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[[Category:PCs]][[Category:Active PCs]][[Category:Shifter]][[Category:Gaian]][[Category:Bastet]][[Category:Qualmi]]
[[Category:PCs]][[Category:Active PCs]][[Category:Shifter]][[Category:Gaian]][[Category:Fera]][[Category:Bastet]][[Category:Qualmi]][[Category:Kinain]][[Category:Sorcerer]][[Category:Pooka]][[Category:Trey]]
<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="5" width="90%" style="background: #000000; border:0px solid #888888; padding:0em 0em 0em 0em; border-top:0px solid #000000; background: -webkit-gradient(linear, left top, right top, from(#000000), to(#000000)); background: -moz-linear-gradient(left, #000000, #000000); -moz-border-radius: 12px; -webkit-border-radius: 12px">
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#left-5 > img, #left-7 img {
[[File:Trey4.jpg ‎|right|250px]]<br /><font style="color: #00E6FF; font-size: 18pt; text-shadow: #004C54 2px 2px 2px">Steven "Trey" Trevalyan<br><i> Treads-on-Thin-Ice</i></font><br />
    border: 1px solid black;
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<i><b><font style="color: #004C54; font-family: Garamond; font-size: 18pt; text-shadow: #00E6FF 1px 1px 1px"><center>Infobox</center></font></b></i>
#left-7 .image {
<table align="center">
    display: block;
    text-align: center;
#silly > img.top, #left-5 > img.top {
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<td><b>Full Name:</b> Steven "Trey" Trevalyan
#left-5 > img.top {
    left: 0.5em;
<td><b>Race:</b> Bastet
    top: 0.5em;
#silly > img.top:hover, #left-5 > img.top:hover {
<td><b>Tribe:</b> Qualmi
<td><b>Breed:</b> Feline
<td><b>Kith:</b> Pooka
<td><b>Rite Name:</b> Treads-on-Thin-Ice
<td><b>Date of Birth:</b> to come
<td><b>Age:</b> mid-to-late 20s
#Logs + div a, #Logs + div a::before {
  margin-left: 0;
<td><b>Occupation:</b> Itinerant mystic
<td><b>Height:</b> 5'10"
<td><b>Played by:</b> Adam Beach
| small-side=left
| colour-background=#dfeefc
| colour-border=#102f45
| colour-headers=#C3D2E7
| colour-links=#461a00
| image-main=Trey7.jpg
| image-alt=BastetQualmi.png
| header-data=<span class="headbit" id="glyphs1"><span class="wrapper">[[File:Bastet.png|x40px|link=|Bastet]]<div class="tooltip">Bastet</div></span><span class="wrapper">[[File:BastetQualmi.png|x35px|link=|Qualmi]]<div class="tooltip">Qualmi</div></span></span><span class="headbit" id="name">Trey Treads-on-Thin-Ice</span><span class="headbit" id="glyphs2"><span class="wrapper">[[File:Bastet.png|x40px|link=|Bastet]]<div class="tooltip">Feline</div></span> &nbsp;</span></div><div id="silly">
| left-1-header=Overview
| left-1-data=
| fullname=Steven "Trey" Trevelyan
| ritename=Treads-on-Thin-Ice
| deedname=Never-Shuts-Up<br>Sea-Lynx<br>Space-Lynx
| race=Bastet
| faction=Gaian
| tribe=[[Qualmi]]
| pryio=Twilight
| rank=Tilau (3)
| breed=Feline
| birthdate=October 31
| height=5'10"
| weight=165lbs
| eye_colour=Brown
| hair_colour=Brown-black
| demeanor=Explorer
| photoref=Adam Beach
| pack=[[Ever Changing]]
| pack_position=Sea Bus Captain<br/>
| left-2-header=Notable Stats
| left-2-data=
| colour-divider=#102f45
| colour-text=#461a00
| colour-tooltip=#C3D2E7
| colour-border=#461a00
| dot-empty=Choc-dot.png
| dot-filled=Choc-dot-f.png
| header-renown=[[Trey/Renown|Renown]]
| header-merits=Merits
| header-flaws=Flaws
| attr-dex=4
| attr-int=4
| attr-wit=4
| attr-cha=6
| spec-dex=Quick
| spec-int=Analytical
| spec-wit=Cunning
| spec-cha=Persuasive
| abil-1-name=Enigmas
| abil-1-dots=7
| abil-2-name=Occult
| abil-2-dots=7
| abil-3-name=Crafts
| abil-3-dots=5
| other-2-name=Gnosis
| other-2-dots=6
| other-2-count=6
| other-3-name=Willpower
| other-3-dots=6
| other-3-count=6
| renown-1-name=[[Trey/Renown#Cunning|Cunning]]
| renown-1-dots=10
| renown-1-count=10
| renown-2-name=[[Trey/Renown#Ferocity|Ferocity]]
| renown-2-dots=4
| renown-2-count=4
| renown-3-name=[[Trey/Renown#Honour|Honour]]
| renown-3-dots=3
| renown-3-count=3
| merit-1-name=Ability Aptitude
| merit-1-info=Expression
| merit-2-name=Friend of Sorcery
| merit-2-info=Discount Theurge!
| merit-3-name=Kinain
| merit-3-info=Pooka
| flaw-1-name=Big Mouth
| flaw-1-info=Just like the label says.
| flaw-2-name=
| flaw-2-info=&#32;
| flaw-6-name=
| flaw-6-info=&#32;
| left-3-header=&#32;
| left-3-data=[[File:Trey-lynx.jpg|240px]]
| left-4-header=Quotes
| left-4-data="Is this like... my quinceañera?"
<span class="attr">&mdash; Trey, on binding to Meros</span>
<i><b><font style="color: #004C54; font-family: Garamond; font-size: 18pt; text-shadow: #00E6FF 1px 1px 1px"><center>Notable stats:</center></font></b></i>
"You summoned a spirit out of my damn nose."
<ul><li>Charisma:  4<br /></li>
<span class="attr">&mdash; Trey, to Iris</span>
<li>Dexterity:  4<br /></li>
<li>Intelligence:  4<br /></li>
<li>Wits:  4<br /></li></ul>
I don't want to be a weiner cat!"
<span class="attr">&mdash; Trey</span>
<td style="background: #ffffff; background: -webkit-gradient(linear, left top, right top, from(#ffffff), to(#ffffff)); background: -moz-linear-gradient(left, #ffffff, #ffffff); -moz-border-radius: 12px; -webkit-border-radius: 1px">
<br /></div>
<i><b><font style="color: #004C54; font-family: Garamond; font-size: 18pt; text-shadow: #00E6FF 1px 1px 1px"><center>RP Hooks</center></font></b></i><br />
</p><br />
<tr><td style="background: #ffffff; background: -webkit-gradient(linear, left top, right top, from(#ffffff), to(#ffffff)); background: -moz-linear-gradient(left, #ffffff, #ffffff); -moz-border-radius: 12px; -webkit-border-radius: 1px"><i><b><font style="color: #004C54; font-family: Garamond; font-size: 18pt; text-shadow: #00E6FF 1px 1px 1px"><center>[[File:Trey1.jpg]]</center></font></b></i>
<td style="background: #ffffff; background: -webkit-gradient(linear, left top, right top, from(#ffffff), to(#ffffff)); background: -moz-linear-gradient(left, #ffffff, #ffffff); -moz-border-radius: 12px; -webkit-border-radius: 1px"><i><b><font style="color: #004C54; font-family: Garamond; font-size: 18pt; text-shadow: #00E6FF 1px 1px 1px"><center>Contacts</center></font></b></i></div>
"That sounds transcendently fucked-up."
<span class="attr">&mdash; Evan, about the Squirrel Uprising</span>
| left-5-header=&#32;
| left-5-data=[[File:Trey5.jpg|240px]]
| left-6-header=Other Info
| left-6-data=Wanna know more?
* [[Trey-People|Contacts]]
* [[Trey-Allies|His Kuasha, Allies, and Kinfolk (NPC)]]
* [[Trey-Enchants|Some of the items he's made]]
* [[Trey-Gobag|What's inside his go-bag?]]
* [[Trey-Knapsack|What's inside his knapsack?]]
| left-7-header=&#32;
| left-7-data=[[File:Lynx_Kitten.jpg|240px]]
| left-8-header=Rites Known
| left-8-data=Here's all the rites Trey knows!
* Appease The Prey-spirit (M)
* Hunting Prayer (M)
* Kuasha Degree (3)
* Passing The Yava (2)
* Prayer For The Prey (M)
* Preserving The Fetish (M)
* Renewing The Talen (2)
* Rite Of Binding (1)
* Rite Of Claiming (3)
* Rite Of Cleansing (1)
* Rite Of Contrition (1)
* Rite Of Spirit Awakening (2)
* Rite Of Summoning (2)
* Rite Of Talisman Dedication (1)
* Rite Of The Fetish (3)
* Rite Of The Peacock (2)
* Rite Of The Questing Stone (1)
* Rite Of The Spirit Brew (2)
* Speaking Of The Name (1)
<div id="_" class="header fauxheader"></div>
| right-1-header=Stereotypes
| right-1-data=<div class="para"></div>
* '''Changelings:''' Fascinating, usually fun, always worth watching. Dreams and nightmares afoot.
* '''Garou:''' Some have evolved from the days of the War of Rage. Many understand the past and do their best to not repeat it; others are dickbags. Try and ascertain which one you're dealing with before you get entangled. The good ones are the best kind of friends to have.
* '''Hunters:''' Give them a wide berth and point them toward the Enemy wherever possible. Some of them are pretty deadly.
* '''Mages:''' Powerful, dangerous, and very good allies to have, if you can manage it without becoming a puss-in-boots. Try not to get entangled in their internal debates, because surprisingly, all-powerful Namers can be just as petty as the average dude.
* '''Mortals:''' A mixed bag. Some of them are awesome, some are scum, most are in between. They deserve a chance to embrace the truth of the world.
* '''Nuwisha:''' DUDE! Trickster brothers and sisters from other, less ragey mothers. <3
* '''Sorcerers:''' Powerful and subtler than mages. Some are allied to Shifters, and all I can say is, I want my own Kin-posse-coven friends for my own, just for the sake of learning Cool Stuff and watching them come up with amazing things. Also, the tainted ones die pretty easily.
* '''Spirits:''' Endlessly different, yet all interesting and alien. Trying to wrap my head around their mindset is an endless and exhilarating challenge. Butterfly and Seline will always hold their own pieces of my heart.
* '''Vampires:''' Kill on sight. There may be 'nice' ones, but they won't stay that way long.
* '''Wraiths:''' Their ways and choices are their own. Don't forget they were, and still are, people.
* '''Wyrm:''' Understand the difference between Cahlash and Asura -- and destroy Asura in any way possible. Gather data and call the troops when you find them.
<div class="para"></div>
| right-3-header=Roleplaying Hooks
| right-3-data=
<div class="para">Noteworthy things about Trey:</div>
* <b>Off-kilter and no filter</b>: Despite being rather charming, he is often socially imprecise, and has been known to say things that aren't very tactful. He doesn't seem to mean any harm by them -- he's just kind of 'out there' when it comes to the rules of interaction among people. <br>
* <b>Still a Predator</b>: As engaging and affable as he can be, there's always a sense that underneath it all is still a being who prefers his meat raw and fresh off the bone. <br>
* <b>Mystery, History, and More</b>: Trey is really interested in all things weird, arcane, and magical. If you want to catch his attention, use magic. Or a cool new Rite, or a Gift he doesn't know, or even [[Numina|sorcery]]. He has become pretty obsessed with spirits, their lore, and all things relating to the Umbra. Considering he can't get there on his own yet, that's a source of frustration for the lynx-shifter, because he's not the most patient soul in the world.<br>
* <b>Pookapalooza</b>: He's pooka-blooded somewhere in his family tree. He knows more than a little about the Kithain. The fae appeal to his sensibilities, especially the clever ones. He really loves the Lost in Time Market!<br>
<div class="para"></div>
* <br /><br />
| right-4-header=Future Plans
| right-4-data=
<div class="para">Some of his future plans include:</div>
<tr><td style="background: #ffffff; background: -webkit-gradient(linear, left top, right top, from(#ffffff), to(#ffffff)); background: -moz-linear-gradient(left, #ffffff, #ffffff); -moz-border-radius: 12px; -webkit-border-radius: 1px"><i><b><font style="color: #004C54; font-family: Garamond; font-size: 18pt; text-shadow: #00E6FF 1px 1px 1px"><center>Logs</center></font></b></i>
* <b>A Kuasha in the Making</b>: Trey is a learning-focused kitty right now, but he's also happy to teach. His experience teaching Irsa the Rite of the Peacock is his first real experience in that role, and he's learning he likes it. At some point, he expects to be called on to foster a newly-changed kit, and he's well prepared after spending a month with his own Kuasha learning the appropriate rites in July of 2023.<br>
<p>None yet, will post when there are some!<br /><br /></td>
* <b>Space Truckin'</b>: Trey is very determined to explore the cosmos. He very much wants to see the Cosmic bodies, visit the planets and asteroids, and discover their mysteries and truths. The Umbra is vast and full of wonder. He joined an exploratory pack [[Ever Changing]] with Iris, with [[Ever_Changing/Totem|Meros]] as their totem. Spaaaaaaaace Lynx!<br>
* <b>Kinfolk and Home</b>: Trey is hoping to eventually find and meet more Qualmi kin, both homid and feline, and may offer some of them succor in his den-realm. Yes, he intends to make a Den-Realm now that he's a Tilau, once he finds a good spot, decides how he wants it, and makes up his mind about the best way to go about the whole thing.<br>
* <b>Sorcery</b>: He hasn't put aside his desire to learn more sorcery. If anything, he's become more curious about how he can use it in combination with fetish-making to design ever-cooler items. Branton served as a great inspiration there! High on the list of things he wants to create are travel-related items and things that make him more adaptable (flight and water-breathing, for example). He intends to learn Alchemy as well as Enchantment, and likely will pick up other paths with time. <br>
| right-5-header=Gallery
| right-5-data=
<li>[[File:Trey-smirking lynx.jpg]]</li>
<li>[[File:Trey laughing lynx.jpg]]</li>
<li>[[File:Trey lynx-handsome.jpg]]</li>
| right-6-header=Trey's Playlist
| right-6-data=
<td style="background: #ffffff; background: -webkit-gradient(linear, left top, right top, from(#ffffff), to(#ffffff)); background: -moz-linear-gradient(left, #ffffff, #ffffff); -moz-border-radius: 12px; -webkit-border-radius: 1px"><i><b><font style="color: #004C54; font-family: Garamond; font-size: 18pt; text-shadow: #00E6FF 1px 1px 1px"><center>Gallery</center></font></b></i></div>
<li>[https://youtu.be/GFW-WfuX2Dk Alanis Morissette, "You Learn"]</li>
<li>[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uSVt-FGDYFo Blackmore's Night, "Magical World"]</li>
<li>[https://youtu.be/EllRYH5MNgI David Coverdale, "Northwinds"]<br /></li>
<li>[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NXrP4Tcnjg4 DCappella, "Ev'rybody Wants To Be A Cat"]<br /></li>
<li>[https://youtu.be/5hqG-29NTSU Deep Purple, "Space Truckin'"]<br /></li>
<li>[https://music.youtube.com/watch?v=S5D9HZyYI6g&feature=share Jethro Tull, "Skating Away"]<br /></li>
<li>[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C0XwPUFfFwE Jimi Hendrix, "Voodoo Child"]<br /></li>
<li>[https://youtu.be/sfR_HWMzgyc Led Zeppelin, "Kashmir"]<br /></li>
<li>[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z82QsKg0rtU Led Zeppelin, "The Ocean"]<br /></li>
<li>[https://youtu.be/8LhCd1W2V0Q Lenny Kravitz, "Are You Gonna Go My Way?"]</li>
<li>[https://youtu.be/iRrn67ovuRQ Love and Rockets, "No New Tale To Tell"]</li>
<li>[https://youtube.com/watch?v=QK8mJJJvaes&feature=share Macklemore & Ryan Lewis, "Thrift Shop"]</li>
<li>[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x1rFAaAKpVc Moby, "We are All Made of Stars"]</li>
<li>[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nVhNCTH8pDs Pink Floyd, "Learning to Fly"]<br /></li>
<li>[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-mDjSghYI7o Scatman Crothers, "Ev'rybody Wants to Be a Cat"]<br /></li>
<li>[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vqbk9cDX0l0 Thomas Benjamin Wild, Esq., "I've No More Fucks To Give"]<br /></li>
| right-8-header=Logs
| right-8-data=<br>
noresultsheader=''None yet.''
<br class="hide"/></div>

Latest revision as of 22:37, 9 October 2023

Full Name:Steven "Trey" Trevelyan
Rank:Tilau (3)
Pack:Ever Changing
Pack Position:Sea Bus Captain
Date of Birth:October 31
Eye Colour:Brown
Hair Colour:Brown-black
Photo Reference:Adam Beach
Notable Stats
Specialty: Quick
Specialty: Persuasive
Specialty: Analytical
Specialty: Cunning
Ferocity: Choc-dot-f.pngChoc-dot-f.pngChoc-dot-f.pngChoc-dot-f.pngChoc-dot.png
Ability Aptitude
Friend of Sorcery
Discount Theurge!
Big Mouth
Just like the label says.
"Is this like... my quinceañera?"

— Trey, on binding to Meros

"You summoned a spirit out of my damn nose." — Trey, to Iris

I don't want to be a weiner cat!" — Trey

"That sounds transcendently fucked-up."

— Evan, about the Squirrel Uprising
Other Info
Lynx Kitten.jpg
Rites Known
Here's all the rites Trey knows!
  • Appease The Prey-spirit (M)
  • Hunting Prayer (M)
  • Kuasha Degree (3)
  • Passing The Yava (2)
  • Prayer For The Prey (M)
  • Preserving The Fetish (M)
  • Renewing The Talen (2)
  • Rite Of Binding (1)
  • Rite Of Claiming (3)
  • Rite Of Cleansing (1)
  • Rite Of Contrition (1)
  • Rite Of Spirit Awakening (2)
  • Rite Of Summoning (2)
  • Rite Of Talisman Dedication (1)
  • Rite Of The Fetish (3)
  • Rite Of The Peacock (2)
  • Rite Of The Questing Stone (1)
  • Rite Of The Spirit Brew (2)
  • Speaking Of The Name (1)