County of Lion's Reach

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The County of Lion's Reach is a promising County that encompasses downtown Prospect (RL San Diego) and surrounding suburbs, extending chimerically from the shore of the Ocean of Pacifica across the cliffs and plains, though the Eastern and Western Woods, over the Snow Fangs and into the Shadow Sands desert. The political climate has been in a state of flux for some time now; what was at first an unstable region saw a turn towards tradition and stability under the rule of Count Leras and Countess Ionae of House Fiona, but it was not to last. When the ruling Sidhe couple departed for the Kingdom of Apples towards the end of the summer of 2013, the County was left without an actual Count or Countess to rule over it - or, for that matter, much of a Sidhe presence at all amongst the local Barons and Baronesses. Though still very much under the control of House Fiona, the traditionalist rule of Seelie Sidhe was replaced by a considerably more relaxed semi-government by primarily Unseelie Satyrs until the appointment of a new Count/ess by the Duke in the Spring of 2014.

Caer Buillemilis, County Seat

Located within the Kingfisher Shores Golf and Country Club, Caer Buillemilis was home to the Duke while he stayed in Prospect. Countess Melyn Silver Tongue ap Eiluned continues to keep Caer Buillemilis as the County Seat for Lion's Reach, as the Duke has business further North that keeps him occupied. It is from here that the Countess or her Majordomo can be reached when needed by any Kithain or Kinain within the county.

NPC Members of County

  • Countess Melyn Silver Tongue ap Eiluned
Seelie Sidhe
  • Mr. Daffyd Deanne
Seelie Boggan, Majordomo of Caer Buillemilis, head of household staff.
  • Lady Ella Brunsythe
Seelie Boggan, member of the Crystal Circle; Seer, Namer, and much more. Court Seer.
  • Sir Hroaldr ap Gwydion
Seelie Troll, sworn Knight-Protector to the Countess.
  • Leo Harvey
Boggan Kinain/M+, Reeve.
  • Dame Natasha ni Dougal
Seelie Sidhe, armor/weapon smith
  • Johnny Blue
Seelie Nocker, handyman and jack of all trades.
  • Gregorio Asaro
Seelie Sluagh, Herald
  • Mateo Rodriguez
Seelie Bear Pooka, Healer
  • Lars Philips
Satyr Kinain/M+, Scribe and Bodyguard
  • Squire Gilorn ap Gwydion
Seelie Troll, Squired to Hroaldr, Troubadour/Skald


Lion's Reach has evolved through the last few years with a rich and interesting past. A recounting of significant people and points can be found HERE.

Points of Interest

Seasprite's Mine

The main source of chimerical steel and other metals and gemstone for the Country of Lion's Reach lies to the north-west of the Grove of Tethys on the shore.

Spiderhollow Tree

Situated in a depression deep in the woods, a huge tree stands in a clearing, housing countless spiders in its branches and the surrounding spider-web covered woods. The creatures are vicious in their hunting, though have stayed mostly confined to the area surrounding the tree, excepting a couple of small groups that prey on traffic on the silver path south of it. Rumor has it that some of the trees there can move and will prey on kithain, entangling them in vines or roots.

Smuggler's Cove


A small deep cove connected to a cave where pirates and others have been known to make land to drop off goods. There's even the wreckage of a ship there that can be explored. Some say it was a pirate's, others say a ship of Kelira's. The truth remains a mystery.

The Lodestone Islands


The islands are part of the history of the County. The former Countess Kelira deforested the largest of the islands while building a fort. It was subsequently torn down by an invading force loyal to the former Count Leras and Countess Ionae. Baroness Ambrosine has taken control of the Islands after working out a deal with the Counts of both Emerald Dale and Lion's Reach. Her holding there is currently known as The Barony of the Shadowed Souls.

Oasis of Steam

The far east of the County, over the Snowfang mountain, bordering on trods that lead deeper into the Dreaming lies the Oasis and a settlement of scorpion-tailed, humanoid chimera.

Noble Fiefs

Noble fiefs are the territories that are held by nobility, while districts are those territories that are held by commoners. Lion's Reach is unique in that it grants territory to commoners, so long as they foster the Dream. The Countess has made no qualms about her adamant support of fostering the Dream, no matter if it is via commoner or noble. Hard work is supported in full.

Barony of Astral Seas

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The former County seat, now a Barony. Taken over by Carolyn Seabhaic ni Scathach, until her untimely passing in the spring of 2019. The bale resides in the Grove of Tethys Freehold, and is now seen over by Baroness Rothia Dandyll ni Gwydion.

Barony of Divertimento Dithyramb Dance


This is the barony formerly held by Baroness Liazaelen Blackpool ni Fiona. The business containing the Rath had fallen into the hands of Winter, but was redeemed for the Dreaming by Baron Richard Sterling ap Fiona. In 2023, the Baroness Mereid Gwenet ni Dougal returned to the County and by request of the Duke has held it. Centering on the Freehold of Capricorn Glade, the barony stands as a place of peace and comfort, where all are welcome to take their ease so long as they are likewise peaceable in their intent.

Barony of the Shadowed Souls


The islands that this Barony consists of are part of the history of the County. Existing solely in the Dreaming, this island was a holding of former Countess Kelira. She deforested the largest of the islands while building a fort. It was subsequently torn down by an invading force loyal to the formerCount Leras and Countess Ionae. Baroness Ambrosine has taken up the Islands after working out a deal with the Counts of both Emerald Dale and Lion's Reach. It is now known as Barony of the Shadowed Souls.


To obtain a noble fief or a district, one must have had a formal audience with the Countess. During this meeting a proposal would have been made concerning the area you wished to claim, how you would foster the dream, and what your goals were. A decision would be reached with this (and at times require staff permission depending on the extent of the plan).

Barony of the Ebon Watchtower


Small forested former barony, now mew, to the south-east of Astral Seas. It was held by the Redcap Ethan Sienna, and currently is held by Baron Marsennio Tordwil ap Gwydion who is working to restore the Watchtower as well as its accompanying stables of chimerical beasts.

Rhapsody Freehold


This domain encompasses the Rhapsody nightclub and its Rath, as well as a small Balefire within its recently rebuilt and refurbished walls. Its surrounding lands also contain the Meadow of the Well, the Blue Boar Inn and Lost in Time Market. In keeping with the terms of its resurrection, the Freehold is held in Guardianship by caretakers Fletcher Potts and Quentin ‘Q’ Oates. Threats to the Balefire are taken seriously and are dealt with by the prismatic-hued Dragon who keeps watch. Market guards may also be called in as backup in severe emergencies, should need and time permit, as sanctioned by Ducal Decree and enforced by those nobles and citizens of Lion's Reach who were witness to said Decree.

Snow Fang Peak


The mountaintop-fortress has recently been re-discovered and re-built as a commoner freehold and Mew. It is currently claimed by Talorc Dunadd, with the caretaker Amberlee overseeing Icepeak Tavern.

Unicorn's Rest Mew


Unicorn's Rest was a Seelie held Commoner Mew in the forest of Southern Prospect, at the edge of the County of Lion’s Reach. It was held and overseen by Thoreau Baumgarten, a Wilder Ghille Dhu, and Felicite Teshi, a Wilder Possum Pooka, but both have wandered off for parts unknown. It is currently being overseen in turn by other Baron's while new caretakers are being looked for.
Unicorn's Rest Mew is different in that rather than ground-level walls and castle, the majority of the keep lies up in the heavy branches of the oldest tree in the Grove. The Grove has always been welcoming to all sorts, so long as they adhere to the Escheat, and do no harm to the forest and creatures of the Dreaming that seek sanctuary at the Grove's Balefire, especially not the adolescent black Unicorn that gives the Mew its name.



A modest desert trading post watched after by the Eshu Keira. It offers support for traveling merchants as well as shops for those wishing to peddle their wares.