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Revision as of 18:26, 17 February 2015 by imported>Chrissy (DIE IN A FIRE)
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Misa Tsao

Misa is a very recent immigrant from China. Despite this very recent arrival her English is almost perfect, and she speaks with a slight southern accent. Those with sharp eyes and a knowledge of local names would quickly notice she's obviously not full blooded Han.

Misa is known to frequent the beaches and ocean fronts since her arrival, pestering the locals with all sorts of questions and investigations into everything from who is kissing whom, to strangely insightful questions on missing persons. In her short time present she has actually made it into the news once for finding the body of a man who'd been missing for over two months. She has a strong knack for finding people it seems.

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Gui Lao: I think I have family members older than this country, I can't blame them for being uncivilized. Not going to stop me making fun of them though.

Jiang Shi: Of course I'd have to find a city crawling with them. How the heck does a place so young have so many ghosts eager to get back into bodies?

Yao Guai: Cao ni ma this thing is real?! Alright... just... needa stay out of the woods. Forever. The park too... also trees. Any trees. Can I just stay inside now?

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Aiden- Off to nerd Valhalla, where she will drink freely of the coffe at the table of the gods, and do battle with flawed code every night so she may be ready for the great OS battle at the end of time.

Era- Gui lao! Ha! Okay I'll stop. Too bad'jer dead, coulda been fun.

Jess Lawrence- You seem alright, but your friends scare me. I've talked down suicide bombers without being afraid, think of what that makes your friends.

Silvana- Even from the most tangled of roots, strength and beauty can grow.

Mikhail-Anger may in time change to gladness; vexation may be succeeded by content. But a kingdom that has once been destroyed can never come again into being; nor can the dead ever be brought back to life.

Gray-In the midst of chaos, there is also opportunity.

Claudia- Ai ya... didn't realize how bad these things got.

Liesl- I owe ya sugar. I just wish I could be a better friend.

Velok- http://youtu.be/kfUPL5KQuiE

Maz- The good twin... also the hot one. Also prolly the smart one AND the one that can resist temptation...

Penny- I would say the eye of the storm, but that's where it's peaceful. More like that part around the eye where all the fun stuff happens!

November- So you are human. At least... you were.

Leila- Everything I'll never be. Well except dead. We all get that eventually.

Cross- Tries ta help. Hell of a lot more than anyone else does. But if you take all the struggles of another they will never have the strength to take care of themselves.

Lana Glover- I thought I was fucked up.

Aleksei- Why is it the only people angry at me are the ones I'm actually helping?

Titania- You are a lot more dangerous than people seem to think. I like you.

Carter Hall- I've never seen a suit cut loose so much when the suit gets left behind.

Alexis- I think you might be better at acting than me even. This should be fun!

Kato- Keep runnin into ya I'm gonna start thinkin I'm stalkin ya.

Tobias- You're getting to be real interesting.

Dixie- D'awwwwww.

Cherazart- Thanks for lookin out for me, I gonna try'n return the favor, but I'm not superman.

Brogan- You picked a hell of a time for cold feet.

Gemma Larsen- Yer too cute ta hafta see these things... but I'm gonna see if the dead can blush.

Brandy- Don't ever let someone else tell ya howta feel. There's nothin at all wrong with ya, yer smart, yer beautiful andja gotta good heart. Be a real shame someone broke it...

Erzsebet- Just because something is dangerous doesn't mean it has to be a threat.

Wormwood- Professional courtesy, nothin ta see here.

Cynthia- I don't care if yer ancestors were uneducated, stinky barbarians, yer still family. Way better than my other sister.

Utau- Even MORE fun to make blush now... up for a spar?

Foster- Forgive me Father for I have sinned...

Conrad- Don't take life so seriously sugar, not like yer gonna get outta it alive.

Nagi and Rei- http://youtu.be/pQ9pYwCKopE

Jun- Nice guy... inna good way. Why do they always like girls that ain't good for 'em?

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Like most hyeractive adorable critters you have to take care of, there are some basic rules to follow to keep your Misa healthy and happy.

1: Do not feed her sugar. She will get hyper and she'll just keep following you home. 2: Don't feed her after midnight. 3: Keep her away from large bodies of water. 4: Do not let her drink grain alcohol. No one is happy after that.

Important notice: Misa is an inherently selfish character. She may be friendly, she may be kind, she may even genuinely love you, but she will look out for HER interests first and foremost. This is not an exaggeration of her behavior: http://www.funnyordie.com/videos/44b3d8f432/the-button

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On the town.jpg

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Date of Birth: June 24th, 1991
Age: 23
Nationality: Chinese
Occupation: Waitress
Demeanor Sensualist
Height: 5'8"
Weight: 140lbs
Eyecolour: Brown
Hair Colour: Variable by week!

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RP Hooks

Misa gets bored, VERY easily and tends to use others as entertainment when this happens! She at least TRIES to make it fun for them too. At the very least if they get hurt it wouldn't be HER causing it.

What should we do today Brain? If you have any ideas or just need someone to tag along on anything, Misa isn't going to bother asking questions if someone runs up to her, throws something in her hands and tell her to "RUN! AND MEET UP AT THE PIER!" Life's too much fun to ruin it with thinking!

Temper Temper! It is starting to become well known Misa's terrible impulse control is starting to express itself in her temper as well. At Club Scandaleaux in particular it's known she broke someone's nose at the bar, though no one pressed charges.

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Misa Showing off before a party.

Puppy eyes.jpg Look at this girl and tell me she isn't innocent!

MisaMM.jpg Misa going blonde.

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