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|icdate    = June 4th
|icdate    = June 4th
|ictime    = afternoon into evening
|ictime    = afternoon into evening
|players  = [[Acheron]], [[Brent]], [[BryanO]], [[Connor]], [[Cynthia]], [[George]], [[Halle]], [[Jennie]], [[Juliette]], [[Katie Callahan|Katie]], [[Kokomo]], [[Navena]], [[Quinn]], [[Rianna]], [[Sara McMurrough]], [[Sonja Romanoff|Sonja]], [[Trekome]], [[Yeta]]
|players  = [[Acheron]], [[Brent]], [[BryanO]], [[Connor]], [[Cynthia]], [[George]], [[Halle]], [[Jennie]], [[Juliette]], [[Katie Callahan|Katie]], [[Kokomo]], [[Navena Pillai]], [[Quinn]], [[Rianna]], [[Sara McMurrough]], [[Sonja Romanoff|Sonja]], [[Trekome]], [[Yeta]]
|location  = gaian garou caern
|location  = gaian garou caern
|spheres  = Gaian Garou, Gaian Fera, M+/Kinfolk, Mage
|spheres  = Gaian Garou, Gaian Fera, M+/Kinfolk, Mage
Line 503: Line 503:
[[Category:Katie Callahan]]
[[Category:Katie Callahan]]
[[Category:Navena Pillai]]

Revision as of 18:26, 14 December 2020

Days of Our Caern.
Debates and rants.
IC Date June 4th
IC Time afternoon into evening
Players Acheron, Brent, BryanO, Connor, Cynthia, George, Halle, Jennie, Juliette, Katie, Kokomo, Navena Pillai, Quinn, Rianna, Sara McMurrough, Sonja, Trekome, Yeta
Location gaian garou caern
Spheres Gaian Garou, Gaian Fera, M+/Kinfolk, Mage

Deep Forest - Mystic Valley(#1747RJU)

A vast lush, dense underground forest surrounds the area as thick, tangled vines creep on up past high, rising treacherous, slick, black walls. The volcanic rock face that surrounds this natural valley seems to reach on up to the brink of infinity and beyond, making it nearly impossible to climb with its slick, plate-like surface. Inside the surrounding chasm lies a dangerous lush and vibrant woods as while the deeper one goes only seems to surround the area with eyes that watch from afar. Strange, foreign sounds echo throughout as odd beasts mock those that dare to travel in here, simply waiting in hiding to prey upon the weak and less fortunate. Numerous deep, dark, twisting caverns wind ever downwards to make up the expanse of the labyrinthine structure of the underground tunnels surrounding the area.

The ceiling of the caverns reaches something of hundreds of feet tall, far beyond what the eye can see into the dark as great stalactites and stalagmites meet each other in grissled embedded rock structures of enriched, pure minerals. Differently colored crystal pools of shimmering mineral water cascade down from flowing indoor springs as a cool, eerie air seems to constantly blow through the area, howling like a banshee on the wind. Photoluminescent algae clings healthily to the rock beds near the pools of water as they glow malevolently, casting a dim light for those to see that pass through these dark paths. Deep abysmal, dark and dense caves completely surround the area as the latent sound of dripping water lightly echoing against dried, crusted, volcanic rock and stinging gentle mineral pools with their soft *Hiss* as the cool water gently touches to make a light steam in the thick air.

The pathways that lead around these eternal caverns here are exceptionally deadly and dangerous as all lies within complete darkness except for the brief moments of glittering light against soft pools of crystals, green moss, illuminated algae, and shards of silvery reflections inside cavern waterfalls. The lush, thick, dark underground forest seems to surround the dense area in tight entanglements of vines, bushes, jungle and shrubs. The trees hang down in their weeping willows as branches mix with gnarled roots that sink beneath the cracked, rocky, stygian, encrusted earth. Depths of coiled mist surround the thick humid air in a serpentine pattern as spouts of steam spit out from the dark chasms in bursts of fiery hot gaseous flames.

Acheron nods firmly, quite pleased with his little hunting strategy that Garou have probably been using for thousands of years and he did not even remotely invent. But hey, don't knock what works, yes? Yes. The cub glances about lazily to watch the rite in progress, leaning back lazily.

Rianna digs into her backpack for her water bottle like a little digging thing. Uncapping it and drinking greedily, she also produces a towel that she uses to wipe off her face. Watching the rite with rapt fascination.

George is in super sneaky ninja stealth mode, practicing moving off the path through the trees. When he notices that there's a /thing/ going on he doesn't go with his orginal plan of jumping out and saying hi. He watches.

Navena pushes back slightly from the circle, giving Trekome a nod as she brushes off her pants, "...Well, I think if it wouldn't have accepted the apology, we'd have heard something." She half turns...and blinks at the unexpectedly expanded audience, "...Ah...sorry. It was...um...quieter when we began."

Juliette wanders closer to Acheron and once again sets her guitar case down and leans on it lazily. She smiles at the young man "So, just to put it out there, if you have any questions about the family you were born into feel free to ask. Anything you want to know or if you've heard dirty rumors about us that you wanted dispelled."

And that is why Juliette was so quiet during the ritual. Her voice is like aural sex. Hard to concentrate on anything but her when she talks. The tones stroke your ears gently like a lovers carress.

Connor crosses his arms over his chest as he waits and watches quietly, he didn't even break out his alcohol yet!

Katie lays on the ground not far from Acheron laughing a little and chatting to him, "How are you finding the human form? Fun or pretty blah? Has anyone taken you to the city yet?"

Trekome sighs a bit and nods, still looking at the pistol that's laid out. He traces his fingers over the weapon, still looking at it quite intently. "I'm going to see about getting the finish touched up if I can... keep rust off of her better... nothing shiny though. Trigger is smoother now though." he says with a grin towards Navena, attention still on the gun and her.

Acheron stares down at his feet. Because YES! His feet are pretty interesting. "Better for talking to other two legs. Good for moving stuff around without breaking it. But really soft and it hurts to step on rocks and thorns," he admits.

Katie nods her head, " We should get you some socks and shoes of some sort to protect your feet when not on soft areas to be barefoot. " She twirls her hair absently around her finger as she hmms, "Still need to get you hooked up with more than one pair of clothes. "

Rianna waves to Navena. "Hey, what's up Navena?" she calls. "What were you guys doing? It looked intense." A glance is given to Acheron and Katie. "Dude. Converse high-tops. Great shoes. Canvas. And really good for going out and about. You can totally get 'em wet and they'll dry out without a lot of funk setting in." Sipping from her water, she glances up, seeing a ninja George. She waves at him too, smiling brightly.

Navena perks slightly, giving a nod to Juliette and her aural sexing ways before pulling her attention back to Trekome, beaming, "...I'm glad. That's...sort of the first apology I've done to a spirit, but I'm told they tend to be very forgive and forget when you do it right. If you take care of it from here, you should be fine. We can step into the spirit world and ask what grips it would like a bit later." She raises a hand to wave right at George, but Rianna draws her attention, "Rianna, good to see you. Ah...a bit of a rite. An apology to Trekome's fetish...since Trekome didn't KNOW it was a fetish and might have ripped out some important parts to replace them with gaudy modern uncleansed versions."

Connor shifts his gaze over briefly to ninja George with a slight nod of his head, though his brow shoots up a bit "Didn't know it was a fetish? And how did ya displease tha spirit in tha first place?"

George smiles and waves back at Rianna as he steps out from behind the tree where he watched now that the rite has been finished and he's been spotted anyway. The soft and blurry lines of the edge of his image snap back into focus as his gift collapses "And how is everyone doing today?"

Trekome 's ears would droop right now if he were in a more wolf-ish form. "To be fair, I didn't even know there were other 'rou until a little over a month ago." He's still looking at the gun as he shrugs to Connor, "I think it didn't like me putting on different grips... grandpa kept all the original parts on it since he carried it back from Iwo, and carved the runes on the inside of the grips himself I think. I put newer ones on to preserve the grips since I didn't want them to get worn out." Oh, hey, there's George. He looks up and gives a nod as he picks the pistol up, slides the mag home, racks it, and holsters it with the safety on. "Still above ground."

Juliette looks Acheron over "You're about Sven's build. He's got some all natural cotton clothing made at our last sept. Untouched by the city and heavy duty for being in wild places without easily getting mucked up. He might have a set of deerhide boots still, but regardless they can make a new set if I bring them hide." Julie looks away from Acheron to nods respectfully to George. "Good good. How are you George-rhya?"

Rianna looks to Connor. "Dude, wouldn't -you- be pissed if someone stripped you down?" She pauses. "I really just said that, didn't I?" she says, pink-cheeking again. "Um. Never mind. Don't answer that." She looks to George with a smile. "I'm good," she says. "Just got done with running. And my studies are going badass. I think I'm starting to get the hang of doing people." She pauses again, cranking the Pink-Cheek Generator up a notch. "Healing. Doing -healing-. On people."

Navena reaches out to pat Trekome on the shoulder, "Live and learn, my friend. You're square, I think. From here, keeping it happy will be up to you, though I don't suspect it will be too hard. You definately babied that gun just now." She blinks at Rianna, smiling at the first slip...and outright breaking into peals of laughter at the second, though she quickly chokes it down, "...Oh Rianna...I'm sorry. Don't ever change, please. Its refreshing."

Acheron shakes his head rapidly, waving his hands off to Juliette. "I have... so many clothes," he protests. Seriously, kid goes through his first change and his little den could probably be lined with clothing for sleeping on. "I have boots, but I like to feel the grass in between my toes. Then I step on a rock, and I don't like that as much," he admits, "but that's a trade off."

Connor cocks his brow and looks over to Rianna "I didn't know he changed out tha grips girl, didn't even know he carried a fetish, was just curious what he had done ta have ta perform such a rite."

Katie nods her head, "Okay, that works. " She chuckles, " Well, if you need anything, lemme know. "

Juliette shrugs nodding to Acheron's protest over clothing "Also the Glade is Fury territory. I can also let you into the house. It's only me and my circle of kin but half of us are Furies and you're welcome to join us for family dinners."

Trekome smirks at Rianna's first slip up, then snorts at the second. "It's not a bad thing to strip her down if you're sweet about it. She also likes being wet with lots of oil so everything slides nice and smooth."

George grins and nods at Juliette and answers "Pretty good, boar hunting is getting to be more a chore so I'm having to come up with ways to keep it interesting. Mostly though its about keeping the concentrations away from human farm land so the fish and game folks don't over react and cull them all. If anyone needs pork, ham, bacon, bones or hides? I've been harvesting it all so I've got plenty."

Rianna blushes even more. How high -does- the Pink-Cheek meter go? A sheepish smile is tossed to Navena. "Um. So yeah, this is me like -totally- shutting up now?" she says. She sips from her water, looking back to George. "But. Yeah. With the magick I'm learning, I'll be able to heal injuries I could never touch with my powers before. I think I could even do silver wounds. But, like, healing won't be -all- I can do. I'll be able to metamorphose Lesser Order creatures. I'll, like, -totally- be able to do Sticks to Snakes. And I can, like, buff myself for combat. And start metamorphosing myself." She looks down at herself. "But I'm not sure if I wanna do claws, or cat's eyes, or bigger boobs first," she says. "I'm kind of torn."

Connor shakes his head with a grin as Rianna rambles on "Don't think ya need ta change a thing about ya own body, but I doubt anyone will stop ya from gettin' bigger boobs."

Acheron peers at Rianna, head tilted askance, and then shakes it briefly before returning his attention to Juliette. "The Glade sounds nice, and I'd like to spend time with other Furies," he confirms pleasantly. George's stories of boar hunting earns some interest and he elbows Katie lightly. "Surprise," he confirms with a smile, thinking about rar-hunting pigs himself.

Navena snickers softly at Rianna, but in a friendly way, "...We all know its going to be boobs first. And it'll be a lot of fun until the back pain starts and you realize you've been talking for fifteen minutes without your conversation partner listening to a word you said." She brushes dirt from her groveling spirit apology off her fairly well endowed front, "I'd tell you what Connor said but its experience. I'm sure I'd change my height if I could, just for novelty." She waves to George, "I certainly wouldn't mind bacon and ham, if you've got a fair bit just hanging around."

Katie giggles to the nudge and makes a piggy/boar sound before grabbing her heart and falling to the side. " That would be funny as hell."

Trekome snerks at Rianna and shakes his head. "All about proportion. Bigger isn't always better." That's right, he said it. "I'm going to go test out how she shoots. Trigger definitely feels nicer... I'll be back in a bit. Thanks again, Navena." And with that he heads out.

Katie lays on the ground clenching at her chest and giggling as she talks to Acheron.

Rianna is sitting by her niche, dressed out for workout and sipping from her water bottle. Her cheeks still quite pinked as she talks with the others here, looking down at herself. "Well... yeah, back pain sucks, but. I can fix -that-, too. And... I guess bigger boobs would be useful as flotation devices? In case, like, I ever went out on the ocean and fell overboard?" She considers. "But cat's eyes would be, like, super sick. And of course, claws. -Everyone- here has claws. Well. I mean. The Garou do, anyway. Claws can be cool."

Juliette says, "I've got multiple leather and crafters in my household George-rhya, so if you want anything made, clothing from your kills or such I'd be more than happy to take them off your hands for my family group." Juliette nods to George before shifting her attention to Acheron "The Glade and Barn are Fury holdings, the Barn is run by Fury kin if you want to get used to seeing what a bar looks like."

There are certain things a person never wants to hear. They vary in intensity and importance. One never wants to see the crunch of metal and bodies flying when two cars impact at 90 miles an hour. On the other end of the spectrum is watching people chew their food. It's gross. Somewhere in the middle of all that.. leaning more toward the crunch on crunch side, is hearing the one you love above all others on this mortal plane giggling rather fiercely at something another man says or does. Bryan strolls through, brow knit as he hears his mate's giggle fest, eyes scanning for her, finally locking there, lifting toward Acheron, then strolling slowly and casually that way, his hands tucked into his pockets.

George nods and grins at Navena "You can have some if you want, I'd been thinking about bringing some to the Glade and the Smoke too. Maybe get a little bit of a revenue stream going." Looking over at Rianna he quirks an eyebrow at says "Hate to be a party pooper but I've got one word for all your shape shifting plans. Paradox."

Navena inclines her head to George respectfully, "That's a good plan. If they accept, don't worry about me, but if its going to waste I'll certainly take it off your hands. I need more practice cooking anyway." She quirks a brow at Rianna, amused, "...Flotation devices? Hey, I suspect we'd all enjoy spending a day as Angelina Jolie, but I'm not sure it has real world useful applications we need to worry about. It would just be a lot of fun" Back to George, "...Paradox?"

You know, Acheron would probably spontaneously learn the Rite of Contrition and perform it if he thought, for a moment, that Bryan even considered he might be horning in on his mate. The notion is, to Acheron's mind, beyond absurd. Not to mention dangerous. Fortunately, the cub is oblivious as he sits by Katie while chatting with Juliette. "I will have to go with you there sometime," he decides. "But what's a bar?"

Juliette says, "A place where alcoholic beverages and sometimes food is served. A bit less food oriented as the Smoke and Barley, though it does have food options. But it's there for Garou to unwind and have a drink without having to go into the city." Julie looks over and nods to Bryan as he aproaches "Afternoon Bryan-rhya."

Rianna looks up and beams brightly, waving. "Bryan! Hey! What's up?" She looks to Navena and nods. "The kind of magick I do... it's not like the Low Craft. This is Gaia's Craft, and I have to be careful. If I do anything too out of the ordinary, then I get hit with the Threefold Return. A Paradox. It's... really ugly. Like. Everything gets tangled up around you, and the world takes it out on you. You can, like, -totally- aneurysm if you do too much at once." She looks back to George, smiling innocently. "Well. I bet I can come up with a coincidence for all of them. Bigger boobs? Um. Duh. California much? Cat's eyes? -Totally- Wild Eyes contacts. And claws?" She has to think about that one. "Vietnamese manicurist on acid?"

Katie looks up when she sees her mate and her eyes light up. " Bryan!" She ditches her stuff for the moment to run over to him and wraps her arms around his neck as she jumps up on him. She must have really missed the guy.

Bryan isn't worried about. Trust. It goes both ways. That doesn't take away that momentary RAWR thing that happens. Her reaction though makes up for it totally and when she pounces on him, he catches her neatly, a hand on each butt cheek to hold her up, giving her a VERY friendly kiss.

Katie returns the kissy to her mate, not caring about the pda the others have to go through. She leans her forhead against his and smiles to him, "I was wondering when you would be coming around this way. "

Bryan holds Katie there in his arms as he moves back to where she was before she jumps up. He settles himself down with Katie.. well.. however she wants to end up, but on or very near him. "Had some stuff to do out at the island. Here now though. Acheron keeping you company?" Oh yeah, Acheron. He TOTALLY saw that. ALL of it.

George grins and shrugs at Rianna "You know your business I guess, just looking out for you is all." Then to Juliette "I've gotten pretty decent at leatherwork myself too, just making it known that I've got some surplus materials. I'm still not sure about all the bones though, Ritemistress Bane-Breaker has been happy to take some off my hands but I've still got a bunch."

Juliette is standing near Acheron, also watching Bryan with a grin, and is a Galliard so everyone will know about it in seconds. She grins then looks over George "Soup. Carvings. I've got crafts people for that stuff. My household came from a Fenrir Sept so we can turn almost an entire animal into stuff."

Katie totally wasnt being flirty. She is just naturally laughy and fun. She sits on Bryan's lap and offers the canteen of water to him. There is still a little bit left, " Yeah. He was actually talking to me. I'm awkward around a lot of the other people here that I don't really know all that much. He is just easier to talk to than some... And Connor. He's cool too. I have chilled here pretty much all day. "

Jennie comes along looking all happy and sedate. Good day in Jennie land and more so seeing some favorite people about. She takes in what is going on but does not let it slow her approach, intending to join in on the whatever. Social mood.

Rianna nods to George, smiling a bit. "I know. And I appreciate it. And I promise not to go shapechanging where the Muggles can see it." She looks down at herself. "Besides, if I gave myself bigger boobs, I'd look like a -total- slut," she says. "I don't have the bone structure for bigger boobs." She looks up at Juliette, cocking her head to one side. "A Get of Fenris sept? With, like, Black Furies in it? But. Isn't that, like, totally like locking open the plasma injectors on the antimatter containment unit?" She can be such a dork sometimes.

Acheron is blissfully ignorant and gives a smile and wave to Bryan. And then it's Jennie! Basically mom and dad for the past year for the cub. He tosses a wave her direction to and then returns his attention to Juliette. "I'll... pass on the alcohol," he allows with a wrinkle of his nose. "But food and company is always good."

Aaaaand then he's peering at Rianna again, looking mighty confused.

Navena is lost by the dorkness rising, "...Plasma what in the anti what?" At least it wasn't just Acheron this time. She shakes her head ruefully, "...I need to watch more TV again. One more on the list of things to do. If I have 48 hours in every day, I might make progress on it."

Bryan nods to Katie, tugging her nice and close in his lap, draping one arm around her to keep her close, reaching with the other to take a little sip from the water skin. "I'm glad to see you hanging out out here. You haven't run into ... anyone... have you?" Because he's got a few more months before he can tell someone who shall remain nameless where to shove his championship weight lifting belt.

Juliette shakes her head at Rianna smiling "Didn't quite understand all that but it was a Fenrir sept. It's different than a Get of Fenris sept. Some of my Tribe and some of the Fenrir or the Get of Fenris do have conflicts at time. We have a different viewpoint on what is weakness and what to do about it." Julie shrugs a little. "But my Aunt earned her place there and the respect of a truly monsterous Sept Alpha, who crafted her an axe with his bare hands in recognition of her deeds. And I've inherited that axe and come a conquering in the tradition of my home."

Katie shakes her head, " No, I haven't had any trouble and havent ran into anyone. " She smiles, " Its been a pretty laid back day. Just hanging out."

George nods and grins at Rianna as he says to Julliette "I'll have you just about as many boar bones you want as you can haul away. I've already pulled out the tusks I want to keep, only one set and that's because it got me pretty good because I tried to get fancy. Just have someone with a wheelbarrow come by the storage shed near the smokehouse."

Jennie smirks at Rianna's joke because keeping up on at least some popular culture can be a good thing but then sniffs at the slut part. "Hay now..." Walking in more, she tries to give Acheron a hug and hair messing because that is what happens unless stopped. To Julie she grins. "Ohh sounds to have all the convenience of the whole Israeli / Palestinian thing. Less travel time that way." Obviously teasing by tone but is already looking at Bryan/Katie question and grinning.. George's wheel barrel gets a curious raises brow.

Bryan nods to Katie, leaning to give her another kiss. "Alright. Good." He turns briefly to Acheron. "Hey, when she's out here, you keep an eye on her, okay? Don't let anyone do anything stupid that I'll have to actually prove I'm an Adren for, yeah?"

Rianna bites her lip, looking around. "I'm like... the only Star Trek fan here, aren't I?" she says. "Dude. When the plasma injectors get locked open on the antimatter unit, that almost -always- means the warp core ejection system is going to be off line. Which means a core breech. Which will blow up the starship. Kind of like Black Furies and Fenrir blow up like... city blocks. Or so I've heard. But. Um. Yeah. I'll shut up now." She throws Juliette the horns though. "Right on, dude. That's, like, awesome. Girl Power 4 Lyfe." And yes, the number four and the 'y' are clearly enunciated. Didn't you hear them?

Katie nudges Bryan lightly, " No one would be stupid out here in the caern area... Right?" She bites her bottom lip, " I can kick butt when need be. "

Navena chuckles, shaking her head, "Hey. I've watched Star Trek. I think I had a friend with one of the laser swords from it too!" She stands, brushing herself off, though it doesn't help much, "...I forsee laundry in my immediate future. Not to self, do not crawl around in the dirt wearing the one set of clothes bonded to you. I'd better get home, but always lovely to see everyone."

Acheron 'gahs' and ducks at the hug/hair mussing thing, kind of accepting it with the reluctance of a teenage boy too cool for that, but not able to escape Aunt Jennie and resigned to his fate. He looks to Bryan with confusion and offers an, "Okay?" And then Rianna is just... whatever. He can't even begin to follow all of that. Kid hasn't watched an hour of television in his life.

Juliette shakes her head "I only got to watch TV once I went to college. Even then nothing like that was allowed in the Sept as that was of the Weaver." She smiles at George "I'll bring some of my guys by and pick up a load and help out."

Bryan nods to Katie, smiling at her. "Yup. I know you can. Notice I didn't tell him to keep you out of trouble. I know you can handle yourself. Doesn't mean bad stuff can't happen." He smiles and gives her a little squeeze. Little squeeze. Don't crush the kinfolk. He turns his attention to Acheron again and smiles. "Have you been to town yet?"

Katie sighs softly and looks much more relaxed now that Bryan is here and stuff. She listens quietly and nods at the distinction of what was expected of the new changer. She says, " I don't think he's been to town yet."

Jennie just watches Rianna as she goes on about the Star Trek ship blowing up. "And the great ship of the Weaver blowing up is a good thing.. Soooo when you say plasma injectors... get locked open... It's a good fortune... Thing.... Like a White Alligator sighting?" Completely straight faced.. But more than likely trolling her. Then she is smiling to Navena and waving, trying not to laugh. She smiles back at Acheron as it will be a sad day when he is too old/proud to let her do that any more. Ok.. so maybe she is in a mischievous mood. "Or the Island, needs some seacraft to be safe. I am not loosing him to an undertoe."

Acheron shakes his head, as he's received this question twice today yes? It's easy to lose track... so many things happening at once. "No, I haven't gone to the Scar. I have clothes but I'm waiting on papers. Cynthia's going to take me and a couple others on a job in the city so we can get used to things and kill two legs that need killing," he offers matter-of-factly.

Rianna eyerolls. "Oh come on, dude, really? Star Trek is some of the most imaginitive television there is! And come -on-. Commander Riker? -Right-? I would, like, do -unspeakable- things to that man. Just because there's lots of high tech doesn't mean it has to be -bad-." Julie gets a... look. "Um. No, dude. You're thinking Star Wars. Which was -totally- ripped off from Akira Kurosawa's 'Hidden Fortress'. Seriously, though. Lucas couldn't direct his way out of a wet paper bag. Fucking -Clone Wars-, yo. Emo Vader for the -loss-." She drains her water bottle and caps it, stuffing it back in her backpack.

Bryan nods to Katie, giving her a little squeeze, but then looking to Acheron with an arched brow. "You don't need papers.. what?" He looks briefly confused, then shakes his head. "I was just thinking a little day trip. Go to the Smoke and Barley. Have something to eat, hang out with some people?"

Navena blinks at Rianna for a long moment, but finally opts to incline her head and pretend she understood half of that, "Ah. I stand corrected." She waves more generally, "Good night, everyone, be well." And she'll turn to move her way out of the Caern

George grins and sticks his tongue out at Rianna "Ain't neither of them Babylon five anyway so its not like it matters. And yeah, as works of art and imagination I'd say they're as much of the wyld as anything else. Its the only reason I've got the end of Ulyssees memorized."

Katie says, "Papers, like showing he was a normal born person, I think is the type of papers he is waiting for. Like a birth certificate, Social security number... papers."

Brent walks in on all fours in his lupin form, He moves toward the others keeping his tail low but with a odd wag to it. A spikey collar around his neck over his slick black fur. It looked as though somone had put hair gel over every inch of his coat. Some of his fur around his head sticking up and spiked.

Juliette grins at Rianna "While they might be creative, the devices required to watch them are Weaver and at times Wyrm aligned. Besides, You don't argue rules with a beast that can swing as big rig as a melee weapon. You just nod, smile and submit to your Elders." Julie laughs softly. "Besides, that's where the tradition of gaining rank and going to other Septs came from. You submit or you leave. I decided to leave like many others. However a good number of those from my Sept become Sept Alphas in other places. Because we learned how to use power and use it effectively."

Acheron shrugs, not really knowing the specifics and nodding at Katie. "Papers," he confirms. "Though a trip to the Smoke and Barley would probably be okay? Straight there and back, with somebody with me? And just run from police if something bad happens?" He pauses a moment. "How can I tell if somebody's police? Do they tell me before they challenge me?"

Jennie grins at various reactions and rocks back on heels, hands resting behind her hips. Yes yes, very nice, very pleased. "Have to admit..... Firefly...." She shrugs.. Very popular down south. And Acheron, learn Portuguese and you do not need papers. Make English speakers angry that you speak Spanish then Spanish speakers angry for not speaking that either, and just get sent on your way out of frustration.." The Lupus begins to get a smile but then is blinked at for the hair gel and she sudently has an itch on her face, palm concealing her lips. Shoulders begin to bounce, maybe with repeated hiccups.

Bryan nods to Katie. "Right. Got it." THen he nods to Acheron with a little grin. "Nothing bad will happen, but.. yes. Something like that. They wear uniforms. I'll get you a book.. or maybe... Katie? Think you could fill him in on all the little details that I probably wouldn't think about?

Brent would have laughed if he wasnt in his lupin form. The wolf moved toward Acheron slowly dragging a large duffle bag with his teeth seting it beside him.

Connor wanders back down on the path, his arm wrapped around Sara as they pad down along the path in from the forest "Yeah but I just don't think that taco truck is as good as tha one down on sixth really."

Katie says, "Most police wear a uniform. They will show you a badge and tell you they are police. You listen to what they tell you in the city.. Its easier to get you out of jail then try to cover up if you flip out and kill the police guy. But, chances are low of running into a police person going right to the Smoke and Barley. You can eat lots of cornbread muffins with bacon there. "

George snickers and shakes his head at Acheron "I know Eloise has a thing for getting people documentation, since she runs a birthing and women's health clinich she's hooked in to all the right agencies anyway. Cops are supposed to identify themselves yeah but generally don't act suspicious and you'll be fine. Katie's got it right though, with how close the smoke is to the edge of town it should be fine."

"Well duh.. you can't beat a taco truck that sells ammunition too.." Sara hips into Connor as she keeps her hand in his back pocket, leaning comfortably into the man with a slight limp in her gait. "Someone been arrested?" she asks as an aside, giving Katie and the others a wave as they arrive.

Rianna shakes her head at Julie. "Well. I'm kin to the Children of Gaia," she says. "And power's cool and all, I guess. But. I have all the power I could ask for. I just need to learn how to use it. But right on, dude. You can -totally- go for it. You'll have plenty of great people to work with here. You should, like, kick it with the Slayers of Jormungandr if you want a real test. Dominates-the-Flames-rhya is one of the best warriors I know." She nods to George. "Mocks-the-Dark-rhya..." She considers. "Well. He's -totally-, like, all ninja style, if you're down with the shinobi." As Jennie mentions Firefly, she beams. "Dude. Firefly is a-maaaa-zing!" she says, her voice going sing-songy. "But. That's, of course, a given. Everything Joss Whedon touches turns to gold."

"Cynthia's getting papers," Acheron confirms. When Brent drags over the duffel bag, the cub peers at him with confusion. Then looks at the bag. Then looks back at Brent. Not that he knows its Brent, since he isn't familiar with this lupine shape. Particularly since it looks like it sprang from a Glass Walker sept in the 1980s.

Jennie takes a deep breath, holds, lets it out in controlled exhale. She holds her face very immobile for several seconds before speaking in a calm, even voice with a polite smile. "And being very calm and docile is important with police, do just what they tell you, be polite, and when allowed to go, do so. Makes life much easier on everyone. But yes it's unlikely." She pauses and nods to Brent. "Hello. Jennie Hanniver, known as Kaiju, a Homid born Warden: somewhat akin to a Theurge of the Mokole, a follower of proud Peregrine, and member of Misfits pack." To Rianna she can not help but agree completely with well most all.

Juliette grins at Rianna "I know the Slayers of Jormungandr. I've assisted their Forsetti in issuing scandals on those that deserve it. I'm Juliette, known as Fair Verona because my tales end in misery and death for my enemies. Fostern Galliard of the Black Furies." She shrugs a bit. "I understand Fenrir ways of doing things from my upbringing. In fact I just got back from visiting family at my old Sept."

Connor shifts his brow a bit flicking his gaze over those gathered, lifting a hand in greeting as he listens to the going's on "Well you really can't beat bullets and hot sauce."

George peers at the gel slicked wolf form and narrows his eyes a little at it and the bag its dragging before he turns back to Rianna "I totally want to put Straczynski, Whedon and ......" whatever else he was going to add gets lost as Brent's bag gets opened and he makes his introduction. George just stops.

Bryan nods to Katie's words, smiling, giving her a little squeeze and smiling at Acheron. His eyes lift to Brent curiously and he also peeks at the bag

Sara answers Connor quietly with a whisper, keeping her voice down so as not to interrupt the group twice.

Katie says softly to Bryan, "Did you eat dinner? I can go home and make you something up if you are hungry." The good wifie/mate type.

Rianna nods her head to Juliette. "I'm Rianna Silver," she says. "And like I said, I'm kinfolk to the Children of Gaia. And in the interests of transparency, I can also tell you that I'm a willworker of the Verbena Tradition. But I'm one of the cool kinds of witches, not the creepy-ass Fairuzia Balk kinds of witches. More Hogwarts, less Wicker Man."

Acheron peers at the bag, lips pursed. "I... can read books," he affirms. Damnit. It's one thing to tell kin, 'Don't get me clothes, I have plenty.' Or even telling an elder tribemate that. But if someone higher ranked just GIVES you them? Well... he can't exactly say, 'I have a metric fuckton of clothes, dude, go to the Goodwill.' And not just because he has no idea what the Goodwill is. "Thank you?"

Connor would nod his head to Sara, leaving a bottle of whiskey behind before turning on his heels and leading the pair back up towards the forest path

Jennie watches Juliet with a distant look, her thoughts wandering for a bit as she listens to people. Ohh nice gift stuff to bring to a kindof-caern-bound Metis. She smiles at Brent's thoughtfulness. "Very well met, good to see another Silent Strider as well." Rianna's words pull her the last bit back and she coughs a bit, grinning. Acheron's good grace also gets a bright smile and then she is waving to the pairs pairing off.

George grins at the bag and then to Acheron "we can also teach you the importance of having stashes, and dressing differently when you go back into the city after getting up to shenanigans. Sometimes we have to chase the enemy in their country so knowing how to get by there is important."

Juliette blinks at Rianna looking confused "What's wrong with wicker men? How else are the Gods supposed to hear your prayers except through the burning of captured enemy warriors?" Then she breaks down into laughs "I know what a Verbena is. Blood makes the green grass grow. We've had a connection with certain parts of the witches for a long time."

Sara turns with Connor, nodding slightly though she's at least mildly confused.

Rianna engages the Owly-Eye Matrix, looking up at Juliette. Blink blink. "Um. An' it harm none, do as thou wilt?" she says. "That's, like, the -only- law we have? Burning people alive is, like, -totally- not okay, you know what I mean? The gods don't need that to hear you." She blanches at the notion of blood making the grass grow. "Well. Yeah. I guess it does. I mean, there's a good deal of nitrogen in blood. But. Water, like, totally works too. But. Yeah. Child of Gaia. So, like, I'm all 'power through peace', you feel me? I mean. Not that I judge or anything. I'm -totally- down with the warriors here. You guys are, like, the bomb-dot-com. But. That's just not for -me-."

Katie kisses Bryan, " Love, I'm going to go home and make you some grub... Give me about an hour or so... okay? If you get in late, just help yourself. " She gets to her feet and gathers her things to head on out. "Goodnight everyone."

Jennie blinks at George then down at today's version of her many white bikinis. "Wait.. We are supposed to have different looking sets of clothes... If I dressed differently, then the Warder's Iron might think I was some different Mokole and attack me on entering the Caern. It and my Bikini's have a long and close history of friendhip." She shakes her head at Juliette. "You just out monster-bluffed me by a mile Miss." A look at Rianna for their past conversation. "She might be trying to say, the death of the enemies of Gaia is required, but unessecary suffering is not and so slow burning of a captive rather than death in battle, is questionable in merit, as explained, unless you were jesting or making an overstatement." She winks at the Cogie kin.Then she is waving to the deparing Katie.

A howl echoes through the Caern from the edge of the bawn. It has the practice of someone who has been around Garou for a long time, and there's a certain rigidness to it, as if it is often repeated, or has been drilled into the howlers head.

"I am Yeta Eyes-In-The Dark, a Metis Ragabash of the Shadow Lords! I have come far from my home Caern in the wilds of the Ukraine, and I seek hospitality and a new home! I bring no trouble with me, and seek only allies and friendship!"

Acheron is totally going to need stashes. Because he has a more clothes than he knows what to do with. The cub sighs lightly when Brent departs, stares at the bag, and dangit he can hunt for himself too! Raslinfratchinrajerabbin. Ahem. The cub looks over at Jennie and peers at her in confusion, though the howl gets his attention as does Yeta's arrival.

Juliette smiles comfortingly to Rianna as one would a younger person "That's nice and modern take on a softer gentler magic laws. But blood makes the green grass grow and it has for a very long time. I'm sure the love and hugs crystal dragon jesus flavored witchcraft works for you. You did say Children of Gaia. But we are the Wyld hunt. We're the Maenad. We sing mad song and leave change within the wake of our bachannals." She pats her guitar case with a grin then nods to Jennie "Well that and that death is part of the cycle. Just as we eat meat, so does the earth. We can cause a renewal in the world by removing the things that hold it back from growing. Tear up the sidewalks, remove the cities and let the Wyld things roam. But yes. I was raised among what many would consider monsters, even by the standards of the Slayers of Jormungandr. I was raised in a sept where the primary religion was the worship and veneration of Fenris. Not as a totem. But as a God."

Rianna looks up as she hears a wolf howling in the distance. "Is that a good howl or a bad howl?" she asks, looking around. "I still can't quite tell the difference yet." She looks up at Juliette with a bit of a frown. "Dude," she says. "You don't have to be mean about it. I get that the Garou are warriors. My dad was an Ahroun, and he died fighting seven Dancers. And took three of them with him. I -get- it. And yeah, I can totally dig the fact that way back in the day, the witches were a lot more savage and brutal. But so was everyone else. But here's what I believe. I believe that when Gaia dreamed Herself alive, She did so as an act of unconditional -love-. So by my reasoning, love comes before all. Can you dig it?" She wraps her arms around her knees and sets her chin atop them, sighing a bit. "Besides. What did the sidewalks ever do to you? I -use- those sidewalks," she murmurs.

Jennie gives Acheron a happy, affectionate smile as she walks over and begins looking through the bag. "Charity and a gift to a respected ally are different things. All have seen your war form and know that you are not prey." She pulls a hoodie from the pile and puts it on though unable to zip it more than a little bit, wearing it 'long sleeve vest with a hood' style. She grins at him but looks curiously in direction of the howl. Then to Verona. "Being mindfull of the waves of my thoughts when I am out at sea, I can not fault any of what you just said. Earth Churner, Replanter, both your paths are vital to Gaia.

George frowns and shrugs at Rianna as he listens to the back and forth between here and Juliette "Given what I've learned of the verbena there's both kinds. And that's fine, it takes all kinds of kinds to make the world go round." George is sort of staying aware of Jennie and Acheron but he's more focused on what trouble Rianna may or may not be talking herself into now.

Juliette says, "It is a howl of introduction. Yeta Eyes-In-The Dark, a Metis Ragabash of the Shadow Lords was making their introduction." Juliette smiles "The sidewalks did nothing to me. But what they did to Gaia? They bind her down like ropes preventing her from moving and breathing. So they must be broken. But yes, as George-rhya says, it takes all kind. We just tend to be closer to the bloody ones as we to know the power that is within blood." Julie looks over to Jennie with a grin. "It's one of the things that my tribe and my old Sept Alpha agreed on. The evil of cities and the need for them to be removed and for things to start over. We just weren't on board from his genocide of the human race. It's not humans fault that they are inferior tools of our enemies. We should show them compassion and teach those that can be taught to be better. Those that still willfully serve the Weaver and the Wyrm? Fertilizer to feed the faithfull."

Acheron sighs and reluctantly looks through the bag. "Everyone means well. Really well." Too well? Rar. Proud cub is proud! The Fury glances over to his big sister of sorts as she speaks of Weaver and Wyld. "We call the cities the Scar for a reason. There are interesting things there, I am told. But there are horrible things too. Like... you don't find human trafficking meth dealers in the wilds, yes?" He doesn't THINK you do, but he's checking. (re George)

Rianna just... stares. At Juliette. Not in the eyes, she's smarter than that. But the longer the Fury talks, the paler she goes. "-I'm- an inferior tool of our enemies?" she says, getting to her feet. "Are you fucking for -real-?! Jesus Christ, dude! I've heard a lot about the Black Furies, but I -hadn't- heard that they were, like, the fucking Hitler Youth!" She bends down and starts packing her backpack. "So -your- way is the right way, and so that means it has to be the -only- way, right? Never mind that the Weaver and the Wyrm came from Gaia, too? And that putting the Wyld out of balance just like they are is -just- as dangerous to Her? What the actual -fuck-, dude, for -real-?" She straightens. "So yeah. I'm, like. Gonna go. There are, like, -so- many ways that I'm not cool with this, I don't know where to start." She slings on her pack, fixing Juliette with a scowl. "I keep my smartphone in my backpack," she says dourly. "And it's got recordings of some of my live jam sessions that I haven't backed up yet. So, if you, like, -do- anything to it? I am -so- telling."

Jennie just... sort... of... sits down cross legged, leaning to one side with an elbow on one knee and chin on that arm's fist.. Thinking of what Verona said.. That monkied with the lizard's brain.. Everything else is likely just sort of background as she mulls that over. Something are given in just the right way to someone that fits and touches them. She stares at the ground not seeing it.

Halle comes walking along the path, a spring in her step and singing softly to herself. Seeing people about she makes her way over in their direction as she perks up an ear to hear what's going on as she approaches.

Several minutes after the howl stretches across the Caern, Yeta manages to finish her brief interrogation from the Warders. The girl makes her way into sight, dressed in a pair of simple blue skinny jeans with a white belt, and black flats, along with a black button-up blouse with the sleeves folded up around her elbows. Her long blonde hair is pulled back into a simple ponytail. She offers a small smile as she glances about, taking everyone and everything in.

Juliette smiles sadly at Rianna "No, you're Kinfolk. I know it's a bit of a shock but you aren't human. You never were human. You are stronger, more resilient and more in tune with spiritual forces. Her blessings manifest in you. You are shielded from the curse that reminds Humans that they are just little monkey flinging poo on each other. You. Are. Not. Human. If you were you'd be pissing yourself under my gaze. I am a war singer. Mine is the voice to violence. At my call all who hear me are gripped with a surety of purpose, a weight of duty and a pure holy rage." Juliette shrugs "You look human, but you don't smell human and you don't move like a human. It's only the humans lack of vision and sense that allows you to pass as normal among them. But YOU have a divine spark within you. Gaia's love as you call it and you know that to be true. You are special and worth so much more. In ancient times you'd have been a priestess or overlord insuring that the bumbling humans beneath your gaze acted in accordance to Gaia's will. Your mercy spared them the claws in the night and they obeyed you out of thanks." Juliette looks around smiling "And yes, The Triat is part of the natural world. But an imbalance has occured and we need to knock it back to spinning correctly. Which means some acts of extreme Wyld are required. But I understand if this is too much for you. Go and think on my words. Search your feelings, you will find them to be true. For you know you are blessed."

George might be a phenomenally awesome hunter, a viciously sneaky killer, capable of great and amazing feats of athleticism and insight but even he does not at all get women. He keeps mouth shut and lets the galliard keep rolling, listening attentively.

Acheron blinks and looks up at Jennie. "Who are the Hitler Youth? I think she insulted my Tribe, but I'm not sure," he says with a faint frown before scratching his head with befuddlement. He doesn't concern himself with the semantics of the argument, already familiar with them after all, and gives Rianna another peculiar look.

Yeta catches a hint of Juliette's words, and she frowns a bit, her smile faltering. She watches the woman for a brief moment and shakes her head to herself. "Hello everyone," she offers softly, her words heavily accented with her native tongue, Ukrainian.

Jennie shakes her head and takes a breath, remembering to breath deeply enough. "Wow, having someone say something aloud, so personal to you is... Unsettling.. Feels violating almost, exposing in a deeply personal way." She shudders and wraps arms under her chest for a moment. "No, she was commenting on the belief, not the tribe." That very quiet then standing again while listening to Verona go on. She nods to Halle and Yeta in greeting and while mostly being quiet makes a welcoming gesture, offering both to come over and join if they would like. Seems introductions, from her at least are on pause while this works out.

Rianna narrows her eyes. "No. I -am- human. And that's what you're not getting. You judge the whole because of the greed and wickedness of the powerful few. It is -amazing- to be human, to be part of Gaia, to know Her love. And I -have- been blessed. Gaia has come alive within me and given Her Craft into my hands. I am Her. She is I. Through Her grace and beauty, I am become Woman, the Cradle of Life." She shakes her head. "Instead of tearing -down- parts of Gaia's Holy Triat, did you never think instead to build the other parts -up-? The world is, like, -huge-. Vast beyond all imagining. There is room for -all- expressions of Gaia's spirit. Why take away when you can add to? You cannot -heal- Gaia by -wounding- Her. Violence can only breed violence. Just as love can only breed love. I -have- searched my feelings. And I have -found- my truth. And She is everywhere, all around us, within us, and between us. And She demands only one thing of me--that I love my Self and all the world around me. In this way, I am able to be loved in return. And -that-, rhya, makes me -immortal-." She draws a couple of slow, deep breaths. Then she tosses a nod to George and Jennie. "I'm out," she says simply, turning and heading towards the exit.

Acheron sighs and shakes his head. "No. She definitely said the tribe," he affirms. Didn't get his question answered, but he can draw enough conclusions. Shaking his head, the cub"There's no more room," he mutters mostly to himself. "You can't build the Wyld in places if it's choked by the Weaver's webs, or rotting from the Wyrm's touch. Room has to be made."

Yeta blinks at Rianna's reaction, but the brief smile she offers the woman as she passes shows a hint of approval. She crosses the Caern towards Jennie. "Hello there. I am Yeta," the Ukrainian girl offers softly, not very audible.

Halle touches Jennifer's shoulder softly in a greeting before turning to look Yeta over as she approaches. Halle gives Yeta a very warm, friendly smile. When she speaks, she keeps her voice down to not interrupt the other conversation. "Hello, Yeta you said? I don't think we've met. I'm Halle, a kin of the Child of Gaia, more or less."

Juliette shakes her head sadly letting Rianna go before smiling over at Acheron "She was shocked. It's no harm. I remember when I was young before I learned the teachers came among the Kin to make sure we knew why we were so special. The spirits know also. A Philodox looking at her and invoking the knowing the truth of her being won't see human. But not everyone understand that. Many people were brought up outside of septs and identify as something they're not as a way to fit in to the society that raised them." Julie slings her guitar case back onto her back and smiles "Also not everyone knows the healers arts. You sometimes have to cut to cure. But it has become late and I should go home and have dinner with my family. Your welcome to come and join us anytime Acheron."

George waves to Juliette as he sits up where he was lounging with his Alpha as he listened to the Galliard and the kinfolk going back and forth. Other people spoke, probably but he's totally missed it. The new person in the clearing, Yeta, gets blinked at.

Yeta offers Halle a smile as well, and the girl glances between Jennie and Halle a few times before a hint of a blush hits her cheeks. She turns away to watch Juliette for a long moment before turning back. "Hello, Halle. I am Yeta Eyes-In-The-Dark. I am a Shadow Lord. Metis. Ragabash." She doesn't have any visible deformity, other then not looking quite as robust as many Garou. It must be internal or something! She offers a shy wave to George as well when he blinks her way.

Jennie shakes her head about the tribe part to Acheron. "But not so much what she meant, I think." But then is nodding and lifting a hand, agreeing absolutely with his pointing out the huge holes in Rianna's earlier arguments. Then to Yeta. "Hello there, sorry for the delayed response. I am Jennie Hanniver, known as Kaiju, a Homid born Warden: somewhat akin to a Theurge of the Mokole, a follower of proud Peregrine, and member of Misfits pack. Good to meet you." She smiles and returns Halle's touch to a hip. "Nice to see you about again Halle." Then to Verona. "Thank you very much for your earlier words, they moved me deeply." Her curtsy is low and held for several distinct seconds.

Juliette smiles at Yeta "I am Juliette known as Fair Verona for my tales end in tragedy and death for my enemies. Mother, Fostern, Galliard of the Black Furies." before she turns and bows slightly to Jennie "Your welcome. Fair winds and warm waters to you. Feel free to come talk anytime. It's in a way my job." as she turns nodding to everyone and heads out.

Acheron watches Juliette depart and then turns his attention to Yeta and Halle. "Acheron, born to forbidden union under the half-moon to the Black Furies," he offers in introduction. Courtesies are necessary, after all.

Trekome walks down the path quietly and nods to everyone. He looks curiously at the new girl for a moment, "I take it that was your howl of introduction?" he asks after Acheron finishes his introduction. "Sha'ul Trekome of the Glass Walkers, born under the full moon."

Courtesies right! George cracks his neck and stands up to introduce himself to the new comer "George Andrews, thrice rited 'Mocks the Dark', 'Trains the Weak', and 'Kills in Silence'. Homid born Adren Ragabash of the Silent Striders Called Harmerti and Speaker to the Dead for the Remembrance and special blessings of my tribe. Scout, Thief and sniper for my skills. Wielder of the Fang of Anubis. Beta for the Misfits pack, servants of Peregrine."

Halle tells Yeta, "I hope you enjoy your time here with the Sept. If there's any help I can give, please let me know. I can help you find a place to sleep for the night if you need." The brunette gives Yeta another sunny smile before turning to Acheron as he introduces himself. "Hello... Halle, a kin of the Children of Gaia. It's very nice to meet you too, Acheron," she tells him.

Yeta offers Juliette a polite nod at the greeting, but she doesn't really respond beyond that. She watches the Fury depart, before taking a deep breath, as if trying to calm some kind of anger. She slowly turns back towards Jennie and Halle. She then blinks. "Mokole? Oh wow. I knew a Clutch of Mokole in South America. We were quite close." What an odd thing for a Shadow Lord to say. "Good people." She then turns her attention to Acheron and nods. "Nice to meet you, Acheron." The girl with the thick Ukrainian accent turns to Trekome then, and she nods. "Yes. Yeta Eyes-In-The-Dark. Shadow Lord Metis. Ragabash." She finally turns back to Halle, and the thin blonde smiles. The mention of a place to sleep as her blushing again for some odd reason. "That is very nice of you, thank you. I'm renting a trailer in town, but I'm still waiting for my lease to be approved.." She nods to George and smiles. "I do not have any titles other then my Rite Name. It is nice to meet you, sir."

Jennie is taking a lighter mood again. "I want to add a 'for this reason' to my shifted name.... She looks over at George. "I am Kaiju for I wreck all made by the Weaver before me?" She frowns and shrugs, not liking it. Then she is farewelling Verona. "Rends that Weaver Wrought?" Headshaking again. "Want something that explains the feel of the multiple layers of metal and plastic crushing and pealing apart under my weight then the wet melon giving of wyrmlings inside." She grins over at George. "The Wyrnlings in the armored suits? Thwacsquish. Dam cute sound. Then Bang, where'd that one's head go? With your rifle." Yay detailed memory. Ok she shakes it off and begins looking about more focused. Trek gets a happy waving to in welcome then she blinks at Yeta. "Ohh that is a rare treat, will have to chat."

Acheron is worse than Captain America. Seriously. All these damned pop culture references. He stares blankly at Jennie before sighing and giving a light smile to Yeta. "Nice to meet you," he offers simply. "There are some Lords present. I'm sure you'll find them."

George nods and settles back down, still pondering the words of the ladies that left and kind of blinking distractedly as he considers the differing perspectives.

Halle smiles and tells Yeta, "When you've met everyone we can go find a spot with an empty bed over there." Halle motions the way to the clearing where most of those who live at the Caern live. She moves around the ground of people then, pausing to wet her lips so when she moves up behind George she can lay a big wet slurpy sounding kiss on his cheek. "Good evening," she tells him with a grin.

Trekome smiles at Yeta, "Well met; it's nice to see another new face." He nods to Halle's words, "There's a few huts that are empty if you want to stay here. Otherwise, I've got an apartment that I don't use too often as of late that you can crash at. It's not the greatest, but it's a roof and a bed."

"I don't have too much interest in finding them," Yeta offers Acheron. "My Tribe and I see eye-to-eye on few things." She nods then to Jennie, smiling. "Yes, I would like that. It was an exhilirating experience." She follows Halle's gesture and then nods. "Okay, thank you." She nods to Trekome then and glances about at everyone.

Quinn walk in with out her usual grace as her thoughts are a mile away and her nose is in a note book. she trips on a rock twices making her way through the caves and moves much slower and noisaly than usual. she wanters over to a place to sit and continues sketching and making notes, erasing figures and making calculations while tapping her pen on the notepad.

Jennie made Acheron pause/stare, win. She grins up at him.. No wait. She is smirking up at him. No reaction from George, her Beta gets a tongue stuck out at him then. Might be purposefully pushing away from the seriously of the earlier topic. "Lovely then Yeta." She hmms about the not eye to eye part. "And this is Quinn, a Fianna Kinfolk who out Glasswalkers most Glasswalker kin." She grins at the sloppy kiss from Halle to George.

George blinks at Halle when he gets smooched on the cheek and then he looks over to Jennie and then the new girl. Then Quinn, he blinks again "Wow, that was some pretty intense stuff and I kind of spaced out for a bit. Somebody catch me up?"

Halle flashes a grin at Jennie after George comes to. "Now we know how to wake him up," she says in a teasing voice. "I'm going to go get some blankets set up for Yeta, nice meeting the two of you, and nice seeing you Peregriners again," Halle says, directing a warm smile to everyone pretty much, before heading off to the other parts of the Bawn.

Trekome gives a thumbs up to George, "Shoots like a dream now. It didn't kick any harder, but the steel plate I shot looked like it got hit point blank by a 12 gauge slug. I think she's good to go now." And with that he goes to making some coffee.

Quinn looks up when she hears her name "Glass walker? What?... I know a few. Wait, What was the question?" She has come out to be social but is seems that she is still consumed by what ever it is she is working on.

Jennie considers. "Rianna is super sweet and someone is going to frenzy on her someday. I am already in a transitional state so Verona should not be aloud to speak around me, except that fish need to eat too. Yeta likes Mokole better than Shadow Lords but then again who dose not? You are no use with helping me for a longer title. I think Quinn is plotting something evil with that malicious reading skill of hers. Trekome was staring at Halle's butt while she bent to kiss you." She just grins at Quinn playfully by way of an answer.

George grins at Jennie and ponders "Right on all counts. What we need to do is have a sit down with a galliard to go over your adventures with, find something poetic. As far as Shadow Lords? Me and they don't generally get along too well so there's that at least we'll have in common. Trekome, good on you getting your pistol sorted out."

Trekome smirks at Jennie. "I wasn't staring." Though he was probably admiring. He gives a nod to George, "Well, Navena helped me out with it more. Still gotta get used to getting in tune with the spirit during a fight; should be a huge help when I do." He tilts his head a little, "Quinn, what are you working out, and why do I sense pain and suffering for all involved in it?"

Quinn is bombarded with more information than she was prepared for. She put her pen in her note book and closes it. "I actually have no idea what shadow lords or Mokole are... And I'm plotting the mud run. Some one didn't get the memo that we're not doing the fire walk anymore so now I have to figure out what to do with so many Air tanks. And Trek stares at EVERYONE's ass. I'm sure if you shake him down you would find a little note book full of names with a number or stars next to each name. And I better have a 5 next to my name when I finallaly find that book.

George shakes his head at Jennie and sticks his tongue out "I can't fly over the obstacles and you can't body slam your your way through them. They have to be intact for the next participant after you."

Trekome smirks again at Jennie, "I still say I wasn't staring. Definitely admiring though... Can't blame a guy for looking at a pretty girl." Shameless. He rolls his eyes at Quinn, "Why would I keep a book about all that? That's just /asking/ to get my ass kicked, considering how many kin are spoken for here. No-go for lots of 'em; not even going to bother looking since even that's likely to be mistaken as a challenge by some." Just chuckles when Jennie gets excited about the Mud Run and points to George, "What he said."

Quinn says, "you can run in any form but there are some things that will be easier in one form and harder in another. I really really try to even things out so that it's an equal challenge for all involved."

Jennie turns her head up, closes her eyes, and begins to shake it back and forth in flat denial of George's words. "Someone else's inability to deal with my footprints is their problem, not mine." She shakes her widely round ass. "Vroom vroom! Coming through baby!" She huffs at Trek. "Ohh so some one so proud of their mighty renown is going to sit in the mud and cry because that Brazilian chika in the bikini over there across the finish line splashed too much mud, mussed the obstacles, and now they can't get through the obstacle course because it's just tooo hard." THis in the most pathetic, whiny voice she can muster. "Sure anyone's ancestors would be sooo proud to hear that excuse." Muwahahahahaha eeevil glint to the grin that follows. "Thank you Quinn."

Trekome snerks at Jennie, "Now you're just trying to be mean." he says and sets his percolator over the fire to start brewing. "And no destroying the obstacles. That's not the point of the race, and it'd be considered cheating. We already know you can probably just smash through most of them, and as much as I'd love to just blow through them all with C4, that's not how it works."

Quinn listens to George and Trekome because she just can't follow Jennie. "There is a 'no destruction of obstacles' clause in the rules. it's grounds for disqualifications if it is deamed to be intentional.

Sonja walks onto the caern wearing a very tight fitting black dress with matching stilleto high heels upon her feet. She smiles as she sees the group and makes her way over. Her eyes somewhat glued to Quinn as she approaches.

A white walking stick wuth a red tip precedes Kokomo. The blind girl taps and sweeps before her to feel the ground and strides confidently into the caern. "Hello?" She calls out ahead of her. "I hear this is a place for a certain kind of folk?" She asks tilting her head to catch other voices.

George grins and calls out to Kokomo "If you've made it this far the Wardens on the bawn passed you through their sniff test as of mother gaia. Either one of the changing breeds or kin to them most likely. Enter and be welcome." Jennie's antics get a grin and Sonja's walk gets a quirked eyebrow.

Trekome looks up from his cooking fire when he sees Sonja, then Kokomo walk in. He tilts his head slightly when he sees Kokomo enter, and nods to what George says. "We've got some coffee going, and there's food as well if you're thirsty or hungry." he says before turning his attention to Sonja, who gets a smirk.

Jennie awwws and pouts, if teasingly at George and Trek, enjoying the theme of her wanting to be all mean and them wrecking her fun, because it's fun to play out. And she is backing away while doing so. "Could be great. If there are multiple lanes, I could have the center and the two strongest competitors could be put aside me and be handycaped by the mud wave to even things up. Or if its one big lane with everyone squirming over each other, I could be back a ways and going slow as the 'you fail' clock swamping the too slow. Would be fuuuun." And then there are the duel entrances of Sonja looking like that and Kokomo entering like that, pause. "Erm, and hello there." Tilt...

Sonja pauses on her beeline to Quinn as she looks over her shoulder. Seeing Kokomo she walks over to her and gently places her hand upon Kokomo's hand that is tapping the walking stick "Would you like me to escort you to the group?" she asks sweetly. Seeing how much she might be able to make Quinn blush can wait... for now.

"Oh, good. I always eat more than I mean to hanging around the Smoke and Barley so I thought I'd be more direct." Kokomo says with a grin. She slows down, tapping around her more and listening. "Are we in a canyon? The ground is rough, but it smells green here." She says pausing at the touch. "Oh yeah. Thanks. Name's Elizibeth. Nice to meet you." Her face turning towards Sonja.

Quinn looks to Trek for a Jennie translation. then turns back to Jennie "I'm sorry... what do you turn into?" Quinn was trying to be polite but she honestly doesn't know who Jennie is, though she seems to know her. She sees Sonja and .... clears her throat and looks away.

George grins and nods to Jennie "That actually sounds like an interesting idea." then he looks back to Elizabeth "The smoke makes a good landing pad but unless you run into someone who's really curious you tend to get let be, you have to be pushy about introducing yourself there if you want attention."

Jennie smiles at the kindness given to the newest new arrival from so many sources. She whispers something to Quinn with a giggle then turns and walks away to the side, putting some distance between her and the group, especially between her and Kokomo/Sonja. "Quinn... When I shift, no shooting me, K?..... Hello I am Jennie Hanniver, known as Kaiju, a Homid born Warden: somewhat akin to a Theurge of the Mokole, a follower of proud Peregrine, and member of Misfits pack. Hello Elizibeth, nice to meet you. Umm there is going to be a bit of ground shaking, nothing wrong." To George she expressively nods and motions."Seeeee, it's a good idea and I would not step on any Kin, and any Garou I step on is just funny because it's a lesson and they can just walk it off after a bit." And then her form is expanding enormously, skin thickening to shell and erupting horns, the hard ground rumbeling some when she lands on her front stalk/legs. "Moooo..."

Kokokmo takes the help, now sweeping the walking stick to feel for rocks in her path. "Thank you. We're in California, I would be sad to miss even simulated earth quakes. The Smoke is lovely, their cupcakes are suspect. No one should make sweets that good."

KangarooRat peeks out from behind one of the various spikes along Kaiju's pack. The adorable little creature, though little being a relative term at a foot and a half in length in comparison to the armored titan it's on, lightly hops out and sits down upon the dinosaurs head alternating between cleaning it's whiskers or steepling it's tiny little almost human like paws like some sort of evil genius.

Sonja blinks a bit as Jennie shifts into Kaiju and jaw drops, she continues to escort Kokomo towards George and Quinn. She giggles softly "Haven't experienced one of those quite yet, I am just recently here from Texas myself" she murmurs. She winks to Quinn as she gets closer then looks even more confused as she sees the kangaroorat, tilting her head softly.

Quinn thought the most dangerouse thing out tonight was Sonja pushing her back into a dark corner. Then suddenly.... Dino! she is on her feet and backing up faster than most humans. "Holy fucking shit, what the fuck!" some one should really warn a girl before giving her a heartattack. Quinn continues to back up assessing the sudden prehistoric animal.

George snickers at Quinn "Now you see why she asked you not to shoot her. People not being used to her can get startled a bit. Its not a good race running form but it makes a kick ass heavy assault form." The kangaroo rat gets a smile and a wave "Hi Cynthia, how's it going?"

Chases-the-Wind had taken Katie home. Running. That's how she got here anyway. So here he comes, just as Jennie shifts and he strolls up, nipping at the Kaiju's... knee? Probably.

Kaiju rumbles a soft laugh about Kokokmo's Cali comment. "A very positive attitude." Visitor? Sadly she does not notice her tiny companion, the armor plating just too thick and the adorable big eared mammal too tiny. She looks at Quinn, slowly blinking armored eyelids. "Would be soo much fun in the race, do the obstacles quick because... hurry, faster, faster, oh no... And the lupus and burred under the mud, someone toss her a snorkel." Pause.. Cynthia?" She begins to lower one side's legs and tilt her head that way, rolling that side's melon sized eye, then the other, slowly looking about to try and find the mythical friend. But does see the knee nipper and warbles in pain before slowly beginning to collapse over the other way. It takes a while for her to capsize bur eventually the knee nip from her alpha has felled the evil dino.... Well as much as her side horns allow her to fall over. More list heavily.

KangarooRat dances along with perfect balance as the flailboat begins to capsize. She ends up looking down into one of Kaiju's giant eyes pointing, chittering and swaying around before flopping onto her back with a tongue hanging out, from somewhere she even manages to pull a flower out and hold it up. Before she hops back up pointing and chittering in amusement. She also gives George a wave and a chittering almost greeting like noise.

Quinn says, "are you shitting me? the only thing I have on me is my 9mm, I wouldn't use that on a bear let alone an armored..... Tank." Yes she just said she didn't shoot Jennei only because she didn't have the right ordinance. "that's just not fair! really... I get that the Gifts of Gaia are not distributed equally but... Damn!" she shakes her head after calming down some "there's an obstacle you have to walk under only a three foot clearance. and major tempriture changes.... I mean.. you are cold blooded right?"

Sonja guides Kokomo to somewhere she can sits down. She takes the oppotunity to sneak up behind Quinn and hugs her tightly to her "I missed you Quinn" she murmurs sweetly into her ear. So mean lol

"What am I missing? Someone sounds very alarmed." Kokomo says quitely to her escort. She doesn't sound concerned personally but curiousity is a blind girl's best friend. "So what do folks do for fun around here? Besides eat a lot of steak. Gaia's gifts are indeed many and varried." She adds. "Like me, I could be picturing all your voices with naked bodies attached, it does wonders for the nerves."

George grins over at Elizabeth and says "Its alright, Quinn's just never seen a mokole's archid form and was more than a little startled." The tilting and theatrics get a chuckle.

Quinn 's hands fold into fists as she goes rigid as she is hugged from behind "Ma'am, I would prefer if you wouldn't do that. Please let go and do not attempt that again unless invited" Being mean to Quinn is a way to get a Mean Quinn... and she can be far more mean.

Yeta had to slip off suddenly due to a cell-hone call. The girl can be heard on the bawn by those paying attention, muttering into her phone in Ukrainian. Finally she returns, and she blinks at the gathering. "Oh," she offers softly in her thick accent. "More people. Hello."

Kaiju huffs an almost horn-like sound of amusement at KangarooRat-s antics, watching the dramatic death sceen. "Awwww you broke the scene Cyn.... The dead can not laugh." She begins the process of righting herself. "Cold blooded, closer to turtle than anything else. She laughs again at Sonja's sneak attack. "And yeah I would not be trying to win, just to be an extra obstacle for the amusement of others." She elaborates on George's explanation adding a description in a way. A large, throwback version of a Dragon Turtle, the spike shell snapping kind, which does mean naked other than shell and scales." She waves her head a bit, giving KangarooRat a huge but in perspective likely slow roller coaster ride.

Trekome seems to have walked back in as Quinn is getting surprised. "Uh... it's really not good to try to surprise her..." he tells Sonja. "It's a pretty quick way for someone to get accidentally hurt, and not a good type of hurt either." Now, back to getting to that coffee...

Sonja slowly removes her arms and moves around to the front of Quinn "Sorry... just seemed like you might need a hug after your reaction is all. I do have a question for you though, that is.. if you are willing to teach" she says kindly as she runs her fingers through her hair. She then looks to Trekome "I see..." she murmurs then looks back to Quinn "My deepest apologies... I mean it" she murmurs as she hugs herself with her arms.

Finally released to settle down with the group Kokomo sits and begins to collapse her walking stick into sections like a tent pole and sticks it in her bag. "So what was the excitement? And is this obstacle course manditory? I'm all thumbs when it comes to climbing those rope ladders."

George looks back to Kokomo "Her Archid form is over twenty feet long from her snout to tail tip and she weighs several tons. The mudrun isn't mandatory at all."

Yeta stares at Kaiju for a moment before she grins. No fear from her at all. "You look different then the ones I knew. Fascinating," the Ukrainian Lord offers. She glances about at the others and raises a hand, her voice soft and easily ignored or missed. "Hello. I didn't meet all of you. I am Yeta Eyes-In-The-Dark. Metis Ragabash of the Shadow Lords..."

Trekome looks over at Jennie turned Kaiju and tilts his head slightly. "Well, it's a good thing you didn't ask for coffee... I couldn't brew enough to share with you like this, so if you want any you'll have to shift back." Nope, not surprised; already seen Jennie like this and was deemed a friendly, so no real reason to react. Huhs, "Did anyone else ask for coffee?"

KangarooRat scampers back and forth balancing on the swinging head befure pausing to wave at Yeta and chitter in greetings. The little rat thing chitters at Trekome and makes gimme gimme gestures with its cute little paws. Yep. The bouncy rat thing want caffeine. No way this could go wrong.

Quinn says, "my primary function in the Corps is to instruct. However I think Trekome is a better instructor than I am. We are at the range ... almost daily" she looks to Trekome as if to ask if that was accurate. she shakes her head at Trek "No coffee thanks."

"Then she is an elepaht? That is a relief, since I heard werecows did not in fact exist." Kokomo says lightly. "It's a wonder how much you can learn from listening, but the most obvious things mind the eyes. I would love cofee." She chimes at the end lifting a hand. Her sightless eyes stare into nothing and she smiles.

Sonja smiles sweetly to Quinn and shakes her head "I need a female for this one to be honest. I want to learn how to fight... I have a bone to pick with someone" she murmurs then tries to look into Quinn's eyes "I promise I'll behave if you can teach me" she says sweetly to her.

"They did...once," the Ukrainian girl offers softly in Kokomo's direction. She chews on her lip softly and then nods to Trekome. "I would like a cup of coffee, please, if that's alright." Yeta catches a scent in the air, then, and her bright eyes move to Sonja. She watches her curiously for a moment before taking a step in her direction.

Kaiju adds in right after George. "However I am still really cute, a very very pretty dino-turtle. Hello again Yeta, welcome back. Mmm soo many forms." Then she is shifting back down, loosing mass so very fast. One trunk like leg lifting to her face, becoming a hand to keep the rodent from spilling to the ground. "Hay Trek, thanks but it's bed time." She smiles and gives the tiny Cyn-Rodent a cheek snuggle, laughing at the grabby hands. "Ok because sure, why not, and some sugar to go with right?" Paue. "And good for non-mandatory obstacle course as in my other form it would be a joke out of water.. Flail, wiggle, fail, pout." Pause. "Night night all, it was good meeting you new, and seeing again those known." She playfully puts Cyna-Rat within bounding distance of George's head.

Quinn shakes her head "I teach for defence, not revenge. And there are far more qualified persons than me. When I get my Recruites they are already trained to learn." she doesn't seem like she is going to budge on this "I'm Sorry, Ma'am. But I think you will be far more happy with some one else."

Trekome chuckles a little at Jennie when she shifts down and shakes his head, "I swear, latinas are the craziest. The good crazy, not the change my identity and move to a new continent crazy." He smirks at the rat and shakes his head, "Only if you take a Valium first; you zip around enough in mind and body as it is. Might be able to brew you up some decaf though..." And with that he starts to pull out some camping cups from his daypack to pour the brew into. "Y'all want sugar? No creamer or anything tonight though." He looks over at Quinn and Sonja, then smirks, "Sonja, define 'behaving'. And if you're going to learn to fight it should be for the right reasons, or it brings dishonor on the teacher."

KangarooRat makes a pishaw gesture at Trekome before she bounces and leaps a surprising amount of distance bouncing off George and then bouncing on to land lightly before Kokomo. Long counter balance tail weaving back and forth to steady the desert rat as it begins to investigate the new blind person. They say Chickens are the descendents of the mighty T-Rex, but the Desert Rat obviously is the terrible tyrant of cuteness.

Sonja smiles to Trekome "Behaving meaning I won't keep trying to make her blush even though she is sooo sexy when she does" she murmurs and nods softly "A certain kin needs to learn her place and to not be such is child... its not revenge, far from it" she murmurs. The Ukranian accent finally catches her ear and she spins around to look at Yeta with a bright grin "I am Sonja, kin of the Shadowlord and mate to Leandro, Blood-In-The-Streets" she murmurs to her then walks closer and speaks in Ukrainian <Please tell me you can understand me>

Yeta cocks her head to the side, watching Sonja for another moment. "Why is it your place to teach this other kin a lesson with violence? Violence teaches people to be angry, or to be beaten or afraid. None of these are lessions a Gaian needs to learn, Kin or not. I am Yeta, kin."

George looks over at Sonja and narrows his eyes "If you're talking about Rianna then you need to have Leandro talk to my Alpha about it and mind your own damn business. You sound more like you're jealous and staking your claim or using your envy to prove your devotion. Either way? Not okay at all."

George adds "Even if its not Rianna, my point still stands"

"Oooh, I like the accented one, she could almost be a teacher." Kokomo says. The disturbance of dirt at her feet draws her ear down and she extends a hand, feeling carefully for the noise. "I take my coffee black thank you." She adds remembering the question had been asked.

Quinn folds her arms as she looks at Sonja sternly "Is that True? are you talking about, Rianna? We fight to protect the Caern and all the people in it... not out of pettyness and jealousy. There are other ways of handeling your situation."

KangarooRat reaches up high fives Kokomo's seeking hand then chitters in amusement announcing her presence more clearly before carefully examining Kokomo's ruffles while making soft peep peep peep noises, like a radar, or some small crazy rodent allowing someone blind to know where she is.

Sonja looks to George "Never said it was for her, you shouldn't be the one making assumptions.. its rather rude of you" she murmurs to him. She then looks to Quinn "Not stating who it is, its between them and I and no other. They are the one who stated things could only be settled physically not I..." she murmurs. She then looks back at Yeta "I tried to explain that to them but... it fell upon deaf ears."

Teagen comes in just in time to hear Sonja's words. Her brow arches and she slides her gaze over to George. She blinks a time or two and hangs back. "Yo. Pregnant woman about. Don't piss off the wolves." She waddles ahead just a little bit, eying George, not coming anywhere near him, ready to freeze in her tracks if it gets ugly.

Yeta gently arches her eyebrows at Sonja and glances between her and George. The Shadow Lord quietly steps away, shaking her head softly. "Well, you have a mate, so your education falls on him. Not me." She glances over at Kokomo and the rat and makes her way over, sliding down to sit beside them. "Hello there. I am Yeta." She leans over to peer at the rat. "If you're a Ratkin...I had a few friends at a nest in Brazil. Odd, but lovely people." What a fucking weird Shadow Lord.

George straightens up all the way and glares at Sonja, the pissing off point having been passed "Fucking Excuse me little miss fucking thang. I don't give a /shit/ who your mate is or if you fucking think I'm being rude or not. I am Mocks-the-Dark, I am Adren of this sept, I am the den father's beta and overseer of the martial training of Kinfolk. I declare your desire to learn to fight to be a thing of dark emotion and summarily DENIED. You are Banned from the training courts of ALL in this sept until your mate pettitions me for forgiveness and reassures me that you repent your un-fucking-reasonable REQUEST!"

Trekome sighs and shakes his head. "Best to explain out fully why you want combat training, and best to ask your mate first out of respect. If it's skills he doesn't have, then he should find someone suitable to show you. If it's not Rianna, and I really hope it's not, then it shouldn't be a problem. Lord knows there was enough fuckin' drama from that night..." He brings over a cup of coffee to Kokomo first, crouching down besides her and gently taking her hand to give her the cup, "Here you are, darlin'." He looks over at Teagen, then George, then... sighs.

"Ah, ratkin. That makes us cousins." Kokomo says feeling now for the chirping creature. "Desert rat? It's a desert climate, this city. Though this canyon smells so good." She says ignoring the garou talk for the moment. "Oh, miss with the accent, I like your thinking." She nods with approval. "He's upset." She observes listening to George. "I'm Elizabeth, by the way. Or Elli for short." She tells Yeta. The feeling of someone touching her doesn't spook the blind girl, she accepts the coffee with a bright smile. "My guardian angel."

Sonja looks to Teagen and nods softly. She then looks back to George "My deepest apologies that I offended. Was not my intention Mocks-The-Dark-Rhya" she offers kindly to George. She then looks to Trekome and softly shakes her head "Its not Rianna... someone followed me from home and is trying to challenge me to go back home. I told her to speak with Leandro but she states that she didn't care about his permission" she murmurs to him.

Teagen clears her throat and waddles her way further in. "Goddamn fucking kinfolk bullshit. REALLY?" Her eyes slide to Sonja as she approaches the woman and George finally, laying a hand ever so delicately on George's arm. "Let me handle th---" She pauses and turns to look at Sonja for a long, long moment as she speaks. "Leandro? You're mated to Leandro?" She snorts a little bit and shakes her head. "So.. yeah. Is there food, Georgie? C'mon. Let me get you a drink. Yeah?"

KangarooRat begins to warp and change returning to a human form.

Trekome stands and dusts himself off. "I'm going to head into town. Would you like me to walk you back?" he asks Kokomo. "I work at a cafe that has some nice coffees, and fantastic cheesecake."

Yeta smiles softly at Kokomo and looks like she's about to respond before she overhears more of the conflict. She frowns gently from where she sits, the skinny girl watching everything quietly. Taking it in. Looking sad.

Quinnhas said her peace and turns way from Sonja. She lets George and Trek deal with it now. "I think I'm going to hit the range before heading home" she says to Trekome.

Cynthia sprawls next to Kokomo "Cousins? We're cousins? That's awesome. I've never had a cousin before. How are we cousins? Cause back to that being awesome. And the cheesecake is amazing because of my secret ingredients." Cynthia giggles like a madwoman. "Hi Elli, I'm Cynthia. I'm the kitchen witch of the Image and Dreams. And yeah I was a normal rat but then I stuck my head into a Wyld patch out in the desert looking for power and I found some but now I'm a desert rat which seems more apropriate to this area so it's cool plus with the more upright posture it's easier for me to use my machinegun in my rodens form."

George takes a couple of deep breaths and nods at Teagen "We can get some ham from my smoke house you can make Shu sandwiches for days out of boar ham." He turns back to Sonja and nods "Apology accepted, but that matter is /still/ a matter for Leandro and my Alpha to discuss or if you're in immediate danger of this putta kidnapping you then stay on the bawn and the warders will protect you till it gets sorted out."

"I'd like that, thank you." Kokomo tells Trekome's voice. "Machine gun?" Her eye brows raise. "I'll tell you how we are cousins, but it's a secret." She adds hooking a lopsided grin. "But cheesecake and a walk home sound awesome. I had to turn off my google maps thing that tells me directions."

Sonja smiles to Teagen as she asks the question "Yes, very happily mated to Leandro" she muses kindly. She looks back to George and nods softly "Understood Mocks-The-Dark-Rhya and I think I shall since she somehow knows where I live..." she murmurs then sits down upon a sit of stones nearby.

Teagen smiles up at George and nods, sliding her arm through his and she nods. "You and everyone else, sister." She sort of half-way rolls her eyes and turns toward George, leading him away. "She looks like his type. Big tits. Tiny waist. And given the way she just spoke to you, I'd say not more than a half-dozen braincells." She starts to move, giving George's arm a squeeze. "And to hell with Shu. He can hunt his own food. Me and the pups want ham. Is there bacon too?"

Cynthia says, "I do love secrets." Cynthia grins "But those can be found out later. I'll probably be taking off too. Specially if you're taking your secrets and going. I should get up early to make my pastries tomorrow."

Yeta watches everything quietly for a moment before she looks to Cynthia and Kokomo, almost as if in awe. "People here are catty," she offers softly in her thick accent.

George nods and grins at Teagen as he glances over to Yeta and heads over to lead Teagen to the smoke house.

Trekome looks towards George, "I can escort her around if that's acceptable so she can grab some things before returning here." He raises a brow when Teagen speaks again, then shakes his head. "Disrespect like that isn't necessary, and is thoroughly uncalled for." He reaches down and gently takes Kokomo's hand to help her up. "I'll lead you out." He looks at Yeta, "You're welcome to join us as well."

George mutters to Teagen, "... And Ribs.... the cub in..."

Cynthia shakes her head at Yeta "Actually very few cats show their faces around here. My dominance of Fera politics has them intimidated. As the most posh rat in town they must bow their heads in obesience to me." before she hops to her feet.

Sonja rolls her eyes as she can hear Teagen talking about her, she has more important things to worry about then someone making assumptions about her. She walks over to Trekome "Thank you for that" she murmurs to him "Let me tag along so I'm not alone if she happens to show up."

Quinn had paused as Sonja discribes a dangerouse situation "I can volenteer to escort her home, see if anyone shows up." she chews the inside of her cheek, clearly taking Teagan's words personally but holding her tongue. She nods to Trek as he has a similar Idea.

"I speak from experience," Teagen tells Trekome. "She'll figure it out." She looks up at George as he mutters to her and she oooohs happily. "Yes, please. I love ribs. And wouldn't that HURT? I mean, in the ear of all places." She waddles along, clinging to George so she doesn't trip over anything hidden by her belly.

Kokomo accepts the help up and listens for Cynthia's voice. "Cats? Oh, the lovely lady with the accent. Oh, cousin of mine, if you like baking I ought to show you my lab-one chemist to another." She winks at the fire and holds onto Trekome's hand. "Lead the way sir. Oh! Let me get my walking stick." She adds pulling it out of her bag one handed and releasing his to put it together again.

Sonja looks to Teagen "I know Leandro has wandering eyes and other parts, we have an understanding about it and there is no need to talk about me like I am not even here either" she murmurs then looks to Quinn with a warm smile "Would you please? I promise not to make you blush.. or well... try not to" she offers sweetly as she begins to head towards Quinn.

Yeta rises to her feet, blinking at Trekome. "Where are we going?" She must have missed that while listening to the drama. She slips her hands into the pockets of her jeans. "I didn't mean literal cats. Sorry. English is not my first language..."

Quinn says, "Believe me that will not be a problem anymore." to Sonja rather dryly "I have my jeep at the edge of the forest. Like Trek said, if you like to collect things and come back here I will escort you."

Cynthia giggles and winks at Yeta before dissapearing into the darkness.

Teagen mm hmms to Sonja, not looking back over her shoulder. "You'll learn." She shrugs, letting George lead her on. "Just hope you aren't pregnant before you figure it all out." And on she moves quietly with George.

Trekome shakes his head, "I'm not going to speak ill of one of my elders, or of one of my tribe unless they've violated the Litany. Especially when he's actually been helpful. It also sets a poor example to be flagrantly disrespectful and air dirty laundry like that. I'd expect something better of a kin who associates with higher ranking members of the Sept since their behavior reflects on who they call friend." He gives Quinn a nod and waits for Kokomo to unfold her walking stick, "Right this way, miss." He smiles at Yeta, "To a cafe in town. My treat." He gives George a nod, "Have a good evening, sir."