2020-09-18: VA Texting Quasi-Duel

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VA Texting Quasi-Duel
Vic and Rufus text; some V-Dept-style trash talk is exchanged
IC Date September 18th, 2020
IC Time Early evening
Players Rufus and Vic
Location Cyberspace via texting
Spheres Traditions
This entire scene was handled as a text exchange between two Virtual Adepts. It has been posted in the format described in the unofficial Formatting Text Messages for Wiki Log Posts guide.
Talked w/Astra last night. She's going to build me a VR Rig.
U & Hector were going to finance. Right?
(Rufus) Fair. I think Hector's got you covered? I dunno how much money she'd need
Full proposal requested and pending. 3-5k initial estimate
(Rufus) Damn.
(Rufus) I'd check with Hector, see where you guys are at. If you need more, text me.
??? and will do natch
(Rufus) Does Astra have access to static Tass?
IDK never came up can ask her if you want
(Rufus) Could you? I have an offer.
Care to share or do U need to know if the static tass is there before describing the offer?
(Rufus) 4 drams of static tass, she gets a check for 5K.
Cool. I'll find out and relay.
(Rufus) Cool.
(Rufus) Rufus begins to question your alien-ness.
(Rufus) 79#7 107#8 28#1 31#4

OOC Explination: (79#7)Your (107#8)shorthand (28#1)is (31#4)lame

(Rufus) <3 back to the grind.
01010111 01010100 01000110 00111111

OOC Explination: "WTF?" in binary

Grind on that ;)
(Rufus) Vic. We've been over this. We're taking time to get to know one another. Don't be so in a rush. Your binary's showing. :D
U think UR funny ;9
(Rufus) incoming
(Rufus) I think I'm _adorbs_. :P
79#7 70#7 31#4

OOC Explanation: Your (70#7)just lame

(Rufus) 79#7 60#6 31#4.

OOC Explanation: Your (60#6)moms lame

Yup. Total Sleeper. ;)
At least last I saw her, else world natch
(Rufus) ....Touche. You win this round.
Your cute when you concede *smooch*
(Rufus) Next time gadget. *smooch*. Speaking of lame.
(Rufus) Serious Q this time.
(Rufus) 28#1 79#7 94#4 73#1

OOC Explanation: (28#1)is your (94#4)cybrware (73#1)union


OOC Explanation: 1 vs 0 in binary = yes

but like me not-native to this world
but also... not unique to the TU where I'm from... its off the shelf SOTA
(Rufus) I wouldn't put it past the Union to bug their toys. I'd do a sweep of your tech to make sure you aren't sending XOXOs out into cyberspace. I dunno what the TU was like in your place, but if your sending huggies out I wouldn't want someone to hone in on the signal and be able to track your every move. When you get a chance, give yourself a scan.
<3 Of course I'll let you scan it but... how lamo would I be if I didn't back check the tech before getting it installed?
That works also
(Rufus) Don't worry. I'll disable that Grammar Nazi protocol during the sweep. We got rid of those here. :P
Hah! There's multiple sites on that subject! I should let you get back to the grind like you asked earlier. TTFN Arr