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03.20.23 Sept Stuff - Sketches
Trey comes to Irsa for guidance, and the sept joins in!
IC Date 03.20.23
Players Branton, Irsa, Jackie, Mercy’s-Messenger, Natalie H., Richard, Sable, Theron, Trey
Location Sept of the Enduring Spirit
Spheres Bastet, Garou, Kinfolk

Mystic Valley - Deep Forest(#1747RJU) The forest floor of the Large Cavern begins to slope sharply downwards into a deep, subterranean valley, the pathway ages ago etched into long, wide steps worn by countless feet and paws over the years. The walls of this valley cavern are high and extremely steep volcanic rock and granite slabs, the ceiling of the cavern so high that the valley has taken on its own internal weather system. Hundreds of feet overhead, the vents and cracks allowing sunlight to filter through can no longer be seen, light spreading as though the valley were lit with a gentle and unseen underground sun of its own. Mist from underground streams and waterfalls create en endless cycle of clouds, brief rains, and evaporation into clouds again, while breezes from any number of caves and tunnels bring fresh air and move the clouds through their false sky.

The subterranean forest is thickest here, towering evergreen trees are dwarfed by the sheer size of the valley cave, weeping willows hang curtains of greenery over meandering streams and pools of mineral water. The steep, unclimbable valley walls are dotted with vines and bushes that have, against all odds, found purchase and growth potential. Stone pathways wend and meander through moss and wild grass along the valley, creating miles of walkways all throughout this sacred place. 

A large central meadow has become a meeting point for the valley. Near enough to the Large Cavern's steeply stepped pathway and with wide stone avenues branching away to living areas, shrines, and the amphitheater. A well maintained seating area takes up the middle of the meadow, with a stone pit made for a large bonfire, several old logs and small boulders pulled up around it for comfortable seating. A large and ornately carved totem pole stands tall nearby, detailing the leadership of the Caern. Also nearby, a massive stone tablet jutting four feet out of the ground has inscribed upon its polished face the rules of the Caern, unmissable by anyone in the area.


Trey has returned to the caern; he spent some time meditating at the heart, earlier, but right now, he's just finished playing the Stick Game with a couple of the yearling cubs. For a solid half an hour, but hey, it's good to get cubs used to tracking prey, right? So right now, he's found coffee that some kind Kinfolk made, and is digging into a donut from a box that still has a few more. Also kind Kinfolk, one might imagine. He's perched on a rock, much more awake than he was last night, and that magpie seems to have been bribed with a bit of a donut to leave him be, because it's working on the tip of a cruller off in a tree. The warder passes on patrol carrying a clothing iron at the end of a steel chain.


Those sensitive enough to Umbral shifts likely sense Irsa's arrival just before they actually see her. The Bone Gnawer theurge suddenly appears from the shadows of her favorite oak, and she cracks her neck from side to side before looking around. The birds here give none fucks: they've seen her Step Sideways many times before.


Trey glances over to where an Irsa is where none was before, and he does the obvious thing. He holds out the box and asks, "Donut? There's fresh coffee, too, got some in the thermos. Very nice older Kin lady insisted, said I'm skinny." He grins. "I never argue with anyone giving me food."


"I -never- say no t' donuts and coffee," Irsa grunts, stepping forward to join Trey. "It's like ya read my mind, for real. I get hyper as hell on th' full moon, and I'm always wiped out for a couple days after." She turns her head to look over the group gathered near the cookfires. "There, later. Donuts now. No disrespectin' the gods of sugar, nuh uh." She reaches into the box for a donut and promptly shoves the thing into her mouth.


Trey hands over the thermos and a reusable mug (clean, of course) as well, placing them near Irsa's feet. "I actually need a little advice on how to handle info on things I find out. I got a call from a contact of mine this morning, someone... that wouldn't be welcome here, let's say, but is not an enemy, and has sympathetic views. She encountered someone who *is* an enemy, and gave me some data on who and what, and where he's located. Now, I'm not gonna go hunt down something like this on my only lonely, but I also don't want to go off half-cocked when it comes to a minion of the Corruptor."


Irsa grunts and claims some space under the tree, sitting cross-legged like a proper shifter. She shrugs off her pack and leans against it as she makes short work of her food and coffee. "Great, intel from a maybe-ally. How d'ya know she's sympathetic?"


Trey ums, and thinks for a moment, and then explains, "Because she had information that was not-from-me that was accurate about our thing, and made it clear she's respectful but hands-off. I've gotten reliable information from her before about other things, and for the most part, she's cautious." Except around Trey, of course. "Also, she was scared. She was asking me for advice when she told me, and submitted to a Rite of Cleansing eagerly. Now, I know that doesn't sound like a lot to base trust on, but she's warned me off people before that I later found out were... potential problems."


Irsa listens to Trey's response closely, cracking her knuckles thoughtfully. Those mental gears have clicked into action, as the Bone Gnawer considers what she's heard. She's sitting under her favorite oak tree again, next to Trey. "I gotta ask one question, 'cause th' answer is gonna greatly affect my investigative processes. Changeling or mage source?" she asks.


Sable moves along and she comes to the clearing.. "I brought some stew - still hot if anyone would like." says the kin. She smiles a bit and brushes her hair gingerly from her eyes


Trey takes in Irsa's question, and replies without hesitation, "Mage. Well-regarded one, for what that's worth." He pauses and looks over to Sable; the two have a mostly-empty box of donuts next to them, but Trey perks up at the mention of meat. "Oh! I'd love some if it's no trouble. Miss--?" A pause. "I'm Trey, I don't think we've met."


Irsa brushes some crumbs from the front of her cable-knit sweater. She's seated under an oak tree next to Trey, with Sable standing nearby with some type of container. "Man, two for two. First donuts an' coffee, and now food. If you're offering, Sable, I ain't gonna say no t' stew." She considers Trey's response, shifting her jaw. "Gotta always be careful with 'em, even when you think they're allies. They're mortal, for one, and power is somethin' they always crave. It ain't uncommon for them to have long-term plans: wheels within wheels, as it were. They can hide things away 'bout themselves with their magic. If there's advantage, most will take it. So, while we're eating, think that over, see if there's a handle she can use against ya, then I can get you more advice. Work?"


Here comes Theron, the kinfolk warrior making his way into the caern with a polite smile on his features as he steadies himself a moment to look around.


Trey takes those words with gravity; he knows he's sometimes too prone to accepting things at face value. "They are subtle," he notes aloud, "And yes, power-hungry. But that hunger isn't unfamiliar to me, though... to me, it's spiritual, too. And at least on the surface I can see, it is to her. But yeah, I don't doubt the reason she asked me was because it's somewhere in 'our problem' territory; that said, I do trust that what she told me was true. I intend to verify what I can, as soon as I can speak to a spirit about a gift that'll help me check out the situation." He smiles as the Kin warrior arrives and waves a hand to the unfamiliar face, friendly as always.


Irsa raises a hand as she spots Theron. "What up? Dunno if you've met Trey here or not, but come on over an' say hello." She grunts at Trey's response. "Smart, like a smart card-carryin' member of th' Eyes of Gaia. So, how'd she figure out he's an enemy? Don't think Mages can sense Wyrm taint normally. That true in your experience, Theron?" she asks, turning to the Fenrir Kin. She's heard tales about his pack's exploits.


Sable smiles, she has such a enchanting voice when she talks. "yes anyone who would like food can have some." she says softly


Theron shrugs, "I dont know a lot about magey mages like Gandalf mages." he admits. "Just the stories about how powerful they are...I wouldn’t be surprised if they had a way to figure it out." be offers, then waves to departing Sable, "Who is that?" he wonders.


Trey looks up toward the Kin fella from where he sits and extends a hand. "Trey Treads-on-Thin-Ice, Bastet of the Qualmi tribe born on four feet. A pleasure to meet you, Theron." He accepts the stew from Sable (who is now AFS) after greeting the man, and begins to eat happily. He's not a fussy sort. "Oh, they are definitely powerful, but they have shortcomings, too. Like... their own magic can blow up on them and hurt or kill them, especially if they're not *really* careful to make it look like something *possible*."


Irsa snickers a bit at the Gandalf remark and digs into her stew. "That? Name's Sable, Wendigo Kinfolk. Just met her yesterday, apparently, she's been waiting t' visit here. Broken Fang was apparently looking after her, but she ain't seen him since December. She tucks that information Trey's shared to ponder later. "Huh. And she's scared of th' person you mentioned, with all that power. What'd she have t' say about this target you wanna check into?"


Theron considers nodding a bit and just sort of says, "Hm. Nice to meet you." he finally remembers his manners. "Theron Santorini, Kinfolk of the Get of Fenris, Berserker of Munnin's Talons."


Trey ahhhs and smiles at the other man. "A packmate, then." He nods approvingly at that; this sept has a lot of very competent Kinfolk, and thus far Trey's been pretty impressed. He is seated with Irsa under her favorite oak, and Theron is standing nearby, talking with the two. He notes to Irsa, "Well, she said he approached her in her professional capacity as a medical professional. It bothered her enough that she's reworking magical protections on her home and place of business. I think she's at least wary -- but I felt fear, there, when she spoke of him."


"Theron's one of our resident bad-asses," Irsa remarks, setting her empty bowl aside. She polished that stew off in no time. "Just like ya'd expect from a War totem tribe, especially when it comes to Great Fenris." He approached her? Shit, does he know she's a Mage?" Irsa asks Trey. And then of course, ANOTHER bad-ass turns up, but she hasn't seen that one yet.


Theron scratches his head, "She's a mage? What now? I’m confused because I missed the start of this." the berserker adds.


Jackie comes in from the warder station dressed back in her country clothes and homes in on Irsa and the others. "Mages? Are we neck deep in serious business again? Already? It's only Monday!"


Trey shakes his head. "I don't know. If he does, he's either very powerful, or very stupid. Or maybe both. This is why I'm wary about doing anything just yet, without knowledge. His name's Riptavian." He looks up at Theron and says, "The contact who told me about this potential problem is a mage," explaining the confusing situation. "Hi, Jackie! Yeah, but the mage isn't the problem, I promise. At least, not the one I'm talking about."


"Right? I swear it's rainin' Corruption from the skies anymore," Irsa remarks to Jackie. She takes a swig of coffee, from an actual mug even. It's clearly been given to her -- nothing she owns is ever completely clean. "Stupid Wyrmspawn are my very fav'rite type. I ain't heard th' name 'Riptavian' before. Did she give you a description?" She makes room for Jackie, and tosses her a donut from a box near Trey.


Jackie snags the donut out of the air with a quick catch. She nods along with Irsa. "Yeah, I guess the dumb ones are less dangerous than the clever ones, right?"


Trey explains, "Better than that. She gave me sketches of both this Riptavian person and his... friend? Paramour? Not sure, guy named Josh." He goes to fish out his phone, and then realizes it's in the box at the entrance. "Crap. It's on my phone. I have photos of the sketches she did. I've seen the guy once before at a coffee shop. Big dude, hard to miss. Well, to *me* at least. I think he may be a little taller than you." He and Irsa and Jackie are sitting under Irsa's favorite oak tree, a box of donuts with a few left in it nearby, some empty bowls of stew likewise.


Sable has assured there were some stew for everyone and for those asking she tilts her head "I am Rosa, Wendigo kinfolk" she offers in a sweet toned enchanting lilt. She looks over to Trey as he speaks and she lowers her eyes softly


It's been a bit, but tonight, Richard comes into the Caern with Natalie. They're holding hands and Richard has his med bag with him.


Branton comes along the tunnel from the living area, carrying a duffle bag laden with stuff and smiling as he ambles along over to the group "Evening folks. How's it going?"


"I wish," Irsa says to Jackie. "Remind me to tell you 'bout the fomori I fought during my Rite of Passage. Dumb, but damn strong. I really should change my fav'rite type of Wyrmspawn to dumb and weak, and not beamin' shit into your head." She frowns as she digs around in her pack. "Heya, Branton. Wanna drop some eaves?" she asks.


Natalie leans closer to Richard as she says softly, "I didn't ask before, but is there a reason you have your bag with you tonight?"


Mercy brings up the rear on the whole valley entry train, but she's not doing anything helpful on her way in. No carrying anything or bringing anything, just walkin! On her feet and everything!


Trey smiles affably at Sable and says, "Thank you for the stew," but his attention is drawn back to the conversation with the mention of fomori. "Dumb and weak sounds good, but if they all were, we'd have dealt with them all by now." He offers a friendly wave to all of the new arrivals, and sits back, saying, "I don't know if this guy has done much beyond scaring the hell out of her and making her panic enough to call me, but... I just wanted to ask how it's dealt with here."


Sable whispers “I knew that man..” Sable murmurs something quietly to Trey before she blinks her eyes softly and she nibbles a bit on her lips. She stays just right out of his way however just a step to the side and to the back, enough to whisper and to give him space.


"I always bring my bag in case it's needed." Richard says to Natalie. "Gifts can't heal or cure everything, so I bring the bag." He explains. He hears Trey and turns attention that way.


Natalie nods her head to show understanding. She hears the words too and her head swivels around, eyebrows arching, "Was someone threatened?" She asks. She gives Richard's hand a squeeze before stepping toward Trey. She offers others in the area a nod of greeting, but waits for Trey's answer.


Jackie makes quick work of her donut, listening in and quietly trying to get caught up to speed on the problem.


Branton shrugs and grins at Irsa, setting his duffle down with a bit of a clank "Sure. Something or someone need to be set on fire?" Then he spies his mate's approach and he leaps over there, clearly showing off a bit and scooping her up into a spinning hug dippy smooch "Hey lady, fancy meeting you here."


Ah, setting the whole problem on fire sounds good right about now! Trey looks at Rosa, blinks slowly, and says, "What do you know of him?" His tone is calm, even, easy, not trying to scare the young woman. "Did something happen?"


"Oh! Oh! Pick me!!" Iris says while she's still being smoochy dipped. Apparently, she's volunteering to get set on fire. But... Like of course she is. "Wait, no, hang on a second, I have flammables..." and she steps aside to make sure she's not packing anything explosive. And also she waves at people! Ones she knows, ones she don't know, whoever just needs a wave.


Irsa cracks her knuckles again, and shoots a curious look at Sable. "Sounds like we'd better get that picture of th' dude himself, Trey. I...hold on, what?" she says. "How long ago, an' when?" she asks the Wendigo.


Sable nods .. she shifts a little "Stephan and the Denfather.... chased him off... I used to...meet him at the train station, he was sending his kid... off to school." she says quietly, "I don’t know anything more just never ever to speak to him again."


Richard sees the group and then turns to see Iris. He bows his head to her and then to the others. He sticks to Natalie's side, but is listening very closely to the conversation. His brow furrows as he tries to follow the story.


Trey listens to Sable and nods slowly. He looks to Natalie, and explains, "I have a contact who encountered this person Riptavian. She expressed some concerns -- fear -- to me. Said contact is a mage; I ensured she was not tainted and then told her I would look into the matter. Sable just mentioned having met him." A pause. "Sable, how many times did you meet him, and what happened?"


"Fuckin' Wyrm-tainted horndogs," Irsa growls. She hunts around in her pack and finds one of her sketchbooks. "Both of ya, describe this asshole to me when Sable's done sharing her story," she says to Trey and Sable. "Don't suppose you got any liquor on ya," she asks Jackie. "What up, mentor of mine?" This is directed at Mercy.


Theron had left for a bit, to handle something but returns and the group has grown. His brow arches and he moves further in and just sort of "Hrms."


Sable frowns a little she looks to her fingers, and she takes a breath. "We... went on a ferris wheel ride one day.. he had flowers delivered to the Smoke and Barley.. I was just arrived here. Stephan made sure I was cleansed... and I was told not ever to seek him out again. So I haven’t." she says to Trey "He seemed to respect and hasn’t pursued me either since the others spoke to him. Maybe you should talk to the den father as well since he has already once helped defuse situations?" she asks to Trey. Her voice was an enchanting sweetness, though she looks nervously to Trey. Her eyes look over to Irsa and she chuckles, "Gaia has horndogs too...." she chirps softly before lowering her eyes.


Natalie frowns a little bit and looks to Richard. She asks him quietly, "Is that name familiar to you?" She looks back to Trey, then to Sable, listening closely.


Jackie shakes her head at Irsa. "Not really on me, but I can run out to the car. I've still got some honey liquor in the back."


Trey says, "Irsa, absolutely. I'll work on a sketch with you. Don't worry, Sable, nobody's saying you did. And I will ask the den father, too, so I understand the whole thing clearly. I don't want to step in it and make problems. I'm a guest here." He waves to Mercy amidst all this seriousness, shooting the Fury a helpless little half-smile. "Leave it to me to find trouble, huh?"


Theron blinks looking over to Sable a moment, he then looks around and just absently pats his finger tips on the armor on one forearm, idle hands are not doing him well.


Richard shakes his head to Natalie. "Not in the least." He says. He moves to a spot and puts his bag down. "Was this recently?" Richard asks Trey.


Branton snorts and nods in agreement with Sable as he settles in next to Mercy, putting an arm around her shoulder "There's been more than a few folks led around by their hormones as members of the sept. Ask around about Annie, or Zoe, or Jake Chambers, or Chullian, or....well you get the idea. Who's fuckin who causes almost as much trauma drama as the War."


"No shit. And that's part of th' fucking problem, right there," Irsa growls. "Do people not take th' time to see if the people they wanna bump uglies with might be a danger?" She takes a slow, deep breath, solidly tamping down her anger. "Yeah, if you can get liquor, I'd appreciate it," she says to Jackie. "I can get ya back, count on it."


Sable smiles to Trey "I am sorry I can not help more." she says quietly.. she looks about "it was a long time ago... before Christmas."


Theron just sort of exhales and looks around at the group, not sure exactly yet what to make of what is all going on. A slight cluck of his tongue as he tries to decide.


Natalie looks to Irsa. She looks as if she's about to say something. But she stops herself. She looks back to Sable, "This all happened in December?" she asks. After a moment she motions to Richard toward a place to sit, then makes her way over there to sit down.


Mercy returns from wherever she went to divest herself of all the things on her person that have a tendency to explode. Safety first! "Hi Theron!" she chirps while Branton settles next to her. Catching up on the conversation just causes a weary roll of her eyes, "Next time shag drama happens, I'm dick punching people to death again." she says decisively.


Trey holds up his hands defensively and says, "Don't look at me, I'm not bumping anything with anyone. And if I was, I would be checking their bona fides." He offers a comforting half-smile to Sable and says, "It's fine. Just work with Irsa-rhya and help her with the sketch, when she's ready." He's kind of hoping nobody objects to him directing a Kin who's not *his* Kin. He sits back, lets out a long breath, and says, "No dick punching me, my dick is well-behaved."


Jackie hops up and dusts donut power off her hands and jacket. Then she jogs out to her car and returns in a few minutes with a mostly full bottle of Barenjager and hands it off to Irsa. She looks over at Theron and nods her head to the bottle. "You'll probably like this too. It's made from honey, like mead."


"This is why I always steal someone elses mate. I know they are clean then." Theron jokes. Then he raises his hands defensively, "Thats a joke. I've never slept with someone that was mated..." a brief pause, "That I know of."

"Hey." he greets Mercy's Messenger, "Long time no see it feels like forever."


Richard grabs his bag and moves over with Natalie to take a seat. He turns so he can see and hear folks a little better. His brow arches at some of the things being said. He shakes his head a little and settles in to listen to the conversation.


Irsa snorts at Mercy's words. She was there for the aftermath of said dick-punching, that was plenty of trauma right there. "Thanks, Jackie." She takes a swig of the offered bottle, and passes it over to Theron. "Oh hey, I've had this stuff before. What'd you call it, Jackie?"


Branton grins broadly at Jackie's booze offering "That stuff is amazing. So good." Then he nods at his Mate's declaration "You are really good at that, and that guy super deserved it."


"I think expert dick punching is a prerequisite for being a Black Fury." Mercy guesses, waggling her head side to side. "It's like how flying aces stamp the sides of their planes in cartoons. ...I should get a dick stamp, but I feel like my tribe might take it the wrong way."


Booze is offered to him from Irsa, and Theron doesn't seem very inclined to decline. He takes it and takes a sip, "Thats why they kicked me out." Theron jokes, "I refused to punch dicks." he adds lightly. "Faces on the other hand..."


Natalie listens to the conversation while staying silent. She is sitting close to Richard, her body angled slightly toward him. She doesn't seem to have a lot to offer to the current topic.


Jackie chuckles at the line of conversation. "Hey, for some of us shorter people faces can be harder to reach."


"Not if ya cross the dicks out," Irsa remarks to her mentor. What a genius plan. She eyes the box of donuts sitting next to Trey and sneaks another one to split with Jackie, snickering at her packmate's quip.


Sable is quiet now as the conversations move away and onto dicks. She seems not to have much to say about that, the kin moves aside to sit by herself as she listens.


Trey offers, "Do you mean a stamp on you with a dick, or a stamp that's used on dicks? Or maybe just a really nice pair of steel toed boots with an enchantment for better kicking?" He laughs at Theron's remark and says, helplessly, trying not to burst into laughter, "This is what I get for asking questions." He puts a finger in the air, opens his mouth, and then closes it.


On the next 'As the Caern Turns', it's the Dick Punching episode. Richard listens to the conversation. "I'm so confused now." He says idly.


Jackie looks back to Richard. "Yeah, it seems like we drifted off topic. There was something serious going on, right?"


"I mean, if you look at it with your eyes really squinty, the nose is sort of the unisex dick of the face..." Mercy opines, then winces and says, "I wish I'd never said that out loud, now the image is in my head and I hate it." Having settled now, she notices the new chick and says to Sable, "Hi! I'm Mercy's Messenger, or Iris, elder Black Fury Theurge and follower of Meros. Wussup?" To Richard she sums up quickly, "Ronin Garou disrespecting someone's territory, then admitted to consorting with Wyrm spawn a lot, so I 'sploded his pelvis and stuff. Tangentially related to people sleeping with people they should not be sleeping with."


Natalie seems rather baffled by now too. She listens to Mercy though, and forms a silent "O" with her mouth, then glances at Richard, "I think I have a better understanding now," She says to him.


Irsa does a double-take at Mercy. "Shit, for real? I never heard that part." She noshes on her donut half and hunts around in her pack once more. "Trey's got a picture of this Riptavian dude, from a sketch this mage that reported him to Trey drew. Soon as we can get to a spot where tech can be used, we can share it." She snorts suddenly. "Riptavian. Sounds like somethin' a fomori would use."


"Does he need to die? If he is wyrm tainted...wyrm...aligned." Theron suggests, but maybe the Get of Fenris kinfolk is just seeking out the violence. Who could say.


Trey notes, quietly, "I think I should be grateful all this stuff happened before I got here." He turns to Jackie and says, "Yeah. What Irsa said. I said I would look into this. Seems like he's known to the sept, though, so I'm going to ask those who knew about him and see what they advise. The person who encountered him is a contact of mine, not a sept member or ally, though."


Sable folds her hands round her legs a little .. she listens and looks around, she stays out of the conversations about Rip other then what she already supplied. She looks to Theron a moment before she allows her gaze to go over to Trent once more.


Richard points out, "If there's anything I can do to help?" He offers. He leans against Natalie. "I have a few tricks up my sleeve that could help."


Theron exhales, "Well this seems to be all figured out, I'm going to head back. If anyone needs me, you know where to find me." the warrior explains and then just like that, the Viking is on his way out.


"Later, Tater!" Mercy calls at Theron, adding in an excitable wave to go with it. Richard's offer is pointed towards Irsa though, she's apparently decided the Gnawer is the go-to on this whole thing. "SO! Aside from a buncha horny fuckers, what's been goin on lately? How's everyone?"


Natalie leans against Richard in return, almost as if the pair are propping each other up. She tips her head to look at Richard as he speaks, a smile touching her lips. She looks to Mercy with the new question, "Things have been relatively quiet lately. I'm not complaining, but at the same time it makes me nervous."


Irsa finishes her snack and wipes her hands off on her pants. Napkins are for suckers. "Why's it make ya nervous?" she asks Natalie. "Think there's gonna be a push?"


Trey mms agreement on that. "I admit, some part of me was spoiling for a fight earlier about this, but I'm not about to go start things without asking around what I'm stepping in." He exhales. "I worry about that, Irsa. Maybe that's why I am kinda nervy about this issue."


Sable goes quiet for a moment or two before she raises and wanders off.


Natalie says to Irsa, "I've seen problems after lulls like this. Not always, but often enough that it makes me nervous.


Jackie fishes another donut out of the box. "What counts as a lull in these parts?"


"I'm glad you're doin well!" Mercy says with a bright smile at Nat, and then nods her agreement with Irsa. "Yeah, peaks and valleys. Right about the tiime we're all bored to tears, we'll have Wyrm attacks comin out our freakin ears. I like not fighting, but I'd be lying if I said it wasn't super fun. Right before I start freaking out about being violent and awful, but still. Fun stuff."


"Move into th' city," Irsa remarks dryly. "Y' see it more often. Wyrm's bad enough there, Weaver's just as dangerous. I keep lookin' over my shoulder for Drones." She finds the Jagermeister bottle and takes a sip before handing it back to Jackie. Best packmate ever!


Natalie looks to Irsa. She shudders slightly, "To many people to close together. I can't handle that. Coming in to work at my shop is bad enough and I get to escape back out into the countryside every night."


"There's an app for that!!" Mercy blurts excitedly at Irsa, and snaps her fingers. An archer's quiver just appears in her hands and she carefully picks through the arrows in it before handing one to Irsa. "Take that home with you, reverse engineer it for your bolts." The arrow has a graphite shaft wrapped in copper wire, fletched with metal threads and a Weaver glyph etched into it.


Branton chuckles and nods at his mate "Nothing wrong with being good at our job. And you and me are really really good at our jobs. Remember the bane possessed apartment building and fomori nest? that was a good time."


Richard looks around and then back to Natalie, "Atleast it's not boring?" He offers to her. But he does keep turning his head to keep up with the conversation.


Irsa nearly falls over as her mentor just summons stuff out of nowhere again. You'd think she'd be used to it by now. She checks the arrow out carefully, handing it to Jackie so her packmate can take a closer look as well. "Oh, now this is nice work," she tells Mercy. "How hard was it to bind the elemental?" She knows her glyphs, like a real theurge.


Trey peers over at the glyphs on the arrow as well, curious about the answer as well. He seems to have something on his mind, hence being quiet.


"AH! I was gonna tell Trey about String making that building frenzy, but I totally forgot!" Mercy says, reminded by Branton of good times. "Later, story time." she promises the catmando, who may have possibly fallen into snooze territory. To Irsa's question she says, "Um... Not too hard to *bind* really, but I'd suggest not wearing anything metal or being anywhere near water when you summon an electricity elemental. They're bona fide insane. Lightnight's sane, but less interested in the wonton destruction of things."


Natalie glances to Richard again. That smile returns, "Never boring." She glances toward the arrow with some curiosity.