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[[Category:Logs]] [[Category:Branton]]  [[Category:Irsa]] [[Category:Jackie]] [[Category:Pancake]] [[Category:Rhapsody]] [[Category:Trey]] [[Category:Garou]] [[Category:Bastet]] [[Category:Sorcerer]] [[Category:Kinfolk]]
[[Category:Logs]] [[Category:Branton]]  [[Category:Irsa]] [[Category:Jackie]] [[Category:Pancake]] [[Category:Rhapsody]] [[Category:Trey]] [[Category:Garou]] [[Category:Bastet]] [[Category:Sorcerer]] [[Category:Kinfolk]] [[Category:Ever-Changing]]
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|name      = 04.20.23 Packhouse Gift!
|name      = 04.20.23 Packhouse Gift!

Latest revision as of 11:09, 21 April 2023

04.20.23 Packhouse Gift!
The Tiganites family comes over with their packhouse-warming gift! An evacuation of a spider and a tour of the beauty of the Umbral side of the place follow.
IC Date 04.20.23
Players Branton, Irsa, Iris, Jackie, Rhapsody, Trey
Location The Misteseekers’ Packhouse
Spheres Garou, Bastet, Sorcerer, Kinfolk

Tenement - Foyer

This narrow, long foyer isn't fancy, but it does the job. A pair of bay windows allow light into the space, making it welcoming and functional, highlighting the flooring made from mock sandstone tiles. The off-white walls and ceiling are edged with light-brown baseboards and beams. A large postal box for the tenants is set into the east wall, opposite a narrow console table thoughtfully set up for tenants to sort through their mail. Stairs at the back of the foyer lead up to the apartments on the second and third floors, and down to the basement below. A pair of doors flanking the staircase lead into the residential common room beyond.


Irsa leads the way back to the Tenement, using the umbral paths to travel. She crosses back into the Tellurian in a nearby empty storefront, and unlocks the front door for the others. "Got a new feature," she says once everyone is inside, nodding at the Rainbow Stairwell. "Just finished puttin' in the last of the mats this morning."


Mercy has a lot of O.O! face for the rainbow stairwell, but then, she's viewing several realities at once, so it's eeeeextra dope looking to her. "Oh that is *so* pretty!" She's carrying a heavy gift wrapped thingie that crinkles cause of the paper. Also the wrapping job was OBVIOUSLY done by Pink Floyd, as it's all scrap bits of Christmas/Chanukah/birthday/easter wrapping papers. Whatever it is is large, wide, but not super deep. Also heavy, did I mention that? Cause it's fuckin heavy. Thank goodness for magic bracelets that give her Potence, otherwise this would really suck to carry around.


Branton stopped in his store room and grabbed some jars of pickles of a couple different varieties. All made and canned by gaian kinfolk "Even when I say I'm happy to help out folks insist on bartering something. A lot of the time I'll take something that'll keep because even if I don't need it right off It can sit on my shelf as easy as theirs." Pink is carrying the food as his parents carry the GIFT, little dude is practically vibrating with excitement.


Trey looks around as they enter, and grins at the rainbow stairs. "It's bright! I love it!" He does love his colors, after all. "Cheerful! So this was your big project... it looks awesome!" He offers a hand to Iris to steady the box, but Catmandude ain't rockin' magic bracers, so please, for the love of Gaia, don't drop it. To Branton, he says, "They like feeling like they've given back. Especially most Kin, who don't have your skills or confidence," he says with a wry smile. The young metis gets a grin and a "Hey Pink! Can't wait to see what this is!"


Irsa grins at Mercy. "Yeah, it turned out real well on both sides," she replies. "Ya'll ain't been in our Umbra here, have you? I can give you th' tour, it's sprung t' life in a big way since we moved in." There's a small folding wagon in the Foyer, which Irsa nods to. "Y' can set things down there, so y' don't break your arms," she offers. "Easier t' pull that than anything."


Mercy considers the wagon for a sec and then says, "Mmmm... No, I'll carry it, because if it slides off and bends something out of whack, Pink will literally lose his mind. And I'll be upset too. So I'll carry it to the place you want to receive it, and then after THAT, it's your problem! Tour after presents! Now then, take us to the Festivus Pole, that we might bestow this badass thing unto you."


Branton nods in agreement with his mate and then looks over to Pink and takes a deep breath and then another with him and they both steady as the look to Irsa for direction.


"All right, if you're sure. Don't trip over th' benches 'round the meetin' table, I forgot t' shove those back in." Irsa heads into the common room, whistling a jaunty tune.

Tenement - Common Room(#5192RA)

This area is snug and homey, the perfect place for a pack to relax and unwind. The walls have been painted a dark charcoal gray, with a white ceiling and beams framing them to make a pleasant contrast. Pale sandstone flooring compliments the color scheme, with several large colorful, striped rugs to brighten the area. Clever usage of two-foot wide walls running floor to ceiling break the room into two smaller sections. Small inset lights along the ceiling provide the bulk of the lighting.

A sturdy bench thickly padded with green cushions and backed with earth-tone pillows runs the length of the seating area. A framed section of chalkboard-paint scrawled with ever-changing chalk art decorates the wall above it. A large coffee table, an old school fabric-shade floor lamp, and a couple of wireframe pub chairs with thick cushions round out the area. The east wall is dominated by a large Smart TV and sound system.

Past this, a long wooden table flanked by thick wooden benches serves as a meeting/dining area. Framed artwork, bookshelves and collectible shelves line the walls. Far to the back of the room, a small art and craft studio is tucked under the stairs leading up to the pack member's apartments. A long, narrow horizontal window near the ceiling lends more light to the space. A doorway to the right of the stairs leads to a gaming room containing a pool table, a pair of dart boards, and an old Ms Pac-Man arcade game. To the left of the stairs is the doorway leading into Pandora's kitchen domain. A sign with the words, 'NO BITCHIN IN MY KITCHEN!' hangs above the entry.


Trey follows along merrily, nearly dancing with curiosity at what's inside the package -- he's smiling as he does, and says, "You don't go small with gifts, do you?" He chuckles, watching.


Irsa hastily shoves the wooden benches back under the meeting table. No point in killing guests with those! She plops her fetish pack atop it and ducks into the kitchen to fetch out some drinks. She's back quickly with water and a selection of juice and soda.


Mercy carries THE GIFT! in and, when a spot is pointed out, she carefully sets it down, then eyes the thing, saying, "I... don't remember which end is up." It's a heavy thing that's a few feet tall, a couple feet wide, but not very deep. It's also quite heavy, and was wrapped by a child using spare bits of a lot of differently themed wrapping papers that are frankensteined together with scotch tape, packing tape, and also duct tape. The goal was to get it covered up, not get it ready for a photo shoot, and Pink did his very best. The item clangs a metalic sound when it's set down. "Happy house warming! You and, you know, whoever else can tear the paper off at your leisure!" She grins at Trey and says, "Go big or go home, you know? Besides, we got a LITTLE worked up over this and may have gone slightly overboard."


Jackie comes in from the courtyard and gives everyone a wave of hello. Then she eyeballs the thing set down by Mercy, wondering what overboard means in a family like this.


Branton chuckles at his mate and nods "We got inspired and excited and maybe a touch out of hand but when you told us what you already had arranged we wanted to compliment it well. I really think you'll love the work Pink did on the ornamentation." And Branton pats the suddenly bashful boy on the shoulder.


Irsa eyes the package with interest, fingers twitching a bit as she sniffs the air a bit. "Jackie, you wanna do th' honors?" she asks her packmate.


Trey says, "Overboard? Never." He laughs quietly, and then offers a warm smile and a wave to Jackie. "Hey, how are you?" He's just tagging along to see the Packwarming gift, or to be companionable, or some other similar thing. He watches with eagerness.


Under the paper is a work of art! A mirror, to be exact, though one created entirely out of scrap metals, without any actual glass involved. The mirror pane itself is a sheet of copper that's been rolled and polished until it's a very nearly perfect mirror, though of course it makes everything rosey tinted. The copper mirror is framed in an elaborate, twisting, braided, folded nest of metal strips, different types of metals that have been cut with flames, shears, or simply torn to give it interesting textures and edges. That artistic tangle is crawling with little scrap part rats made of wire, nuts, bolts, washers, and other things that have been wired or welded to keep them together in little rodent forms. Lastly, some of the nest has been given color washes to add a little bit of artistic flare, or directly painted on to add some life to the rats. Just inside the frame, along the copper mirror's edges, a long series of glyphs have been etched and laquored to stand out, basically telling the story about how BAD ASS and AMAZING the spirit bound inside the mirror is. Because obviously it's magic. Like why the fuck would Mercy or Branton make an ordinary, mundane mirror for someone. That'd be insane. (There's hangy brackets on the back so it can be wall mounted.)

Also Mercy waves at Jackie with a "HI!" aimed at her.


Jackie looks back up from the mirror to nod at Trey and Mercy. "Doing pretty well. Too busy to get into much trouble lately, anyway."


Trey grins back at Jackie and says, "I know that feeling. Though I find some kinda trouble or other, somehow, seems like." He blinks once they unveil the gift, and just stares at the mirror with wide eyes. "Holy balls, that's *gorgeous*," he says in awe. "And it's a fetish too? Wow..." He's standing slightly off to one side, not too far from Iris, Branton, and Pink, who brought their packwarming gift to the house.


Irsa utters a strangled little "Eeee!" at the sight of the piece. She's over there in an instant, fully excited and checking that thing out just for the aesthetics and craftsmanship alone. This, THIS kind of thing is totally her jam. "This -- this is AMAZING! Oh man, how long did this take you t' make?" She hasn't even inspected the glyphs etched onto the work yet, she's more thrilled than a small cub in a candied bacon store.


Branton grins at the unveiled piece and says "We figured both you and Rat would approve of the found metal theme in the construction of it." Pink is practically dancing with Irsa, so happy that she's excited he starts pointing out the rats he made in the frame "There's some hidden. You'd need to look to find them all. Because you like secrets." Pink says


Rhapsody comes in from the courtyard, having dropped off a load of items she brought in before everyone was in here. "Oh hey! Guests!" Her eyes see the mirror and she ooooos, "That is nice! What detail!"


Mercy grins at Irsa's reaction, at least SOMEONE(s) enjoys quality craftsmanship, unlike certain Get Kinfolk! She seconds Pink and Branton's words with a nod of her head, and also adds, "Someone will need to attune to it and activate it, but after that it should stay working more or less all the time. Except when it doesn't feell like it." she adds. Rat spirits can be finicky some times and just randomly decide that it's nap time. She offers Rhapsody a hug, which is awkward because she doesn't do that a lot, but you know. Tribal solidarity and what not.

<---======##====================[ Dice Roll ]=====================##======--->
Irsa rolls Perception + Investigation vs 6 for 5 successes.
4 5 +6 +9 +10 +10 +10
<---======##====================[ Dice Roll ]=====================##======--->
Trey rolls Perception(3) + Rituals(4) (7 dice) vs 6 for 2 successes.
3 4 4 5 5 +7 +7


Jackie waves to Rhapsody and watches the rat hunt for a bit, not realized how much of 'that certain get kinfolk' she was being at the time. "What does activating it do?"


Irsa is allll over the mirror the second the words 'hidden' and 'secret' are out of Pink's mouth. She's using sight, touch, and even smell to find more of the cleverly-crafted rats. She's a Garou, she's not about to rely on just one sense here "Found some! Oh man, this is literally TH' BEST." She says that about every gift she's been given, because gifts are things to be treasured no matter what they are. "Thank you, this is -- I got no words." She finally clocks the glyphs, and begins puzzling out what they are. "I dunno, Jackie, but let's find out."

<---======##====================[ Dice Roll ]=====================##======--->
Irsa rolls Gnosis vs 6 for 3 successes.
1 2 2 2 5 +9 +10 +10 10


Rhapsody returns the hug from her tribe mate, because pegasus is the tie that binds! "Oh I want to see what this does! Can it make bacon? Or see into the future? Oh oh.. how about show us the right color to paint the planters outside?" She is joking.. mostly. She waves to Jackie as well, but then is watching to see what Irsa does with the mirror.


Clever Theurges will discover that the mirror is bound with a rat jaggling, and is in fact a spirit from this actual tenement. When activated, the mirror surface shivers to life, and goes from displaying the copper tinted reflections of the ladies examining it, to displaying images of different parts of the packhouse, cycling through before stopping on a single black widow spider hanging out in a web built in a bit of a crumble at the edge of the tenement wall. Mercy says, "It displays problems at home. Maybe that's a trespassing fomori, or an incoming infestation of some bug, or just,.. whatever it considers to be a problem. You told us you two are making spirit chimes, and that'll protect your spiritual side, but what if there's something else that's not a spirit, or something happening in the physical world? It should compliment the chimes nicely, help keep all your bases covered for a healthy, happy home."


Branton grins at Irsa's excitement and Pink's excitement. Just happy that everyone's happy. Then he gestures to his mate "She's brilliant. Just amazing. We just helped shape the vessel, the design was all hers."


Trey is staring at the mirror from all angles -- from behind the Mistseekers, of course, trying not to be in their way -- and studying how it works with Umbral sight and his own sense of the nature of spirit magic. "Wow, that is really amazing," he breathes, admiring the work as both a crafter and a newly-minted fetish maker.


Irsa is silent for several long moments, recognizing the spirit within. She's clearly touched by the spirit's willingness to be Bound to a vessel to aid the pack. ~Thank you, my friend,~ she says quietly in the Spirit Speech, reaching out to touch the surface of the mirror. "Mercy's Messenger'rhya, Branton, Pink -- thank you for this. We've been talkin' defenses, and this'll take a load off our minds in a big way. There's still a lot t' do, but this is somethin' else."


"If you ever move to a different pack house, you have to unmake the fetish and release the spirit. That was part of the deal." Mercy says, "It wants to protect its home, not move to a new one."


Jackie watches the demonstration, then casts an uncomfortable glance in the direction of the revealed spider.


Branton nods at what Mercy said "Seemed reasonable, and you shouldn't have any trouble finding a spirit that lives in a new place to take up the detail."


Rhapsody nods, "That is fair." She says to Iris. "Seriously, all of you. Thank you so much. Your help is greatly appreciated."


Trey smiles at the general good feeling in the air, asking, "So how many rats are there?" He motions to it. "I started counting but I lost count at 57." He figures Pink will know, if nobody else does. Leave it to the cat to ask the irrelevant question!


Irsa follows Jackie's gaze to the mirror, and tilts back her head to look up. "That's up on th' Rooftop, right where that little pocket is under th' eaves near that red tire planter. I can see why th' spirit ain' likin' it, that's close to a rat nest." She cracks her knuckles as she steps back from the mirror. "That's a ban we can easily keep, an' we will," she promises the Elder, echoing Rhapsody. "So, who wants t' scare off a spider for rats?" she asks. "What, in th' fetish, or here?' she asks Trey. "Here, there's tons of 'em. They got nests in places even we ain't been in yet."


Pink smiles slyly at Trey "Its a secret. I can tell you that you haven't found them all yet." SO PLEASED to know something the grownup shifter doesn't.

Branton smiles at Irsa "Glad to see you all like it. It was really interesting to put together, found metal sculptures always are."


"Yeah, the mirror is taking advantage of the spirit's long-time tie to this exact territory." Mercy says, "Even if the rat was fine with moving, the fetish still wouldn't work, because the spirit wouldn't be attuned and tied to that new territory. So it's real place-specific, taking advantage of a spirit charm it's developed called Realm Sense. Hence why I was asking around about Rat Jagglings when I was here before." She grins her agreement at Branton, "Right? And it's pretty! Probably really useless for applying makeup cause of the copper color, but still a good as an actual mirror too. And you're welcome, really. We just wanna make sure you're all happy and healthy and well protected in this rough city environment."


Rhapsody shrugs a shoulder, "This is what we signed up for. Working one space at a time to bring more of gaia to the dreary wyrmy cityscape. And this will help." She grins and nods to Irsa, "For rats? Heck yeah."


Trey says, to Irsa's comment about the spider, "If you've got a jar or something, I'll just scoop him up on the way out and put him on the building across the way." He punctuates that with a light shrug. "Even if it bit me, it won't hurt me much in this form." Ah, the joy of the beastborn! Trey grins back at Pink and says, "When I find them all, you'll tell me, right?" He looks to Rhapsody and smiles. "It will. This place is going to make a lot of difference." He has faith, it seems.


Irsa grins at Mercy. "So that's why y' wanted to meet them. Abel's little busy-body self is useful for that kinda thing. Didn't know he was hangin' out with this fine lady inside th' mirror, but it don't surprise me none. He seems t' be liked 'round here by th' others." She nods at the staircase leading up to the Rooftop at Trey's suggestion. "Let's head up an' capture a small leggy thing, and then we can show off Spirit side here. Rhapsody, they ain't seen most of it yet, and I dunno if you've seen our new stairwell since we finished it up this morning."

Irsa heads up the staircase to the Rooftop.

Tenement - Rooftop

The rooftop has been transformed into a green paradise. Nearly thirty planter boxes, a dozen recycled tire planters and earthenware pots of all different shapes and sizes have been set up here, containing a wide variety of crop plants, herbs, flowers, decorative shrubs, small trees and other greenery. Loose gravel and hard rubber mats offers surface protection from the weather and proper drainage for the plants here. Several awnings are scattered through the area, each containing a planting workbench with plenty of storage for tools, seeds, soil and mulch. Bench seating is centered around a central skylight that overlooks the Common Room below.


"She." Mercy tells Trey, and gestures at the persisting image of the spider, "That's a lady spider, the boys are way smaller." And she follows! Cause it's either that or sit alone in the common room and go through everyone's stuff.

Rhapsody has arrived.


Branton has a sample jar of sufficient size in one of his pouches and passes it to Trey on account of him being the man with the plan as they climb the stairs "Won't be comfy long term but should get her where she's going yeah?"


Trey ahs and says, "I stand corrected," peering at the spider. "My apologies." He looks around, curious about what's in all the planters, not touching but definitely peeering into everything as is his wont.


Trey ahs and says, "I stand corrected," peering at the spider. "My apologies." He looks around, curious about what's in all the planters, not touching but definitely peering into everything as is his wont. He takes the jar from Branton and says, "Yeah, that's perfect."


Rhapsody had not seen the new stairwell since it was being worked on. She follows the others all up to the Rooftop. "Oh good, time to see Abel." She is looking forward to this and seeing what more they are able to get into here.


The planters hold a variety of native plants, including a small selection of food crops and edible flowers. There's also a few decorative trees and shrubs to make the space more cozy. Irsa's head tracks as she looks around the space, matching what she viewed in the mirror to what she sees around her. "There it is," she says, pointing to a crumbling section of wall near the stairs. A recycled rubber tire planter is sitting nearby, made way more cheerful by bright red paint. "Don't see her from here, but I figure we just need t' get closer."


Mercy grins at Trey and gives him a wink, the 'it's okay, I'm sure she'll get over it' kind. While ladies and cat go on a spider hunting quest, she finds a nice place to plop down and asks Branton, "Is it bad form to take bets at a time like this? Cause she's got a good chance of skittering away from the big giant spider-nappers!"

<---======##====================[ Dice Roll ]=====================##======--->
Trey rolls Perception(3) + Alertness(3) (6 dice) vs 6 for 3 successes.
2 3 4 +6 +6 +9


Branton snickers at Mercy and takes a seat near by, having done his part to endorse the spider hunt "Nahhhh. How do you think its gonna go?"


And there she is, in all her arachnid glory. The black widow is busily working on her web, patching a small tear in it where a fly stupidly blundered in and served itself up a wrapped boxed lunch. The spider's legs move busily and steadily, a perfect example of predatory economy in action. She's probably humming along happily to herself in a little spider voice.


"A beer on th' spider," Irsa remarks, playing the long-odds bet.


Trey heads over to the spot where Irsa indicates the spider should be, jar in hand, not at all tense. He's not particularly afraid of them, but if the rats are, it's with good reason. "Hello, small lady, where are you?," he murmurs, absorbed in the task. Hey, the voice might work on the spider, too! "Ah, I see you." He hrms and says, "I'm sorry to spoil your work." He pauses, then reaches out his palm to capture as much of the web and the spider as he possibly can, then lowers hand-with-spider onto the mouth of the jar. "We're just going to relocate you," he says calmly.

<---======##====================[ Dice Roll ]=====================##======--->
Irsa rolls 4 vs 6 for 1 successes.
3 3 4 +10


Rhapsody sits back and watches the fun as the bastet goes to battle to catch the spider! "Careful there!"

<---======##====================[ Dice Roll ]=====================##======--->
Trey rolls Dexterity(4) + Athletics(2) (6 dice) vs 6 for 1 successes.
1 1 3 +7 8 10
<---======##====================[ Dice Roll ]=====================##======--->
Irsa rolls 3 vs 6 for 2 successes.
2 +7 +8


"I feel like he's gonna almost get her," Mercy says, "Then almost lose her, then catch her, and maybe freak out a little bit thinking he squished her, but in the end she'll be fine in a jar. Till one of us finds her egg sack and we have to figure out how to get IT in the jar WITH her without her getting out. Oooooh, fun times!"

Mercy also helps by Mimicing the Mission Impossible theme music.


Branton grins and starts humming along with his mate when Pink suddenly decides to accompany his parents with a try at *beatboxing* of all things.

<---======##====================[ Dice Roll ]=====================##======--->
Branton rolls 4 vs 6 for 1 successes.
1 5 +6 6


Oh no! A huge, hulking glass monster is encroaching on her territory! Sound the alarms, her web is under attack! The black widow lets out a tiny little hiss unheard by human ears and darts forward, smacking at the glass jar ferociously. Raaar, take that horrible man-thing! "Man, she's hella pissed. She got an egg sac or somethin'? I didn't see none in th' mirror," Irsa asks the others.


Trey says, “Yes, indeed, she is...”

<---======##====================[ Dice Roll ]=====================##======--->
Trey rolls Perception(3) + Alertness(3) (6 dice) vs 8 for 2 successes.
2 3 3 4 +8 +9


Trey says, "Yes, indeed, she is pissed, but I don't see an egg sac. I think she's pissed because I messed up her web." Hand goes back over jar, and he lifts both to peer into the covered jar. "I'm sorry," he mouths to her.


Trey adds, "Wait, what the--" Exhale. "She escaped."

<---======##====================[ Dice Roll ]=====================##======--->
Trey rolls Dexterity(4) + Athletics(2) (6 dice) vs 6 for 2 successes.
1 1 +6 +7 8 10


Meanwhile the Fury Family are just being fucking lunatics making music off to one side. HELPFULLY. This is helpful music meant to inspire Trey's best work, and like, *really* drive home the gravity of the situation to everyone on the roof. Gravity does in fact include beat boxing and maybe lightly whapping planters and stuff for an added under-beat to the music. I assume we can technically call this music.
<---======##====================[ Dice Roll ]=====================##======--->
Irsa rolls 3 vs 6 for 1 successes.
1 +6 10


The black widow does a little-spider war dance, waving her little pedipalps around. Come at me, bro! One could almost hear her hiss as she darts for better cover under the eaves. But she's just not quick enough. Pop! That glass jar cuts off her escape, and now there's an angry itty-bitty arachnid inside, and she's fully insulted.


Trey looks down, and once again says, "I'm sorry," and looks up. "This time, I have her." If he was in Feline form, his ears would be airplaning right about now. "Okay. Now we get you to the new home." He chuckles and walks toward the edge of the roof, heedless of the drop. "Be right back!"


Mercy helpfully googles things somewhere during the musical performance, and ends up saying (not singing), "Google says: Black widow mating occurs in springtime into early summer. In some cases, black widow females consume males after mating, feeding on them as sources of nutrients needed for egg fertilization. Female black widow spiders can produce several egg sacs in summer months. So you're probably good and wont find any, this time."


"Don't be wild, dude. Just let her out when ya leave," Irsa suggests to Trey. "I don't wanna my ass through th' entire buildin' to let ya back in. Besides, if ya just mean t' drop her she'll probably get right back in."


"Devour. Man, that's harsh." Trey pauses and looks over at Irsa. "No, I was just gonna jump down, no worries though, I can wait." He doesn't seem bothered, mind you, just expedient about the whole thing. He finds a spot to sit, and just holds the jar with a typically easygoing air, as if there wasn't a deadly spider inside. Then he gasps, and makes a choked gulping sound, before slumping down in the chair...

...of course, the tell is that he still has the jar in his hand. Goofball. He grins and sits back up as if nothing happened.


Mercy snerks at the folk, "There's some places we can drop her off at, she'll do fine. Unless! OH NO! She *got* him! Oooooh man Meros is going to be so bummed out! Welp, no use leaving his body up here to stink up the place, I'll just push him over the railing and- I MEAN. Welcome back Trey, I'm SO glad you're not dead and that I don't have to loot your pockets!"


Irsa reaches up to rub her forehead. "Glad y' didn't do that. We got defenses for th' roof comin' online, and that woulda sucked if they decided t' show off." She holds up a finger abruptly. "But! Now that Charlotte over there is chillin out, you lot wanna see Spirits-side here? Or do you wanna head downstairs an' talk shop in th' Courtyard?"


Trey says, “Gentlebeings, my packmate," Trey offers with a laugh. "I haven't got much in my pockets. Not even the One Ring, I'm afraid." He peers at the angry little spider and notes, "I do feel a little bad for her, but I'm sure she'll have an even nicer place soon enough." He sits up and says, "Ohh, I'm game for both, though I definitely do wanna see this place Umbrally, if not now, then sometime soon.”


"WHAT?! What if *today* was the day to hit Mordor, are you telling me we'd have had to back track to get the Ring? Damn it man, be prepared!" Mercy says to Trey, ALL of her chiding is just a joke though. She'd be fine with back tracking before Mordor, surely. "It sounds like one thing pretty much leads to the other, so how about we see the spirit side on our way down to the courtyard for whatever shop talking?" she asks while touching her chest and then Trey's and Branton's, getting them tethered to her for cross-gauntlet highjackings.


Irsa's mouth quirks as she listens to the banter. "Better check later, make sure Saruman ain't got his hands on th' thing. Damn wizards." Her smile widens as the votes come rolling in. "Done an' done. Let's step across, then. Stay clear of any electrical spirits, yeah?" And with that, she focuses and moves into Spirit. Irsa has entered another world.


Trey heys. "Just said it wasn't in my pants, not that I didn't have it!" He smirks and leaves that one untouched for now, choosing instead to cross alongside Mercy and Branton.


Rooftop -- Umbra: A bleak, desolate rooftop once dominated by pattern spiders is giving way to the Wyld. Thick shoots of green grass, rapidly-growing bushes and seedling trees sprout from cracks in the concrete surface, zealously defended by the rat, pigeon, seagull and opossum spirits that have made this area their home. Countless small cairns marking spirit dens litter the area, and more have been gnawed out by the sharp teeth of the rats. From time to time, small battles erupt in the ever-present mist that cloaks the rooftop, the perfect cover for the spirit defenders to ambush their Weaver foes.


Branton grins as he gets tethered for the crossing and he looks around "It’s interesting watching what's fuzzy and translucent because its not really present...shift back and forth when I cross over."


"You have fuzzy? I have slightly shiny." Mercy tells Branton, "I honestly can’t tell the difference when I step back and forth, my view of the world doesn't change unless I use a gift to force one of them to take up all my focus. But I THINK the one I'm standing on feels most shiny. Maybe. Could be an optical illusion. This explains why when I start talking to people they just sorta ignore me, cause we're not really on the same dimension.


The spirits are feisty up here tonight! Or celebrating, one of the two. A number of rat spirits dart here and there, totally running through the area, squeaking and calling to one another. ~ Strangers! ~ a small rat pup squeaks, spotting everyone else but Irsa.


Trey casts his gaze around with a faint, distant smile, and says, "It's always pretty wondrous how much the city, even, can regain when you make the effort..." He shakes his head at the comparisons of Sight and says, "No wonder you don't drive." He wanders around the rooftop with the jar in hand, and says, "Hey, friends." Ah shit. Cat in Ratland!


Branton nods at Iris and shrugs "Fuzzy might not be exactly correct? I'm not sure what words apply. It is...a distortion. I think its the effect of looking through the Gauntlet, almost like light refracting when you look through water." Trey gets a chuckle "I can, and I even do some times but only routes I'm really familiar with. Teleporting is much safer." The spirit gets a grin "Hey there little neighbor"


Irsa snickers behind the group. ~ They're not going to eat you, ~ another voice sounds out, as a sleek black-furred rat Jaggling pokes his head out of a native rose bush. ~ Oh, hello there! It's good to see you again, ~ the black rat says to Mercy, whiskers twitching as he slides out of his den and sits up on his haunches. ~ You smell like her,~ he says to Pink. ~And you do too -- are you her mate?~ he asks Branton. What a busy-body. His nose works furiously in Trey's direction. ~ Who's the cat?~ ".


Trey chuckles with that. ~I'm called Treads-on-Thin-Ice. Don't worry, I know this is your place. I'm just visiting, all friendly-like.~ He holds up the jar. ~I'm moving your Black Widow too.~


"Hey there, good lookin!" Mercy greets Abel when he comes skittering out to make acquaintance and say hi. She doesn't answer for Branton though, and instead just has a smile at the surrounding spirit critters and snickers. "You know, we should go do a city thing some time." she says to no one in particular while Irsa's calming folks down and stuff.


Branton nods and grins mischievously at Able "That I am, really lucky right? She's pretty amazing. Nice place you got here, really cozy."


Abel moves one of his forepaws back and forth between he and Trey in the classic 'I'm watching you' gesture. ~ Oh, you can keep her, no charge! She would have laid her eggs here, and no one wants SPIDERS around!~ Abel perks up at Branton's words. ~ Thank you, we've been working hard to defend it. Things have changed a lot since the wolves moved in. Hello, Hammer-Tooth! ~ he pipes at Irsa.


Trey grins. ~Don't worry, she's getting a new home away from here.~ He chuckles at the watching gesture. The Eyes of Gaia being watched... that amuses the fuck out of him. ~This is a great spot.~


"You guys need to learn how to shape shift so we can go do rodent parkour around here." Mercy insists at... Everyone that's not her, actually. "I'll make some talens some time, we'll make a day of it. Go terrorize some alley cats or something."


Branton nods at Iris and chuckles "I tried to figure out how to do a shapeshift in an alchemical formulation. The complexity is a bit intense for what my brewing knowledge can manage. A talen though, with a spirit to help do the heavy lifting, could probably manage it."


Irsa snickers as one of the rats investigates her Converse knock-offs. The spirits are fearless and bold around her, obviously comfortable in her presence. Several are around her now, nattering away while they share news and tell boastful tales of their rooftop battles, and why aren't the damn pigeons pulling their weight around here, anyway? "Parkour would kick ass, for real," the Bone Gnawer says. "We got one on th' roof at Dead Mall, but one up here ain't easy Tellurian-side. Umbra rat parkour, thought? I'm down all day for that."


Trey hrms and says, "Butterfly teaches a man-shape shifting Gift. She might be able to teach a Beast-shaping gift as well," his expression pensive. "At some point, I could probably make items with that, because we Qualmi have a Gift like that. A talen would likely be a lot easier, though."


"That'd be the way to go, if you ask me." Mercy says, "At the very least there's more random webs to grab if you fall off something, So... I mean..." She pauses a minute to think about this, probably seeing all the ways grabbing a random web while falling could go terribly wrong. "You know what we *need*, see, is a restaurant that we really, really hate. Like one where the owner's family is all Nazis and like they go out of their way to like... Kick trans dudes out of their bathroom or something." Not IMPOSSIBLE to find in California, but it's a pretty damned liberal state, so not easy either. "Find one of those, let me know, and I'll make us a fun game for it. We'll have points and prizes and everything while we ruin someone's livelihood."


Branton grins at his mate "I've got customers in and around the University. Including student activists. If something comes up around here they'll know. All I gotta do is put out the word that I'm looking for information."


~ Coming through, ~ Abel says, winding through the rats around Irsa. ~ Coming up! ~ he insists, as he climbs up her scarred frame to perch on her shoulder. Irsa smirks as he makes himself comfy there. "Hell, those ain't too hard t' find. I'll track down one for ya in a couple days, easy, if Branton don't beat me to it first," she says to Mercy. "You wanna head downstairs, see more of th' place?" she asks the others. ".


Trey nods and says, "Sure, definitely." He smiles at the rat -- closed-mouth, no teeth showing -- and says, "If anyone'll find out, it's the college students, they are always up on these things. I wind up finding out more about the real politics of this city by listening in their coffee shop than you'd believe." A pause. "And also other gossip."


"Sure!" Mercy says, and while following she tells Branton and Irsa, "You guys bounce stuff off each other, someone finds something, the other one should double check and back it up. That way we're not ruining someone's livlihood when they don't *really* deserve it. Cause of like the rumor mill or something painted someone as a dick when they aren't. I don't mind knocking someone into the dirt, I just wanna be sure they deserve it before we go start having a rampaging good time."


Branton snorts at Trey "Prospect Roasters is a real supernatural hotspot. Solidly mage country but the owner is a Verbena Witch-woman that happens to be a doctor that runs a birthing center. And she's kin to the Children of Gaia. She mostly keeps her head down though, you may never meet her."


Irsa thinks for a moment, scratching her nicked ear. "Got paths here that we ain't got Tellurian side. Follow me, this is a quick side-trip before th' Courtyard." And with that, she steps off to one side and abruptly drops into one of the rat tunnels, vanishing from side.


Umbra -- Rainbow Stairwell: A thirty-foot stained glass window stands freely in the middle of this chamber, shining with bright, vibrant colors as light touches its panes. Swirling motes of light flit through the area, chasing one another in an eternal dance of joy. Domestic spirits and clever rat spirits can be seen using the rays of light as a spiritual elevator.


Trey nods and says, "Yeah, when I was in there I was getting some magickey vibes, but ti felt like Mages, not sorcery. I like the place, but it put me off a little for that. Then again, as long as I'm not doing anything problematic, shouldn't be an issue--" He stops in mid-conversation and gapes. "Holy--" He doesn't even have words. He just gapes a little.


"Hey! Fun fact: Light spirits are happy to give you a lift over distances, but avoid asking or taking them up on the offer unless you want some dislocated joints. Light speed is fast as hell." Mercy informs while looking with a doofy smile at the reflection as well as the spirit's joy of riding the light.


Irsa grins at the various reactions. "It's somethin', ain't it? Spirits have been flockin' here like mad. We've put a lotta love into this place. I dunno if you can peek out an' see what it looks like on th' other side or not, but it's pretty cool there, too. We got plans t' add murals on the walls of the stairwell." Abel sits up on her shoulder, nose twitching, and kicks off into space, leaping from one vibrant light beam to another as he joins the other spirits in play.


Branton gives an impressed whistle at the surroundings and grins at Trey "Eloise doesn't give a fuck what you are as long as you behave in her shop and don't cost her another couch. Like the Rokea who frenzy'd themself into shark form and wound up closing the cafe for renovations."


Trey murmurs, "Something... sure, that's a word for it... jeez... this is insane, in the best possible way," he says, just watching with a hint of awe in his expression. Ideas percolate in his head, judging from the look on his face. When Abel joins the spirit play, Trey smiles, and then replies to Branton: "A Rokea who... oh, jeez. that must have been a really fun Veil breach to deal with... well, I'm unlikely to frenzy. I never have, and... my Rage isn't very Ragey, comparatively. But it means I can talk to ordinary people without too much problem."


"Have I ever met a Rokea before?" Mercy asks her mate, genuinely unsure. "I know I've seen a buncha dead ones, down in that facility in the trench, but I don't think that counts."


"Seriously? What th' hell was a Rokea doin' there? They never leave th' water 'less they have to." This might be true, but this is Prospect, and the city has seen its share of completely mad shifters over the years. Irsa watches Abel sail through the air with the other spirits, snickering a bit at their antics.


Branton tilts his head and considers his mate's question "There was a fucknozzle named Muir. Not the one that frenzied, I don't remember her name...wait! Tracy. She wound up getting chipped by the technocracy and fled or was exiled from the city. Muir would probably have been the one if any I think."


Trey huhs, "Maybe all the unoccupied freeholds are leaking Dreaming bites and driving shifters into Bedlam," he thinks out loud, not really considering that a lot of the people present might have no clue what the hell he's on about. "I'm not sure it could work that way, but... it's entirely possible. This city is kind of insane." Understatement of the year goes to the cat.


"I would *love* to figure out what's going on with this city, most of everything here doesns't make sense," Mercy says, shaking her head while watching a light and spirit show, "But I can not for the life of me nail anything down. It's definitely part of reality and there's no epicenter, and it's *weird*."

Irsa frowns at one of the Terms Branton uses. "That's a Mage thing, yeah? Fuck that noise. I'm stayin' over here, an' they can stay over there." She's chill about many things, but she's heard too many stories about caern-drinkers. ".


Branton chuckles at his mate "I mean its great for business for me and its why I've basically got a license to print money. It is pretty curious though."


Trey says, "I know two mages here. They belong to the same group. They hate one another and I can't decide which one of them is crazier. And both of them are among one of the Traditions that's supposed to be more friendly toward our beliefs." He shakes his head and chuckles. "On the plus side, I've gotten a fair amount of information on Mages overall from them. Enough to know that these days, they're so disorganized that they couldn't agree on what to sell at a bake sale." He makes a wry face.


"Oh man, I would not trust a mage bake sale." Mercy says, food issues aside that just sounds super dangerous! "Not when you know some of them hate each other, I mean like mages at a bake sale sounds like on of those Twilight Zone episodes where they're like using delicious cakes and pies to manipulate the town's folk and curse each other n shit. Replaces Nancy's bewitched pie with the kind that turns all her customers into toads, or something."


Irsa grunts as she watches the spirits dance. "That don't surprise me none," she says to Trey. "People fight among their own. That's th' way for everyone, even Shifters." She barks out a laugh at Mercy's remarks and goes into a fit of helpless snickers.


Branton nods at Irsa and chuckles at Trey "And Eloise is from the same tradition if you know the ones I'm thinking of. They're pretty common around these parts. Or at least they were." Nodding to his mate "And what my ALchemy can't manage theirs sure as fuck can."


Trey nods. "Yeah, sounds about right. I heard a lot of them fucked off out of town, though, something to do with the leadership, but who knows?" He laughs at Iris' description of the bake sale. "You know, now I want pie," he says with a sigh. "Uncursed, preferably."


"Are you sure?" Mercy asks, "Cause I can curse a pie! I have literally never cursed anyone before, I've never been angry enough to just absolutely shred someone's whole destiny thread. Probably a good thing, though!"


"We got pie in th' kitchen," Irsa offers. "Mind, we'd have t' step across, and you'll miss th' rest of the tour 'til the next time you're here, but it's worth it. Pandora makes an apple pie you'd slap your momma for."