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04.16.23 A Duel, A Duel!
Kieran and Deirdre catch up over coffee; Peri joins in.
IC Date 04.16.23
Players Deirdre, Kieran, Peri
Location Rêves_Errants
Spheres Changeling

Lost in Time Market - Rêves Errant

When one opens the stained-glass-inlaid front door, or peers in through the partly-curtained display windows, this large space seems cozy despite its broad expanse. A hearth on one wall, a bar on the other, and seating in between invite the weary traveler or the curious onlooker alike to come, sit a spell, and enjoy some warm and cheerful hospitality. The Glamour floating through the air is of many colors and flavors -- a little something for just about everyone.

The hearth is to the left as one enters, covering most of that side. A mantle made of some warm brownish-purple wood, huge enough to require multiple trolls to lift, dominates the brickwork. The open hearth offers a cozy fire that burns cheerfully, without making the room too hot. In front of it is an open space used as a stage or dancefloor, and on any given night, you might find a singer, a rhymer, a fiddler, or any other sort of entertainer plying their trade for the patrons. A sign near the hearth reads, "Entertain us if you wish!"

The bar is to the right. It's small, with only four stools, but it's clearly meant more for people awaiting friends than for long-term occupancy. The wood of the bar matches the mantle, polished and beautiful, its surface sleek as silk. It is the place where food is delivered to the wait staff, as well, because the door leading to the immaculate kitchen is visible behind it.

There is a selection of wooden tables that also match bar and mantle, each with its own quiltwork cushions in cheery colors and patterns that seem to flow and move as you watch. Mixed in are a few conversation groupings of couch and chairs around low coffee tables. Some of the chairs of each sort are larger-sized, some smaller-sized, just to accommodate all of the Kithain and other visitors.

<<< +views are set here >>>

<Phone> (Text to Kieran) Hey, coffee, Reves Errants, my treat. :)

<Phone> (Text from Kieran) Sure! BRT.

Kieran enters the shop. Kieran has arrived.

Upon seeing Kieran come in, Deirdre shoots out of her chair and goes over to give Kee a warm hug. "Hey! Thanks for coming. It's been a while. I've been at sea, and you've been doing whatever things happen on land that I try to avoid." She winks and straightens her coat. "Order whatever, they know to charge me."


Kieran oofs as she's mauled by a sudden drop-bear, or something. "Ack! Hey... hey, Deirdre... yeah, been a while.. uhm..." She looks around a bit, "Polly, can I get a cup of chai with a little cinnamon on the foam?" That settled, she turns back to Deirdre, "So.. hey, what's up? Heard you've been impressing the locals with your debonair fashion sense."


The captain does a quick spin for Kee to get a better look. It's been so long that the Selkie has forgotten if Kee has seen her new outfit or not. "You know, I thought to myself, why am I hewing to a convention that I am not a fan of. I was just telling this woman yesterday about how I sometimes wished to be a captain in the old days, even a pirate on the Spanish Main. So, found some boggans and they did a great job, don't you think?"


Kieran nods, "They absolutely did!" She grins, "and I think it suits you. So what's up with you, hmm? Everything going ok in the Land of Not On Land?"


"Oh yeah," Deirdre responds, going back to her mocha and muffin. "Things are going great. The ship is in good order, the fish are biting, and the deeps are just as mysterious and unpredictable. And I think last I talked to you, you were going to move to a new place that wasn't going to grate on you so much?"


Kieran nods, following over to sit with Deirdre, "Oh yeah. New place even has a *window*... and a balcony. And a view of the water." She grins, "Plus, I've continued meeting interesting people, so... you know, it's all good with me."


"Oh, a view of the water? Maybe I can come visit sometimes." Deirdre holds up a finger. "I am not inviting myself. Only if you want. I might even bring you a plant." She sips her mocha. "I will say, that my lifestyle makes meeting new people . . . interesting people somewhat difficult. Nan found her balance, though. I am sure I can find mine eventually."


Kieran says, “Oh, you totally should." She nods, "But I dunno about the plant... I'd forget to feed and walk it, or something." Laughing, she takes a sip of her drink, "And I dunno, it sounds to me like you've met some of the same interesting people... like this sketch artist I met, Jenni.”


"Oh, yes. Starving artist." Deirdre sighs and shakes her head, her expression darkening. "You know, it used to be that the rich and famous, or the nobility, same thing, would employ artists for the sake of art. Now?" Deirdre shrugs. "An artist with the skill of any of the old masters could be begging for money on the street corner today. Down with capitalism."


Kieran laughs, "Well, I definitely wouldn't say 'starving'," She chuckles, "But she seems ok. We had a nice, long conversation about how one person's art can inspire others to indulge their own creative impulse. But what set off the 'capitalism' rant?"


"I've been a socialist for years. Down with Capitalism might as well be my catchphrase. But recently? I had someone apply for a job, general helper position. Clean the processing facility, the ship and such. Girl had a Chemical Engineering degree." Deirdre pauses for dramatic effect. "And a felony conviction. Related to an opiate addiction. It was kind of rough being in the same room as her. Like, the world had just battered her down. I tried to mention that you know, there would be opportunities for growth and training and skills beyond just helping. I mean, she's clearly bright. But you know what she said to me? Verbatim quote: 'If I am to be the author of my destiny, then I am allowed to be nothing if I choose such, yes?' Like, right in the interview. And, I mean, there's nothing wrong with asking for an honest day's pay for an honest day's work, but damn. All because our society doesn't care about helping people, people who are sick. It just punishes and punishes. And it breaks Dreamers into . . . that."


Kieran nods, smile fading. "Yeah.. that sucks... but, you know... maybe she just needs some time to recharge, yeah? Some time... without *expectations*, where she can just rediscover what it means to just... be. Out on the water, the open air, just get away from all of the bullshit on land and re-center herself. It sucks that she's been worn down like that... but you can help her turn that into a core of strength, too."


Deirdre cants her head to the side and then back, considering. "I suppose I never thought of it like that. You know what my train of thought was? If I try and help her and fail, then I have missed an opportunity to help someone who would benefit. Not very Christian of me, I guess. But, you know, you're right. We have to fight back Winter somehow." Her green eyes regain their shine.


Kieran grins, "And if you don't try to help her... isn't *that* missing an opportunity to help someone that can *really* benefit? And if she does choose to 'be nothing'... well, who's to say there isn't a kind of nobility and beauty in that, too? She's clearly looking to work, to contribute... why, if she's set on 'being nothing'? Is it just to satisfy the need to eat? Is it some dread of suffering or a fear of true nothingness? Find out what makes her tick, and who knows *who* you'll find lurking in there."


"You're totally right." Deirdre admits. She's not too proud to admit when she's wrong. "I'm still going to blame capitalism though," she adds, slightly pouting.


Kieran laughs, "Oh, that's fine. Not like you're *wrong*... just remember: those nobles and wealthy patrons? They weren't patrons for the sake of *art*. They were doing it for the bragging rights. It's always about 'what's in it for me'."


Peri enters the shop. Peri has arrived.


"Yeah, yeah, I know. The right thing for the wrong reason. You know, I got freakishly lucky in my life, because I was dumb. I was a kid who thought that bitcoin was going to change the world. It won't. But then I got lucky when the people with money were worried that the people without money were going to get money and so I got money. It's opened all sorts of doors. All because I got lucky. Maybe I should become a patron of the arts." Deirdre pauses and then glances up at the Sidhe before turning back to Kee. "And I don't know if that is strictly true. There are plenty of wealthy people who donate to museums, theatre, symphonies. I think there are people that do recognize the value of what might be called culture."


Peri saunters in, looking around with a sense of curiosity, a skateboard across her back, attached to a mundane backpack. It blends oddly with the voile, but hey, fae. Some of the glances are friendly, others neutral. She approaches the bar and says, "Could I get an order of fries and a coke?" Evelyn, the troll behind the bar, nods and says, "Comin' right up!" She smiles warmly, and tucks some real-world cash into the tip jar, then leans to await her order, people-watching.


"Oh, sure, there are *some*," Kieran nods, "But the vast majority of them, it's all making sure *they* aren't the one rich person out there not contributing. They wouldn't want to look too *poor* to give away money, would they?" She shrugs. "But yeah, become a patron of the arts if you've got the money. Every way you can find to foster creativity will help." When Peri comes in, she gives the sk8rsidhe a wave. "Hey, you!"


"Do you know everyone, Kee? I swear are you a Clurichaun or a Social Butterfly . . . chaun?" Deirdre tries to make that work. "Also, don't be so cynical. There are good people out there. They just need space to be good people. Anyways, why don't you introduce me to the very, very pretty knight?"


Peri grins as Kee waves, and receives her fries and drink at that precise moment. She gathers her stuff, and approaches Kee and Dee, asking, "Hey, room for a third? Unless this is private." She's pretty sure it isn't, but hey, it's good to ask, right? Once she sees welcome, she puts down her items and then extends a hand to Deirdre. "Hi, I'm Peri. Well. Long, boring introduction incoming: Dame Astraleigh Peregrine ni Fiona. But yeah, Peri." She chuckles and notes, "Social Butterfly-chaun? Do they have lucky charms shaped like invites to the hottest parties?"


Kieran smirks, but when Deirdre calls her a 'social butterfly', she kind of blinks as her eyes widen some. And yes, that's possible, shoosh. "Oh, I... uhm..." She shrugs, giving just the weirdest little smile, "Maybe? Anyway..." Peri chooses that moment to come over and handle her own introduction, thank-you-very-much, and Kieran takes the opportunity to regain a little equilibrium. "I dunno about the hottest parties, but I do seem to meet a lot of people! Dame Tony Hawk, this is *Captain* Deirdre Flipperbutt, Bane of Oysters, Slayer of Shellfish, Purveyor of Delicacies across the Pacific, First of Her Last-Name-That-I-Can't-Remember."


Deirdre gives Kee a sideways look. Then she remembers she has those dueling pistols. . . . Now, traditionally, a woman will shake hands sitting down. However, Deirdre stands and doesn't shake hands. Instead, she grabs the tri-corner cap that was on the chair next to her, and flourishes it, bowing. "I am honored to meet you, Dame Astraleigh. I am Captain Deirdre O'Brien, skipper of Siren's Song. At your service, my lady. And I beg your indulgence." Deirdre reaches into her coat, finding a glove that she keeps for just this purpose. With a wicked and impish grin, Deirdre lays the glove at Kee's feet. "Madam, this has been a long time coming. I demand satisfaction!" Seriously, Deirdre cannot keep her face straight. She's all very amused about this whole thing.


Peri laughs brightly. "Captain O'Brien! My pleasure." She dips into a Knightly bow, hanf-flourishes and all, grinning. And once the glove comes out... oh, it's *on*, and for once, Peri's not the instigator! She steps to one side to allow Kee room to move, giggling with delight.


<---======##====================[ Dice Roll ]=====================##======--->
Kieran rolls Charisma + Music vs 6 for 2 successes.
1 2 3 4 5 +7 +7 10


<---======##====================[ Dice Roll ]=====================##======--->
Kieran rolls 1 vs 6 for 1 successes.


<---======##====================[ Dice Roll ]=====================##======--->
Kieran rolls 1 vs 6 for 0 successes.


Kieran looks at the glove, and leans right the hell back in her chair, folding her hands behind her head and... since JJ's not here to yell at her, putting her feet up. As she does, she starts to sing, smirking.


"You can't get no... satisfaction. "You won't provoke... no reaction "But you try... and you try... and you try.... and you tryyy...."


"Hrmm. And I am not nearly as uncouth as to toss hot coffee in your face to provoke a reaction. Besides, Erin made the pistols, they just shoot paintballs. I suppose thou, if you're too cowardly to answer for your offense, comparing my rum to the swill Captain Morgan calls rum, then I shall simply have to deny you any invitation to private tastings. Unless and until you accept my challenge or apologize."


Peri ohhhhs and says, "You make *rum* too! Well, clearly, it's *Captain O'Brien* rum, not that other crap! But has Kieran tried it yet? Perhaps it's just because she hasn't had a chance to taste the truth of it for herself! It sounds to me like a *tasting challenge* is in order, Captain!" She quirks her brows up in a query with that, smiling broadly. Kieran arches one eyebrow, and then slowly draws herself up to her feet. "*Well*. If you're going to be all *that way* about it..." She gives Deirdre a deep bow, "I *apologize*, Captain Flipperbutt, for not also announcing you Contribute to the Delinquency of Minors through your peddling of Captain Flipperbutt's Spiced Rum and Rum-balls, available in day care centers throughout the Greater Prospect Metropolitan Area..."


"Sadly, it's taken quite a bit to make sure that the building permits are in place and the local mob sufficiently involved to make sure the construction will go smoothly. We break ground next month. After that it will be 3 years until I can get any rum made and probably six more months to a year until I can get the spice mixture correct," Deirdre says to Peri. Then she turns back to Kee. "You realize you're no fun at all, you goof. No fun. At all." Deirdre sighs and rubs her forehead. "Why did I invite you for coffee, again?" Peri chuckles at that and says, "Well, then, perhaps the debate will have to wait... or perhaps... hrm. Well, if you want a taster, once you start working on the formula, please do hit me up. I may not be an expert, but I know from smooth libations." She shoots a wink, and then steals an empty chair. "Fries are up for sharing," she notes, taking one and placing the basket in the center-of-table 'up for grabs' position. "I just wanted to carb up because I was planning to go exploring, maybe, see where the other trods from here go. But company and chitchat is *also* good, because I don't know that many of us here yet. The beginning of the semester was hell. Drama relationship blew up in my face, you know how it is."


Kieran answers immediately, "Because you were hoping I'd wear the leather pants so you could stare at m'butt." She grins, "Or.. wait, no, that's the chocolatier that checks out everyone's butts." She leans forward to snag a fry, then gives Peri a curious look. "Ooooh, *drama*? Do tell..."


Deirdre cannot hide her sorrow, regret, and disappointment as her challenge was not met, leaving the glove where it fell to fall back into her seat, pouting.


Peri picks up the glove, and offers it to Deirdre. "Kiss to make the booboo stop hurting?" She's being playful, not condescending. Sheesh. This sidhe is weird. The question will be answered soon enough!


Kieran rolls her eyes, "Oh, c'mon, Deirdre... you've seen what happens in a fight: you're competent and capable, and I tell everyone to go fuck themselves. It'd get messy..."


"But a duel! An honest duel. Pistols at 10 paces. Erin did a bang up job making them. Perfect replicas of 18th century dueling pistols, firing paintballs." Deirdre is very disappoint. She was looking forward to this. It would be fun, win or lose. Then the Selkie turns to Peri. "Alas, the wound in my soul cannot be healed by a kiss. I am not Aurora, sleeping, waiting. Were only Kieran of House Fiona." Deirdre sighs dramatically.


Peri Ohs and sighs softly, holding out the fry basket instead. "Carbs?" She grins and looks between the two. "Ahh, I see, it's time to play relationship counselor. But... I admit, the pistols at ten paces thing would be much more fun than the counselor bit, but..." She considers. "Kieran *could* be of House Fiona. I don't have a squire, after all. I didn't particularly *want* a squire, but I doubt anyone would question my choice. I mean, who doesn't love a redhead with a weapon?"


Kieran shakes her head, "Ah, I see what you're doing there, Dame Cheesyfries. But alas, my relationship isn't here to be counselled! Though, I do hope to introduce her to more people. And no, I'm afraid my application for Fiona-hood was rejected when they asked 'what are you afraid of?' and I said 'Pretty much everything!' Besides, Deirdre..." She brightens, giving a wide smile, "I'm no challenge! You deserve better. And you can *have* better! You should duel *Peri*. Sea Captain vs Knight! Like Pirate vs Ninja, only without all of the criminal connotations!"


"But you're the one that gave offense. Even if it was silly offense. Hence, the silly duel." Deirdre is still pouting. Peri ohs again, and digs out a fry or two, munching. She chews as she thinks, trying to solve the pouting problem. Just a thought... another... hrm, that might even be a plan! She says, "I'd totally duel you. Never worked with a pistol, but hey, a girl can always broaden her horizons, right?"


Kieran says, “Well, I can name a champion, can't I?”


"No, champions were only because women were too delicate to fight for themselves. You don't want to go back to that misogynist time, do you?" Deirdre asks Kee. "And Dame Astra, can I call you that? The whole point is that Kee's mouth gets her in trouble! I can't just go dueling people for fun. She's earned a paintball on her butt."


Peri nods agreement, "Absolutely, you can. And... well, my mouth gets me in trouble, too. And... may I suggest that if the duelee will not accept, that you, perhaps..." She grins. "Get *sneaky* with it?" She scavenges another helping of fries from the basket. "When Kee least expects it. You're a captain, expected to be properly tactical about the whole thing. I mean, *I* couldn't, because I'm a Knight, but a captain has her whole crew to think about!" Oh, dear.


Kieran frowns, and reaches out to take the glove. "Well. If you're going to put it *that* way..." She rises, and lightly baps Deirdre back and forth with the glove, "Then I accept! We'll see whose mouth got whom in trouble *this* day, Captain Flipperbutt!"


Deirdre lights up like a kid on Christmas, seeing the presents under the tree. "Wonderful!" She doesn't even care about the slap that happened. She's all grins and happiness. Sea doggo is still doggo. "I shall ask Sark to be my second. Dame Astra, will you be my other second? I must say that I do not nearly have the same amount of friendship as the Social Butterfly-chaun." If Deirdre had a tail, it'd be wagging. "And I know that one of the duties of a second is to try and negotiate a peaceful solution to the issues, but don't try toooo hard, okies?" Oh, her leg is bouncing, she's so excited.


Peri giggles brightly. "It would be my honor to accept your charge in this matter!" She dips into a seated bow that would look ridiculous, except, y'know, Sidhe. Somehow it works. She pushes that birthright to its limits. ANYWAY! She beams and notes, "When and where shall we meet to witness?"


Kieran hmphs, adopting a haughty air. "Fine. Have your seconds! I do not *need* seconds... " She reaches out to snag some more fries, "For I have not get finished the main course! But I will *feast* on your defeat, Captain Flipperbutt. Mark my words! Oh, and that's a good question..." She nods at Peri asking when and where this is supposed to happen.

<---======##====================[ Dice Roll ]=====================##======--->
Deirdre rolls Charisma(4) + Performance(1) (5 dice) vs 6 for 3 successes.
1 +7 +8 +8 10


Deirdre reaches into her purse and pulls out her iPhone. Tapping a few buttons, she turns the volume all the way up and plays the Ten Duel Commandments from Hamilton. The Selkie sings along with the chorus, making sure that she holds out her fingers for each number of the song. She points to Astra when the words "♪Have your seconds meet face to face/Negotiate a peace/Or negotiate a time and place.♫" It's almost like Deirdre is in a lip-sync competition, except sometimes she sings along. While she's still seated, it's like she's channeling the Numa Numa guy, Gary, from ages past, when the internet was young. Deirdre takes up the whole chair, the whole space, happy to make a fool out of herself if that's what it looks like, but happy with herself. Peri points to Deirdre, and draws out her own phone, opening a new contact and saying, "So... how do I get into contact with this Sark?" Oh, boy, is she in for a surprise! "And is he a he, a she, a they, or some other pronoun?" It's asked completely straight -- pardon the pun -- because Gen Z is down with the 'nouns. Kieran says, “I think she means you two have to meet my seconds... so fine, I'll pick a Second... probably Stella... as for Sark... Sark's a 'he', and we can get you two in contact... heck, he might want to have the whole thing go down on the island for maximum privacy...”


"Sark is indeed a he. I am sure you will get along well. The island might work well. Either that, or I could tell the local police we're making a film and use a section of beach. It depends on who would want to come, I guess. Remembering your earlier comment about being a patron of the arts, maybe I could get Jenni to do a painting?" Deirdre asks Kee. "Besides, how do you inspire if you're on a private island?!"


Peri nods slowly, snarfing another few fries as the two redheads discuss the details of pronouns and locations. "Stella, okay, and I'll need to get in touch with her as well, or..." She pauses and listens some more, draining a swallow off her Coke. "A Private island? Seriously?" She grins at that. "I will have to keep that in mind. But I can tell you that I could probably get some space at the university if you want. And a bunch of Drama program grunts to come and cheer and gasp appropriately. Hell, if you even want to do a blast from the past and flash mob it in Hamilton costumes, I think they're doing Hamilton this semester..."


Kieran shakes her head. "Ok. I'll send Stella and Sark a text about all this. Deirdre, you should text Sark, too... for now, though.." She sighs, "I think I'm going to go upstairs and fall on my face in the pillow room for a few hours." Standing, she shakes her head a bit, "You two... could be dangerous together, you know that?"


"Alright, Kieran, sleep well." She smiles and gives Kee a hug before she goes to vanish. Then the Selkie sits back down at the table. "I'll text Sark."


Peri smiles warmly at the Clurichaun. "I think maybe we already are. Sleep well!" She giggles and looks to Deirdre. "Do you feel dangerous? I mean, you should, in that awesome uniform, but I had to ask."


Kieran waves, and heads off.


"I mean, honestly, dangerous?" Deirdre thinks it over. "I think I can be, yeah." She finishes her muffin. "So, House Fiona. What brings a knight like you to Prospect? Or, what's a pretty girl like you doing in a place like this? Whichever you prefer." Deirdre smirks.


Peri grins. "I should hope so, what fun is it to not be dangerous?" She giggles and ohs at the question. "Oh, it's not like I came here to try and take a freehold, though from all reports, I freaking *should*. But that's not me. I'm a Knight Errant, so I tend to wander. Which means multiple colleges, and before that, boarding schools. My parents on the mortal side have a lot of money and no concept of oversight so they pretty much let me do what I choose. Which is convenient when you need to go somewhere and help with a gremlin infestation or overthrow a despot or something. Heroic Deeds, Done for Free. Doesn't have quite the same ring to it, does it?"


"Yeah, I think Dirty Deeds, Done Dirt Cheap is a far catchier phrase. So, you're in college, huh? What are you studying? Isn't that what everyone asks?" Deirdre shrugs. "I decided to skip college. Unless I get a much, much larger ship, I don't need a degree. And by larger, I am talking 500 feet or more. There's a point where there's just too much regulation. Which is fair. There's like 50 thousand merchant ships crossing oceans at any given time. Add in the smaller craft that mostly stay put, and then the weekend speed boat, that's a lot of traffic to deal with."


Peri says, “Well, given that you have your own *ship*, I think you're doing fine," she says with a laugh. "And... I'm majoring in politics. I know, I know, it seems all wrong for me, but I firmly believe in the People's Right to Self-Governance and I will stomp heads to get it, damnit." She tilts her head to the side. "A 500 foot ship... that's a LOT of ship. And yeah, that's a lot of boats, too. Am I understanding that you have a fishing ship?"”


"Oh, I am doing more than fine. You see, back when I was like 9, I heard of this thing called bitcoin. And I had a computer and started mining it, and trading for it, and thought it was going to be the future of money, and I was going to be on the ground floor. And by the time I was out of the Navy, I realized that actual money was far more useful to buy things like a ship. So, I got a 156 foot fishing ship, gutted the bow, made it like a luxury yacht, because I served in the Navy dammit—I don't need to practice being cramped and crowded—and have my own seafood company. If you ever go to something upscale, where they have an overly pretentious menu that is like: Tuna, and then underneath some shit you've never heard of, or has a foreign country in front of the ingredient, or is vague as shit like root vegetable, and probably something French, then that is probably fish that I've pulled out of the sea."


Peri listens, her gaze focused, lapis-blue eyes intent. "Bitcoin? Seriously? You are the only person I have ever met who made money off it for real. That's *awesome*, I'm glad someone did. Oh, you were in the Navy? What was your -- the term is MOS, right?"


"Actually, in the Navy the term is rating. I was a corpsman. That's a medic in naval terminology. Full title is Hospital Corpsman. So, a man in the Hospital Corps. And yeah, I made some millions. If I held it, might have made more. But I made enough to where I don't ever have to work again. Do you know what 3.5 on 15 million is? It's enough. Hell, my company has never turned a profit. If I am up for the year, I just issue bonuses. Last year we lost 1 dollar. So, that part about having a doctor on sight in the song, I can be that. I'm better than any paramedic or EMS. When it comes at getting someone stabilized and moved to a hospital, nothing beats a corpsman."


Peri nods and repeats, "Rating, got it. Sorry." She smiles at that, and then listens. "That's... yeah, that's a nice chunk of change. If I was the type, I'd offer to be your cute trophy wife, but you're plenty cute enough on your own." She winks and giggles softly. "I don't doubt that. Sometime I should hit you up for triage lessons. I mean, I know basic first aid, but that doesn't do shit when someone has a sucking chest wound. At some point, I'll learn healing magic, too, but I've focused mostly on combat and motion arts. A lot of focus on fencing, from the time I was young." She nods again and says, "It sounds like your company is doing well enough, though, because one that isn't will bleed money every which way."


"Sucking chest wounds are easy. You have to use plastic or something to seal that wound. Gauze and normal bandages won't do anything. Have to seal it." Deirdre explains matter of factly. "Then you need to check the trachea to see if a lung has collapsed. And if it has, roll them on their side and make sure the collapsed lung is down." (OOC: Yes, I know that from memory.) Deirdre smirks. "Any wound on the extremities, tourniquet. Even if you're wrong, you're usually right enough. Broken femur, don't touch it unless you have practiced what to do. Of course, those are rare. But a broken femur can cut the femoral and they will die, unless drastic things happen quickly. As far as a trophy wife goes, you don't know much about Selkies, do you? I'm married to the sea. It's part of why I make such a good fisherman. I cheat. Oh I cheat; no mere mortal could match my skill and knowledge."


Peri actually listens, which may seem weird until you consider hey, Knight. "Huh. Today I learned," she offers in reply, amused but also pleased at the sudden influx of wisdom about keeping people alive. "Oh, that's okay, I'd cheat, too! Oh, you meant with fishing... oh, well... um. I... I would never break an oath at least!" She blushes.


The Selkie blinks. "Yes, with fishing." Then it dawns on her. "Ohh, yeah. Oh, right. Yeah . . . And once I get better at magic, oh, boy. I am going to have spots that make the autumn world green with envy!"