Hive of Shattered Souls

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"You'll pay for this, Captain Planet!"




  • Hive Name: Hive of Shattered Souls
  • Pit Type: Apathy
  • Pit Level: 3
  • Totem: Whippoorwill

Hive Leaders

  • All Wyrm Shifter PCs of rank 1+ can recognize all of the following people by reputation.
    • Exception: Shifters who are Wyrm faction, but are not tainted, such as Hatar Ananasi that still serve Ananasa.
  • Many Hive positions are available to PCs, such as Gatekeeper, Master of Challenge, Truthcatcher and more. Contact staff, if interested.
  • If your Shifter has been Transmogrified (or the equivalent), but you don't have access to the Pit, +request a lock exception from staff.
Position Name Rite Name Rank Breed Auspice Gender Nature Demeanor
Eater of Souls Emil Sheridan (NPC) Ragh'arshra 5 Homid Galliard Male Perfectionist Bon Vivant
Beast of War Hannibal Umbridge (NPC) Grr'ashuck 5 Lupus Philodox Male Sociopath Critic
Defiler Wyrm Eris Romanov-Valentine Devil Dolly 5 Homid Ragabash Female Deviant Architect
Master of the Rite Boyd Monroe (NPC) Ye'wosha 4 Metis Theurge Male Manipulator Fanatic
Keeper of the Land Azoth 3 Metis Theurge Male Confidant Guru
Master of the Howl Izzy Hanson (NPC) Haawo'lucha 4 Homid Galliard Female Bravo
Gate-keeper Marcus Damon (NPC) Fra'magyin 3 Lupus Ahroun Male Masochist Monster

Hive Elders

  • All BSD Garou PCs of rank 1+ can recognize all of the following people by reputation.
Rank Name Rite Name Rank Breed Auspice Gender
Elder Kurt Amsel Ka'Mirska 5 Metis Philodox Male
Athro Bayne Graagh 4 Lupus Theurge Male


  Current   Past

Active PCs

Black Spiral Dancers


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BSD kinfolk

Fallen Shifter


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Dark Litany

  • Serve the Wyrm in All Its Forms

The Thirteen Tribes continually war with each other, but the forces of the Wyrm must be stronger. This mandate enforces the tribe’s unity, allowing their alliances with such diverse societies as Pentex and the Sabbat. Service to the Wyrm is more important than philosophical debate.

  • Beware the Territory of Another

This dictum allows separate Hives to maintain separate territories. Competition for land is usually not a problem, since most new Hives are created from distant Garou Caerns. This law also applies when Black Spirals from different Hives encounter each other within the tunnels of the underworld. A Black Spiral may travel through the tunnels of another Hive as long as he does not endanger it. If he does, the transgressor is tortured and devoured by the offended werewolves.

  • Slay Those Who Will Not Join You

Offering a Garou the chance to walk the spiral is an honor. Prisoners are sometimes offered the chance to transmogrify instead of submitting to hours of messy torture. Those treated with such esteem should show proper deference. Those who reject such overtures are destroyed.

  • Respect All Those Who Serve the Wyrm

This stricture allows Hives to consider ideas advanced by humans within Pentex and Sabbat vampires. Though they may choose to disregard the Veil or extol the use of technology, they both serve the Wyrm. Black Spirals may also accord a modicum of respect to Garou who are on the long dark path toward corruption. One might argue against slaying a Shadow Lord cultist or Uktena occultist outright if they believe the cur is destined to walk the Shattered Labyrinth.

  • The Veil Shall Not Be Lifted

This idea is not only upheld by Garou and Black Spirals alike, but by most supernatural creatures. By enacting their schemes silently and discreetly, Black Spirals can hide from the Garou who hunt them, infiltrate human society more thoroughly, and employ the advantage of surprise. In a more general context, this dictum sometimes becomes a point of contention between Black Spirals and the Sabbat. The werewolves don’t care for plans that force them to compromise the secrecy of their Hives, but they also don’t mind if Sabbat vampires bring down human retribution on themselves.

  • Do Not Suffer Thy People to Tend Thy Sickness

Unlike some tribes of the Garou Nation, the Black Spirals uphold this dictum religiously. A weak cub should not grow old enough to poison the tribe’s gene pool. A weak elder is a liability, and if he cannot defeat challenges against his position, he should be destroyed. As a corollary to this, some Black Spirals are actually so insane that they pose a threat to the security of a Hive. In this case, they are either made Ronin or torn limb from limb in sacrifices to dark powers.

  • The Leader May Be Challenged At Any Time in Peace

This stricture has remained intact since the days of the White Howlers. Defeating Black Spirals of renown is an effective way to gain infamy and power. If a leader cannot defeat his own followers, he has no right to lead them against their enemies.

  • The Leader Shall Not Be Challenged in Time of War

Once battle begins, the forces of the Wyrm must be united. This is the Black Spirals’ chief advantage over the Thirteen Tribes. Admittedly, arguing this point of the Dark Litany is difficult, as the tribe is almost always involved in some sort of conflict, but it’s usually reserved for when an outright skirmish has begun. There are few notable exceptions, such as when a vampire or Nephandus is attempting to lead Black Spirals in battle and does so poorly.

  • Ye Shall Take No Action That Causes a Pit to Be Violated

The interpretation of this guideline usually applies to security and secrecy. If anyone who is not a Black Spiral Dancer or Wyrm-spirit enters a Pit, he must be killed swiftly. Prisoners are never brought back to a Pit, nor does anyone speak of the sanctum when outside its boundaries. If prisoners are honored with an invitation to the Shattered Labyrinth, the Rite of the Black Spiral must be performed away from the Hive’s sanctum.
