Low Torment
High Torment
Dead Reckoning
Cloak of Shadows
The Angel always knows where he is in relation to known landmarks, no matter how far away those landmarks may be. Unless affected by spatially distorting evocations such as Warp Path, he can never lose his sense of direction.
The Angel is shrouded in a pall of darkness, making his features difficult to see in the best of light, and rendering him near-invisible at night. The difficulties of all Stealth rolls decrease by two whenever he stands in a pool of shadow or moves in darkness. If the Angel is attacked, the rules for Blind Fighting apply to the attacker.
Pass without trace.
The difficulties of the Angels stealth rolls are decrease by two, and his passage does not disturb the surrounding environment in any way. He leaves no footprints and disturbs no foliage.
The Angel can walk or run without need of rest, able to cover superhuman distances without pause. As long as he stays in motion, he is unaffected by fatigue or hunger.
Increased Awareness
Voice of the Grave
The Angel is especially attuned to the fabric of reality, lowering his difficulties of ALL awareness rolls by two.
The difficulties of all Intimidation rolls by the Angel decreases by two.
Conjure from Nothing
Dread Gaze
The Angel is capable of supernatural sleight of hand, seeming to conjure items out of thin air only to make them vanish again with a flick of the wrist. He can draw an item from a pocket or conceal an item without detection on a successful Dexterity + Athletics roll (difficulty 6)
Individuals (Mortal or Supernatural) who meet the demon's gaze and who fail a Willpower roll (Difficulty 7) must forfeit their actions for that turn.

The Visage of the Realms Angels of the Second World manifest as shadowy figures whose features are hidden in perpetual darkness. The air itself seems to wrap about them like a robe of night, conjuring the image of the cowled ferryman of human myth. Their hands are white and bony, like a skeleton's, and they move without effort or sound.
The Halaku changed greatly in the wake of Heaven's curse, but none so much as the Ereshkigal. These demons bear the least resemblance to their once-angelic forms of any of the fallen, simply because they created a new purpose for themselves - as well as a new lore path - after the Fall. The Angels of the Second World were once charged with killing off species that had either failed in their purpose (many of the Zaltu's early experiments provided work for the Ereshkigal) or had simply outlived their role in the ecosystem. Only humans remained untouched, as they did not die. Then, with one horrible proclamation from Michael, everything changed. Reapers who sided with God found themselves collecting the souls of man, and the Ereshkigal, who had heretofore stalked dying beasts throughout Creation, tried to find ways to hide them. The Angels of the Realms were, in their way, responsible for preserving what little remained of the "layered reality" after the Fall and the War of Wrath, for they created the spirit worlds where dead souls could hide from their reaping angels. To this day, no one is sure if it was an act of God or angel that made denizens of one realm incompatible with another, but many of the creatures that the Halaku hid in the spirit worlds die in moments on Earth. The Ereshkigal had only so much time to focus on animals, however, as they were busy trying to show humans how to cross these boundaries. Together with some few of the rogue Antu, they created gateways and paths that led to the newly constructed spirit realms.
The Lore of the Realms is one of many lore paths created out of necessity in the wake of the Fall. As the Ereshkigal built the lands of the dead, they assumed garb that would allow them pass unnoticed between the realms. Over time, humanity knew them as spirit guides, psychopomps and ferryman. They shed their wings and other angelic trappings, and their visages became quiet and dark, so as not to attract notice. The Ereshkigal of today still exhibit these traits, even when Torment begins to consume them. When the anguish overpowers their souls, however, they grow cold. In the darkness of the lands of the dead, there waits oblivion, and even the oldest Ereshkigal cannot remember why they allowed this spiritual void into the realm they built for their beloved humans-if indeed it was their choice to do so.
Full Name:
Wyatt Yorik O'Bannon
Date of Birth:
September 23, 1982
North America
Chief of Police and Security at Klaussenburg Psychiatric Hospital
Baron Watcher and Ferrymen of the Alabaster Legion
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"If called upon to express an opinion, I almost feel sorry for the Devils. Their lies and ambitions might be met with a sad and patronizing smile, but I usually make our meetings brief, and simple."
"There was a lot of enmity between our two houses during the war. Now I claim these fallen as my closest brothers, discarding any previous ill will."
"Artifacts, hell, all material objects are just playthings. Distractions, if you will, from the real concerns of the world. That being said, I do not got any problem with them, they are just like any other fallen. But then again, I do not really play well with others anyway."
"In the absence of God, it is the dead that now ride dreams and shape the patterns of the stars. Holding close kinship to my own house, I hold the Fiends in high enough regard to almost call them likeable. - Almost."
"The Defilers have bridged the gap between themselves and mankind, a gap that had been as profound as ours in its own way. Yet all they have done with their new opportunities is act like spoiled brats and slatterns."
"Most do not like Gods favorite children any more then I do. On top of that, they are easily manipulated. If your foolish enough to have any, keep your friends close, your enemies closer, and the Devourers closest. "
"Not only are these fools mislead, they walk down the wrong path willfully. If Lucifer engineered the Great Escape, just where is he? Its nauseating to watch beings who were once the lords of creation scuttling around looking for a new bearded patriarch to lead them to glory, smite the wicked and tuck them into bed at night. They might as well wait for Godot as for their precious Morningstar!"
"These crazy Elohim have gone from serving God, to opposing God, to being brutalized by God, to thinking they can REPLACE god? Such reasoning is laughable, and they call US crazy!"
"When are you gonna get tired of asking why, and start smashing stuff? Its the only course of a realist."
"While the Faustians and Luciferans are insane to think they can still make any kind of serious assault against God, they at least understand that there's a war going on and that it didn't stop just because one side was beaten into submission for a million years. Congratulations, you just earned the hotly contested title"
"The only ones that make any sense to me."
"Wipe away this cruel mockery of the Paradise we once designed. Give humanity the merciful silence of the grave. Destroy the works of God at any and all times, hoping perhaps to provoke him into finally annihilating us."
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So playful! I hope that we did not embarrass Phil to badly! She is kind of smoking hawt to!
Intriguing. She gave me so much shit over her 'kit', and after I offered to give it back, she simply left without taking it.
Fang Banger. What a waste of potential. Cant say I was sorry to see you go brother.'
Another street bum, but interestingly enough he seems to prefer the forest. Dude does protection work for some Garou hangout. Must be some kind of nut or badass!
Not everyone can pull off a catsuit like her. I guess she was busy the day they took auditions for catwoman. Michelle Pfiffer owes this chick a favor.
Such a cool dude! Hope you get that business off the ground. I might have to stop in and visit.
Such a precious thing to me. So gentle, and naive, yet such a rare gift. Mess with her at your own peril. Yes, I am talking to you, Haunts!
I ran into him at Images and Dreams, and even at Maple Park. Things seem to quiet down around this one. Suspicious?
Not much of a talker are ya? Quiet, this one. Intriguing.
Gave me a job after that bitch Silvana fired me from the Casino. Considered my closest ally. You fuck with her, I fuck with you.
These two definitely have their difference. I consider it a lack of communication. Foster seems more interested in humanity, then the welfare of his own brothers and sisters. Eager to seize power as well, but who could fault him for that. Many of our brothers and sisters have lost their 'heirarchy' mindset, in lieu of merit brings station mentality. I don't know what to think about that. Still, my loyalty is to him as he is the Tyrant.
Likes to hang around my graveyard. Knows a thing or two about spirits. Potential ally, and friend of the family!
I have seen 'The holy grail' to! But tell me, friend.. Where have you been?
Trusted Friend. Dont know much about her, but she was their, as if conveniently, when I needed her. Owe ya one!
Another Angel. And of the 7th house to boot. I remember her from the war. We were both from the same Legion, and house. Both helped Charon make Haven. I met her only a day or two after she hosted and helped her in the transition period. I value her as a deep friend, and staunch ally. I look forward to the possibilities that await the two of us.'
You stupid bitch! You cant let a couple of hunters live that see a dozen demons doing some demon shit. Thats strikes 1 and 2. Dont let me catch you slipping again..
I ran into him at the skate park, and first impressions was not that great. half a year later, I bump into him again, and he seemed interested in giving me his contact information. Is this good or bad?!
I dont think he has a single marble in that skull of his. I am going to have to haunt this guy, just for shits and giggles!
Interesting dude! Filleting a child as if it was a catfish. He will serve nicely as a catalyst of the means to my ends!
A Magus that wants to reboot this flawed reality. Oh, joy! I like her already.'
Fuck that bitch! Yes, I am serious. Why does everyone keep asking me that?
The dude is into fixing motorcycles, its been in his family for a century now. Dude hooked me up with a meal at the smoke and barley, so I cant complain! Even offered me work! I think I am gonna see where this bumming around leads me to first though.
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Wyatt hasnt always been a Hospital Police Chief, he was once a street bum that liked to walk around the city. Maybe you bumped into him, in the middle of your journey?
The following is an actual RP Scene Set, that sums up a lot about what it is to be Wyatt. If you can get into this kind of entertainment, and feel you can at least slightly contribute, please, page me.
Wyatt is standing on the corner of Market And Third Avenue, with a brisket, sponge, and soapy water. The stoplight changes and he walks over to the first car that's stopped, and begins to clean the windshield. "Get the fuck off my car, buddy!" The driver yells. Wyatt ignores the man and continues, until the man steps out of the vehicle. "Didn't you hear me? Get the fuck out of here!" Wyatt leans off the car, and tilts his head, "Give me a dollar!" He pleas. The man in the car simply retorts, "Wha?" Wyatt continues, "You got a benz." pointing at the car with his spongey wet hand, "I got a brisket." He says raising the container up in the air so the guy might take notice. "Give me a dollar!"
The man now out of his car, actually smiles, and pulls out a money clip. "Here is 500 bucks. Get yourself a room, get cleaned up, get a haircut, get yourself a job, and get off the sauce. I see you on the street again, I am gonna fucking kill you." And with that, he gets back in the car, and waits for the light to turn green. Wyatt, blinks, and starts to make his way off the street, unto the sidewalk, and trips on the curb. Dropping the brisket - and the money, "Son of a bitch!" He screams as he realizes the soapy water is all but ruining his 'big break'.
Standing up, Wyatt returns to his normal m.o. and begins his rant at the passer-by's "The Federal Reserve is there to enslave the public, taxes go to pay interest on the 'loan' the government takes out to print money." He goes on about 9/11 being an inside job. "How can 2 planes take down 3 buildings. Wake up!" Then moving on to say, "the Tylenol murders was committed by an employee of the Johnson and Johnson pharmacy, and the FBI is in bed with them, and wants to save them the embarrassment" The longer anyone near the crazy level of Wyatt, stays to listen, the deeper and innate the rant becomes.
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Apocolyptic Form
Wyatts' Phone
Wyatts' Rolex
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