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"They say
This city, she's been dead for years now
So death is not something that scares me
There's worse things than death here.
They told me
Keep quiet..."
- The Protomen, 'Keep Quiet'


California, the Golden State, California, the Free State. The land of Hollywood, palm trees, warm weather, beaches and super models, where movie stars vacation and anyone's dream can be accomplished. But there's a dark side to this glowing hip of land, with vampires lurking in the shadows, waging secret wars amongst their own kind using mortals as pawns and soldiers in their sorid political games. California's night side has always been in the shifting control of Anarch hordes, kindred fighting amongst themselves over rules and ideals, turf and dominance, until times came for them to band together and drive off Sabbat and Camarilla alike, as well as other, younger Anarchs who hadn't put in the time and effort that they had, and had no right to a piece of their pie.

With the Camarilla creeping their control into the Free State through the north, and the Sabbat lashing out from the south and south east, the Anarchs of California fight at unfavorable odds to keep their turfs under their control. Many Anarchs have become the things they so reviled, setting themselves up as Barons of Feifs, laying their rules and ensuring that their lessers follow those rules through violence and charisma alike.

Prospect has only recently come onto the radar, having gone unnoticed by the other kindred. A city free of all factions in the beginning, but how will it be in the future? Will the Camarilla take control with an iron fist and hold fast? Will the Sabbat push in and claim the area as a new staging ground for their battlefields? Or will the Anarchs wrest it away from both only to squabble amongst themselves? Will Prospect be a becon of light to kindred across America seeking justice, or will it become yet another site of unrest and turmoil? Your choices are many here in the City of Hope, but which side will you choose?

Rules & Systems
- special landmarks -
- NPC elders - See 'News' on the game.
- Rumors
Current Plots


Ongoing Vampire Events
Date/Time Storyteller Name Description Logs
5 pm Pacific
8 pm Eastern
Daphnne Social Gathering Time to get together, usually with a theme.
Check +events for more details each week
8/21/19 Quiz Show
7/3/19 Unwelcome Visitor
4/10/19 Sparring Night
1/9/19 Rave Night
4/4/18 Pillow Fight!
5 pm Pacific
8 pm Eastern
Vegard Camarilla Court Weekly Court Meeting 2018.05.25: Camarilla Court
Past Vampire Plots
Storyteller Name Description Logs
Marshall Scott PRP-Orphans Someone is embracing people in the city and leaving them to fend for themselves. 2012.08.30.Screaming.Hissy.Fit
Tanner Daniels Dogs of War Random individuals who have showed a Kindred nature have been assaulting and harassing new arrivals to the Camarilla Domain.

Feel free to add your name here if you're interested in running one-shot PrP events.

  • Vegard - For weekly Camarilla court, @mail or otherwise communicate desired agenda items, especially if you can't make it in person. Other plots on request.

No pages meet these criteria.

  • Camarilla: The Camarilla is the largest of vampiric sects, a loose organization which ostensibly represents and protects all vampires by enforcing and promulgating the Masquerade. It is currently composed of seven clans(Brujah, Gangrel, Malkavian, Nosferatu, Toreador, Tremere and Ventrue), though officially it considers all Kindred under its purview and welcomes any that obey its laws. In addition to preventing the growing mortals masses from discovering the existence of vampires, the Camarilla aims to maintain the status quo of Kindred society.
  • Sabbat: The Sabbat is a loose organization of Cainites who reject the Traditions. Unlike the Camarilla, the Sabbat believes in the Antediluvians (Ancient Vampires) and Caine. Also known as the Sword of Caine, as they believe they will be the army Caine will use to destroy the Antediluvians once Gehenna (the End Times) arrives. They are represented by members of the seven clans of the Camarilla (see above) as well as the Lasombra, Tzimisce, as well as Assamites Followers of Set (called Serpents of Light), and Ravnos.
  • Autarkis: A Kindred refusing to be part of Cainite Society and to recognize a prince's domain. One may become an Autarkis either voluntarily, by retreating from sect and clan politics entirely, or involuntarily, by being forcibly excommunicated by one's sect. Kindred from and loyal to an Independent clan are known as Independents. There is no such thing as an Independent Brujah, they are autarkis.
  • Kuei-jin
  • Anarch: Anarchs are vampires who reject the status quo of vampire society. They especially resent the privileged status held by elders within the Camarilla and other vampire sects; when the eldest hold the most power in a society of immortals, the lot of neonates is not a happy one. The Anarchs themselves are not a sect, per se; in most areas, they are simply a faction on the fringes of the dominant Camarilla hierarchy. However, a loosely-organized Anarch Movement has emerged over the course of the past century, and has begun to establish its own traditions, power blocs, territories, and all the other trappings of a full-fledged sect.
Vampire Groups
Character Generation

CG numbers as seen on page 100/101

  • Your character begins with each Attribute at one dot (exception is Nosferatu, Samedi, and Gargoyle which start with a 0 in appearance). Priority selection determines how many additional dots you may place in each category: Divide seven dots among your character's primary Attributes, five dots among her secondary Attributes and three dots among her tertiary Attributes. You may not raise an Attribute above five dots. Freebie points allow you to increase an Attribute in chargen.
  • Assign 13 dots to your primary category, nine dots to your secondary category and five dots to your tertiary category. You may not assign more than three dots to any Ability, but you can increase Abilities to four or five dots with freebie points later.
  • Your character receives three dots to divide among their clan disciplines. Catiffs may choose from any non-proprietary disciplines. Freebie points can help to purchase out of clan disciplines.
  • Your character receives five dots to assign among the Background Traits.
  • Your character starts with one point in each virtue - conscious, self-control and courage. Then you get 7 points to divide as you desire. (For Sabbat, or those on a Path other then Humanity get conviction and instinct replace conscious and self-control.) Those on a Path other then Humanity start off with one dot in courage for free and must spend the rest of their 7 points in the appropriate virtues for their Path.
  • A character's starting Path Rating is the sum of her conscious and self-control, or conviction and instinct for those on another Path then Humanity.
  • Your character's courage determines his initial Willpower.
  • The final step. You now have 15 freebie points with which to round out your character and select Traits you couldn't afford previously. Each Trait has its own price (see the table in the Character Creation Summary on p. 102).
  • Once approved, if you want to put your Clan Name in front of your name on channel, you can use ANSI commands and color codes. Try '@force me=comtitle <alias>=<< <Clan Name> >>', with color codes (e.g., %xw for white, %xb for blue, see 'help ansi codes' for more info on what letter is used for which color).

Available Clans The various clans are open for cgen and can be Anarch, Sabbat, Camarilla, Independent, or Autarkis:

  • Assamite
  • Baali
  • Brujah
  • Caitiff
  • Followers of Set
  • Gangrel
  • Gargoyle
  • Giovanni
  • Kiasyd
  • Lasombra
  • Malkavian
  • Nosferatu
  • Ravnos
  • Salubri (antitribu only)
  • Samedi
  • Toreador
  • Tremere
  • Tzimisce
  • Ventrue

Approval Tips
Some tips on getting your character approved painlessly.

  • Make sure to read up on what you wish to play so that you have an idea of how the game/theme/system works.
  • Have a solid concept. Make sure your stats fit the concept you're going for.
  • Talk to Staff in pages, @mail or via +request if you've got questions, concerns or ideas.
  • Not everyone needs to be a combat centric. Social and Mental rolls will be used liberally here.
  • Use common sense. Gunshots get noticed in the city as are weapons that are considered illegal to carry out on the streets in California.