2020-03-14: And Your Little Dog Too

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And Your Little Dog Too
Technomancer Meetup on the Digital Web
IC Date March 14, 2020
IC Time 11 AM-1 PM
Players Arumi, Joel, Kaede, Luke, Mikaela, Xiu
Location Stella Nova
Prp/Tp N/A
Spheres Mage/Sorcerer/Traditions


The almost aggressively bright space that was designed by a Virtual Adept with tastes pulled from the end credits of 'Saved by the Bell' meets 'Robocop' has been set up for a party. His taste in music (very markedly not the tinkling classical sounds of the previous meeting's soundtrack) is at play, with hard rock still playing rather than fading away. The Go Board has been cleared of its counters, and Joel has grabbed a chair from it to turn around to face the sofas.

The AI bartender is currently rattling off its list of drinks, in case anyone can't choose which they'll have. Given that it's been programmed to 'everything you can find on the internet,' the list is rather mindbogglingly long, but can be stopped at any moment by placing an order. Synthetic 'food' that tastes like uncooked tofu to those not entering with some sense of alternate reality has been set up along the tables at the couches, and the Adept -- in full glittery, bright iconography, almost painfully cheesy to look at -- is waiting for new arrivals.

Next to him at the Go Board? Xiu. Xiu in a familiar long, pointy hat. It's black. Black robes too. Slightly green-tinged skin. It's Xiu as the Wicked Witch from the Wizard of Oz. She doesn't look at all pleased about it, but at least she seems to have forgotten her broom!

Oh, Xiu has her grumpy face on. Her eyes are narrowed, GREEN cheeks raised, as she places a black stone slowly. Though in honesty, her eyes are really more set on Joel than the board. "Once we are back at your apartment..." she say, slowly, trying to imply all sorts of pain and misery into the tone of her voice alone. Then her eyes flick to the board, and back up. Then to the AI, before she gives it a sign. "Moscow Mule." she orders. Because she knows Joel has that recipe DOWN.

Arumi is here in the crudest of capacities. No VR. Just... on a computer. A very nice computer, in her lab. So a two dimensional, simply animated (just a few frames) avatar comes in.

The blonde hair Scientist more or less 'flickers' into being, dressed in a purple leather coat, black denim and some serious looking boots. Once her form completely 'fills' out, she goes to sit at the AI bar. But alas, she totally does NOT order anything. She simply looks around and seems to be rather amused to see 'The Wicked Witch of the West' here. Or it maybe curiosity? Perhaps surprise?

There had been complications for Luke in building his Virtual Reality Stereopticon rig. Getting the images to show themselves for him had been easy. Getting HIS image to show itself into the .. other .. reality? That had been harder. In the end, he could not get his math to work out, so he just let the rig produce a default image. In this case, it would be the image of the item that makes sure images are produced for him. Its a floating geodesic crystal, perfect in shape with each angle changing in all the colours of the spectrum. It looks like a floating disco-ball. The thing floats in slowly to then come to a stop. Is it Luke? Well, as his voice is produced, there can be little dispute it is him. Its his voice, but it sounds like it comes from an old phonograph device. To which the thing speaks, "Mr Whateley, reporting in. So, this is it?"

"Dude, they're going to think we're totally screwing if you say things like that." White stone to counter Xiu's black, but he is focused less on the game -- or on his Verbena friend -- than on the new entrants. "You can't do better than that?" he wonders of Arumi, and then offers Mikaela a wave. The AI is stopped in its tracks, whipping up that Moscow Mule for Xiu. Joel is preoccupied for a second or two. First, by something that might suggest he's doing something in meatspace for a second or two, from the way his icon fades out slightly. Then, once he pops back in, by the prismatic crystalline form that maes its way in. His glittery eyes narrow suspiciously, and there's a slight hinge of leather and chrome as he leans forward. The music grows louder for just a second, defensively, until Luke speaks. "Oh. Good. What the hell are you doing, man? You're /never/ gonna be able to get a drink like that."

Xiu's eyes narrow more as Joel does something SUSPICIOUS there. Her nostrils flare just a bit as he leans forward, and she lifts a finger, about to say something..when people make it into the place! Her grumpy expression turns into a light smile as she peers over towards the bar. "Greetings, Mikaela." she says and gives a light wave, before she glances over at..pixel..flat...thing. And she keeps on looking for a long moment, trying to discern just who that is. "And..greetings to you!" she says, just leaving the name out. And finally, Mr. Crystal, and the witchypoo smirks. "Greetings, Mr. Whateley. Looking sharp." Ba-dum-tss.

Arumi floats, flipping between two animations, and coming somewhere into the room. She did set up a microphone, and says "Hi, Dr. Arumi Hanada."

The Geodesic Shape does not give off any emotions. No expressions. Nothing like that. It does shift in colours though! A nice, lovely glittering effect as it slowly turns in the air. The disembodied voice of Luke with the phonographic quality to it speaks, "Oh, rest assured, Mr Joel, that I have made sure that I am adequately hydrated. I have tea and, if the situation calls for it, I am not far from getting for myself a glass of sherry."

Using VR gear with some non-standard programming upgrades, Kaede rezzes in looking like a shadowy version of herself like she is composed of smoke and darkness. More 'real' than your usual VR user, not as real as what Cyberjocks pull off with the proper spatial procedures. "Greetings... sorry for being late," she says in a voice that has a high-quality mic, rich in the sotto soprano tones, and yet quietly whispering with the static of electronic sound. Mikaela turns to look towards Kaede and smiles with some amusement, "I believe the phrase is... fashionably late." She winks playfully, "1K." She then furrows her brow, contemplating, "Or should we make that K-1?" She pauses again, "Though, I suppose that would then lead us to the conundrum if the ninth representation of K is not a dog, do we still call him or her K-9?"

Xiu's eyes flick back and forth for a moment at..something, before she smirks and greets Kaede with a wave. "Huh. I see your nefarous plot, Joel. You're trying to get all the asian girls under one roof." she remarks, and lets out a soft chuckle, before she she stands and walks to the bar to get her prepared digitial Moscow Mule...and can't help but eyeing downwards every so often as she walks in the witch dress. Which is absolutely not a thing she is used to, even in the cases she is wearing clothes. A mutter leaves her. But the rush of grump gets washed away by the sip of Moscow Mule on her way back. As she walks, she lifts a hand. "Oh yes, for those that haven't met me yet, Xiu ("sheoo" Tong. Verbena. Don't ask."

Joel waves Arumi to take a seat wherever she might, and offers Kaede a careless wave at her lateness. "Glad you're here. Getting Mr. Whateley onto the Digital Web was point number one." A glance at the geodesic shape. "Still working on that part, I bet." The AI clunks the mug of Moscow Mule onto the bar for Xiu. "Getting you introduced to the other Technomancers and assorted friends was point number two." A gesture at the small gathering around them. "I just want a waifu, Xiu. What can I say?" he deadpans, before pointing back towards Kaede. "Kaede Minamoto. My Consor, loosely associated but under the guidance and protection of the Virtual Adepts." A beat. "If she doesn't fuck up," he adds, giving the newcomer a wink.