Changeling Events

From City of Hope MUSH
Revision as of 18:27, 16 July 2023 by SassyCat (talk | contribs) (→‎Holidays: changed local holiday color)
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Ongoing Changeling Plots
Next Date Storyteller Name Description Logs
TBA Clementine Mischievous Sprites Clementine's Chimerical Sprites (gremlins) have inhabited some small balls of yarn, and they are trying to point toward some lost treasure in the local flea market. Or just cause chaos! @mail Clementine if you wish to participate
Past Changeling Plots
Storyteller Name Description Logs
February 2nd Clementine Imbolc Celebration Festival Celebration at the Blue Boar Inn - stories, songs, food, drink, fun! 2023.02.02 Imbolc
Rodrigo The Natives Are Restless They're not particularly interested in me or you 2015-07-09:TheNativesAreRestless
Dyson The Great Tree It all started with a seed. It was a singular kernel born from the first spark of intelligent thought. It was the first Dream. TBD
Tabin Privateer High Stakes Sailing and Adventure See Privateer Plot Page

Feel free to add your name here if you're interested in running one-shot PrP events.


January February March

14 - Hogmany
The Old New Year and the prelude to the celebration of Imbolc

2 - Imbolc
A celebration of the Balefire
14 - Lupercalia
Celebrates purification and fertility
28 - Carnival
Celebrates the unity between the Nobles and Commoners

21 - Ostara
Celebrates the Vernal Equinox

April May June

4 - The Greening
Informally celebrates the beginning of Spring

2 - Beltaine
Traditionally marks the beginning of the Seelie half of the year

21 - Midsummer
Celebrates the longest day of the year

July August September

17 - Highsummer Night (Pranksgiving)
Celebrates freedom for all

1 - Lughnasadh
Marks the beginning of the harvest season

21 - Mabon
Celebrates when light and dark are equal

October November December

4 - Pennons
Celebrates the arts of war and competition
31 - Samhain
Traditionally celebrates the beginning of the Unseelie half of the year

5 - Guy Fawkes Day
Celebrates Commoner freedom

22 - Midwinter's Night / Yuletide
Celebrates the longest night of the year
25 - Saturnalia
Merrymaking and revelry
26 - Boxing Day
Celebrates Noble and Commoner ties

  • Celebrated by kithain around the world
  • Celebrated by County of Lion's Reach