
From City of Hope MUSH
Revision as of 02:57, 12 April 2013 by imported>Stubob (Undo revision 21405 by Stubob (talk))
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Silvana Bethancourt

And the raven, never flitting, still is sitting, still is sitting On the pallid bust of Pallas just above my chamber door; And his eyes have all the seeming of a demon's that is dreaming, And the lamp-light o'er him streaming throws his shadow on the floor; And my soul from out that shadow that lies floating on the floor Shall be lifted - nevermore!

---Edgar Allan Poe "The Raven"---


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Independent Not all of them are so bad; many are my friends and now I find myself within their ranks

Sabbat They are the bad guys; they cast so much dismay and destruction, though they seem to work rather well with one another.

Camarilla They say they are the law, they have politics and rules to live by, but somehow they can’t all get along with each other, so much backstabbing. Go Figure!

Ghoul2 What has become my life, not bad if you have the right person! But if I could be Free!

Changeling Interesting bunch. I have so many questions.

Werewolf It seems that there is a lot here that I find most fascinating.

Mage What I have heard of you, it intrigues me. I have so many questions.

Wraith2 I have met your kind, I still want to know more and even be able to see ghost.

Mortal Sometimes I envy you, to be in the dark and not to know what is out there. But then I realize what you can be and I pity how much you’re in the dark.

Demon Well guess it was just a matter of time, though who's side are you really on?

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~ Men ~

  • Heathen: Oh dear! you poor poor thing what did you get yourself into.
  • Mikael: Glad to see that you are not broken.
  • Gabriel: Haven't seen much of you since your return. Maybe that will change.
  • Gregory: I hope to see you around more.
  • Stanley: Thank you for your friendship, it means a great deal to me.
  • Nino: I see thought your Layers!

  • Istvan: A true Knight. Where have you gone too though? Remember your promise.
  • Manfred: Interesting man, even though he is hard to find. We shall see about those walks

  • Tian: Handsome, smooth talking. You are still somewhat a puzzle to me.

  • Steele: Interesting man, though still don't really know him well. He does seem to have a good head on his shoulders.
  • Johnathan: You can make me clothes anytime. I can't wait for the next outfit.

  • Elias: Quite the charmer, smart and quite handsome, you make it hard sometimes though..

  • Hardy: You can defend me anytime!

  • Caspar: Talk about adventure, let's see how far we can go!

  • Lucas: Interesting, we will see what you have in store!

~ Women ~


  • Rane: You are my best friend and much much more.
  • Amelie: Thank you for the lesson.
  • Io: She has always been rather nice to me!
  • Daphnne: She seems nice. I should get to know her better.
  • Charai: Seems to have a really good head on her shoulders.
  • Colombe: Always very kind to me, thank you.
  • Ramona Storey: You are very interesting and I enjoy your and Lucky's company. Let's Party sometime.

  • Hannah: You are trouble! Maybe one day will have that "Girl Talk"


~M.I.A ~
Click on M.I.A for detail.


~ NPC's ~

SilB.MCOH.jpg B.M Garans Ghoul Mercy Mercy

Garans Ghoul James James Garans Ghoul Anthony Anthony Garans Ghoul Wendell Wendell

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RP Hooks
The Oasis Casino - Manager. Looking for some gambling fun! Looking for a job in; security, bartering or a dealer. Then this is the place to be and Silvana is the person to talk too.

Also if you wish to entertain and put on a show, she would be the one to speak about using the stage.

Wicked Mystic - The Wicked Mystic is an occult bookstore that specializes in rare and difficult to find text on horror, the macabre, and the occult. The store proudly boasts that if it has been in print in the last 200 years then we have it in stock. ANY other text that can be found can be ordered.

Via Corp Holdings - Silvana has become the new CEO for the company, having many plans to make the corporation flourish.

Private Investigator - Silvana knows a thing or two about this. Any questions ask away IC if you have a reason too.

Fame 3 - She is famous in the Gambling Community/Investment Community. She has also was on the cover of Business Week for the months of August 2013 and January 2015.

Charitable contributions - Silvana is well known for helping out those in need. Her passion seems to be for the First Responders, as she holds an annual charity event almost every year for them. She also tends to help out the homeless and the orphanage.

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Name: Silvana Bethancourt/ Also went by Vega

Date of Birth: February 14

Positions: P.I, Several Doctorates in Medicine, Manager of The Oasis Casino & Hotel, Owner of the Wicked Mystic Bookstore & CEO of Via Corp Holdings

Place of Birth: Boston

Apparent Age: 25

Clan: What do you think? Take a guess?

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Custom Section
Silvana/Custom Section

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