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Secrets are good for trading, and for fleshing out certain people. You can add your Secrets Background to your dice pool for rolls involving Intimidation, Seduction, Streetwise, Etiquette, Investigation, Law, Lore, Occult, or Politics -- providing you're willing to let others know what you know. This might get you into trouble, but it's a good ace to have up your sleeve. Exposing a big secret may buy you some Renown, especially if you share it with other werecats. That same secret, once revealed, can stir up ungodly amounts of trouble. This may be exactly what you want, or the last thing you need. Funny thing about secrets, you never can tell which way the wind will blow once they're in the open.
Secrets are good for trading, and for fleshing out certain people. You can add your Secrets Background to your dice pool for rolls involving Intimidation, Seduction, Streetwise, Etiquette, Investigation, Law, Lore, Occult, or Politics -- providing you're willing to let others know what you know. This might get you into trouble, but it's a good ace to have up your sleeve. Exposing a big secret may buy you some Renown, especially if you share it with other werecats. That same secret, once revealed, can stir up ungodly amounts of trouble. This may be exactly what you want, or the last thing you need. Funny thing about secrets, you never can tell which way the wind will blow once they're in the open.
The Secret rating should reflect the overall importance of the classified goods. The bigger or more dangerous the secret is, the higher the rating. This Background comes in two varieties:
    The Secret rating should reflect the overall importance of the classified goods. The bigger or more dangerous the secret is, the higher the rating. This Background comes in two varieties:
     General Secrets, which reflect a body of local information. General secrets usually apply to one area. If you know which Brooklyn cops are on the take and you leave Brooklyn, you can learn another Secret, forfeit the Background, or specialize in finding corrupt cops everywhere. This last option takes time, and should be RolePlayed. Think Chinatown.
     General Secrets, which reflect a body of local information. General secrets usually apply to one area. If you know which Brooklyn cops are on the take and you leave Brooklyn, you can learn another Secret, forfeit the Background, or specialize in finding corrupt cops everywhere. This last option takes time, and should be RolePlayed. Think Chinatown.
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You simply decide on the Background rank, the Storyteller tells you what you know. It may be true or false, but it should always be important. There may be some great reward for passing the mystery on -- a reward that could lead to buying another Background, or to your destruction.
You simply decide on the Background rank, the Storyteller tells you what you know. It may be true or false, but it should always be important. There may be some great reward for passing the mystery on -- a reward that could lead to buying another Background, or to your destruction.
1) Serious dirt (corrupt politicians, Kindred politics). (tis my present level)
1) Serious dirt (corrupt politicians, Kindred politics). (tis me present level)
This informatiom for future developement in this background
This informatiom for future developement in this background
2)Gossip (affairs, minor bribes, the president's bad habits).
3)Interesting tidbits (which cops are on the take, the mayor's mistress and her address, "proof" of alien contact).
2) Gossip (affairs, minor bribes, the president's bad habits).
4)Frightening dirt (the governor's black book, an elder vampire's haven, the second gunman on the grassy knoll.
5)A danger to others, and to yourself (a capo's bank account); an archwizard's True Name; plans of an upcoming invasion of DChina.
3) Interesting tidbits (which cops are on the take, the mayor's mistress and her address, "proof" of alien contact).
4) Frightening dirt (the governor's black book, an elder vampire's haven, the second gunman on the grassy knoll.
5) A danger to others, and to yourself (a capo's bank account); an archwizard's True Name; plans of an upcoming invasion of DChina.
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This Background is the spiritual equivalent of Contacts. You maintain good relationships with small spirits in the region, who gladly feed you information about goings-on in the local Penumbra. Sometimes they notice things that physical observers on Earth just wouldn't catch. This Background contributes to the generally creepy reputation of the Theurge Auspice, giving them access to information they would have no real way of knowing.
This Background is the spiritual equivalent of Contacts. You maintain good relationships with small spirits in the region, who gladly feed you information about goings-on in the local Penumbra. Sometimes they notice things that physical observers on Earth just wouldn't catch. This Background contributes to the generally creepy reputation of the Theurge Auspice, giving them access to information they would have no real way of knowing.
This background is most often employed in Downtimes or by role-playing with a Storyteller. The level of the Background corresponds to the extent of knowledge the Spirit Network can discover.
    This background is most often employed in Downtimes or by role-playing with a Storyteller. The level of the Background corresponds to the extent of knowledge the Spirit Network can discover.
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Corax run the Umbra as well as, if not better than, anyone. Apart from the Nuwisha, the Corax spend more time in the Umbra than anyone else, and over the millennia the raven-folk have searched out routes, paths and safe back alleys through the Velvet Shadow. More to the point, they've communicated this knowledge and disseminated it, meaning that chances are pretty good that any given wereraven has a chance of knowing at least a few safe routes and safe places in the Umbra. Corax with this background also have a shot at knowing where the local unsafe places are, what lives in them, and possibly, how to lure unfriendly creatures into those places where visitors aren't welcome.
Corax run the Umbra as well as, if not better than, anyone. Apart from the Nuwisha, the Corax spend more time in the Umbra than anyone else, and over the millennia the raven-folk have searched out routes, paths and safe back alleys through the Velvet Shadow. More to the point, they've communicated this knowledge and disseminated it, meaning that chances are pretty good that any given wereraven has a chance of knowing at least a few safe routes and safe places in the Umbra. Corax with this background also have a shot at knowing where the local unsafe places are, what lives in them, and possibly, how to lure unfriendly creatures into those places where visitors aren't welcome.
One or two safe paths and a hidey-hole or two (this is present development)
1) One or two safe paths and a hidey-hole or two (this is present development)
The below information is for future development
The below information is for future development
2) Multiple routes to frequent destinations
2) Multiple routes to frequent destinations
3) Knowledge of safe zones, routes practically anywhere, and where not to go.
3) Knowledge of safe zones, routes practically anywhere, and where not to go
4) Multiple safe places and hides out, an encyclopedic knowledge of Umbral pathways and an awareness of what lves where
4) Multiple safe places and hides out, an encyclopedic knowledge of Umbral pathways and an awareness of what lves where
5) A Near-perfect knowledge of the Near Umbra, where to go, and what to avoid.  
5) A Near-perfect knowledge of the Near Umbra, where to go, and what to avoid.  

Revision as of 23:56, 27 January 2018


xxxxxFlit is a young Corvid from the Mannin (Isle of Man) who became enraptured with a Celtic Band while exploring the ways of Humanity. So smitten, he decided to follow the musicians as they toured America. The band's tour ended abruptly in Prospect and each member went their separate ways. Fascinated by the City of Hope, he decide to stay and maybe explore his OWN humanity in turn.

xxxxx 'Flit!', his Corvid Rite Name, is due to his habit of flying from one interest to another. 'Feeagh' is a Manx Gaelic word and was his response when the first human asked him his name when trying out his featherless form. He didn't have an answer and just blurted out 'Raven' in the language he was most used to. It stuck.'


  • Gaian, Shifter, Fera, Corax
    He's a good Gaian, a shrewd Shifter, friendly Fera and curious Corax. Should any of those be called for he's your bird.
  • Flying about
    Flit loves exploring his new home. The things he's seen in the short time his been here would make his Eastern Cousins jealous or terrified. He's been warned not to enter residences. Too easy to get trapped like that. Maybe you've seen him poking around your yard though. Or around town. He's most often found exploring the natural areas in an around Prospect.
  • The Prospect Waterfront
    This island-born lad has a nest somewhere along the Prospect shores and uses the waterfront as his personal store, acquiring 'lost' clothing and other useful bits and pieces. Late night bonfires are especially fruitful times when the Homids are wasted or other wise distracted by amorous activities. Perhaps you encounter him during his daily (or nightly) investigations of the local shores.
  • The Streets
    A penniless homid, this has been his first step in embracing his humanity. So far he hasn't joined a gang or started turning tricks, but he's still new to it all. Perhaps you spy the young lad as he tries his wings at 'being human.'
  • Umbral Ranger
    He knows a few safe paths. A few hidey-holes. He's looking for more. Perhaps you encounter him as he explores the other side or is looking for weak spots in the Gauntlet.
While still new to town he's met a few of his kin. He looks forward to meeting more in time.
Spirit Network
Through his exploration of the local Umbra, he's started to make friendships among some of the Animal Spirits. This is in part as he is recognized to have some special Spirit Heritage among their kind.
The Streets
While not having any 'established' contacts as yet, he is not above exploring this as an avenue to gather what he needs.

Birds of a Feather

My local Corax cousins.
Some refer to a group of Ravens as “an unkindness” or even “a conspiracy”. One is just rude and so wrong, the other maybe closer to to the truth, still I much prefer "a Congress of Ravens". It reflects better we have important deeds to do.

The Kin mention her as a fellow Corvid. Perhaps she has some secrets of how best to embrace one's humanity. I shall seek her.

The Kin have made mention of him, though they don't seem to be able to say much other than he's Gaian. I look forward to no more of this Royan the Awesomest.

The Kin spoke of a young Sorceress among their number. They say she is a talented Teller of Fortunes. I shall seek her at The_Lost_Art she is said to haunt.

The Kin have warned of a most cunning Buzzard, but he's said to be a Mental Patient? Perhaps this is something that should be looked into more closely to make sure the mad fool is secure.

Persons of Interest

These are natives of the local area that I have discovered of interest.

  • Badass Gaian Sorceress
    She is said to be a fierce sorceress among the kinfolk. I am advised to seek her out being a newcomer and may of help making an adjustment to the City.
  • The Ginger She-wolf
    Met her in the Deep Forest. Friendly enough, but made sure I knew where I WASN'T invited.


This is pretty much OOC Stuff
I just wanted to keep a handy reference of how different Merits, Flaws, Backgrounds and other stuff worked.

Merits & Flaws

This totally OOC Stuff
I just needed some place to keep it as a easy reference... so yeah... OOC, please and thank you.

  • Bird's Eye Merit (4)

A Corax with this Merit has the knack for automatically picking the right target to follow out of a crowd. Even if there are 60 Garou at a moot, a Corax with this Merit has merely to make a successful Wits + Awareness roll (difficulty 7) to pick out the proper (read: Most interesting; this can also be translated as "most important to the ongoing plot") target to follow. A botch on this roll sends the Corax in the entirely wrong direction, which can also have interesting consequences.

  • Double Draught Merit (2)

Most Corax can only drink from one of any given dead man's eyes. You have the unique knack of drinking from both, allowing you to see details more mainstream Corax might miss. You get the best and worst of the corpse's death, and can integrate the two to form a coherent picture, rather than being forced to rely on one viewpoint or the other.

  • Approachable (1)

There's something very inviting and nonthreatening about you. People find you very easy to start a conversation with. Even distrustful creatures tend to put aside their instinctive wariness of mortals in regard to you. Reduce the difficulty of any Empathy rolls involving other people by two.

  • Lifesaver Flaw (3)

You believe that human life is a sacred gift, and will not take a person's life except in the most extreme of circumstances. You may not ever willingly endanger the lives of innocents or in any way participate in a killing. You have no problems with killing animals (for the right reasons), and will kill evil and inhuman creatures to protect others if necessary. (Be very careful, however, with your definition of "evil"....) Senseless death in all forms repulses you, and you feel that those who commit murder should be punished.

  • Curiousity Flaw (2)

You are a naturally curious person, and find mysteries of any sort irresistible. In most circumstances, you find that your curiosity easily overrides your common sense. To resist the temptation, make a Wits roll (difficulty 5) for simple things like, "I wonder what is in that cabinet." Increase the difficulty up to 9 for things like, "I wonder what those strange sounds coming from the Unseelie duke's freehold are. I'll just slip in and check it out — no one will ever know. What could possibly go wrong

  • Slip Sideways (1)

You can't always control your passage to the Umbra. If, during a stressful situation, you should confront a highly reflective surface, roll Wits + Occult, difficulty 7, to avoid making the shift. You must still make a Gnosis roll to pass the Gauntlet in this instance, though your difficulty is 1 less — but only when you accidentally step sideways. If you want to go through, you're at normal difficulty.

  • Ignorant (1)

You tend to miss common cultural references that others take for granted, such as the knowing that the Statue of Liberty is in New York City. You're not necessarily dumb or uneducated; a cloistered college researcher could just as easily dive so deeply into his field of study that he dismisses anything outside it. You do tend to give people the impression that you're slow and uneducated, however.

Background Benefits

This totally OOC Stuff
Background Subset.

  • Kinfolk

Kinfolk are your family -- humans or wolves whom Luna may never have blessed with the potential to Change into Garou, but who continue to care for and support your part in the war. Human kinfolk, unlike most other humans, are immune to the Delirium, being able to bear the sight of you in your war-forms without instinctive fear. Kinfolk are prime reproductive partners; children you have by Kinfolk have a chance to become Garou, whereas children you have by non-Kinfolk only have a chance to be Kinfolk themselves.

   You can ask your Kinfolk to keep an eye on a particular location for you, often your home. They'll be able to alert you if anything unusual is going on.
   You can ask your Kinfolk to manage day-to-day affairs for you, which helps you hold more Influence than usual. Each Kinfolk you employ in this way adds one to the total number of Influence Traits you can maintain. (See the Influence rules for more information.)

  • Other People's Secrets

Secrets are good for trading, and for fleshing out certain people. You can add your Secrets Background to your dice pool for rolls involving Intimidation, Seduction, Streetwise, Etiquette, Investigation, Law, Lore, Occult, or Politics -- providing you're willing to let others know what you know. This might get you into trouble, but it's a good ace to have up your sleeve. Exposing a big secret may buy you some Renown, especially if you share it with other werecats. That same secret, once revealed, can stir up ungodly amounts of trouble. This may be exactly what you want, or the last thing you need. Funny thing about secrets, you never can tell which way the wind will blow once they're in the open.

   The Secret rating should reflect the overall importance of the classified goods. The bigger or more dangerous the secret is, the higher the rating. This Background comes in two varieties:
   General Secrets, which reflect a body of local information. General secrets usually apply to one area. If you know which Brooklyn cops are on the take and you leave Brooklyn, you can learn another Secret, forfeit the Background, or specialize in finding corrupt cops everywhere. This last option takes time, and should be RolePlayed. Think Chinatown.
   Specific Secrets, which feature one large item of worldwide importance. A Specific secret is only good until it's exposed; after that, you must either learn another Secret or trade in the Background. Think The Pelican Brief.

You simply decide on the Background rank, the Storyteller tells you what you know. It may be true or false, but it should always be important. There may be some great reward for passing the mystery on -- a reward that could lead to buying another Background, or to your destruction.

1) Serious dirt (corrupt politicians, Kindred politics). (tis me present level)

This informatiom for future developement in this background

2) Gossip (affairs, minor bribes, the president's bad habits).

3) Interesting tidbits (which cops are on the take, the mayor's mistress and her address, "proof" of alien contact).

4) Frightening dirt (the governor's black book, an elder vampire's haven, the second gunman on the grassy knoll.

5) A danger to others, and to yourself (a capo's bank account); an archwizard's True Name; plans of an upcoming invasion of DChina.

  • Spirit Heritage (Animal Spirits)

Similar to Pure Breed in a sense, Spirit Heritage is a measure of your spirit's noble lineage. It represents your passages through the cycle, and the things your spirit has done before. When you select this background, choose one type of spirit. Examples of possible groups are animal spirits, plant spirits, elementals, urban spirits, and even Banes. When dealing with spirits of this type, the player may add his Spirit Heritage rating to any Social rolls, or rolls involved in challenges. Spirits whom you are attuned to view you, to some degree, as one of their own -- a daunting prospect for those attuned to Banes, when other Garou discover their heritage. Spirits recognize this power innately, and cannot help but be impressed by it. Each level of Spirit Heritage you possess provides a bonus to your Social Traits in Social Challenges with Spirits who favor your lineage. Visible only in the Umbra.

Spirits whom you are attuned to will see you as more than just another Garou, they will also view you as one of their own. If you act against such spirits or ignore their plights, you may be seen as betraying them.

  • Spirit Network (Animal SPirits)

This Background is the spiritual equivalent of Contacts. You maintain good relationships with small spirits in the region, who gladly feed you information about goings-on in the local Penumbra. Sometimes they notice things that physical observers on Earth just wouldn't catch. This Background contributes to the generally creepy reputation of the Theurge Auspice, giving them access to information they would have no real way of knowing.

   This background is most often employed in Downtimes or by role-playing with a Storyteller. The level of the Background corresponds to the extent of knowledge the Spirit Network can discover.

  • Umbral Maps

Corax run the Umbra as well as, if not better than, anyone. Apart from the Nuwisha, the Corax spend more time in the Umbra than anyone else, and over the millennia the raven-folk have searched out routes, paths and safe back alleys through the Velvet Shadow. More to the point, they've communicated this knowledge and disseminated it, meaning that chances are pretty good that any given wereraven has a chance of knowing at least a few safe routes and safe places in the Umbra. Corax with this background also have a shot at knowing where the local unsafe places are, what lives in them, and possibly, how to lure unfriendly creatures into those places where visitors aren't welcome.

1) One or two safe paths and a hidey-hole or two (this is present development)

The below information is for future development

2) Multiple routes to frequent destinations

3) Knowledge of safe zones, routes practically anywhere, and where not to go . 4) Multiple safe places and hides out, an encyclopedic knowledge of Umbral pathways and an awareness of what lves where

5) A Near-perfect knowledge of the Near Umbra, where to go, and what to avoid.


This totally OOC Stuff
Gift Stuff

  • Enemy Ways

The Corax gains an acute and accurate danger sense. This Gift is taught by one of Grandfather Thunder’s Stormcrows.

The player rolls Perception + Primal-Urge, difficulty 7. Success grants knowledge of the number and nature of hostile entities within (Wisdom x 20) yards, with more successes granting clearer information.

  • Raven's Gleaning

The Corax may tell, at a glance, whether or not a shiny object is worth obtaining. A raven-spirit teaches this Gift.

The player spends a point of Gnosis, bestowing instinctive knowledge of whether or not a specific object the Corax can perceive is of value (this may indicate financial or practical value, or that it will be in some way useful in the future — the Corax doesn’t know which).

  • Voice Of The Mimic

This Gift allows the Cora to imitate any sound or voice she has heard. Voices and accents are all covered by the scope of the Gift, as are machine noises, crashes, gunfire and any other noise you can imagine. Voice of the Mimic is taught by a mynah-spirit.

The Gift requires a Perception + Expression (or Mimicry) roll, with the difficulty based on the complexity of the sound.

More Personal Stuff

This totally OOC Stuff
I just needed some place to keep it as a easy reference... so yeah... OOC, please and thank you.

<---=##================[ A-Large-Black-Bird ]================##=---> <---=##=---------------------[ Vitals ]---------------------=##=--->

 Age...........................18  Breed.....................Corvid
 Camp.......................Gaian  Concept.Country Bird In Big City
 Current Form........Corax-corvid  Demeanor..................Enigma
 Faction....................Gaian  Fullname..................Feeagh
 Geographic Origin....Isle Of Man  Nature.................Trickster
 Race.....................Shifter  Risk Level.....................2
 Rite Name...................Flit  Shifter Rank...................1

<---=##=-------------------[ Attributes ]-------------------=##=--->

       Physical                Social                 Mental          
 Strength.......01/02  Manipulation...-2/01  Perception.......07/04
 Dexterity......05/04  Charisma.......04/04  Intelligence.....02/02
 Stamina........03/03  Appearance.....02/02  Wits.............04/04

<---=##=---------------[ Primary Abilities ]----------------=##=--->

      Talents                 Skills                Knowledges        
 Alertness......03/03  Animal Ken......03/03  Enigmas.........04/03
 Dodge..........04/03  Stealth.........03/03  Investigation...01/01
 Primal Urge....03/03  Survival........03/03  Linguistics.....01/01
 Streetwise.....01/01                         Lore Fera.......03/03
 Subterfuge.....02/01                         Occult..........01/01

<---=##=--------------[ Secondary Abilities ]---------------=##=--->

   Secondary Talents     Secondary Skills   Secondary Knowledges   

<---=##=---------------------[ Powers ]---------------------=##=--->

 --------------------------- < Gifts > ----------------------------
 Enemy Ways.01/01  Raven's Gleaning.01/01  Voice Of The Mimic.01/01
 --------------------------- < Rites > ----------------------------

<---=##=-------------------[ Advantages ]-------------------=##=--->

      Backgrounds                 Merits               Flaws          
 Kinfolk...........01/01  Approachable...01/01  Curiosity.....02/02
 Other People's Sec01/01  Bird's Eye.....04/04  Ignorant......01/01
 Spirit Heritage...01/01  Double Draught.02/02  Lifesaver.....03/03
 Spirit Network....01/01                        Slip Sideways.01/01
 Umbral Maps.......01/01                           

<--==##=---------------------[ Pools ]----------------------=##==-->

 Banality......07/07  Blood..........25/25  Faith.............02/02
 Gnosis........06/06  Health.........07/07  Rage..............01/01

<---=##=----------------------[ Misc ]----------------------=##=--->

 Glory.........00/00  Honor..........00/00  Temp Glory........00/00
 Temp Honor....00/00  Temp Wisdom....00/00  Wisdom............03/03
 Lang Avian....05/05  Lang Corax.....05/05  Lang English......05/05
 Lang Gaelic...05/05  






Cur meer da'n feeagh, as hig eh reeisht.
Give a piece to the raven and he'll come again.
- Old Manx Saying
vital statistics
Corvid Name: Flit!
Homid Name: Fleeagh
Apparent Age: Late Teens
Sphere: Gaian Shifter
Demeanor: Enigma
Species: Fera Corax
Origin Country: Mannin (Isle of Man)
Cur meer da'n feeagh, as hig eh reeisht.
Give a piece to the raven and he'll come again.
- Old Manx Saying
notable attributes
Willpower •••••• (Confident)
Gnosis •••••• (Spiritual)
Perception ••••/••• (Spying)
Dexterity ••••/• (Aerialist)
Wits •••• (Puzzler)
Charisma •••• (Infectious Humor)
Flit's Strength • (He's just a bird!)
Feeagh's Strength •• (Just a normal guy)
Stamina ••• (He can keep up)
Manipulation • (He's kinda simple)
to move lightly and swiftly; fly, dart, or skim along
- dictionary.com
notable skills
Alertness •••
Dodge •••/•
Flight •••
Mimicry •••
Animal Ken •••
Stealth •••
Survival •••
Enigmas •••/•
Fera Lore •••
Multilingual Avian, Corax
Multilingual English, Gaelic
Cur meer da'n feeagh, as hig eh reeisht.
Give a piece to the raven and he'll come again.
- Old Manx Saying
other notables
Corvid Gift Enemy Ways
Corvid Gift Raven's Gleaning
Corvid Gift Voice of the Mimic
Merit Bird's Eye
Merit Double Draught
Merit Approachable
Cur meer da'n feeagh, as hig eh reeisht.
Give a piece to the raven and he'll come again.
- Old Manx Saying

Born To Fly -Sara Evans

How do you wait for heaven
And who has that much time
And how do you keep your feet on the ground
When you know
That you were born, (you were born, yeah),
You were born to fly
