2020.11.15 Reports, Earrings and Mushrooms

From City of Hope MUSH
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Reports, Earrings and Mushrooms
Chaos erupts as the Corax seeks Killigrew to give information to
IC Date 15th of November, 2020
IC Time When the sun still shines!
Players Royan, Killigrew, Bronwyn, Journey, Karmen, Minna, Khol, Beckett
Location The Kinfolk House
Prp/Tp Abundant Waters
Spheres Gaian
Theme Song Lake of Tears - Boogie Bubble

In the early mornings of the day, something odd has arrived to the Kinfolk grounds. It is a large black raven that has found its way here, sitting as he does in a large tree at the edge of the grounds themselves. From the branch hangs a sign, hand written, where it says, "Looking for Zoe Killigrew." The raven sits just above that sign. Next to the raven sits a large, black spider. It would be like no other spider anyone would have seen before. It would be far from any natural species in existence today. Its large, its backpart about the size of a mans fist. Eight legs. Lots of eyes. It radiates an aura of excitement. It is playing around with an earring; a piece with a lovely blue stonebead.

Yeah, you just think the spider is weird. Have you MET Bronwyn? A mockingbird. It lands. From just out of nowhere, popping into existence just as it lights on the branch. "Tweet." No, it doesn't make a tweet sound. It actually SAYS the word 'Tweet'. And then there's a rather stompy young woman that comes stomping through. Her hair is sticking up everywhere and she looks like she's covered in..tar? Honey? What the fuck is that? And she has a mushroom in one hand, held out like some mighty weapon, and a fork in the other. "No! You get back here! I TOLD YOU!" Fortunately for EVERYONE, she is hyperfocused and hasn't seen the spider.

The distant purr declares that Karmen approacheth on her motorcycle. And so, it is true! Lo, she appearath astride the Vincent, which she parketh in an appropriate spot. She dismounts, and heads towards the house, he face a mask of suffering, her walk slow and careful. Could it be... is it possible... something exists to dampen her bright spirit?

That distant, high pitched farty noise? Brrrapbraaap! That's Zoe's shiny 'new' dirt bike, complete with rattle-canned purple flames. Trying to catch up to Karmen, the inexperienced rider wobbles to the left before she slows and stops, sliding off and dropping the kickstand. The helmet comes off and is abandoned on the seat of the bike. Heading for the kin house, she's brought up short by the woman chasing the bird, and the bird with the sign. "... what?"

There's a curtain rustling at one of the windows, and then not much later, down comes Minna. She's wrapped up in a thick, close-fitting sweater, black, of course, holding a cup of coffee in both hands. Nice and warm. She squints off toward the sound of the bikes, sipping her coffee, lubricating the rusty gears in her head.

The large raven would seem almost normal, were it not for the sign and the spider. Apart from those two things, the bird appears to be acting like a raven would; except that it does not seem to care that there are people around. He does not seem to be nervous. Seeing a lot of people arriving, the bird lets out a Kraaaa! sound, announcing its presence. Head lowers, tapping its beak over the sign. As if drawing attention to it. He lets out another kraaa, while keeping an weary eye on the Tweeting mockingbird. And the .. woman with the mushroom.

"Tuuuhweeeet," says the mockinbird as it hop-flies over to sit next to the raven. "Kraa to you too, buddy." Rawr. She's a bird. He's a bird. Don't judge her for her inter-species interest. Don't do it. "Fucking.. goddamn birdbrain COME HERE AND LOOK WHAT YOU DID!" Oh, Bronwyn's angry. SO angry. Fiesty. She glances up at the pecking and she squints. SQUINT. And then her eyes get REALLY BIG and she launches that mushroom with the indignity of an angry toddler. "IT'S GONNA EAT THE BIRD!!!"

The shambling zombie of Karmen reaches the blessed angel that is Minna, and clamps her hands about the coffee cup. Her eyes, filled with a desperate longing - though whether it is for the beverage or the lady, it is impossible to tell. Then her brain registers other things. She turns and looks at the bizarre scene that unfolds. Woman. Fungi. Sign. Odd birds. She looks back to Minna and says, sounding very sorry for herself, "I am too hungover to even begin to understand. Please. Make it stop, or decapitate me." She rests her forehead on Minna's own. "Why am I allowed to LIVE?" She has not quite registered that Zoe has a dirt bike. That particular piece of terror lies in her future.

The mushroom is going to eat the bird? The bird is going to eat the bird? And of course it's right by the raven with the sign. With her name on it. Running fingers through her helmet hair,20 Zoe edges around towards Minna and Karmen, then lifts a hand. "I'm, uh, I'm Killigrew."

Minna steals one last sip from the cup and swallows the sweet caffeine before surrendering the cup to Karmen, meeting the Kinswoman's eyes with a smile. She's somehow, to Minna, more distracting than the chaos in the yard. She stands up on her tip toes, kisses Karmen's forehead, then slides in around behind her with her arms wrapped around her middle, peering out from behind her at- everything. "Drink your coffee," she murmurs. "Things are always weird with Zoe, and-" she squints. "Is that a bug?"

Things happen. Chaos erupts. But that is the norm when you have Bronwyn in the area. She is chaos personified. All of her species are. Chaos. Personified. In a body. Bad idea, Universe! The mushroom is just a mushroom, but god damned that was at throw and a half. The raven had no idea it was coming and Bob, the Spider? He was just being so happy! To anyone who can speak Spirit, they would have heard it happily humming to himself while playing with the earring. And then its world is interrupted by interloping mushrooms. It smacks the poor thing by the side, toppling it over end and having it fall over the edge of the branch. The spider is fast, though, and latches on with webbing before it falls to the ground. It does not quite fall all the way down, instead swinging wildly back and forth like Tarzan! The earring, though, falls to the ground. The raven startles. Bob was .. attacked! He lets out a -very- angry sound, a loud KRAA! as his wings spread out fully. The feathers his head rises up, fluffed up as he turns to Bronwyn. He makes himself look bigger, almost hissing and making horrible noises! He looks angry!

"It's going to eat the bird!!" comes Bronwyn's voice, but from the Mockingbird. "Don't stick your dick in crazy!" "But it's so... Purrrrrrrrrrrrple" That's all the mockingbird has to say. Bronwyn, on the other hand, is getting ready to go 'save' the bird from the spider, which now has slightly clumpy, liquified mushroom juice all over it. That was a GOOD hit. "Don't worry, guys! It'll just be a little fire!!!" She ponders the fork in her hand and sticks it between her teeth and prepares to launch herself toward the spider.

Journey opens the front door, coming from inside the house. No he didn't go in there. Looking around, "Hello."

Karmen gratefully sips the bev'rage, and her smile flashes, albeit briefly. "Oh my. Best. Girlfriend. Ever." Then she is subjected to snuggle attack from the rear... Which gives her a clear view of what is going on. Raven and spider and ballistic fungus and and and... why does Zoe have a vehicle that sounds like an android with terminal flatulence? "That is a... an arachnid. Isn't this supposed to be a haven for kinfolk, away from the insane and the dangerous? What in the name of Ganesh's Groin is going ON here? Who IS that woman?" And then there is a Journey. Karmen attempts to smile in welcome, but the word "rictus" is more appropriate. Hangovers. They bypass her perky circuits.

Mushroom juice on a huge ass spider, a hissing raven, the mocking Mockingbird, the hollering Bronwyn? No way the Fury kin is getting in the middle of that. Backing up, she leans to shoulder bump Minna, then touch Karmen's elbow with her fingertips. "I swear, I didn't do it." Whatever it is that got her name on a sign and all this chaos everywhere.

Girlfriend? She'll have to file that one away for later. Minna watches the chaos unfold like a hand grenade thrown into a china shop, but nobody seems to be bleeding or swearing or frothing. Yet. Hopefully, it remains that way. "I have no idea," she says in a tone that indicates she hasn't even begun to piece it all out, and might not even bother. She nuzzles Karmen's shoulder and then looks up to see Journey, blinking owlishly. "Oh," she says. "Morning. I hope the noise hasn't disturbed you."

The spider is fast, though. It crawls up the webbing it used to latch on to the branch with, and is in record speed not just on the branch itself but climbing up on the back of the now angry looking raven. It has stopped singing, now instead emitting spirit sounds of fear. The angry Corax continues to keep its wings spread as he is aimed at Bronwyn, still letting out angry sounds. If it registered Killigrew saying she was there, the bird seems to have a new priority.. for the time being. Protecting its friend.

Journey looks around into the chaos and seems pretty unaffected by the strangeness, walking over to the edge of the porch, "Hi." He nods to people, casually reaching up, and taking the windowsill, placing a foot, and jumping, and he's up to the roof, placing himself, on a line that interrupts Bronwyns pounce of attack, turning to face the Gorgon, "Heey, what's going on?"

Karmen leans back into the embrace a little more. She isn't hugely heavy, though she is hardly a stick figure either. The unfolding chaos is doing nothing to ease the headache that is hovering over her like the Migraine of Damocles. "Heysa Zo-Zo... I don't believe you did anything... I mean I know you do things, just not things that would make me sad and... I think I am going to stop trying to understand this. I understand the raven. I get the spider. The tweety bird is beyond me, and I am not sure I even believe the mushroom." She sips more coffee. Until this starts to work, the world can do whatever crazy crud it likes, this is now officially Not Her Monkey. "Can we maybe reboot today? There must be a save point we can load. Preferably before I started chanting "tequila slammer" last night."

Minna slides up between Zoe and Karmen with an arm around either one of the Kin, looking as protective as she can while being, well. Short. "Tequila? Should I even ask?" Minna murmurs, a note of amusement in her tone. She watches Journey scale up and out of view and shakes her head. "If I'd known I was going to be dealing with a hurricane in the morning, I'd have sacked out before ten."

Bronwyn launches! It's a beautiful launch, graceful as a ballerina, light as the most beautiful butterfly, but there's a Journey in the way! And so she smacks into him, probably with him reaching out to halt her progress as well. She latches on and .. blinks. "There you are." Oh, she's also covered with honey and has a fork between her teeth, sideways. So it's more like 'Theh yuh aah'. She turns her head and spits out the fork and it clanks to the ground several feet below and points over Journey's shoulder at the spider. "Spider. Gonna.. eat the bird.."

Killigrew watches with wide eyes, then pats Karmen and Minna on their shoulders. "I need coffee for this." she murmurs, dipping inside to go and fetch another cup of bean juice from inside - adding cream and sugar to excess and a little plop from her flask of cheap whiskey. Seems warranted on a cold and crazy morning. And it's not even Monday yet! Only gone a few moments, she comes back out to resume the little triangle on the porch that is watching with mixed levels of fascination.

Journey sees Bronwyn launch and, as he lifts his hands to meet her pounce they fall backward, Journey getting honey all over him as he pushes with his legs and he and Bronwyn... float off the roof. Journey holding firmly to the Gorgon, and looking where she points, "Spider... Oh him? Oh no they're together, I mean, not LIKE THAT, Well, I mean I never asked... that's kinda a personal thing and not my business, but I don't think they're a couple, but eating? nah."

"Facetime. With friends. Back east. Last night of Diwali. Decisions were made. Bad, bad decisions." Karmen then chugs coffee. The sooner it goes in, the sooner she recovers, right? "Do we know this woman? Why is she covered in goo? Should we be running away, running towards, or eating popcorn?" Not that she can face popcorn right now. Instead she leans onto the Minna and the hug. "Apart from this, how are your days going, Minnazo?" Another portmanteau name? Oh dear.

The large raven continues to just .. stare with anger in its black little eyes. Those large wings of his make him look so large! Fierce even! But then, its over 4 feet of wingspan so its not exactly a small bird. He continues to let out threatening sounds. Long, drawn out kraaaa's that hold a heavy amount of anger in them. He moves as Bronwyn moves and is moved, so that his front is aimed at her. He's just shielding his friend.

"Don't worry, I'll protect you," Minna murmurs, more amused than anything else. She watches Journey suffer the sticky indignity of chaos, the big bird, wings spread, the spider. The strange woman. If it weren't for the Kin bracketing her in, she'd be wondering if she was even awake. "I've been working out a little more than usual, practicing my throws. Getting ready. Might go down to the scrapyard and kick one of the Get until they indulge me with a spar." She pauses. "Doubt I'll have to kick very hard."

Bronwyn eyeballs Journey with quite a large amount of suspicion and points to the SIGN that the spider was hovering over. "Look, Journey. Kill .. the.. Garou.." It's Killigrew, but WHATEVER. She's an entity of Chaos. You can't expect her to READ. "Maybe it wasn't after the bird. Maybe ......" Her eyes get REAAAALLY wide and she half-spins around in Journey's grip. Now she has to take down the corax, because they're trying to kill her buddies. SHe's slippery, but also kind of sticky.

Journey keeps a grip on Bronwyn, floating of to the side, trajectory taking them out of direct line of sight, coming down near the parking area, "Naah, that's just her name, I know that bird, he's coming back from a job." He has his arms full of a struggling Bronwyn and is currently FLOATING IN THE AIR, slowly coming down and snaps, "OH, DO I LOOK BUSY?!"

With Journey having the crazy woman in a firm grasp, the large black raven slowly lets his wings fold up along his body. The feathers on his head slowly smooth back along his body, although he does not lose that tension he has in his body. And the large spider on his back does not quite move from its spot. He lets out another kraaaa sound, eyes looking around before he looks at Killigrew. He then speaks, in English, to complete the weirdness, "I seek Killigrew. She who hails from Abundant Waters, whom I flew a scouting mission for." The tension manages to creep into his Mimiced English words. He can't quite hide it.

Beckett clears his throat before replying to Journey in his most scholarly sounding deadpan: "A little."

"The Get do like to kick and be kicked," Karmen notes, conversationally, as she tries not to get involved in the craziness going on a few feet away. "Maybe I should go with you and pick up some pointers. I've been practicing with the gun thing, but dodging might be a useful skill to learn." She drinks more coffee and adds, "This is excellent. Damn, you're good!"

Bronwyn squirms. She fusses. But she doesn't ACTUALLY try to break away from Journey. She just stares at him. "Is this the part where I apologize for trying to murder someone's friend and accusing them of being in cahoots with the enemy because I can't read for shit?"

Killigrew laughs, then claps a hand over her mouth. Musn't laugh at the very busy Elder. Chortling into her coffee, she looks to Minna and Karmen, then back to poor Journey trying to unravel the big ball of chaos. After a second, she whistles sharply, having a wee smidge of mercy. "HEY! I'm Killigrew!" Trying to cut through the noise and chaos, lifting her doctored cup of coffee towards the birb. Moving away from Minna and Karmen, she starts, /cautiously/, towards the raven and its sign.

Journey and Bronwyn thump down in the gravel of the parking lot, and bounce up lightly. Gravity seems to be optional at some point in the ascention of a Garous career. Holding onto Bronwyn, as she moves from struggling to fidgeting, and asking her question, he sighs, "Well it has been a while. At least you didn't Frenzy." He pats her head, and looks at his palm, hair stuck on it with.. sniff, "Is that honey?"

The raven watches with one eye as the Elder retreats with the Evil One(tm), with the other eye on Killigrew. He lets out another little kraaa as the spider slowly slides from the ravens back. With the arachnid settling in on the branch next to the raven, the large black bird speaks once more, "I had news for you. A report to give, a map to offer and a tribute to present." he pauses, "But the area is loud. Too many feet on ground. And .. threats." he is still looking over at Bronwyn.. or at least the area where the Elder retreated with her.

Karmen groans and sinks to sit on the steps, though she keeps one hand attached to Minna, gently holding onto her leg. "Welcome to the Kinfolk House, they said. A place of tranquility for kinfolk, they said. You'll be safe here, from all the cares and craziness in the world. They said." She rolls her eyes. "If I had known this sort of thing was tolerated, I'd have brought my hand puppets and a bumber aerosol of silly string." Then she shuts up and watches. Looks like something serious for Zoe. Best let that happen, unimpeded by Karmenish Kommentary.

Beckett squints up at the aerial antics as the Elder tried to settle down the creature. "Er-- Perhaps later... then." He clears his throat and adjusts his glasses before disappearing mysteriously.

"HEY! I didn't, did I?" Then she frowns. "That's probably a bad sign." She peers over at the raven and clears her throat. "I'm sorry that I tried to murder your disgusting friend and called you a traitor. I am already cranky because I got stung by about a million Wyldbeez and then my bird ran away because.." Her voice lifts in a mocking tone. ". She doesn't like to be stung by beez the size of her head. Meh meh meh." THen she takes a deep breath and siiiiiiighs. "So I apologize." And then she FLUMPS in Journey's arms. Just deadweight. Ded

Khol either drives out , or like today, jogs out to the kinhouse almost every day. His light tread carries him up quickly and he slows down seeing the gathering. He looks a little surprised and slows his pace. He doesnt say anything immediately curious as to what is going on here.

Journey pulls his hand away, hair coming free of the honey and they rotate till Journeys feet hit the ground and he carries Bronwyn, letting her call out her apology, and just.. being there.

It's cold. It's cold and Karmen is sitting down. Minna considers sitting on the cold steps beside her, the height difference between the two of them. Then she puts an arm around Karmen's shoulders and slides into her lap, sitting side-saddle. "I'll be your inhuman shield," she says, stealing the coffee cup back for a slurp. Likewise, her attention goes back to Zoe, and the floating Strider, and. Well. Everything.

A frown settles onto Killi's face and she nods to the raven, winding up near the tree he's roosting in and looking way up. A look towards the porch, then the others as things seem to be settling. "What news do you bring of the Abundant Waters?" she asks, both hands wrapped around the warmth of her coffee mug.

Karmen wraps arms around Minna and hugs. Warm! Karmen is shivering a little, due to the hangover more than the brisk air. She spots Khol arrive, and waves her free hand that way. "Here's family." She murmurs...

Bronwyn is just flumpygrumpy

Khol walks now, closer, he doesnt seem to even notice the briskness of the air, but he does wave to karmen, and takes in each of the others. He gives a respectful nod to Journey "Elder. " he states simply "Is everything okay?"

The raven lets out a thoughtful sound, a sort of raspy warbly sound ending in a waaka, waaka sound. He clicks his beak in the air audible, to then turn his head to let his beak stroke over the back of the large spider. The spider, for his part, attaches to the branch once more with webbing. He then lowers himself down until he hangs just over the ground. There, his front legs reaches out to grab hold of the earring he dropped earlier. Once he has it secure, he begins to climb up the webbing. The Corax turns his eyes on Killigrew, "Are you certain you wish to hear it here? It is a busy place where it usually is quiet. I came to find you, not necessarily to report here. But if you are good with this place, then I shall tell of what I saw."

Journey looks up at Khol as he holds Bronwyn, and points him at Killigrew, "See if you can get a seat at that table, get your thoughts on that plan." He says, apparently this is more important than corralling Gorgons.

Minna smiles in that way people do when they're about as content as they're going to get in a given moment. She leans into Karmen's squeeze, arm around her shoulders. Perks at the mention of family and looks over at Khol when he waves Karmen's way. She waves back, then gives Karmen's hair a quick fuzzle. "Chill."

Karmen jiggles her knees to bounce Minna gently. "Do you and Khol know each other yet? I guess introductions are needed if not." She keeps a weather eye out on the unfolding business, however. This is Important for Zoe, and Important means that friends give Help and Support. Which requires attention (coffee sip, all gone, sadness! Mug laid aside).

Killigrew turns to take inventory of who is here. The Elder, the crazy lady, friends and family of friends. Turning back, her eyes catch the spider and the earring, before she focuses back on the raven, hands a little more firmly 'round the mug. "This is alright. They're people I would share the information with, and the Elder ought to know. It's his permission that's allowing me to try this." she says.

Khol smiles a little to Karmen, but he nods to Journey, and turns toward Zoe, the spider and the raven. He approaches calmly. He thinks he knows the spider and the raven, but its been a while. so he stops a few yards away, to see if he is invited closer as he offers "Can I help at all?" to the group of them.

With the spider back on the branch, the raven unfolds it and extends it out and down a bit. The spider then scrambles up on the wing and returns to his back. Still holding the earring aloft with his front legs. It's a treasure! The raven, with the spider secure, lets itself tip forward from the branch. Releasing it with his claws, he spreads his wings and glides across the yard towards the .. the .. well, there seems to be a lack of tables so the bird choses to land on the back of one of the hammocks. There, he sits still a few moments waiting to see if he will be joined, "I have been to Abundant Waters. And I shall tell of what I saw." he states. Meanwhile, he lets Bob off his back, the spider settling in next to him.

Journey turns as the message is getting delivered, hauling Bronwyn off out of the area, taking her to safety for all involved.

Minna shakes her head at Karmen. "Haven't had the pleasure, but I suppose I should say hi, after..." she frowns a little at the raven, at Zoe, knowing whatever comes next isn't going to be good. Then she rolls up, stands, and turns to offer Karmen a hand to help her to her feet. So considerate.

Karmen grunts in an oh so very lady-like manner as she is hauled back to her feet. She does not release the hand, but turns and watches the raven on the hammock, attentively waiting for the news, without interruption. By some miracle, she has learned to keep her trap shut. Occasionally.

Killigrew follows after the raven and moves to sit down cross-legged, a bit of a wiggle and she rests her mug holding hands in her lap, glancing to the others, then back up to the bird, then to the spider and it's prize, the earring it holds aloft, and back to the raven's face.

Khol will turn as well and follows the bird and Killigrew "May I join and listen?" he doesnt sit until permitted to, his attitude calm and non-aggressive.

Minna stands close to Karmen, perhaps using her to shield herself from the occasional cold morning breeze. Being small does have its perks, from time to time. She gives her hand a little tug and shuffles a little closer to Khol, Zoe, and The Bird.

Journey stays out of the way with Bronwyn, calming her.

Karmen is brought closer by Minna the Shuffler (rare relative of Minnie the Moocher) and she bites her lip a little, sending Khol a rather nervous smile

The Raven waits for Killigrew to sit down on the hammock, "As the task was placed, so did the task get done. I went West, to what you call Florida, to the swamplands of Alligator and Snake. There, I came upon the village of Abundant Waters. I infiltrated the area, to take note of what I saw." he pauses, "Corruption grips the land. What would have once been a well cared for area, is now overgrown with rot and sickly algae. The dead litter the grounds, their bones gnawed clean or left to rot under the houses. Its population partially still live, but they are decaying and their spirits are broken. The Fallen hold the Center House, where they drag captive alligators to feed to once mighty Gator; the Caerns Totem fully corrupted as it eats its own children." he pauses, "Nine of the Fallen I saw, in the Hut. At least two more on patrol. Their bodies marked with the spiral patterns of the Devourer." he pauses once more. And as he does, the Spider slides down the back of the hammock to then happily skitter up to Killigrew. And up her knee. He then hoists the earring higher, "We took this from the central hut, from one of the dead. It is yours." It is a fine earring, made from a blue stonebead, nicely crafted.

Minna takes the news like a spoonful of bitter medicine, her face going flat, eyes ticking to Zoe. Maybe she stands a little closer to Karmen. Maybe she gives the Kin's hand a squeeze. She looks around them as if expecting some dark shadows to come stalking through the woods there and then, brushes her shoulder against the Kin's. Murmurs something.

It's not -good-, by any stretch. Closing her eyes tight, Killi nods to the words of the raven, then opens her eyes and leans to collect the earring from the spider. The mug of coffee is set aside and she turns it in her fingers, studying the bead. Forcing herself to breathe slow and steady, she sets the earring on her right knee, thinking. "This belonged to the Rite Master's mate." She says quietly. "Journey. Eleven strong hold the heart of my home. But some live, yet." "What say you?"

Karmen swallows reflexively, and her shiver had nothing to do with the chill in the air. There were far better reasons for that, now. She looks down at Minna, and nods once. This is one time when she knows that she is best advised to be quiet, and do what she is told.

Khol moves closer an places a hand on Killigrews shoulder in a supportive gesture. He doesnt say anything, but there is a calm comfort in his posture, and an iron resolve.

Journey is holding to Bronwyn, "Doable with a good group. Gator is lost, the Caern cannot be restored, must be sealed and maybe someone will build something good on the ashes." Yes, he is aware of everything even with the Gorgon.

"Time for a purge and rescue, then," Minna says, sounding not at all eager so much as determined. "Least we can do. Only thing we can do, I guess."

The raven continues to speak, "The Spirit is .. corrupted. Banes are everywhere, seeping the Swamp waters with their vile essence. Take heed when you travel the Swamplands, for if you see an alligator, then Gator will know you are there. His influence stretches across the Bawn and the former Protectorate." he pauses, "On the back of the sign.." he holds out a wing and sort of motions to teh "Looking for Zoe Killigrew" sign that he had hung in the branch, "..is a map that I drew. It details the layout of the Village as it is now."

Karmen looks pale, and frankly quite scared. But she nevertheless sounds earnest. "We'll give them the peace they deserve, those who fell. And... yes. Rebuild. If we can." She's never come anything close to something like this in her entire life. But she sure as hell isn't going to let everyone she cares about here ride off to do the right thing, and stand by, waving a handkerchief after them. Scared or no, friends go with friends.

Also, with the earring delivered, Bob leaves Killigrews knee and returns to sit patiently next to the raven.

Reaching, Killi rests her hand atop Khol's and gives it a squeeze, leaning into that tough. "With your blessing, Journey, I'd like to try." She decides, watching Bob climb back towards the raven. Moving her hand away from Khol's, she offers her index finger towards Bob, curled, so it isn't pointing or threatening, offering to give the big fat spider a stroke in thanks. "When you said they are decaying and broken... do you think they..." she falters, "Can we save them, or is it a kindness to end them quickly?"

Journey nods, "Make a plan, see if Khol can assist, Khol, that earrings a nice spatial anchor." He straightens with Bronwyn, "We can muster superior power, and move on them. Make a plan for review, I need to move off a bit." He seems to be taking Bronwyn.

The raven lets out another little kraa, "We left the sister earring in the hut. We took but one. So the two can be joined once more." the bird silences, "I have delivered what must be delivered." he holds his wing out to let Bob crawl back up. And this, the spider does, but not before he rises his upper body upwards a bit to Killigrews petting, waving his mandibles in the air a bit in thanks. And with that, the raven suddenly takes flight, heading off.

Minna bids farewell to Journey, distracted by the sight of Zoe in distress, and by Karmen. Odds are good that if important things weren't going down, now's the time she's sweep Karmen away for a little cocoa and reassurance. She butts her cheek against Karmen's shoulder. "It'll all work out," she murmurs.

Khol watches Journey and nods in aquiessence. he then offers to the Raven "Thank you for your efforts.. they are deeply appreciated." he then motions to Karmen and Minna to have them join him, but offers "There are quilts just inside the door for covering when your sitting on the hammocks.. grab a couple if you are cold." he then turns to the table and Killigrew "Zoe.. it may be that we do have to put them all out of their misery and raze the whole area to purify it.. but every soul that can be saved will be.. I think thats the best that can be promised.. and if there are those that need a new home.. I know of a place that was once a home to the Dragonkind. and perhaps can be once again."

Karmen nods at the reassurance, but looks worried, all the same. It doesn't suit her. She's supposed to be the perpeually upbeat one. She's the Pinky Pie of Garouland. Still, she eases forwards and rests a hand on Zoe's other shoudler for a moment. She then follows Khol's advice, and fetches warm blankets for each of them, before returning to Minna's side to wrap the pair of them up inside a stupidly over-large fluffy throw. "I don't really understand how this all goes down. But I'll scrub the place with a toothbrush if that's what it takes to make it right!" She buries her face on Minna's head, as she is conveniently the right size for that sort of thing, and takes some reassurance in the warm, familiar scent. Maybe she's more wolf than she realises.