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(2 intermediate revisions by the same user not shown)
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[[Eilonwy]] Well, peach, you've been around in the Awakened community of Prospect as Verbena Chair as least as long as I've been moved back to Prospect.. but we haven't had a proper introduction until recently!  Pleased to finally put a lovely face to the name.
[[Eilonwy Fairweather]] Well, peach, you've been around in the Awakened community of Prospect as Verbena Chair as least as long as I've been moved back to Prospect.. but we haven't had a proper introduction until recently!  Pleased to finally put a lovely face to the name.
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[[Stella]] We've only met in passing, over the years, but your reputation in Academia precedes you.
[[Stella Amunet]] We've only met in passing, over the years, but your reputation in Academia precedes you.
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[[Wren]]  Sweet girl who's friends with the Pink-Haired Princess.  Ironically, she's purple-haired.  I wonder when the blue-haired one shows up?
[[Wren (bygone)|Wren]]  Sweet girl who's friends with the Pink-Haired Princess.  Ironically, she's purple-haired.  I wonder when the blue-haired one shows up?

Latest revision as of 15:40, 18 June 2024

Nash ... wow. I was right, you do drive the ladies crazy. Especially this one, goodness. Why we didn't do this two years ago? I'll never know, cowboy, but we are here and now, not then, and I am not going on any more adventures without you. I'm just.. it's.. no, you know what? I absolutely have to test that 'drives me crazy' theory some more. (For science, of course.) I love you with all that I am, and you know it. I can't imagine forever without you. <3

Like Minds, Old Friends

Eloise The woman herself! You're the very quintessential picture of mother and giving, I couldn't picture a better Herald. I promised you years ago I'd step up and help bring organization and community to all of ours. I'm giving it a go, but I have a shining example

Sharpe My, my, my. Handsome, skilled, talented, connected, and bold. Did I mention modest? A girl's got to admire a man who knows what he wants, and pursues it. Even if he's got ROTTEN taste in women -- stop chasing the blondes, we're the worst sort of trouble! // My. WORD. No, words aren't even needed. Surprised the bloody hell out of me, I've been looking for you, and here you just show up at one of my meetings, out of the blue. I don't even need to ask. House Flambeau, unmistakable. You and I should talk.. I knew there was something interesting about you..

Ross Brilliant mechanical genius, even if he doesn't like admitting it. Despite what one might think, it's fairly hard to find fellow Etherites who share a similar enough view of the world to work together. I'll leave the hard jokes to his other half Valentina, The pink-haired Princess of Probability. Admittedly, she has a strange obsession with whether I'm wearing a bra or not, and trying to figure out the particulars of my relationship. Infinite cosmic power... always trying to retroactively make my bra forgotten at home.

Phil PHIL! You and I need to sit and talk shop, one of these days. I'm in need of a history lesson, and a possible world-view overhaul. Apparently one gets thrown out of the debate hall when one casually inquires as to the origins of the Kitab al-Alacir, and links of the Etherites to Ex Miscellanea and House Golo..

Carver Sunshine. I like you. Below the thin veneer of 'fuck off', you've got wit and curiosity that I find refreshing, to no end. I look forward to more conversations with you into the wee hours of the morning. It's rare to find a mind who can keep up with me, let alone challenge me to challenge my own preconceived notions of what was, what is, and what could come to pass. // Haven't seen you in sometime, Sunshine. I do hope everything is alright.

Steele I hope the triplets haven't driven you to insanity and beyond, yet. I'm anxious to hear if travelling abroad is any safer, yet. I do so miss visiting sites and being hands-on. Should you need assistance, my door is always open.

Sumter Joshua, I love you dearly, but it's not the kind of love that ends in marriage and happily ever-after. There are some things Time cannot erase. May you find happiness that doesn't end in a Dark Fate.

Stryfe *squints her eyes playfully* Oh, very much a Sith, now. And you've got a mini-you!

Gwydion "When gentlemen offer to show me their sword, they're generally more of, oh, I dare say.. being about as serious and literal as Shakespeare was, anytime he wrote of swords in his plays. I'm not terribly sure what I expected of a Master of Nine, but a Paladin with an actual Holy Avenger was quite the pleasant surprise."

Robert While I know you don't hit town much, I most certainly know a skilled Static magic user when I meet one! Always pleasant to run into you on hikes through the desert, and admirable to find one who holds the sun as a sacred thing as I.

Octava Impeccable fashion sense, and my word, how does your back not hurt, peach!? Gwydion's a lucky fellow.

New Faces, New Friends

Hideaki It's not often Japan lets a National Treasure out of their grasp. Now, firearms, that I've got a handle on. But swords? You and I must chat sometime. Your work fascinates me on more than one level.

Hunter Oh my. Well, good sir, I don't know where Chandler went, but.. it looks like you're one of us. Just makes me all the more glad that there's a community ready to assist. Breathe slowly, keep yourself even -- it'll get easier with time.

Mike Stephenson Error 404 indeed! Brilliant mind, all about the Code. Shake the mirror shades off your tail, already!

Serenity Peach, we haven't chatted much, but you're the very soul who reminded me Prospect was in dire need of a sense of community, and a Chantry to gather in.

Midnight An Estatic with a good head on his shoulders, and solid reasoning. // CoX Chair!

Catherine Sweet dear peach, a right smart girl. Works as a cop, and has a good man at her side. I don't envy the horrors you witness every day on the streets, and thank you for keeping those streets safer.

Cody Splendid young man, with the heavy burden of a famous family's title. You'll find your way, good sir, don't fret. There's nothing in this world or the next that can force you against your will to do that which you do not wish.

Eilonwy Fairweather Well, peach, you've been around in the Awakened community of Prospect as Verbena Chair as least as long as I've been moved back to Prospect.. but we haven't had a proper introduction until recently! Pleased to finally put a lovely face to the name.

Nick Eilonwy's paramour, charming!

Vertigo Well, I've heard talk of your emails floating here and there, but I finally have a face with the name. With the attention to detail, I wonder, peach... just who are you keeping out?

Stella Amunet We've only met in passing, over the years, but your reputation in Academia precedes you.

Durandal Fine, sturdy bear-like Verbena, sharp of wit, with much wanderlust and penchant for wandering into wooded areas. Has anyone told you that we actually HONESTLY thought you were Sumter's brother?

Hana Fiery little apprentice of Stryfe's.

Dashiel Seems like another heart Chandler touched and left.

Amanda Yes, peach, I'm an Etherite. *patpat*

Kaati I'm not sure what you've been through, peach, but vibrating with that much wariness and paranoia, you're going to draw the very things you're trying to avoid to you. You need a good long visit to Steele.

Merek .... you're a wizard, Harry.

Royce Game Warden! I'd nearly forgotten that the transfer of one energy into another can go both ways with Forces. Creation, rather than destruction, is an interesting take on things.

Wren Sweet girl who's friends with the Pink-Haired Princess. Ironically, she's purple-haired. I wonder when the blue-haired one shows up?

Krios Something we've in common: Greece, and deep knowledge of the past. I look forward to more conversations, good sir.

Amy (who needs to make a wiki!) Dear, sweet girl. What on earth is with all the faces in Prospect with such high levels of Arcane? Worrisome. Don't worry, peach, we'll get your voice fixed.

Similar Minds, still Friends

Branton An artisan through and through. Your reputation in the Sleeper world proceeds you.. refreshing to find out you're one of us. I look forward to seeing what your real work is like.

Atlas Such mystery, yet, such a gentleman. We share a common passion.. I'll have to seek you out once more, no? Perhaps without interruptions, next time.

Brandon Love your books, but goodness gracious, you're such a rakish brat! How does Atlas deal with you? How does your conveniently not mentioned girlfriend put up with your antics? Do you slip your leash often? *grin* // I COMPLETELY forgot. Completely forgot. We'll chalk it up to the hazards of messing with probability and timestreams. Well, now, we know each other now, just in time for me to find out you're good friends with the man I love. And now you know you've got one more mage in town to call on, as-needed.

Heathen Charming young fellow who sees the world through the starry eyes of a dreamer. Don't suppose you'd consider letting Harvey stay with me, now, would you? *grin* // Where on earth have you gone? No one's seen or heard from you in the year I was gone. I'll keep looking...

We have met the so-called enemy, and they are actually Us...

Phydran My word.. a gentleman, with manners, and a brilliance that might outshine mine.. I never expected the mirror shades to be so... so... human, handsome, and tempting. We'll definitely have to meet up again, Doctor.. you tongue-tied me a bit, but it was simply amazing to meet you.. I do wonder just how much more we've got in common.. only one way to find out.

Priest *raises an eyebrow* Oh, NO, it's not conspicuous at ALL to wear sunglasses indoors. At night. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X2LTL8KgKv8

Mila The pinnacle of picture perfect punctuality in an orderly, precise, and timely manner. My dear, I did not catch your name, but your movements are more subtly exacting than a ballerina dancing atop a music box. Simply beautiful.

Richard Cromwell Efficiency in motion. Thank you for the tip-off on where to find yet another copy of Principa Mathematica to add to my collection. It's nice to see refined, educated minds mingling about in Prospect. // Absolutely splendid to see you once more, time has not dulled your keen grasp and intellect one bit.

Gone, but for how long?

Oren Charming young gent who runs his own band. Love the ink, too. One has to admire that passion to inspire others to happiness.

River You are missed, peach.

Salimah *raises an eyebrow* I don't think I've had anyone ignore what I say multiple times so MANY times in a row since I had to defend any of my theses. RIGHT. Order of HERMES. That explains it all. Perhaps you should ask the Monoliths themselves if the humans who build them suffered, as once the soul passes to the Shadowlands, the soul's memory and view is... skewed. I look forward to meeting your mentor, but I daresay she's probably just as set in her methods of thinking. That's why there's Nine Orders, and not one.

Lady A curious sort of girl... and you're on a respectable quest. I admire dedication to duty.

Thana A lost little poppet. I do hope Prospect takes better care of their prospective... students. She's a bit out there, but she's got a good heart.

Tavia Such a helpful beauty -- I never seem to catch you in time to say hi, myself, though.

Chandler You're an absolute treasure, peach. Passion for healing runs as deep as your passion for all things mechanical. The heart wants what it wants! Your Avatar would never lead you wrong. One step by one step, you've good friends about you, we've all got your back. // Peach, I've no idea where you've gone. I figured I'd return and find you and Joshua married, only to find you disappeared.

Deceased / Retired

Harikumo A violet-eyed svelte vixen with a mind of honed steel. SUCH fun speaking with her. I'm not TERRIBLY sure what a peach like her is doing with a crazy man, but, we all have our vices? To the finer things in life. *raises a glass in toast* // Harikumo, you are sorely missed. Your home has been repurposed into a splendid safehouse for those of like minds with me. May the memory of you help Awakened minds flourish, long after your absence.

Dexter There was much you should have told me, but didn't.. we'll see what Time tells me.

Brohain You are the Fallen my mentor ALWAYS warned me about.

Patty Elle, my dear, I did not mean to make your fellow there stare. I just wanted waffles. I saw the spark in your eyes, darling, shall we talk shop over cars? Let me know when you ditch the mister, sister. *wink* I might not swing that way, but cars, dear, cars.

Furio You know, I'm not sure what to think of you. I reserve judgment, maybe it's just a cultural misunderstanding. But, from where I'm from, we don't sit ourselves in the middle of a lady and a gentleman sharing an expensive drink and quiet whispered words and poke fun at her name like a teenager. Find your manners, good sir, and we can talk shop.

Ersatz Manny, you poor soul. A man's eyes are going to wander, it's only natural, and Elle's a bit of a live wire, she is!

Dantes One part manipulative manchild, one part crazy. How on Earth did the City ever hire you?

Wichal *raises an eyebrow* I was unaware a Federal Agent working in conjunction with Interpol would announce himself so boldly. I'm half-tempted to report you to the Shadow Ministry, good sir, you might be a danger to the secrecy you're supposed to be working with!