2020.10.29: Motoroil and Woundings

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MotorOil and Wounding
Calvin brings back the pair of victorious Bone Gnawer Cliaths, and performs the Rite of Wounding on Chip
IC Date October 29th, 2020
Players Calvin ST, Chip, Pepper
Location Dead Mall
Spheres Gaian, Garou


The large dire wolf becomes a short Pepper when the trio are halfway back to the sewer entrance and the wiry blonde stays on point, determined to make sure the way is safe. Scuffed sneakers, frayed jeans, and that silly fur coat have all been dedicated to her. That and the lack of injury leaves the young woman looking exactly as she did before she turned into Murder Dog.

Pepper is quiet on the journey back to the Dead Mall, though occasional glances are cast toward Chip or, more specifically, Chip's wounds.

The return to Dead Mall was supposed to lack in fanfare. More or less. Except Calvin doesn't let it stay that way. A lofted baseball bat from the guard shack is held in Calvin's hand before he begins to pound every trash can or metal thing he comes across as he leads the two Bone Gnawer Cliaths back towards the Dead Mall commons. It takes only a few minutes before more clattering of wood or metal against metal is sounding off throughout the place. People begin heading towards the main thoroughway. The upper floor becoming packed with kinfolk and the few Garou and whoever else might be around. "HEAR YE HEAR YE!" A canister of motor oil has inexplicably been plucked into Calvin's hand to slosh as he shakes it for the view of people watching.

Chip is dripping blood from his bicep, and following along behind Calvin. His face is half amusement and half puzzlement, but atleast it's still day time so Calvin isn't waking many folks up with his impromptu parade.

Calvin is waving Chip forward now, to get him closer to him and out in the open. "I AM CALVIN! DRINKS WITH SPIRITS! Adren of the Bone Gnawers and your /king/!" Boos and jeers and food rain down on Calvin. "I said it and I meant it! I present to you two mighty warriors of Gaia! We have stomped the vampires, slain the leeches, laid low the bloodsuckers! Pepper and Chip! Strums with Trash and Seeks the Balance fought well!" More Woos than Boos now as Calvin reaches for the scruff of Chip's shirt to pull him even closer. "But not without blood loss and pain!"

Pepper either knows exactly what Calvin is doing or she's just mimicing him. Only she truly knows. That said, she found a mop handle along the way and uses it to whack any loud object along their way.

The boos and cheers draw the rare sight of a Pepper-smile, though the blonde waif remains focused on the task at hand. She drops the mop handle on the ground when Calvin reaches for Chip and moves forward so she can help pull and tear at Chip's shirt.

Chip is generally jostled and bracingly bumbled and is dipping more into the 'but why though' category of thinking as Calvin tries to create Gnawer Monarchies. Then Pepper is ripping the rest of the sleeve off of his perfectly nice flannel shirt and he sighs a long sigh but chuckles. Leave it to these two to make what could have been a somber private affair into a junk-town spectacle.

"LOOK AT HIM! HE LIVES!" No collar yanking needed anymore, instead his hand lifts and slides down Chip's bare biceps to pull blood along and force fresh blood to ease from the wound. "We routed /fifty/ Bloodsuckers!" There couldn't possibly have been that many in Calvin's tunnel. "Chip slew five himself!" Thats..less than accurate, but Calvin wasn't there to see who did what anyways. "He has been marked by combat, made a true warrior of Gaia. Courage, young Galliard, you have shown. We will ensure you nor others will forget." That motoroil cap gets spun off the nozzle of the can before a smear of goopy oranged tinted liquid is poured over his hand. Oily hand gets planted onto Chip's wound and he rubs it back and forth as both real howls and fake Awoos ring down from around them.

Pepper's smile might look straight to the many kinfolk who've never seen that thing before. It lingers as she tears Chip's sleeve clean off and widens when she slips an arm out to hug the man from behind. The smallest Gnawer steps away now as Calvin applies the motor oil and she waves the tattered flannel sleeve in the air above her head. High pitched, girlish 'Yip! Yip!'s are called out toward the Dead Mall's occupents.

<---======##====================[ Dice Roll ] Calvin rolls Charisma(5) + Performance(5) (10 dice) vs 6 for 7 successes. 1 4 +6 +6 +7 +8 +9 +9 +9 9

Chip grimaces and bares teeth a bit at the aggrivating of the wound and the huffs in humor at Calvins, less than accurate retelling of the fight. Though, he did rip a vampire clean in half in one swipe, so, he supposes some fanfare is alright. He nods when Calvin uncaps the motor oil and twitches his nose a bit as the goop hits his bloody wound, probably from the acrid smell. He chuckles some more, quietly under his breath, as the crowd cheers and such.

Calvin keeps rubbing as if there was no pain involved. "We skulked through the sewers towards the Nosferatu nest, with Shaderunner'Rhya's talens to assure our victory! The three of us against many vampires, but many were asleep. They wouldn't stay that way!" A pat-pat-pat lands and splashes oil places as he steps away to stride up onto a rickty picnic table, foot on bench and the other atop of it. "We weren't going to let these bloodsuckers stay so close to the Arcology Mall. We weren't going to let them sit in OUR territory! No! With the touch of Helios about us, blazing sunlight, we swarmed them! I split the horde and turned away most of them to chase them through the tunnels like prey!" WOOOO! "They stayed and made a mess of others, to ensure that they knew these sewers would house them safely no longer! Many of them they fought, and few even landed scratches upon our tribemates! We used their heads to write a warning to them!"

A hand moves across the open air as he announces what warning was left. "Stay the fuck out!" More woos! Many woos before Calvin turns to hop down and walk towards chip. "COOK MEAT! We will eat! We will boooooze it up!" Pepper returns to Chip and uses the torn flannel sleeve to bind the oil-soaked wound. Her smile all but shifts to a grin as she ties the rag tight. Calvin's speech and the crowd's reaction are having an effect on her. Chip's dressed wound receives a playful squeeze before the young Gnawer quickly darts out of his reach again.

Chip smiles as atleast the crowd gets a story and now there will be food and booze for them, but then his oh-so helpful compatriot is tightly binding his wound and squeezing it on top of it and he gives her a bit of a raised eyebrow eyeballing. Though after a moment he huffs in humor, "It's funny now, wait till it's your turn." he says with a side smile to Pepper. With everything seemingly wrapped up, physically and show-wise, that is, he wiggles his arm to test the motion before nodding to Calvin, "Thank you, for your, excitable praise." he says with a chuckle and then smiles, "Let's get some grub, ya?"