
From City of Hope MUSH
Revision as of 16:03, 29 April 2017 by imported>Rhys (→‎Others)
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  • Quentin - You have the biggest heart, the highest ideals. When you speak I listen. Brother.
  • Antoine - Big man, good heart. There was something about you from the moment we met. I'm glad you've joined the pack. I look forward to learning more.


  • Zeppelin - We tread into dangerous ground my friend, secrets shared but never revealed.
  • Felix - For a good time, call. Seriously, you're awesome.
  • Torsten - Glad for the opportunity to help around the forge. I have a feeling the clunker and I are going to be old friends.
  • Amethyst - I owe you big time. Come to me anytime you have questions. I might be able to answer them. Sometimes. Rarely. Why is everyone so much smarter than me?


  • Sandra - *Wolf Crush* Ma'am.
  • Journey - What I've seen of you in person has not been much. What I've heard about you is worrisome. Clearly I need to get to know you and see for myself.
  • George - Thank you for listening.
  • Alecto - It was good meeting you, I look forward to seeing more.
  • Eloise - Yes ma'am.
  • Alessio - Things begin to make more sense.


  • Annabelle - Sweet, kind and seems to have a good head on her shoulders. Plus she dishes. What? I have a weakness for gossip. It's a Philodox thing.
  • John Sloan - Dude really likes to throw his money around. He can talk shit, but he can also apologize. Good people. Potential packmate?
  • Monica - We see eye to eye on things. I would like to subscribe to your newsletter.
  • Marcel - My little sister's roommate. I have no complaints yet. Time will tell.
  • Kanu - I'd call you Rocket but I don't think you'd get the reference.
  • Saria - So quiet and then BAM, that humor.
  • Amanda Pierce - I'm so sorry about my father. Glad you founds yours.
  • Bjorn - Bear!
  • Furio - Ouch. Sorry buddy, that looked painful.
  • Cenn - What. The. Hell. Okay, so in proper Philodox fashion I am of two minds. 1. You're challenging my prejudices. This is good. 2. So. Many. Pranks. Are we best friends yet?
  • Sebastien - We met at Furio's during that kinfolk meeting. I would love to get to know you better, we seem to be on a similar page.
  • Isolde - You and I share a mind on important things. Your wife is very eloquent as well.


  • Amelia - My little sister. I hope you are enjoying your extended honeymoon.
  • Duncan - I hope you enjoy your time away. We will welcome you, should you return.