Wren (bygone)

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Between her vibrant blue-purple hair, her artwork, muteness, or occasionally unusual mannerisms, Wren is a fairly memorable person to encounter on the streets of Prospect. She can often be found begging, selling drawings on the street, or just wandering about the city. As one might expect from this, she can occasionally be found gracing the city's shelters for food, but not very often.

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RP Hooks
  • Begging - Wren can often be found around the pier, parks, or streets of the city begging.
  • Street Artist - Wren sets up impromptu art sales spots in public spaces around the city, and tries to sell off drawings instead of simply begging.
  • Language Barrier - Wren can understand English, but she doesn't talk. Or write. Some interpretation may be required.
  • Scents - Wren has a nose as sensitive as a bloodhound's. She can track people and things by scent, and even catch the scent of emotions. Let me know if there's anything she should be noticing.
  • Shapechanger - Wren's a shapechanger by nature. In any of her forms likely to be seen, (Even human!) those with Awareness or the ability to sense magical effects may notice something's up with her.
  • Animal Forms - Wren often takes the shapes of animals, most often a raven or similar sized native birds, or an adorable kitty.
  • Casts no Reflection - Yup. Because.. reasons.

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Wren (bygone)

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Sphere: Bygone

Hair: Blue-Purple

Eyes: Green

Height: 5'2"

Build: Slender

Occupation: Street Artist/Beggar

Apparent Age: Late Teens

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