2019.02.08: Dragomir's Challenge

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Dragomir's Challenge
Several gather around Dragomir in the Caern and he issues a challenge to some of them to spar against him!
IC Date Fri Feb 08 12:14:58 2019, PST.
Players Lleutrim, Waziyata, Jillian, Dragomir, Hjalmar, Branton, Sonya, Cody, Burt
Location Sept of the Enduring Spirit Caern Valley and Amphitheater
Spheres Gaian Garou Kinfolk Fera

Mystic Valley - Deep Forest(#1747RJU)

The forest floor of the Large Cavern begins to slope sharply downwards into a deep, subterranean valley, the pathway ages ago etched into long, wide steps worn by countless feet and paws over the years. The walls of this valley cavern are high and extremely steep volcanic rock and granite slabs, the ceiling of the cavern so high that the valley has taken on its own internal weather system. Hundreds of feet overhead, the vents and cracks allowing sunlight to filter through can no longer be seen, light spreading as though the valley were lit with a gentle and unseen underground sun of its own. Mist from underground streams and waterfalls create en endless cycle of clouds, brief rains, and evaporation into clouds again, while breezes from any number of caves and tunnels bring fresh air and move the clouds through their false sky.

The subterranean forest is thickest here, towering evergreen trees are dwarfed by the sheer size of the valley cave, weeping willows hang curtains of greenery over meandering streams and pools of mineral water. The steep, unclimbable valley walls are dotted with vines and bushes that have, against all odds, found purchase and growth potential. Stone pathways wend and meander through moss and wild grass along the valley, creating miles of walkways all throughout this sacred place.

A large central meadow has become a meeting point for the valley. Near enough to the Large Cavern's steeply stepped pathway and with wide stone avenues branching away to living areas, shrines, and the amphitheater. A well maintained seating area takes up the middle of the meadow, with a stone pit made for a large bonfire, several old logs and small boulders pulled up around it for comfortable seating. A large and ornately carved totem pole stands tall nearby, detailing the leadership of the Caern. Also nearby, a massive stone tablet jutting four feet out of the ground has inscribed upon its polished face the rules of the Caern, unmissable by anyone in the area.


It is now currently Fri Feb 08 12:14:58 2019, PST.

The moon is currently Waxing Crescent, Rage diff 7 (6 if Theurge and/or Crinos).


Last night was a long night for Lleutrim. The patrol ran into something and it got a little bloody. After his return and a trip to the Kinfolk House, he's now come to the Caern as a wolf while his wife is off at work. Battle Singer lies on his side by a low burning fire where an elderly kinfolk woman is preparing a meal. His back is up against a log used as a bench for seating, his silvery grey eyes closed as he dozes. The toes of the wolf's pale paws twitch with his dreaming. An ear flicks.

At the fire, Maria is cooking up flatbred and using an iron skillet. Meat is sizzling in another skillet with chopped vegetables on a cutting board. The white haired, stick thin woman works quietly adding herbs and stirring or flipping food as needed. A pot of hot water steams ready to pour for coffee or tea with a tray of cups to serve the garou who come through. She hums quietly to herself as she works.

Just past her leaning against the same log bench as Battle Singer is are a couple of instrument cases. One for a guitar, another for uilleann pipes, among other things. Overall it is quiet and peaceful though folk are moving around tending to their various business.

Jillian moves into the Caren, she looks around and she sighs softly, a little sad but overall just waiting for Lleu to return it would seem. Her eyes lift and she smiles as she spies him though for the moment she watches in silence.

Dragomir comes walking out of the Caern Heart, the man's face has been painted with soft blue streaks around his eyes and down the brim of his nose. Feathers from many birds of prey have been clipped to the back of his hair, like dreadlocks. He is wearing a silver-colored button down shirt, though the chest is widely opened and exposes a very muscular frame and the tattoos on one side of his torso. Black slacks and bare footed, the large Russian walks along the cavern floor with his crystal javelin in hand. He appears to be having a whispered conversation with something unseen, which may be a spirit, or he may just be nuts. Rumor has it, the man is leading a special patrol through the penumbral bawn.

Maria stops what she is doing long enough to look up at Jillian's approach. She smiles, "Would you like a burrito, cub?" The meat sizzling smells spicy. When she sees the Athro Silver Fang, Maria looses some of her smile and gives Dragomir a courtsy. Her hand slip down over the homespun dark blue fabric of her simple dress, her white hair piled up into a loose bun at the top of the back of her head. "Eye of the Storm'rhya, good afternoon. May I seve you food or drink?" She keeps her eyes downcast, very proper this Child of Gaia.

Battle Singer twitches at the voices. Then he stills, his silvery eyes slitted as he stirs from his sleep. The wolf finally shifts his head to see who has come and seeing /Dragomir/ in that get up? The Fianna wolf suddenly shifts to sit up, lying on his sternum. Oh boy. He drinks in every detail of the other man's attire for a long moment and well, looks rather delighted. >> Eye of the Storm'rhya ... <<

Jillian nods her head to Maria "Burrrrito is a fun name, but not as fun as Butterfish, which is not a fish that tastes like butter".. she says quietly Her eyes flicker to Battle singer and she tilts her head a little to him. "Jill needs to learn law of wolf, Aurora say I not mess up on any patrols."

Dragomir moves towards the Child of Gaia, turning his head to regard Jillian for a moment in consideration - not recognition. The man's nostrils flare faintly in her direction before he responds to Maria, "I will eat after patrol. A full belly in the umbra leaves me feeling nauseous. Besides, warriors fight better when they're hungry to come home in my experience." He nods his head towards the woman in thanks for the offer.

Then his glance goes towards the other man, "Battle Singer." He greets, and then asks, "How did your patrol go?"

Maria smiles first at what Jillian says, then offers a quiet smile to Dragomir as well. "That is wisdom." She looks to be well into her 70's but not yet frail. She turns back to her work of making fresh flatbread, building up a stack for hungry garou who will be coming through. Maria seems to be quite happy in her roll.

Battle Singer blinks his pale eyes at Jillian. Does she speak lupus? He doesn't remember so the wolf gets up and shakes himself off, thick coat rife with good health. A breath later and he's changing from lupus and all the way back to homid fluidly ere he moves to stand to his full human height. "Law of wolf? Do you mean our Litany? I can help you but if you wish to learn of our Litany, you would do best to ask a Philodox. Traditionally it is they who teach our laws to our cubs."

Lleu's attention goes to Dragomir, "It went well. Most patrols are quiet and we find nothing amiss. Last night we came upon three feral dogs in the boggy swamper part of the bawn to the east. They'd been tainted by banes. They were dispatched and the site cleansed, Eye of the Storm'rhya."

Jillian listens between the pair before she gets the burrito from the woman with a smile as she eats the provided meal and she nods to what Battle singer says, she listens aptly as she looks between wolf and wolf, the young cub observing.

Dragomir settles down on a stump to sit, and pulls a sharpening stone out. The javelin is crossed across his lap, and he proceeds to start sharping the fetish towards a terrible sharp point. "Ahh, good.. to the East. That is where I will begin then. I have been hearing increasing reports of Bane activity lately. We shall find out what is causing this increase in activity and deal with the issue. It was good to see you leading a patrol. I knew you would take to such responsibilities easily given your past."

"Aye, and to the north closer to the city we almost constantly have incursions." No surprise that. Lleutrim rubs sleepy grit out of his eyes and turns his head to glance at his pile of belongings. There's a USMC rucksack packed along with the instruments. He watches Jillian for a moment and then takes a seat as well. That is a /hell/ of a fetish javelin with it's crystaline blade. Lleu studies it and has only seen it the once, before now. "It's been a variety of causes. Back in November we had problems with an old, corrupted sewage pipe that had gotten broke and spilled into a stream. We had a couple of /months/ tracking down every last thing, getting it repaired and fully cleaned up. I think that's done now but the pipe was old so I lead patrols up that way still to keep an eye out for future breaks. It's not /technically/ on the bawn but it's close enough to have caused us trouble. Last night's issue didn't -seem- to be related to it."

Jillian listens and she nods her head to some of the things they say, she yawns a little as she looks between them once more. "your patrols only stay close to bawn?" she asks trying to understand.

Dragomir is sitting on a stump near the action in the midst of the cavern. He has a crystalline javelin across his lap and he appears to be sharpening the crystal blade. Though from the glint off it, it looks plenty sharp enough already. The man is gone a bit native in his appearance, opened shirt and pants, with bare feet. Blue war paint on his face, and numerous bird of prey feathers clipped to the back of his head like dreadlocks. The man looks Wyld-touched at the moment. Rumor has it he is preparing to lead a Bane Hunt or something.

"The Northern border has always been the most vulnerable.. it was where Terminal Velocity primarily defended." He turns to look towards Jillian and offers, "The immediate area around the Caern is considered the Inner Bawn, it is patrolled primarily by the Guardian pack and spirits. Beyond, and all around the Caern is the Outer Bawn, which extends for many miles through the Forest. Traditionally we utilized small packs to patrol the more vast area of threats that would get too close to our home."

Hjalmar comes walking up to the meeting and sees Dragomir sitting there, preparing himself for a good hunt indeed! Hjalmar his own frost axe hangs in it's sheat as well. He listens to the words spoken by Dragomir and nods to those present. Not wanting to interrupt his explanation.

Jillian nods her head as she listens "so many of the fera and others that make the forest home are considered bawn?" she looks to Lleu before she looks then over to Hjalmar with a small smile his direction.

Lleutrim listens closely to what Dragomir has to say. "Clearly you are preparing for something. What do you intend, Eye of the Storm'rhya?" Much preparation. The Galliard's interest is peaked as he watches his former mentor with his Fetish javelin. "Are they accepting members into this primary Guardian pack?"

Hjalmar's arrival gets an upnod for greeting from Donnachaidh. "Shield Brother'rhya. Jillian was just asking about learning 'wolf law' and I asked her if she meant our Litany. If so, she should ask of a Philodox, though I am otherwise willing to help her learn." A faint smile for Jillian, "People aren't considered the bawn - it's territory and the land that surrounds the Caern. The Deep Forest. We combat the Wyrm whereever he dwells but we have limited numbers. So first and formost we must keep the forest around teh Caern safest."

Lleutrim adds, "Jillian, you need to give your full introduction to Eye of the Storm'rhya so that he knows who you are and why you are here. It is rude not to do so when you meet others here whom you do not know about the garou."

Hjalmar smiles at Lleu. "Battle Singer! Good to see you again!" He grins broadly and looks at Jill. "Ofcourse I am willing to teach her this." He nods. "Though it might be a good thing to have a Cub do so. It will show if the Cub knows the Litany as it should. And we will be there to help and correct the Cub where it misses a part or explains it wrongly." He then looks at Lleu and his remark to Jill and nods. Then back to Jill. "Ah!" He looks expectantly at Jill, a broad smile on his face.

Jillian smiles a little "I is Jillian, jilly-bean born as bear named Rolly'Polie once lost not lost now. Gurahl cub, and for the moment, Hjalmar's ward." she pauses "Jill has Oracular Ability, sky talks sometimes." she nods her head slightly.

Dragomir nods his head towards Hjalmar at his entry, then turns his head to look back towards Jillian and says, "The fera often take refuge near the bawn of the Garou, as it is safer from the despoils of the Wyrm's taint. We are the Warriors of the Sept of the Enduring Spirit, and our Sept Totem Bear brings many allies and welcomes many within." He offers the explanation.

Then he turns his head and nods towards Lleutrim, "Yes, I intend to lead a team into the penumbra and track down the source of these Banes. Few have experience fighting in the umbra here, and should learn better how to do so. This is a good opportunity for such."

He lofts a brow slightly at Hjalmar's suggestion and says, "I do not agree with the method of having a student teach a student, as a way to determine if one knows enough. That is setting both up for failure, don't you agree?"

"Welcome Rolly'Polie, Gurahl cub. I am Eye of the Storm, Athro Silver Fang born beneath the halfmoon on two legs."

Hjalmar awaits the introductions and then after they are done, nods at Dragomir. "I would agree if the teacher would not be next to the student. People learn faster by doing. And that is why I propose it to be done like this. Student teaching student. But under the supervision of a teacher." He smiles. "That way. Mistakes can be corrected before they truly turn into failure." He cants his head and looks at the javelin. "A most wonderful Javelin. May it serve you well in battle." Then another nod. "I would be willing to join in the hunt if you will have me along? For I am wishing to hone my Umbral skills as well."

Hjalmar looks at Jill next and smiles. "And that was a good introduction. You are learning well." He looks at her proudly.

Battle Singer keeps his silence as the two Philodox speak upon matters of students. A faint smile to Jillian at making her introduction. Quietly he says low, "I would also like to be considered for such venture. Though I understand you will need to choose carefully whom you will take."

Almost as if summoned by the talk of a war party going into the Umbra, there is a slight shimmer in the air and then a blonde, heavily-tattooed teenage girl appears mid-leap, laughing, to land in a tumble in the grass. "Yes! I will do this!" She's not really near enough to anyone present to be talking to them, though a small furry thing is startled by her appearance and flees from the grasses.

Her tumble ends with her sprawled on her back in the grass, grinning foolishly at the misty cavern ceiling. A moment later, she is pushing up to a crouch, turning to look over the clearing, her gaze quickly settling on the little gathering. Then, she rises to her feet and is moving toward them, hands clutching at the straps of her Minnie Mouse backpack, "Lleu! Your lady mate, she did see the Twister's Gift?" She grins wordlessly at Hjalmar and Dragomir and Jillian, before turning her gaze back on the Fianna.

Dragomir nods his head and offers, "I prefer to bring those without a pack, so I can teach pack tactics and help the unpacked develop bonds. There is always strength in numbers, and we will require a Theurge before we can go. I believe Lights the Dark would be a good choice for this. It would allow me to assess his skills." He turns to look towards the others, nodding towards them and says, "I have no objection to you joining."

Lleutrim gets up when Wazi tumbles in out of thin air! He watches her for several seconds, then glances at Dragomir. Mindful not to go romping off like a cub himself, Lleu looks back to Wazi, "What were you up to in the Umbra, Puddle Jumper?" He looks very amused with her antics.

Dragomir's news makes Lleutrim raise a brow. "As it happens... Lights the Darkness'rhya, Puddle Jumper, and myself may pack together. We need to work together more to hone our skills in the next few weeks ere I depart for Scotland for my Adren Challenge."

Lleutrim smiles at Wazi's question, "Faith was ... surprised. I never liked that table anyway."


Hjalmar raises a brow at the unknown lady... But then! Lleu says it is Puddle Jumper! He grins broadly at her and nods. "Heya there, Puddle Jumper!" He looks back to Lleu upon hearing that he is already working on making a pack possibly. And nods at it. He looks back to Dragomir and smiles broadly. "I am honoured to be allowed to join on the hunt. For it would be my first Umbral hunt. Thank you Eye of the Storm-Rhya"

As she approaches the group, Wazi's grin fades to a mere slight smile, gaze becoming curious as she looks from Lleu to Dragomir and back again. Her brow raises, before she snorts softly and pulls one hand free of her backpack straps. She steps close to Lleutrim, then, trying to slip her arm around his neck in a companionable lock, "That is news from you?" If she has her way, he'll probably be wrestling and charging across the bawn soon.

But, she turns her attention more fully to Dragomir now, at Hjalmar's mention of an Umbral hunt, eyeing him and the crystal spear, "What is fo- the hunting?" It seems Lleutrim's question is ignored or forgotten.

Dragomir arches a brow, "You have intentions of forming a pack? I have similar intentions. I will be seeking Eagle when I am ready." Which likely means, you know.. people to join him. Though knowing Dragomir, he might mean forming a one-man pack. If you believe the rumors, he might be strong enough. He turns to look towards Hjalmar and nods his head to the man's words, then turns to look back towards Wazi and shows the javelin. "This is a Crystaline Javelin. It is a sacred weapon wielded by the Silver Fangs. Similar to a klaive in many ways.. except it radiates bright and blinding light for foes. The intent is to hunt down a source of the banes that have been more frequent. Many of the Sept have little experience within the umbra, so I have decided to lead a penumbra hunt."

Lleutrim smirks at Wazi and slips an arm around her waist as if she were his annoying little sister or something. "Brat." His head turns right around when Dragomir speaks and both of his brows rise. "I would totally pack with you, Eye of the Storm'rhya. Only... you have changed and I would need to get to know you again. And you, me." The Galliard grimaces, "I'm not sure you'd be interested in the likes of Wazi and myself since we are well below your rank. My even mentioning it is surely presumptuous, forgive me." There had however been a flicker of excitement in his grey eyes at the mere thought!

Hjalmar observes the Crustaline Javelin and nods. "An impressive weapon indeed." He taps his own axe. "I am sure that Jokullstormr would do well in the Umbra as well." He grins broadly and then looks at Lleu as Dragomir mentions this, and asks this. "Wise words Battle Singer. One should know those he packs with well." He then cocks a brow at his appologies and such and shakes his head chuckling.

As Lleutrim smirks and slips the arm around Wazi's waist, the ahroun shifts her weight a little, pressing her hip against his, almost as if snuggling up to the man. Then, her arm tightens around his neck and her free hand moves to claim his wrist at her side. When Lleu finishes saying his piece to Dragomir, Wazi pivots. Lleu has a moment of surprise, a moment of trying to pull free, before the grinning lupus has him captured in a head and arm lock.

She grins fiercely down at him, then, "Twister tells me, I am too gentle. It is good you and Many Names are trying without Wazi. I do not have to hurt you." It's said cheerfully, the girl almost sounding like a proud mother for just a moment. Then she snorts quietly and releases her hold on the man with a slight shove to prevent him from falling on his ass without the hold's support. Then, she steps back a couple of paces and turns her attention to Dragomir with a serious nod to the man, "I will help. Maybe you can help with Wyrm Gym, too, Storm's Eye'rhya." She glances to Hjalmar at that, offering the man a quick smile.

Dragomir nods his head and offers, "Well.. then we should correct that." and the large Russian raises to his feet slowly, taking up his javelin and looks around to the three in front of him. "You all might be able to beat me.. lets give it a try." He motions the point of the javelin to point it towards the amphitheatre and turns like he's going to start walking in that direction now.

Hjalmar laughs at the small bout Wazi and Lleu have and then blinks at Dragomir's challenge. He nods firmly and goes to follow the man. "Allright then. Let us see how we fare."

Oh fuck! Lleutrim's entire attention is for a moment upon /Dragomir/ when Wazi pulls her dirty trick! He is caught completely by surprise by the Ahroun - though the Galliard isn't without his own tricks! The instant he realizes she's got him in a lock, he begins to shift his shape at once to go for a larger form! (Metamorph for the win!) Crinos or Hispo surprise incoming!

There is no need for she lets him go ere he shifts further than Glabro, beefing up in her grip rapidly!

There is a snarl though it's in good humor. Lleu rubs the back of his neck, "You and your Wylde touch. I should thrash you for such trickery." Yet he's grinning, damn it. A cock of his head at 'Wyrn Gym', not knowing what that implies.

Battle Singer glances back to Dragomir after his antics with Wazi. He rumbles low by way of reply, "We would be honored, Eye of the Storm'rhya."

Hjalmar looks back to Wazi as he starts to follow Drago. "That sounds like a good idea. We could use some extra muscle to bring that nest down." He nods at that.

Wazi only laughs as Lleutrim begins to change form in her grasp, shaking her head at the glabro snarling at her. She takes that moment to address Dragomir, before nodding slightly at the man's response and challenge. She tilts her head a little to one side, glancing to Hjalmar and nodding again at that man's words. Then, she is trailing after the gaggle of men toward the Amphitheater. After a few steps, she falls down onto all fours, slipping into her breed form of a white wolf. Her tail wags slowly, relaxed and good-spirited as she pads along the path.


Amphitheater - Deep Forest

The stone pathway slopes gently down into a natural hollow bordered by trees and large enough to hold most of the Sept's population at once. To either side of this large main aisle the slope of the earth has been carved and banked into huge grassy steps around the curve of the hollow. Set with split-log seating, each step is low and wide enough to provide even Crinos visitors with ample view and leg room while still allowing others to pass, until finally reaching the flat earth before a great clam-shell stage.

One massive piece of raw marble rising out of the ground has its top flat and polished, with large stairs cut into its sides for easy access by Garou and Kinfolk alike. Backing the stage, the half dome is formed by large slabs of molded stone, directing the acoustics of those being witnessed to the farthest rows of spectators.

Whether by monthly moots, minor plays, challenges, or even just local Galliard practice, the ampitheater remains active and ringing with music and dramatics. The evidence of past epics can be found carved into the backs of seating steps, etched into the split logs and in some places even gouged into the stage itself.


Viktor walks along into the caern, seeing the retreat to the Amphiteater he decides to follow along to see what might be going on.

Dragomir leads the group towards the Amphitheater, one of the locations of the Caern which if could tell tales, would have his name scribed too many times to remember. The crystalline javelin is flourished lightly, and he motions towards the Mercy Fetish and says, "Each of you should attune yourself to the Mercy Fetish, activate it for yourself." Which he does as well, upon saying so - focusing his gnosis to activate it to make his claws and natural attacks do bashing instead of deadly. (Spending 1 gnosis for Mercy)

Lleutrim comes with the others to follow Dragomir into the Amphitheater from the main Caern. He remains in Glabro for the moment, taking his turn to quietly go up and expend gnosis to activate the Mercy Fetish to include himself in it's power. His mouth twists at Wazi and he eyes her, then gives himself a little distance from the others to get ready.

Hjalmar walks up to the Fetish, having followed Dragomir into the arena. And wills his gnosis into it.. Now he is less deadly! And with that he walks back to stand close to Dragomir and the others. Waiting to see what rules and such will be applied.

Rather than moving over to the Mercy Fetish, Waziyata merely stops at the edge of the Amphitheater ring and sits down. She wags her tail lazily against the dirt as she watches the others move to the fetish and activate it, ears perking up and then laying back, head tilting to one side. After a moment, she is panting a silent laugh, tongue lolling. <<It is Gaia's Gift to the Children. I do not need Fetish. You are safe with Waziyata.>>

Then, she just stays where she is, grinning, comfortable, waiting peaceably for the fight to start. Is she going to stay in her breed form?

Viktor remains in the backgroundfor the moment, not entirely certain as to what he has walked into he eyes the scene curiously. Some guesses run through his mind but not a word said.

Having snuck in to watch the going ons curiously, Sonya takes a seat and folds one leg over the other. Her eyes gleam a bit as she tilts her head to one side. Waving to Lleu, she offers up a smile.

Dragomir offers, "Today I shall I give you a lesson in warfare. We prepare to fight Banes, so you will need to work together to defeat a greater foe. Banes come in many sizes and forms.. you have likely faced the Fomori before, but there are very powerful banes which it will require a pack to defeat. Prepare yourselves as you would for War, and I too shall prepare and we shall meet in battle." The man is dressed pretty oddly, with a silver button down shirt open exposing the tattoos on half his torso. No shoes, blue paint on his face and bird of prey's feathers clipped to the back of his head like dozens of dreadlocks hanging down his back. In his left hand is the Crystaline Javelin and he begins activating his gifts and fetishes accordingly.

Viktor gives the three facing Dragomir a quiet nod of approval and then glances to the Silver Fang to watch with a certain level of interest. He doesnt say a word, he just watches as the spectator.

In Glabro, Lleu is extra fugly. Neanderthal meets wolf! Larger, heavier and taller than his usual homid self, he flexes his slightly clawed fingers and studies the Athro who was once his mentor. /He/ has seen Dragomir fight others before and has some clue this will be difficult. He licks his lips and slips into Hispo form and begins to activate some of his gifts accordingly without saying a word. The huge Fianna dire wolf's silvery eyes watch the others preparing briefly, though most of his attention is for the Silver Fang as he begins to slowly circle around, getting himself focused.

Sickening ripping and stretching sounds are heard as the transformation takes place and Hjalmar becomes a huge murder machine

Hjalmar closes his eyes and wills himself to shift into war form. He grows and becomes a massive nasty horror monster and to make things even more nasty! He pulls a massive axe as well. Readying it for battle. The axe's blade edge's are rimed with frost and a grin that could be a snarl, shows on his face.

At Dragomir's words, Waziyata's head moves from its playful sideways tilt to a straight look at Dragomir, ears perking up alertly. She closes her mouth from the grin, studying him a long moment as Lleutrim and Hjalmar go through the motions of activating their gifts and readying themselves for combat. Still, she waits, quiet and patient, though now alert and ready. Near the final minute, she raises back to her feet and grows up into her dire wolf form, a massive white and grey furred beast on all fours. She paces slowly, comfortably, into the ring as her tail raises up to an alert position, hackles beginning to rise with her readiness for combat. A slight glimmer in her fur reveals the protection of Luna's Armor, and as she moves closer to her two companions for the fight, old friends now, she growls softly to them: << I am here. Waziyata will fight with you. >> The Ahroun's gift of Inspiration might be used in a more flowery speech by some ahroun, or in the midst of a truly impressive action. The lupus simply joins her 'pack' and turns to face her 'foe', her assurance spoken.

Dragomir snarls violently, shifting and growing swiftly in size and shape - taking a horrifying war form!

Eye of the Storm shifts backwards, squaring his stance and growls lowly. The Javelin is flourished defensively as he prepares to protect himself from all directions now. Keen gaze catching the greatest threat first, he focuses on Puddle Jumper and snarls, "Banes come in many forms, with many abilities. One of the fiercest is the power of Possession." He lifts his clawed hand and snarls a command towards Puddle Jumper, and points towards Lleutrim, //Protect me from him.//

Finally, the fight is joined. Puddle Jumper growls softly and then goes silent, charging straight at the Athro Philodox, tail arrow-straight behind her as she moves in, jaws opening, head twisting, ears laid back flat. She's all business, focused on the task at hand. But then, just as the Ahroun is gathering herself up to throw herself at the Crinos, that command is growled. Her ears perk up, stumbling a moment mid-charge as the Gift takes hold, and abruptly she is snarling. She throws herself forward, directly at Battle Singer!

The hispo slams her shoulder into her friend, teeth snapping closed inches away from his face. She shifts her weight after slamming it into him, bringing her legs back into place to catch herself, but the dirt fails to catch her.

Dust flies as Puddle Jumper's feet slip from under her, and she tumbles head-over-heels past the other Hispo, slamming her head into the earth with an audible CRACK and falling in a graceless sprawl across the dirt. Then, she lays there, dazed and growling softly.

ShieldBrother focusses on Eye of the Storm.. Weighing his axe in his hand and moves to a flanking position as the other two attack him. He sees Wazi do weird things but ignores it and slashes the air towards his target. As he does this, 12 sharp shards of ice fly into the targets direction. 7 hit and 5 go wide.. All but 1 shatter upon impact. With the one piercing skin and sticking into the target before it starts to melt away..

Cody comes in from Mystic Valley - Deep Forest

As soon as they are ready, Battle Singer turns sharply and moves swiftly to close the distance as he arrows directly for Dragomir. The Silver Fang is wiley though! Before Lleupine can close that distance and press his attack, he's struck from the side by Wazi! He /almost/ evaded her and escapes damage from her bodily slam but is rolled off of his feet! The Galliard former Marine rolls with the motion and comes back up on his dire wolf's paws all at once in a single motion! He's suddenly busy with Wazi but is determined to try and keep after the Silver Fang!

Cody hears the thud as he enters, pausing to watch.

Eye of the Storm was focused on Puddle and Blade first, and then he is struck by the ice storm shards which force him to raise one of his arms as the majority bounce off his armor. When one manages to pierce through, and cuts into his fur, the Silver King snarls out brutally with fury building. It was enough to give Battle a chance to get in and claw at him a few times. The first one landing squarely on his chest, and raking down his fur. The second he was far better prepared for it would seem, and he deflects it handedly. "Good. You fight well together. Continue."

Branton comes in from Mystic Valley - Deep Forest

It is a very unexpected fight with the tables turned on him! Battle Singer doesn't go after Wazi while she's down! Instead he keeps his focus on the Silver Fang and presses the attack, going at Dragomir with his Hispo claws and getting through Dragomir's guard to score a good solid hit! Teeth bared, the Galliard snarls but it sounds like ... well, kind of like singing! He may not even be aware he's doing it, timing his breathing, then turning his head sharply to try and bite the Russian in the back of his leg! Dragomir and his tricks are too wiley for him and his teeth snap closed not on flesh and blood but air!

Eye of the Storm is amazingly calm, despite being surrounded by three deadly Garou and being attacked at all sides - he seems to be staying pretty casual through it all. Having sufficiently defended himself from Battle Singer, and perhaps convinced that Puddle Jumper will do more than bash her own brains in this time, he turns his head fast to snatch up Shieldbrother in a snarled bite when he closes in for an attack.

Branton makes his way into the Amphitheater to see what all the ruckus is about and finds himself a perch wayyyy up in the cheap seats.

Burt wanders in looking around with the awe struck expression of someone who has come here for his first time. He offers a nod to those gathered.

Branton is sitting way up in the seats away from the action down in the ring, he spots Burt's entry and offers him a welcoming wave.

There's so much going on so quickly! Before Battle Singer can go after Dragomir again, Puddle Jumper jumps his ass again! She bites down on the back of his neck and the Fianna dire wolf activates a gift to twist free - leaving Wazi with a mouth FULL of fur but no wolf! The Galliard hardly gets a breath before Puddle Jumper gets annoyed with his trick and HITS him really hard! It barrels Lleupine right over, ass over teakettles!

When the dust settles, Battle Singer's bell has been rung and left him in the dust.

ShieldBrother comes at Storm and they clash. Storm bites and hits true, a snarl shows and he slashes with his axe, hitting but not penetrating.. Another bite hits! And another slash lands.. Same problem.. And as he prepares to strike for a third time.. Lights go out.. For Storm gets an even better hold of him.. And it proves too much for him.. He sags to his knees and topples sideways.

The battle goes on, back and forth - brutal attacks and furious lashes. It only seems to get increasingly more intense as it goes on. Once Battle Singer falls, then Shieldbrother is taken down - and it's just Eye of the Storm and Puddle Jumper left. A valiant attack is made, but dodged and then the real fury begins. Claws and fangs, lashing and snarling but getting through the epic barrier of luna's armor that the wyld-touched warrior put up is even more than Dragomir can handle. Finally he laughs, and nods his head, "Let us end here. A fine battle, and strong show of skills. Tend the wounded, and we shall discuss more in the future. This was a fine first lesson." He turns and looks towards Lleutrim as he starts to recover, "We will discuss this business of a pack again soon. You have made good progress."

Puddle Jumper prowls after Battle Singer, growling in frustration as he attacks her charge yet again. It's clear the Ahroun is trying not to hurt her friend, even though she's trying not to let him hurt Dragomir, either. She pounces on him, beginning the familiar motions of forcing him into a submission, only to snarl in Rage as he squirms away with the use of that Gift. << I do not want to HURT YOU! >>

The Ahroun snarls this as Battle Singer snaps his teeth at Eye of the Storm yet again. Then, she proves her point by hurting him. She charges, leaping on him and biting viciously - there's no more attempt to force a dominance mount, she goes straight for what would be a killing blow, if not for the use of Mercy.

She stands panting over her fallen friend a moment, watching closely for any sign of him healing and lurching to his feet. But then she's ambushed by Eye of the Storm. Her ear perks up and she throws herself to one side, dancing nimbly out of his reach. She snarls at him, tearing into the earth and imbuing her snarl with supernatural strength and fear... But it doesn't work. The Garou she would protect keeps coming for her.

After another exchange of the Crinos lumbering at her like a bull and her dancing to one side, she finds herself forced back to breed form. She snarls, showing teeth, hackles raised as she squares off against the much larger beast. And instead of backing down, she charges at him once more. In the moments when he is attacking, she slips past and lays her paws on Battle Singer. Even as she chuffs from the force of her foe's blow, she is snarling at her newly awakened friend: << Up! Fight! >>

But then, Dragomir is laughing and speaking in a different tone, the blows don't continue. The lupus hesitates, ear orienting toward him first, before she relaxes her stance and turns to look up at him. She eyes him warily a moment, before panting a sudden, silent laugh. Her tail wags. << Again another day. I will beat you. >> Typical Ahroun.

Branton gives a low, impressed whistle at the fight going fast and furious and looks over to Burt "And this is why when going into battle along side Garou I spend a lot of time hiding in trees. I can throw down pretty well but the speed all ya'all can scrap at? Intense." Blinking he pauses "Was that you howling hello a bit ago?"