2019.06.23 Baldur's Blade Pack PrP 1.2 - Missing Child

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Baldur's Blade Pack PRP 1.2 - Missing Child
Can the pack return the missing child without breaking the veil?
IC Date June 23, 2019
IC Time Midday to Night
Players Jae-Eun_Ryuk, Elowyn, Stephen, Ratsputin, Rafe, Xavier
Location Deep Forest - Long River

The mother approaches, blood-shot eyes, tears and snot smeared across her lips and chin. She is screaming with a mixture of panic and terror so deep it rivals the Rage building within the Garou for the most primal force out in the forest tonight. The Mother sputters, "Jose, mi nino, JOSE!" At Theron's questioning, he states, "Nae, we will all attack as one, but in this case, we need to nae breach te veil and find out if this group is friend or foe." Magnus tries to pull Xavier with him as the rest of the group retreats for now. Theron and Jae would come across a small group of humans, 10 in total. One is the mother, two are park rangers dressed in green and wearing wide brimmed hats, while the other seven are mostly men (with one other woman) carrying various hunting riffles or shotguns of some kind. The men with the weapons, the one woman with a weapon, and the mother are all wearing a light, sky blue shirt that says, "Alvarez Family Reunion - Gone Huntin". One of the men calls out to the mother, "Lily, quit yer bitchin, if the kid is anything like yer ungrateful ass, he probably just ran off when I threw that bottle at him for whinning."

<Give them the kid, and let the police, family deal with it. It is dangerous to us all for them to dig out it out here. We can deal with the murder laer, if you wish.> Rats is down low, in his hairless wolf form watching it all, with narrow eyes with a slow sniff of the air.<Don't like it, but the needs of the many, verison our fucking rage, and our jusitice.>>

When Rats found the boy and the group was getting things together to get the hell out of the way, Stephen abruptly alerted, gave off a few choice swears in lupus, and tore off with a 'just a moment', then returns a moment later carrying an Elowyn, chuffing, >> I think someone was coming to visit you, Rats. Lets get out of here... <<

What she hears brings Jae-Eun to a stop. He threw a bottle at the baby? The bloodied bottle? That -motherfucker-. Young are -precious-, and it hits a serious hot spot for the Get kin. She takes a shuddering breath, wrapping her arms protectively over the dead boy and grinding her teeth. They don't /deserve/ him. Good thing she has no rage to her, really. As it is, she pushes forward with the plan - ignoring the pain of her own feelings in this - and lifting the sword in her left hand, trying to signal that group without being shot. "Hey! Hello! Are you looking for a boy! We found him down the river a ways. I think he drowned."

Elowyn was taken aback when she was scooped up without a word. Pursing a her lips as she held on, she clings to her small backpack on her bag. Licking her lips she then blinks as she looks up. "Uh....." AS she looks around a bit she widens her eyes. "....crap....I have horrible timing...."

<OKay then, let's get the hell outta here, I hate doing this, but it is the right thing.> Rats nodges Elowyn slowly with his nose, on her leg with a nod of his head, motion with his head for her to grab on, this is not the first time nor will it be the last most likely. But they need to get the fuck out of here, as he nuzzles her softly.<Let's follow them, see what that bastard does, I wanna talk with him, nice and long.>

Xavier is still in his lupus form, he's been following the others though he's kept himself quiet and not making much noise. Looking around for a moment and taking in what is going on. He's not made much movements as they listen to whats going on with the mother and man, he wants to eat that mans face off, but he's quiet.

Rafe-wolf is hunkered down on the brush, watching and listening. His lesser grasp of english and being born a wolf where death is a part of life, has him less initially outraged at what happened. Keeping back a bit to make sure there is nothing sneaking up on his also has him a bit behing. Missing some of the information but he's taking it all in to get back up to speed. Oh, now this is different. Talking, interrogating instead of just charging in with teeth and claws.

Magnus grunts softly, a snarl coming to his raised lip, "Oh, we'll be visiting them alright, but Ratsputin is right, we should wait before we rip them all to shreds in a frenzy and bring te whole party down upon them."

The men all jump as Jae-Eun calls out, levelling their guns at her for a split second until they realize that she isn't a threat. Or at least it doesn't look like she's a threat. The mother sees the boy and for a split second her eyes grow wide in relief, only for the recongition of the limp, dead-weight and purpling of the skin to signal that the boy's life is no longer connected to this human coil. She immediately drops to her knees and starts screaming something that is indistinguishable. It is a feeling of pure loss and anger mixed together as one. She turns on the man who was just speaking to her and points at him with a long single finger, which shoots past a long single arm, "You did this you bastard. You will pay for this!" She bounces up and rushes at him, but the other men in their party stop her and hold her tight. All fight goes out of her as quickly as it came into her and she goes limp herself, moaning and crying silently. The two park rangers, dressed all in green, come forward to take the boy from Jae. "Uh, we, shit, sorry you had to stumble upon this ma'am, but we're mighty glad you came forward with the boy. That couldn't have been easy. Seriously, thank you." He says this in a low, hushed tone. For the murderer's part, he does appear to be in shock and awe at what is transpiring, "I...I didn't mean to hurt the boy. He was just bitchin like his mother and I was sick of it. I swear, I didn't mean to kill him." He is looking around the group pleadingly, but the rest of the group stays silent.

<OKay then, let's get the hell outta here, I hate doing this, but it is the right thing.> Rats nodges Elowyn slowly with his nose, on her leg with a nod of his head, motion with his head for her to grab on, this is not the first time nor will it be the last most likely. But they need to get the fuck out of here, as he nuzzles her softly.<Let's follow them, see what that bastard does, I wanna talk with him, nice and long.> His eyes moving over the pack, his ideas out there waiting to hear back now, his teeth gnashing softly. As he looks at the man, with a shake of his head, his eyes are very rage filled, but for now it is down.<We will, folow him home, killing him is not the plan, at least if he is not truly sorry. But lesson and payment in flesh and blood will be given.>

Elowyn slips from Stephen only to see the 'dog' she knows is Rats. Not understanding a word they're saying she just purses her lips then nods at his nudging. The petite red head looks to Stephen with a smile, nodding before climbing onto the back of Rats. Adjusting her back pack she holds on then as she murmurs softly to him. "Okay I'm ready." For now she's just....watching.

Jae-Eun briefly clings to the boy when they move to take him out of her hold. "You better nail that /mee-cheen-nom/ to a cross for killing this baby." she snarls at one of the rangers. Not their fault, but it will be if they don't see justice carried out. You can bet she's reading name tags and adding names to the list to go with the faces of the mother and the father. If there weren't so many, she'd exact her own sense of justice. But there's innocents and guns.

Broken Fang waits a moment for El to scoot her ass over, then yips lightly in affirmation at the consensus to 'lets get the flock out of Dodge and follow this waste of skin from a distance'. When he's sure folks are actually moving, the timber wolf will get his ass moving, keeping his nose and ears up in an effort to keep their bearings.

Rafe will take up the rear position when they get moving again. Where he can weather any attacks from behind that might go unnoticed and keep an eye on the rest of the pack and come to their aid quickly. Jae gets the majority of his attention while they prepare to move. She's away from the rest and heavily outnumbered. No one get's left behind.

Xavier is watches from their hiding place, the gray charcoal colored wolf just watches hearing their Alpha speak, Jae did her part and for now this shit stain of a man who killed this boy will also lose his life. He killed a fucking child, his eyes blazes but Xavier calms himself, not letting himself get too wrapped up. When the others begin to leave he will as well.

Ratsputin moves slowly into the bush, his head slowly as he licks Elowyn's leg softly, not in a sexually manner, but trying to tell her has her. But being a wolf makes this tricky, to talk to a human. As he starts towards the path, leading out of the area, his eyes watching them as he looks at the Alpha, and then at the others.<Who will follow, me or Xavier?>

The rangers give Jae-Eun a respectful nod and state, "We will see to it that justice is done." They take the boy and turn around to take a look out at the rest of the initial search party that was with them. The Alvarez family reunion doesn't quite look like they want to give up their family member just yet. One of the Rangers brings the boy over to the mother to give her that closure that she will so desperately need. The other Ranger calls off the larger search party, stating that the boy was found and that the police should be called in. Dragging the mother, boy, and father along with them, the Alvarez's drift back north towards the city from whence they came. The Ranger who called it in holds back for a moment and states "Ma'am, can you please show me where the boy was found and anything else that might be of use to us in this case? And eh, what are you doing so far out here in the woods?" For the pack, as they fall back to persue the retreating Alvarez family, although the humans are slow, they eventually make it back to a make-shift camp ground inside of a clearing next to the river. It is easy to imagine how the boy might have fallen in after being struck by that bottle if he were playing near the shore. The Alvarez hunting party is much larger than originally planned. Many are drinking heavily from the smell of booze hanging in the air. There is sex in the air too, but there is also the smell of marshmallows, sugar, and water-balloons. The children in the camp are still playing, while the rest of the adults appear concerned. As the initial search party makes its way back, crying can be heard, as well as condolences.

Elowyn looks to her leg then to the back of his head. A soft smile tugs at her lips as she just nods to him. Holding on as he keeps moving she leans forward slightly to maintain her grip. Her lips are pursed as she listens, a frown tugging gat her lips now.

Jae-Eun lifts her sword slightly. "Training. It's good to come out and be with nature with practicing my katas." Not a lie, not truly. She does enjoy it and she often practices with ehr weapons. It's just a minor sidestep to smoosh two truths into one whole. "Please, I will show you what was found and where he was found." she says, leading the park rangers back down the way to keep them occupied with gathering evidence.

Broken Fang wrinkles his snout as the group gets closer to the camp, grumbling >> Are the homids swimming in beer? Not going to be sneaking up on us at least << For the time being, the lupus Theurge seems content to wait and see what the hunting camp is doing, and where the Murderer is going. Patience can be a virtue, right? Also have to make sure Jae doesn't get detained and need a rescue of her own from The Man.

Follow. Not follow? Both. Sort of. Rafe follows along with the pack some, but stops just before Jae gets out of sight. Keeping in the underbrush to watch and stalk. <<Call me when it's time for violence.>> Is said to the rest of the pack af they continue to follow. He stays, where he can keep an eye on her while being as close as possible to the rest of the pack.

Moving with the pack, he didn't want them getting picked up by chance and he would begin moving the group away if they follow. Still using his nose, he begins searching for the one who is the murderer, taking in his scent. He is hoping that this man will be dealt with by the local police authorities.

The Rangers come and go with Jae, collecting evidence and even letting her follow them back towards the camp to check on things if she wishes. The Rangers leave the father and mother with their dead child and family shortly after stopping in to check on them at the camp. They jump into a heavy-duty off-roading Jeep and head back in the direction of the city on an Old Dirt Road. Night comes. The booze has stopped flowing, at least most of it. The father seems to be trying to drown his fears, but the rest of the party is over. Children are put to bed with hugs and kisses as the rest of the parents feel guilty that their children are warm and breathing tonight. In the parent's tent, the faintest smell of death begins to eminate into the camp. It takes months to bring life into this world, and a second to have it leave. Just outside of the camp, Magnus sits crouched in homid. "What is the plan? Do we go in and take te man out? Do we follow him into te city and find his home and pounce on him then? Do we let te justice of man deal with him?" He is honestly asking his pack what they think is the best option.

<We will follow him home, and we will find his place, his work, his life. Then we wait to see if the jusitce of man deals with him, if not. Then we step in, with swift flesh and blood. That is my view on this.> Slowly up towards Magnus comes Ratsputin, as he stands up quickly, bumping Elo with his nose, to motion her to stand up next to Magnus, as they are a little bit away from the camp.<How does that sound pack?>

Broken Fang listens to Magnus ask then Rats offer his suggestion, then parks his furry ass on the ground and chuffs, >> Woods are dangerous. Camp full of alcohol. Could have accident here. Or drag him off while the rest sleep. Homid justice is slow and bad. << Clearly the Wendigo is less trusting that Law Enforcement is going to do what is right here.

Elowyn slides off of him to her feet, gathering herself before she moves to stand up now. Pushing her hair back out of the way she squints to look out then folds her arms. No words leave her as she looks out at the scenery before moving to stand out of the way for the others to talk.

When the rangers are all sorted, Jae splits off and almost trips on Rafe, then convinces him to give her a ride back to the pack - swifter on his back than on her two feet, so she's there while they plan, her sword in hand. "I don't care how that piece of ttong dies, but it needs to be slow."

Rafe skulked until the rangers left and got Jae caught up with the rest of the pack. The huge wolf stand, staring at the camp. The stare of a hungry wolf looking at the next taste of blood on it's tongue. <<He is free. Unharmed. Man does nothing.>> He doesn't say if the man should die or not. <<Not slow. Slow is loud. Loud draws attention. If we do it, it needs to be quick and quiet.>> His head turns to look at the reast of the pack. <<Or they all will die.>>

Having shifted back to his homid form, Xavier sits down and he listens to the others, his nose is able to still smell the mans scent. He lowers his head this is the second time in his lifetime, "Another child gone." He says in a low voice. "We wait, allow myself and Ratsputin keep his scent and see if the mortal authorities do as needed." is all he says as he looks to Magnus.

Magnus listens to all gravely and nods at the end. He gets up, gives a finger to state, one moment, and walks off to think in silence. He isn't gone too long, and when he comes back he crouches again, "We will be a pack pledged to Black Unicorn. Black Unicorn is a defender of innocence and a believer that battle must be fair. I do nae think te mortal justice system is fair. It is too corrupt for me liking. Te Rangers may try their best, as will te police, but it will be declared an accident and te man will be free. I am sorry Ratsputin and Xavier, for I agree with Broken Fang, Jae-Eun, and Rafe. He must die for this, but we do it as Black Unicorn wishes. We pull him out and then let him choose who amongst us he will fight to te death." No sooner does Magnus prounounce judgement than there is a blood curdling male scream. The man comes running out of the tent with a knife burried into his shoulder. Blood is spurint out as the knife is slowly falling out. The mother comes out after him, a determined look on her face. The man sees her and runs into the woods, /towards/ the pack.

Xavier perks his head up as they are told they are going to be a pack and under the Black Unicorn. He rubs his head a little and he's not fond of the humans justice system especially now in this climate of things. "I see." He says as he looks at the rest of the pack, "I will help where I can. I guess the lost of his life must be." He says as he looks to the others.

<<A mother's rightful vengeance.>> Says the huge gery wolf Rafe after the man come out with a knife in his back. Seems the plan will have to start immediately. He nudges Jaeu with his nose and pads off, tracking the father's and mother's paths. Watching. Calculating. Seperate him from his herd? Check. <<Let him run or drive him on.>> He loosk around at the others and shakes his head. <<Follow orders.>> When he spots Rats preparing for an attack, he breaks into a run trying to intercept. The plan. But the small hariless dog is too quick and he misses.

Broken Fang lingers kindasortanotreally hidden until the father runs past him bleeding, then steps out with his hackles up, four feet of WTF angry timber wolf, showing teeth and laid back ears, standing directly in Mom's path and snarling at her. Thinking about that steak from last night so there's extra drool dripping off of his lips. Like she's gonna know.

As Rafe is trying to stop him, he leaps past of it and then he is running for the man, as he is moving with a gnashing of teeth as he leaps towards the man with a snarl. As his teeth lock down on the leg, yanking him towards the woods, his mouth foaming his eyes, are narrowed as he yanks him with a snarl of rage, and a hate.

Jae-Eun can't risk being seen by the mother, and sticks to the brush and out of sight, following after Ratsputin as he drags the man off, breaking into a low run to follow and make sure the man isn't killed before he gets to choose his fate.

Shield of Heart quickly moving through the shadows, not allowing himself to be seen. Moving and keeping out of sight, he growls loud enough for the mother to hear him. Keeping himself blended within the night and shadows, he's not going to let her see him but he will use the wooded area to allow his growl and bark echo along to hopefully dissuade her from pursuing any further.

The father steps into the woods just outside the clearing and is immediately met with a wolf? He mutters under his breath, "What the fuck," and tries to jump to the side but is caught by the ankle mid-lunge. He falls and begins being dragged deeper into the woods. The Mother is intercepted by the large hispo wolf that is Broken Fang and slows. She takes a few steps back for a moment, pauses. The lights in her eyes are out and she is acting on instinct. Personal death doesn't matter at this point and the feral nature of her stare shows this. She tries to go around the wolf and would actually use anyone else who might be stepping in to scare her off too as a pick or ost (like in basketball). Magnus shifts into lupus and tries to stay hidden and out of sight as best as possible, but with following behind Ratsputin. Once they are deep enough into the woods, he calls out in a bark <<Far enough. Drop him and surround him. Whoever he goes for in the pack is who has the right to kill him. Make it quick. We do nae want the others to find us.>> The camp behind is waking with the scream, but everyone is already in the woods and gone and it is night.

Ratsputin drags the man into the woods, and then at the order dropping him with a his muzzle dyed a deep read from the blood of the man. As he backs up slowly, with a nodding of his head at the alpha with a soft little dip of resepct. Then he is wating watching it all as he looks around at the others looking at each of them and then the game is afoot. Time for the man to pick his killer.

The mother follows, albeit slowly as the wolf pack takes off as one. She comes up onto the scene with a bloody knife in her hand; the knife having fallen out of the father's shoulder as he was dragged along by Ratsputin. She stands away from the pack, not looking to get any closer just yet.

Once the Mother is finally indeed scared off (with a mental note to work on looking a little more frightening in the future, Broken Fang turns to run after the rest of the pack and harrass the Father. There's already blood in the air and most of the pack has already contributed to knocking the asshole down and winging him, so when the Father turns and lunges for the late-arriving Hispo, he doesn't seem to have a problem leaping to launch into him and grab hte man by the neck with those huge jowls...probably just in time for the mother to see him bite down. Well, that's a sound she's not going to get out of her head any time soon.

This is a problem. Watching the man go down and hearing the crunch, she gives a nod to Broken Fang, then moves towards the mother. "The rangers will do nothing. The law has failed your baby boy. The purpose left is for him to feed the trees." She eases closer, offering the woman an embrace. "Go home. Mourn your baby. Lay him to rest. And know that justice has been served by his own choosing." Cold comfort for someone Jae intends to stab in the back. The Veil must be protected.

A fight to the death with anyone of them is far from fair. But already having a leg savaged before he chooses? Rafe is not happy about it and t shows. His hackles are up and he paces back and forth with a continous low growl. <<His right to a fair fight was taken. The mother's right for vengeance was taken.>> And then he sees the mother witness the act. <<And now her life must be taken.>> The man's body is ignored at this point and he turns to watch the woman with the eyes of a predator shining in the light. As a fullmoon he takes on the task himself and starts to trot over.

Shield of Heart moves within the shadows, he's keeping to the edge of the fighting and as he does he does hear what is happening and as it's going on the charcoal gray wolf blends in with it's surroundings. He does look to the man who is being taken care of by the pack. His ears flick upwards and he hears Jae's voice and he moves to where she is but not allowing himself to be seen.

<This too needs to be ended, to protect the Veil. If you wish to do this Rafe, as our Ahroun it is your right.> Rats nods slowly, as he starts to head towards the woman, next to him waiting, if the large wolf does not do it, the task will be done by his teeth and his claws. If needed the hard thing, the diffcult is the way of the garou, and he is not against getting his teeth dirty.

The father lays dead; the man's brains spread out over the forest floor. Magnus listens to Rafe and yips, <<None here but te mother would have been a fair fight as we are all monsters, Jae-Eun included. I agree that te Mother needs to be killed now though.>> The mother looks up at Jae and shakes her head. She must sense the predatory nature of the wolves given her state is so close to that of their bloodlust at the moment too. She raises the knife. Magnus yips again, <<She is brave. I give her that. Shall we honor the fight and let Jae-Eun or Elowyn take her out?>> Magnus looks around, only now realizing El isn't with them. <<Ratsputin, go find Elowyn. Make sure she is okay. She is yer responsibility.>>

Broken Fang lifts his head from the father's neck, standing over the body to snarl at the mother, then yips at the others >> Father was predator on the weak and deserved culling. Deserved no fair fight because he did not give one. I follow Alpha's lead. << And with that growled, the hispo seems to be happy with looking menacing at the mother while a decision is made on what to do about her.

Jae-Eun closes her eyes a moment when the woman brings her knife up. She has to respect that even now, when she has lost her child to her husband, that she's willing to fight. "Haeya hal il-e daehae yugam-ibnida. Naneun sinsoghagehalyeogo nolyeoghal geos-igo dangsin-ege gotong-euljuji anh-eul geos-ida. Aedoui kkeut, Eomma." She whispers in soft and fluid korean, unsheathing the sword and moving in on the woman. It weighs heavy on her heart, and her motions lack her usual speed and eagerness.

<> Says Rafe while approaching the mother. Moving around to her rear while focused on Jae-Eun. <<SHe has honor and bravery. It's a shame she's not one of us.>> WHen Jae draws her sword, the huge wolf waits. After going on about rights to fairness, he's not going to jump in unless it's necessary. Besides, he wants to what the kin is really made of. For reasons.

The mother manages to deflect the knife, but just barely. She puses Jae's sword off and moves to stab Jae. The light is still out in her eyes, and while the woman is okay with dieing, life is sometimes hard to let go of. Magnus meanwhile addresses the others, <<We will speak with Ratsputin when he returns. We should nae have savaged te father before we gave him te chance to an honorable death. Aye, he would nae have a chance to win against us, but that is similar to what we face. We will most likely nae win te fight against te Wyrm. Our numbers are being culled, and yet, we must fight anyway. Would ye nae fight like te father just did? Would ye sit back and wait for yer death to come? Sometimes fairness is in understanding that death is coming and accepting it head on.>> Sure, Magnus is trying to make this palatable, for himself even, if not for others. <<We are Garou, we are strong, and yet, this does nae feel strong...but it is te correct action to take given te circumstances. We must do better next time...for this family and te others that no doubt will follow.>>

Shield of Heart begins shaking at this point, there is too much going on, another child dead and now the mother has to be killed because of what she saw. She could've just witnessed a wolf attack, why couldn't it be that FUCKING EASY! A growl begins to emanate from him and his body begins shaking more and more now as he looks to Jae and the mother, and he was starting to see red, again he growls even louder now.

With that Rats is off running quickly, and he is moving his noses low to the ground, as he is seeking his target, the girl he was told to protect, and then he is by her in her hidding spot low to the ground, now waiting for her to notice him.

Elowyn had stayed low, holding onto her backpack as she stays quiet. Eyes closed she seems to just be...waiting. However when she hears something she looks up to see the hairless wolf. Staring at him for a moment she's quiet now before she pulls her bag back on. With that she moves to get on his back as she nods, not saying anything...just laying close to him to hold on.

There is no honor in this fight. No satisfaction. Just a terrible resignation to what must be done to protect the Veil. The weight on her heart keeps Jae-Eun from trying to sidestep the incoming strike from the mother. She just can't bring herself to deny the woman the blood she deserves to draw. The blade slices deep into the kinfolk's upper left arm, the blood staining the skin. Another soft murmur in korean, "Joesong haeyo."

Sidestepping, Jae drags the blade from hip to opposing shoulder, slashing through flesh and bone, then pivoting to stab the mother through the chest, twisting the blade to separate the soul from the body.

Ratsputin brings himself and his rider back slowly, now as he makes his way trying to make sure, no-one on the way is coming for the pack. As he comes in at the end with a bowing of his head and his voice filled with sorrow. He bows his head with a sorrow in those yellow reddish eyes, as he is submiting to the judgement.

With Jae squaring off against the mother, Shield looking like he's in danger of losing it becomes the more important issue to the Wendigo, so Broken Fang trots over to bark at the growling garou, >> Focus. Look at me. We try to separate mother from father and it did not work. This must be done, and you know this. No wolf is happy to kill to enforce the Veil. <<

Quick. Efficient. Without lasting pain. That first hesitation though.. Rafe accepts the outcome and bumps his forehead into that of the downed mother. <<You were brave, even in death. The great wolf would be proud to call you one of his own.>> His head lifts up and spotting Xavier he nudges Jae, motions for her to get behind him or something. <<SHield of Heart. Gather yourself. I do not like this either. No one likes what we needed to do today. The innocent child must be avenged and the Veil must be protected.>> He pads over to the other wolf, to get close. Offering himself up as a shield himself. <<What we do is not easy. What we do save many more than it takes.>> His head hangs just a bit. <<Sometimes, innocents must suffer or worse.>>

Once they arrive Elowyn frowns slightly as she slips from Rats' back and looks about. Seeing what was occurring and had occurred she shivers before looking about. For the first time she raises her voice, only for them to hear. "Enough." Those bright blue eyes look about as she seems to be taking in the carnage before looking around. "This....is done. Deal with the bodies....tend to the wounded....." Glancing to the wolves staring at each other she frowns a bit then. She can read body language and she just....starts walking over. "Just stop it." Her voice is calm and soft. "I may be useless in all of this but I too understand what had to be done. It's terrible and unfortunate....and we can't fight amongst ourselves...." With that she just continues until she's walking between Raf and Xavier, turning to him. "I can't understand what you guys are saying but I can cut tension with a knife. If you want to take it out on someone....take it out on me then...but not someone who just had to do something hard...." It was easy for her to put two and two together. She might have been out of sight but she could see that woman kept going.

Jae-Eun cuts a piece of her tank top off to clean her blade with - not about to wipe her blade on the woman and show such disrespect. Sheathing it, she ties it to sling across herself - shoulder to hip. The scrap is tucked into her pocket and she looks to Elowyn, then from wolf to wolf. Anger, sadness?, the growls and yips and chuffs are beyond her understanding, but the overall mish mash of emotions are picked up on. "If my actions upset you, Xavier, you are welcome to challenge me for them. Until them, I would like to give her proper burial. Who will carry her to the cabin so that I may build a pyre and set her soul to the wind?"

Magnus chuffs to Ratsputin, <<Ye will need to make up for that action by feeding te homeless yer portions for te next week. Ye will become weak yerself as ye do so and must nae die while yer weak. Iffn ye agree, contrition done and perhaps Stephen kin perform te Rite. Iffn ye disagree, well, that is me offer as a member of this pack. Feed as many of te homeless as ye kin with what ye would have eaten. Drink though, drink to sustain yerself." OOCly - can be purely for RP purposes, but if you want to take a -1 or -2 penalty as you get hungry throughout the week, feel free. ;p Magnus looks to the others, <<Take te bodies and leave te knife. Let them think she killed him and herself and then was dragged off by animals. Bring them into water where their scents will be washed away and we kin properly dispose of them.>> Magnus shifts into homid and looks to Jae, "You did...honorably. Rafe, see to it that Jae is taken care of." To Elowyn he nods, "We hate this as much as ye do. With te full moon, te Rage is burning in us. We will nae take it out on ye though. Kinfolk are sacred." To Rats, "Take her home too, and talk to her about yer past to get it aired out." To Xavier and Stephen, he lastly states, "See iffn ye kin find some of the kinfolk children and work with them this week. Give them guidance and love...have their parents go easier on them." He leaves it there, for they know why he is asking it. With that, Magnus gives a twirl of his finger, to say...move out. He shifts into hispo and moves.

Shield of Heart shivers with RAGE, when bumped his head looks in Stephens direction and he growls at him. He can't help how he feels and as Elowyn speaks to him his head turns to look at her and he narrows his eyes at her, and he feels himself starting to become angrier, she didn't know what the fuck he's been through since changing, and having to deal with with another, the fathers death was one thing, but he stills himself and he turns and runs off.

Rats nods his head slowly, towards the man as he looks over at Elowyn, with a nodding of his head. With that he is movign towards ELowyn to bump her again with his nose, as he turns back into the homid form."Let's go to my place.....feel safer there if you don't mind?"

Elowyn keeps her gaze and doesn't waver before watching Xavier run off. Pursing her lips she looks up to Stephen then nods slowly. "Alright...I just...." There's a pause as she puts a hand to her chest, giving a sigh as she lets out a breath. Looking to Rats, there's concern but she hears Magnus' order then. As she hears Rats she nods then. "Let's walk out...my car can meet us and pick us up further out...."