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Mikaela: Doesn't really look like the kind of person who'd give me the time of day, but she's ended up my first real friend here. If she thinks that teasing is cute, though, she's got another thing coming.

Ellery: He doesn't really seem like he knows what he's doing, but who am I to judge? At any rate, he's a good guy, and I hope I can give him a hand.

Lyra: Trusted her pretty much on a whim, but I guess I'm not a bad judge of character all the time. I owe her a lot more than I think she realizes.

Ashera: For now, my teacher. She's already done an insane amount for me for basically nothing in return. Meeting someone else in my situation did me a world of good in the head...

Kaeldra: Went from fast friend to sparring buddy. She might 'get me' more than anyone I know, honestly, and I never woulda called that.

Valentina: A grim specter hanging over Mikaela's shoulder.

Arcadia: A Shadowrun hacker who walked out of the rulebook. Might be the worst person at keeping secrets that I've ever met.

River: Don't have a clear impression, but she seems to do good work for the right reasons. Could use a lot more shame, in my personal opinion. You can't let your guard down for a second.

Deidre: Rad cut surfer girl. Pretty profound.

Anyu: Pretty much the modern Elvira.

Serqet: I trust you in ways I don't know that I could trust anyone else.

Ciar, Evonnia: Crazy forest witches. Five minutes in their company and already they know how to push all my buttons. I get real bad vibes off em...

Lori: Next door neighbor. Forward, to say the least. But I think I can learn something from how unabashedly she lives her life.