2019.11.14: Urban Caern Gathering

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Urban Caern Gathering
Brooke puts out the word for all Urban Gaian Garou to gather at the Tech Haven to go over plans for the coming of the Urban Caern.
IC Date November 14th, 2019
Players Brooke ST, Burt, Calvin, Chayse, Corrine, Dominic, Gabriela, Hannelore, Jasper, Julia Martin, Remi, Rian
Location Underground Tech Haven
Spheres Gaian, Garou

<---======##=========[ Event 1011 - Urban Caern Meeting ]=========##======--->
The time has come, the time is now. We've been talking and planning and waiting. The Urban Caern is ready to push forward and be built. This will be a meeting for everyone interested to schedule out when this will happen. There are multiple scenes that need organized. If you cannot make it but would also like to participate, please @mail Brooke. We have a minimum of 13 participants for this, and will do our best to include everyone that wants to participate, as the great battle on 4 fronts while the Rite of Caern Building takes place will be a Grand Battle to say the least. Truly, a night to remember (even if OOCly split up into multiple days).

Date: Thu Nov 14 16:00:00 2019 PST
Storyteller: Brooke
Genre: Urban Gaian Garou

xxxxxPlans have been coming along, but it is time to get down to business with as many as can make it. The Urban Caern - if it is going to happen - will need people to defend it, not just create it. The creation is the key though. Today, Brooke has put out the call for all those that have an interest in the Urban Caern to get together so she can answer questions, hopefully they can work out more details, and begin to schedule when they will be seeking to have the Rite performed to open it. There is much to do, and excitement really is in the air!

For her part, Brooke has made sure there is plenty of food out, drinks, and seats all around so everyone is comfortable. As they all arrive, she greets them all and then says, "It is great to see so many here. I know some could not make it, but we will fill them in. Does everyone know everyone here?"

Hannelore didn't know there was going to be food so she stopped by for some Jack in the Box on the way here. She also stopped at Starbuck's drive through. Yes. There is something wrong with her. No, don't ask what. She sneaks in behind Rian and Chayse, actually HIDING behind them as if there is someone to hide from and sits in the back quietly eating her snacks and drinking her caffeine.

Rian settles in with Chayse and Hannelore, with a Starbucks cup in hand. There's something wrong with all of them. He has a smile and a wave for those he does know, and of course a head shake for the question about knowing *everyone* here. There's no giant leap into offering up an introduction though, maybe that's happening now or later or who knows, but the Cliath isn't leading the charge there, that's for sure.

Burt takes a moment to glance around the gathered and arriving. The native man with dirt under his nails stands putting his hand on his chest "I am called Spider Catcher Son of the Paiute, Theurge of Great Uktena's tribe. Alpha of the Ghosts of Uktena. For those who do not know me.". He dips his head in deference to Brooke, "Thank you for inviting us Hushed Blaze-rhya.".

Corrine arrives with a clomping down steps, eating from a bag of lays dill pickle flavored chips. Half of which is getting onto the ground as she sloppily eats. Probably why the rat is following her scooping up the feast. A rat that she is currently talking to. "...so I bend over and pull my shirt down to distract the guy, and Collateral grabs this fucking saws all, and I am like 'Oh good, she will stab this guy in the neck and we will be fine with it'." She makes a loud buzzer sound, which startles her companion. "Fukkin wrong. So there I am bent over like an underage phillipines hooker with my tits half out, and she decides to rake the slow route by strangling him with the power cord." A pause. "Hey Remi, Brooke, Burt."

Calvin arrived and his very battered, very old, and hard-running towtruck is out in the parking lot. He is comfortable enough and found a nice spot to sit after gnawing into some decent food. Brooke's question takes him by surprise and his gaze slides around the room. "I don't think so. I'm Calvin Holden, rited Drinks with Spirits. I was born under the light of the crescent moon upon two legs. Fostern Bone Gnawer of the Nation." This, offered off towards Chayse and Co. Because he definitely hasn't met them before.

What what? It's the Ghosts of Uktena! For Remi's part a tablet computer has been brought along and a bit of a gap is given others as it's a Galliard moon. Getting twitchy. Remi looks around at the others when Brooke asks the questions letting the Pack leader speak first before Remi offers. "Remi, known as Collateral Damage, Adren Ahroun of the Glass Walkers. Member of the Ghosts of Uktena packed under Uktena. Local explosives expert."

Chayse lopes in along with Rian and Hannelore, Holiday Starbucks in his hand. He tugs at the leg of his jeans before settling into his seat. Yeah, there might be something wrong with them, but they seem pretty chill with it at the moment. He gives an upnod to those gathered, and a big grin to Brooke. He shakes his head, as well. Some folks here he doesn't know, but he guesses they will get around to that soon.

The supplicant, the quiet Dominic has devoted the month to quiet in search of inner truth. Or something like that. Theurges don't tell people why they're doing things. He arrives with Chayse and the rest though. Maybe not together, but at least coming into the room 'round bout the same time. Big ol aviators indoors and hands jammed into pockets of a leather jacket.

Brooke grins, seeing them all coming in and introductions going around. "Ok great. As you all know, we have been working on this project.. no, no.. vision of a Caern here in the city for quite awhile. Garou have been trying to reach this goal for many years. Spurred on by the Ghosts of Uktena pack, and many many others, we have been making headway.

"So for like a full on minute I am just standing there like." Corrine's face goes completely blank there for a second. "And Collateral is all like." A switch here as her face contorts into a scowl, hands (and chip bag) moving in front of her in a really bad impression of strangulation. "And bear in mind this guy is like three times her size and she is just manhandling him around before we.. oh hold on, formalities." Corrine pauses, shoving her chip bag into one pocket as she draws a hip flask from another, complete with hammer and sickle. "Shits-you-not, Galliard, Gnawer, Cliath." She then pops open her flask to take a swig.

Brooke continues, "This is where we are at. We have been getting land and buildings purchased, cleansed, rebuilt. We have been gaining control and readying the area for this to happen. There is still a couple more places to complete, and the area identified for the Caern itself to finish being renovated. But very soon, we should be ready for the ultimate night. That night where the Rite of Caern Building can be performed. In that, we will need every last Garou we can get to defend the Ritemaster and his assistants in this long process. The Wyrm will know. The WYRM will come. We will fight. And that is where you come in. I know most of you are Cliaths, but this is for Gaia. This is for us, the City Garou. The Urrah. We will have support from the Rural Garou, I know this. But it will take us all."

Jasper doesn't know anyone here! But he also doesn't seem to find that a problem, waltzing down into the tech-haven, dreamy little smile on his face, he gives the large group gathered a friendly little wave. Worn sling-pack-style over his chest is a clear plastic pet carrier, holding an albino lab rat, with another twin rodent on his shoulder. "Jasper, a Cliath homid Theurge Walker." Hannelore reaches forward with a cheese stick and quietly, stealthily, tickles Dominic's earlobe with it.

Rian raises a hand and stand briefly, saying, "Hello, Rian von Steuben, Death Before Dishonor, a Homid Ahroun Silver Fang of Cliath rank," super short form intro so as not to interrupt the goings on, "What do we need to do? Standing and fighting being a given, is there anything that we need to or *can* do to aid the building of the caern itself? Uhh... Donating our Gnosis to the cause, building anything or...?"

"It might take even more than what we have here in the city." Calvin leans forward from where he was backed up against a wall. "Some of you guys came up in this city...and a lot of us didn't. It might be a good idea to nudge people from previous septs. See who might want to make the trip and stand with us. I plan to make some inquiries back in Chicago.

Burt smiles seeing Corrine, not something the grim Theurge is know for doing often. He cocks his head by way of greeting to the Galliard, gesturing at an empty seat if she wants to sit with the pack. He frowns a little at the mention of the Rurals before speaking, "We have a luxury of numbers not often afforded to us on the war front. If you are not in a pack I strongly urge you to seek one out. Even if the terms are only to see the caern born safely." He looks to Brooke when the Silver Fang poses his question, "The Rite will need alot of Gnosis, every bit we can muster will help. Do you possess any influence among the humans? That could help depending on what it is." Burt nods in agreement with Calvin.

Dominic squirms and shifts his shoulders at the attack upon his earlobe. A quick turn to spot the cheese stick. Unseen narrowing of behind sunglasses before he chomps off the end of the bread-battered fried cheese.

Remi nudges Burt and nods at Jasper before looking over to Corrine. "To be fair, from experience people make a lot of noises when you powertool them in the neck. The cops were right outside. And the look on your face was funny." before looking back around to the groups gathered. "The first question is.. Raise of hand to those that live in the city or intend to? As for what people can do.. If you're going to be staying it means there are laws and rules that people might not be familiar with. One of the bigger things we need right now is. Packs. Packs to take over the blocks in the cardinal directions. The Ghosts of Uktena already own the south. It's ready for kinfolk to move into. The other directions need packs to take responsibility for them. Unclaimed blocks are blocks that the Wyrm can move through with ease."

Hannelore boops Dominic on the nose with what is left of the cheese stick.

Brooke snaps her fingers for Rian - in a good way! "Yes. And Yes. We will all need to give of our Gnosis for the cause when the Rite is performed. It takes a MASS amount and this is ours. We will be giving our blood, gnosis and strength. We do need more to help with the building. I've got kinfolk builders getting the more structural part, but making sure we each use our talents to finish it up, making what we are working on not just hospitable, but welcoming to the spirits? That is what we need now. Anyone that has ideas, and wants to help take a room or building, and work together, that would be great." She nods in agreement with so much being shared. "Packs. Certainly. We have more garou coming here every week. We will need to set up patrols as well. Each pack with an area, and the areas unclaimed patrolled." She looks to Jasper. "Welcome! Meet me after the meeting, but for now, it's great to meet you. I'm Brooke, rited Hushed-Blaze, Elder Galliard Glass Walker." Short sweet, because business.

Jasper keeps his hand lifted to Remi's question, telling Brooke, "Okay," when she asks for a meeting later. His voice is light, happy, and faraway.

"My more direct influence is with the rich and famous in high society," Rian answers, "And I have avenues to entertainment media. Probably not as helpful in a situation like this unless someone needs to be convinced that it's just movie magic happening." He listens to Remi and nods, leaning in to speak with Chayse a bit.

Chayse nods a bit on hearing some of the discussion and, finally, decides to speak up. "Hey, Chayse Zyadrov, Calm Before the Storm, Homid Philodox Shadow Lord, Cliath," he explains to begin. "I assume, when we visit these other septs, we're looking for wolves who are willing to assist in the glory and legacy of building this caern, but also wolves who might seek to remain as a part of the sept, yes?" He asks. He nods to Remi, and gestures to Rian, Hanne and himself, "we live in the city, but I'm still fairly new. To that end, is there a contact directory or something? To quickly discern people who have particular influence or skillsets that might be needed for anything that pps up?"

Chayse adds, quietly to Hannelore as he sits: 'Would you /cut that out/?'

"Either. Getting to be involved in the building of a new caern tends to be enough draw to get packs to come and defend the rite. If they want to stay, I don't see why they couldn't." A quick nod from Calvin towards Chayse, then he adds a bit more. Since not a lot people know much about him. "I live in the city and will be living in the city for the far foreseeable future. I have some contact with the police. Some, not a lot. And I've got a tow truck if you need something picked up and moved around."

Burt narrows his eyes at Jasper and nods at his pack mate. "The Ghosts of Uktena will also be seeking a Pathstone. Depending on the route we decide on we may need assistance." Rubs his chin looking between Rian, Chayse and Calvin. "The question of the sept itself...those who will stay there will be positions that need filling. HUsh Blaze-rhya is obviously our leader but we will need a Gatekeeper, A Rite Master, a Warder.." he gestures as if the list doesn't need to be continued aloud.

Hannelore says, “I can do any shopping we need. I'm good at shopping. And negotiating discounts.”

Brooke mms, "We will have a directory available here. This is our headquarters for now, until the Caern is setup and active. Think of this like, the Rural Sept's Kinfolk House. I am contacting some people through GlassWalker.net, letting them know what we have going. I have a couple Garou in mind that are open to be the Warder. It is a tough role and takes a special Garou to do so. But yes, we do need to combine forces with whatever abilities and influences that we each have." She nods to Hannelore, "That could be really useful. I want to be sure we have spaces equipped for those that need to stay at the Caern. Not quite Dorm living, buy you get my drift. Especially for incoming Cliaths and Cubs."

Remi nods listening "One of the normal requirements for Urban Septs is that everyone live close to the Caern. Like a couple of miles max. This is done for protection. Not just of the Caern but of your kinfolk and yourselves. This is why we also want to encourage packs to take territory and hold it around the Caern. This gives more areas for Kinfolk to live in, businesses to be opened, and defenses to be in place."

"I wouldn't be surprised to see you as gatekeeper, Spider Catcher'rhya." Calvin is quick to note towards Burt, but his eyes are lifting upwards at Remi's comment. As if trying to picture just where he is living now. Exactly. "I will probably challenge for Keeper of the Lands. It'd be in my wheelhouse. Do you guys really think we'll have that much of a problem finding the sept positions?"

Jasper seems oblivious of the narrowed eyes, and he just drops his hand and tells Burt, "Hello," in a friendly greeting. The laboratory rat on his shoulder narrows its red eyes right back, though. The other just naps in its carrier.

Corrine is staring now as well at Jasper, eyeing the rats her has. There is a quick shake of her head as she moves over to sit besides Burt, holding out her flask towards him. "Still think you wanted to stare Collateral." Then she raises up her brows. "We tried talking to the spirits yet? I mean like the big ones, the city spirit, or the courts out past the anchorheads?"

Brooke is still humbled at the thought of being the leader of this coming Sept. "I am not concerned with being able to fill roles in the Sept. If you build it, they will come.. or challenge. First, we have to build it. The intent is to make this place as self sufficient, as protected as possible within this city, and support everyone - spirits included. Making the area as welcoming as possible, ready with chiminage as well, the spirit that will be our totem will come to us. I know we can do this. I've seen so much more activity - both good and bad in recent months. We are causing a stir and will be noticed."

Burt chuckles but waves away the flask, "I don't drink." The Uktena tilts his at head at Calvin, "Perhaps. But I think you will do that position honor Drinks with Spirits." He nods at Brooke, "Merely something we should consider if people have ambitions Hushed Blaze-rhya.". Returning his attention to the general assembly, "I would consult with the Bone Gnawers and Glass walkers if your tribe does not naturally live in the city or has a camp dedicated to the aspect. The protocols are vastly different in the city with the Veil so very thin.".

Calvin is present at this here meeting, tucked away and leaning back against a table of some sort. He is occasionally glancing off towards the stairwell as if anticipating another arrival. "I've had running encounters with a spirit called 'Johnny Law'. All trenchcoated, cigarette smoking. He tends to come and poke me whenever some sort of crime happens. He is the one who let me know about this fetish locked up in evidence that is calling banes to it, then they're latching onto people." Off towards Corrine, and her inquiry about the Big Spirits.

Brooke nods to Burt. "While this started with talks from the Bone Gnawers and Glass Walkers, with Spider Catcher as well, this will be a Sept open to whomever accepts City Life, and how things have to work here." Noting to Calvin, "The spirits here will appear different that some of us have been used to in the forest. That is why we work together, and I'm so glad to see more Theurges coming that have some of that background in the city."

Eyeblessed, aka Gabriela Leong, has been sitting quietly and listening. She smiled when people from other septs came up,

The rat on Jasper's shoulder continues to stare narrow-eyed, till Burt looks away over at Calvin. Then she goes back to 'keeping watch' or whatever she's doing up there.

Down the stairs comes a police officer. Uniform and everything. Julia pauses at the bottom of the stairs and looks around at the gathered group, eyebrows rising curiously before she turns to wander in Calvin's direction. No interruption; just listening.

"We have to remember that we are spiritual creatures." Corrine speaks, emphasizing her point with a shrug to Burt and a pull from her returned flask. All class. Her head nods a little. "Law of the jungle and all that, may want to take some time to see if we still got friends willing to give us a hand on the umbra." And then the cops show up, and the Galliard is throwing dill pickle flavored chips that way.

Burt nods in agreement with Corrine, "Shits you not is right, we will certainly be attacked in both worlds. Pay your dues, keep your oaths and make the calls you can. We are fortunate in our high number of Theurges if you need guidance or assistance in making those kinds of friends.".

Remi nods "I intend to do work bringing spiritual aid to help guard our packs direction. If you've been to our packs territory you'd see the spiritual effectiveness. Our pack house is very reinforced even within the umbra. For those setting up new territories there are fetishes known to the City tribes, that Burt also knows, that can reinforce your buildings."

"Is that Johnny Law?" Jasper asks, when Julia shows up, dreamy eyes on her, and a languid little smile on his lips.

Julia's eyes shift sideways towards Jasper at his question, eyebrows rising slightly, a little bit incredulously as she looks down at herself, then back in his direction. "Do I LOOK like a 'Johnny Law'?" she asks. "Maybe a Jane. But no. I'm not Johnny Law."

Brooke shakes her head to Jasper. "No, she is not a spirit. That is Julia, a kinfolk on the police force, which is very handy in the course of working here in the city." She agrees, "Umbral landscaping and protecting is going to be vital."

Rian's brows perk up and he makes a 'yes please' sort of hand gesture at Remi. A non-verbal 'that's something I'd like to chat you guys up about later, don't forget me' type thing, where fetishes for umbral reinforcement and what not are concerned.

"She does have handcuffs. And a taser. You do have a taser, right?" Calvin retorts dryly at Jasper upon Julia's arrival. "We're talking about the run-up to caern-building. Packs claiming territory, uhhh, buying property. Moving closer to wherever it's going up. Sept positions. I'll probably head to Chicago for a bit and see if anyone wants to come help guard."

The question seems to genuinely stump the white-haired Theurge. "Do I look like a Jasper?" is what he asks.

Hannelore leans in to Rian and Chayse and Dominic, "Did someone say the police are here?" Get it together Hanners. "No wait, there is a kinfolk cop. I might need to talk to her later."

Remi nods to Rian acknowledging his request. "As for other things.. I have kin that own a variety of construction companies, cleanup crews and landscaping yards. Industrial work. That's what I did in my packs territory. Urban renewal. Demolished buildings, turned run down maze allies into wide open roads. Built new buildings. Recently as Chiminage I'm expanding the free wifi areas to the entire area."

"I have a taser," Julia tells Calvin with a small grin. "You want me to test it?" She shrugs a little bit at Jasper's question. "You could be a Jasper, sure." A smile and nod is given to Brooke at the introduction, fingers loosely clasping in front of her. "But I'm definitely not a spirit, as she says." Her eyes narrow just a touch as Calvin mentions going to Chicago, a sidelong look cast in his direction, but no comment given on that. Yet.

Chayse just sort of shoots Hennelore another -look- and purses his lips a bit. This is important. Keep it together, Hanne...

Dominic huffs at Hannelore. Damn Shadow Lord Kinfolk. Suckers for anyone in a uniform.

Brooke grins, "It sounds like a lot of good work going on. We need to push to get more done. I have one last big one that I'll need help with. The Old California Theater has been gained for us, but it needs cleansed, and sounds like there are reports of it being haunted. Anyone that wants to come for that, we will need two teams. One Umbral, one meat side." Yeah, she still calls it that thanks to Iris. "The next big question comes - how much time do we need still before we schedule with everyone the night for the Rite of Caern Building? We can go ask for help all we want, but without a date set, it is harder to get them here."

At the mention of a haunted theater, Hannelore makes an "oooOOOOooo" ghost noise and tickles the back of Rian, Chayse and Dominic's neck. "We can call Gren and Xen the Bee and get ze Scooby Gang back together."

Chayse looks to Rian and Dominic and raises his brows. He leans in to quietly murmur to the other two before nodding in the affirmative to Brooke, "we'd be more than happy to help with the Theater, Hushed Blaze 'Rhya..." He shoots the Elder a wide, crooked grin. And then he ducks and smacks at Hannelore's hand, speaking in a hushed tone //knock it off//!

Rian seconds Chayse there, "The three of us would be more than happy." he says, and gestures at himself, Chayse, and also Hannelore - possibly because she's such trouble in here - while batting at the back of his neck. "We *kind* of have experience. We did put a dead zombie in the boot of my car. That... Counts. Sort of."

Corrine looks up, and over to Brooke. She leans back slightly, then forwards again as she nods. "New year, new potential. And me and Burt and Collat can likely run Umbra."

A Silver Fang lifts his hand up as well, glancing off towards Rian/Chayse/Hannelore(ugh). Dominic the Theurge will take care of these rascals too.

Gabriela looks over at Julia, straightening but then gradually relaxing. Her attention turns back to Brooke as others talk, and she half-raises her hand.

"Have you picked out the bawn? I guess that's gonna be a thing here, since like... we can pick, because it's a made thing. Just the building, or like -" She spreads her hands, "the whole block?"

"Also hi y'all, I'm Eyeblessed, cliath Glass Walker Galliard born of woman."

Chayse grins and gives Dominic a good-natured slap on the back as he volunteers to go with. The Scooby Gang /is/ back together!

"I'll tagalong into whatever. Just let me know." Calvin says off towards Burt and co specifically. Those...new kids seem strange and weird and he doesn't want any part of them.

Brooke nods to Gabriela, "Yes, I would consider the bawn at least a whole block. The nearest area around the Caern - think Mall of America meets Arcology." Since Arcology's have not actually been built yet. "Not quite as grand scale, but it'll be bigger on the inside." Because of course, got to make it similar to a TARDIS. "We will not have mall cops to patrol, that will be us. The further out from that bawn to protect, the better. Thus a block around the whole of it as well should be worked on and cared for."