comes closer he does, taking a random position on the ground after wiping his bottom twice.

Branton comes in from the living area drinking water from a canteen, looking like he's been working. Almost late he steps quick to join the class and sit where directed.

Hjalmar turns his head to Dusk as he is mentioning something, but as the man is interrupted. So would any response. He rises again and takes up a new seat closer to Dragomir, giving the man a shallow bow before sitting down.

Frost arrives, folded up blanket in her arms. She finds herself a spot, shaking it out before sitting down on the ground, wrapping up in it to get comfortable while she listens.

Maria slips her arms about the German shepherd and rests her chin on the top of his head. The dog gives a couple of little thumps of his tail. Other than that, the petite teen stays silent. Blessedly, blessedly silent. For a change.

Aowyn smirks as she checks out the t-shirt Dusk is wearing. She gives him a look of approval and a quiet thumbs up! Yep, it's the BLOB. Hjalmar not too far away gets a grin as well. And she does peer over as Paul comes in and she offers a wave.

Johanna takes a seat not far from Dragomir, and watches and waits quietly.

Paul walks in quietly, looking around to give a smile and a nod of his head to any that look his way. He glances around to find somewhere to sit, and gives a wave back to Aowyn.

Naiche is here, whether or not he actively participates is another thing altogether, the Lupus making his way into the area, to settle down and laze about, attentively watching, through the corner of his eye. Good Lupus

Perhaps it was planned to conduct this class during the new moon, as Dragomir seems rather peaceful. Unusual for anyone who has spent time with the Garou, and knowing just how much rage emanates off him normally. He smiles at all the faces and nods his head, "Thank you all for coming. As many of you know.. I am Dragomir Mihailovich. I am known as Eye of the Storm. I was born under the half-moon, which makes me a Philodox in the eyes of Gaia. I was born Homid like many of you, and I was born with the expectation of being Silver Fang. That is not always true for Garou, but for me it was pre-destined." he smiles and shrugs, "Parents chose that fate for me... but with it, also came a lot of lessons, and stories. An expectation to learn a great deal about our history and our past not just as Silver Fang, but as a nation of Garou." He looks around, "Some of that knowledge is good, and some is mistakes that we have made, and things we have learned as a Nation since. But all of it was important. I believe it is important to understand not just the rules and expectations of what we do, but to understand why we do them." He looks around, and asks, "So let me ask you all.. why do we as Garou, introduce ourselves with more than just a name? Why do you think that is important?" he opens it for anyone to answer - obviously wanting to create a discussion.

Dusk looks down at his chest puzzled. Was Aowyn looking at my boobs? Oh! He holds open the bottom of the t-shirt so everyone can see his door prize from movie night while he smiles sheepishly at her and the shrugs his right shoulder, letting his t-shirt go free. Dusk likewise glances over to Frost, and gives her a small wave. Then an up nod to Paul.

Aowyn lifts her hand to guess an answer. "Because not all Garou are born the same way? A lupus may not understand something in the same way a human born Garou might?"

Slowly, the sleek silver wolf becomes a man. The change is smooth, effortless, and then.. Gavan's wearing a roughly professorial attire. A blazer and jeans. "Because it is how we identify as Garou. The names we are given in human society.. is of the human world. Our deed name speaks to who we are in the Nation. Tells the Nation what we stand for. Personally."

Frost smiles and returns the wave from Dusk, then tugs the blanket up over her shoulders. She looks towards Dragomir as he talks, then to the others as they speak.

Johanna speaks up in reply, "There are many sides that make us one. Each part tells of who we are, and is important for relating to others."

Maria stays silent, fingers gently stroking the dog's throat as they both listen. The dog glances about at each person as he or she answers as if listening to what is being said.

Dusk raises his hand, and speaks after the others, "Because we pay our respect to those that came before us through their name. Through them, and their deeds we're here?"

Branton will chip in his bit "I came to the Nation late, only about seven months ago. I figure it has something to do with giving your credentials, getting the hierarchy sorted out because having a solid chain of command and order of authority is important. Also establishes who's responsible for what and who else you might need to answer to. Like I know if someone introduces themselves as a silver fang I make sure they know who you are. If a silent strider, I give em Elder Farshi's name. Stuff like that."

With a wave of his hand back to Dusk, Paul settles and turns his attention fully to Dragomir. For the moment he merely listens, his eyes going to each of the ones who speak.

Dragomir listens to the responses, nodding his head and offers towards Aowyn first, "No they certainly are not all born the same. Quite unique in fact. Though unsurprisingly, many come out of their rite of passage with the same name." He looks towards the sleek silver wolf becoming man, "Deeds.. deeds are an important differentiator in our society. What we do, is often more important than who we are." He looks to Johanna and smiles, "Knowing how to relate to each other is critical in our society. We will get back to that, great point." A look towards Dusk and smiles, "You nailed it. Ancestry is where it all begins. Each Garou represents those that came before them." He looks towards Branton and nods, "They are in many ways like credentials, that's a fair way to look at them." Then he looks around and says, "Part of our Litany, is to Respect the Territory of Another. It is actually our Law that Garou must give their Howl of Introduction before entering territory of another. This identifies as friend and not foe, but it also honors our ancestors. When we speak our introduction, it is in recognition of those that came before us and what role we serve now in Gaia's plan. That we have taken up the mantle for those that have fallen, as the new generation. Each Garou is important, each kinfolk serves a critical purpose, every member of Gaia's plan is precious. We are far more than just a simple name - we are part of something. Something great and beautiful, and incredible. So when you introduce yourself, you should do so with the love you have for Gaia.. and when you hear someone else's introduction, hear how they introduce themselves and recognize how they view themselves in this plan."

Faith enters, a bit late to arrive. She stands back quietly as Dragomir begins to answer, then approaching to take a seat with the others in any available spot.

Maria leans close to the German shepherd to speak softly, though those nearby might over hear it. "Hear that? You should introduce yourself with your name," she whispers. The dog looks back at her for a few long seconds and says in Lupine, <<You heard that, yet missed how you should hear in an introduction how the other views himself? Maybe I was hasty with my decision on you.>> Maria sits back, looking chastened at the rebuke.

Naiche perks up from his spot, to glance and look aside towards Dragomir, his eyes studying the man as he talks about.. People ghosts? Ancestors? There is a spat of confusion on his face, but the Lupus doesn't express this verbally, still content to remain in the background and quiet.

Branton nods and considers "It's also kind of a warning label sometimes. Like Elder Farshi telling me to lead with the fact that I'm a sorcerer. Best get some things out of the way if they're going to be a problem."

Paul smiles to Faith when she arrives, and glances over at Maria and the dog with her. He tilts his head for a moment, giving the dog a second look when it replies to Maria, and then nods his head to it before turning to give Branton a slightly curious expression.

Dragomir offers, "When you are new to a Sept.. it is expected that you would recite your name, your totem if you bring one, your tribe, and your Sept of origin. If you have significant lineage.. then it is wise to say so. You can normally recognize the territory of another by either scent if you are Garou.. or clawed sigil." He displays some of the glyphs hidden in his tattoos and offers, "If you are kinfolk, it is wise to learn to recognize these symbols. They can tell you a great deal about where you are, and the people of that territory." He nods towards Branton and offers, "That is an important differentiator. We as a Nation are very superstitious and untrusting. We have had to be, and paid the price many times when we were not." He motions towards Gavan and says, "Starlight Eyes mentioned deeds. Do you all know the difference between a rite name, and a deed name amongst the Garou?"

Faith glances aside at Branton and asks the man, though somewhat quietly so as not to interrupt Dragomir's question to Gavan. "I realize it's not supernatural in nature, but my job as a police officer - that puts a lot of folks on edge. Would that be something that I should include?" She gives Paul a quick smile too and then glances back at Eye of the Storm.

Into the Caern comes trotting a thick-chested wolf with fox-red fur sporting a dark brindling pattern and a big, brushy tail. That tail is up and wagging as the wolf trots into the Caern, and a few moments later, he rises up into the shape of Derek MacMillan. "Brothers and sisters," he says, offering a low nod. "It's good to see you all again." He goes to take himself a place by the fire, listening to Dragomir speaking. When he asks his question, he raises his hand.

Aowyn looks over at Dragomir as if she thought they were one and the same. "I could use some clarification between the two." Spot on, she nods to Faith. And then peers over as Derek arrives. She offers a welcoming smile.

Maria looks to Aowyn and gives a little nod, putting herself in the Needs Clarification Camp along with the other kin.

Branton raises his hand "Oh! I actually know this one." he says sounding excited "A Rite name is one they earned in their rite of passage when they became a Cliath. A deed name is a name related to something exceptional they did and earned acclaim for any other time."

Paul gives a deep nod of his head to Derek when he speaks to the group, then grins when he heard Branton, giving a nod of his head to him as understanding dawns in his eyes.

Dragomir nods and gestures towards Branton, "Excellent.. and that is important. As your rite name, is the first name you are given by your Tribe and the Garou Nation. It is symbolic in that it starts your legend. We can have many deed names, for many accomplishments. They are important, and some choose to be identified by those deeds. You will only ever have one rite name, usually. That will carry with you in the Silver Accord - and your Ancestors if you ever have the chance to meet them in the Legendary Realm, will recognize you by that name." He motions his hand and says, "Tribes have different ways the handle these names, different traditions, but when coupled with the Garou's rank, tribe, auspice, breed... pack, title. They all help to clarify precisely who is being referred to. We would not want one's reputation to be mistaken for another's." "So then there are honorifics. Who knows what an honorific is, and why we use them?" then he motions and asks, "Should we use them?.. what purpose do they have? Are they just to pad old Garou egos and make them feel important?" he grins lightly and looks around.

Aowyn listens to Branton and then pays attention to Dragomir. "I'm not sure what an honorific is either. Unless it is a title of honor one aspires to by taking on a certain role? Like Wyrmfoe. Or... different titles for taking care of the Caern? Or is that something else?"

Derek speaks up. "An honorific is a word added to the end of someone's name," he says. "For a respected comrade, we add -yuf. For one higher in station, we add -rhya. It's a bit like the Japanese, how they add -san or -sama to someone's name." He nods to Dragomir. "And they are important. It's not about padding one's ego. It's about showing respect where it's due. If there is a warrior here who feels the -need- to have their ego padded... well. They should go out and -earn- some respect, then. But... that's just my opinion."

The dog turns and looks at Maria. More stare than look. She sits up a little straighter and says, "The honorifics are a way of showing respect to those above us, as the Litany says we should." She glances back to the German shepherd, who gives a few thumps of his tail, resulting in a smile from the petite teen.

Dragomir gestures first towards Aowyn, "Those are a type, yes.. those are a specific type, more modern.. titles. The roles of the Sept, such as Truthcatcher, or Wyrmfoe - it is satisfactory to use those titles to replace names, because they are singular and here, they would not be confusing. If you were visiting another Sept, you would not use them to replace a name - as that would be inappropriate and confuse them with that Sept's own roles." He looks then towards Derek and smiles, "Well said Wyrm's Worst Nightmare. Fitting, as they derive from ancient Fianna customs in fact, as titles that convey esteem or respect for position or rank when used. '-yuf' is rarely used, normally after one first achieves an equal rank or position. It is the recognition of mutual respect." Then Dragomir motions towards the Maria and nods, "Good, '-rhya', is the most common. It is not a title, and it is meant to be in recognition of one's place in the Garou Nation. It is like saying, I recognize your ancestry, your deeds, your greater station. It is normally most appropriate when you first encounter someone of greater station. You would not just simply call someone 'rhya' though. As it has no meaning without their name. You would not use it to reference someone who you weren't talking to, as that would also be meaningless. You would not connect it to a Homid born name, as that would be like saying, 'congrats on being born-Joe'.. which is just foolish." "Does that make sense to everyone, so far?"

Aowyn agrees. "It does make sense. I knew how these things worked in action but I never understood the meaning behind them. It's easy to pick things up when you hear them spoken your whole life, but the deeper understanding of why they are done can be lost, apparently too easily. Even for kinfolk like myself that was raised within a Sept."

Maria just gives a little nod in reply, though she's smiling softly at Dragomir's response to her answer. The dog rests his head on her knee and she scritches his ears, resulting in the dog's eyes half-closing as he enjoys it.

Iseult sneaks in, late, and sits down quietly in the back, trying to not draw attention to herself as she listens.

Paul finally speaks up, asking, "Is there any way to know exactly which to use when? I mean, especially for one not raised with the Garou?"

Derek looks over to Paul. "Use -rhya for anyone who outranks you," he says. "And -yuf for your honored equals. Your friends and comrades. -rhya is usually a safer bet, though."

Branton nods in agreement with Derek "Especially for folks that aren't Garou or kin to Garou. As far as the Nation reckons they're all senior to you if you're not one of them. Shifters I mean, since this only goes with Rite or Deed names. Never use em with human names and kinfolk only have those pretty much all the time."

Johanna adds, "And never use it without a name. Do not call someone /only/ 'rhya."

Dragomir nods towards Aowyn, "It is often confused with the non-necessity of formality in human society. Especially amongst human-born Garou, who come to believe it is not important or overly formal. The implications of which, are places like the Legendary Realm suffer and we lose ground, each time we forget traditions or balk at our own formalities or litany. It is the invisible war our Ancestors are still fighting." Dragomir looks over towards Paul and smiles, "You will never offend someone by referring to them with the '-rhya' honorific. As long as you use it correctly. So when in doubt, I use it. If they have honor, they will correct you if they don't deserve it." He looks to Derek and nods, "I personally only use 'yuf' to congratulate those that reach my rank. Normally with a hearty handshake and in respect for them walking the road I have." He looks to Branton and Johanna and nods, "Absolutely, you are both correct."

Paul nods his head in understanding to all three, making mental notes of everything they said. Paul gives a bow of his head to Dragomir then.

Iris arrives a bit late, coming in from the rituals chambers and looking rather soggy. Squishing her way towards the group, she moves around it till she can have a seat by Branton and whatever other Fury brethren and sistren might be in that particular location. She keeps quiet though, for the sake of not interrupting.

Branton nods at Dragomir as Iris joins him and Frost "As a cultural institution at any rate. Individual Garou might feel differently about specific Fera but as far as collective rules of etiquette are concerned It's like I said."

Frost sits quietly, listening, looking between Branton and Dragomir as they talk. She looks up as Iris comes over, wriggling a little bit to pull her blanket around her shoulders more before becoming still again.

Dragomir pokes at the fire once more with the stick and says, "Alright.. so we discussed introductions, and their importance and why.. we discussed the difference between rite and deed names. We discussed some of the honorifics and how and when they should be used." He motions his free hand and adds, "There are others less used.. such as '-ikthya', '-lurf', and '-anrae'. Which I can tell you more about if someone wants to know." Then he looks around and offers, "So now I open it for Questions. Anyone is welcome to ask anything else on the topic, and I will do my best to answer your question." he smiles lightly. Man he's weird and calm during new moons. It's freaky.

Halle emerges from a trail, her bare feet making little noise as she walks in quietly. She makes her way over to where everyone is gathered, taking an open seat somewhere and resting her hands in her lap as she listens. Should anyone look her way in time to meet her eye, they'll get a friendly smile and a nod of her head, but Halle stays silent to not interrupt.

Naiche at this point is chewing at a spot at his fur, and gnawing, then licking at his paws, and generally trying to show some interest, but things get itchy sometimes, and well, Naiche isn't exactly the brightest tool in the shed and willing to express it. Just sit and listen!

Branton listens to the three other offered honorifics and considers "I know the first one, are the other two related in context? Because if they are I feel like I can venture a guess."

Iris gives Frost a smile in greeting, and then says to Dragomir, "I wouldn't mind hearing about them, there's a decent bit of the old form that I'm not super well versed on myself."

Derek rubs his beard. "-ikthya is 'of the Wyrm'," he says. "But I don't believe I'm familiar with the others."

Dragomir looks over to Branton and nods his head, "You won't find much reference to them anymore. '-lurf' is a derogatory term normally associated with those that have gone ronin or been outcast. '-anrae' is sometimes considered derogatory as well. Some more traditional will use it when referring to someone who needs reminding that they are lesser in position." Dragomir looks towards Iris and nods with a smile, and then to Derek and nods, "You are correct. '-ikthya' is a denouncement amongst us. It is normally the final proclamation passed onto one who is aligned with the Wyrm without further question. Though amongst the Black Spiral Dancers.. it is an honorific much like our '-yuf' is used." is offers with a bit of distaste. Then he looks around, "Please be extraordinarily careful with the use of '-ikthya', it is not taken lightly. To associate that honorific with a deed name, is to call into question all that a Garou is and has sworn too. It is a very fast way to piss them off." he cautions, mostly the kinfolk present of this.

Clarisse is sadly late to the event, she did not want to be but sometimes you cannot help it. She is careful not to interrupt and sadly as she hears Dragomir list off what he has already gone over, she takes a very quiet seat not far away from Paul since she knows him better than most others here. Maybe she can speak with him privately but still waits to here from others if there are other questions so she can understand.

Iseult squirms where she sits, a frown of concentration on her face as she thinks over what's been said so far. Hesitantly, she raises a hand after Dragomir answers Branton's question.

Branton nods and shrugs "Alright, so not related. I figured them for the triat relate honorifics because -anrae sounded spidery. -Lurf didn't really make sense but not much of the Wyld does."

Johanna listens and nods. Very important information, and some she was unfamiliar with. She stays quiet, watching and learning. Seeing others with questions, she awaits to see what they have to say.

Paul blinks as he just learned his first Garou words to /never/ use.

Dragomir gestures towards Iseult and smiles, "Please.. ask, though I would like to know your name first please."

Paul smiles, and scoots over a bit so Clarisse can sit down next to him. He nods in greeting to her, but doesn't say anything that might interrupt Dragomir.

Halle sits quietly listening. She glances over and gives Paul a smile of greeting and a little nod of her head before looking back towards Dragomir and Iseult.

Iseult swallows. "Um." She stuffs the nervousness aside and stands and says, "Iseult, 'gnawer kin, one of the Marroc. What, umm. You said -rhya was like recognizing someone's history and stuff. But if you don't know them, other than their name...." she lets it trail off and shrugs. "I mean how can you recognize what you don't know 'bout? I get that it's polite an' all, no problem with good manners. I just don't really see how all the rest of what's part of that works. Ummm. Thanks." She sits back down looking embarrassed and trying to hide it. She's not quite hiding behind someone in front of her. Not quite.

Dragomir nods and stands up, "Welcome Iseult, of Bone Gnawer." He motions his hand towards his chest and says, "I'm Dragomir Mihailovich, known as Eye of the Storm. Adren born on two legs beneath the Judge's moon. I am Silver Fang of Clan Crescent Moon. I am the Alpha of Terminal Velocity, children of Merlin." he gives a proud introduction, no doubt as an example to emphasize to the class, and then he lowers back down and nods, "Great question. What is it that we are recognizing. As kinfolk, you are recognizing first that Garou were honorably chosen by Gaia to be her Defenders. So all Garou are given '-rhya' for that alone. But also, amongst Garou.. we recognize those of higher rank, or higher position, or greater in achievement as '-rhya' as well." "Humility is a very important part of the Garou Nation. It goes both ways. Our Litany teaches us that All Are of Gaia, so we should give respect to all creatures, kinfolk, Garou, Fera." he motions, "It also states that it is right to Respect Those of Higher Station." He looks and asks, "Did that answer your question I hope?"

Iseult nods slowly. "Yessssss." Then more firmly, "Ahh, yes, Dr... sir .. Eye of Storm rhya. I think. I'll have to think about it s'more but I think so."

Paul waves to Robert from where he is sitting close to Clarisse, motioning him to join them.

Iris leans way over, possibly knocking Branton askew for a second because pfft, 'personal space', so that she can give Iseult a smile and a pat on the shoulder. It's not pitying or anything, it's that 'comforting applauding of confidence' sort of gesture. Good on you for hiking up those tits and asking questions! Since, you know, women can't exactly 'sack up'.

When Dragomir is done, Halle sits quietly thinking for a few moments. "The deeds of the Nation are not just history like they are to humans. They live on in the Umbra. They are real, and tangible, and can be visited. Experienced. Lived. But only if we remember them.," Halle says, speaking softly at first. "Taking the time to learn those deeds that are worth remembering is more than just polite, it keeps the Garou's heritage alive. Literally. Using an honorific is one way of showing respect. But so is learning their history. Listening to the Galliards. Asking to hear their tales, whether it is a trip to the Umbra, stopping a mad mage from birthing robotic dinosaurs, or the joy of communing with Gaia in a holy place."

Robert arrives with his usual tapping of his walking stick and crunching of leaves. No sneaking up on predators for Bobby. But not quite as loud as usual, also not wanting to interrupt. He does settle in by Paul and Clarisse, pausing to blink at the robotic dinosaur comment.

Iseult smiles a bit at Iris, nods, and relaxes a bit, loosening the death grip she had on hugging her knees to her. She still hugs her knees to her but now it's more as a comfortable way to sit, resting her chin on her knees as she listens.

Dragomir gestures towards Halle and nods deeply towards her at the words, "Halle speaks very wise words. Wyrmfoe Defiant Storm and her witnessed firsthand recently how our deeds are echoed and our legends live on beyond us. They had the chance to walk amongst our Ancestors and see the war that wages in the Umbral Realm known as the Legendary Realm. A war, we are losing." he offers gravely as he looks around. Then he takes in a breath, "Not because we are not strong enough. Not because we have not spilled enough blood. Simply because so many of us have forgotten our traditions. Stopped speaking our tales, or remembering our deeds. Because we have allowed ourselves to slip away, to become informal." He offers, "That is why I wanted to give this lesson to you all. Why I am as I am. It seems innocent or like a minor slip of etiquette.. but it represents a very dire threat to us all, if we forget who we are.. and where we come from." he smiles to everyone who took the time to listen and learn. "I thank you all for coming."

Jake comes in with a patrol and after issuing a few suggestions peels away from the others and heads to a quiet place to simply observe Dragomir and his 'lesson'. He makes sure to keep a distance so he won't disrupt anything. Seems like he's just interested in listening and observing.

Faith has been sitting quietly, but not inattentive. Her gaze remains on the Silver Fang as she leans forward slightly on the log she's perched on. "Thank you for the lesson, Eye of the Storm Rhya." She stands then to step back from the others, her expression subdued and thoughtful.

Derek nods his head. "Thank you for taking the time to share your knowledge with us, Eye of the Storm-rhya," he says. "Even those of us who have undertaken the Rite of Passage can learn from the wisdom of those who have gone before us. I know I learned something new today, so I count that as good."

Johanna echoes Derek's thought. "You have shown us much respect by taking this time with us, Eye of the Storm'rhya. Thank you very much. I have certainly gained some new understanding tonight." She bows her head to Drago after she speaks, showing her respect for him.

"Yeah, time definitely does not move in a straight line, that's for damned sure." Iris says with a thoughtful nod of her head, "And there definitely isn't a shortage of things to learn! Speaking of which, I need to get together with you guys at some point to document your experiences in the Legendary Realm. For like, academics and stuff." she says with a gesture first at Halle, and then at Jake when she notices the guy over yonder.

Paul gives Dragomir a deep bow of his head, obviously having enjoyed the lesson, as well as learning something too. "Thanks, Sir, appreciate the chance to come here and learn from you."

Halle smiles over to Iris and nods her head to the woman. "Certainly," Halle agrees to Iris, and glancing over to Jake and giving him a smile of greeting as she sees him there. "Thank you for going over all of this, Eye of the Storm-rhya," she says towards Dragomir.

Dragomir nods and smiles, bowing deeply to everyone. "Teaching you all, is how better I serve Gaia as an Adren of the Garou Nation. So thank you." then he turns to see Jake and offers, "Good evening Defiant Storm-rhya." He inclines his head respectfully to the man and then looks back, "Carry this lesson with you, and teach others, and we will all grow stronger from it."