How many people ever get to choose the circumstances of their birth?
Do you dare to wonder what your role truly is or should be?
Loyalty is only as good as your personal goals.
It is never too late to learn more.
Question your path.
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- Natural Prophet
Azoth has the uncanny ability to 'see' signs, omens, patterns, and portents in all manner of things. He also tends to speak his mind about these signs, especially when they are telling of things to come that result in pain or failure or death, but his great visions are not limited to catastrophe. Guided by the Far-Seeing Might of the Greater Incarna Whippoorwill, much is revealed to him far outside of choice. If you need somebody to see or prophesize events, or even deliver clues to what the future holds, then he may be what you need for your story or tale, even if it's simply to set things in motion.
- Spirit Affinity
Azoth is naturally gifted in dealing with spirits, even for a Theurge, and tends to have eyes and ears in many places. If one needs information of given events or details on past events he might be able to help you out. He tends to be in the know for all manner of things that others would have no way of knowing.
Do you play a Fomor possessed by a Bane or are otherwise related or connected to Banes? If so, there will be an unmistakable though hard to explain attraction to Azoth as if he were one of your own. This especially goes for any meetings or social dealings in the Umbra. If he speaks, you'll likely want to listen. But it goes both ways, too.
Kurt: Brother Ka'Mirska, our styles and efforts may differ greatly, but there is no hotter fire of which to ash the guilty protecting the Mad Weaver.
Eris: Sister Devil Dolly, yours is a beauty and grace that I can never match. I would not be here still were it not for the lessons you've taught me.
Russ: Brother AnguDa'Staagra, your knowledge is only outmatched by the ferocity for which you protect our Ways. I stand firmly beside you.
Thomas: Brother Manic-Panic!, you are full of secrets and fun and there is no way that I could ever not adore you, Pretty Bird.
Harano: My dear brother, you are broken. So very broken. Even still, I'll hold the pieces close as I work to keep them from falling apart, if you'll let me.
"Be then afraid for our eventual encounter for there will be no mercy, for we shall Corrupt, Consume, and Destroy all in our path until none remain that can defend or obstruct the fall of the Mad Weaver. If we are not allowed to save the Balance, we shall see to the Destruction of All so that the cycle can begin anew. There is no alternative. There is no choice. There is only the inevitable. We cannot fail because we cannot afford to fail."
"We will not be stopped. Submit, or die!"

Full Name: | Azoth |
Race: | Garou |
Faction: | Wyrm |
Tribe: | Black Spiral Dancers |
Auspice: | Theurge |
Breed: | Metis |
Height: | 9'2" |
Eye Colour: | White |
Hair Colour: | Black |
Demeanor: | Guru |

In reflection of true mockery of Gaia's Chosen stands nine feet of furred grotesqueness. One might immediately assume werewolf due to general proportion and build overall, yet the differences are staggering. Were one to grab a wolf, a bat, a rat, and a bear and ball them up before using the amalgam to create a chimeric beast of deadly posture and nightmarish properties, hardened by Balefire in the kiln of the Wyrm, and unceremoniously throw the result through a dizzying gauntlet of perversity, violence and disgust, this scarred creature would be the result.
The tall beast seems to be mostly covered in a shaggy black pelt where streaks of a lighter shade highlight some parts of the hide at the tips of the shiny oily fur. While pointed, the ears are not wolven but instead bat-like, large, ribbed and hairless on the inside. In fact, the nose at the end of the otherwise lupine muzzle has an unmistakable leaf-shape to it matching the ears. The fuzz of the monster's chin seems perpetually damp with leaking drool. His eyes are completely white. The strange oddities continue downward.
At the end of the naturally muscular arms are clawed hands, yet the hands are completely furless and the claws look almost as if built for digging and have runes carved into them. While the creature's form seems just as able to move on all fours as well as two, its legs -- if at least the lower parts and feet -- seem almost ursine despite also being bare and sole-padded. The tail seems longer than it should be and the fur at the base of the tail is short to the point of exposing the bony texture normally hidden, yet gradually grows longer and scruffier further down the tail's length to the tip.
Trinkets and jewelry of the macabre decorate the beast's body despite not seeming to have any significant purpose. Twisted bindings of tendon and gnaw-shaped bone, teeth, and other remains are tied or strung together. Otherwise, there is no clothing to be had. There is no hiding this birthed terror, the full complex perversity, this...Child of the Wyrm.
Decade Dance - Jasper Byrne
Le Perv - Carpenter Brut
"You all came back, huh? Why? You all know how this ends, don't you?"
"You're not really here, are you?"
"There's only one way out of this, unfortunately."
"You're all heading the wrong way."
"At best, you'll end up in the cemetery."
"You don't care what happens to your friends either, do you?"
"Why is it you do the things you do?"