"There at the beginning times, the sun shone over the white snow and the sea and everything was clean because no men had come to walk upon it or drag their boats down to the shore. The ice glowed with sunlight even at night so that every hill looked like the Aurora Borealis and the ancestors were never lost in darkness." |
Active Wendigo
Tribal Leaders
Name | Rite Name | Auspice | Breed | Gender | Rank | |
Sergei Ivanov | Howling Wind | Ahroun | Lupus | Male | 5 |
Wendigo by Auspice
![]() Kinfolk |
![]() Heyoka No pages meet these criteria. |
![]() Angalkuq No pages meet these criteria. |
![]() Mediwiwin No pages meet these criteria. |
![]() Daebaudjimoot No pages meet these criteria. |
![]() Ya'pahe |
Tribal Holdings
To be filled in
Wendigo NPCs of note
To be filled in
Additional Information
Tribal Weakness
Great Wendigo bestowed upon us his gifts, allowing us to freely roam a land where others can barely draw breath, lest their strength be sucked from their flesh. This land is out element, our haven and our defense, in its very nature. And this coldest essence of Gaia has served Great Wendigo as a klaive, carving us, sculpting us into purity. It perfected us, over endless winters. One by one, the weakest have been winnowed out: by snow, by frost, by wind, by the corruption of the Wyrm, by the snares of the Weaver.
And as the tool of Gaia was used to shape us, so our souls echo Her nature, in every sinew and bone. No other tribe senses as deeply the heartbeat of Gaia. As the Wheel of the Seasons turns under Gaia's hand, out moods wax and wane, our deeds shading themselves to Her desires.
Source: WW3852 - Wendigo Revised p. 57
Description: In the thawing time, when creakings rise from beneath waking ice, we howl and rut, released at last from watchfulness. We throw all caution to the winds. The spring sometimes overwhelms us with wildness, fills our senses to bursting with the growing of scent and sound.
System: A Wendigo adds +1 to the difficulty of all Willpower rolls during the spring.
Description: When the brightness of Gaia's sun melts even the snow, we are called to fight harder, to drive out any that may invade our territory. The folly of summer often leads the Wyrmbringers to venture where they do not belong, and with the warmth of Wendigo's blood in our veins, we defend ourselves and our land to the death.
System: A Wendigo reduces frenzy difficulties by 1 during the summer.
Description: As the world falls towards sleep, we too ready ourselves, calming our blood and making ready for Her deepest embrace, securing the survival of our Kin. Now is not a time for change, but for precaution and preparation, and we return all things to their natural order.
System: A Wendigo adds +1 difficulty to change forms during the autumn.
Description: When Gaia's snow blankets us, we bank our fury, growing more formidable with each winter's silence, knowing that Great Wendigo has chosen this time for our fullest potency. Woe to any enemy who dares attack us now. The fangs of the raw wind bite and snap, and we watch from our caerns and laugh at the cringing whelps who cannot withstand the harshest power of Gaia.
System: A Wendigo reduces Soak difficulties by 1 during the winter.
The Wendigo are few in number and closely knit; they could not survive the splintering that some tribes seem built upon. But just as their human Kin have many societies in their tribes -- warrior societies, police societies, educational societies, and more -- so do the Wendigo gather in some camps. While these groups create many differences of opinion, they are united in their lineage.
Source: WW3852 - Wendigo Revised p. 47
The Ghost Dance - This group has members in the Uktena tribe as well and serves to make the land whole and clean as it once was. However, their Uktena counterparts do tend to be more squeamish when it comes to actual direct conflict. This camp is based upon the dreams of Wovoka, a Paiute holy man who taught that by living by the ways of the Earth Mother and by dancing the Ghost Dance, a new world could be brought about. Wovoka’s dance did not bring about a new world but his dream lives on. Now however, they dance quite differently and work to rid the Pure Lands of the Whites through litigation and the Whites’ own law systems. Recently they beam with pride at their success in establishing the Indian Nation of Nunavut, given to the native people by the Canadian government, as well as Nunavut’s place in Canada’s parliamentary government
The Sacred Hoop - Preaching reverence of all spirits White or Red, this camp was came to power and has fought for prominence in the Wendigo tribe in a manner that has left neither the Sacred Hoop, nor the Warpath, as the clear winners since the 60’s. They are the ones who have invited Whites to drum circles, and written books on powwows and other aspect of Native American culture. They worked to exploit the New Age interest in native cultures and shamanism, to bring about a better understanding of their kin and the ways that still hold true to the Earth Mother. As more and more members of the tribe have become dissatisfied and impatient with their elders however, this camp’s membership has grown old and somewhat thin.
The Secret Hoop - This camp plays a delicate game based primarily on the reality of what would happen should the Whites be eradicated from the face of the Pure lands. It’s not only something that might happen but something that several members of both the Warpath and Ghost Dance have been planning and articulating for over 500 years. Should any of their more radical plans come to fruition, the Wendigo would find themselves, as well as the Uktena, and perhaps the Red Talons and some of the more militant Black Furies, against the might of the entire Garou Nation. This battle would surely be the Wyrm’s greatest work yet and would only serve to drive the poison further into Gaia’s dying veins. So as long as the Warpath and the Ghost Dancers have existed, so have the Secret Hoop pulling the strings that are attached to individual Wendigo here and there as needed. They play primarily on the fact that the Warpath and the Ghost Dancers have always argued, and are ignorant to the initial reasons why and ignorant to how similar their goals truly are. It would be a great blow to the tribe and the Secret Hoop should the Warpath and Ghost Dancers ever figure out just how closely they have been played against each other all these years.
The Warpath - When other Garou think of Wendigo this is what they see, these are the stereotypical Wendigo. They are angry, bitter, and willing to take the fight to the Whites and even to the Wyrmbringer Garou. They enjoyed their greatest size and power in the 1800’s as some of their more notable kin, such as Sitting Bull and Crazy Horse, fought the White power. While they have shrunk in size in the recent years, there are a number of youngsters who tire of the elders’ hollow words of peace and cooperatively and willing join the camp’s ranks. In recent events, the rise in native owned casinos is a blow to many a Wendigo’s pride, and such nonsense is at the heart of many Warpath member’s Rage. They see the very concept as a disgrace and a sign of full submission to the Whites’ ways. The Warpath has not yet taken their battle to their own people, but some say it is only a matter of time
** Please note - many of the pages listed below are historical only. **
Pages in category "Wendigo"
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