2023.04.15 Drinking the Witch’s Brew

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04.15.23 Drinking the Witch’s Brew
Random meetings are random
IC Date 04.15.23
Players Casey, Peri, Riptavian, Silvana, Wulfra
Location Witches Brew
Spheres Garou, Bygone, Changeling, Wyrm

Witches Brew and Occult Shoppe - Main Room

When entering the shop, the door will chime from an old-fashioned little bell set above it. First to assault the senses are the scents within the shop, there are heavy herbal smells along with delicious scents of baked goods. Describing the shop itself, it can be considered broken out into two sections. A front section that is the entirety of the front of the shop houses the cafe portion, and a back section that is split in half with one half devoted to tall bookshelves and a wide-variety of books, while the other half is devoted to a huge herbal and apothecary section that includes needed supplies for the practicing pagan. Separating the front and back sections of the shop is a long, rectangular glass counter for specialty items and checkout. It has a narrow space to enter and exit in order to serve customers and check people out from the cash register that is at this counter. There is a sign that states, 'If you can not find the book you are looking for, please enter your request in the special order book.' The front of the store has nooks built against the front windows that are comfortable window seats with piles of cushions for the customers to sit and read, chat or snack comfortably. There are also plush, comfortable seats that have high cushioned arms arranged in cozy triangles around little tables for people to relax and chat. Just to the left beyond the cafe seating is a long glass counter that is displaying a plethora of baked goods, all very interesting and all very delicious. Behind the counter is a barista that can also offer a multitude of drinks, from coffee, to tea, to water or any non-alcoholic drink. All drinks are delivered in unique cups, no two cups are alike, and they are all porcelain. In the far back of the room, behind the bookshelves and shelves of merchandise are two doors that are always closed. One door has a sign on it that says 'Employees Only', the other door says, 'Private'. At the front of the store, there is a set of double-glass doors on the right hand side that lead into an expansive greenhouse, although the glass windows are often misty due to the moisture of the greenhouse beyond.

       PLACES/+views/+notes available - +note/read here/PEACEFUL_AURA        

NOTE: There are several cameras pointing at the entry door, the cafe and specialty counters. Also - if you do anything in this shop that would be noticable, or Mia or any other workers that work here are involved/impacted, please @mail Anyu.

FAE - This is one of those rare and beautiful spaces where the line between the realm and the Dreaming feels... oddly paper thin. It's mostly seen in the places where the light through the windows carries an extra sparkle - a filtered radiance that usually only exists in storybooks, now. Occasionally, when browsing the wares, it will appear as though there are more books on a shelf than it could possibly physically support - books on things that no mortal shop would have. Curses, Arts, Arcadia, The Seelie Code of Chivalry, A Treatise on the Fall of Balor, the Noble Houses - A History... these are the sorts of things that squeeze themselves into every gap and nook and cranny - or make their own room where they must. Chimerical cats and bats and ravens have also taken up residence - sometimes dozing in little patches of sunlight or hanging from shaowy corners or perched atop a bit of dusty statuary looking down on the world below. Even the spiders are wonderous, here - tiny creatures that look as though they have been carved from crystal and precious gems, sparkling in that radiant sunlight. This is, without a doubt, a /paradise/ as far as sluagh are concerned... but catching sight of the crawlers is never an easy endeavor. Contents: Mia, the Perky Barista Obvious Exits:

 Back Door    Greenhouse <G>   Out <O>   Private Door <PR>  

Wulfra steps through the front entrance, causing the bell above the door to jingle.

Peri is seated in a chair at a square table, eyeing the cthulhu-shaped pastry in front of her with a madcap grin, and holding a coffee mug in the other. She looks... merry, perhaps manic. "I wonder how many bites it will take to eat this? I don't think I can do it in one..."

As Wulfra walks in the door, this day wearing an actually *not* sweater... a black shirt with white sleeves over black pants, still with no jewelry. Her hair is at least put up into a bun this time, though... still messy, however. She glances around the room for a few moments, letting out a happy sigh seeing it isn't too crowded today. She stops a bit when her eyes glance over to the woman of exemplary beauty... but she peels herself away as to not draw attention to herself before she goes up to the counter. She orders her usual triple-strength ultra-black earthy tea, then walks over to the books... somewhat near the tables... and busies herself with one about plants.

Peri looks up at the young black-haired woman, and her gaze lingers a moment with clear curiosity. Her momentary reaction hinted at something, and Peri seems to have noticed, but she's not about to challenge or ask. Instead, she just smiles and asks her, directly, "How many bites do you think I can eat a mini pie in?"

Wulfra pulls down the book, glancing over at Peri with her warm, yet piercing eyes. "Err... mini pie?" She says, eyes moving to Peri's plate. "Well... people have quite the small mouths. Probably 4-5 at least."

Peri beams at that answer. "That's about what I was guessing for most. I was going to see if I could fit the whole thing in my mouth at once, because yum, cherry pie overload, but I think I may have to go for two instead, because I'm not sure I could actually chew if I shoved the whole thing in... hrm." She picks it up, then opens her mouth, measuring plate against mouth. "Definitely not a single bite. Okay. Two. I am gonna go for two!" She seizes her knife and cuts the little pie like she's wielding a sword. "AHA! HAVE AT THEE, CTHULHU!" She then giggles, and picks up the half-pie, and stuffs it into her mouth. Cherry juice and crumbs dot her lips, but somehow... somehow, she gets it in.

Wulfra looks a bit dumbfounded at Peri's antics, setting the book back on its shelf. "...Cthulu? What are you... why are you eating it that way? Are you trying to overcome your small mouth?" She shakes her head, walking back over to the counter and grabbing her now ready drink. She walks back over afterwards, taking a sip of the still much-too-hot beverage, thinking.

Peri chews, laughing, and uses a napkin to keep from losing any of the delicious little pie-lette as she manages to devour it with messy abandon. She look sup wide-eyed at Wulfra and then giggles once her mouth is empty again. "Oh, just for fun. It's interesting to see how much you can fit at once." A pause. "This is the first time I can remember anyone telling me I had a small mouth. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to be confusing, I just like to be funny sometimes." She raises her coffee mug in a toast, completely unselfconscious.

<---======##====================[ Dice Roll ]=====================##======--->
Wulfra rolls Intelligence + Etiquette vs 6 for 2 successes.
3 5 +9 +9


Wulfra nods, pulling a slight smile onto her face as she laughs to herself a bit. "You people indeed are fun..." she mutters under her breath before glancing at the raised mug. "Oh... you want to do a toast, is it?" Wulfra moves to the other side of the table a bit awkwardly, looking down at her tea before pushing it up to touch Peri's beverage, then taking a biiiig swig of the steaming beverage.


Peri grins as the other woman plays along, and calls out, "To joy!" She then chases that half a cherry mini-pie with coffee, her expression purely cheerful. The books beside her look like texts, but they seem to be forgotten for the moment. "Oh, I'm being rude," she says after the swallow, "I'm Peri, just a little surreality for your day." She switches the mug to her other hand and extends her right.


Wulfra's eyes are immediately drawn to the texts besides Peri, examining to see what they are. "Oh... we met before, did we not? I am Wulfra." Wulfra's eyes snap back only when Peri extends her right hand. Wulfra stares at it for a moment before placing her tea cup on the table, freeing her own right hand. She mouths "...yes, shake with the right, left is superstitious..." as she gives Peri's a shake.


Peri grins and nods. "We did, but there was so much confusion that day that..." She chuckles. "Well, a lot slips my mind but I do remember now. We..." A pause, while she contemplates how to say it. "Helped that guy find his way back." There, generic enough." She hrms at the voiced observation, and notes, "These days, it's more because more people are right-handed than left-handed, I think, but that's how the tradition started, yeah." And now, she remembers all the shape-shifting and mmms. "You're welcome to join me if you'd like?"


Wulfra nods along. "Yes... yes we did. And... really? What do you mean by "handed"... is it common for people to only have left or right?" She seems quite confused and skeptical as she takes another sip of the deathly strong tea. "And... join you in what?"


Peri shakes her head. "No, usually one hand is the dominant one, the one that is better at doing things with. Some people are ambidextrous, and use both equally, but that's not as common." She motions to the chairs at the table. "At the table, I meant, like, sit down and talk." She is definitely curious, now, but she's also disinclined to make it obvious to onlookers.


Wulfra's eyes widen a bit. "...oh right, of course." She proceeds to sit down opposite Peri, letting out a huff from her nostrils. "I come here often. It is very cozy... the atmosphere is... pleasant. I do not often talk, though, just sit and watch people. What did you want to talk about?"


Peri smiles and picks up her mug. "It's something people often do, over coffee or tea. Chitchat, light talk about the day they have had, or things around them, or funny stories." She's fallen into explanation mode without really thinking about it, or more importantly, judging. "It's nice here, I agree. Lots of interesting books, lots of interesting people wandering in and out." A pause, and her voice drops to a tone too quiet to be overheard outside of the table. "Are you Kin to us?"


Wulfra smiles a bit. "Ahhh... yes, that makes sense. I... do like that kind of thing. I should do it more." When Peri starts whispering, Wulfra focuses up more, leaning a bit inwards as she whispers back, looking a tad bit confused. "Kin? I... do not know... maybe?" At your table, Peri mms softly and says, "You know what we are, though... me, and Kieran, and Dasia, yes? And the others in the Market?" She's asking gently, making sure this is not a lost soul, or a confused person, but someone who understands what she has seen. "I thought you might be Kin to us, since our Kin can see our true natures and our protected places."


Wulfra leans back, taking a very long sip of the tea until there is nothing left in the mug. She places it down, empty, stretching her arms around a bit before speaking quietly again. "...if you want to talk like this, we should go elsewhere. But yes, I can *see* you...."


-- Peri ahhhs, and nods slowly. "Anything further can wait, unless there are things *you* want to know, but I admit to having a lot of curiosity of my own..." She drains another swallow of the coffee, the mug nearly empty now. "I figured you could, I just..." She fiddles with words in her brain, and then says, "I'm a Knight," she notes with a smile, "But you remember that. I see to protecting people. Especially ours. And that includes from not knowing."


Wulfra ponders Peri's words, tilting her head a bit. "Well... if I am indeed kin to you... I have been quite lost indeed." The word 'knight' seems to elicit a bit of a brow furrow from Wulfra, but it softens a bit when she mentions protecting people. "Protecting... that is good. I know all too well how painful the not knowing can be."


Riptavian steps through the front entrance, causing the bell above the door to jingle.


At your table, Peri nods slowly and presses a finger to her lips. "It sounds like it. You seem like someone who's adjusting to a... very different place than you're used to. Or reacquainting yourself to it." She smiles warmly, and shoves the books beside her back into her bag, just to get them out of the way so she can lean a little better into the table. "It's a pretty wild world."


Peri leans in, quietly talking to the dark-haired woman opposite her, her expression friendly, but her quiet seeming to suggest serious topics.


Rip comes in like anyone else, though his presence seems to bring an unpleasant gravity with it. Maybe its just his size? Hes a bulky guy and the way he moves, well, he doesn't seem all that delicate about it. He lumbers on up to the counter, cash in hand already to get himself a fancy coffee drink thats more cream than coffee, waves off the change and looms over by the waiting area for his drink. As he lurks, he scans the room, noting Peri and Wulfra with an inquisitive inclination of his head. Someone looked like they were having a 'serious talk' of some sort...hm.


Wulfra nods along to Peri's words, glancing over at the place... and the very large man, as he walks in... a bit curiously, leaning back to a more relaxed position. "Wild indeed. But this city... this area... so much to see. It keeps surprising me."


Peri grins at that reply and shifts in her seat, restless as usual. She replies, "It is. But so far I really like this city, it's full of quirky weird stuff here and there. I like that." A pause and she notes the gaze as a matter of course, perhaps used to being looked at. "And it's a great place to people watch, like you mentioned earlier."


Rip gets his drink, some giant sugar filled monstrosity topped with whipped cream. He sips at the counter for a moment before he saunters on over towards the pair he'd been ogling a moment ago and oh so casually pulls up a seat. "You look familiar." He says, staring pretty perfectly right between the two and not really indicating which one he might be addressing. "Have I seen you around Hands of Hope? I swear I've seen you before.."


Wulfra's gaze hardens as the large man sits near her and Peri, tilting her head a bit as she looks him up and down. "...I do not know whom you speak of, nor what Hands of Hope is, but I do not know you. What do you want?"


Peri ums and looks thoughtful for a moment. No, smoke does not come out of the blonde's ears. "It's possible? Some of the students at UCP did a clothing drive and I helped them drop things off... good eye, though, that was like... two months ago." She seems sincere enough in her reply. Wulfra's response makes her blink, but she doesn't correct the other woman, either. "It's a mission," she explains. "Homeless shelter, they do charitable work."


Rip sits up a bit straighter and gives Wulfra a dramatically reproachful look. "Oh, to the point. I like it. People are so indirect these days..." He comments, clicking his tongue once and shaking his head. "Maybe that was it? Hm. Seems unlikely, that /was/ a long time ago... Maybe? I do have an eye for faces." He says with a few nods. "And what I want? I don't know. To slake my curiosity? Scratch that itch in the back of my head? Meet a few new people? Explore the day to its fullest. You know. Carps in denim, like uh, that Robin Williams movie."


Wulfra looks at Riptavian straight, head still tilted a bit. "Straight... yes. I do not like indirectness. If you have an itch in the back of your head, I think that you will need more than a random passerby's abilities to scratch it. A doctor maybe?"


Peri ahs and takes this as a teachable moment. "Um... by an itch in the brain, people usually mean... there's something there spurring on curiosity, or interest, or memory. Like, he might have that memory of having spotted me two months ago." Might. "And that could be what's itching. Sometimes people speak very figuratively in English -- using words with artistically rather than in precise ways." She's playing it off that Wulfra is foreign, and hopes that it covers the basics. "I think that's *carpe diem.* Means 'seize the day.' Which is a pretty good philosophy overall -- joy is meant to be lived. Well, for the most part. Unless your idea of joy is splattering people's heads on the floor or something, in which case, you might want to see that doctor after all."


"No, no, I assure you, any head splatters are merely incidental and not at all the, uuhh..." You can do it Rip, finish a thought! There is a long pause, the 'uuh' draws on before he snaps back into it. "The sought outcome of whatever...Endeavor might be being discussed here? Carpe Diem! That’s the one, good shit. Using that education." He says with a big dumb toothy grin that fades a bit as he draws his attention back to Wulfra, a slightly more inquisitive look. "You like, German or something?" He ventures, giving a half scoffing little laugh. "And I tried seein' a doctor about it, apparently my skull was too thick to get through."


Wulfra indeed speaks with a strange accent, but anyone who knew what a German one sounded like would know hers is nowhere near that. "German... no... I do not think so." She gives him a curious glare at the doctor comment. "Really? Even with the proper tools they could not? You must have a remarkably thick skull indeed."


Peri errrs. She opens her mouth, then shuts it. Then opens it again and manages, "Right, exactly. Uh. No, she's from a lot further away than that..." She doesn't specify, as she quickly shifts the topic back to, "Is this like Bugs Bunny style brain surgery where there's a mallet and chisel involved?" She's assuming it's a joke, of course. "Oh, I think he is speaking humorously," she adds to Wulfra.


"What, like the fuckin' far realms or some shit? You on vacation from Iluvatar?" Rip asks with a laugh, shaking his head a little bit. "Holy shit.." She says, clearing his throat and putting on a slightly more feminine voice. "From a lot further away than that.." He sighs in a thoroughly amused fashion and grins, letting his voice dip back into its regular deep cadence. "Sorry, that just sounded so ominous and mystical and shit..." But then he switches back to the other topic at hand, one hes very proud of, his thick ass skull. Knocking his knuckles against it he fixes a dire serious look on Wulfra. "Not even with the drills, Ma'am, just whirrrrrred away until they started to smoke."


Wulfra looks a bit taken aback, looking away as she taps her long nails against the table idly. She gives a bit of a forced laugh under her breath. "Not even with *drills*? The... powered variety? Interesting how they make smoke...."


Peri nods sagely. "I'm Galadriel," she says with an utterly serene tone, "And this is my kinswoman Luthien." Of course this girl has read all of Tolkien, I mean, come on. "A very far place indeed. We did not expect this when we sailed to the West at last... but here we are." Okay, either co-ed blondie is fucking with his mind, or she's nuts. Either way, at least it's funny. She doesn't seem put off by the weird voice change, either. They make college kids strange these days. She then sings, with surprising beauty despite the musical type: "Smoooooooke on the brainpan... and fire in your eyes!"


Rip just gives a laugh and another almost vapid looking grin. "Yeah, /powered/ drills. Friction, you know? I'm pretty sure even the fair folk know fffriction. " He says, rubbing his hands together quickly. "Like the woman says." He adds after the little 'display' of friction. "Smoke on the brainpan, too much friction, neither force willing to yield and the smoke bears warning of the coming flame." He makes an 'explosion' type motion with his hands then. "But I digest.." surely he means digress. "Where /are/ you from? Its quite the interesting accent.." He asks as he fishes out a little note pad and pencil from inside his jacket and starts to scribble something down.

<---======##====================[ Dice Roll ]=====================##======--->
Wulfra rolls Manipulation vs 6 for 1 successes.
2 +8
<---======##====================[ Dice Roll ]=====================##======--->
Riptavian rolls Perception vs 6 for -1 successes.
-1 4


Wulfra thinks for a few moments. "Er... I do not think you could pronounce it. Not many have heard of my lands of origin." With that, she proceeds to name a 'country' with a mix of harsh syllables and noises that are nigh incomprehensible, the only clear thing that it starts with m. "It is difficult to spell, I am afraid." With that, she lets out a bit of a sigh. "Mmm... smoke on the brainpan? Sounds nice."


Peri blinks and huhs at the reference to the fair folk, though it connects a moment later. Good job, *Galadriel*. "Wow, that would be some serious friction. But drilling into bone kind of makes this... weird dusty mist around it and if you're not careful, you wind up inhaling parts of someone's bones. Or teeth, too, when you're at the dentist." Oh, crap, someone let her drink coffee, didn't they? Or is she trying to be distracting? She then huhs at Wulfra, and both brows quirk up. "Oh, do they serve brains where you come from?"


Rip just stares with that same vacant look. "OH! Yeah, ok. That tracks, I had a friend went backpacking through there, weird guy, weird guy..." Rip says with a series of little nods. Hes smart! He knows places! But hes quick to roll with Peri's distraction to divert from his own ignorance. "Someone knows their way around a skeleton." He says in an oh so approving way with a flash of teeth to Peri, Wulfra once more getting the more skeptical of the looks. "You like, eatin' brains lady? Or you being the colorful one now? Cause if yer tryin' to smoke out your brain pan I'm holdin'." All the while still scribbling on his notepad.


Wulfra hmms. "...backpacking... what is that?" She then pulls out an energy bar she bought earlier, taking a very large bite out of it, swallowing it quickly. "Brains... well, I cannot say, for I have never had that organ. Colorful? No, I do not think that quite fits me... unless it has a double meaning. But smoke, though... I do not know this 'smoking out your brain pan', but I am... quite fond of smoke. Do you enjoy it as well?"


Peri yeahs and offers a crooked grin. "Yeah, I hear the Lesser Dropbears can get pretty vicious if you're not careful." She ohhs and offers the other half of one of the mini Cthulhu pies to Wulfra, with a little smile. "Half was enough for me." It might be noted that there's still cherry juice on her mouth, maybe a crumb or two, that she missed wiping off. "Colorful can also mean 'diversely interesting' when said about a person," she notes to the other young woman, helpfully. "Oh, I had to take Anatomy last year because it was better than having to memorize the Latin names of bugs for the Science requirements." The 'smoke out' remark, she gets; hell, it's legal here, even. "That means pot. Er, marijuana." Footnote Lass Powers, activate!


"..Yyyyeah, Marijuana..." Rip says in a dubious tone. Maybe some assumptions are better left unaddressed. "Backpackin', like uh. Traveling to see new places." Rip says with a shrug, then motions to Peri as if to indicate she clearly had it from here on the explaining front. He sips down his drink and ponders for a moment. "Gotta admit I don't get chances to blow smoke with foreign exchange students from lands I can't even pronounce and a high elf. Gotta shot my shot, you know? Crapa, er..." He pauses, thinking back to Peri's correction. "carpe diem." Peri gets a little sideways glance and a touch of a smirk. "Seems like your half way to Latin already, someone just wanted to play with bones.."

He scoots back then, holding up a finger as if to indicate 'hold on' and would then zone out /hard/ into whatever he was scribbling. Unresponsive for a bit


Wulfra mmmms. "Foreign exchange student? Yes, I am a student indeed. But blow smoke... interesting term to use. I would like to see what you mean by it, yes. What is this Marijuana?" Seeing the brick-for-brains is busy scribbling, Wulfra turns her gaze to Peri instead, face much more jovial now. "I suppose I am colorful then. And anatomy... I need to study that more. Bodies are so interesting in ways...."


Peri chuckles and notes, "Well, there are worse things than playing with bones. I mean, it's not like anyone was actually *using* them at the time. I mean, not like you can exactly *borrow* them. Not if you plan to give them back, anyway. That would be kinda uncool, 'Hey, I stole your leg bone, here it is back.' Seriously." She nods sagely at Wulfra. "Yes. Foreign exchange, and... well, you blow the smoke out when you're done holding the inhale." She grins. "Oh, bodies are *definitely* interesting..." One might wonder which way she means.


Wulfra nods. "Ahhh... when you're done holding...." She double takes, glancing at Peri again. "How does one hold onto smoke?"

<---======##====================[ Dice Roll ]=====================##======--->
Riptavian rolls Artistic Expression + Dexterity vs 5 for 0 successes.
1 -1 -1 -1 2 3 4 10


Bang! He rips off the little page and slaps it on the desk. It looks like a child had tried to draw a satirical cartoon. Its god awful, but just good enough to be /really/ shitty. A cross eyed sketch of Peri, blade ears, horribly drawn elven crown that merges into weird ass hair. Like some sort of MAD magazine nightmare. "As you can see I am clearly a professional." He declares with no sense of shame. "And you hold it in your lungs, typically, but I got the pre-cursors uh, in my pocket? I usually don't pre combust them, ya know? Portability issues."


Silvana comes into the shop holding Casey's arm as she looks around. She smiles at him "Been a while since i've visited this shop"


Casey smiles to Silvana as the pair enter the shop. From the way he looks around it would seem this is the first time he's been here. "Seems pretty cool, different. But different in a good way, right?"


Peri picks up the drawing and tries really hard not to cringe. She's generally nicer than that. Or at least, more encouraging to creativity... she nods at the distraction of the smoke, noting, "Yes, you burn it, hold the smoke in your lungs, then exhale when you can't hold it in any more. Or pass out, whichever." A pause. "Precombust? Huh. That would burn a hole in your pants."


Wulfra gives a momentary glance to the new arrivals, but quickly turns back to the 2 others at her table. "Mmm... but is that not harmful to people? I like the burning and the smoking, but that sounds... dangerous." She turns to Riptavian. "You say you have the thing to do it in your pockets? Can you show me?"


Silvana smiles at Casey and nods "Different is good indeed" she looks over to the others that are here and she smiles waving hello to Rip. The other's get a polite nod from her "Do you want to order something to sit down?"


Casey nods to Silvana, "Sure thing. What should we get?" The bearded man looks from his companion over to the others and the one at the table that Silvana seems to know. Offering them all a polite smile he looks to see what they have on their table to get an idea of an order.


"See, she gets it." Rip nods to Peri when she notes burning holes in pants. "...No concept of smoking in Mkerkekekrsern?" He asks with a slow perk of his brow and a sideways smile as he shifts to fish around in his pocket to take out a hard shell silver case, flipping it open towards Wulfra to show her several joints. "And some other stuff that I don't...Feel like getting out..." He says, clearing his throat slightly and giving a little glance around. Oh, hey. Sil. She gets a stare, a dumb grin and a little wave. Her companion gets the same, only no wiggly finger wave and an upward bob of his head.

Riptavian says, “And yeah, its a little harmful...But who wants to live forever? I'd rather have 40 good years than 80 boring ones.”


Wulfra tilts her head, thinking. "Mmm... interesting perspective. That makes sense. And no... there is not much need for things like this to make smoke, so I do not have much experience with it." She swirls her neck around a bit, stretching. "You are not supposed to do it inside though, no?"


Peri chuckles at that and offers a nod back to the new people, now that she's noticed them looking over. She raises a brow and peers into the case. Looks pretty standard, nothing to fret about there. It's just *pot*, after all. It'll just make you hungry, maybe horny, definitely giggly. Right? "Nobody lives forever. Except the people who leave behind memorable things. Like Picasso, say. That guy left behind art that won't be forgotten. That's how you live forever. Make a mark that isn't forgotten."


Silvana smiles at Rip "Causing trouble I see" she looks to Casey "Well they have pies, croissant flavored things. Rolls filled with more sweets, brownies.. cookies.. What is your poison?" she asks him.


"Something with chocolate and coffee I think is the plan here." Casey smiles at Silvana as he checks in with her on what she's thinking of getting. Moving to the counter he gets his wallet out so they can order.


Rip leans back in his chair a little bit and gives Sil a grin. "Never. Tryin' be more like you, ma'am, a true paragon of social morality and guardian of traditional ideals." He says in a tone that somehow seems sarcastically mocking and earnestly complimentary all at once. He unleans his chair then, rocking back towards his two companions for the moment. "Nah, can't do it inside round here. Some people don't like it, fair enough, right? Y’all wanna step around back?" He suggest, like they might be a bunch of high school kids clustering up behind the coffee shop to sneak in a quick smoke. The case is closed now and hes using it to point at Peri, waggling it at her slightly. "You like Picasso? Like, personally? I never got it. Like..I GET it...But i just don't like his work."


Wulfra nods. "Yes... we can step around the back. I would like to see this." She looks to Peri with a questioning glance, as if asking if she's coming too without actually saying anything.


Peri says, “Yeah, also, Picasso was a complete dick of a human being... but you know who he is, even have an opinion on his work. Right? That's immortality." She hrms, then shrugsd. "Sure, why the hell not?" She rises, apparently having no sense of 'stranger danger' at all. No fear. She leans over to pick up her knapsack and a well-loved skateboard with a bottom deck covered in stickers as the kids do. "Let's go.” Wulfra causes the front door to jingle by stepping back out the front door and onto the street. Wulfra has left. You stand and leave Small Square Table.


Rip shifts his attention slowly between Wulfra and Peri. He looks, for a moment, visibly confused. Like he hadn't considered for a moment they'd take him up on the offer. "To the second location." He says with a slightly awkward titter of laughter that hes quick to choke off by clearing his throat, standing up and heading towards the door. Riptavian causes the front door to jingle by stepping back out the front door and onto the street. Riptavian has left.

D St. and Fifth Ave.(#253RJM)

D St. and Fifth Ave., now also known as Kensington Gardens, is a public park and pedestrian zone. Both family and counter-culturally friendly, this green urban oasis stretches the full mile-square length and width of the neighborhood. Barred to motorized vehicles, the shops and cafes lining the street are able to provide ample outdoor seating for visitors and residents that rings the perimeter of the kinetic playground and xerioscaped gardens occupying the space where blacktop and pavement used to be. It is a cool and inviting island in the chaos of commerce and car exhaust that comprises the rest of Downtown Prospect.

Wulfra heads into the alley. Wulfra has left. Riptavian heads into the alley. Riptavian has left. You head into the alley.

D St. and Fifth Ave. - Alley

Situated between Detonation Boulevard and the building beside it, this alley is kept clean and well lit. It ends at the featureless back wall of another building from the next street. There is an unmarked door that leads into the first floor of the building, as well as a heavy metal staircase that leads up to the apartment on the second floor.

The chimerical presence here is notable. Nevers occasionally perch on windowsills or peek over the edge of the building's roof, and other creatures occasionally nose around and attempt to get through the doors into the building itself. Traces of glamour linger on one of the landings into the apartment, just enough to give away a fairly regular Kithain presence on the premises.


Wulfra leans against the wall of the familiar alleyway, taking a deep breath. "Always nice to be outside, if you can mind the cobwebs..." she mutters, before looking to Rip. "Alright, show me how you do this."


Peri chuckles and fishes in her knapsack for a water bottle, then takes a quick pull off of it. "Gah, too much coffee," she says with a laugh. "You need a lighter there, fella? Uh, didn't actually get your name. I'm actually named Peri."


Rip follows along, settling into a lean against the wall opposite Wulfra. "You just uh, you know. Inhale the smoke." He says, taking the case back out and fishing out three joints. "Yall want your own or you wanna share to make sure I'm not spiking ya?" He offers with a little grin. "Aaand on the topic of immortality, shit, you got me there. I'm sitting here talking about him. Smug prick." With that Rip lights up one of the joints with a cheap white plastic lighter. "Naw, what kind of a degenerate would I be without my own lighter? Ahn' my names Riptavian . Rip'll do though, or Tavi if you wanna sound like my grandma."


Wulfra takes one of the rolled things, looking over it curiously. "So you burn this little thing for the smoke? Yes... I suppose I should use the lighter too." She glances at Rip with a nod. "And I am Wulfra."


"Wulfra!" He proclaims with a single 'ha' as he flicks the lighter and ignites Wulras joint. "Thats a powerful name. Wulfra, Goddamn, I like it. Got a ring to it. Whats your last name? It better not be something lame like Wulfra Jones." He teases, giving her a slightly skeptical look. "Yep, just inhale through it...Air passes over it, draws into your lungs. Hold, exhale." He gives Peri a little look like 'the fuck did you find her?' But the look is brief and then hes focused back on the odd 'exchange student'.


The tip of Wulfra's mouth pulls up a bit into a smirk. "Thank you... and I do not have one at the moment." She pauses. "That was not... customary." She quickly looks down to the joint, wrapping her lips awkwardly around it before taking a much too large and aggressive inhale. She pulls it out of her mouth afterwards, holding it carefully, staring down at herself as if unsure what to do. "...how long do you hold it?" She speaks clesrly, despite the wisps of smoke escaping her mouth.


Rip blows a plume of smoke up and away from her and slides around to take a spot on the wall next to her, about shoulder to shoulder. "As long as you want? Or can? You uh, you got some lungs on you huh?" He asks, perking a brow slowly. "Sturdy.." he mutters, taking another hit and licking his lips slowly. "Not yet huh, what, you shopping for one?" He asks with a little snort, smoke blowing out his nose causing him to jerk his head off to the side and sneeze.


With the 'as long ss you want' comment, Wulfra nods, leaning back against the wall and closing her eyes. She does not take any breaths, nor exhale, small wisps of smoke instead just slowly poking out from her nostrils and slightly ajar mouth. After about half a minute more, though, she finally exhales... through both her mouth and nostrils at once, a smile creeping onto her face. "It is... nice to know people do this. She glances over to him, opening her fiery amber eyes as she speaks. "Shopping? There is a store for last names?"


Rip might have the social awareness of a sack of cement sometimes but he isn't a complete fool. There is...Something...About this one. An unplaceable otherness, a strangeness of sorts. Not to mention that feat of breath control. "..i can rent you mine for like twenty bucks a month." Rip ventures with a half cocked grin. "Its a solid name. Classical. Valentine." He says, making a sweeping gesture in the air as if he mighr expect someone in post to edit in the name across the screen. "Yeah, smoke all sorts of things. Its a pretty big hobby of mine." He says with another almost awkward half laugh as he takes another large (ok, maybe not by Wulfra standards) hit and holds for a bit, blowing out slowly.


"Valentine..." Wulfra mutters as she idly takes snother drag, holding in for a shorter smount of time before blowing out a perfect billowing cloud without even thinking about it. "Is that not the name of a day? And how would you rent something like that? Seems... much too complicated for something so simple."


"Lots of things share names. Valentines day is a date. A date can mean a day, or an engagement for an activity. Rain and Reign are spelled differently, said the same. Language is hard." He says with a shrug. "...Whats your deal? You're fucking weird as hell, Wulfra, and you just held a hit in longer than an Olympic swimmer could manage." He asks, not looking at her as he speaks. "Most people get nervous 'round me, like prey animals staring down something wants'ta make'em dinner." Eyes cut to Peri (cause shes still here? Girl cant handle her weed! Gone all wallflower!). "Neither of you do...."


Wulfra stares at the ground for a few moments, then up at him. "Prey animals... why would thry act like that? Do people hunt each other now?" She pauses, giving a soft rrrrr under hre breath as she takes another drag of the smoke, the thing near spent already. "My deal... I have no deals in motion currently. And... this is just natural to me."


"Your grasp of English is real good for having such a fundamental...Lacking... I basic concepts." He comments, giving a little sniff and another drag. "Because they're weak. They're just human..." Rip ventures, staring off at a fixed point at the wall, speaking in a soft mutter now. "They can feel the throb of the beast within me and they know what it means. The spirit remembers what the flesh forgets." Oh, okay. So he’s a crazy person. Just the kind of guy you wanna follow into an alley.


Wulfra huffs a large bout of smoke from her nose. "Basic is relative..." she says, glancing up to him with a glimmer in her eyes as she narrows them. "... the spirit remembers..." she mutters after him before speaking up more. "They are indeed... soft. And indeed they have forgotten much.... " She eyes him up more carefully, tilting her head curiously. "But you... make them remember?"


"Like a cold finger trailing down your spine." He confirms. "Something they can't see, but they can feel, beyond what they can perceive.." He says with an almost smug tone. "Less of memory and more of a fever dream." He adds, a little rambly from the smoking. "Its a rare thing, in the grand you know...Plot of things... People like us. People Above the Cut so to speak, not just another fuckin' cattle marching to the slaughter."


Wulfra mmms. "...yes... all too rare." She takes another huge drag of the blunt, the thing skready completely spent. She examines it, sighing, before tossing what remains to burn on the ground. "But things are changing. I see so many signs... it makes me hopeful. People are strange, but... most things are. Everything has merit."


"Do you? That does sound hopeful... Me? I don't much put stock in hope. The tides are rising. The seasons are changing...Its almost winter." He says with a half cocked grin, sounding like he might be parroting something hes heard and doesn't quite fully grasp himself. Wulfra gets a glance, eyes finally pulling off their spot on the wall. "...I'll show you mine if you show me yours." He says in a teasing voice, knowing he should clean up that phrasing for the metaphor impaired Wulfra but unable to bring himself to actually do so.


Wulfra shrugs. "Seeing is believing, yes? And... winter does not bother one built of fire." She pulls herself from the wall, looking down the alley to where Peri went to take a piss... or a phone call... or whatever else she could be doing... before looking back to Rip. "Show me your what, exactly?"


"A turn of phrase... What are you? I'm curious. It'll be the fuckin' death of me, but I can't help it.." He says with a grin, following her gaze down to where Peri had dipped off. "We can slink off a little bit, if you want. Or you can tell me to fuck off.."


Wulfra thinks for a few moments. "This 'smoking' has put me in a mood... I would like to slink off somewhere with less eyes, yes. And... what did you call it? Beast? I suppose I am a beast too... to them. Foreign exchange beast..." she says with a slight smirk.


"Yeah, it does that. This one is for mood elevation and light sedation. Others are for energy and focus. Drugs are a fuckin' trip, if you're...Like...Unfamiiliar." He says with a soft hmm. "And yeah, The Beast, some people in the know call it.." The Foreign exchange beast gets a laugh out of him that he doesn't bother to choke back this time. "Yeah, ok--Lets slip off.." He says and starts for the opposite end of the alley than they'd entered. "You...Don't seem too delicate. Follow me."

Riptavian walks out of the alley and back to the street. Riptavian has left.